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Goddess with a Blade #1

Goddess with a Blade

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Rowan Summerwaite is no ordinary woman. Physical vessel to the Celtic Goddess Brigid and raised by the leader of the Vampire Nation, she's a supercharged hunter with the power to slay any vampire who violates the age-old treaty.

A recent string of murders has her at odds with Las Vegas's new Scion, the arrogant and powerful Clive Stewart. The killings have the mark of Vampire all over them, and Rowan warns Clive to keep his people in line—or she'll mete out her own brand of justice.

Though her dealings with Clive are adversarial to say the least, Rowan is intensely aware of her attraction to him. But she can't let it distract her from her duty—to find and battle the killer before more women die.

73,000 words

213 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 6, 2011

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About the author

Lauren Dane

111 books4,984 followers
Lauren Dane has been writing stories since she was able to use a pencil, and before that she used to tell them to people. Of course, she still talks nonstop, and through wonderful fate and good fortune, she’s now able to share what she writes with others. It’s a wonderful life!

The basics: Lauren is a mom, a partner, a best friend and a daughter. Living in the rainy but beautiful Pacific Northwest, she spends her late evenings writing like a fiend when she finally wrestles all of her kids to bed.

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February 26, 2018

DNF at: 35% . Because there is only so much crap I can take.

Friendly warning : the introduction to this crappy non review is slightly longer than the crappy non review itself. So if you want to get straight to the crappy non-review part of this crappy non-review, skip the first three paragraphs (and corresponding gifs decorations) of this crappy non review. You are quite welcome and stuff.

Note to self #1: the fact that a book has the word "blade" in its title is no guarantee against disaster and spontaneous combustion.
Note to self #2: next time you decide to start a book you don't even remember buying, read the bloody shrimping blurb before you even consider turning your Kindle on.
Note to self #3: if said blurb mentions the heroine is the "physical vessel to the Celtic Goddess Brigid" and that she was "raised by the leader of the Vampire Nation", RUN.

Soooo, I was naïve enough to think my Crap Reading Days (CRD™) were behind me. Okay, so I still read Suicide Inducing Stuff (SUS™) once in a while, but not nearly as much as I used to. I mean, I've gotten a little less masochistic super wise and discerning in my old age, plus I got myself a super sensitive, top-of-the-line Trash-O-Meter that detects crap from millions of miles away, ergo I mostly read Slightly Awesome Stuff (SAS™) these days. Don't believe me? My average rating has recently gone up to 3.10, after being stuck at 3.07 for 6 years. Now if that isn't a sign of my newly found foresight and acumen and stuff, I don't know what is. But anyway. Here I was, maniacally going through SAS™ like a rabid barnacle in heat. I was rating so many books 4 and 5 stars—a severe medical condition known as Utterly Intense Book Bliss (UIBB™)—my murderous babies started getting worried and booked an appointment with Dr. Prawn to make sure I wasn't losing my nefarious life force. Turns out they were fretting for nothing: a few choice Pieces of Crap (PoC™) happened and, yay! All was well in the world again!

How was I miraculously rescued from this most traumatizing episode of UIBB™, you ask? It was almost the end of the year. What with the silly holiday spirit and stuff, I felt a sudden, irrepressible surge of good will and benevolence and altruism coming from the abysmal depths of my black, withered heart (it's disgusting, I know). And so I made it my mission to rescue wretched, miserable, long-neglected ebooks from the Lowermost Lower Bottom (LLB™) of my Device of Malevolence (DoM™), aka my Kindle. And what did I get in return? Unfathomable Pits of Crappiness (UPoC) like this one. That'll teach me to be kind and generous and compassionate and stuff. Glad this momentary lapse of sanity is over, and that I am now back to my former wickedly uncaring, ruthless self.

It's so good to be me again and stuff! Okay, so I didn't have a pic of my subaquatic, nefarious little self to share with you, and posted one of my vile cousin Herbert's instead. He is not nearly as perniciously malicious as I am, but he tries.

And here we are.

The crappy non review starts here!! Lucky you and stuff!

Sooooo, what was so deadly about this book, you inquire? You ask the wrong questions, my Little Barnacles. What you should have said here is, "what is NOT deadly about this book, pray tell?" Had you done so, I would have most graciously answered: nothing at all! It's ALL deadly, ALL the time! Rejoice and celebrate and stuff!

Okay, let's start with the brilliantly stupendous premise of the story, which I've already mentioned and won't mention again because I'm not inconsiderate like that: the heroine is the bloody shrimping vessel of the Celtic goddess Brigid? And was raised by a freaking vampire overlord? Seriously? Why? Just WHY? I mean, if this isn't Prime Does Not Compute Material (PDNCM™) right there, I don't know what is. Note to self #4: see notes to self #2 and 3.

The plot? Beautifully scrumptious: it's all clichéd stupidity, Insta-Reluctant Lust of Doom and Destruction (IRLoDaD™)—yes, that is a thing—and meaningless, pathetically written, boring sex scenes punctuated inundated with the MCs' fantastically lethal verbal exchanges. Or was it pathetically written, boring verbal exchanges punctuated inundated with fantastically lethal sex scenes? I forget. Anyway, it was all wonderfully glorious and I loved every single minute of it.

The dialogues? So wonderfully crafted and deliriously amazing even my good old chum Shakespeare took the time to mention them in one of his minor plays:

The heroine? News flash! Making your main character a self-confessed "fierce bitch" who can't keep her knickers on for more than two seconds at a time won't miraculously turn her into a kick-ass heroine! Much less an intriguing, complex one! It's weird, I know, but it won't! It will only make her come across as an unlikable, arrogant, whack-worthy bitch! Shock, dismay and stuff! Wait! I have another news flash for you! Gracing your main character with both Carcinogenic TSTL Tendencies (CTSTLT™) and Malignant Does Not Compute Behavior (MDNCB™) won't magically turn her into a realistic, sensible heroine! Unbelievable, I know, but it won't! It will only make her come across as a Ridiculously Idiotic Bipolar Nitwit (RIBN™)!

Pretty sure the murderous crustaceans wouldn't even eat it for fear of getting food poisoning, too.

» And the moral of this There's Nothing Quite as Fatally Crappy as Crappy Subpar UF Crappy Non Review (TNQaFCaCSUFCNR™)—aka note to self #5—is: feel an uncontrollable compulsion to do the humane, magnanimous thing and save poor, abandoned ebooks from the unfathomable depths of your TBR? Do yourself a favor: don't. Just bloody shrimping don't. Do the heartless, selfish thing and let them wither away and perish anonymously. You'll be glad you did.

P.S. I promised myself I'd be gentler and kinder and more charitable in my reviews in 2018. Oops.

[Pre-review nonsense]

Can someone please give me a medal for making it this far in this book? I promise I deserve it. I mean, this really is Prime Quality Rubbish of the First Order (PQRofFO™) so I think I'm entitled to a little something here. A Liquid Little Something (LLS™) will do. Thank thee kindly.

Yes, that should do nicely. For now.

➽ Full It's Amazing How Delightfully Delightful Books Can Get When Talented Authors Put their Wondrous Little Minds to it Wow Color Me Flabbergasted and Stuff Crappy Non Review (IAHDDBCGWTAPtWLMtiWCMFaSCNR™) to Come.
Profile Image for Someone's Peas.
140 reviews25 followers
September 24, 2014

Ok here goes my mini review in which I will try not to rant about everything I hated strongly disliked in this book. Key word, try.

The flow of the writing and the main character's reasoning in the first couple of chapters is so terrible I literally don't know what to write here. The main character is introduced as a Vampire- hating "Hunter" who dislikes the "arrogant vampire scion" that she meets in the first chapter. In her second meeting with the dude, she storms into the Vamp central, they argue a bit and suddenly just start making out. For no reason other than the centuries-old vampire suddenly can't control himself and has the immediate urge to make out with a human that previously told him (just a couple paragraphs earlier) to control his people or she would murder them all.

Okay, then.

Normally I would shrug off this sort of instant-lust as something that is relatively realistic, but something about how it was presented just makes it so unbelievable that I actually laughed out loud at the sheer ridiculousness of the scene.

Worst of all? Absolutely horrific dialogue. So terrible I had to check if the book was self-published (it's not, but somehow that makes it even worse).

On a funny note, my jaw dropped during the (first?) sex scene. Not cause it was mind-blowing, but because both of them talked so. damn. much. Not dirty talk, not some kind of sex talk, but full-out conversational dialogue complete with honest-to-god metaphors (e.g. comparing her being thrown down like a cheeseburger). The vampire also says "this is wrong" a couple times, which I found hilarious for some reason. Must be my weird sense of humour.

Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews619 followers
June 7, 2011
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

Lauren Dane is well know for her erotic romances, so I should be clear up front that GODDESS WITH A BLADE is not erotica. It is rightly categorized as an urban fantasy even more than paranormal romance. The sexual content is steamy, but not more so then other titles in the genre.

Now that that’s out of the way, I really enjoyed GODDESS WITH A BLADE once it got going. The beginning was a little rough and the writing a little clunky, but after a few chapters it smoothed out and the dialog started to sizzle. The world building was another high point as it mixed traditional vampire mythology with Celtic lore very effectively.

Rowan is a Hunter charged with executing any vampire that breaks the law and Clive is the newly appointed leader of the Las Vegas vampires. I haven’t read a love/hate relationship quite this volatile in ages. It did happen rather too abruptly for my taste (mid heated argument), but after that it actually reminded me of the early Anita Blake books. The sexual tension between them was palpable and the verbal exchanges among the best I’ve read:

“Where in the hell did you hie off to? You were supposed to come right back here.” He had the audacity to look cool and collected, even as he was being a total dick.
“Excuse me? Is there a dog or a cat in here you’re speaking to? Because we both know what a terrible disaster it would be for you to ever talk to me like that.”

As it stands, GODDESS WITH A BLADE is a stand alone novel. The ending is complete but there could easily be more stories about these characters and Lauren Dane tweeted that she’d like to revisit this world and said “well if people buy it and I get the chance to go back, I'd like to take Rowan to the Keep.” In the meantime, I’m looking forward to Lauren Dane’s next paranormal novel HEART OF DARKNESS which releases on November 1, 2011 from Berkley.

Sexual Content:
Several sex scenes
Profile Image for vee.
706 reviews51 followers
February 11, 2018
“His amusement was spiced by the way he seemed to go wild for her when she was extra prickly.
“You are a magnificent woman. Strong. Sexy. Powerful. I like you, even when you’re being a wretched bitch.”
She gasped a little laugh when he nipped her lip and kissed the corner of her mouth, drinking in the way it curved up so perfectly.
“I’m not a wretched bitch, Scion. I’m a fierce bitch. There’s a huge difference.”

Profile Image for Mrs. Badass.
566 reviews227 followers
May 28, 2011
3.5/5 or B+
posted at : http://badassbookreviews.com/2011/05/...

This was my first Lauren Dane read and I can say that I'll be taking a closer look at her back list fairly soon. Goddess with a Blade was an entertaining read, full of Egotistical, Alpha Vampires and Power infused, snarky females.

The premise was interesting. A Goddess chosen -human female- who was raised by vampires. Rowan is a Hunter. A Hunter's job is to find and slay rogue vampires who break the Treaty. The law clearly states -Do not Kill Humans-. Pretty much, If you kill them, the Hunters kill you. Seems clear enough to me. If I were a vampire, I wouldn't be risking the wrath of the hunters. More specifically; Rowan.

When it's obvious there is a rogue killer on the loose, it's Rowan's job to hunt him down, and wipe him out. She's armed with a blessed blade, wicked fighting skills, and the power of a Goddess behind her.

Clive is the new Scion of Las Vegas. He rules the vampires with an iron fist, and beheading when necessary. He rules by fear and cunning. When the Hunter brings him information that there is a rogue on the loose, he is immediately taken by her, so what is a vamp in lust to do? Bang her on the table.

It just wouldn't be a Lauren Dane novel {From what I hear from others who have read her novels} without some Desk Sex, pretty much right after meeting. (Minor issue for me, but it didn't really bother me over much during this novel, as I enjoyed watching both Clive and Rowan bumble about, and muck up their 'whatever this is'.

I enjoyed the secondary characters. Jack is a former flame of Rowan, Cop, and one of her best friends. When the serial killer get's a little to close for comfort, things heat up, and many secrets are revealed. How will Jack Handle Rowan's secrets? How will he manage to walk the line of sanity?

Theo, THE FIRST, is Rowans foster father, and big wig, head honcho, muy old vampire. He is revered and scary, but has a soft spot when it comes to Rowan. It was fun meeting with him, and getting inside his head a few times. I hope we see more of him in the future.

I had a few issues with the book, there was some telling and not showing. A few key conversations seem to take place off screen- minor things like that, also a few times Rowans swearing grated on my nerves. I can take a lot of swearing, I just felt like it was almost used by the author to show how badass Rowan was, and how flippant.

The villain was creepy, and I wish it was explored just a wee bit more. I would have liked a slightly longer fight sequence, or perhaps a few more chance encounters throughout the book, between him and Rowan, or even one of the minor characters or vamps.

I liked how the book ended. It was fitting. I look forward to more in this world, and will read more by Lauren Dane.
Profile Image for Laurie Garrison .
721 reviews174 followers
May 31, 2011
It’s been a while since I hit a book that I didn’t like, I knew it was coming. Goddess with a Blade is pure Urban Fantasy and one I didn’t care for. I got this book off of netgalley under romance (they so need a category for UF) and as most of you know romance is what I love, so I figured since I loved Lauren Dane’s Chase brothers this one would be alright, so not, I should have looked on Lauren website before I requested this one ugh. The majority of the book is written in Rownas POV and the romance is so not there, but you do get a couple of sex scenes. I have to hand it to Lauren she can go from romance to urban fantasy very easy. If you’re a UF reader you’d love I because it has your typical bad lady lead that loves fast cars, and let me tell you she has the mouth action that goes along with the kick butt action. The villain is very dangers and creepy, so this bring me to let you know this is not for the faint of heart. If you’re a romance reader looking for a paranormal love story you may want to wait for some more reviews before going out and buying it.
Profile Image for Princess J. Antoinette.
966 reviews99 followers
June 26, 2019
Pretty good so far... I do love it that their's a badass heroine, so it's starting on a good foot in that category at least. But I haven't formed a complete opinion of this series yet. The jury still seems to be out until I've read more books of this series.

Overall rating:
4* ~ Good Read
Profile Image for Anna (Bobs Her Hair).
957 reviews206 followers
August 22, 2020
DNF at 21%

I tried the free sample (4 chapters worth) and enjoyed it enough to purchase at the inexpensive price of $1.99. The heroine seemed strong at first. Then, she became this wise-cracking smartass. There’s only so much inward cringing I can tolerate. The heroine went from badass to valley girl vampire slayer in my mind. Time to check out!
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
May 31, 2013
I wasn’t enjoying it. I wanted it to be over.

Rogue vampire is killing humans. Rowan, Clive, and the cops are all working independently to find the killer. There’s not much plot development of that. It drags.

Meanwhile, periodically when Rowan and Clive are together, talking or arguing about something, all of a sudden they have sex. There’s no romance or passionate desire. It’s more mechanical than emotional - like eating a fast meal.

A few times the back story comes in about why Rowan’s parents were killed by Theo, the world leader of vampires. Theo arranged a marriage for Augusto (Rowan’s father). But Augusto fell in love with someone else and had Rowan. Theo killed him since Augusto “broke the rules.” It wasn’t interesting. It was told after the fact, not shown. So there were no emotions to feel during that potentially romantic story.

The world building was ok. There were some interesting creations. Rowan is human but has special powers from a Celtic Goddess Brigid. Periodically Rowan visits goddess worshipers or the goddess. This refreshes Rowan’s powers and once a year on her birthday she gains more powers. Vampires and other magic creatures must follow rules which are primarily about keeping their existence secret from humans. Rowan kills vampires who break the rules. Clive is the leader of the vampires in Las Vegas. It’s ok for them to drink blood from humans as long as they don’t kill humans. Some magic creatures called Devils live nearby. Rowan talks to them once. But I don’t know what they are, why, or how they do things. That may be in a sequel.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. It wasn’t for me, but thank you Carina Press.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Kindle count length: 3,301 (442 to 634 KB) estimated 213 pages. Swearing language: strong, including religious swear words. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 4. Setting: current day mostly Las Vegas, Nevada area. Copyright: 2011. Genre: paranormal romance.
June 10, 2011
This review was posted at Under The Covers

Rowan is a special human, she is the true Vessel of the Celtic triple goddess Brigid, which gives her some in-human powers and strength. She carries a blessed blade, created to kill Vampires. She is the enforcer of the treaty between the Hunters and the Vampire Nation in Las Vegas. Am I seeing a pattern with Ms. Dane's fascination for Vegas? Love it!

While enforcing this treaty she killed the prior Scion (or head of the Vampire Nation) in Las Vegas, and was away for a while in London. Now she returns and finds a new Scion, Clive, has filled in the position.

The book started out really good for me. Rowan is a pretty tough cookie, loves to drive a hot, sleek car, and just generally make vampires lives miserable. Her sense of humor was fun at the beginning but it got on my nerves after a while. I mean, she is almost 30 years old, and I felt that sometimes she had the thought process of a child.

Clive is smooth, sexy, classy, AND has a British accent. And a vampire. He really should stay away from the Hunter, but she is irresistible to him. I actually felt that throughout the book you could tell Clive was falling for her a lot more than the other way around.

And I have to complain about the sex scenes. *gasp* In a not-so-much-Dane-fashion they felt awkward, and rushed through, with a lack of connection. I don't know how to explain it.

I enjoyed the actual storyline! The idea of a vampire killing humans to get a high on their drug habits and all.

I am at a loss for words right now. This is my least favorite Lauren Dane book. And I love her writing style! It didn't pull me in, I didn't feel a connection between the h/h, actually her friendship with Jack felt more intimate. Being a fan of her work, I was a bit disappointed.
Profile Image for harlequin {Stephanie}.
592 reviews28 followers
July 30, 2012
This cover drew me in. Good urban fantasy story. Not as fast paced as I would have liked. It is a short book after all. When we are served up some action tis' very nice.

Not this mind blowing, but it has it's moments.

Image credit

Still really enjoyed it. The lead, Rowan, is very mouthy. Kinda' bitchy too. I like that in a female character. Gives personality. If only it had less politics! Hate politics. She is also in service to a goddess. That was a double edged sword for me. It was a good twist, but at the same time got weird.

The main focus of the story is Rowan running around hunting down a vampire who is picking off humans. Clive is the current Scion, leader uptight extraordinaire & also the love interest. They feel an instant attraction at first glance. Romance rolled way to fast even for such a short book.
Profile Image for Pamela / SpazP.
617 reviews119 followers
June 2, 2011
Originally posted at WickedLilPixie Reviews
4.5 Stars
Rowan Summerwaite is the first true vessel of a Celtic goddess who carries a blade forged and blessed by warrior shamans, created to kill Vampires. With her skills and blade, she is a Hunter, responsible for ensuring the Vampires in Las Vegas uphold the treaty that created the Vampire Nation, preventing them from killing humans. She single-handedly took out the previous worthless and corrupt Scion – leader of the Vampire Nation – and has spent the last several months in London dealing with the political fallout from his murder. Now she has returned to Las Vegas for the first time since his death and must develop a new political relationship with the new Scion, Clive Stewart, who is worlds different than his predecessor. The murder of a woman with every indication to Rowan that it is a Vampire kill leads to the realization that there is a homicidal rogue Vampire loose on Las Vegas. Rowan and Clive must put aside their utter mistrust of one another to work together to stop the rogue Vampire before another woman is slaughtered. They must do this without revealing Vampires to the human population.

I have to start out by saying that I am already a fan of Lauren Dane’s very different erotica Brown Siblings series. So when I discovered this new Paranormal Romance release Goddess with a Blade was coming out I had to get my hands on it. At first, I was slightly turned off by Rowan’s ginormous chip on her shoulder. Her over-the-top arrogance was much to digest, even though initially we are given bits and pieces of why she is the way she is throughout the novel. I love a cusses-like-a-sailor-bad-ass heroine as much as the next UF fan, but her constant barking could be distracting. Yet once she and Clive started bickering and going at it, it turned super duper caliente. All this being said, Rowan majorly managed to grow on me, and her chemistry with Clive was fantastically written. Clive is seemingly her opposite in every way – he is obsessively manicured with immaculate self control where she is vulgar and very rough around the edge – but the minute they are in one another’s company respective buttons are pushed and frustration and anger turn in to sexy combustion. She makes it her mission to give him a frustration neck tic, and it becomes quite comical. Their banter and commentary of one another had me giggling. Here are just two instances out of many where I had to snort.

She growled and sent the valet a look of such violence he shrank back and refused a tip. On the other hand, Clive found her little moments of violence fascinating. Liked the danger she exuded.

“You’re still here why?” She yanked her elbow from his grip. Though she did have atrocious manners. Like a monkey. pg 116

Clive: “What is your problem?”

Rowan: “You are. Don’t touch me or I will rip that arm off and use the stump to fuck your face up. Asshole.” pg 129

Eventually, we truly see Rowan evolve as a character and become more than just a fire-spitting bitch, hee hee. Oh she still has her fire and spits it, but she also develops a definite level of empathy that was not there when we first meet her. As her thirtieth Birthday comes and goes we also see a fundamental transition that affects all of her relationships as well as her perceptions. By now we truly see just how many worlds she has to exist in, and how she is what she is to stay sane and do her job. The truth is, I didn’t see it coming but I found myself enamored with Rowan. This is a romance story of opposites attract and it works in every way. The plot itself was a good action mystery, and had a few different spins making it more than your everyday run of the mill PNR. The combination of Rowan and Clive together is what kept me reading the most, just waiting for them to meet again. And there were some very interesting secondary characters such as Clive, the scribe taxi driver who fills his cab with stuffed dead animals. And there are dust devils which were really cool. I thoroughly enjoyed Goddess with a Blade and I recommend it. Furthermore, should this become a series, I would certainly read the next installment!
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
May 11, 2017

Ah man, this book was awesome! Just what i needed at the time. I love the whole thing, and i can't understand why not more people have read this awesome series!?! It's incredible, and i finished it in no time :O I hated that, to be honest... I didn't want it to end, but lucky me, #2 was out, so i could just jump to that one straight away. Though now i have to wait for book #3 :( And i want more now. I seriously don't know why i have waited so freaking long to read this series?! I mean, come on, it's incredible!!!

The characters was just great! I couldn't get enough of them. The book was mostly written in the main character, Rowan's pov, but you did get others pov's as well, like my book boyfriend, Clive.
Rowan Summerwaite is the physical vessel to the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Having her powers and advises, Rowan is a fierce and powerful woman. And, what makes her even stronger, is the fact that she was raised by the leader of the Vampire Nation, Theo, "The First". Though, how he raised her wasn't a dream childhood, she still loves him in her own way. And guess, what? We get more of them together in book #2! They're relationship almost made me cry... So cute and so much love!

Rowan is a vampire hunter, and a strong one too. Never had she lost a battle and never has she backed down from a fight. She's snarky, witty, even cruel and with her blade, she's sexy. Rowan doesn't really follow others, she does her own thing, her own path, her Goddess path. And now she needs her more than ever. A vampire killer is on the loose, being a rouge and old means powerful. Even worse? He seems crazy. Rowan has no idea who he is, and time is running out before the vampire exposes all supernatural creatures to the human world. Of course, in the middle of all this is Clive Stewart. Las Vegas's new Scion, new because Rowan killed the last one. He's arrogant, brutal, sexy, handsome, and powerful. As soon as Rowan and Clive meets each other, i got pretty sexual frustrated. And i mean, A HELL OF A LOT TOO! Lucky we got some sexy, streamy sex scenes, and even though they hate each other, they have respect for each other too. I really can't say more when it comes to the two of them, you just have to read it yourself to understand my love for them ;)! Cause i really do love them, and i really do ship them!!

I recommend this book to everyone who loves independent woman who strong and doesn't take crap from anyone. And i mean, anyone. + There is a hot and to gorgeous powerful man who makes your pants wet and all you can do is let him seduce you. Hehe. The only thing that made this book loose one star from me, was the fact that i wish that Clive was a little bit more dominant. He's powerful, yes, and dominant, but i wanted more. If more, then he would have been perfect, a more match for Rowan. Other than that, this book was a pure pleasure to read, and i'm pretty sure i'll re-read this sometime in the future.. The book reminds me of the 'Kate Daniels' series by Ilona Andrews, so if you are a fan of that series, you'll love this one ;)!

Rate: 4 stars.
Profile Image for Susi.
248 reviews104 followers
June 5, 2011
Originally posted at Book Lovers Inc

An urban fantasy with vampires and a heroine who's the vessel of an honest to god(-dess) goddess? Sounds pretty intriguing to me. But this novel offers so much more. The world Dane creates is detailed and vibrant. The way her characters lead us through the story shows how much love and work she’s put into this one. But let me start at the beginning.

We meet Rowan Summerwaite in Las Vegas where she hunts the vampires who break the rules and shows them why they shouldn't. She is the vessel of the Brigid, a Celtic Goddess and knows what she's capable of. She is very self-assured and at points she really can overdo it. She is very straightforward and never passes the chance to let the sarcasm come out and play. At times this could be a bit much but I loved that she didn't back down- from no one. She's not one of those stupid girls who don't know their boundaries- she can be nice when the need arises but when she is free to do or say what she thinks she does exactly that. But who wouldn't when you have a goddess inside yourself to hold your back. Rowan is not only kick ass though- she has a heart below all this armor she has put around herself. It really is hidden deep but from time to time we even get a glimpse at this side of her personality.

On the other hand we have Clive Stewart- the new Scion of Las Vegas. He is so to say the leader of the vampires in that region and he couldn't be more different from his predecessor. He's strong, hunky and a has a certain something that draws Rowan to him even though she actually wants to ram her sword into his chest most of the time. They infuriate each other nearly 24/7 but the attraction still won’t burn out. Clive is not so much of an asshole as he seems at first. He is a man of many facets and it was fun to discover those.

Perhaps I should make one thing clear: Goddess with a Blade is an urban fantasy novel- yes there is sex and a bit of romance but don't start this book expecting something like Dane's Brown Siblings series. The whole setting in this novel is rather dark and gritty. The focus lies more on the world building and the journey Rowan experiences. It's a book about fighting for what's right with all means available. It's a fast paced ride through confrontations of the different factions. We join Rowan on her search for clues to solve the mystery around the murder of those girls. Another thing I enjoyed is the sarcasm and overall witty replies the characters throw around. Dane really isn't afraid to show the not-so-nice side of her heroine- she made me snort and giggle so often.

As always the side cast was really fantastic, too. I adored Carl, the seemingly crazy taxi driver. He was so weird and strange that I actually couldn't tear my eyes from the pages. I also liked to see how Rowan had some people to call family. The dynamics between them spoke volumes and delivered a certain kind of reality to the story.

All those aspects make Goddess with a Blade a really unique and thrilling urban fantasy. It definitely wasn’t what I expected before I started this book- the overall feel is quite different from Dane’s previous novels but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The ambiance is darker and grittier, the characters more outspoken and not at all docile or meek. This is a kick-ass story with an intricate world building that will grab your attention- that’s what makes a good urban fantasy stand out. I can only hope that we will get the chance to visit this world again and perhaps even get a glimpse of Rowan and Clive.
Profile Image for Heather Book Savvy Babe.
494 reviews135 followers
September 5, 2011
I really enjoyed reading Goddess With A Blade, it is an urban fantasy/ paranormal romance mix filled with suspense, vampires, romance, and even a Goddess. The heroine in this story is Rowen, a human girl who shares her body with Brigid, a goddess. Because Rowen is the vessel for the Goddess, she is very powerful and strong, and she uses these extra powers to kill vampires who kill and break the law. Rowen is a Hunter, it is her job to keep the supernatural community in line, and she is excellent at her job. Rowen is a confident, tough woman, she does not get close to many people, but she is very loyal to those she who are close to her. She comes across so tough, until she is with her acolyte friends and the Goddess, Brigid. She is able to let her guard down around those closest to her, and I really like that about her. Rowen comes from a difficult past, she was raised by the leader of the vampires, but she holds a lot of resentment as well towards her father figure. She has a complex character, and following her story in Goddess With A Blade was very satisfying.

The other supernatural creatures in Goddess With A Blade are the vampires. In this world, the vampires have formed into a governed Vampire Nation, with their own leaders, laws, and rules. They are policed by their own, and also the hunters to prevent humans from discovering their existence, and from killing humans while feeding. Rowen lives in Las Vegas, monitoring the local branch of vampires lead by the Scion. After killing the previous Scion, Clive Stewart is the vampire who takes control, and while hunting a deadly rogue vampire, he and Rowen find that they are very strongly attracted to each other. I have to say, I got a kick out of Clive, I mean, what vampire leader is named Clive? It was amusing, but despite his name, Clive is the strong, alpha-male type and he and Rowen love to fight. Their relationship definitely gives Goddess With A Blade some heat and sexual tension.

Goddess With A Blade is all-around a great read, having a goddess power enter an urban fantasy tale gave it a different feel, the romance is hot, and I had a great time reading this book. Paranormal and urban fantasy readers, I recommend giving Goddess With A Blade by Lauren Dane a try.
Profile Image for Laura.
258 reviews24 followers
June 3, 2011
I had very high hopes for this book in the beginning as it seemed to be going in an excellent direction. Lauren Dane has a great way of writing likeable character's by showcasing not only their strong points and attractiveness, but also in their weak areas and quirky habits too. Goddess With a Blade started out good introducing Rowan Summerwaite, a Vampire Hunter, who lives in Las Vegas and brings the law into her own hands when the vamps are naughty. She, along with her Hunter Association, has signed a treaty with the Scion (head) of the Vampire Nation, Clive, to not cause harm to any Vampire as long as no harm is brought to humans. Rowan is a spunky, fierce, potty-mouthed heroine who is not afraid to kick-ass when necessary, and does throughout the book. Clive is distinguished, refined, hot as hell, and for some reason, is attracted to the one person he should not be; Rowan. Their chemistry started out really great and then it sort of fizzled with them sealing the deal way too early in the story for my preference. All that great delicious tension was gone and the rest of the book was filled with unnecessary information about origins and too much dialog. It seriously gave me a headache and at times, I just wanted to stop reading it. It became boring and way too monotone and I just didn't like it at all. I like my PNR books with a good amount of paranormal and a hell of a lot of romance, and this book didn't have too much of either. I was really hoping for more from one of my auto-buy authors, and I was very disappointed. Three stars is really being generous, and that's only because I liked the initial interaction between the hero and heroine. Will definitely be sticking with Ms. Dane's erotic contemporaries.

Provided to be via NetGalley
Profile Image for Tracy.
933 reviews70 followers
June 17, 2011
~* 3.5 Stars *~
A Lot of Story in One Package

Her calling is simple: kill Vampires who kill people, thereby breaking the treaty with Hunter Corp. Her existence is...less so. As Vessel of Celtic triple goddess Brigid, she's something that has existed only a handful of times throughout history. Not human. Faster. Stronger. Gifted with a few magics. And highly trained to be very, very deadly. She is Rowan Summerwaite.

She's loathes Vampires with a singular intensity, so being called to appear before the new Scion of the city (she killed the previous one), Clive Stewart, as if she is his beck and call girl doesn't put her in a good mood. When she gets a tip about a ravaged corpse found in the desert the next night, and evidence points to a Vampire killer, her previous bad mood becomes something that sane people flee from. While screaming in terror.

Pissed off and unimpressed with Clive's blatant lack of handling - or seeming concern - over the situation, Rowan pushes a verbal battle into a toe to toe with the Vampire, slinging blame and insult with the best of them. Until a moment...one incomprehensible moment...when fury turns into something that sparks much hotter and has the potential to be even more devastating than a Vessel's calling.

Now Rowan has a sadistic and inhuman serial killer on her hands, the Vampire Nation is doing nothing to rein in their garbage, and the head Vampire in Vegas is making her girly bits tingle in ways that disturb as much as they arouse. And you thought your job was a bitch.

It's not very often that I come across a non-series urban fantasy novel. In fact, I can't think of a single one I've read in the last five years. I've read a few free standing paranormal romances, but there just doesn't seem to be many in the UF genre. Or they're actively avoiding me...but that way lies madness and paranoia.

I'm sure it's tough stuffing all the world building and character development into one book that still has to have a plot and be a satisfying read on its own merits. Dane did a fairly good job of it here, even though the book wasn't quite as long as most traditional mass market paperbacks, though it was a full length novel. There were a surprising number of strong story elements to Rowan's backstory and to the world building of the book, and while several of those elements were a little lacking in full explanation, their presence whispered a tantalizing chant for additional information that made me wish this was a series that was just getting started. Sadly, that's not the case - or at least as far as I know it isn't.

The beginning of the book gave me some trouble; I thought the first few chapters were very cumbersome and awkward with information overload that too-quickly set up the world and introduced the main characters, first to the reader, then to each other. And while that was going on, I found Rowan highly abrasive and querulous - far more so than just to a level of sarcasm or smart-ass (which I like), and firmly into the land of major bitch with a Vampire prejudice and deep hatred (which I don't). In fact, I felt that Rowan's personality was hideous through most of the book, and she was so colored by her prejudices that she was rendered virtually unlikable for quite some time as the book progressed.

I didn't have that problem with Clive, who - beyond being way too fond of the word 'vulgar' - wasn't a bad chap for a Vampire. I liked that Dane kept him morally ambivalent about humans and dismissive of their deaths should a Vampire kill them (though they better clean up after themselves), and I adore how his feelings for Rowan developed and evolved. Not the first clue why he put up with her long enough for that to happen, though, and the quickness of their initial hookup didn't appeal.

Actually, no aspect of their hookup appealed at first. I completely missed any sign of chemistry between the two of them and was a little taken aback by the intensity of their first lust-filled kiss. Even late in the book, when I felt their relationship started to click a little better, I felt like Clive was far more impacted by his feelings and invested in a potential relationship than Rowan would ever be capable of being. I admit, though, it's hard to be a huge fan of a romantic pairing when you don't like one of the characters in that pairing, so my opinion may be skewed. Rowan was a raging bitch to the Vampire through most of the book. It's hard to downshift from that.

A few other issues, like some repetitious words (I mentioned 'vulgar' - it's not the only one) and phrases heavily sprinkled through the narrative, giving it a more simplistic feel than the story deserved, as well as a spectacularly cliched moment preceding the final major conflict kept this book from being a big favorite of mine. The capitalization of 'Vampires' really got on my nerves, too.

I did like the plot of the serial killer Vampire, though Rowan struck me as a bit overzealous when referring to it. I also thought Dane has a judicious eye for secondary characters. There was just enough of them to add depth and/or conflict with the main characters or plot, not so much that they became flat and interchangeable.

The latter half of the book was far smoother than the first in just about every way, and I found myself getting caught up in the quest to stop a killer and more and more invested in the world being explored here. I wish the book was longer. Another fifty pages to better develop the whole Vessel thing, and to delve more deeply into the connections to (and explanation of) The First would have been great. Not to mention my preference for a little more rounded out romance.

I hope I'm wrong, actually. I hope Dane revisits this world she's created here and stretches it into a series. There is certainly enough plot potential, and the world building has all sorts of room to expand. I wasn't totally thrilled with all aspects of this book, but I certainly found it interesting enough to continue if Dane does ever choose to turn this into a series.

Reviewed for One Good Book Deserves Another.
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,524 reviews176 followers
June 17, 2011
Review originally posted here: http://thebookpushers.com/2011/06/17/...

Publisher: Carina Press
Publish Date: Out Now
How I got this book: NetGalley

I wanted to love this book. Urban Fantasy is my first love, and I’m usually a fan of Dane’s work, but I have to say I was a little disappointed in this one.

Rowan is the Vessel for the goddess Brigid and her job as Hunter is to make sure that the vampires of Las Vegas stick to their treaty and not kill humans. But a mad vampire is on the loose, killing women in a graphic and horrific way, and it’s up to Rowan to solve these grizzly murders. But between having to keep secrets from the human police, and the new vampire master in town, solving this murder is even harder than she thought.

Clive wanted to come to Vegas, but was worried about the Hunter in town. With the protection of her foster father and Lord of all vampires, there are misconceptions that she gets away with murder, literally. But once he gets to know Rowan and spend more time with her, he realized that she has so much to offer both him and the community at large. But will they be able to come to some kind of understanding before the murdering vamp sets his sights on Rowan?

I hate when a book I’m really excited for has me feeling just meh the whole way through. I can’t say there was any one thing about this book that I particularly didn’t like, but there also wasn’t anything that I really loved either. It was just very average, on all fronts.

The thing I like the most about the book was probably the world building. I like the aspect of Rowan being the vessel for a goddess, and acting as the keeper of the treaty. It was a nice blend of mythology and vampires that was a fresh and new idea. I have to say though, I felt like there could have been so much more done with it. It seemed like a times scenes were rushed along and it could have been expanded on and explained better throughout.

I wasn’t a huge fan of the characters either. Don’t get me wrong, there were elements of both Rowan and Clive that I liked, but as a whole I just found myself not connecting with either of them like I usually do in UF series. Rowan is a fairly typical UF heroine; she kicks ass with a sword, has a takes no prisoners attitude, and yet has brief glimpses of vulnerability. I did like the few times we really got into her mind and were able to see her struggles with having to be so hard all the time.

Likewise Clive is a typical hero. He’s handsome, classy, a little pigheaded and possessive to a fault. But there were times I thought he acted out of character. For example, he and Rowan were beginning to build a relationship and Rowan was put into a situation where she has to defend herself against a vamp. When Clive finds out, he impulsively accuses Rowan of acting out of line. Yet he seemed to be starting to trust her, seeing things her way and was already having trust issues with his own people. To me, it felt out of line for him to not look into things on his own before blowing up.

Dane really does erotica best, and the sex scenes rocked throughout the story, of course. It definitely wasn’t as steamy as her normal stuff, but I applaud the fact that she can really shape the romance to the story. Although Clive and Rowan danced around each other for most of the book, I think she also did a great job of showing just how compatible they were, both in bed and out of it.

All in all it was a decent read. There were little aspects I liked here and there, but definitely thought it could have used some expanding on many scenes and ideas. I don’t know if Dane plans to make this a series, but I can only hope that we get some additional resolution to some of the sub-plots.

I give Goddess With A Blade a C
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,419 reviews482 followers
June 2, 2011
Rating: 3.5 stars
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Goddess with a Blade, by Lauren Dane, follows the exploits of Rowan Summerwaite a hunter, as well a super-human, Goddess-channeling Vessel of death and destruction. Rowan works for the Hunter Corporation, which is a group of priestesses, mages, holy men, and women and other warriors who hunt down vampires who break the treaty between the Vampire Nation and the Hunters.

Eight months ago, Rowan killed the previous Scion of Las Vegas Jacques Martin, who was breaking the treaty and also stealing funds from his own vampires. She had to go thru a political firestorm in order to retain her position as a Hunter. Thankfully, she had the support of Susan Espy, Rowan’s boss, mother substitute, friend and companion.

Rowan carries a blade forged by warrior shamans and monks of silver and steel. The blade was created for the sole purpose of killing vampires. She was trained by vampires, and finished by the Hunter Corporation. She was raised by Theo, who is known as the First, the supreme leader of the Vampires and her stepfather, after her real father was killed after defying his orders by marrying Rowan’s mother.

Upon her arrival back in Las Vegas, Rowan hopes for a period of peace, but when Clive Stewart, Scion of the Vampire Nation who rules with an iron fist summons her, she realizes things are about to change. It is soon discovered that human women are being found dead in and around Las Vegas and it’s clear to her the killer is a Vampire. Clive Stewart has made it a point of not underestimating Rowan. But nothing between Clive and Rowan stays within the lines and before long, things are tangled and dangerous both personally and professionally.

I would have liked to read more about Rowan’s background, especially the past fight with the former Scion of Vegas, but Rowan’s character overall appeals to me as a reader. She is a feisty, strong willed, tough as nails, as well as someone who doesn’t back down to anyone, including the hunk of a Scion she finds herself falling for. Her snarky commentary and confrontational discussions with Clive proved that she was no one to be tossed aside and ignored by anyone.

The villain of the story is a 600 year old vampire who has decided that the only way to extend his life is to use women who have been addicted to Meth. He drinks their blood, and then disposes of them.

The romance angle works in that neither Rowan nor Clive throw themselves at each other when they first meet. They slowly build up to the point where they realize that they will soon be lovers. There is tension, as well as angry confrontations until Clive finally breaks and they go at it.

Overall, not a bad read, and will most likely consider reading another story by this writer. I would not mind it Dane continues this story since the ending was left with lots of possibilities for sequels.

ARC recvd via NetGally from Carina Press, who, if you haven't checked them out, have some really good books coming out shortly.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
May 25, 2011
I almost don't know where to start with this review because there were simply so many things I loved about this book. In fact, I'm feeling the love so much I hope I don't embarrass anybody with my effusive gushing.

First things first- Lauren Dane writes amazing characters. Not just in this book, either. Every one of her books has these incredibly strong women who burst out of the pages. You might think it would be a challenge to match these women with men who can meet their strength without being threatened by it but Lauren Dane does it time and time again.

Rowan and Clive are explosive together. She enjoys needling him and he sees her strength not as something to conquer but as one of the things that makes her so alluring to him. He enjoys her quick mind and that she can physically hold her own against him. Under her prickly exterior, Rowan is a woman divided. Her position as The Hunter means she has to be strong and hide her pain and loneliness so that the Vampires she hunts can't use her weaknesses against her. She so rarely gets to show her softer side that the flashes she lets escape are all the more poignant.

Lauren Dane has given us a dark, gritty world full of predatory creatures and the Goddess-blessed woman who keeps them in line. Fast paced and filled with snarky dialogue this is easily one of the most captivating books I've read this year.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Debbie Loader.
1,034 reviews
February 11, 2023
Highly enjoyable
Rowan Summerwaite is a vampire Hunter and the first vessel of Bridget in 400 years. Raised by the first vampire as his goddaughter. He taught and trained her well. She is a member of the Hunter Council and is based in Las Vegas. Having killed the previous scion of Vegas and cleared of any unlawful killing she returns to meet the new scion Clive Stewart. He is British and as uptight as his starched boxers. Sparks fly when they are left alone for a few minutes and each fights what could be.
Then they have to work together to find the vampire who is killing women and publically dumping their bodies.
First book in the series and a damn good read!
Profile Image for MostlyDelores.
609 reviews70 followers
September 3, 2016
Edited to add: It really doesn't hold up as well on re-read. Dane is surprisingly misogynistic in her treatment of female characters other than the heroine.


I liked it. Rowan was an awesome MC and Clive (Clive? Clive!) was super annoying but got away with it. My only real quibble was
Profile Image for Louise.
256 reviews
June 9, 2016
Initially I nearly threw this book aside with a giant WTF!! at the interactions between our hero, Rowan and our vampire Scion, Clive. Glad i persevered because it soon became apparent our author has a bit of a dark sense of humour because neither parties want or encourage what is happening and it leads to some memorable scenes.
Strong female lead with some good sarcasm, action and bawdy language. Really looking forward to picking up more in this series.
Profile Image for Elena.
1,452 reviews
November 20, 2016
This was a good paranormal novel, but something was missing. It was an interesting start to a series, but not interesting enough to keep me going ... honestly i don't think there was anything that would cause me to keep reading the following books... The mystery is not amazing, the romance between the couple was not even there (they humped against the wall the first time they saw each other and it wasn't even hot - it was like "Harlequin romance" tame)... OVerall - not much to it ...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 298 reviews

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