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Connor Clan: Highland Warrior #1

Awaken the Highland Warrior

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Historian Bree Kirkland has always been in love with the past, but when she accidentally wakes an ancient Scottish warrior who's spent the past 150 years sleeping in her backyard, her present is suddenly fraught with danger. Faelan has awakened from his timetravel and he's ravenous--in more ways than one. He grieves for his lost family, wondering who sent the woman to wake him. If she's a demon, he will have to kill her. If she's innocent, she's unleashed the gates of hell in her backyard. Either way they must rely on each other to save their future.

433 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 26, 2011

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Profile Image for LoveYourShelf (LAB☺).
602 reviews30 followers
September 19, 2012
I figured for .99 cents for a kindle book (at the time) why not? Most of the other reviews were good. Boy was I disappointed. I could not finish this book.

Let's start with some positives: the story itself (as far as I was able to get) was creative, and well-written in terms of grammar and sentence flow. The storyline was interesting and there were even some funny parts that were entertaining.

What I just could not get past were the multiple questions being asked over and over again in the characters' minds. After the 10th time it was just too annoying and distracting. But the main thing that disturbed me was the male lead was supposed to be a Scottish warrior who has been in a time vault for 150 years and yet he says things like "are you okay" and "I miss my mom". Every time Faelen said a very modern sounding phrase it just threw me right out of the story I was trying very hard to enjoy. Not every Scottish character has to speak in brogue to be authentic (and this is an extremely difficult thing to pull off anyway) but really? "I miss my mom"? Faelen was just too modern to be a believable character in the context of this story.

Now, this is just my opinion and I see others have liked this book, and maybe if I had stuck with it I would have enjoyed it a bit more. But I have too many other books on my TBR list to spend time with this one.
Profile Image for Steph.
1,355 reviews3 followers
August 30, 2011
Bloody hell where to do I even start... It was INCREDIBLE! I was sucked straight into the story from the very first page to the very last word.
I will write this review asuming that you have read the back cover of the book.
Faelen is an amazing Hero. I loved that in the beginning he is so out of place. How differently he sees the world. The whole Kilt thing is SO HOT. I think I may have fallen in love with him lol. Some people hated that he appologised for everything. But I liked that about him. He realised that some of his behavior would not be acceptable to women of his time, and not even with most women of this time. He just can't seem to control himself around her, but that (for me) just made this couple so steamy and passionate. What's not to love? I do however wish that sometime, later on in their relationship that we got see see them slow down a little and enjoy it. Every time we saw a sex scene, it was just raw lust. Just sex! Which I do love but would have liked them to really 'be together' If that makes sense lol. Sometimes his lack of knowledge of this new world was just hilarious.
I really liked Bree's character. She is such a strong woman, and she deals with everything that's thrown at her so well. She's kick ass lol.
The storyline that ran through-out this book was fantastic. I really liked the whole Warriors vs Demons. The story had so many twists and turns, it constantly keeps you guessing. Just when you think you know what's going to happen and who the bad guy's are... something else happens and completely throws you off the scent. It was beyond genius!
I think I enjoyed this story more in the second half. Once they had tracked down Faelan's family (the descendants of his brothers and sister). It was great to all of a sudden have a load of new people involved in the story. This is where we get to meet Ronan. For me personally he completely steals the show for most of the second half. As soon as the POV went to someone else, all I could wait for was more Ronan. He is such an outragous flirt, but in the best way possible. There were too many times to count, where I was laughing out loud at his humour. He is every girls dream, Bree is lucky to have him as a friend. I would happilly kill the girl he ends up with, just to have him for myself ;) I love how close he gets to Bree. They have a great connection. You can see just how much he cares for her and wants her to be happy. Plus the scene where all the warriors are training out on the field, TOPLESS, bar their kilts... WOW! Ronan practices with his trademark bow and arrow, I was blushing just reading about Ronan half naked lol. I really hope to see more of him in the future *wink wink*.
I was so happy with the length of the book. It was plenty long enough for every single character to get a great introduction. The storyline was just magic. But never at any point was a bored or wished the book was shorter. I actually never wanted this book to end.
There is so much more to say but my review would then go on forever. If you love rediculously hot men, Warriors, Demons, strong women, hot sex and some sideline character that pull you, very willingly into their world. Then this is the book for you.
It was 59p on my Kindle, I could kiss Anita Clenney for writing this book. Can't wait for the next instalment in November 2011.
Profile Image for Laurie Garrison .
721 reviews174 followers
May 27, 2011
Wild about bones review below
My Review:

This is the first in the new Connor Clan series. It drew and kept my attention almost from the first page. Demons, lizard/snake men, a few vampires, an Archangel, a plot to destroy mankind, sword & dirk fighting, sexy highlanders, a damsel so not in distress, a smoldering attraction and a little humor - what more do you need for a good paranormal romance read?

Bree, historian and Indiana Jones wannbe, finds more than she bargained for when she unearths a crypt while treasure hunting and opens it with a flat disc. All she wanted was the treasure, instead she got him, Faelan - a seriously hot man in a kilt.

The last thing Faelan knew, he'd been about to fight four demons - the old ones - and then he was looking into her eyes. Was she a demon's minion, a halfling or a demon in disguise? She said 150 years had passed. All he knew were dead. How to get back to his clan in Scotland? He didn't know but he did know that just looking at her made him hard with a longing that was almost to much to control.

This was a nice length which allowed for in depth story and character development. The action is fast-paced with several twists and surprises. Amidst the fighting, a steamy romance is going on with vanilla sex scenes. And while not a comedy by any stretch of the imagination, it can be very humorous much of the time.

As the first in a new series, it has set up several secondary characters for exploration as lead characters in future books but without the aggravating cliffhangers some authors use. Clenney successfully whispers at potential subjects to pursue in the future without interrupting the flow of the story.

While the sex could have been hotter, my one small disappointment with the book is that I figured out two of the twists/problems - one of the twists I figured out pretty early and one of the problems I figured out late in the book but before it was revealed. But that's just me, it happens alot with me and shouldn't reflect badly on the book. There were several twists and issues I didn't figure out which is good.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the sequel, Embrace the Highland Warrior, due out in Nov. 2011, a preview of which is included at the end of the story.
Profile Image for Donna McBroom-Theriot.
Author 1 book63 followers
August 5, 2011
I literally do not know what to say about this book. It ended. I read the last page. I did not want it to end. I read the last page again. It still ended.

"A voice brushed her ear. `What was lies within cannot be, until time has passed with the key.'"

It's not that the book didn't come to a wonderful, climatic ending. It did. I just did not want it to end. It was action packed. It was pack with intrigue and suspense. It was packed with a whole lot of beautiful Scotsmen - wearing kilts! And, brandishing swords!

"'It lies hidden close to God, in a place where evil can't trod.' That's what it said."

This story was a wonderful romance, bred over centuries of a Scottish warrior and his mate. Their destiny, decided on by the Gods. But, love at first site, does not always take the easy path. Sometimes, it is plagued with demons and half-lings, greed and violence, and the warrior may also have to save the world a time or two before he and his mate can be joined (at least by a priest.)

""In my day, women were to be cherished and protected," Faelan said. "You can protect our backs while we fight alongside you and cherish us when we defeat the enemy," she said. Damnation. What had happened to the sane world he'd left behind where women minded hearth and home?"

Some storylines are good, but they still just hum along. If Awaken the Highland Warrior were set to music notes, it would be filled with crescendos and the clang of symbols would end the book.

If you love a good romance, and you enjoy a good battle, and if you do not mind a gargoyle or two, AND you do not mind being kept riveted to your seat - this book is for you. Click on the icon and buy it now. Don't pass Go, skip Jail, and get it now!
Profile Image for Wendy *Sebella Blue* Mitchell.
505 reviews52 followers
December 12, 2013
Faelen Connor has been suspended for 150 years. The last thing he remembers is being sealed in a vault by the demon Druan, and the next thing he knows, he is being freed by a beautiful woman who may or may not be human. Bree Kirkland thinks she's about to strike it rich when she unseals the old vault in her family's crypt, but when a kilted madman leaps out and almost takes her head off, she knows that this is not going to be her day.

I cussed this book up oneside and down the other. It took so many twists and turns, I wasn't sure where it was going. When it finally got there I was worn slap out, but deliriously happy. This is a PHENOMENAL book. A great debut to a new MUST READ series. The full review will be posted at http://www.yougottareadreviews.blogsp...
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
August 23, 2016
Looking for a book with paranormal elements, adventure, mystery, intriguing plots, romance, and a dash of Highlander thrown in for good measure? Well look no more!

A young woman mistakenly opens a vault hoping to find treasure, but ends up with a true Highland warrior who's first waking motion is to almost decapitate her with his dirk because he thinks she's a demon. The fact that 150 years have gone by and it is time for the warrior to awaken and be set free actually sets in motion many groups of people and activities. Demons are plotting, mysterious figures dart in and out of the woman's woods, journals and mystical items are now treasured items, and their lives are in constant danger. Bree knows Faelan is keeping secrets and he keeps them because he suspects her of being a demon. As they engage the danger about them, he slowly starts to trust her with the truth. But each time he does, something happens to make him doubt. Faelan's mission is still to destroy a strong demon set on clearing the planet of humans with a dreaded disease. He must also find the book of his clan that details the warrior's missions and the key to the time vault. Bree helps him adjust to the modern world, saves his life, and leads him to his family. They are drawn to each other, but to protect her he pulls away. It is in the final scenes of the book that he must decide once for all if she serves a demon lord or if she is the strongest, bravest human he knows.

The story is contemporary time, but there are threads and flashbacks that go back 150 years. The heroine, Bree Kirkland, is a gutsy, clumsy, beautiful young woman with a tortured past who is just now coming into her own when she releases Faelan the Highland warrior from a strange vault-like box. The hero, Faelan Connor, awakens to find himself a century and a half later from when he was sealed in the time vault to adjust to the modern age while trying to determine if Bree is friend or foe, trying to keep them both alive in the meantime from the onslaught of demons seeking their lives and the items they possess, and trying to figure out his feelings and the odd mysteries surrounding Bree. He is part of warrior clan of men bred to fight the demons who seek to harm humans. There is a strong code that he must follow even if it means that he cannot have Bree. Faelan has guilt and pain to overcome since he feels responsible for failing his clan and responsible for the death of his family.

The plot was stupendous and has so many twists and characters may or may not be who they seem. This one rivals a spy thriller in that sense. The romance part of the plot has its ups and downs depending on the level of trust and understanding that fluctuates for both the two main characters based on what was being revealed at the time. The reader knows the truth (some of the time), but must wait for the characters to catch up. Another wonderful piece was meeting Faelan's modern relations in the clan. There are lots of stories there still to tell I think.

There were a few loose ends so I look forward to reading the next installment and getting Cody's story.
Profile Image for Kristin .
1,165 reviews174 followers
August 23, 2011
Bree loves a good puzzle, so it is no surprise that when she finds a treasure map, she sets off to find the treasure. The only thing is, the treasure that she is looking for isn't at all what she thought it was going to be. Instead of finding old artifacts she finds Faelan, a Scottish warrior who was locked away in a time vault for the last 150 years.

I really enjoyed this story. I bought the book on a whim at Borders when it was half off. It sounded like such a crazy kooky book from the synopsis and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. First off you have Faelan who is so out of his element. You figure times have certainly changed since 1860. For instance Bree says that they will go to McDonald's to eat and he thinks "What are the MacDonalds doing in America and what do they have to do with food?" He also isn't used to woman being outspoken or even fighting. It totally catches him by surprised when Bree and Faelan are attacked and Bree not only defends herself but starts fighting back as well.

However, my favorite character of the book was not one of the main characters but one that is introduced towards the end, Ronan. He is so flirtatious towards Bree and it grates on Fraelan's nerves... and I love it! The things he says and does is just plain funny. Like when him and Bree sneak into the kitchen to find a midnight snack and he finds cookies. He takes a bite and holds the cookie out to Bree and says "Try it. Don't worry. I don't have cooties, and my hands are clean. I haven't scratched my ass all day." He is definitely someone that I would love to be friends with.

As a whole I really enjoyed the book and I am really glad that I made the impulse buy. I could see myself rereading it again.

Favorite part
Bree takes Faelan to the grocery store to get food. Obviously, this is his first time at a store and he not only goes to the produce and just starts eating the fruit but he doesn't understand why it is a big deal. So Bree gives him a granola bar to tide him over. My favorite part is what happens next...
"Faelan stuffed his mouth with the granola bar like a starving toddler and moved down the aisle with the loaded cart. Bree grabbed an empty one and squeaked back. She rounded the corner and stopped. Faelan wasn't chewing. That was a good sign. The package he was reading wasn't. He glanced up, mouth parted, eyes dark, and the hand holding the box of extra large condoms darted behind his back."

Check out more review at Book Sniffers Anonymous
Profile Image for WildAboutBones.
328 reviews29 followers
May 25, 2011
This is the first in the new Connor Clan series. It drew and kept my attention almost from the first page. Demons, lizard/snake men, a few vampires, an Archangel, a plot to destroy mankind, sword & dirk fighting, sexy highlanders, a damsel so not in distress, a smoldering attraction and a little humor - what more do you need for a good paranormal romance read?

Bree, historian and Indiana Jones wannbe, finds more than she bargained for when she unearths a crypt while treasure hunting and opens it with a flat disc. All she wanted was the treasure, instead she got him, Faelan - a seriously hot man in a kilt.

The last thing Faelan knew, he'd been about to fight four demons - the old ones - and then he was looking into her eyes. Was she a demon's minion, a halfling or a demon in disguise? She said 150 years had passed. All he knew were dead. How to get back to his clan in Scotland? He didn't know but he did know that just looking at her made him hard with a longing that was almost to much to control.

This was a nice length which allowed for in depth story and character development. The action is fast-paced with several twists and surprises. Amidst the fighting, a steamy romance is going on with vanilla sex scenes. And while not a comedy by any stretch of the imagination, it can be very humorous much of the time.

As the first in a new series, it has set up several secondary characters for exploration as lead characters in future books but without the aggravating cliffhangers some authors use. Clenney successfully whispers at potential subjects to pursue in the future without interrupting the flow of the story.

While the sex could have been hotter, my one small disappointment with the book is that I figured out two of the twists/problems - one of the twists I figured out pretty early and one of the problems I figured out late in the book but before it was revealed. But that's just me, it happens alot with me and shouldn't reflect badly on the book. There were several twists and issues I didn't figure out which is good.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the sequel, Embrace the Highland Warrior , due out in Nov. 2011, a preview of which is included at the end of the story.
Profile Image for texxie-PRUFreads.blogspot.com.
382 reviews85 followers
May 30, 2011
I won this book via a goodreads giveaway. Thank you Ms. Clenney. :)

I was pleasantly suprised by this book. I found Bree to be a fantastic female lead. She's very stong willed and independent while vulnerable at the same time. Emotionally atleast. Bree is always on the hunt. She enjoys digging up the past and making sense of it. Literally. She has inherited her late grandmothers home and on that land lies the family graveyard. What lay buried underground, right in her back yard, will change her life, as she knows it, forever. Enter Faelan.

Faelan is a warrior who has been trapped in a time vault for 150 years. She invites him to her home to tend to his wounds, help his recovery while neither are quite sure of the other. The only thing that is for sure, is Faelan's draw to her. It's as though he can't control it. While Bree has a horrible relationship track record, and knows she should ward off men, Faelan is'nt easily ignored.

I loved the back and forth between the two leads. I laughed out loud numerous times as Faelan tried to figure out if Bree was "touched in the head". Women from his time were not like Bree. He is baffled that she lives by herself, let alone works outside of the home. This of course is infuriating to Bree, though, the way he looks at her......

For me, the "action" is this book was secondary, it was the "dance" between the two leads that sucked me in and kept me there. Faelan is just delish, plain and simple. I loved his inner monologue in regards to his feelings for Bree. I hope to also learn more about Bree in the second installment. There is definately more to her. The reader is left wondering just who she is exactly.

Ms. Clenney did a great job of not "revealing" too soon. I had a couple of cases of "Just when you think you know....." so that was an added bonus. She also peaked my interest in one of the secondary characters. Ronan. I loved he was written into the story and his interaction with both Bree and Faelan. Again, delish. I want to know more about him and the secrets that he keeps.

Nicely done. Can't wait to read Embrace the Highland Warrior in Nov.
Profile Image for Kristy Mills.
1,810 reviews38 followers
February 22, 2012
This book started out good, kinda dragged through the middle and then picked back up at the end. I really enjoyed the story. But I was expecting it to be like Kiss of the Highlander It was the same kind of idea, with the highlander from centuries ago, waking up in our time, but it wasn't executed as well.

Faelan, the warrior from 1860, was too modern. He referenced modern day things and spoke like he had been in this time period far longer than a couple of days. It was explained that warriors needed to be able to adapt and blend into their current environments, but it was just too unbelievable, when he would say stuff like "You need a GPS." I didn't like that. I also got so annoyed with his "I can't keep my hands off of you Bree, so I'm going to take ye and then apologize at how uncontrollable I'm being." Then he would spout stuff about how women were respected, cherished and taken care of back in his time, but then turn around and ravish her. I wouldn't have cared except that he kept apologizing. It got annoying. Another thing that annoyed me that seemed to be repeated was when Bree listed all the things she had done for him. Every time he was weary or didn't trust her for some reason, she would start the list, "I woke you up, took you in, fed you, gave you a bed, found your family, etc." It got annoying. OK we get it, you freakin' fed the guy!

But, despite the little things that annoyed me, it was a good story. I enjoyed the ending. I didn't necessarily feel anything for the characters though... except Ronan. I liked him a lot. Also, Bree's mom... I kept getting the feeling something was up with her that was not addressed. Like maybe she knew more than she let on, and that maybe she worked for the wrong team... I don't know. I just got a feeling.
Profile Image for Tasha.
242 reviews42 followers
May 5, 2011
Bree awakens Faelan in modern day New York. Immediately upon seeing her he recognizes her to be his mate, but dismisses it as delusion from being locked in the time vault for all those years.

The two of them embark on a journey of trying to capture the demon Faelan set out to capture all those years ago and stay two steps ahead of the demons currently out to kill them.

The premise of this book sounds great. I went into reading it expecting great action and even greater romance. Bree and Faelan's attraction was there, but it never really got off the ground with me. Sure there was sex between them, but that's all it felt like. Just sex.

The action scenario of the story was somewhat dry to me as well. A lot of backstory and history aspects I could have done without. I found that I tended to skip a couple of pages here and there.
Profile Image for Staci.
1,403 reviews20 followers
May 12, 2011
My thoughts:
Well, I have to be honest and tell you that I thought this one was just going to be a big cheesy sex fest. Instead, I need to admit to my readers that I actually enjoyed it. It was fun, fast paced, had some great action, and the storyline was one that kept me engaged. I liked the two main characters and the author made me want to get back to the story so that I could figure out what was going to happen next!! I'm open to reading a lot of different genres and this was a fun one to add to my mix for the month.

Recommend? If you're a fan of the paranormal romance suspense then you will enjoy this one. I'm actually looking forward to the next installment, Embrace the Highland Warrior, scheduled to be released by Sourcebooks Casablanca in November of this year. Now, if I could just find a way to make one of these hunky men show up on my doorstep........
Profile Image for Terry Spear.
Author 184 books1,606 followers
February 17, 2011
I love Highland warriors, and I LOVE time travels, so I was delighted to have the chance to read the ARC of the book. To me, there's nothing sexier than a time-traveling Highland warrior except one with the mission to save the world and the contemporary, courageous woman who lights his fire! A page turner, I couldn’t put the book down!

From one problem to the next, I couldn't wait for the two to find love and a happily ever after. And some of the yummy Highland males in the family made me want to read about them too. Ronan was top of the list.
Profile Image for Dahlia (yadkny).
940 reviews140 followers
September 28, 2011
What would you do if a Scottish Highland warrior suddenly came into your life? Well for Bree Kirkland, she simply put him to bed and fed him.

The adventure began right in Bree’s own backyard. The death of her grandmother ushered in a need to reclaim her roots, starting in the one place that holds the fondest and most frightening of memories for her. After exploring the house she inherited, Bree finds herself outside in the graveyard chapel with a most astonishing discovery. Surprise quickly turns to fear when she suddenly has a knife at her throat. Yet when the slight misunderstanding is cleared, Bree provides Faelan with shelter, clothing, and food (LOTS of food), while helping him acclimate to the ways of society and technology in this century. It’s not that it's a hardship for her since he isn’t hard on the eyes to look at, but the problem is it becomes quite clear early on that neither of them trusts the other. Regardless, the mysteries keeping piling up and Bree is determined to solve them.

Faelan is shocked over how things have changed since his awakening from the time vault. How different the women are from his time is the hardest to process and deal with. His instincts and skill as a warrior are as useful as ever and unchanged in this new century, but his instincts and skill with women, namely Bree, leaves something to be desired. The reverence and protective manners Faelan is used to now has to include a larger dosing of respect and compromise. Bree, however, is impossibly curious and clumsy with the biggest heart for adventure that Faelan has ever encountered. She is definitely no wilting lily at the sight of blood or battle and Faelan is forever battling the blood-boiling desire she instantly ignites in him. Add to that the forbidden factor and Bree is one tempting woman, but there are others who want her as well.

I very much enjoyed the quirky aspects of Bree's personality, challenging nature, and her passion for the Civil War. Her flaws were believable and her courage admirable. Heroines like that are few and far between and to me that makes her memorable. I will admit it took me longer to enjoy Faelan's character. I found him at times to be a bit inauthentic as a Highland warrior from a century gone by. I just couldn't nail his voice in my head as easily as I was able to with any of the rest of the cast. As the story continued, and the plot continued to thicken, and the suspense continued to build, I found Faelan easier to “hear” and “see”, which made him much more enjoyable. My senses were definitely wide awake for his more intimate scenes with Bree.

Surprisingly there is plenty of humor in the story as well.

There was a name written on a wee square, right at the top of her arse. Levi Strauss. Was this some sort of family crest? Unusual place to display it. ...

“Does your husband work with horses?" he asked...


“I saw them on your family crest. Is Levi Strauss your husband?”

“Levi? Oh, no, I'm not married.”

“You let a man who's not your husband put his name on your ar... backside?”

Although the story has moments of descriptive dragging throughout, the pacing didn't really pick up until after chapter 10. However, the many colorful characters and plot twists and turns were brilliantly done and unpredictable, which kept me reading. By the end, this adventure went beyond my wildest imagination and by the turn of the last page had me literally reaching for the next book in the series. I can’t wait to explore more of the warriors (both male and female) of the Connor Clan!

In the mood for an amazing contemporary highland tale? Well Awaken the Highland Warrior is sure to please!

The Romance Review
Profile Image for Tahlia Newland.
Author 22 books83 followers
July 18, 2011
I loved this book from the very first page. The writing was evocative, had a lovely touch of humour and lots of sensitivity. The story had plenty of action, romance and mystery, and I so much wanted to spend more time with the Warrior, Faelan that I re read the book as soon as I finished it.

This book had me giggling in some parts, gripping my seat in others and moved to tears in others. It’s the kind of romance I love – the romance isn’t the only thing happening and the sex isn’t over done, but the attraction is potent. The Warrior Faelen is one of the most endearing male characters I’ve ever come across.

Imagine a gorgeous, well built, highland warrior who’d just time travelled from the 19th century and had walked into a modern lingerie shop.

‘There he was, in all his kilted glory, standing near the edible panty display, holding a tiny piece of material in his hands.’

As well as painting a picture of a physically powerful man with a huge appetite, Anita Cleeney describes Faelen’s innocence in all things modern; his vulnerability in being without his horse, his sword and any coin of his own; his curiosity at the modern world and his grief at realising that his loved ones are long dead. Although his attitudes to women appear chauvinistic to a modern woman, they come from the times in which he was born and at the base of which is a deep respect for women. He wants to cherish and protect them. He soon realises that he has to change his thinking to accommodate the modern woman, but there is something incredibly sweet about his simple desire to look after his woman and give her lots of babies.

Bree on the other hand is a modern woman who never asked to be protected though once she sees what they’re up against is pleased that a man with awesome fighting skills is with her. She’s not afraid of going to rescue him either and all this is quite confusing for the poor time transplanted being. Along with this tension is the attraction between them that they try hard to deny because initially they aren’t quite sure what the other is, the relationship can’t go anywhere because he can only marry one of his clan – and THE one he is destined for, a bit like the werewolf imprinting idea. He’s lusting after her one moment and apologising for his improper behaviour the next, while she is unable to resist him one moment, then reminding herself that she’s off men and that he’ll be leaving as soon as he finds his clan the next. All this while battling demons and planning to take out the big one.

His clan are a delightful bunch too and the atmosphere within the family is incredibly heart-warming.

The ending might be a little too sweet in another context, but here it’s perfect. I recommend this for all lovers of paranormal romance, especially if you’re looking for something a little different. It's a good start for someone interested in venturing into the genre too. I give it 5 stars without hesitation and I look forward to the next instalment due near the end of the year.
Profile Image for Ro.
3,072 reviews16 followers
August 4, 2011
Awaken the Highland Warrior
I admit to a weakness for Highlander stories. I love the era, the strong men, the trouble, the kilts. What I don’t love is the tendency for the females in the Highlander stories to be clingy, soft ladies who constantly need rescuing by the big Alpha males. So, it was a very pleasant surprise to get to know the heroine of this book, Bree Kirkland. I am not sure if she is just a naturally strong character, if it is due to the time-travel aspect (she is a modern woman, after all) or if it is the combination of herself with Faelan that makes her so kick-ass. Whatever it is, Bree is a treasure.
Faelan Connor is the highland warrior of the title. He is also over 150 years old, having been placed in a burial vault by a demon trying to keep him from his duty, protecting the human race. It is Bree (naturally) who finds him accidentally and sets him free. She is a Civil War historian by choice and has spent a lot of time at Civil War reenactments, and more importantly, looking for treasure. It is treasure she assumes she has found when she finds the burial vault that has markings identical to a family heirloom of hers. Using the disk to open the vault, however, instead gives her Faelan, kilt and all. The fact that he nearly kills her within the first moments of their meeting does not stop her from offering him shelter at her house when it becomes apparent he is not well.
Faelan is fun to read as he learns about the 21st century, while fighting his attraction to Bree at the same time. When she walks in on him in the Jacuzzi, so loved it. The two have a lot of trust issues and aren’t honest with the answers, so there is a lot of dancing around between them. Faelan made me feel for him, as well, as he realizes his family, his country, his time, have all gone.
The recurrent theme of the book is good vs evil, in fact the Highland Warriors (all strong and sexy, and part of the Connor clan) are, if not by name angels, the absolute good guys given their directive by the Archangel Michael, while there are actual demons for the bad guys, most notably Druan (the one who put Faelan in that vault). He not only wants to destroy Faelan and the human race, but he wants Bree for himself.
I love that Bree doesn’t back down from anyone and when necessary she jumps right in the fight. There are surprises involving Bree. The attraction between her and Faelan is strong, and his protective instincts (and Scottish chivalry) come out full blast around her, but this is no shrinking violet and she lets him know. Bree also has a more complex side, such as when she realizes (the day she takes Faelan home) that in a house of eight bedrooms there are only one set of sheets because the house belonged to her late grandmother and she refused to sleep on a dead person’s sheets.
All in all, this is a good start to a series. Faelan has a large family, so the series could go on for a while. It is paranormal, fantasy, highlander and romance mixed together, with solidly defined characters and an interesting storyline.
Profile Image for Laura Summers.
338 reviews113 followers
August 7, 2011
Reviewed for www.BookChickCity.com (7 out of 10 on the blog)

Having read quite a few time travel romances, I started this book with a certain set of expectations. Hero travels forwards in time, has to come to terms with the modern world, believes women are to be protected and are not necessarily equals and spends a good part of the book learning to live and of course love again. And I have to confess as formulaic as they often are as long as they have a good plot, in general I love them.

But 'Awaken The Highland Warrior' is so much more than this. The time travelling hero is actually only really a small part of the story. At the centre is a group of brave and determined warriors battling evil demons and trying to save the human race. All in yummy kilts too! It also manages to steer away from being quite corny which would have been very easy to do.

Our heroine Bree inherits a map she believes will lead her to a treasure chest, and instead finds Faelan, a warrior who has been trapped in a time vault for one hundred and fifty years. Before she knows it all sorts of crazy things are going on around her family home, with demons attacking and general mystery and mayhem.

The last thing Faelan remembers is being attacked by a demon and now he's alive in the 21st century, knowing only that he must stop that very demon from killing the human race. But first he must come to terms with not only all of the changes in the world, but the loss of his immediate family too.

This book has a lot going on in it, but not in a way that you struggle to keep up. There are some great characters, I love the inventive world that Clenney has created with warriors, time vaults and of course demons. It mixes action and romance, whilst at the same time encapsulating some of the emotion you would genuinely imagine feeling if you had been propelled forwards in time.

The relationship between Faelan and Bree has quite a bit of suspicion in it, with both at one time or another suspecting the other to be a demon. Which did get a tad ridiculous towards the end, how much proof did they need? But apart from that I really enjoyed it.

The pace began to loose a little momentum towards the middle of the book, but really picked up when Bree and Faelan go to Scotland. You then begin to see try scale of the demon war, as well as meet some fabulous Scottish, kilted men which I can't wait to meet again in the subsequent books.


This is a great book. If you usually steer clear of time travel books, but enjoy a good paranormal romance then I would recommend you give it a try. Another paranormal series to add to my wishlist :-)
Profile Image for Cyle.
963 reviews141 followers
July 1, 2011
GENRE: Scottish Paranormal Romance
THEME: Highlander and Demons
RECEIVED: Received from Author for Review
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/

I’ve read a few Highlander genre novels, but nothing compared to how much I love Awaken the Highlander by Anita Clenney. Not only did she add a paranormal touch, but the character both main and secondary were well developed and I enjoyed all the different personalities, with the addition of a wonderful well-put together story.

Bree Kirkland is a female version of how Clenney describes it “Indiana Jones,” after finding a warrior buried in a crypt that’s been behind her house for as long as she can remember, and her life gets a lot more adventurous than she could of ever imagined. The warrior needs Bree’s help to adapted to the world today being stuck in there for many years and with demons trying to kill him he has more on his plate than just a woman who makes is blood boil.

I really enjoyed the mix of Highland Warriors vs. Demons; it was full of action and lot of kilt wearing moments. Clenney creates a fantastic history that connects all the characters in the book, without it being overwhelming with information. I loved the chemistry between Clenney’s two leads Bree and Faelan. Bree being strong but clumsy with a life full of independence, where Faelan was born a warrior and protector making Bree’s independent life not so much anymore.

Faelan comes from a long line of warriors in his clan and I was happy to meet more of his family, mostly all men, they were hilarious and intriguing. I can’t wait to see where Clenny takes the series with the characters she introduced. My ultimate favorite was Ronan, another warrior and family member of Faelan. He really knows how to get under Faelans skin, which made for some great scenes.

The romance was hot! Not just the steamy kind but the pages were on fire with the attraction between Faelan and Bree. When there’s a man walking around your house in a Kilt it would be impossible to resist staring…or even the accidental peak of what’s under there. I loved the funny moment with these two and how they developed through the book.

Overall I highly recommend this series to book lovers of paranormal romance and highlander genres. The mix just made for a wickedly awesome and thrilling ride as I turned each page. The villains, romance, characters, plot, it was fantastically entertaining and I never wanted it to end.

This is an adult novel with some steamy sexual content and humorous moments. I recommend this book to fans of the highlander series by Karen Moning and Kinley MacGregor.
Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews155 followers
July 29, 2011
Bree Kirkland has been treasure hunting all of her life so when she finds out that there might be a treasure in her own backyard, literally, she’s pretty excited about it. She manages to open the huge crypt and in there she finds….a man? And a beautiful kilted one as well.

It seems that Faelen Connor was put into a time vault by a demon 150 years ago and Bree’s the one that has set him free. Faelan’s obviously not used to anything here in the 21st century but he picks up on things quickly. The quickest thing he does is go after Bree – but she has no idea who or what he is and he has no clue if she’s on the side of the demon’s or not. There are definite trust issues there but they have to work together for a time to try to find out where Faelan came from.

Bree does end up helping Faelan find his family (descendants) in Scotland but that just reminds Faelan that there’s horrible evil in the world and he wants Bree to have no part of it. You see Faelan is from a clan of warriors that fight demons and are given their tasks/missions by none other than Michael the archangel himself. Now Faelan has to find the demon that he was assigned to kill 150 years ago, find an ancient book that belongs to his family as well as stop all of the humans on the planet from dying and that includes Bree. All in a days work, ya know? But can he push Bree out of his head long enough to get the job done?

This was a great first book in what looks like a very good series about kilted warriors, demons and vampires. Faelan ended up having such a huge extended family that I couldn’t decide who I wanted to read about next!

Those of you who like a sweet romance in all of your books, however, may find this one a little lacking in the “sweet” – but if you’re looking for an independent heroine and the man who’s brought to his knees by her then this is your kind of book. There definitely are moments of soft emotion in this book but the romance took place during battles and family gatherings and though I don’t normally like that it just worked for me in this book.

Now Bree – even at the end of the book – remained a mystery to me. She could do things that even seasoned warriors couldn’t (not physical stuff) but that part was never quite explained. Yes, where she came from was, but I think I was left with a few unanswered questions when I turned the last page. I can’t say I cared for that all that much but I’m hoping that we get more info about Bree in future books.

Overall a really good paranormal with suspense, romance, family and history - just a great combination.

Rating: 4.25 out of 5

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Tracy.
Profile Image for Inga.
265 reviews49 followers
October 29, 2011
My review:

I loved it! I read it in one sitting; I could not put the book away. It did not matter, that it was already 3 am in the morning, but I finished it! It was romantic, exciting, funny book to read. I really enjoyed the writing, the story itself and characters! Well, give me a Scottish warriors and I’m totally hooked.

Regarding the plot:

Meet Bree – a sassy woman who thinks that she is about to find a treasure in the chapel in her backyard. Surprise, surprise! What she finds is a gorgeous Scottish warrior Faelan, who has been captured by the demon in the time vault for 150 years.

Bree is suspicious that Faelan is nothing more but a thief, who took her treasure. Well, thief dressed in a kilt and acts like he really is from the past. Faelan again is suspicious of Bree being a demon or halfling or just accomplish of the demon that put him in the time vault. So both Bree and Faelan have lot to learn about each other and as the story develops also learn to trust each other.

Step by step they realize that they not only need to trust each other, but also have to, because someone is after a book and a key which Bree has and which helped her to open the time vault. Besides trust there is a fast growing attraction, Faelan has serious difficulties with keeping his hands and other body parts off from Bree. Faelan is also intimidated by a woman like Bree – he has never even seen woman who lives alone without a male protector and who wear jeans and tank tops; that is very strange for Faelan.

Story brings both Bree and Faelan to Scotland, because Bre finds out who Faelan is from and to both of their big surprise, there is a whole big clan of relatives – Connor Clan – clan of warriors!
I loved the plot. In one way you could say, that it’s a typical battle between the good and the evil, but there is so much more in this story.

Regarding the characters:

The main characters were perfect for each other! Bree was adventurous, bold and was not afraid of digging in the graves or save the love of her life. She was one (excuse my language) kickass heroine! Faelan was a male who was so confused by contemporary women and world, but learned quite quickly how to live and survive in it. I also adored the whole Connor Clan and can’t wait to start reading the next book in the series.


Awaken the Highland Warrior was very good paranormal romance book. It has magic about it and you find captivating characters, good plot, good versus evil, adventure and action in it. Very good start for the Connor Clan series! Can’t wait start reading the second book in the series!

5 stars.

777 reviews57 followers
April 28, 2011
Awaken the Highland Warrior by Anita Clenney
Paranormal Romance –May 1st, 2011
4 stars

Inventive and charming, those who love Karen Marie Moning’s time travel Highlander series will be sure to delight in this book!

After all these years, Bree finally thinks she has found a real treasure. But she is in the shock of her life when open the hidden vault and unearths a hunky highlander instead of gold! At first she can’t believe she found a man inside, especially one named Faelan, who claims to be 150 years from the past! Even if he is handsome, he doesn’t quite make up for loosing a whole lot of riches. And his outrageous claim that he comes from the past makes her doubt his sanity. However, when she discovers her Grandma’s secret book and reads about fearless warriors with magical talismans who hunt demons to save humanity. She slowly starts to believe that he may be speaking the truth, no matter how fantastical it sounds. And he bears a striking resemblance to an old painting of a handsome rogue that she has often fantasized about. But according to her Grandma’s book, these vaults are actually ‘time vaults’ and used to hold demons until Judgement. So is Faelan an evil demon in disguise or the warrior of her heart?

I really liked the instant attraction between the two main characters and found myself quickly getting involved in this story. Bree is bright, mischievous and plucky. Faelan is determined to try to find the demon he hunted 150 years ago, but first he must learn this new world. It was fun to read him explore our modern times. Even though some of the story is a little outrageous, it made me only want to read more. The time vault particularly fascinated me. When it was opened many characters were very interested in it and this really adds mystery of the story. I also liked this book because Bree really grows and learns that she has more depth than even she believes. Girl power!

Surprising, entertaining and adventurous, I can only hope the author plans future books with more highland warriors!

Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

Profile Image for Holly.
565 reviews51 followers
September 13, 2011
~May contain slight spoilers~

Awaken the Highland Warrior was nothing like I was expecting. I was expecting the time traveling thing to be more of a well I guess a big deal but really with the plot that Anita Clenney has come up with it makes it sound right at home in the novel.

We are thrown into the plot from the first page of the book, the author didn’t wait to start with it, didn’t lead up to it, it was actually kind of nice, straight to the plot no leading, I liked it. Sure we have problems and it isn’t just straight, problem then solution but it doesn’t divert around things just to draw it out like I have read in some books. Though I do think the straight to the point-ness might be something not everyone will like but to me it was a plus in the novel, making a pretty long novel a page turner that I couldn’t put down.

I really enjoyed all the characters even our main bad guy. But my favorites were of course Bree and Faelan. Bree was very tolerant of Faelan’s old school way of how women should be, slowly showing him that woman aren’t like that anymore. Faelan was of course sexy, as all get out, very protective warrior.

I love the connection he and Bree had from the very beginning. It brought of some situations that made me laugh, but at the same time you could feel the attraction and sexual tension that builds in the book. We also get the point of view from both Faelan and Bree, which was again something I loved because that gave us some of both of their pasts in certain part of the book.

I was very intrigued by the authors 'bad guys', the demons and I look forward to seeing how she will build on the world she has created after this book.

There were many, many, sexy, muscular, tall, Highland warriors in this novel. *swoon* I am looking forward to the next one to see what warrior will come next. I also wonder what evils he and our next heroine will face...

I think I would recommend this novel to anyone who is interested in a good read, also to people who might usually steer clear of time-traveling novels.

*I received an Ebook copy of this book for free to review from the author.
Profile Image for Shiran.
355 reviews42 followers
December 19, 2011
Wow!! What a fricken amazing book!!!

There is nothing better than discovering a great book and this one really made me glad I picked it off the shelf. Awaken the Highland Warrior is a book about demons, warriors and passionate romance. Bree Kirkland is sure there is treasure hidden in her backyard (which happens to have a crypt and graveyard) but when she goes looking, she unlocks amazing secrets and a man who is destined to save the world.

This book was so captivating I was hooked from the first page. I LOVED all the characters and at some point I even felt envious of the author for having these people in her head. I want to meet them and be a part of their lives so bad! There was the perfect balance of romance and action in this book and I found that I became so sucked in to it that I forgot to eat.

Bree is an amazing character, she is independent and strong. She has an adventurous streak and I loved how curious she was. Even when she knew asking a question was a bad idea she still did it. I also loved that she was a bit impulsive... like running to save a big strong warrior from the evil demons without stopping to think if it was a good idea.

Faelan is every woman's dream man. He's hot and strong but he has respect for woman and hates himself for lusting after Bree when he knows he can't have her. I loved how he was with Bree even when he was suspicious of her he treated her well. I also loved his memories of his family. I would love to have a man who has so much love for his family and is so close to them.

The other characters were just as captivating, even the bad guys. I fell in love with Ronan and I really hope he gets his own book in this series. I enjoyed the idea of the female warriors as well and I really like the idea behind the warriors history and way of life. The book was so well thought out and there was an amazing twist at every step. There were many secrets to uncover and I think Clenney did a great job of keeping you desperate for more. I have to admit I am truly sad that this book is over and I would gladly walk into this world for the rest of my life!
Profile Image for Blodeuedd Finland.
3,524 reviews306 followers
May 8, 2011
When I first looked at this one I thought historical paranormal, it was the kilt. But that is not the case, thought the hero was born long ago and has been frozen for 150 years.

Bree loves everything about the Civil War and a hunt for a hidden treasure in her own backyard leads her to our hero. She is no damsel in distress, but then Faelan is from another time when women were to be protected, and this leads to quite a few conflicts. I think that is what was the most fun about a hero that doesn't know that the world has changed. He gets all confused by how women act, dress, why there are no horses and his chivalry is still wonderful, even if she wants to join in and do something too. He is just a very protective male.

But the book is no happy lovestory from the start. No no, she thinks he might be a demon at first, and he thinks the same about her. They are a bit wary of each other, and at the same time he really really wants her. Poor guy needs some smexing right away or he will just explode. The tension keeps on building until they trust each other enough. But even after that there is distrust. I do understand that, because who would believe she just came across him, and why would she trust the freaky sexy guy in a kilt that she found in a crypt.

There is tension, passion (that builds and builds, and I will just leave you all with that), lots of sexy highlanders, evil demons, and a race against the clock because these evil demons have a plan, and they do not want any humans at all around when they have their perfect world.

I did enjoy the whole what's up with the world today scenario, and when things heated up the author also managed to surprise me and that is always fun. All in all a good book with a hunky highlander warrior and the epic struggle to save mankind. I enjoyed the book and at one time I reached a point where I had to read faster and faster and did not want to stop before I reached the end.


Profile Image for Chandra.
366 reviews24 followers
July 26, 2011
AUTHOR: AWAKEN THE HIGHLAND WARRIOR is a Scottish Highlands Historical Romance. This is Anita’s first book written and the first in a series called “Highland Warrior”. Naturally scenes from one event to another are not written smoothly but okay, the author is new at it. Give her a break. She is going to be even greater someday.

SYNOPSIS – Faelan, a Scottish warrior awakens 150 years after being put into a time chamber by an evil force. Bree, while looking for treasure, opens his chamber and out he comes. She nurses him to health, clothes him, feeds him and helps him find his family. His mission for 150 years has been to do away with an ancient evil and save the world. Naturally, Bree is surrounded by things related to him. She does not know why and neither does he and the ancient evil wants her.

PASSION SCALE: This book gets THREE STARS for WISH it was me. He wants her but tries not to touch. She wants him but is hesitant. “His head lowered, and her stomach rolled”.
* NOT very descriptive and requires imagination
** WILL make you wiggle a little)
*** WISH it was me;
**** OH BODY, whew;
***** EROTICA and well over the top

FAVORITE PART: Ja-cuuuu-zeeee

LEAST FAVORITE PART: Her returning to her house after arriving from Scotland. Come on Bree, what did you think was going to happen!

YOU WILL LIKE THIS BOOK IF YOU LIKE: Historical romance. Scottish Highlands. Dealing with waking up 150 years past your century. Servants of Satan. Warriors protecting mankind.

This book gets FOUR Stars. Yes, her segues from one event to the next were skippy but the story line is good enough to go to the next book. Visualizing events while reading…not a problem.
Profile Image for Alleluialu.
227 reviews11 followers
June 25, 2011
Anita Clenney, the author of this book, asked me to read and review it and I am honored to do so. I really enjoy reading time travel books mainly because of the reactions of the unsuspecting (in most cases) time traveler to the time to which he/she has been transported. This book did not disappoint in that regard. As a bonus, in this book you get the exciting warriors vs. demons aspect. Faelan is trapped in a time vault for 150 years and released by Bree, an adventurous Civil War expert. While each is trying to figure out whether the other is a good guy or a bad guy, they fall in love -- of course -- and together they set out to destroy Faelan's assigned demon and save the world. This book is well-written and exciting. There is a little sex but it doesn't distract you from the story. There's the whole family bonding together to fight the enemy (which I love) and they are Scottish -- what can I say? On a personal note, I realized when reading this book that when I started reading novels again, especially ones with a strong female character, that I pictured myself as that young, strong, adventurous woman. Now that doesn't quite fit -- I'm picturing myself as the mother in this book. That is very amusing to me for some reason. This book is the first in a series, so watch for the others soon. There were some tiny loose threads left hanging in this book that I'm interested to see woven in. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Lisa.
444 reviews
November 15, 2011
If you like Karen Marie Moning's Highlander series, you'll probably like this series. If you can overlook Faelen, the Highland Warrior from the 1800s modern vocabulary and his quick understanding of modern wonders like cameras (how did he know they take photographs?!) then you'll grow to like the characters, humor, action scenes, men in kilts, bad demons and icky halflings. It's explained later in the book that warriors pick up languages and dialects fast. It's part of their disguises. I guess that must be it. Once into the story, I couldn't put my kindle down. Thinking I'd put it down after reading one more chapter but then there'd be a mini-cliffhanger where you HAD to go on, darn it! I didn't get much done until I finished. And now, I want to read the next one! The characters grow on you and I hope they're in the next book of the series. There is a little suspense thing at the end that taunts you...IS it a happy ending???

Some of my fav lines:

"All human males were as fascinated with cars as they were with breasts. Faelan appeared to be no exception."
...wondering what her mother would say if she saw Faelan. He made Romeo look like a girl. Heck, he made Rambo look like a girl."
"Faelan's jaw clenched, his fists clenched, she bet even his butt clenched."
God grant this warrior's aim be true as his heart. Bend time and bring forward, his mate beside him, not apart.
Profile Image for LilaBird.
104 reviews16 followers
December 2, 2011
O-M-G. Anita Clenney is my new Karen Marie Moning. I almost want to just end the review there. 'Nuf said.

But I guess I'll say a little more. So, this is the awesome story of a special clan of Scottish warriors who are basically demon slayers sent on missions by the Archangel, Michael. You get all the usual "special clan" stuff that you would expect: mate marks, special talismans that can only be used by specific warriors, certain clan members have special gifts or abilities like being Watchers or Seers, etc. And there is some great romance -- totally KMM style. LOVE it.

This first story of the series is about Faelan, a warrior from the 19th century, who gets trapped in a time vault (a coffin-like box that "suspends" demons 150 years until Judgement). He is awoken (hence, the title) 151 years later, by a modern day woman, Bree. There are an uncanny amount of coincidences and links between her and Faelan's clan, which all figure into the story. She ends up helping him in his mission to destroy a demon of old and they (obviously -- come on, it's a romance novel!) fall in love in the process.

Most of the story takes place in New York, near Albany, but we also get to go to the clan's castle in Scotland, so yay for Scotland! :)

You'll feel like you're near enough to stop by Castle MacKeltar to say hi to Drustan & Daegus. ;)
Profile Image for Ann Keller.
Author 30 books111 followers
July 4, 2012
Before Bree Kirkland was born, she was destined to meet and be a part of Faelan’s life. When she opened his time vault, Faelan erupted from the enclosure, swinging his blade at her tender throat. Faelan has been sleeping for one hundred fifty years and he has some adjustments to make.

Bree isn’t anything like the women of Faelan’s time. She’s smart and courageous, as well as bold when he is used to ladies being more shy and retiring. Although Bree claims she isn’t a warrior, she certainly fights like one. Still, Bree is a woman with secrets, some dating back hundreds of years into the past.

Faelan and his clan have sworn to protect mankind from ancient demons bent on destroying the world. Even in this new century, he must continue that quest and not be distracted by Bree, a lovely woman from the United States. Is his will strong enough for him to remain resolved as affection blossoms into something far stronger?

What a splendid contest of wills this story was! Past and present, male and female intertwined in a dazzling saga that captured my interest from the first page. Beautifully done.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 299 reviews

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