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Swallow The Moon

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June swallowed the moon to find true love. A motorcycle from Hell dumped Eric on her doorstep. Now there is Hell to pay.

An accountant for a failing company, June longs for true love. In a Wiccan summoning ceremony, she swallows the moon in an effort to find her soul mate. What she gets is Ohio National Guardsman Eric Macmillan, who owns a cursed Suzuki Hayabusa and two spirits: DEA agent Jake the Snake, and the malevolent stripper Cora Cobra.

Back from Afghanistan, divorced and un-employed, Eric is the third owner of the Suzuki Hayabusa. The other owners are dead, just not departed. He's looking for the artist who created 'Cora's' snake-inspired paint job. When Eric arrives at the scene of Jake's last sting, on a one-of-a-kind motorcycle, all Hell breaks loose.

Van Man Go is the world's greatest airbrush artist. He will repaint Eric's Hayabusa, for the usual price. Like Cora Cobra and Jake the Snake, Eric must put his soul up for collateral. Cora and Jake failed to pay their debts, now there is Hell to pay.

Care to take a ride on the Hayabusa from Hell?

66 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 9, 2005

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About the author

K.A. Jordan

21 books24 followers
K. A. Jordan holds a degree in Applied Science, lives on a small farm and can often be found on the back of her husband's Suzuki motorcycle. She writes fiction with well-drawn characters and complex plots.

Her e-book "Let's Do Lunch" spent 10 weeks on the Amazon UK Best Seller's List for Romantic Suspense and sold over 4,000 books in the month of December 2010.

In June 2014, "Swallow the Moon" hit the top 10 Paranormal Romance Ghost Best Seller's List where it stayed for an entire week.

Currently, the first of her "Horsewomen of the Zombie Apocalypse" series "The Emissary: Journey" is awaiting judgement at the eFestival of Words (dot com) in the Best Novella catagory.

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Daniel Roberts.
Author 25 books6 followers
September 18, 2011
As a guy who enjoys a good romance novel from time to time, I tend to be a bit more critical. When things happen that don't make sense, I tend to frown. Well guess what. I never frowned ONCE while reading Swallow the Moon. I expected to read this in a week or so, only to find myself unable to put it down.

The plot isn't too complicated, yet it's intricate in how it plays out. That's no easy feat to pull off. One of my pet peeves of women writers who write about men's reactions in a romantic novel is having the guy so far off base as to be unreal. Jorndan's take on this issue is a pleasant surprise. She gets it right. In doing that, the story took on a quality of realism that I do enjoy, and happily immersed myself into the world and the supernatural problems our lovebirds face.

Well done, Jordan. I can tell that you wrote this from both the heart and mind. Keep it up. ^_^

Profile Image for Claudine.
55 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2011
Ghosts, Wiccans, demonically possessed motorcycle, true love.....

I don’t read romance novels. I don’t read paranormal romance novels. When the author asked for readers to review her paranormal ghostly romance, I thought what the hell the worst is that I could positively hate it right? Well I was pleasantly surprised. While the romance genre is certainly not something I will actively read, it’s not half as bad as I thought it would be.

The story centres around June, a Wiccan accountant at a failing company looking for her soulmate, and Eric, a troubled Vet who saw action in Afghanistan. He returns home after his second tour of duty to find his marriage over and his life in tatters. The lab he works for closes just as he purchases a motorcycle. From Hell. The ghost of the first owner, a woman called Cora Cobra, hovers in and around the motorcycle. Eric is hooked the minute he sees it and buys it from a widow whose husband, an undercover Narc, died when losing control of the motorcycle in a bend in the road. Jake’s ghost haunts the motorcycle too but he is trapped, unlike Cora's ghost. She's evil. Eric and June meet one night when he is driven off the road by men in an SUV right outside of June’s home. She calls the police and an ambulance after they drive off, unable to find Eric and make sure he is dead. She keeps the motorcycle in her garage for Eric, who is taken off to hospital to patch him up. Over the next few days, he stays with her while looking for Van Man Go, the man who painted Cora’s portrait on the motorcycle, and recovering from his injuries. He wants to restore the bodywork. June senses the ghost of Cora around the motorcycle, she feels the evil in it. And then there’s that instant attraction going on between them. And what’s up with the ghostly visits in her bedroom? And the roses he keeps leaving?

Overall, a good read, for the paranormal genre. While it doesn’t inspire me to go out and buy more of this type of book, it was a pleasant change from my normal reading list. I will however make sure to find other books written by the author.
Profile Image for Tahlia Newland.
Author 22 books83 followers
May 21, 2012
I'm sorry I didn't have time to do a longer review of this one, but if you like urban fantasy, then this really is one you should read. It's an excellent book, well written and a unique idea in a genre already overflowing with ideas. The plot moved along at a good pace, leading to a very satisfying ending. I enjoyed spending time with the characters and look forward to more from this author. Go Indies!
Author 9 books41 followers
November 17, 2011
Original review at http://goodbookalert.blogspot.com/201...

Flawed but realistic characters make Swallow The Moon an enjoyable paranormal romance.


When Wiccan June attempts a ritual to summon her one true love, she never expected an unemployed veteran with a possessed bike to show up instead. With two ghosts and other dark forces at work, June may have to worry less about love and more about survival.


There's something a bit charming and naive about a person using magic in an attempt to summon their true love. There's also something almost obviously pragmatic about it. It is that combination of traits in the female main character, June, that makes her a likable heroine. June possesses a flawed yet realistic humanity about her that grants her character depth. Similarly, the main male lead, Eric, an emotionally scarred vet also comes across well as believable character. Indeed, his psychological struggles form the basis of an interesting character arc that isn't defined by grandiose supernatural show downs despite the threat to his very soul being posed by a possessed bike.

Despite the ever-present threat of the supernatural posed in this story, the strength in the novel actually lies in the somewhat more mundane interface between two slightly damaged human beings interested in finding emotional connection and stability. This, I think, provided for nice reader engagement in their interactions that isn't solely reliant on supernatural shenanigans.

That being said, the supernatural elements were intriguing. I have nothing against a good vampire, werewolf, or faerie story, nor anything against the often complex mythology that accompanies such stories, but the more straight-forward and personal supernatural challenge presented in this book made for a nice change of pace. The motivations of the entities the main characters deal with (at least some anyway) aren't as straight-forward as they first appear, adding to the tension.

The nature of how the material was handled worked well with the existing character traits and personality issues of the leads to enhance the drama and eliminate easy solutions. Admittedly, the fundamental nature of the conflict is a bit lower stakes than often seen in the genre, so those seeking grand supernatural clashes might be disappointed.

One aspect of the supernatural elements was overemphasized slightly resulting in me expecting certain plot confrontations that didn't end up materializing. These were not loose ends, though, but I was surprised at the proportion of time spent on certain elements when compared to their final contribution to the overall plot.

Setting is also well-utilized in Swallow The Moon both in the author's clear painting of a dying part of the American Midwest and also in taking advantage of the economic struggle afflicting the region to provide some exploration of certain socioeconomic themes and also highlight the desperation of the leads.
Profile Image for Ian Mathie.
Author 9 books9 followers
August 20, 2012
Swallow the Moon is an intriguing book, well worth reading and offering a series of different interests. On one hand we find a love story in which Eric Macmillan, a retuned veteran from the horrors of the Afghan war, finds his life torn apart when his childhood sweetheart wife abandons him because she cannot handle what the war has done to him. Unemployed and uncertain what to do next, he takes to the road on an exotic motorbike that is expensive in more ways than he imagines. Suddenly, run off the road by a joyriding SUV near a dying town on Lake Erie, he is thrown at the feet of a lonely woman who is pleading with the spirits to bring her a soul mate.
The incident is not what it seems for Eric has been mistaken by local mobsters for a former rider of the same motorbike and his encounter with the SUV was far from accidental. The former owner of the bike, an undercover drug enforcement officer, is now dead, his soul trapped in limbo by the bike’s first mistress and owner of its soul, Cora Cobra. She is a nasty and vindictive creature, also trapped in the nether world and screaming for release. Being bound to the bike, Cora attaches herself to Eric, wrapping her coils round him, body and soul, like the snake for which she was names that emblazons the bike.
June, who had dragged Eric to the safety of a ditch when the SUV returned trying to finish him off, finds herself magnetised by Eric but repelled and fighting off the savage spirits that surround him. All her wiccan powers are needed to hold them at bay while she makes sense of the new man in her life, fearing he is no more than a drifter, but desperately wanting him to be so much more.
Add to the mix a gang of crystal meth makers operating out of the local factory where June works, a family heritage of dealings with the occult and a town where people have long memoires and short fuses and you have the ingredients for a crackling good story. Written in a crisp, clean style, without flowery embellishments or unnecessary explanations Swallow the Moon takes hold of you in the same way the grasping spirits do. You feel compelled to read on and find out what happens next and whether the girl gets her man.
The way Kat Jordan writes about the horrors of the Afghan war, and how returning veterans battle against the problems their experiences engender, is vivid and compelling, exposing all the rawness and trauma so many have difficulty managing. This brings her story sharply onto focus against the contemporary setting of a moribund town struggling for survival.
This story works on several different levels. It has something elemental to offer to a variety of readers and demonstrates how a well constructed and written story can satisfy many tastes and leave you wanting more.
Profile Image for Amanda Shelley-Masters.
436 reviews21 followers
May 12, 2013
This was a really good book! I found myself completely immersed init from the very first page. The storyline was intriguing and the characters were interesting. I really liked June the main character, I don't think I have ever come across another character by the name of June (which is my daughters name) before and the fact that she was wiccan was even more awesome as I myself am a wiccan. Eric the male lead was annoying and male at times but aren't all men..lol...and I find that the author wrote him and his side very well.

I liked the split of the different aspects of the love story and the Paranormal thriller. K.A. Jordan did this very well and it meshed nicely, not getting tangled as it so easily could have. Instead the story flowed beautiful from one aspect to the next as we learn and watch the story unfold.

The Spirits were done amazingly well in the story and so incredibly creepy! the rituals that were performed and the way that June deals with them was well researched and even the fictional parts were well thought out and crafty. Van Man Go was the ultimate creepy guy and I think that even if he was the best artist in the world I would never have walked into his shop...lol...he did have a wicked cool name and his character was done really well I sure didn't want to have anything to do with the dude.

I really liked everything about this book I don't think I can say that there was anything I didn't. the author K.A. Jordan is a great writer and I would defiantly read more of her work. the book had everything I liked love, action, the paranormal, the occult, and cute puppy dogs!..lol...actually there is one little thing I didn't like, the cover, I think it could have been done a little nicer, the bike on the cover is ugly, if I saw a bike like that I wouldn't fall in love and buy it and the rest of the cover is just ok it doesn't stand out and wow me in any way. the inside of the book however did wow me and I devoured it all!
Profile Image for Rose Garcia.
7 reviews
January 3, 2024
unexpectedly good

I like romance, paranormal, etc, but this was good in a surprising way. The story flows well, the characters are believable and the ending provides an unexpected twist.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,206 reviews31 followers
January 12, 2016
I got 14% of the way through it and it just didn't keep my interest.
Profile Image for Kenneth Morris.
132 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2017
This one starts off as a romance novel, then incorporates paranormal, Wiccan, and demon attributes. The story is set in a small town and the writer is familiar with the setting in real life. That helps so much to keep it genuine. Various Wiccan and Pagan elements are well covered. Then you get the Demon Motorcycle from Hell. The romance starts and sputters in fits almost like a dirty engine, but when it gets humming, oh boy!! I would have liked to see a conclusion of a side story, but it didn't detract from the main. All the characters are well described and believable. It could have gotten sappy at a point or two, yet the author did us justice and kept strong. Great story, kept me up at night, reading.
Profile Image for Darlene.
367 reviews26 followers
February 21, 2013
I rec'd this book as a free kindle from Book Basset on Amazon. Thank you Book Basset.
Now let me tell you- this book has it all and more - I started reading this thinking it was a romance book. Boy was I wrong.
June wants to find her one true love and she is tried of waiting for him. She is a Wicca- so on this perfect night she goes out into the field to summon her one true love- what she summons is her love and a couple spirits. Here is where the story really gets interesting...
See Eric Macmillan has return from the afghan war - his wife left him as she could not take not knowing what was gonna happen to him. After awhile he has decide he needs a change he finds this awesome motorcycle. So he has set out to find himself. That's when he was run off the road and June came to his rescue.
She calls the police -he goes to the hospital- the bike goes into her garage. The next day he comes to stay at her place. Now this bike it has a mind of it's own. And it doesn't like June- nope Cora just doesn't like her one bit. See everyone that has anything to do with this bike ends up dead. The original owner Cora - The DEA agent Jake - and now it wants Eric.
June's true love ends up being Jake but she falls in love with Eric- as to how this works out- and which one does she end up with. For that you will have to read the book. And I must say YOU HAVE TO READ THE BOOK!!!
Profile Image for Alicia Huxtable.
1,800 reviews58 followers
December 23, 2014
A war vet, a witch, 2 nasty ghosts and 1 motorbike which the 2 ghosts are attached to makes for an interesting read. Throw in a few mystery men who want to kill the war vet.....pretty sure like everyone else they think he's one of the ghosts.
Kept me intrigued.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,225 reviews508 followers
Shelved as 'kindle-i-own-to-read'
January 3, 2013
Amazon Freebie 01/02/2013
Profile Image for Cathy.
313 reviews27 followers
March 3, 2013
A different type of PNR. I like most of it. The story kept me interested and reading but the characters not so much. A little more personality was required. Overall a good, fast read.
Profile Image for Angel.
737 reviews39 followers
July 28, 2013
After a little too much surprise Christian fiction, I needed something to clear the palate. This book definitely fit the bill. Over the top magic and some hot passion. Very good book.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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