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Astérix #5

Asterix and the Banquet

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When the Romans say no, Asterix says yes. So when the soldiers construct a barricade around Asterix’s village to pen everyone in, he and Obelix embark on a trip around the entire country, collecting local specialties along the way. It’s a delicious feast for them, and readers, too.

48 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1965

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About the author

René Goscinny

1,961 books1,189 followers
René Goscinny (1926 - 1977) was a French author, editor and humorist, who is best known for the comic book Asterix , which he created with illustrator Albert Uderzo, and for his work on the comic series Lucky Luke with Morris (considered the series' golden age).

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
January 31, 2022
Le Tour de Gaule d'Astérix = Asterix and the banquet (Asterix, #5), René Goscinny

Asterix and the Banquet is the fifth volume of the Asterix comic book series, by René Goscinny (stories) and Albert Uderzo (illustrations). It was first serialized in Pilote magazine, issues 172-213, in 1963.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنجم - آستریکس سفر به دور گال»؛ «ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنجم - آستریکس و مهمانی ویژه»؛ نویسنده: رنه گوسینی؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز چهارم ماه می سال2004میلادی

عنوان: ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنج - آستریکس سفر به دور گال؛ نویسنده: رنه گوسینی؛ مترجم مهدی شاه خلیلی؛ تهران، تاریخ و فرهنگ، سال1383؛ از ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنج؛ در48ص؛ مصور رنگی؛ گروه سنی ج د؛ شابک9647135696؛ موضوع: داستانهای فکاهی مصور از نویسندگان فرانسوی - سده20م

عنوان: ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنج - آستریکس و مهمانی ویژه؛ نویسنده: رنه گوسینی؛ مترجم: فریبرز افروزی؛ تهران، پرتو واقعه، سال1381؛ از ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب پنج؛ در48ص؛ مصور رنگی؛ گروه سنی ج د؛ شابک9649394834؛

لوسیوس گلباقالوس - فرستاده ی ویژه ی سزار - وارد اردوگاه رومی کامپندیوم میشود، تا نارضایتی سزار، از تسلیم نشدن دهکده ی گال، در برابر قدرت امپراتوری روم را، به فرماندهی پایگاه اعلام کند، و از او بخواهد که هرچه سریعتر، سربازانش را، به حمله به دهکده وادارد، و همه ی گالها را دستگیر کند؛ با وجودیکه فرماندهی اردوگاه، در مورد قدرت گالها، و شکست ناپذیری آنها، به فرستاده ی سزار، هشدار میدهد، اما حمله، به اصرار او انجام میگیرد و مثل همیشه، با شکست سخت سربازان رومی، به پایان میرسد؛ گلباقالوس، که از نتیجه ی حمله، به شدت عصبانی شده، دستور میدهد، دور دهکده حصاری به وجود آورند، تا مردم آن، در محاصره ی کامل قرار گیرند، و سرانجام وادار به تسلیم شوند؛ آستریکس و ابلیکس - قهرمانان گال - با گلباقالوس شرط میبندند، که به هر ترتیب شده، از این حصار خارج شوند، و در سرتاسر سرزمین گال سفر کنند، و برای اثبات این کارشان، سوغاتیها و خوراکیهای ناحیه های مختلف را، با خود بیاورند. گلباقالوس، با اطمینان این شرط را میپذیرد، و قول میدهد، که در صورت پیروزی گالها، به روم بازگردد و شکست خود را به سزار اطلاع دهد؛ آستریکس و ابلیکس، با استفاده از فرصتی که مردان گال، به وجود میآورند، و سربازان رومی را به خود مشغول میکنند، از دهکده خارج میشوند، و سفر دور و دراز خود را در پیش میگیرند؛ در طول این سفر، چه خطراتی این قهرمانان را تهدید میکند؟ آیا آنها موفق میشوند، سفر را با موفقیت به پایان رسانند، و دوباره به سلامت به دهکده بازگردند؟ سرنوشت گلباقالوس چه میشود؟....؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 15/01/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 11/10/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
September 15, 2015
Set in 50 BC, all of Gaul (ancient France) is conquered by Julius Caesar’s Roman army. All? One small village still holds out against the Romans: Asterix’s village. And it’s thanks to their druid Getafix’s magic potion which gives them superhuman strength!

In Asterix and the Banquet, one of the earliest Asterix adventures, Inspector General Overanxius orders a stockade be built around the rebel village to contain them so Asterix makes a bet with the Roman. He and his best friend Obelix (don’t call him fat!) will go on a tour of Gaul, collecting the finest regional food and drink and bring them back to the village for a banquet, proving that they are free to move within their own country, stockade or no. The race is on!

I think the Banquet was the first Asterix book I read cover to cover when I was a kid - before then I’d just pick up a book and randomly leaf through it, staring at the pictures, maybe reading a word bubble or two (I was, like, 5!). Re-reading it as an adult, it’s amazing how appealing the comic still is and not just in a nostalgic way.

Rene Goscinny’s script is tight and fast-moving - it has to be, the book is only 43 pages long! And even though each half page (usually about 5-6 panels) was serialised in magazines and newspapers, collected into the books, they read seamlessly. It helps that Albert Uderzo’s art is so gorgeous with bright colours and wonderfully designed locations, bringing the ancient world to life with startling vivacity.

I didn’t realise this book was also Dogmatix’s first appearance (Obelix’s dog). He just shows up out of nowhere, standing outside a pork butcher’s shop in Lutetia, Asterix and Obelix’s first stop, and follows our heroes from then on. He’s not named yet though and our heroes don’t acknowledge him until the very end when Obelix turns to notice him in one panel.

Fulliautomatix, the village’s blacksmith, is also not a final character yet either. He’s here in name only but his character design is very different from the later books, and his running joke will be the guy who beats up Cacofonix (the village’s bard) whenever he tries to sing.

As I remembered, the visuals for black people are quite racist too - big cartoony red lips - but then again everyone’s drawn cartoony. I’m not saying it’s right but it’s worth noting that this book was published in 1963 and that was still more-or-less the norm of how black people were portrayed in comics so it probably doesn’t reflect the creators’ beliefs (I even remember getting Gollywog badges from Robertson’s Golden Shred marmalade in the ‘90s - that’s how long these negative images persisted!).

The story’s a bit flimsy if you start to think about it - basically the magic potion makes the whole thing pointless. I mean, why don’t they just knock down the stockade themselves, and why are they afraid of the Romans at all when they smash them up whenever they encounter them? But then we wouldn’t have the fun adventure so I’ll give it a pass.

Strangely for a French comic translated into English, a lot of the humour is linguistic with more than a few puns that are a bit cheesy, but I still love a lot of the physical gags. Like when the Romans are trying to put our heroes in chains but they keep breaking out because of their super-strength, and the repeat joke of the Pirates still gets me.

I’m amazed and delighted that Asterix comics still have a powerful effect on me, years after first reading them. The Banquet is a wonderful read and probably one of the best comics in this series, suitable for, and recommended to, readers of all ages. By Toutatis, this book is great!
Profile Image for Alex.
780 reviews34 followers
April 28, 2020
Παρόλο που δεν είχε κάποιο αξιοπρόσεκτο σημείο (πέρα ίσως από το καρέ της σελ. 14 που παρκάρει το μικρό κάρο με οπισθογωνία :) ) γενικά ήταν ευχάριστο στην ανάγνωση. Το σκίτσο του Ουντερζό είναι πλέον πλήρως κατασταλαγμένο και στη σελ. 13 στην είσοδο του μαγαζιού με τα αλλαντικά-τρόφιμα στέκεται ένα άσπρο σκυλί το οποίο στην συνέχεια ακολουθεί τους δύο Γαλάτες. Δεν είναι άλλος από τον Ιντεφίξ και εδώ έχουμε την πρώτη του εμφάνιση.

Μέχρι στιγμής και με σειρά προτίμησης:

Οι δάφνες του Καίσαρα
Ο Αστερίξ μονομάχος
Ο γύρος της Γαλατίας
Το χρυσό δρεπάνι
Αστερίξ ο Γαλάτης
Αστερίξ και οι Γότθοι
Profile Image for George K..
2,631 reviews353 followers
February 12, 2018
Ούτε που θυμάμαι πότε ήταν η τελευταία φορά που διάβασα Αστερίξ. Πολύ ωραίο, ευχάριστο και εξαιρετικά ψυχαγωγικό, ό,τι πρέπει για να σου φτιάξει το κέφι. Σίγουρα υπάρχουν και καλύτεροι τόμοι, όμως ως κόμικ είναι αν μη τι άλλο απολαυστικό. Ήθελα να ήξερα γιατί τόσο καιρό παραμελούσα τόσο τη σειρά του Αστερίξ, όσο και αυτή του Λούκυ Λουκ... Φέτος θα επανορθώσω!
Profile Image for Agla.
718 reviews58 followers
July 25, 2021
My brain is still fried. I've actually read like 6 of those in the past few days but I'm not logging them all. This one is my absolute favorite because you really get a feel for every French region and the representation of mine is spot on 😊 Hopefully my brain will let me get back to my usual reading soon 🤞😌
Profile Image for Dirk Grobbelaar.
639 reviews1,158 followers
February 26, 2020

Quite a bit of fun, this.

When a stockade is built around their village, Asterix makes a bet with the Romans that not only will he escape the stockade, he will go on a grand tour of Gaul (France) and return with culinary specialities from each region. As proof of the success of his bet, the dishes are to be served at a special banquet.

There’s obviously more going on here than the simple description above can convey. Even though the plot is fairly nonsensical this time round, this outing is quite a bit of fun. Each region visited by Asterix and Obelix have their own specific quirks, and everywhere they go the locals band together to assist Asterix in confounding the Romans. All told, this story moves quite fast.

This is also the book that introduces a certain little dog that starts following Obelix around….

Profile Image for Kavita.
821 reviews428 followers
February 7, 2020
Romans are up to their tricks! General Overanxius decides to build a stockade around our Gaulish village to isolate them and hoping they would eventually surrender. But such scare tactics don't work with our heroes. Asterix and Obelix challenge him that they would go around the country buying delicacies and then invite him to a feast. And we are on!

The two friends make a tour of Gaul, which would later come to be known as Tour de France. They buy local delicacies from all over Gaul, all the while dodging Romans and having adventures. Of course, there is a lot of support for the two throughout Gaul, which only helps their cause. This is a very tightly woven narrative and the artwork is awesome! And oooh, Dogmatix makes his debut in this book, though he isn't named yet!

The entire book was extremely funny, though my favourite joke was the traffic "amphoranecks" in Lutetia during summer. :D
Profile Image for Rebecca.
616 reviews48 followers
October 21, 2023
Die Römer haben eine neue Idee, um die unbeugsamen Gallier zu besiegen: Statt gegen das gallische Dorf zu kämpfen, wollen sie es von der Außenwelt abschneiden. Dafür bauen sie eine Palisade um das Dorf. Asterix und Obelix lassen sich davon jedoch nicht einschüchtern: Sie schließen eine Wette mit den Römern ab, dass sie es schaffen werden, den Zaun zu durchdringen und ganz Gallien zu bereisen. Als Beweis wollen sie aus jeder gallischen Stadt die dort typische Spezialität mitbringen.

Die Palisade ist schnell durchbrochen, doch ganz so leicht wie gedacht wird das Unterfangen doch nicht: in jeder Stadt, die Asterix und Obelix bereisen, scheinen die Römer bereits auf sie zu warten. Ein rasantes Katz- und Mausspiel durch Galliens Metropolen beginnt. Werden es Asterix und Obelix schaffen, die Wette zu gewinnen?


Mein Onkel ist ja der Meinung, dass dies der beste Asterix aller Zeiten ist, weswegen ich ihn mir bis fast ganz zum Schluss aufgehoben habe. Auch ich hatte große Freude beim Lesen dieses Comics, vor allem, weil wir die antike Version von so vielen französischen Städten besuchen durften. Außerdem habe ich einiges über die dortigen Spezialitäten gelernt, auch wenn mir das Meiste davon im echten Leben vermutlich nicht schmecken würde.

Der einzige Dämpfer ist in meinen Augen der noch nicht ganz ausgereifte Zeichenstil. Scheinbar war dies einer der frühen Asterixe, in denen die Proportionen und Farben noch nicht ganz stimmten. Auch Automatix sieht z.B. ganz anders aus als in den späteren Bänden.

Trotzdem ein toller Asterix und natürlich einer der ganz großen Klassiker.
Profile Image for Antje.
658 reviews51 followers
September 19, 2018
Zugegeben ich bin nie eine große Anhängerin von Asterix und Obelix gewesen. So griff ich zu dieser Lektüre aus Langeweile, Lesemüdigkeit und weil sie eben auf meinem Stapel ungelesener Bücher lag.

Mit dieser wenig ehrgeizigen Einstellung lasen sich die ersten Seiten für mich auch zunächst völlig unspektakulär, bis mich spätestens mit dem Auftauchen des Heuchlerix die Geschichte gepackt hatte. Ich kam aus dem Schmunzeln nicht mehr heraus und amüsierte mich köstlich über die spitzfindigen Aussagen und Dialoge sowie die aberwitzigen Situationen, in denen die Römer und die beiden Gallier aufeinandertreffen.

Meine Lieblings-Sprechblasen, natürlich von Heuchlerix, wurden:

(während er den Verrat plant) "Ich bin ein schlechter Mensch, aber die muss es ja auch geben. Und schließlich mach ich's ja aus gutem Grund: des lieben Geldes wegen!"

(in Obelix' Fängen) "Ich bin ein ganz übles Subjekt, ein Opfer der Schundliteratur. Ich hab Asterix an die Römer verkauft, die haben ihn in die benachbarte Garnisonsstadt geschleppt …"

(nach der Abreibung Obelix') "Nie mehr werde ich meine Landsleute verraten. Es ist zwar ein recht gut bezahlter Job, aber viel zu riskant …"

Ich freue mich bereits auf den nächsten Teil ...
Profile Image for Natalie  all_books_great_and_small .
2,592 reviews126 followers
June 16, 2020
I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

This book is so nostalgic to me of my childhood. I remember flicking through these as a child but not being able to really read them properly. These are such great books set in historical times and even though the book is only 48 pages long it is a quick fire journey but becomes a full story at the same time. These comic books are so cleverly done and I love the bright contrast full artwork displayed throughout the book.
Profile Image for Joni.
769 reviews42 followers
May 11, 2018
Desafiados por un inspector general romano, Asterix y Obelix parten en un recorrido por los pueblos de la Galia para armar un banquete con la especialidad de cada ciudad para demostrar que son libres de andar por su tierra. Brilla siempre el humor y el aporte histórico enseñando dichos, costumbres de entonces.
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,194 reviews181 followers
September 23, 2019
На 29 октомври 2019 се навършват 60 години от дебюта на Астерикс във френско-белгийското списание Pilote. Чудите се как да отбележите рождения ден на любимите си гали? Просто е – направете си подарък. Пети том на „Астерикс” излиза за първи път на български, в превод от Венелин Пройков! Слава на Тевтат,„Астерикс: Обиколката на Галия” (изд. „Студио Арт Лайн”) е истински празник за верните фенове на Госини и Юдерзо. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/201...
Profile Image for Gary.
958 reviews223 followers
November 1, 2020
First published in French in 1965 as Le tour de Gaule d'Astérix , it was first published in English in 1979. An action pact , fun filled adventure , Asterix and Obelix tour Gaul (Ancient France) in order to win a bet to prove to the Roman occupiers that Gaul is their country and that they will go where they like in it.
The proof is food specialities from all over Gaul which is to be presented in a banquet. Naturally the Romans pull out all stops to stop our friends but as always (and as we shall see in the adventure ) the Gauls are irreperessible.

We get to see what Ancient Gaul in the minds of the writers looked like . This may have been a parody of France in 1965!
Profile Image for David Sarkies.
1,881 reviews348 followers
October 5, 2017
Another bet, another victory over the Romans
21 July 2012

For some reason after rolling on the floor in laughter with Asterix the Gladiator this one seems to pull back a notch. I guess one of the problems was that we are sort of introduced to Fulliautomatix in this book but it is not the Fulliautomatix that we know and love. In fact when he appears he pretty much looks like the standard Gaul. However this is still one of the earlier albums so the concept is still in development.

The Romans come up with a new idea to attempt to pacify this rebellious Gaulish village in the north of Amorica and that is to impose economic sanctions, and they do this by building a stockade around the village so that while nobody can get in and theoretically nobody can get out. As a bet Asterix and Obelix decide to go on a tour of Gaul collecting food for a banquet which they will throw when they get back. Getting out of the village was easy, they just bashed through the wall, but as they travel around Gaul they have the Romans hot on their tails attempting to prevent them from returning home and winning the bet.

This album sees the first appearance of Dogmatix, Obelix's dog. In fact his introduction is actually really clever in that one minute he is not there and the next minute he is running after them. When I suddenly discovered Dogmatix following them I had to backtrack to find out where he first appears, and it is outside a meat shop in Lutetia. However, neither Obelix or Asterix seem to actually realise that there is this little dog following them all over Gaul, that is until they get back to the village and Dogmatix barks attracting Obelix's attention. It is also cute not only how you see him following them everywhere, but whenever they go inside, Dogmatix parks himself outside the door and waits for them to come out again, and then he continues following them.

I know the following is probably a bit deep for an Asterix comic, but then again I never said that Asterix comics were not satirical. What we see here is the strategy where if the enemy cannot be beaten in direct combat or overrun immediately, you settle in to protracted siege warfare. In a sense besieging the village is really going to have little economic effect because it is clear throughout the comics that this little village is self contained, with fish in the ocean and boar in the forests. What the Romans want is to isolate this village so that their ideas cannot spread out to the rest of Gaul and thus undermine Roman rule. What Asterix and Obelix are doing is demonstrating that there is nothing the Romans can do to keep them bottled up, and as they continue travelling around Gaul you see a larger and larger following in support of them.

Once again the names come into play, though I must admit that it is very evident that some of the puns that were used in the original have not translated across all that well. However there are two incidents where they are betrayed, and it is very evident the nature of these characters by their names, for instance Uptotrix. It appears that the writers use of the names is to pretty much define the character, as well as a form of pun. As I said this is not one of the best, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,521 reviews13 followers
August 13, 2017
I've been meaning to read Asterix for years but it seems every time I see a copy of this at a library its in the original language (I had that same problem with Tin Tin). I guess because I live in (supposedly) bilingual Canada, the authorities that be have decided that children should read french.

Alas, I now have finally read it. I, unfortunately, didn't learn french, I just simply found a translation.

Its a fun book, with some cool characters and awesome drawings. I didn't find too much to really sink my teeth into though. I do wish I had read this when I was younger, I would have enjoyed it more. As it is I got bored of it half-way through, when I had figured out the formula and realized there were going to be no major surprises and the two main characters were not going to have any real challenge.
Profile Image for Argiris Fakkas.
280 reviews18 followers
January 31, 2021
Asterix and the Banquet is an entertaining adventure of our two familiar Gauls. An emissary from Ceasar is sent to the Roman camp of Compendium. Arrogant and ignorant as he is, he starts to question the village's supremacy over the Romans. Consequently our two heroes make a bet with him that they can make the tour of Gaul, collecting delicacies from every city, and despite all the Roman guards, return and feast with the whole village and the Roman emissary.

This issue contains the journey as you can imagine. It's a hilarious tour around Gaul, while the Roman legions lurk to make them lose the bet, but the two friends have also help from their compatriots!
Profile Image for Amalie .
769 reviews208 followers
August 20, 2012
Asterix and Obelix and of course the little Dogmatix makes the first Tour De France to win a culinary bet, (collecting the specialities of the regions) with the Romans.

The "Tour De France" before the Tour De France, is based on a very clever idea, but I don't know... may be it's my lack of knowledge of France, I personally feel this is one of those comics where the complete appreciation of all the jokes and puns may only be found in the original French.
Profile Image for Maria Carmo.
1,948 reviews50 followers
May 25, 2015
Very, very funny, maybe the funniest Asterix I have read up till now! And - is it my impression, or this is the first time Ideafix appears? Although throughout the whole story he keeps following Obelix but he appears not to notice him yet...

Very funny! Worth reading...

Maria Carmo,

Lisbon, 25 May 2015.
Profile Image for Anna [Floanne].
598 reviews293 followers
August 31, 2023
Visto che sono appena tornata da una vacanza itinerante in Francia, (pardon, Gallia) quale miglior occasione di ripassare per Reims o Metz, Nizza o Marsiglia insieme a Asterix e Obelix!? Sempre spassosissime le loro avventure! In questo episodio, il prefetto romano Lucius Fiordilotus, non riuscendo a sconfiggere i Galli, decide di richiuderli confinando il villaggio all’interno di una palizzata. Asterix allora lo sfida e scommette con il nemico che riuscirà ad uscire e girare indisturbato tutta la Gallia. Come prova, riporterà al suo ritorno una specialità culinaria di ciascuna città visitata e sarà ben felice di offrire al Romano queste leccornie in un banchetto. Inutile raccontarvi come andrà a finire….
Profile Image for Amirreza Mahmoudzadeh-Sagheb.
160 reviews9 followers
July 4, 2024
"Asterix and the Banquet" by René Goscinny

این جلد نسبت به جلدهای قبلی به شدت ضعیف بود. خط داستانی از همان ابتدا واضح و بدون هرگونه پستی و بلندی بود. طنز داستان نیز کمتر از اسلاف خود بود. کاراکتر داگمتیکس (سگ) در برخی تصاویر دیده می‌شد اما هیچ نقش خاصی برعهده نداشت.
در کل این جلد ناامیدکننده بود.
Profile Image for Elessar.
261 reviews59 followers
March 26, 2022

Primera historia en la que aparece Idéfix, que sigue a Obélix y Astérix en su vuelta por la Galia. Astérix apuesta con los romanos a que es capaz de recorrer las principales ciudades de la región; como prueba traerá un alimento típico de cada una de ellas, que degustarán en un banquete en honor al romano que ha ordenado levantar una empalizada en torno al poblado galo.

La historia es entretenida, pero el desarrollo se siente muy apresurado, llegando incluso a causar un poco de agobio, aunque el humor sigue en su línea.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 273 reviews

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