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Legendary Lovers #1

Princess Charming

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In Nicole Jordan's dazzling new Regency series, the scandalous Wilde cousins seek true love by imitating history's legendary lovers... beginning with Ashton Wilde, Marquis of Beaufort, who takes on the daunting role of Prince Charming to an unlikely Cinderella.

Thanks to the mischievous meddling of his matchmaking sister, Ashton Wilde meets a damsel in distress during the midnight magic of a lavish ball. But Maura Collyer isn't looking for a prince—or an intimate pairing with any member of the scandalous noble Wilde family.

Intrigued by Maura's beauty and daring, Ash is determined to aid in the rescue of her beloved stallion, gambled away by her wicked stepmother to an evil viscount. As their adventure becomes rife with peril and passion, Ash suspects he's found his heart's desire.

343 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 31, 2012

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About the author

Nicole Jordan

121 books968 followers
New York Times bestselling author Nicole Jordan spins delightful tales that simmer with passion and sensuality. In her former life, Nicole grew up as an Army brat, moving frequently and attending high school in Germany. She later earned a civil engineering degree from Georgia Tech and spent eight years as a manufacturing manager making disposable diapers and toilet tissue! Currently Nicole lives in the Rocky Mountains of Utah with her real-life hero (her husband) and beloved kids (her horses).

With over two-dozen historical romances to her credit and four million books in print, set in numerous eras and locales, Nicole now enjoys chronicling the sparks that fly when Regency lovers play the matrimonial mating game.

One of her novels had the dubious honor of being humorously spotlighted by Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show." On a more serious note, Nicole's romances regularly appear on numerous bestseller lists, including The New York Times, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today, and have earned such honors as RITA finalist, RWA's Favorite Book of the Year, the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Historical Romance, and the Dorothy Parker Award of Excellence, presented by a group of over one hundred romance reviewers.

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Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,325 followers
April 8, 2016
She was passionate, opinionated, tart-tongued, and prone to violence - just the sort of spirited female who most appealed to him. The kind who either fascinated or frightened men. And he was wholly fascinated.

This is yet another retelling of Cinderella. It seems to be a staple of romantic literature. (See also: The Prince Who Loved Me.)

Maura -

Okay, stop there. How do you pronounce this name? I was saying it "Mow (rhymes with "ow!") rah." But who knows?

Maura's mother died of a fever when she was young and her lonely father ended up remarrying a beautiful golddigger a few years later, a widow who came to the marriage with her two stepdaughters, Lucy and Hannah. When Maura's father dies of a heart attack two years after his reputation is trashed by an evil man named Deering who accused him of cheating at cards, Maura starts to feel like an outsider in her own home.

Jealous of Maura's poise and beauty, Priscilla the Stepmother fears she'll overshadow her own, more plain, daughters. Shunting Maura off to boarding school, she effectively gets her out of the way.

Now back, and breeding horses for a living (very unladylike!), Maura flies into a panic when she realizes that her stepmother has sold her prize stallion whom she loves (like a child or a pet, the book says) to the evil Deering.

That's where our book begins - Maura and our hero Ash (rich lord who is to play Prince Charming to Maura's Cinderella) are at the same party. Maura goes off with Deering to the balcony. Ash thinks Maura is having a tryst with that odious man. But she's really asking him to sell her back her horse. Deering, being the kind of man that he is, says he'll only give her her horse back if she has sex with him and starts touching her inappropriately. Ash is just about to step in, but Maura takes care of herself with some self-defense moves that impress Ash. (Hence her reputation as a violent woman.)

Okay, let's break this down.


Fairy tale retellings are extremely popular, and not only in the YA genre. Obviously they are ripe pickings for the romance genre as well. That's cute, I enjoy fairy tale retellings.

Maura is not exactly Cinderella. She is self-sufficient, has a great source of income, is physically able to defend herself and does so more than once in the book. She's not exactly sleeping next to the fireplace.

Jordan also makes the "evil" stepfamily a bit less than evil. Maura's stepsisters are great girls. They are a bit plump, very sweet, and a bit silly - but very loving and loyal to Maura. They want her to be happy and they always stand on her side against their mother. They love Maura dearly. I really liked them, they sounded adorable. I was sad no one wanted to marry them (although that plot point gets nicely wrapped up by the end of the novel).

Jordan also makes the "evil stepmother" a more nuanced character. It's no doubt that Priscilla does wrong: she sells Maura's horse even though she has no right to - and she knows how much Maura loves the horse. She sends Maura off to boarding school and generally does other things to get her out of the way of her biological daughters. She married Maura's father for money.

But, she is not a completely unsympathetic character. It was nice. I really felt horrible about what happened between Deering and Priscilla, though. He's scum.

As for Ash, he's no prince - but he IS a wealthy lord whose money gets him (and Maura, if he so chooses) out of a lot of potential problems. So, close enough to prince for Jordan's purposes, I guess.

This novel more or less states that money solves everything.


1.) Maura is a capable, fierce, at times physically aggressive heroine. I liked that. I liked that in the first scene Ash is all ready to rescue her from the lecherous Deering but instead Maura uses S.I.N.G. to get away from him.

Is this realistic, considering this is Regency England or whatever?

Heck, no. But the day I start reading romance for realism is the day I stop reading romance. o.O

Maura works and is a successful and knowledgeable horse breeder.

When Maura and Ash get into a situation where they have to rough-it a bit, Maura is the strong one who is used to sleeping on hay or out of doors and Ash comes off as the spoiled lord who needs a bed.

2.) Cinderella retelling. It's pretty loose, but just enough to be fun and give readers a thrill, I think.

The point is a bit too hammered home when Ash's younger sister Katharine devises a scheme to hook her and all her siblings up with their "ideal mates."

"We have only to look to legendary lovers in history," Katharine explained. "Literature is filled with classic, timeless tales of love that can lead us to find our own matches. In short, I am proposing that we attempt to follow in the footsteps of the world's greatest lovers."

Obviously Jordan has a retelling in store for each sibling, which will make up each book in the series. I can see Romeo and Juliet, Pygmalion, Taming of the Shrew and one more on the horizon. It will be interesting to see Jordan's reimagining of each of these stories.

There's no fairy godmother, but Jordan pays homage to the original nonetheless.

3.) Vocabulary. Jordan actually has an impressive vocabulary and uses it ruthlessly. I really enjoy that. It's like she wrote this with the SAT book at her elbow, and to me that is a plus. This adds to a book, always, in my opinion. Now, I didn't actually LEARN any new terms, but please take into consideration that I am pretty well-read. I think a reader who is just sitting down to a rare book break and wants to lose herself in a fun romance will have an extra added bonus of learning some fun new words, especially if she is younger. Perhaps this book should be used INSTEAD of the SAT study guide? It certainly has more kissing than the SAT guide I remember. And we all know everything is better with kissing. <3


There's really only ONE downside to this novel - Ash is a bit too bossy and domineering for my tastes. I don't like assholes. Ash is just walking right up to the asshole line for me. Not crossing it! Just toeing it a little, and I don't like it.

He's not the kind of guy I think Maura should get angry at and refuse to ever see again, but she definitely needs to speak up and tell him about what are acceptable ways to treat her and what aren't.

For instance,

"I intend to save you from yourself, sweet vixen. Now hush and behave long enough for us to leave the park."

Did you just HUSH ME?! Did you just tell me TO BEHAVE?! You'd best believe we would be having words about this. WORDS. (Of course they don't have words in the book. o.O)

How about:

When she started to argue, Beaufort startled her by snatching her fork and shoveling a bite of pudding into her mouth.

"Now, be a good girl and chew. You need to stop moping over what cannot be changed."

Maura shook herself, knowing that he was right again. She reclaimed her fork, suspecting that he would forcibly feed her if she wouldn't do it herself.

*Carmen sighs* This would be an INSTANT dnf relationship for me. Break up immediately. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: YOU have complete control over what goes into your body and what does NOT go into your body. I don't care if it is food, penises, whatever. ANY PERSON, male or female, who tries to make you eat food when you don't want food or tries to deny you food when you want to eat food is a fucking piece of shit and you should break off all contact with them immediately. IT IS YOUR RIGHT to eat when you what, what you want, and how much or how little you want. FUCK THIS SHIT. She should have put that fork right in his eye.

He also betrays her by going behind her back and doing things that are "best for her" instead of talking to her about their options and his ideas, discussing them with her, coming to a mutual agreement on a course of action like a man would. Instead of acting like a man, he's making unilateral decisions without her knowledge or consent. Like a piece of shit.

Now, despite all this, I didn't think he crossed over into Asshole Territory. Sure, I would have broken up with him... mainly due to the eating thing, but I think Maura could have helped him understand how she wanted and deserves to be treated if she just had a few Talks with him. I know, I know, having Talks with your S.O. is NOT a fun thing to do. I'd prefer not to do it at all. But in this case I think she could help him step a bit farther away from that Asshole Line he's been eyeing.

Needless to say, she does NOT do this and probably he will boss her and dominate her for the rest of their relationship, but - you know - "for her own good" and "it's all for the best" and whatever other crap the author is trying to sell me here. BULLSHIT.

THIS whole thing is why this book did not get five-romance-stars from me.

How's the sex, Carmen?

Actually this book is very sensual. I like that. I like my romances to be sexy. Jordan does a great job of making steamy sex scenes and building up some sexual tension.

Jordan moves kind of fast, though. I am a fan of the slowburn, but Jordan is apparently not. The first time they have kissing (KISSING!) it was really fun kissing. I thought it would be not-so-long kissing, but actually the kissing goes on for about two pages. Obviously kissing should be very long and very described in books.

Carmen. I know that kissing is life, but slow burn? You were saying something?

Oh, yes. What I was going to say is that this fun kissing session ended with Maura's bare breast in his hand and his mouth on her nipple.

So? What's wrong with that?

Nothing's wrong with that, that sounds like a very fun activity, my PROBLEM is that

a.) This is the first time they've kissed, don't you think he's moving a bit fast? She is uber-virgin. Like the mythical untouched-in-any-way version.

b.) They are in a GARDEN. At a PARTY. I mean, this is not subtle. This is not a good idea. Do neither of them possess a brain?!?!?

The second makeout session ends when he starts trying to finger her.

I was just hoping that things would be a little slower and a little more drawn out.

You're very picky.

I can't help it, I know what I like.

BUT please take my complaining with a grain of salt. Jordan was a very good sexual writer and the scenes were sexy - not gross - and she took her time to describe kissing, which always wins extra points from me. And all the sexual activity was very satisfactory and very consensual. I'm giving Jordan very high marks here. It's not fair she's not getting perfect marks from me, that's near impossible. Especially in a historical. Jordan was NEAR PERFECT. That's very good.

One problem, however, I would like addressed. So. For reasons I'm not going to get into here, Ash and Maura decide to have premarital sex. Fine. As a birth control, Maura is using sponges soaked in brandy or vinegar or what-have-you. Fine, fine. She's a virgin, so he puts the sponge inside her. Okay... I guess that's fine. o.O But HERE'S my problem... they have sex, blah blah blah but Jordan never mentions what happens with the sponge.

Who wants that level of detail?

I do! I was worried about Maura. Was she able to get the sponge out? Did Ash help her get the sponge out? She didn't put it in, she's super-inexperienced, what if he left without making sure it was out and then she didn't know what to do and couldn't get it out? Or had trouble getting it out? Did they both just forget about it? I was very concerned.

.... Carmen... these are fictional characters.

Yes, okay, Jordan doesn't have to give me a LONG explanation or go into detail. It's just like condoms, I need one sentence. Like, "With the sponge now in the garbage, Ash and Maura snuggled until the sun came up." Or something. I worry A LOT and I want everyone to be safe, and happy... and safe.

*laughs* You're nutty.

Laugh it up, fuzzball! :) I was happy they were using protection, actually extra points to Jordan for mentioning this. I'm so happy they were having (more or less) safe sex.

Oh, and speaking of snuggling, there is some snuggling in this novel! Yay!

Tl;dr - Fun, cute, sexy retelling of the Cinderella story. Sexy times that are actually sexy. Described kissing. :D Strong, capable heroine who not only earns money but can also defend herself physically. The only real downside of this book is that I found Ash to be a bit too overbearing. I was angry with his rather unilateral decision-making. If only he had been more egalitarian, I would have given this five stars. As it stands,

Profile Image for Fae.
1,139 reviews26 followers
January 12, 2022
The first half was great but the second half of the book was very draggy and boring. The chemistry between the hero and heroine was alright, not the best.

I found it hard to like Maura as she was too strong as a heroine, refusing any help from Ash despite having done her best efforts and ends up doing some stupid things just because she has too much pride to accept help from Ash. She is always finding things to argue with ash and I found that part of her unlovable.

Ash, on the other hand, was a great hero. He may come off as forceful sometimes but I feel it’s because he has to be, due to Maura refusing to accept his help despite her being so helpless. I was awed at how much patience he had with Maura. He seemed way too nice and I would have wanted for him to at least get impatient with her once to show he actually is human, and not an amazing guy who has endless patience. Despite that, I love his sense of humour and relaxed self, and was serious when the situation called for it.

I felt too much time was spent on them just thinking about each other and their circumstances. Was bored with it so I skimmed.

This book could have been better if the heroine was more likeable.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,628 reviews551 followers
November 9, 2019
"Princess Charming" is the story of Maura and Ashton.

In this sorta retelling of the classic fairy tale Cinderella, our hero is the Marquis of Beaufort, one of the notorious Wilde siblings and our heroine is the orphaned damsel in distress Maura Collyer. They have known each other for years, her being his sister's best friend. However, thanks to his matchmaking siblings, they get caught in a web of romance and seduction when the heroine loses her beloved stallion to a lecherous pig, and the hero decides to help her with the rescue. Soon, they are involved in a horse kidnapping, fake betrothal, duel filled journey which has two naive stepsisters, a selfish stepmother, loads of drama and passion along its route.

I had soooo high expectations, but this was just average. Almost zero angst, and I wish we saw more romance or pursuit between our MCs.

Safe for me/SWE for some
Profile Image for Lisa.
328 reviews81 followers
January 30, 2012
Cinderella is one of my all time favorite fairy tales so I was excited to finally read a book by Nicole Jordan when I saw she was going to be doing her own spin on the tale. We have all the classic elements: a dashing prince in the form of Ashton Wilde, Marquis of Beaufort and our lovely, 'lowly' Cinderella in Maura Collyer, horse breeder. Maura is devastated when her stepmother (not a total villianess which I liked) sold her beloved champion stallion to pay for her two step-sisters seasons (again, very likable girls which I liked). The horse was sold to the man Maura believes caused her fathers death, as he has always converted her horse. But as the slimy viscount proves too much for Mauras temper, Ash (whose sisters are Mauras best friends) tries to step in and help the situation. This doesn't exactly go over very well with the bold, passionate Maura but sparks start to ignite and it causes our couple to come together...eventually :)

Overall, for my first Nicole Jordan book I was very happy. I love stories that are centered around big, lovable, "Wilde" families and this looks to be a great start to a possible five books for the Wilde family. I enjoyed how even though Maura and Ash have known each other since childhood, there new found attraction to each other seemed natural. The part that really piped my interest was the fact that Maura was a horse breeder. A very unusual profession for females during that time period. We don't get to see much of that unfortunately, but it adds a unique back story. I personally don't know if I would go abduct a horse and try to flee with it, but you could really feel Maura's passion for her beloved horse. There are some wonderful supporting characters that add some good family moments, but don't overshadow our main couple. Ash and Maura have loads of sexual tension but Ash is hesitant to fully bed Maura as he believes she will marry someday, even though Maura believes she is almost on the shelf and has no dowry, title, or real prospects in that regard. I had about forgotten about the important glass slipper of Cinderella, and Ash's slipper moment was all too fitting for this story and it brought a sweet smile to my face. While this isn't my favorite Cinderella retelling, it was certainly enjoyable and I breezed through it in a couple afternoons and I look forward to the rest of the series. I would recommend this book for people that enjoy sweet and sexy fairy tale retellings, mixed with a warm, big family and a bit of uniqueness and danger. 3 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Neus Gutiérrez.
1,015 reviews627 followers
November 2, 2020
Hemos recuperado a Nicole Jordan.. al menos en parte.
Tenemos aquí una saga que pretende hacer retellings en clave de humor de algunas obras y cuentos de grandes amores legendarios. La verdad es que la primera historia ya ha conseguido atraparme, hacerme reír y conseguir captar esa sonrisa que Nicole a veces me brinda.

Los personajes son geniales. Los secundarios igual o mejor. La narración es coherente. La estructura y el por qué, también. Sinceramente, tengo pocos peros que hacer. Simplemente ha faltado un puntito para ser ese 5/5, pero definitivamente se une al grupo de lecturas de la autora que sí valen la pena.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,559 reviews
January 30, 2012
Ashton and Maura

Review on Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

Princess Charming starts out with a pretty interesting plotline. The story is about 5 brothers/sisters/cousins that come from a family destined to only find true love once. In every past member of their family the person has either found only one true love or sadly has never found anyone. When his parents and his cousins’ parent are killed, Ashton Wilde, Marquis of Beaufort is left as the oldest member of the two families. They do have an absent minded uncle to watch over them however Ash is the main focus when it comes to the rest of the group.

Ashton’s sister Katharine has come up with a theory that each member of the family will find their true love based upon the stories of legendary lovers in history or literature. She believes that if they follow those tales it will lead each of them to their true love matches.

So the plot hooked me right away. I thought it was a pretty cute idea to have a series where each member would love based upon the stories of famous lovers. There could be tons of examples- Romeo and Juliet, Cinderella, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Guinevere. I kind of became a little excited about this series. We start with Ash and Maura, a school friend of Katharine’s, and the story of Cinderella.

Unfortunately, the book just fell flat for me after the initial chapters describing the plot. Maura is a poor friend that is running her family’s horse breeding program after her father’s death. Maura’s step mothers sells their prize stallion out from under her thus destroying any future their breeding program might have. Ashton overhears Maura trying to buy the stallion back from one of the gentlemen at a party. The man had some not so nice ways to suggest Maura earn the horse back and Ash steps in to rescue her.

Maybe it was the story centered on the horse that made it slow for me? That part just wasn’t interesting or exciting. I couldn’t really get into what Maura was feeling and her desperation when it came to getting that horse back. There was just no connection with her. Everything was so dramatic when described by her but when read by me, it wasn’t dramatic. It was just ho-hum.

And speaking of no connection with her, I never did get where and when Ash decided he wanted her. She had been a friend of the family for a while and he mentions that he had given her a glance or two but this desire to become her rescuer and lover all at the same time seemed forced. It was almost like as soon as he heard his sister say Cinderella to him it all fell into place. There was no development of their relationship. On page 20 he just decided he wants her and is going to kiss her. Totally out of the blue and unexpected. It seemed like the feelings were only there because they had to be to push the plot along not because they were worked on or happened over the course of time.

So while the book wasn’t bad it wasn’t really exciting either. It was easy to put down and hard to pick back up because I didn’t really see it going anywhere. Final grade- C

Favorite Quote:

Yet it was only fair to give her proper warning, he decided.

“You need to take a deep breath, love.”

After a moment, she did as he bid, inhaling deeply and exhaling in a controlled rush.

“Again,” he ordered, waiting until she had complied twice more. “Are you calm yet?”

“No, why?”

“Because I want to know if you will respond in the same way when I kiss you.”
Profile Image for Dione Sage.
219 reviews39 followers
December 13, 2012
Princess Charming is the first book in Nicole Jordan's Legendary Lover's series. The series is about the Wilde cousins and their quest in finding true love. This first book sets the stage for other books in the series from the beginning when Kate Wilde is determined to see her two brothers and two cousins all find their one true epic loves. Kate is a somewhat meddling matchmaker that comes up with a theory that in order for each of them, including herself, to find their soul mates they must reenact a legendary lover's role. This brings us to the storyline of the first book. Princess Charming is based on Kate's brother, Ashton Wilde, the Marquis of Beaufort and also the oldest of the orphaned Wilde cousins. Kate has deemed Ashton the prince charming in a Cinderella story and the female lead to her dearest and closest friend, Miss Maura Collyer. However, Maura is not the type to play the damsel in distress and Ashton is not determined to be leg shackled.
Maura does indeed have an issue that causes her major distress and puts her up against her arch nemisis, an cruel and crude Viscount. She also has a step mother and two step sisters which would make her fit the role of Cinderella except for the fact that the two step sisters are sweet and even though Maura doesn't like her step mother (Priscilla/Pris) the woman doesn't seem to be pure evil. Maura isn't even looking for a prince charming, she views herself as an independent woman capable of handling her situations on her own. She is a horse breeder and her current crisis is trying to rescue and retrieve her most loved and valuable stallion from the Viscount who with the assistance of her step mother, now has the deed to Maura's famous stallion.
The Marquis of Beaufort finds himself attracted to Maura physically but then again he is somewhat known to be a rake so he has been attracted to many of ladies. He does decide to champion Maura's cause though and play along a little to his younger sister, Kate's little theory. However, he does not plan to fall in love with anyone but is not oppose to a little scandalous mixing with Miss Collyer. The situation ends up bringing the two of them together in many ways and they must decide what is important and what is just fairy tale.
I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the other books in this series. The characters were good and the storyline was absolutely adorable and a bit steamy in some parts. This is one of those books that is just fun to read and I found myself again in love with another version of Cinderella.
Profile Image for Myself.
256 reviews7 followers
April 12, 2020
4/5, quizás un 3,5
Me ha resultado muy entretenido. La pareja protagonista me ha divertido y me lo he pasado pipa con ellos, sobre todo con Maura.
Me había leído bastantes novelas de esta autora, ya hace años, y las recordaba como que iban más al grano en el tema sexo y cada poco había escenas bastante explícitas, pero con esta novela no es así y yo creo que por eso me ha gustado más, porque recuerdo que la serie "Notorius" me gustó pero que casi había más sexo que historia y lo poco gusta y lo mucho cansa, creo que dejé de leerla por eso mismo.
Y resumiendo, recomiendo su lectura.
Profile Image for Angela.
253 reviews9 followers
March 4, 2016
How many heroines are admired by their beau for their "violent tendencies"? That would be Maura. She's a bit hot headed, isn't afraid of making a scene, and more than a little horse crazy. Apparently this is the recipe to catch a prince, because Ash didn't even try to resist.

Maura can be immature, and Ash gets really sappy at the end, but overall not a bad read. I appreciate the different take on Cinderella, in that the only person Maura needs to be rescued from is herself.
Profile Image for Susan.
4,627 reviews114 followers
January 31, 2015
Good book. I really like the Wilde family. I love the way they are so close and help each other when needed. They are scandalous without being too bad to be accepted. I love the way that Ash's sister Katherine has decided to help each of them find their true love. Ash doesn't think it's possible for Katherine to pick the perfect one for him, but when he comes to Maura's aid at the ball, he is intrigued by her. Maura doesn't want his help, doesn't think she needs to be "rescued". She is very independent, and has been for years, especially since the death of her father. When Maura steals back her horse, Ash is there to lend a hand, and eventually she has to admit he has been a help. He talks her into a fake engagement to protect her reputation and to help prove the viscount's wrongdoing. During that time, Maura begins to develop feelings she didn't want, and is sure that Ash does not feel the same way. She is also sure that she is not a suitable bride for him anyway. Ash was attracted to Maura from the beginning, but found that those feelings were supplemented by feelings of protectiveness and tenderness that he wasn't sure what to do about. When the horse was rescued, and the bad guy vanquished, Maura told Ash goodbye and went back to her horse farm. I loved the way that Katherine had to straighten him out, but I also loved the way that Ash gave Maura time to herself before he went after her. A very satisfying read, and I'm looking forward to the others.
Profile Image for Stefanie.
59 reviews37 followers
February 6, 2012
I won my copy of Princess Charming by Nicole Jordan through GoodReads FirstReads. The premise of the story was about the Wilde family, five orphaned cousins and their uncle. One of the cousins and her uncle theorize that the Wilde's one true love stories mimic those of fairy tales, myths and even Shakespeare. The first story, Princess Charming, supposedly follows Perrault's Cinderella, however it's definitely not the Disney version. Maura Collyer, aka Cinderella, has a race horse breeding farm and a prized stallion named Bold Emperor who is sold to a detestable man named Lord Deering by Maura's stepmother and Maura devises a plan to reclaim him with the help of Ashton Wilde. Although the storyline was quite interesting the author often ventured into less than tasteful lusty scenes that were far too raunchy for me. I like a tender love story not gross porn, which is exactly what her explicit scenes of disgusting sexual acts were. I knew going in that Princess Charming was a huge leap from my normal reading material but had hoped it was going to be a bit more tasteful and less gratuitous, but it wasn't so sorry to say I didn't enjoy reading it.
Profile Image for Brittany.
3,292 reviews25 followers
August 8, 2013
I just did not love this. It was an okay read great premise but not so great execution. I did not like the heroine that much. I think the author was trying to give us a strong female character. However, most of her actions seemed childish and stupid to me. She was supposed to come across as this smart crafty character but she was stupid and rash. She acted without thinking most of the time and for all of her so called trust it seemed to me she went behind the Heroes back a lot. Then at the end she was just a idiot. She says she was going to be honest with her feelings then turns around and does the opposite. I just did not like her!!
Profile Image for Mac.
211 reviews7 followers
September 12, 2019
Bastante sosillo, la chica tenía carácter y me gustó incluso cómo se rebelaba ante el supuesto cuento de hadas, como mujer adelantada a su tiempo. Lo demuestra las siguientes frases:

"La misma idea de ser Cenicienta es absurda. [...] Y lo más importante es que, desde luego, no necesito ni deseo que acuda un príncipe a rescatarme."
"—Me niego a ser la triste hijastra incapaz de valerse por sí misma y que no tiene otro remedio que confiar en la magia para conseguir un marido."

Aunque luego el "príncipe" imponía su voluntad. Fue una lectura un tanto entretenida pero no me terminó de convencer, y tampoco la leería de nuevo.
Profile Image for MontseMH.
407 reviews10 followers
September 1, 2019
Entretenido y rápido de leer. Solo he tenido un problema con este libro: su punto de partida es absurdo, porque solo utiliza el tema de las "relaciones míticas" (en este caso Cenicienta y su príncipe), para tener excusa de desarrollar la trama romántica. Paralelismos los justos y desarrollo del de siempre. Al menos la protagonista tiene carácter y eso inusual en las novelas románticas de época.
Profile Image for MissKitty.
1,669 reviews
July 28, 2019
It was just ok. I found the premise of legendary lovers a bit corny and over played.

Other than that the main characters had good chemistry, there was a decent enough plot. The couple are trying to retrieve the heroine’s horse from the villain who also destroyed her late father’s reputation.

Of course they succeeded while getting a lot of sexy times together so...

No OM OW angst. And the mean step mother did not get enough of a comeuppance for all the years she was cruel to the heroine.

All in all just ok.
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews68 followers
November 18, 2012
PRINCESS CHARMING by Nicole Jordan is an exciting new Regency historical romance. Book 1 in the "Legendary Lovers" series. Ashton Wilde, Marquis of Beaufort, the eldest Wilde cousin and is looking for true love by imitating history's legendary lover's,starting with Prince Charming. However, we have a Princess charming instead of the other way around. Enter, Maura Collyer,who isn't looking for a Prince or a husband at all. What follows is witty banter, a matchmaker,a fairy Godmother,passion,romance,danger,and true love. When Ash decides to help Maura regain her beloved stallion,he awakens a long forgotten feeling,starts a seduction that only could be a true fairy tale. A fast paced, adventure filled with passion,and danger,if they get caught with Maura's beloved stallion they both could hang. Wonderful new series. I can hardly wait for the next installment, the Wilde cousins will prove to be a match for love. Ms. Jordan is one of my favorite historical romance authors and I have many,"Princess Charming" was no exception, I enjoyed it tremendously. Received for an honest review from the publisher and Net Galley. Details can be found at the author's website, Ballantine,an imprint of Random House Publishing and My Book Addiction and More.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, My Book Addiction and More/My Book Addiction Reviews
Profile Image for Katie.
2,832 reviews152 followers
October 7, 2012
So I thought the beginning of this was really great! I liked the set up and I LOVED the cousins this series revolves around. But then it all kind of fell apart. The premise of the series is kind of forced. So, yes, there are five cousins (tragically orphaned) and people in their family fall in love and stay in love forever. I was mostly okay with that part, but then one of the cousins decides that, because none of this current generation has found their ideal matches, they need to emulate legendary lovers in order to find them. Meaning, for example, Cinderella and Romeo & Juliet. Even that might not be so bad, but she goes on and on about it!

Then I thought the plot of this book was kind of thin and there was too much going on and it distracted from the love story. Which was my complaint with the last romance I read. Not sure if that's a coincidence or a sign I might need a break from the genre.
Profile Image for Elle.
379 reviews
February 18, 2012
Pretty good opening to a new series by Nicole Jordan. I think the fairy tale thing is a bit overdone, and Katharine's fantasy that each of her siblings is to live out one of the classic romances stretches the suspension of disbelief. But the story itself is actually fun. The heroine, Maura, has plenty of reason to despise Viscount Deering, who ruined her father by falsely accusing her of cheating, then illicitly acquired her prized stallion, which he abuses. We really don't like this villain, who is the type to boil puppies just for spite. Her wicked stepmother is also unlikeable, but the author never gives us a chance to really hate the woman; Maura constantly makes excuses for her behavior. The hero, Ash, rides in to save the day, and the love story is satisfying. I'll read the rest in the series, though I suspect this won't be among Jordan's best.
Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,867 reviews
June 23, 2013
Fun story but nothing mind-blowing. It was actually pretty predictable but still a nice read.

I actually read this one because I wanted to read the second one. I hope there is a bit more angst or any angst. This one really didn't have much.
Profile Image for Lois.
213 reviews6 followers
April 10, 2012
This book was okay, but could have been much better. It seemed to me a lot of the character feelings we rehashed over and over in the book. I would have like to seen more original dialogue and wit!
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,470 reviews352 followers
June 12, 2017
3.5 Stars!

Princess Charming was a very enjoyable read and a delightful spin on the Cinderella fairytale.

The Wildes come from a long line of people who find their true loves. Now, one of the Wilde cousins believes if they imitate legendary lovers from history, they will find their own true loves. First up is Ashton Wilde, who uncovers his sister’s matchmaking ways when, at the ball his sister arranged, he comes across a damsel in distress at midnight. However, Maura Collyer is the furthest thing from Cinderella and isn’t looking for Ash to become her Prince Charming. Despite her protests, Ash is determined to help rescue her prized horse which was sold to a Viscount by her stepmother. Soon, the two are on an unexpected adventure and will have to decide if their love is real or if they’re simply playing into the fairytale.

Maura is an incredibly strong woman and has no issue solving her own problems to get what she needs. She has a tendency towards violence when it comes to protecting what’s hers, which I absolutely loved about her. Ash is incredibly close with his family and I enjoyed the lighter side you see of him when he’s interacting with them. Whereas Maura is a bit rough when dealing with others, Ash tends to be quite charming. It was a lot of fun watching Maura and Ash interact as they had such differing personalities and the chemistry between them was fantastic. I will say though, it grated a bit how Ash would take things over and force Maura into doing things his way. Even if he was right about what needed to be done, I wish he’d gone about convincing Maura in a better way.

Other than the issue mentioned above regarding Ash, I only had one other minor complaint with the book. Maura’s stepmother Priscilla started off the book in the role of evil stepmother, but over the course of the book her personality flip flopped a bit too much for my liking. I understand what the author was trying to do with her character, but it just made Priscilla too wishy washy in my opinion.

The plot to rescue Emperor, Maura’s prized stallion, was a fun one. Maura has this innate way with horses, especially with Emperor, which we get to see time and time again throughout the book. I like that Maura had a passion that was unusual for ladies of her time and the author did a great job showing how much horses truly meant to Maura. The author also did a good job tying in the plot with Emperor, with the scandal surrounding Maura’s father. The conclusion to both of these plots was enjoyable and I like how things ended up for the villain.

Overall, Princess Charming was a good first installment in the Legendary Lovers series and I will definitely be continuing on with the rest of the books.
Profile Image for Robin .
284 reviews
March 6, 2012
I haven't marked anything as a spoiler since I don't think there's anything that really gives anything away. The only thing that might be TMI is something that seems to be pretty typical of Romances. This is the first time I've read Nicole Jordan and really liked her. I definitely plan to read the rest of this Series. The only thing I didn't like about the book was the fact that the Heroine (Maura Collyer) decided that the Hero (Ashton\Ash Wilde) was never going to love her so she left him. The entire book with the exception of the Prologue but including the Epilogue takes place during May 1816. I am a firm believer in love at first sight but I also believe it takes awhile to actually realize that's what it is. Typically guys tend to take longer than girls. The annoying thing is that Maura realized she was in love with Ash but made an assumption that turned out to be wrong. It is my opinion that she should have given him more time, but then again the story wouldn't have been able to do what it did so I suppose its okay she jumped where she did. Anyway, I think she should have stayed in the relationship and given him more time. I'm thinking that if you realize you're in love with someone and after a year they haven't had the same revelation about you and you haven't asked (which is hard to do sometimes) then its time to get out. I'm not saying just give the relationship a year I'm saying after you realize you're in love with the person do that. Actually, she could have done what she did and still stayed in the relationship- I'm not calling this off but if you want to you can in the meantime I'm going home, let me know what you decide.

The idea I love about this book and the Series is Katherine's idea. Katherine is Ash's sister and she comes up with the bright idea that she, Ash, their adopted brother Jack (if I understood it right he is actually a cousin but Katherine and Ash's parents adopted him. His mother was an Aunt but I'm not sure where in the Family Tree she falls [hopefully there's a family tree on the Author's website or soon will be, I haven't checked] and his father is a Prince but the two never married.) and their cousin's Quinn and Skye all can find their ideal mates by finding the counterpart to whatever legendary Hero they are. Katherine is also going a step farther and playing Matchmaker she is figuring out who each of them is and finding their counterpart. Ash is Prince Charming and Maura is his Cinderella, she also happens to be best friends with Katherine and Skye.
Jack's book is next and he is Romeo so his Counterpart is "Juliet" and how convenient that a family with which the Wilde's have had a feud with for years has a daughter. Not sure who the others are going to be but there is a reference to Katherine being a Shrew and that she thinks Quinn may be Pygmalion.

When the cousin's were younger (best I could understand Ash was almost 19, Quinn-18, Jack-17, Katherine-12 and Skye-11) their parents were killed in a shipwreck and their Bachelor Uncle Cornelius raised them. The estates of the two families are close enough to each other, I think they're next to each other actually, that Quinn and Skye moved in with the other three. Quinn and Skye I think have returned home but are always at the home of their cousins. Cornelius is a Scholar and therefore a great help to Katherine in determining what story fits each person. There is an Aunt Isabelle that comes for a visit and their is some mention made of her and Uncle Cornelius being found their Legendary Lovers as well. I'm hoping that if they do get a relationship than its either as a secondary story in one of the other books or after the 5 Wilde Cousins have gotten theirs. I'm currently reading a series by another author which is primarily one family but she keeps leaving the family to write an HEA for some secondary character. There is one family member I really would like to read about but my fear is that she won't get to him before the Publisher says enough of that Series, do something else. I think this fear may be due mainly in part to at least two series possibly three that I've gotten interested in but the Author couldn't finish them because the Publisher decided they didn't want to or disagreed on the direction that should be taken. I digress.

If you haven't read Nicole Jordan then this might be a good time to start.
Profile Image for Ang.
190 reviews16 followers
November 9, 2017
This was a 3.5 for me.

The Wilde family is scandalous (not sure why) and big - 3 siblings and 2 cousins. They are all one big happy family as they were orphaned. The most precocious of the bunch has a theory that is her only focus in life it would seem and that theory is that there is a fairy tale applicable to each family member that determines the way they meet and find their one true love. It's a stretch but one that happens to be proven almost immediately by Ashton, the oldest.

I liked Ashton, but the heroine was way too rough-around-the-edges for me. She was also incredibly stubborn to a fault that I was surprised any man would put up with her. Mixed signals, messages etc.

It carried along well, however, and the Wilde family series will be good to continue with.
Profile Image for Sandy M.
669 reviews34 followers
March 23, 2012
Nicole Jordan has come up with a new way to look at old fairy tales. In this first book of her new series, it’s Cinderella, the evil stepmother and stepsisters, and Prince Charming, all with a few changes to give readers a lighthearted historical romance.

The Wilde cousins are as feisty and untamed as their name implies. Orphaned when they were all young, it was Ashton, as the oldest, who kept them all together and relatively happy, in spite of the loss and grief they all suffered. As they grew older, they retained their wildness, only directing it in more adult ways as they have navigated through society; thus, their notoriety and the gossip that follows them now.

Ash’s sister, Katharine, has decided to play matchmaker for everyone in her family, including herself, by choosing legendary lovers of the past, real and fictional. For Ash she believes he’s Prince Charming to her friend Maura’s Cinderella. He’s watched Maura grow into a beautiful young woman but never really thought of her more than that. Until now. With Katharine’s ridiculous idea in his head, he gets caught up in Maura’s life, aiding and abetting her crime when she refuses his offered help.

Growing up, Maura learned from her father everything she now knows about horses and since his death has made her breeding stables quite successful, all due to her prize stallion, Emperor. But it all comes crashing down when she learns her stepmother has sold the horse to that pesky Viscount Deering. The man has been after Emperor for years and Maura has always refused him, especially knowing he had a hand in her father’s death. She’s determined to talk some sense into the viscount, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. The idiot won’t part with his new acquisition anytime soon. So Maura is going to have to take desperate measures to retrieve the animal, all the while trying to keep Ash at bay. The less he knows, the less trouble he’ll be in if she’s caught.

Thus begins a dual journey for Ash and Maura. They’re successful in freeing Emperor from his current imprisonment and begin the trek to Scotland where Maura has made arrangements to keep him safe. Ash goes along for the ride for the time being, knowing he’d be able to deal with Deering if only she’d agree. Biding his time, he learns more about the woman, and he likes what he discovers. The same is true for Maura. Knowing Ash really can’t begin a relationship with her because their lives are worlds apart, she tries not to fall headlong into his charm and sensuality, but she fails miserably.

I thoroughly enjoyed these two characters together. Ash is just wild enough to go along with Maura’s scheme, and then when he turns the tables on both her and Deering, that wildness takes the situation to even more dangerous heights. But the man is not lacking in confidence and arrogance, all signs of his station. Maura is the perfect heroine for him – as his sister knows! – with her independence and intelligence. She learns to trust him to do what needs to be done to right the wrongs done to her and her family. Her stepmother is one of those characters who has to grow on you somewhat, but she does make it difficult as well as interesting. I would like to slap the woman silly here and there, but she hopefully learns her lesson. And Deering, of course, gets what’s coming to him once Ash is in the picture.

The concept of the series might be a bit much for hard-core historical readers, but it’s fun and lighthearted with characters you can’t help but like. Katharine is going to be working her matchmaking magic throughout the series, and I have to say I’m curious as to what she’ll come up with.

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com
Profile Image for Krys.
775 reviews167 followers
December 3, 2014

I don't know why these fluffy bodice rippers have become so enticing, but they have. I can't explain it. I must be in the mood for irritating plots these days. Most of the time when I read romances I spend the whole book frustrated at everything - the dimwitted characterization, the most minimal of plot structures... the fact that I've read 4 of them now this year... sigh. At least this is the last one I own.

As far as the plot goes this is (once again) a retelling of a fairy tale, which we know from my previous post that I am a fan of. I'm still curious to see how the romance authors work the structure of certain fairy tales into the context of a romantic novel. However, none of the ones I have read so far would be fairy tales in the strictest sense of the word. They are, in fact, Jane Austen wanna-be bodice rippers... plain and simple. This one is no different. Princess Charming by Nicole Jordan takes the loosest idea of Cinderella and builds a tale on top of it. At no point would I have remembered that this was what it was supposed to be if the characters hadn't been reminding me that "This is a Cinderella story and we're supposed to be in a fairy tale." Oh yes, you read that right... the characters are self-aware of this notion. Which makes it weird.

Ultimately it comes down to this - One character, Kate, decided that her brothers, sisters, and cousins are going to act out the roles of infamous "legendary lovers" and has even gone so far as to decide which stories the family will retell. This self-styled prophetess takes much glee when she sees her cousin, Ash, falling for an independent woman much lower than his station. Maura, the Cinderella character, has lost her horse to another peer of the realm, the odious Mr. Deering, who has swindled Maura's stepmother into handing over the prized stallion. He also defamed her father some time before and caused his untimely ruin and death. Maura vows to get her horse back and clear her Father's name and Ash, becoming enamoured with her, helps her on her foolhardy quest.

Like I said, it's barely Cinderella. To hear the characters say it is proves even more laughable with every mention. I think I would enjoy these fairy tale romances much better if they actually, oh... I don't know... stuck to the fairy tale in mind?! It seems when they miss they really miss... Like a cannonball hitting the water in lieu of the side of a ship. Most of the time I can enjoy the romance it if I suspend disbelief on the fact that it's supposed to be, at its core, a retelling. But every time the fairy tale aspects rear their heads I am almost taken aback. "Oh, right... it's supposed to be Cinderella... because they keep telling me that. So it must be so." Sigh.

The next one in the series is supposed to be a retelling of Romeo and Juliet, which might prove more interesting... but this one is, meh, ok... if you forget that it's Cinderella, which you, unfortunately cannot.

3 out of 5 stars.

- review courtesy of www.bibliopunkkreads.com
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
July 3, 2013
After having the chance to read Lover Mine (the second in the series), I was thrilled to get a copy of Princess Charming at my local library. The more I read from Nicole Jordan, the more I am liking her even more and more. This new series by Jordan, is the "Legendary Lovers", which we see in Princess Charming, is instigated by the oldest daughter-who tends to be a bit bossy and overwhelming at times. She claims that each of them (herself and her fellow siblings) are destined for one true mate, and that each of their finding their true love will be based on a famous love story. So informs her brother Ash that he is destined to be Prince Charming to Maura who is his Cinderella. At first he thinks his sister is going crazy, but he starts to believe her when he meets Maura, who needs someone to rescue her. Maura has recently lost her father because he was tricked into a gambling game. So her step mother, sold her most prized possession, her beloved horse, to their nemesis, who promised in return to fund her sisters coming out in Society. She is furious and needs to get back her horse, he is one of her closest friends and will do anything to get him back. When she tries to convince the Viscount to sell him back to her, he tries to attack her sexually, and she fights back. Now she knows that she will never be able to get him back. But then Ashton Wilde steps forward, and for the first time she believes that there is hope. She knows that his sister is trying to match make them together, but that is the last thing she needs, is another male trying to take over her life, she believes that she is doing just fine on her own. But when circumstances change, Ash and Maura are forced together in a pretend engagement, and she starts to fall in love with a scandalous rake who has taught her the true power of passion and a love that last a lifetime.

Can I just say WOW!!! I am very impressed, I wish that I had read this one first before Lover Mine. It is always such a benefit to read a series in order, now I have to wait for the third in the series, much to my dismay....the last thing I want to do now is WAIT!! LOL There was quite a bit that I enjoyed about Princess Charming. First is that I loved that it had a horse theme to it. I have a deep passion for horses, and this horse definitely played a major part in the story. Maura is very stubborn and tenacious, and seriously---she will do anything for this horse of hers. It was quite amusing to see the lengths she will go with, and Ash just goes along for the ride and saves the day. I loved the Ashton isn't afraid of Maura independence, and is a perfect match for her, because he shows her he can be just as stubborn as she can. There was quite a bit of a intense battle between Maura and Ashton, but a fun and amusing one, that will just have you laughing until your arms fall off. A witty and carefree tale based on a fairy tale, that just brings a new aspect on it, and made me fall in love with this author again! Zesty, humorous adventure!!
Profile Image for Kimberly.
2,254 reviews89 followers
January 5, 2012
Originally posted on Joyfully Reviewed: http://www.joyfullyreviewed.com/new-r...

Maura Collyer doesn’t think of herself as Cinderella, but she definitely has a wicked stepmother – one that sold her prized horse to a villainous viscount. Determined to get her horse back one way or another, Maura steals into the viscount’s stables and takes what’s rightfully hers. The only thing she didn’t count on was her best friend’s brother catching her in the act…and tagging along as she flees London.

Ashton Wilde, Marquis of Beaufort, is no Prince Charming. His sister – a would-be fairy godmother – doesn’t agree, however, and insists that he play hero to her best friend’s damsel in distress. Unwilling to see Maura ruined by the machinations of her stepmother and the viscount, Ash goes along with his sister’s plan. But as he accompanies Maura on her mission, Ash finds that he cannot resist the headstrong beauty. And it’s not long before the temptation to seduce Maura is too much for him to resist.

Will this unlikely Cinderella and Prince Charming get a fairytale ending of their own?

Nicole Jordan’s Legendary Lovers series starts off on a high note in the sparkling, enchanting Princess Charming. I absolutely adore Princess Charming. Maura and Ash are likeable, endearing protagonists and it’s easy to become invested in their story. Maura isn’t your average Regency lady; she’d much rather be running her stables than dancing until dawn. Ash, in turn, is a deliciously sexy hero and it was wonderful to watch his attraction to Maura slide from lust to love.

Ash’s siblings and cousins are fantastic secondary characters that add life to Princess Charming. Katharine, Ash’s sister, is the one who sets up the premise for the series: each member of the Wilde family will find true love by using the model of a famous pair of legendary lovers from fairytales, famous literature, or mythology. In Ash’s case, it’s Cinderella, but I can’t wait to see what Ms. Jordan does to put a spin on Romeo and Juliet for Jack, Pygmalion for Quinn, and The Taming of the Shrew for Katharine. I also would dearly love to know what Ms. Jordan has in store for my favorite Wilde cousin, Skye. One of the best parts of Princess Charming was seeing the closeness of the Wilde family and I can’t wait to revisit them in the next Legendary Lovers book.

Overall, Princess Charming is a fast and fun Regency romance, and the elements of Cinderella Ms. Jordan incorporated into the tale add extra charm. If Princess Charming is anything to go by, the rest of the Wilde cousins will have delightfully entertaining romances. I finished Princess Charming wanting nothing more to dive into Ms. Jordan’s next Legendary Lovers tale – bring on Jack’s book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews

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