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The Lucky One

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A U.S. Marine's brush with death leads him to the love of his life in this New York Times bestseller of destiny, luck, and the redemptive power of romance.

After U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photograph of a smiling young woman buried in the dirt during his tour of duty in Iraq, he experiences a sudden streak of luck -- winning poker games and even surviving deadly combat

384 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Nicholas Sparks

273 books232k followers
Nicholas Sparks is one of the world’s most beloved storytellers. All of his books have been New York Times bestsellers, with over 130 million copies sold worldwide, in more than 50 languages, including over 92 million copies in the United States alone.

Sparks wrote one of his best-known stories, The Notebook, over a period of six months at age 28. It was published in 1996 and he followed with the novels Message in a Bottle (1998), A Walk to Remember (1999), The Rescue (2000), A Bend in the Road (2001), Nights in Rodanthe (2002), The Guardian (2003), The Wedding (2003), True Believer (2005) and its sequel, At First Sight (2005), Dear John (2006), The Choice (2007), The Lucky One (2008), The Last Song (2009), Safe Haven (2010), The Best of Me (2011), The Longest Ride (2013), See Me (2015), Two by Two (2016), Every Breath (2018), The Return (2020), The Wish (2021), and Dreamland (2022), as well as the 2004 non-fiction memoir Three Weeks With My Brother, co-written with his brother Micah. His twenty-fourth novel, Counting Miracles, will be published on September 24, 2024.

Film adaptations of Nicholas Sparks novels, including The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best of Me, Safe Haven (on all of which he served as a producer), The Lucky One, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, Dear John and The Last Song, have had a cumulative worldwide gross of over three-quarters of a billion dollars. The Notebook has also been adapted into a Broadway musical, featuring music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson.

Sparks lives in North Carolina. He contributes to a variety of local and national charities, and is a major contributor to the Creative Writing Program (MFA) at the University of Notre Dame, where he provides scholarships, internships, and a fellowship annually. He co-founded The Epiphany School in New Bern, North Carolina in 2006. As a former full scholarship athlete (he still holds a track and field record at the University of Notre Dame) he also spent four years coaching track and field athletes at the local public high school. In 2009, the team he coached at New Bern High School set a World Junior Indoor Record in the 4×400 meters, as well as US High School National Records in the 800 Medley and 1600 Medley. Click to watch the Runner’s World video with Nicholas.

The Nicholas Sparks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was founded in 2011, to provide scholarships and fund educational programs for underprivileged and disadvantaged youth. Between the foundation, and the personal gifts of the Sparks family, more than $15 million dollars have been distributed to deserving charities, scholarship programs, and projects. Because the Sparks family covers all operational expenses of the foundation, 100% of donations are devoted to programs.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,063 reviews
Profile Image for Kate.
30 reviews
August 14, 2011
Damn, I really can't understand why I even started reading Sparks in the first place. This book was so full of stereotypes, it was awful. I mean, the guy was, of course, handsome, attractive, great with kids, a good craftsman, and surprise - surprise, he even could play the piano! The woman was beautiful, sensitive, a great mum, a talented cook, bla bla bla... And Sparks doesn't even make the effort to change the setting. Not once! It's always near or in Wilmington, North Carolina. *yawn*
It had its rare nice moments, therefore it's 2 stars. But what really sucks is that Sparks seems to have a very soft spot for soldiers since 9/11. So, talking of boring clichés, the protagonist was a brave soldier fighting for his country in Iraq. *doubleyawn* I will never understand the American idealism about their soldiers. (And please, any people reading this, don't feel obliged to lecture me on that...)
So, my conclusion, I will never ever read a Sparks again. The book before that was already a disappointment, but I thought I should give him another chance. Huge mistake, one I certainly won't repeat.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
May 18, 2022
The Lucky One, Nicholas Sparks

After U.S. Marine Logan Thibault finds a photograph of a smiling young woman buried in the dirt during his tour of duty in Iraq, he experiences a sudden streak of luck, winning poker games and even surviving deadly combat. Back home in Colorado, Thibault can't seem to get the woman in the photograph out of his mind and he sets out on a journey across the country to find her. But Thibault is caught off guard by the strong attraction he feels for the woman he encounters in North Carolina - Elizabeth, a divorced mother -- and he keeps the story of the photo, and his luck, a secret. As he and Elizabeth embark upon a passionate love affair, his secret soon threatens to tear them apart -- destroying not only their love, but also their lives.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز هفدهم ماه می سال2020میلادی

عنوان: خوش شانس؛ نویسنده: نیکولاس اسپارکس؛ مترجم: زهرا تابشیان؛ تهران، نشر خزه، سال1398؛ در352ص؛ شابک9786229984567؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

عنوان: خوش شانس؛ نویسنده: نیکلاس اسپارکس؛ مترجم: محدثه مظاهری؛ ویراستار: زهرا احسان‌منش؛ دبیر واحد ترجمه: مریم نفیسی‌راد؛ کرج، نشر شانی، سال1400؛ در624ص؛ شابک9786003726154؛

رمان «خوش شانس» رمانی عاشقانه، و بسیار پیروزمند و پر فروش را، در سال2008میلادی، «نیکلاس اسپارکس» نویسنده ی «ایالات متحده آمریکا» منتشر کردند؛ شخصیت اصلی این رمان «لوگان تیبو» عضو نیروی دریایی «ایالات متحده»، یک روز ناخودآگاه عکسی از یک زن خندان و جوان را در خلال جنگ «عراق» از زیر آوراهای یک خانه پیدا میکند، او عکس را پیش خود نگاه میدارد، و پس از آن رویداد، برنده ی یک دست بازی پوکر میشود، پس از این ماجرا نیز، در یک نبرد، دو تن از دوستانش کشته میشوند، و تنها او جان سالم از مهلکه به در میبرد؛ بهترین دوست او، «ویکتور»، به نظر میرسد توضیح بسیار باورمندی برای این بخت بلند «لوگان» دارد، یعنی عکس زنی که او یافته است، جادوی شانس و اقبال «لوگان» هست؛ «لوگان» پس از پایان دوره ی خدمت خود در «عراق»، به خانه اش در «کلرادو» باز میگردد، او بر این باور است، زنی که در عکس حضور دارد، به نوعی با سرنوشت او گره خورده است؛ او سفری را برای پیدا کردن آن زن آغاز میکند، و سپس با «الیزابت بث گرین» دیدار و آشنا میگردد، زنی طلاق گرفته که مادر یک پسر کوچک به نام «بن»، در «کارولینای شمالی» است؛ «لوگان» در همان دیدار نخست محو دل انگیزی و زیبایی «الیزابت» تلاش میکند، تا داستان عکس و خوش شانسی خود را، به عنوان یک راز مگو پیش خود نگاه دارد؛ او و «الیزابت بث» وارد یک رابطه عاشقانه گرم و آتشین میگردند، اما راز عکس بسیار زود آنها را تهدید به جدایی از همدیگر میکند، و هماره با ادامه ی دخالتهای شوهر پیشین «بث» در زندگی او و «لوگان»، یعنی کلانتر شهر، و پسر یکی از برجسته ترین، و شناخته شده ترین تاجران کشور- نه تنها دلش میخواهد زندگی عاشقانه و گرم این دو تن را به ویرانی بکشاند، بلکه در این صدد است تا آن دو را از صحنه روزگار نیز محو کند؛ رمان «خوش شانس» از دیدگاه سه شخصیت گوناگون «کیت کلیتون»، «الیزابت بث گرین» و «لوگان تیبو» بازگو میشود؛ از این رمان اقتباسی سینمایی و پر فروش با بازی ستارگانی همچون «زاک افرون» و «تیلور شیلینگ» در سال2012میلادی صورت گرفته، که پیروزی بزرگوار و سودآوری در سبک عاشقانه و درام را برای تماشاگران به ارمغان آورده است

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 27/02/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Buggy.
534 reviews688 followers
August 27, 2016

Opening Line:"Deputy Keith Clayton hadn't heard them approach, and up close, he didn't like the looks of them any more then he had the first time he'd seen them."

THE LUCKY ONE is another great read from Nicholas Sparks. Here we are given a story with a slightly darker edge and far more suspense then his usual soppy romance. Dog lovers and fans of The Guardian in particular will appreciate this engaging romantic suspense.

One of the great (or not so great) things about Nicholas Sparks is that he doesn’t always give you a happy ending and it was with this in mind that about half way through -just as the flood waters started to rise, secrets began boiling to the surface and I was completely invested in the characters and their budding love story, I began to get nervous for the ending. I mean you just knew something bad was going to happen, the clues were all there but the real question that kept me turning pages at a frantic pace was… to who?

Each chapter here has been written from a different characters POV incorporating Elizabeth; a divorced mother with a young son who along with her no-nonsense Nana run a dog kennel in their small North Carolina town, Clayton her ex-husband and the town sheriff (bully) comes from a influential family yet harbours some nasty little secrets.

Iraq war veteran, Logan Thibault is our hero and alongside his dog Zeus has walked (yes walked) from Colorado in an obsessive search for the unknown woman from a photograph he found during his three harrowing tours of duty in Iraq. He believes the picture to be his good luck charm and directly responsible for keeping him alive. In the end all the characters merge for a predictable yet ultimately nail-biting ending.

The last chapter is very, very sneaky with Sparks keeping you on pins for pages before finally giving up the ending of which I had no clue. I fell in love with all of these well fleshed out characters, each coming with rich personalities and history including several flashbacks. The love story is well done and as I said before not too soppy. Thibault is a quiet, tortured hero and just so damn lovely with Beth perfect as his caring yet tough partner. The antagonist is creepy and also well written yet because of who he is you can’t really wish him dead. Sheesh, I even fell for the boy and the dog. So yeah, I highly recommend another Nicholas Sparks novel.
Profile Image for Barb.
117 reviews9 followers
November 24, 2008
A typical NS book, which seems like a gender-reversal of "Message in a Bottle". It was an easy escape read, and the characters are all well developed. I actually hated reading the chapters on Clayton! What a creep! I love Zeus, who had a great handle on character reading!

Almost feel that NS is becoming a bit Danielle Steeleish in his writing...formula, token sex, surprise of who died/lived.

All in all...not a bad book for a cold weekend!
Profile Image for Yara Yu.
595 reviews648 followers
July 1, 2021
لأن اليوم عيد ميلادي أردت قراءة رواية لطيفة ولم أجد ألطف من نيكولاس سباركس وأسلوبه الراقي ❤
416 reviews
June 1, 2012
Nicholas Sparks is not a good writer.

His dialogue is completely flat, and it doesn't help when he throws in comments such as "he liked her wit" when nothing at all witty had been said. I can only imagine he is working toward a certain word count when he describes every step of making tacos and homemade ice cream. I've heard that he disdains the label of romance author for himself, but most romance authors I read can write circles around him.

Profile Image for Karen J.
357 reviews236 followers
November 7, 2021
“The Lucky One” by Nicholas Sparks

Sometimes it’s nice to just read a warm heartfelt uplifting book. I loved the story line between Logan and Elizabeth and the very unique way they met. The surprising way their paths have met and how it impacts their future. I have to admit I am a Nicholas Sparks fan, he never seems to let me down when I need a feel good story.
280 reviews8 followers
April 13, 2012
I picked up this book because I'd seen the movie preview and thought that I should really read it before watching it. Problem is, I have a real love/hate relationship with Nicholas Sparks. I'm a happy ending kind of a girl. I read books to escape the sadness, drama and sometimes craziness of life. I swear, every other time I read a Sparks book I swear I'll never read another. I don't like it when people find true love and then one of them dies or does something stupid so they're ripped apart forever (Dear John anyone?. How much did that blow?!!) Plus, that's not even that realistic because I know very few people that has happened to. Anyway, on with the review. . .

SPOILER ALERT: I did a little research and determined that this one might be a safe one to try. I held my breath through a good portion of the book, but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't thrilled with the ending, but at least it wasn't sad.

As I was reading reviews I saw a lot of people complaining that this book was very stereotypical. Pretty, perfect people, a villian you love to hate. Well, that's probably true, but those are the books Sparks writes and most people like him for that. Like I said, some like to escape the reality of life a little.

Overall, the book was a lot of fun. I had a hard time putting it down. I loved the love story of it. One of Nicholas Spark's better stories.
Profile Image for Jason Lilly.
232 reviews46 followers
April 19, 2012
I should have known what I was getting myself into.

Okay... Let me begin with some positives so I can avoid being hunted down and beaten by the army of Nicholas Sparks fans.

Sparks is an excellent storyteller and a master of the romantic motif. He is good at taking a timeless story element and putting a new spin on it. He is also good with pacing, using smooth and lyrical words during romantic moments and quick and terse words in the more suspenseful moments.


There are few things more irritating than a writer who feels the need to explain everything to his reader. Sparks does this often, in all of his books. It is as if Sparks caters to a demographic of readers who do not want to think and just want to enjoy a book. I get that, but there are also those (a lot) of us out there who don't enjoy a book if it doesn't make us think. I know what an IED is. And if I didn't know, I would find out. In one scene, a group of college kids make a joke about crabs. I chuckled, until I read the next line in which Sparks explains the joke! This, in my opinion, is inexcusable.

In addition to that, I have a serious problem with some character point-of-view issues in this book. Sparks names each chapter after the character whose third-person point of view he follows in that chapter. This is an admirable and challenging method. But he breaks it several times throughout the book in order to (once again) explain something that the character may not know.

Oh, and there should be a law that romance writers are no longer allowed to say that a character "completes" another character. Overdone, overused, and it lacks originality.

There also were very few surprises in this book. I won't say too much, because some readers may be surprised by some things. But I was not.

The book gets three stars, however, because I did enjoy the story. Also, Logan Thibault was a likeable character, not too romantic-lead cliche, and had some depth. Nana was funny, lovable, and provided some solid heart for all of the characters. The rest of the characters, however, seemed straight out of the book of character cliches (strong, determined female lead, controlling ex-husband, conflicted child divorce victim).

It may be a while before I read another Nicholas Sparks book. Maybe one day when I just want to read a good story with predictable characters, no surprises, and that makes me say, "Gee, that was nice" but probably won't stick with me long after I've finished it.
Profile Image for AMEERA.
279 reviews331 followers
March 2, 2017
this book not for me cuz i'm not emotional person or search for romantic stories , i'm tough girl :D
Profile Image for Aishu Rehman.
982 reviews946 followers
October 30, 2020
If you like Nicolas Sparks, this book is one of his best. Personally, when it comes to one of his stories, I always read the ending first before buying his books. Sure, it's a spoiler but he has stung me too many times by killing off a main character, turning a wonderful love story into a rediculous tragedy that leaves the reader grieving instead of rejoicing. There is enough pain in real life without inflicting it needlessly in a sappy book. I read to escape and find some joy in fantasy. This one ended a bit over-dramatically but it all in all, it ended well; so I bought it.
Profile Image for Coco.
1,092 reviews541 followers
July 5, 2014
Creo que Nicholas Sparks es mi autor favorito sin yo misma saberlo. Mi relación con él es bastante tensa, porque lo odio con todo mi corazón por esos finales tan crueles en sus libros, pero lo amo con toda mi alma por todas las historias de amor tan maravillosas que ha creado.
Y tengo que decirlo o explotaré: ¡Por fin un final feliz!

966 reviews393 followers
June 16, 2017
Thank you Nicholas Sparks for the heart attack you almost caused me with that ending! I was this close ( ) to lose my mind over Logan.
It's a beautiful story, beautifully written, and very enjoyable, it evokes faith, luck, destiny, all gathered in a former marine's life, and his journey to accomplish what had started in his life because of a photograph.
IDK why! But I always find Sparks' stories so enjoyable, like they keep one's mind away from his own crap, and make it wander away in the era and place where the told story is taking place.
I liked it, I actually loved it, I also loved Logan's character, boy, was he amazing! And I found myself sticking my tongue like a child at Keith in different parts of the book.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,440 reviews1,636 followers
December 27, 2018
The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks is a contemporary romance that was originally published back in 2008 but is now being republished. Nicholas Sparks is an author that most folks know you can count on to tell a beautiful story so this one has been on my TBR and luckily enough I was gifted a review copy and finally got the chance to read it.

Logan Thibault is an ex marine that has a strange sort of mission to accomplish now that he’s back in the states. Logan had found a photograph of a young woman while in a war zone and when he couldn’t find the owner he kept the photo himself. When luck seemed to follow Logan every where his friend was insistent that the photo was good luck and he would need to repay the woman someday.

Armed with only the photo and the few clues it offers Logan set out across the U.S. in search of the mysterious woman. When Logan finally found the small town where the photo was taken he finally was able to approach Elizabeth but the truth of his arrival seemed a bit much to tell a stranger so Logan held off but as the two grow closer will that be the wrong choice?

As much as I’m not a huge fan of hiding something at the start of a relationship Nicholas Sparks still sold me on this romance anyway. Logan was such a deep character carrying the baggage of war with him that I couldn’t help but be behind him finding a HEA even with the lie of omission. Elizabeth also had so much in her past and present that both characters need to deal with that makes the suspense grow that I just couldn’t stop turning the pages. Then to top it all off we have Elizabeth’s son and Logan’s dog giving so many aaawww moments I just couldn’t help but fall in love. Definitely a great story from this great author.

I received an advance copy from the publisher.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Ivy.
213 reviews28 followers
October 1, 2009
This wasn't one of my absolute favorites--just okay. I have read several Nicholas Sparks novels and I put this one in the category of "True Believer" and its sequel, "At First Sight".

By now the author pretty much has a formula which he follows in most of his books: always set it his home state of North Carolina, there is always a storm where the plot twists and/or reaches its climax, someone usually dies, and the couples always fall in love and end up in bed--usually, boring, uninteresting sex ensues. This 14th novel is no different.

Logan Thibault is an ex-marine in search of a woman whose photo he's been carrying for the past five years. He found it in the sand in Iraq and ever since he has carried it, he has felt lucky. It has helped him win big at poker games, and kept him alive in situations that, by all accounts, should have ended his life. His friend, Victor tells him he has a debt to pay to the woman in the photo as it has proved to be a lucky charm. When tragedy strikes, Logan follows his friend's advice and sets out on foot, with his dog, Zeus, from Colorado to North Carolina, stopping along the way to seek information about E.--the only letter of the woman's name found on the back of the photo.

Upon entering Hampton County, Logan has a run in with the local sherrif who doesn't like the looks of him or of his German shepard. This sherrif later on becomes a big player in this story as he interferes in Thibault's life and plans.

Here is where the action begins. Of course, Thibault finds the woman in the photograph and what usually happens in Sparks novels happens, but the story lacked the passion found in "The Notebook" and "Nights in Rodanthe". I don't feel like Sparks ever really peels back enough of the layers that make up these characters. I never get to know them as well as I should. A lot of his stories are just on the surface--and once in a while he ends up with a winner like the two previously mentioned books. For the most part though, his books are airport novels--an appropriate read to pass the time but it doesn't stay with you. I have found that to be the biggest disappointment with most of his books. NONE of them are keepers. Here is another one for the donation pile.

Profile Image for Amanda.
Author 1 book20 followers
December 4, 2013
Whenever I go to read a Nicholas Sparks book my first (and usually only) question to anyone who has read it is "Am I going to cry?" I ask this because in many of Spark's novels the main character dies in the end often in a tragic way. Since, I now want fun books with happy endings, it breaks my heart when this happens.

However, Sparks has such a rich and inviting writing style that even with these reoccurring tragic endings, I can't help but fall in love with any and all of his books. The characters come alive and the love stories are magical, yet real at time.

"The Lucky One" is no different. It is a beautiful story with strong, animated characters. Logan Thibault is one of my favorite characters in literature. He is Veteran of the U.S. Marines and a quiet, confident man who is looking for his destiny. He finds it in Elizabeth, a single mom living in her hometown of Hampton, NC. Their story is beautiful and a delight to read.

Once I started "The Lucky One" I did not want to put it down. The story is compelling and sweet. Sparks is at his best when writing this novel. And to answer the question of whether I cried...I did not. At least, there were no sad tears. But it is a story that stays with you, in a good way.

I give "The Lucky One" five out of five stars. I love this novel and if you are a fan of Sparks' work or love stories in general then this is a novel for you.
Profile Image for zainab .
121 reviews71 followers
April 6, 2021
Logan is in the Navy, during a mission, he finds a photo of a woman. This photo protects him from death. When he returns home, he sets out to find her. Elisabeth, a young mother who is urgently looking for a worker, finally accepts Logan with scepticism. The feelings between Logan and Elisabeth grow, but Logan is hiding a secret and Keith makes Elisabeth's life hell.
I've already seen the film, so I really wanted to read the book. The book is breathtaking and beautiful. Nicholas Sparks has proven his talent again.

Profile Image for Anna Marie.
1,274 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2013
I read it because I can't watch a movie without reading the book, first. What I want to know is, HOW this man got so popular? He can't write for crap. Utterly unbelievable. First of all, we have Elizabeth, who is a single mom who is a teacher (think lesson plans, grading papers, gone all day, etc) who takes her son to chess/baseball/violin, who also cares for her grandmother (who had a stroke), AND co-runs a kennel/obedience school out of her home AND is carting her son back and fort to visitation... and on top of ALL of that, cans her own home-grown salsa. In. What. Time? Let's be a little realistic, shall we? Yet every time we see her in the book, she's just hanging out on the porch. Yeah. Right.

Then there's Logan, who only exists in someone's imagination. A man who is that perfect does not live. He's a pianist. A violinist. Has a degree in Anthropology. Fixes cars. Trains animals. Is a war hero. Survived ELEVEN bombings in Iraq. Plays chess, makes kites out of garbage bags and straws like MacGuyver, is a prolific reader, WALKED from Colorado to North Carolina, has a bottomless wallet of cash only... it's just crazy.

Then there's fun little stupid things like when Nicholas Sparks has Elizabeth planting thousands of tulips and daffodils every spring, so they can come up after the azaleas. Um... tulips and daffodils are PERENNIALS... they come up every year, you don't have to re-plant, Nick... and tulips are the FIRST things that come up, along with crocus and daffodils. The man drives me crazy.

And I'm not even sure I want to see the movie. The book says Logan got a degree in anthropology, has done three tours of duty as a Marine in Iraq, has 'wild' hair and a vagabond appearance and "doesn't look like a college student"... and they cast Zac Ephron? You have GOT to be kidding me.

And yet all of his books become movies. I don't get it.
Profile Image for AnnaMay.
287 reviews
December 21, 2008
Okay, so this book followed my reading of The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. After that great work of literature, anything would pale, probably. Maybe I'm not being fair, but I really just didn't care for Sparks' latest. I've only read a few of his books, but already I'm seeing a pattern and I found myself getting bored and saying, "Awe, come on," throughout. The plot was too predictable, the characters were too generic, and I guess I just wasn't in to the whole storyline. The creepy cop ex-husband didn't help my desire to continue reading, either. Trite. That's how I'd describe it. Trite and that it left me feeling let-down.
That being said, I read the book in a day....I kept wanting to be done with it and get it over with. While it was a rather harmless, quick-read romance, (which I like at times), I don't think I'll read another of Sparks' books. Too bad. I had liked previous books by him. He's gotta do better than this, though.
Oh, and it kind of bugs me that he puts a full-blown photo of himself on the back cover of the book. What's that all about? I felt like I had to turn the book over so I didn't see him staring up at me whenever I set it down. Annoying. My husband is better-looking by far. I should have taped a picture of him on the book :).
Maybe I'm too harsh, but that's my sum-up of this one.
7 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2009
At least this one has a happy ending... I am noticing a pattern in Sparks' books though which is kinda disappointing because I have enjoyed the few that I've read, but it seems like they always contain the same core elements.

One thing that annoyed me in this book (which, I realize, has nothing to do with the storyline at all) is that when they are making homemade ice cream, Sparks lists the ingredients they are adding which include a cup of flour. You don't put flour in homemade ice cream! Did that bother anyone else, or just me? Other than that, I always notice spelling errors in Sparks' books that a simple proofread could have easily corrected.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelly Moran.
Author 47 books1,320 followers
October 16, 2008
I found The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks, captivating. Nicholas Sparks is a #1 New York Times best-selling author with over fifty million copies of his books in print worldwide and translated into over forty languages. Other titles include: The Rescue, A Bend in the Road, The Guardian, The Wedding, True Believer, At First Sight, Dear John, The Choice, and Three Weeks With My Brother. Nicholas Sparks has also had four of his novels adapted into major motion pictures including: Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and Nights in Rodanthe. Nicholas Sparks resides in North Carolina with his wife and family.
While in his third tour of duty in Iraq, U.S. Marine Logan Thibault happens upon a half-buried photograph of a beautiful young woman, simply known as E. After no one has claimed it, Logan finds himself drawn to it and carrying it in his pocket wherever he goes. More importantly, he discovers it brings him luck. His friend, Victor, seems to think it was his fate to find it and calls it his lucky charm. Once he is back home in Colorado, Logan can’t seem to get the woman out of his mind. Understanding just how crazy it was, he sets forth on foot from Colorado to North Carolina in search of what very well may be his destiny. He didn’t have any illusions of what might await him, but he sure wasn’t expecting the instant attraction to Elizabeth, the sincere fondness for her Nana, the friction with her ex, Clayton, or to fall immediately in love with her ten-year-old son, Ben. Pursuing the path he chose and attraction for Beth, they ignite a passionate affair of the heart, never knowing that the secret of how he came about the photo could destroy everything he had waited his entire life to find.
True to form, and with a power-house ending, it’s no secret why Nicholas Sparks has captivated readers worldwide for some time now. How rare it is to find a man who can craft a story in this genre with so much insight in the human condition, affairs of the heart, the importance of family- and to do it in a manner that always seems new and unique. I find that to be the best part of this author, that when he has you crying, laughing, or ready to spit nails, he has the power to make you believe that anything is possible- that fate and destiny are not myths, after all. (Insert sigh here), Another great read from a true gem in this genre.
The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks, is an engaging, charming, and witty tale, determined to restore your faith in happily ever after again.

Kelly Moran
Author and Reviewer
Profile Image for Carmen de la Rosa.
554 reviews367 followers
May 21, 2019
THE LUCKY ONE es otra gran lectura de Nicholas Sparks. Aquí se nos da una historia con un borde ligeramente más oscuro y mucho más suspenso que su habitual romance.

Una de las grandes (o no tan buenas) cosas de Nicholas Sparks es que no siempre te da un final feliz y fue con esto en mente que casi a la mitad, justo cuando las aguas de la inundación comenzaron a subir, los secretos empezaron a salir a la superficie, ya estaba completamente involucrada en los personajes y su incipiente historia de amor, comencé a ponerme nerviosa por el final. Quiero decir, solo sabías que algo malo iba a pasar, todas las pistas estaban ahí, pero la verdadera pregunta que me hizo pasar las páginas a un ritmo frenético fue ... ¿a quién?

Cada capítulo aquí se ha escrito a partir de diferentes personajes POV que incorporan a Elizabeth; Una madre divorciada con un hijo joven que junto con su abuela manejan una perrera en la pequeña ciudad de Carolina del Norte, Clayton, su ex marido y el alguacil de la ciudad, proviene de una familia influyente pero alberga algunos pequeños y desagradables secretos.

El veterano de la guerra de Irak, Logan Thibault es nuestro héroe y, junto a su perro, Zeus caminó (sí, caminó) desde Colorado en una búsqueda obsesiva de la mujer desconocida de una fotografía que encontró durante sus espeluznantes períodos de servicio en Irak. Él cree que la fotografía es su amuleto de buena suerte y directamente responsable de mantenerlo vivo. Al final, todos los personajes se combinan para un final predecible pero, en última instancia, mordaz.

El último capítulo es muy, muy astuto, con Sparks manteniéndote en los pies de las páginas antes de renunciar finalmente al final del cual no tenía ni idea. Me enamoré de todos estos personajes bien hechos, cada uno con personalidades e historia buenas que incluyen varios flashbacks. La historia de amor está bien hecha y como he dicho antes no es demasiado soppy. Thibault es un héroe callado y torturado, y es tan encantador que Beth es perfecto como su compañero cariñoso y duro. El antagonista es espeluznante y también está bien escrito aún, debido a quién es usted, realmente no puede desearle la muerte, incluso me enamoré del niño y del perro. Así que sí, recomiendo otra novela de Nicholas Sparks.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
December 22, 2018
The lucky one. Just like the title, mr SParks is telling us about believing in luck. Life is hard and sometimes along the way u encounter luck. Things that u can not explain but just believe on it and hold on tight.

The story befins where logan finds a picture of a woman in kuwait during his tour of duty. And after that his luck change. He somehow survived many horrible and even death. He reluctantly believe its because of that picture. So when he was discharged, he searched for the woman in the picture and brings him to beth. A single mother.

Like many nicholas sparks book, the story is fully laden with melancholic and tear jearker moments.

I loke the book even though i feel its tad too long. Especially building up the chemistry between beth and logan. Nevertheless, i now do believe in luck.

4 to find you stars
Profile Image for Cammie.
376 reviews14 followers
March 21, 2020
I'm not one for romances, but this one reeled me in--hook, line, and sinker. My feelings were all over the place while reading this or maybe my feelings are all over the place in general, but either way, I thought it would be a light romance to read right now, and I was nearly in tears for the last few chapters. I could not read it fast enough!
There are times when I have strong feelings about characters but usually those are strong feelings of approval or characters that I really like; however, I HATE Keith Clayton! I don't think I have hated a character in a book so much--EVER! Elizabeth is a lot more forgiving of her ex-husband than I could ever be.
May everyone find the toast to his/her butter!
Profile Image for Ashley.
769 reviews16 followers
November 26, 2008
Started off a little slow, maybe because he spent so much time introducing the characters. It just got a little old and before I knew it I was 1/2 way through the book and not much had happened. But good thing you don't read the beginning last.

I did like the story, I'm a sap for romance, I loved the character Logan.

On a side note I couldn't get past some of the writing. For being such a famous author I would think they would use spell check or something before they published it. (Ex. finally was fnally). They even spelled one of the main characters wrong (Clayton was Cayton). And maybe I don't know enough about writing, but there was a phrase used that didn't seem to fit in the spot it was used. 'It was all Thibault could do not to laugh'. I get what it is saying here, I understand the phrase, but what is "it"? Any English majors out there? Ok I'm dumb for thinking way too much into this.

I liked the book. Period.
Profile Image for Sarah Swann.
836 reviews1,056 followers
June 4, 2022
This one was just ok for me. It felt very predictable and I was almost announcing what was going to happen as I was reading. It also felt a little insta-lovey. I don’t know, I might be done with his books at this point in my life. I was disappointed that I didn’t love this one.
Profile Image for Bren.
861 reviews142 followers
February 27, 2019
Siempre que siento que tengo que leer algo más ligero me gustar recurrir a autores como Nicholas Sparks, casi nunca me defrauda y en esta ocasión ciertamente no lo ha hecho.

Es una historia sencilla, tranquila incluso, que cuenta como Logan, nuestro protagonista se embarca en un largo viaje en busca de una persona. Me ha gustado mucho Logan como personaje, creo que le ha faltado un poco de profundidad, pero aun así me ha gustado.

Me resulta curioso que Sparks siendo hombre tenga más facilidad para dibujar personajes femeninos que masculinos, tal vez sea el género que escribe, pero lo cierto es que sus personajes femeninos siempre son mucho más complicados.

En fin, una historia sencilla, nada complicada, con su dosis de romance, su dosis de drama, tal vez un poco cliché, chico conoce a chica, se enamoran y en el fondo está el personaje malo que busca que esa relación no funcione... sí bueno, cliché, pero me ha gustado.

Al final del día me gusta mucho como escribe Sparks, tiene una manera sencilla y fluida y nada pegajosa de escribir novela Romántica.
Profile Image for CL.
1,153 reviews17 followers
August 30, 2012
I'm not going to lie: I read this book because I wanted to watch the film and I wanted to watch the film because Zac Efron is in it and I wanted to stare at Zac Efron for 90 minutes because I am shallow.

I also wanted to read the book because I'm fascinated by the fact that so many of Nicholas Sparks' novels have been turned into films. Is he really that good or just he have an extraordinary agent?

Well, I enjoyed this book. Between reading the blurb and seeing the trailer for the film, I knew exactly what I was in for and it delivered it well. I loved Zeus and Ben/Zeus/Logan's relationship. I feel that the ending and the way they resolved the whole Keith Clayton thing was a bit of a cop-out but at the same time I wouldn't have it any other way as I can now believe that Beth/Logan get their Happy Ever After.
Profile Image for Ninoska Goris.
270 reviews167 followers
April 11, 2017
Una historia de como el destino nos sorprende y nos guía hacia el amor verdadero.
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