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Teachers in Love #1

Teacher of the Year

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Love: Not as easy as ABC.

They were supposed to keep things casual. Who’d expect they’d be schooled in love?

Those who can, teach. Marvin Block is one of the best kindergarten teachers out there. And despite his anxiety, Marvin’s life is sweet. He knows what he wants. And what he wants is the Teacher of the Year Award. Not just for himself – his school needs him to win.

Returning from break, the New Year finds Marvin all set to welcome a new pupil to his class. But when Illona walks in with her cute-as-hell single dad beside her, Marvin’s focus starts to slide.

Sure, his students always come first, but he deserves to have a life outside the classroom, too, right?

As their friendship starts to deepen, Marvin realizes Olan has the potential to teach him things about love he never thought possible. But with the Teacher of the Year award and his school’s future on the line, now’s not the time for anything complicated.

Education has always been Marvin’s world. And he needs to keep a cool head if he wants to win the award and save his school. But will it be worth it if he loses Olan in the process?

With Olan’s past and Marvin’s present colliding, their experiment in love hangs in the balance. Marvin knows what he wants out of life. But now he’s forced to consider what he wants out of love.

Will Marvin chalk the relationship up to experience? Or can they revise their story into a textbook romance?

Teacher of the Year is a steamy open door friends-to-lovers gay romance novel that explores the balance between friends, family, career, and relationships while overcoming trauma and dealing with anxiety.

347 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 9, 2023

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About the author

M.A. Wardell

7 books539 followers
I write steamy queer romantic comedies. My goal is to make you laugh and turn you on. Often at the same time.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,216 reviews
Profile Image for Noah.
336 reviews222 followers
July 2, 2023
You know, I think sometimes books can be a little too sugary-sweet. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a good book, but I had a hard time staying interested. It might be because of the fact that I’ve never really had a good relationship with any of my elementary school teachers. I remember one of them used to hum the Jeopardy theme when she asked us questions to answer in front of the class. Why would anyone do that? I don’t know, general sadism, I guess. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I don’t exactly go out of my way to read books in the “this-teacher-saved-my-life” genre. As for the story, normally I’m the biggest fan of books where nothing happens, but man… nothing happens! Even the third-act break-up hardly has any bite! If I had to compare this to other things, I’d say that Teacher of the Year is like an almost nauseating blend between a holiday Hallmark movie and Crazy, Stupid, Love (a movie I don’t really like, but don’t worry, I’m not going to go on my “Crazy, Stupid, Love rant”). Oh, I didn’t even talk about the characters! Um, I never completely felt the connection between Olan and Marvin. They felt like coworkers for a lot of the story. I mean, even when they’re officially going steady, they still text in perfect sentences with perfect punctuation. That’s odd, no? A little familiarity would be nice. Objectively speaking, I do think this is a good book despite my hang-ups. Besides, most of my issues are personal rather than real story critique. I could definitely see how the story could even be important to a lot of people! And if nothing else, that alone makes this 100% worth the read. No regrets here!

"This is normally the place where I put a quote I liked from the book, but literally nothing stood out to me. Oh well."
Profile Image for Kathleen in Oslo.
485 reviews110 followers
May 7, 2023
I feel like such a grinch when a book everyone else is raving about doesn't work for me. Especially when it's a book about a dedicated teacher with a painful backstory and a Hotty McHottypants single dad with a painful now-story, I mean WHAT KIND OF MONSTER????

This kind. This kind of monster.

Look, this just . . . was not the book for me. The writing style and I did not vibe from the get-go, and I persisted thinking maybe it would mellow after a couple of chapters, but nope. There's a fine line between "earnest" and "twee," and for me this landed on the wrong side of it. Marvin teaches 5-year-olds, but that doesn't mean the character has to read like a walking Hallmark card. I was raised by a first-grade teacher, and let me tell you, they have Seen Things. Immune systems and wills of steel, those people.

Which is to say: I just couldn't with Marvin's POV -- particularly unfortunate in a single POV story -- and the supporting characters hit the wrong way too, and, ok, this last one is on me because it's literally the premise of the book, but I guess I have lingering Lorelei-Max trauma or something because the whole teacher-parent dynamic made me twitchy.

I can 100 percent see how this book works for so many people who are 100 percent not me. There's angst and issues and representation and great messaging. It's all so wholesome, and I'm not saying that in the gross, "wholesome means no smut"-way. Wholesomeness in and of itself isn't a problem, but there needs to be some depth to it. This just read too on-the-surface to me.

My cold, shriveled heart notwithstanding, I feel terrible dumping on a debut author. But a bad review in time saves nine. Sometimes the duty of an ARC reader is to keep my fellow grinch-monsters at bay.

I got an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews and this is (obviously) my honest review I AM SORRY!!!
Profile Image for Vini.
667 reviews108 followers
June 24, 2023
this is like if jacob from abbott elementary had a romance book
Profile Image for Stacy.
287 reviews123 followers
May 20, 2023
Check out my review on Instagram.

Here we have a cute story of a kindergarten teacher (Marvin) and the single dad (Olan) of one of his students. The cover on this book is gorgeous btw!

There are some steamy moments in this book and they show up at interesting times. I really really loved when Marvin shows up at Olan's after the playground incident. There are also quite a few funny moments as well! I enjoyed Marvin's inner dialogue a lot and the cat chat.

Marvin has some difficulty dealing with past issues related to his mothers's alcoholism, which start to affect his relationship with Olan. I would have appreciated a bit more communication after this issue came up in order to reduce the amount of time apart towards the end of the book.

I loved all the side characters in this. Jill and her husband Nick were a favorite. And we cannot forget Gonzo!

*** I received an ARC of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest opinion. ***
Profile Image for Raluca (hedonicbooks).
561 reviews69 followers
May 11, 2023
''He's taught me that teaching is an act of love.''

Once in a while a beautiful story comes into your life and lights you up from the inside. You feel understood, and your heart fills with all kinds of emotions.
You might wonder, what the hell do you have in common with a gay, anxiety-ridden, Jewish kindergarten teacher that's dealing with the repercussions of having a recovering alcoholic parent and a shy, single dad, aerospace nerd that's exploring his sexuality, struggling with his own personal problems? Well, I'm obviously not all those things, but I am SOME of them. 😉

The book is a perfect combination of funny, spicy and sweet. One minute you're laughing, the next you're blushing and squirming, and then your heart is melting.
It takes skill to blend heavy topics such as recovery from emotional trauma, dealing with addiction, handling anxiety, exploring one's sexuality, with more light-hearted things like children shenanigans, silly jokes and let's not forget, sexy times. 😏 But you, Mr. Wardell, did such a marvelous job. Truly.

This review contains mild spoilers, mostly small character descriptions and situations, but no major plot spoilers have passed my fingers.

Oof, let me tell you, when I started reading this, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing, and to my horror, I even snorted a few times (that made me laugh even harder).
Marvin is just too adorable, too sweet and lovely, too damn broken, too relatable. He's dealing with anxiety, insecurities and fears triggered by emotional trauma, but he's trying to get his personal life on track even if his past relationship convinced him that he's better off alone (with his cuddly cat). I see you, Marvin, I know how that feels. Pushing worries away and ignoring them is my thing too. Until everything crashes down on my head and I scramble to survive the aftermath. So yes, Marvin, I'm with you, buddy. I get it. He also puts so much pressure on himself, always trying to do everything perfectly for other people and ignoring his own feelings and needs, it was heartbreaking, to be honest.

And then there's Olan. This beautiful, smart, sensitive, single dad, that's dealing with his fair share of problems, trying to settle in his newly discovered sexual identity. I loved how easily he accepts his sexuality and doesn't really need a label for it, I mean, when you know it's right, you just know.
Also, is there anything more attractive than a loving father taking care of his child? I mean, come on 🥺 those interactions between Olan and Illona were so heartwarming, throw Marvin in the mix and it's an 'ALL THE FEELS' fest in my chest.

Writing kids is such a difficult task, I think. But ah, these five year olds were everything, those classroom scenes turned me into a pile of moosh. Marvin's reactions to those kids and their silly antics were hilarious and so familiar. He is a wonderful teacher, he clearly loves those kids. 🥺 And damn, Illona is the most precious kid ever, how open-minded and open-hearted she is towards Marvin and Olan's relationship.

I loved how natural they were around each other. How tender and in sync. How real and (partly) honest. It's the most wonderful thing in the world when you find your person and everything clicks into place. There are some ups and downs in their relationship, valid concerns that quite honestly gutted me, because, well, I've experienced something similar, and Marvin's fear of going all in is so freaking familiar.

The side characters were wonderful. I particularly loved Jill, she's just the best. That conversation she has with Marvin, prompting him to not fuck things up was just brilliant. She's brilliant. One of my favourite quotes comes from her: 'And anyway, bisexual people exist. Don't be biphobic.'

Also, the conversation Marvin has with his mother at the end of the book kinda broke me, it was so honest and raw, and well, a huge step into Marvin's recovery, I think. He basically gets the closure he desperately needed.

And that ending!! That freaking perfect ending, without being cheesy or cliché, it made me tear up, because god damn it, two adults communicating and solving their problems like mature human beings was very satisfying.

Anyway, I've babbled enough. I just, ah, I loved this. That's the power of books, isn't it? They make you feel happy and giddy, hopeful and emotional af.

Thank you so much to the author for giving me a digital arc.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
287 reviews146 followers
May 12, 2024
Like, it was fine overall. Worth more than 2 stars, 3 feels generous though.
I don’t overly like children so I didn’t really connect with that element of the story, but I think I’ve read books with children who I loved and enjoyed way more than these kids? They just seemed like boring ass kids :/ I 👏 SAID 👏 WHAT 👏 I 👏 SAID 👏

I believe books create little movies in your head, and there was some sentences that created weird head cinema. Like… Marvin tonguing Olans tooth gap, it’s mentioned like 4 times at least and like… wth is he doing??? Like licking between olans teeth? Why you doing that??? Are you supposed to lick teeth when you kiss? Have I been doing it wrong? I just have this weird image of licking his tooth gap and it’s weird???? 😂😂😂😂

The plot was a lil flat, and even though the book wasn’t long it felt like it was just going on about nothing. The awards felt like 0.01% of the story right at the end.

The spice was written written well, but also, for one of MC’s having a non-chaotic bi awakening, he was way too chill about it all. Like he was just ready to get his ass ate right away…? 😂 there was no real stress or awakening, he was just like… well, men is my personality now 💅🏼 I guess that’s fine, but I just felt cringed at points in this book.

And the peak of the story, just made me wanna punch the MC in the face, we all have trauma, but the MC just acted like a wank about it. Having a hissy panic attack/fit because your not-even-boyfriend broke his sobriety A YEAR AGO, with one drink, boo hoo. He’s a good person and a good dad, and he’s working on himself, moved to start a new life and stay sober? and he’s nice to you and wants to help you heal, and you shit on him for having a drink a year ago???

This book was good if you wanna simple easy read where nothing happens and it has a good enough version of a happy ending
Profile Image for Yalomi.
260 reviews26 followers
June 4, 2024
Buckle up because this book was a RIDE and not a good one.

First of all, WHAT WAS GOING ON IN THIS BOOK? I was gearing up for a cute, wholesome book but I got none of that. The gorgeous cover lied to me. This thing made me want DNF so bad, the only reason I didn't was: one, my money I spent on this thing and two, I was buddy reading and hating on this book with my book bestie made the experience one I could almost bare.

My problems with this book:(that I can remember cause this entire book was...something else)

1. Marvin. He was so annoying and so selfish.

2. I should've known I'd hate this book when Marvin referred to his hair as a rat's nest constantly. Dude could write entire sonnets about how beautiful Olan and Illona's hair was but he hated his own with a passion? They all got curly hair. What are you trying to say? I'm trying to understand his logic about that. IDK that didn't sit right with me.

3. They spent the entire time telling me how much Marvin and Olan liked/loved each other but they never showed me that. These two barely talked. And when they did it was soooo cringy I couldn't stand it. Every time their relationship progressed further it felt weird and rushed to me.

4. Marvin's weird obsession with the gap between Olan's two front teeth. What was that about? Dude literally flossed Olan with his tongue on multiple occasions. It was so weird and so off-putting.

5. I didn't know that not wanting to play football as a kid was a clear indicator of one's sexuality.

6. The single POV. With the way Olan was handled I got really suspicious as to why we never got a dual POV. Olan was way more interesting than Marvin. Dude was Black, an engineer and a millionaire. He moved from California with his daughter after his divorce because he had a relapse(tw: alcohol) for overworking himself. Then, after being into women his entire life he starts to develop feelings for his daughter's male teacher. And we never got to see any of that through Olan's eyes, WHY? Cause I'd like to know.

7. This book made no sense but what didn't really make sense to me was Olan's daughter trying to set her dad with her male teacher from the start of the book, asking about Marvin's relationship status, making them hold hands. Like, can she see the future? She's never seen her dad with another man before(dude literally just divorced her mom yesterday),and Olan himself figured he liked men a while later in the book. It really made no sense. How did she know?

8. WHY WAS THIS DUDE EATING OLAN'S HAIR? He literally said Olan's hair looks like cotton candy, let me take a bite. And he did.

9. Not Marvin making it all about himself when Jill ended in the hospital? I know she asked what was going on but that was not the time. He could've waited. And after he lied to her? FOR NO REASON? Yeah...we could've had that conversation another time

10. Now these questions are for the author: After all the unresolved trauma and issues Marvin has because his mom was an alcoholic his entire childhood, why did you decide to make Olan one? He's in recovery but still...why? Why after Olan had a relapse we thought it was a great idea to move him and his daughter away from the kid's mom? Why after sharing Jill's struggle with infertility did you decide to scare us into believing she would lose the kid again? WHY?!!!

11.And lastly. WHY did Marvin not go to therapy ON PAGE?!! I'm not saying that Marvin's actions in this book weren't justified but everyone suffered cause of them, even him. I'm not saying: forgive and forget. I'm not saying: move on. Much less: get over it. What I'm saying is: work on it!! Everyone (his mom and Olan) is working on their stuff but he is not and he keeps throwing it in their faces like...why? He was so selfish and toxic I couldn't stand him. Why did it take him so long to realize he needed therapy when his mom has been working on her sobriety for years, as soon as she hit rock bottom, Olan too. Olan really didn't need to suffer for Marvin's childhood like that. Again, I get it but...no.
Profile Image for zoe.
293 reviews5 followers
August 27, 2023
i REALLYYY wanted to love this, but unfortunately the writing quality was just too poor for me to handle :/ an editor (or, another editor, IDK this books situation lol) would’ve gone a very long way.
Profile Image for Jonathan Scott.
47 reviews6 followers
April 10, 2023
It’s not an overstatement to say this book belongs with favorites like The Charm Offensive and (in my unpopular opinion) does just about everything better than Red, White, and Royal Blue.

Marvin’s passion for teaching, education, and his kids is beautiful. Marvin as a character is flawed, authentic, and admirable. He is easy to love and his experience with anxiety and ADHD was real and poignant.

Olan was a wonderful character, attractive and intriguing and not the overtired “perfect specimen” swooping in to give Marvin purpose or definition as a person.

Marvin and Olan’s chemistry and attraction for each other is magnetic, crackling, and soaring. I loved so much that Marvin and Olan fell in love with each other’s quirks and imperfections. Their flirtation was adorable and their conversations deep and down to earth. It was refreshing to experience their attraction for each other and then seeing them decide to slow down and get to know each other.

The steam and spice was otherworldly and anything but gratuitous, and demonstrated Marvin and Olan’s growing affection and deepening bond for each other and manages to avoid the exhausting need for these scenes to perpetuate stereotypes of a perfect experience. Their physical connection is urgent, passionate, and simmering with tenderness and a deep desire for each other worlds beyond the superficial.

I also loved how Marvin and Olan are committed to each other but resolve to stay committed to themselves, continuing to take care of themselves and work on themselves to be the best for each other and themselves, to not lose themselves in their relationship or give up their individuality. I also loved Marvin’s growth in his relationship with his mom and his supportive friends. This book was also funny and offered a unique perspective from a Jewish main character which I loved getting to see pieces of.

I could go on and on. This book has stunning character development, lovable characters, steam and spice in a league of its own, and is a love letter to individuality, passion, personal growth, and kindness. I’m already looking forward to reading this again and it will have a spot on my favorites shelf as I eagerly anticipate more from this author.
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,298 reviews166 followers
September 18, 2023
3.5 stars

Teacher of the Year is a low angst romance between a teacher and a parent. It was cute and fun but it left me wanting more.

Marvin is a kindergarten teacher who's been nominated for a teacher of the year award. There's extra pressure as his school needs this win to attract more funding.

Olan is new to the area and his daughter, Illona, has just started in Marvin's class. Olan and Marvin's friendship blossoms over a series of texts. Developing into something more as the two get closer.

Their friends-to-lovers romance was great except for the third act conflict, which was frustrating. But the resolution was super adorable so that made up for it.
Profile Image for cel ✼ readwithcel.
332 reviews722 followers
August 23, 2023
for all my 911 brainrot homies out there, this reads like a buddie au (complimentary)
Profile Image for Laurens.Little.Library.
466 reviews3,732 followers
December 1, 2023
DNF @ 55%

I really expected to love this.

I found it dry; I didn’t find the relationships between the MMCs or the plot compelling.

It’s also too saccharine for my tastes.

I’ve waited months to call it, hoping that perhaps I’d feel pulled to continue once the mood arose. That ain’t happening 🫤
Profile Image for Drew Reads.
105 reviews
February 7, 2024
Y’all said Teacher of the Year by M.A. Wardell (2023) was great, and you were absolutely right! I just adored everything about this spicy rom-com. ★★★★✬ 4.5/5

Marvin and Olan are hard to resist and undeniably perfect for each other - it was a joy to see them develop, with relatable humor and antidotes about teaching kindergartners. But it’s not all fluff, this story did an amazing job tackling and working through some tough issues with anxiety, addiction, trauma, and recovery. At first I didn’t like some of Marvin’s flight responses to issues but, after thinking on it for a while, it made him feel more human and showed his flaws.

I also appreciate when spice is done right, it adds to the MC’s connection/development and truly enhances the relationship arc. A+

Wardell brings a fresh voice and writing style to queer literature and I can’t wait to read more from him!

I knew early on that I needed this to my shelf, so snagged the pre-order and extra goodies, but put off reading it until now. Don’t be like me and sleep on it for too long! OUT NOW
Profile Image for brennon lane.
57 reviews2 followers
June 3, 2023
i wanted to love this one so bad 😭 i’m going to break down the details of my review because i have a lot to say!
the cover art drew me in and i got the pre-order gifts of all the art which are so cute and well done!! i had never seen a jewish x Black queer romance and was excited for the representation. however, the author unfortunately fell into the stereotype of oversexualizing the Black love interest. gross skin descriptions, too much focus on his hair type (and comparisons between each others curls? not the same thing?), even mention of gnawing on his hair like cotton candy. it made me feel gross, white people shouldn’t write Black love interests if they’re gonna be weird about it.
this book contains a decent amount of smut. however, the smut is hardly enjoyable as it is written with the prose of a wattpad author and the vocabulary of a middle schooler. i know that’s harsh, but that’s the only way i can describe it. things like “holy crap!” and “slurp” and “gorgeous cock” are thrown around, there’s a strange forcefulness behind some of the scenes, some scenes are skipped over entirely while others have way too much detail.
and this leads to my biggest issue with the book: why would you write a book 75% about kindergarteners and then put in graphic sex scenes? the contrast is STARK and mortifying at times. we should not be getting boners in rooms full of children. we should not be fucking in the school. when a little girl says “daddy does it much rougher” we should not be winking seductively.
i hated the children aspect of this book, i guess i should’ve expected it from the title but i just never expected this. i found myself skipping tens of pages because he went on and on about some random child in his classroom that i don’t know or need to know. there were actually a ton of characters in this that i didn’t feel the need to know!! jill?? why was she pregnant?? why did we meet those people on the island why did we flirt with jill’s husband why did i meet those mr ali and whoever who by the way we had to say was Black just to get in another rep card.
the pacing was painful, i almost quit several times, there’s too little plot, too many tropes that don’t even fit into the story (a random hurt-comfort scene where he isn’t even hurt, he just gets bled on by a child and then runs to marvin for sex?), too little actual chemistry between the two characters.
read several comments saying this should’ve been dual pov and i agree. i felt nothing between them and therefore didn’t care when things actually did happen.
finally, the ending. hey man what the fuck 🤩 relying on our MOMMY to save the day?? maybe it’s the estranged child in me but why the fuck is he so obsessed with his mom. idk i hated the ending i hated the artificial fight they had just to cause tension in the last 10 pages. marvin whined and went home to his cat and then didn’t change anything and then called his mom and she said go get him and he got him and then they lived happily ever after and moved to the fucking ocean. cool! so fucking boring such a waste of my time actually lmao the plot is infuriating whyyyyyyyyyy is that the plot
i originally was going to rate this two but am
going down to one because i’m actually so mad this turned out to be a flop.
i think the writer has potential, there’s clearly a passion and a talent for writing but there needs to be more fine tuning in the editing process or something. read some queer classics, work on grammar and vocabulary (the grammar and punctuation of this book was nearly my last straw), and stick to white characters or do better research. and don’t put kids in sex books! do one or the other!

and now: a list of the worst quotes
“blood rushes to my cock like a mighty wind”
“deep ebony skin” “khaki skin”
“The perfect Goldi-cock — not too big, not too small, but just right.”
“I spread his cheeks wide. My damn huge Jewish nose gets in the way.”
“delectable ass”
“gorgeous hole”
“my heart falls through my bootyhole”

okay i feel mean ummmm i’m sure this book would be good for someone who’s looking for a very plot-light contemporary romance read. i’m sure the jewish representation in this is better than the black. and some of the fluff was nice. and the art is beautiful. those are my nice comments :) thank you
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
642 reviews256 followers
August 24, 2023
❝ Of course, Olan would take care of me. Thatś why I came, right? He´s become a safety net. My heart knew where to go, even if my mind didn´t. Without blinking, he stopped whatever he was doing to help me. ❞

teacher of the year from ma wardell was cute, cozy, and heartwarming. the story tackles about history of alcohol addiction and how our characters´ trauma was rooted from it. my initial thought was just to ´move on´ and to just ´let go´ but i love how the book went deep and informative with this kind of trauma. as for the characters, they were great especially our narrator the kindergarten teacher, mr. marvin block. the way he deals with his students adorably and the unexpected romance with this hot rich single dad while dealing with anxiety and adhd was just chefs kiss. overall, i didn´t loved it but i really liked it. looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for GK.
249 reviews45 followers
April 27, 2023
Marvin Block, a kindergarten teacher, prepares to welcome a new student to his class after the holiday break. While he’s used to ensuring smooth transitions for students who transfer mid-year, what he isn’t used to is the cute-as-hell single dad’s frequent messages.

As Marvin and Olan’s friendship begins to deepen, feelings start to surface.
However, Marvin wasn’t looking for anything serious, especially because he is up for the Teacher of the Year award. Olan’s past and Marvin’s present collide and complicate things. How far is this teacher willing to go outside of the classroom to ensure that everyone involved learns how to love?

While Teacher of the Year does deal with some heavy topics (check the content warnings), I feel that M.A. Wardell did a great job of interweaving them with sass, humor, and robust characters that rounded out the book.

Overall, I loved this story. There’s spice, some drama, love, and a perfect variety of details to create a wonderful rom-com. I loved the fact that the author — a gay man himself — was able to accurately represent what it’s like being a gay man, and the relationships/intimate encounters that we have.
Truly can not wait for more Teacher of the Year content!

Thank you to M.A. Wardell for providing me with an advanced copy of this book for me to enjoy. As always, this book was read and reviewed voluntarily and the above opinions are entirely my own.
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
459 reviews444 followers
May 22, 2024
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

Olan Stone is a complete dork. A dashing dork. I’m doomed.

I read book 2 in this series first and I absolutely loved that one. Full five stars and stuff. Unfortunately I don’t feel the same way about this one. I like this author’s writing a lot and there’s tons of funny, sweet and hot moments. Sadly, this was a case of me not really loving the main characters together. The book didn’t really feel like a romance book for a long time, more like it was just Marvin’s story and the love story was a side plot. When the romance really kicked in, I felt like their respective issues made them incompatible, and once I saw that I struggled with envisioning their HEA.

I get annoyed with characters very easily and struggle with letting that go, so might very well be a me-issue only. Just one of those where it didn’t do much for me, I’m afraid. I hate to say it but it was boring.

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Teacher/student’s dad
BIPOC character
Interracial relationship
Jewish MC
Single dad
Cat dad
Neurodivergent MC (ADHD)
Wealthy MC
Past trauma
Sexual awakening
Nerd MC

⚠️ Content warning ⚠️
Recovering alcoholic MC (1 year sober)
Cheated on by ex fiancé (past)
Explicit sexual content
Alcoholic parent (past, some details of trauma)
Mentions of past food insecurity
Mentions of vomiting
Brief mentions of fertility issues (side character)
Mentions of miscarriage (past, side character, few details)
Minor injury - child (side character, bloody)
Mentions of MC being abandoned as a child
Fear of abandonment
Brief miscarriage scare (SC, nothing bad happens, present time)

⚠️Book safety ⚠️
Cheating: No
Other person drama: No
Breakup: Yes
POV: 1st person, single
Genre: Contemporary romance
Pairing: M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Versatile
Main characters’ age: 29 and 34
Series: Interconnected standalone
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Pages: 318
Happy ending: Yes

“When I grow up, I want to marry a taco.” For the record, me too, kid, me too.

A whole night’s sleep? Why rest when my mind can ping-pong about multiple topics and increase my bubbling anxiety simultaneously?

I have this problem where I vacillate between wanting a healthy, loving relationship and wanting to become a professional hermit.

You can find most of my reviews on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/booksafety?...
Profile Image for Sooz.
254 reviews17 followers
March 22, 2023
What an immensely enjoyable read! I’m so impressed with this. The entire cast was fantastic - Marvin and Olan are wonderful, so real and relatable and lovable. Olan’s daughter Illona was such a sweetheart, and I enjoyed *every* side character.

The writing was so easy and enjoyable to read, I didn’t want to put the book down. The story was engaging, and the romance was so sweet - and spicy!! I loved Olan & Marvin’s relationship. The way it evolved felt very natural and I was rooting for them the entire time.

So much of this felt like hanging out with a funny friend. The narrator, Marvin, is hilarious and self-deprecating, and the absolute unvarnished realness of what it’s like to be a kindergarten teacher had me howling. (The Silkwood shower line omg 😂)

After volunteering at my daughter’s elementary school for several years, I have developed a massive appreciation for teachers and teaching. This book is truly a love letter to the profession and those who work so hard to care for and educate our children. Teaching is a hugely under appreciated profession and I thought it made a great background for the story to unfold in and as a way to get to know Marvin. I also thought it made for a unique and interesting setting in which to watch a romance blossom.

I thoroughly loved this delightful book. I laughed out loud, cried actual tears, and smiled so much my face was sore. I’ll definitely be waiting impatiently for Wardell’s next!
Profile Image for Anita Kelly.
Author 10 books1,286 followers
June 8, 2023
This was such a delight of a read—I especially loved what a truly loving tribute it was to teaching kindergarten, while simultaneously being very steamy. As an educator who also writes queer open door romance, this acknowledgment that teachers, especially queer ones, especially ones who teach young grades, have the ability and right to excel at their jobs while also leading very adult personal lives is super important to me, *especially* in the environment we’re currently living in. Which is just to say that this book felt very validating, while also simply being a lot of fun! I feel like Wardell also balanced the themes of alcoholism/addiction and the roadblocks it presents to Marvin’s heart very well here.
Profile Image for Lance.
691 reviews250 followers
August 17, 2023
3.5 stars. Although I had some quibbles with some of the writing and handling of the third act conflict, Teacher of the Year was a solid adult romance to spend this afternoon reading.
Profile Image for Jared (jaredjustwantstoread).
51 reviews12 followers
April 3, 2023
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular! What a way to debut! This book is definitely one of the best queer romances I’ve ever read. It sparks so much queer joy. I absolutely adore it. Not only is it funny, it has so much heart and so much spice it’ll leave you thirsting harder than Marvin over Olan in those gray shorts.

The relationship at the heart of the story evolves so beautifully. They had me at 😉! The issues that develop—as is inevitable in a romance novel—are realistic. Everything unfolds in such an organic way that you can’t be about it (even if I was slightly mad about it in the moment) because it all makes perfect sense.

And I have to say, I’m not usually a fan of kids in romances. They’re usually either written as insufferably precocious or babyfied (is that a word) to make you say “Aw” and they serve about as much function to the story as a lamp. But that’s not the case here. Illona, along with the other children in Marvin’s class, feel genuinely like five-year-olds. They’re adorable and inquisitive and they’re honestly great wingmen, making sure potential suitors know Marvin is single. And single means alone. He needs a boyfriend people!

Which brings us to Olan. Marvin really hit the jackpot with this one. He’s gorgeous, sweet, and brilliant. I loved his journey to discovering his sexuality and the nonchalance with which he handles it.

I could honestly gush about this book for another dozen paragraphs, but I’ll spare you that.
Profile Image for Sara.
101 reviews13 followers
April 23, 2023
I just finished this ARC and y’all… I loved it.

Marvin Block is an amazing kindergarten teacher whose engaging mind and passion for helping his kiddos has earned him a nomination for Teacher of the Year. Winning this award would be a huge help to his struggling public school and he’s really feeling the pressure as they return from winter break. Enter Illona Stone, a new face joining his classroom. Illona is sweet, friendly, inquisitive, and comes packaged with a hot as hell single dad, Olan.

A romance ensues between Marvin and Olan. But their romance is met with some trials and tribulations related to Marvin’s past trauma as the son of a recovering alcoholic. Marvin tries to manage that part of his past (by essentially ignoring it) and throwing himself into his work. But as Olan starts to open up about his own recovery, Marvin’s mind and body can’t seem to stop going into “panic and flee” mode.

This book is a romance, yes, but it’s also about overcoming adversity, coping with past trauma (in healthy ways), and learning to accept unconditional love. M.A. Wardell does a tremendous job piecing out Marvin’s trauma history and subsequent steps toward healing. And Olan Stone (fervently fans myself)… Olan Stone has never done anything wrong in his entire life and I will die on this hill.

The kiddos were completely adorable, the side characters were absolute perfection (Jill and Nick, Jick, total couples goals) and there were some extra spicy Olavin scenes 🌶️😏. Also… hold onto your seats… we have unlabeled, BIPOC, AND Jewish representation! Who cheered?!

Thank you to M.A. Wardell for the ARC. Look for Teacher of the Year on sale May 9th, or pre-order now and get some fun goodies!
Profile Image for Erica.
528 reviews808 followers
December 7, 2023

Marvin’s struggle with anxiety was incredibly relatable and I found myself agreeing with him on so many points and struggles he faces.

“I’ve mastered overthinking.” SAME MARVIN. SAME.

And the romance?? So f-ing cute. Personally, this is in the same category of ‘Red, White, & Royal Blue’ in the cuteness/swoon worthy category. I giggled like an IDIOT the entire time. It felt a little Insta lovey to me at the beginning, but oddly I didn’t mind it?? I adore Marvin & Olan!

“What are you staring at?”
“You. Just you.”

The spice was incredibly hot as well. Like wtf. I’m impressed.
Profile Image for TrippyBooks.
899 reviews399 followers
December 10, 2023
This is such a cute single dad & teacher romance .
Marvin is such a dork and u love to root for him . I do think this is worth a read.

Unfortunately , towards the end he comes off as judgmental & insufferable. He really irritated me.
Luckily Olan is very patient.

The last third of the book dragged and Because of this i knocked off a star.
Also, do u ever feel like a couple probably broke up after the book ends? Yea…

The smut is pretty high for such a cutesy cover

Good audio 🎧
Profile Image for Eric Young.
21 reviews1 follower
October 18, 2023
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
When this book was first announced, I knew I had to have this on my Kindle. And boy, it did not disappoint.

I couldn’t not put this book down. The writing was so smooth and silky. Nothing was forced or overly flowery. The realness of it is what kept me turning my digital pages. It was honest, hilarious, and delightfully awkward with the perfect amount of spicy romance.

I don’t know if it is because our main character, Marvin, was a gay teacher with an anxiety kicker, but I left like I knew Marvin. As a gay male elementary school teacher, I truly felt seen by this book. I think it was the way that Marvin spoke to his kiddos that made me melt the most. Despite his own struggles with his own anxieties, Marvin keeps showing up everyday giving him self to his students. There is nothing more attractive. It is refreshing to have a story about an openly gay teacher being a real person. Not some watered down version of themselves to make others comfortable. So this book is a love letter to the gay teacher. It is my hope that others will find and see themselves in this book.

In the story itself, we find out what happens when your teaching life and personal life start to intertwine. We are there for every awkward encounter. Who hasn’t gotten water all over themselves in a bathroom and tried to make to better with extra water only actually make it worse? Totally relatable.

I don’t want to give away anymore of the plot. I want you to enjoy everything as it unfolds. Be prepared to cancel your weekend plans once you start this masterpiece. I know I did!

I know will enjoy this book as much as I did. I can’t wait to read it again!.

Thanks to M.A. Wardell for the eARC. I can’t wait to buy the physical book.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
November 27, 2023
DNF @40%

The dialogue was too corny for me.
The ista-love very much unbelievable
The fact that one MC saw the other and decided that he was now attracted to him even though he never even entertained the idea was.... out of left field. Just because he was cute?

Didn't work for me on all accounts.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,216 reviews

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