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Librarian note: Older cover of B0051UBSLE.

Everybody has their demons... Ember's want her dead.

Ember has always known she doesn't belong in this world, but when she takes matters into her own hands, she winds up in a mental institution.  

There she draws the attention of Taren, a mysterious boy with a dangerous secret.  

When demons attack and they are forced to flee together, Ember learns her secret might be the deadliest of all.  

With a gateway to hell about to open in Los Angeles, Ember must choose--will she save the world... or end it?

185 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 17, 2011

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About the author

Christina Garner

17 books137 followers
Christina Garner writes page-turning YA urban fantasy, witchy romance, and paranormal women’s fiction with women owning their power.

When she’s not dreaming up new characters and the worlds they inhabit, you’ll find her traveling, enjoying good food with great friends, and hiking the Hollywood Hills.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews
392 reviews342 followers
July 8, 2011
Favourite Quote: "I felt changed, soiled by the brutality of all I'd witnessed. Something had finally replaced teenage girls on my list of most heinous, and I didn't even know what to call it."

Gateway is good. Really good. I enjoyed everything about this novel - the strong writing, the believable characters, the captivating plot and the subtle but sweet romance.

Garner has written an impressive debut. Her writing is quick and engaging and the plot has quite a few surprising twists. Like I completely didn't see that coming twists and I mean none of them. And that is a hard thing to find these days. I really got caught up in this enthralling and convincing world and finished it within 24 hours.

Gateway is not all paranormal. At the start of the book Ember wakes up in a hospital after an attempted suicide. So it does deal with some serious issues briefly adding some more emotional depth to the story but it isn't a depressing read. It is still more of action-packed, mysterious type of story.

The characters are well rounded and well written. Ember, the main character, struggles with being different. She has a genuine narrative making it easy to relate and connect with her. While Taren is an intriguing character. He is the type of guy that is the first one there if anybody needs anything. Just a great guy.

There is a touch of romance between Ember and Taren. They have plenty of tension that builds up nicely as the story goes. It definitely has you eagerly reading to see if these two will act on their attraction.

Overall, Gateway is a exceptional dark and appealing paranormal novel. I can't wait to read more of this world.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,898 reviews1,375 followers
November 11, 2014
(Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk)

This book started out alright, but I lost interest.
Ember was an okay character but I didn’t love her, I was a little surprised at the way she reacted to things at times, I think I would have assumed that I was crazy, but she wasn’t too bad.

The storyline in this just lost me at around the 27%mark. Things just seemed too far-fetched, I didn’t believe what was happening, and ultimately I found I didn’t care either. I also found it weird that the lead female was called ‘Ember’, and the lead male was a pyromaniac.
Overall I just didn’t enjoy this, and was glad when it was over.
4.5 out of 10.
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books2,010 followers
February 20, 2019
DNF 52%

I tried really hard to read this book. While it started out good, about 35% through, it bordered on the unbelievable. I just get my mind wrapped around it.

My Rating: 3 stars
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
November 11, 2014
Actual rating - 2.25

Gateway started out okay, but i quickly lost interest.

Ember was an alright character, but i didn't love her. The other characters were the same.

The first few chapters were okay, but it lost me after that. Their was a few info dumps, and all the talk about gatekeepers and demons bored me.

Overall, Not a very enjoyable read for me.
Profile Image for [ J o ].
1,962 reviews510 followers
May 15, 2015
I really have tried my best to like YA. But when they continually to be suppressed by twee clichés it hurts. The protagonist obviously needs an unusual name. The romantic interest obviously need stunning eyes and a mysterious air about him. The teenage characters obviously need to be unhinged and some kind of outcast. The writing doesn't need to be good. Just give it a pretty cover and they will but it. The day I find a good YA book will be a good day, indeed.
Profile Image for Ruth Miranda.
304 reviews57 followers
May 9, 2019
I enjoyed this book very much. The writing was smooth and continuous, not as puerile as what I've come to associate with YA, so I had no trouble reading through it. The plot was interesting, a new take on what's been done a million times, I know, but it didn't annoy nor confuse me and it wasn't religious - whenever there are demons around, authors tend to get all Christian and I really don't do religious books at all. But what I most liked about this book was the very accurate depiction of what it is like to live with a Bipolar parent - and I should know that. I admired Ember for her capacity to deal and accept her mother's moodswings and the going off the meds continuously, we aren't all so capable of dealing with these types of mental disease in such a selfless and adaptable way. I know I'm not, but have met others who are, in real life, so it didn't feel contrived to me. I also liked the way the author shows us how being raised by a mental health patient that continuously refuses treatment ends up taking a toll on our own mental health, although for Ember there were other factors weighing in. It was a really good read, maybe because I felt so close to the MC.
Profile Image for A. Powers.
Author 9 books25 followers
March 21, 2019
This wasn't the most memorable book I've ever had, but it definitely kept me interested and had some great things going on. The setting of the mental institution was kind of fun, and the array of characters we got to meet was nice as well. I probably won't continue the series, but this first book of the trilogy was a fun start.
Profile Image for Karleigh Kebartas.
98 reviews204 followers
August 21, 2023
3.5 I want to thank the author for sending me this!!!!!! I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the character of Kat ♥️ I will definitely get around to reading the other books in the series at some point!
Profile Image for Amy_Read to My Heart's Content.
301 reviews15 followers
July 5, 2012
Full Review at www.readtomyhearts.blogspot.com

I found this book on Pixel of Ink's young edition free from Amazon. I wasn't expecting much but I was definitely surprised when this exceeded all of expectations.
As usual, ya'll know how I am, I want to talk about the cover. I guess I am a visual kind of person because a great cover can make or break a book for me. Sometimes.
This cover looks like it was drawn with a charcoal pencil by someone doing a silhouette of our main protagonist, Ember. The girl in the cover looks withdrawn and lonely, but more importantly, hopeless. I think this is one of those covers that shows us more of the book in the simplicity of it all.

Okay, I am done raving about the cover.

The story is pretty darn amazing too! Don't get me wrong it is a dark story that starts out with Ember swallowing a bunch of pills hoping to just go to sleep but instead waking up in a hospital psych ward. But she is so far from being your typical depressed teenager. Ember is much stronger than she looks or gives herself credit for.
At first when I was reading it, I thought this story was going to be about Ember facing her inner demons in a more metaphorical sense but Garner really throws in the action and fantasy almost like it feels like you are there with Ember experiencing the terrifying creatures that come to visit.
Garner writes an engaging character in Ember who grows as she realizes who and what she really is. I would have to add Ember to a list of female characters that I find pretty incredible!

There is a love interest in this story but it doesn't overtake the plot at all. In fact, it ties into it more than anything like it was predestined more to me. But that is just my opinion.
Taren is a pretty cool guy but he seems to be more cliche with the whole gorgeous tortured soul type that is typical in the YA novels.

Kat is a refreshing character in this story as well. At first I thought she was going to be the snobby girl that only thinks of herself and resents the main character but she wasn't at all. Yes she is gorgeous but didn't take away from the story. In fact she creates more diversity that could help this series become even greater.

I was completely enthralled in this story that I had a very hard time putting it down. It does have similarities to The Mortal Instruments but not annoyingly so. I also couldn't help thinking of Sam from Supernatural a little too.

I really fell in love with this story and I can't wait till I get my hands on the other two books in the series!
Had to give it five hearts!
Profile Image for Samantha Strong.
Author 12 books91 followers
March 24, 2014
Note: I received a free copy of Gateway in exchange for an honest review.

I liked Gateway, but it lacked something. Although it's full-length novel, it seemed short, as if the plot was too small. I enjoyed the world-building, and I really liked Ember, but I wished for more from this first installment in the Gateway Trilogy.

I'm particular about Young Adult books, as I've mentioned before. I decided to read this one because I liked the premise--demons and chaos. What's not to love? There's plenty of that in the book, although I wished for more revelation of the world behind the world. I'm guessing more will be uncovered as the series progresses.

One of the things I loved about the book was the main character, Ember. I'm particularly picky when it comes to my YA protagonists. I've never been one for teenaged drama, even when I was a teenager, so now that I'm adult, I'm fully out of that phase. (Pregnancy hormones not-withstanding--we'll just not go there, since my condition is temporary.) But Ember never comes across as angsty or whiny. She's always forging onward, looking to the next crisis, and generally being a badass. Even cynical old me found the romance interesting, with little to no time spent mooning over the color of Taren's eyes or where the relationship was going. A+ on the character development.

I've pondered what it is about the plot that makes me feel like it wasn't enough, but I can't put my finger on one thing exactly. The ending seemed satisfying, although some of the prose got a little purple and over-dramatic for my taste. It just feels like there's not enough development of the middle. Ember gets swept away into a new world after she's committed to a mental institution, and then BAM! Time to fight the boss at the end.

If you like urban fantasy young adult books, you'll enjoy this. The characters are interesting, and the world seems fully fleshed out. Hopefully more will be revealed in later books, and Ember continues to be a rock-steady teen protagonist.

Also posted on my blog, Magic & Mayhem Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Tera Comer.
2,136 reviews48 followers
January 14, 2017
I enjoyed the world building for this story and liked the fact that the heroine has issues that most feel need to be swept under the rug but she is able to work through it. I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it.
Profile Image for Damian Southam.
246 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2016
In a bold and much debated sensitive topic, Gateway opens tactfully with the recollections of Ember, as she's brought back from her peaceful experience of knocking on death's door. Thus her earliest recollections following her attempt against her own life, jump from the decor of the hospital emergency room to that of her shared room in the psych ward. If nothing else, the cliched setup of the walls and absent decorations would've given it away. Her peaceful descent on the wrong end, or right, depending on your perspective, of a whole bunch of mixed prescription medications will now be carried as yet another burden and stigma of her teenage life. For the most partthere'll be awhole bunch of peoplescreaming, 'how could she do this to me'. She knows forewell what will now be said about her, in hushed and hidden conversation, behind closed doors and for the bold, to her face. Not that any of the agents of authority would agree, but Ember knew what she wanted and was in complete control and certainty when she did it, and was not about to throw into the mix, words such ax accidental. The only place where things went wrong was in her failure to succeed.

Ember, in attempting to take her own life, had finally positioned herself in a locale where others with similar problems existed. Despite the miasma of so-called experts surrounding her in the mental institution she now finds herself a resident of, her greatest allies and peers suffering with similar problems would be found in the institution's clientele. That others with vastly different reasons were present was no surprise, but the truths she would find among her peers would open her mind to a different world than that with which she struggled most. The voice of guidance in Ember's head and the drawings of a strange design that she'd been seeing in the past year, have greater meaning than she could've ever known had she not been admitted to where she was now. A strange boy and younger girl would prove to be the things which rattled her reality the most. That the boys eyes seemed to pierce and see through her soul would prove to be only the tip of the iceberg that rock her world. The voice and the drawings, including the small replica Ember'd had tattooed on her hairline, were immensely important in a struggle slmost no one knew of.

Ember will quite quickly learn to question everything that has come to pass or has not yet come to be. Growing up with a mother with mental illness has taught her to recognise signs others wouldn't notice and to keep her own secrets and musings a closely guarded secret. But this new knowledge that Earth isn't the only realm where life exists and that what popular culture knows as demons, and the belief that they come from hell, is simply humanity's way of rationalising what it doesn't understand, is in many ways harder to grasp than the notion of her own possible insanity. The voice Ember began hearing in her mind has guided her and revealed only truths since she began to test whether it would lead her astray. Now that the world has been revealed in all its gory detail, Ember struggles with the dilemma that the voice which lead her to those who would offer protection, are the same confidants would have her not trust the voice. Instincts developed since it's inception into her mind are now called into question.

Many millennia ago the world of Earth was inhabited by humans and daemons, living peacefully in coexistence. Over time, some from each species intermingled and there were those that went so far as to fall in love, producing offspring hybrids. Like in many races there are those that are traditionalists and saw these matings as blasphemous. As with the nephilim of our own mythology, the history of Gateway subsequently saw events leading to war. Over the span of three days in constant conflict, the two sides took such heavy collateral damage that both species looked to become on the verge of extinction. That is, until eventually the daemon and human coalition were successfully able to evict their opposing forces into an alternate dimension created to replicate that of Earth. Never intended as a punishment, the realm was rich in life and mirrored exactly that of the Earth they had known. Once completed nine gateways came into existence to seal away those expelled, who would become known as demons.

At such time Keepers began being born, humans with birthmarks that reflected one of nine separate pieces of the whole image that depicted the sign of the gateways. As the demons and daemons both had the advanced mind capabilities of telekinesis and telepathy, the demons attacked in force the remaining daemons from the other side of the gateways. As such, the daemons slowly fell into extinction and the keepers began to establish safe zones where they were free from the telepathic attacks that would lead them into insanity if not held in check as they grew up. Separate institutions began teaching and providing safe harbour, so that those born with marks could successfully grow into their roles and prevent the demons from returning to Earth. Whilst not a prophetic knowledge it was hypothesised by some that among the keepers there might one day be those born bearing the complete mark of the gateways, and that they would be the first evolutionary step back toward the advanced race that were once the daemons.

Both moving and captivating, Gateway offers a new spin on the realms of demons and humankind. In some ways a reflection of how urban fantasy has portrayed the relationship between humans and angels. The use of mental illness as a precursor to identifying those who would be keepers is surprisingly intrinsic. Even for a lay person its obvious that for people with culturally defined illnesses of the mind, that those same people clearly see a different world. Ember is a complex and powerful leading character, with enormous potential to now come into her own. That her hardships have been a run of trials deemed necessary by fate to prepare her for her future destiny, is not an uncommon thread in real peoples lives.

What begins as an (somewhat) expose quite succinctly becomes a powerful urban fantasy with much action, intrigue and drama. Earlier elements of the story, whether intended or otherwise, gives the feel of possibility instead of straight out fantasy. Better still its a story still winding up and gathering further momentum, to take it forward into the remaining books. There's also the added bonus of highlighting in small pieces where further novellas and a prequel could most definitely find their way into the trilogy, outside of the traditional three books usually seen in trilogies. I can already picture a book zero-point-five looking at Taren's parent's experiences, and perhaps even a one-point-five and two-point-five that deal with Taren and Kat's points of view respectively. I certainly have no hesitation in ticking off the fifth star and writing the review herein.
Profile Image for C. Erani Kole.
1,705 reviews49 followers
June 29, 2020
This was pretty great. I liked the YA feel, and the school spiel was fun, too. It didn't delve too deeply into things and the mystery surrounding the 'hero' was pretty entertaining. A little predictable but not too much in the beginning. It's my first time reading this author so I'd say it went better than expected when it comes to finding new people. The writing style was pretty easy to get into, and I liked the world-building. I appreciated the way things ended, making the story feel more wholesome but with a small tease to make me want more.

I've read other books more thrilling but the whole setup of this was unique to me, and it'll stick out in my memory for at least a few years. It starts with the topic of suicide, and for a moment, you wonder if she's crazy or if there's actually something mystical to behold. And then it takes a different turn and suddenly you're taking the journey right along with her. I thought the opening was different from the rest and it intrigued me. It was a little fast-paced with the change from reality to fantasy but I didn't mind that so much, though things did slow down for me once she was at the academy.

Overall, something I'd want to continue. It's a recommend if your interest has piqued.
Profile Image for KelticKat.
720 reviews30 followers
March 23, 2019
A war of dimensions

So this was a very slow starter for me. Loads of teenage angst, depression, and attempted suicide.

Ember draws thing that seem disturbing to others and hears a voice. Definitely not stable and add to that an failed suicide which lands her in a mental hospital.

Are all these accidents or simply things that lead her on the discovery of her life. Add in a hot boyfriend interest and an invasion of demons from another dimension just for good measure.

Not sure this series is for me the plot it intriguing and well written. Just for me it seems a bit off. Letting the next book sit on my TBR for a bit before making a decision on whether to continue this series.
Profile Image for Brigitte .
1,611 reviews22 followers
October 31, 2021
The different take on demons is interesting. The female main character deals with her mother's mental disorder in a mature way.

Ember is taunted by this voice who she thinks has her well being at heart. Although she doesn't quite understand what it is until her suicide attempt which lands her in a psychiatric ward. There she witnesses some bizarre occurences and she meets Taren who takes her to an institute where she learns her true identity. He is keeping a secret which could break their budding relationship.

The story becomes complicated when the demons make their appearance. Ember takes it all well with the help of Taren. There is danger, deceit, secrets and enough action to make it interesting. The end is satisfactory. The second book holds the promise of more adventures.
385 reviews
May 21, 2017
Not a Kindle Unlimited series.

The first two books are Kindle Unlimited, then the last book is pay to read at $6.99?!?!?! I absolutely hate it when authors do this. Christina Garner has been added to my personal banned authors list.

Okay. I forgot to check when I picked up the first book. But if I hadn't found the trilogy after it had been completed and had read the first two books to find the third book at the higher end digital pricing, I REALLY would have been more than annoyed. Talk about dissing your readers ! Just be honest and split the pricing over all the books.
Profile Image for C.J. Santiago.
445 reviews4 followers
March 23, 2020
Very interesting

EmBer is going crazy. Why also would the voice in her head tell her to kill herself. She didn't know she would end up in the insane asylum, but here she is. She meets two people who will become very important to her. Tarin and Callie are there too. Although he seems fine, Callow hears many voices and is losing herself inside her head.

A demon attacks and they escape. Train takes them to the institute, where they both become part of the trainees. But something is wrong. Why does Ember hear only one voice, the the others hear multiple?? Is Ember more than just human

Could she be connected to the demons??

Read on my friends
February 19, 2023

This book begins with Ember waking up from a failed suicide attempt. While this is something that happens I wish the author had included some type of warning, especially as during the book Ember does contemplate it again.

The main ideas of the book are ok but coupled with very flat characters it just felt very unforgettable.

There was a part in the book that seemed to be missing (I was reading on Kobo) but I’m not if it was a glitch or that’s present in the hard copy. At times there were spelling/grammatical errors which did not take away from the main idea but were annoying.

Overall, I wouldn’t recommend this book at all.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Violet Stone.
327 reviews40 followers
June 20, 2019
I'm not sure what happened. The first 50% of this book is really good, solid four stars. Then...it just wanders off.

There's not a lot I'm going to say because I don't want to ruin the ending but the last percentage of this book didn't make sense. I kept trying to think back where any of this was learned or foreshadowed. It just went from school, to shopping, to saving the world.

It's odd though, because I still liked it and I will read the rest of the series. The flow is well down, it's an interesting concept (although it needs to be explained more). I have a lot of questions that I hope will be filled in the next two books.
Profile Image for Allie.
44 reviews
June 10, 2020
4/5 stars

I really enjoyed the concept of this book. It took different turns than I was expecting. I liked the main character; she struggled and went on a self reflection journey. I liked the supporting characters too but I think they were a little flat and could have used more personality. Personally I did not feel like the first kiss between our FMC and Taren did Anything for me. I didn't expect it and I also didn't feel it. The more for The daemons to demons was intriguing but I feel like there could have been more description about the demons throughout the story.
214 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2021
This was my first book by Christina Garner. I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while and once I got it open, there was no stopping me. I loved this story, it was a mix between the Divergent series and Mortal instruments series. I honestly loved this book more than either of those. (that’s saying a lot because I never thought I’d say that about any other series). This book has our female character- Ember. She’s crazy…. But is she? Find out how she learns what her life is for and why she has a significant place in this world. I loved it. On to book two!
Profile Image for Natelle.
557 reviews3 followers
August 19, 2023
Ember Lyons isn’t surprised to wake up in a mental hospital. She is surprised to wake up at all. When a voice starts filling her mind with suggestions, she assumes her mother has passed her mental illness to her. But her time in the hospital convinces her that maybe she isn’t crazy after all. Then she finds herself at the Institute trying to save the world from creatures no one believes exists. Will she survive the fight?

Intriguing story. Towards the end, the underlying love story started to detract from the main story though.
1,011 reviews11 followers
August 9, 2023
Ember thinks she is going crazy when a voice in her head tells her to kill herself. She winds up in a mental institution where she meets Taren and Callie. Everyone she meets hears multiple voices except Ember only hears one voice. A demon attacks them and Taren takes them to the institute to escape. There Ember learns her true identify. Could it be that she has other powers? I really enjoyed this outstanding young adult fantasy novel.
Profile Image for Gail.
551 reviews1 follower
June 28, 2019
Great read

Really liked this book.

Very different to others I read in this genre.

I thought the notion of thinking you're going mad hearing voices, to the point of suicide, then finding out WHY you're hearing them and what follows a brilliant start to a new series and author to me.
Profile Image for Helen.
69 reviews
August 11, 2019
What's not to like

This book kept me hooked. Well written, with easy to like characters, mayhem, chase scenes, fights/battles, and other things 8 won't mention because I hate spoilers. This book is worth reading, downside was it ended too soon. Will have to check out the next book as soon as I've worked my way through all the books I've lined up to read.
Profile Image for Kelly.
2 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2020
Filled with cliches

This is your typical YA supernatural romance. It’s predictable, but done well. I’m inclined to like the characters even though they don’t have too much depth. That said, it was completely up my alley; I finished it quickly and will probably read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Bob Alberti.
Author 2 books9 followers
April 9, 2021
Young urban fantasy

I don't want to be TOO harsh on it because it's a serviceable urban fantasy, but it's heavy on action and kind of thin on everything else. Not my cup of tea I guess. The typos, grammatical errors, and homophobic word substitutions cry out for an editor. I know publishers don't really bother editing any more but I wish someone had.
August 16, 2022
A nice turn to reading.

I liked the book , definitely. Despite my age and quite a number of books read, this one carried me away.) I'm looking forward to read the second and third parts to know how the story ends and to see if the other parts are the same intriguing and touching my mind. I even thought about translating it into my native language. Thank you, Christina Garner!
Profile Image for Kalen Perry.
5 reviews
August 11, 2023
A little rough around the edges but I really enjoyed this book. The premise is intriguing and different; a take on demons I haven’t heard before. I don’t usually like first person writing but the story and main character were compelling enough to keep me hooked. Overall a good read. I’ll probably move on to the next book next one soon.
Profile Image for Marc Rieck.
344 reviews2 followers
February 7, 2019
An exciting, well written book

I don't know what made me pick this book up, but I am glad I did. I thought that I didn't like teen heros.

Good writing, great characters, a great book to read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews

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