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Astérix #14

Asterix in Spain

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When the Romans take Huevos y Bacon’s son hostage, they discover that Little Pepe is a terrible handful. So maybe the legionnaires won’t mind so much when Asterix and Obelix save him. But along the way there’s lots of adventure, with Asterix inventing the art of bullfighting.

48 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 1969

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About the author

René Goscinny

1,961 books1,189 followers
René Goscinny (1926 - 1977) was a French author, editor and humorist, who is best known for the comic book Asterix , which he created with illustrator Albert Uderzo, and for his work on the comic series Lucky Luke with Morris (considered the series' golden age).

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Profile Image for Kavita.
821 reviews428 followers
December 8, 2020
Julius Caesar has conquered Hispania. But one single village of Iberians are holding out ...! Reminds us of something, doesn't it? To make them toe the line, chief Huevos y Bacon's son, Pepe, is taken hostage. Unfortunately for the Romans, Pepe manages to outwit his Roman guards and take shelter with the indomitable Gauls. From hereon, it's a struggle to look after the little one and take him safely back to his family.

The plot is pretty straightforward without many twists. But Asterix in Spain is rich in puns. It's a complete win for me and the main reason why I love these comics. Pepe is great fun and his relationship with Obelix was extremely funny. Our pirates make an appearance as well. I kept giggling at the jokes in this one.

The best part of the book: Obelix dancing with a beautiful young girl and going Olé! It does rub off on him and amuses Cocofonix immensely.
Profile Image for Vigneswara Prabhu.
402 reviews38 followers
May 29, 2022
The campaigning Caeser has 'Veni, vidi, vici' d Spain, except for one small brave village which is resolved to stand and resist. Sounds familiar. Anyways, in order to make them compliant, he takes the Chieftain's son Pepe hostage. Then sends him off to Gaul for safekeeping. Little did he know, this would put him in path to meet with our lovable group of overpowered Gauls. Once they do, as if customary, chaos ensues.

The Spaniards are as stereotypically cliche as you would come to expect from Goscinny's writings.

Pepe, the little chieftain boy is bratty and petulant, as brats of that age tend to be. A literal holy Terror. Also a bad influence of the not so gentle giant. I mean what sort of same person would ask an encore from the walking WMD that is Cacophanix! That guy could give Caesar a run for his money.

Speaking of the Romans, they are in full form this chapter, showing to the world why they are the undisputed masters of warfare, and puns

I'm not even going to touch whatever this is with a ten foot pole

A good chapter, rating 4 out of 5, Ole!
Profile Image for Mónica Cordero Thomson.
527 reviews74 followers
January 10, 2019
Los cómics de Asterix siempre son divertidos, pero en está ocasión me han arrancado más carcajadas por la inteligente forma de utilizar y explotar los tópicos y la cultura españolas en favor del humor.
Totalmente recomendable para todo el mundo.
Profile Image for Pramod Nair.
233 reviews207 followers
May 18, 2015
A fish, A fish, My kingdom for a fish!

The smashing tales of Asterix & his mighty friend Obelix continues in ‘Asterix in Spain’, with the usual dosage of Roman bashing, mighty feasts and thrilling adventures as they travel from their village in Gaul to Spain entrusted with an important mission.

Asterix & Obelix fighting with some pirates, meeting with ‘Don Quixote & Sancho Panza’, having a blast with some gypsies, Asterix inventing modern day bull-fighting after getting thrown in to the Roman Circus and Obelix barreling through a wall of roman soldiers besieging Pepe’s village are some of the cherishing memories of this journey.

Read in the 90s during my high school vacation; just like the other books in the series, I thoroughly enjoyed Asterix & his gang’s Spanish Adventure.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
616 reviews48 followers
October 15, 2023
Nach einem weiteren erfolgreichen Feldzug kann Cäsar stolz verkünden: Ganz Hispanien ist den Römern unterworfen. Ganz Hispanien? Nein, ein kleines hispanisches Dorf mit einem nicht einzuschüchternden Häuptling leistet dem römischen Reich noch immer Widerstand.

Um endlich Ruhe in die Provinzen zu bekommen, beschließt Cäsar Pepe, den Sohn des aufrührerischen Hispanierhäuptlings zu entführen und irgendwohin weit weg zu bringen. Am besten irgendwo Richtung Gallien, da findet niemand mehr den kleinen Hispanier. Doch zu früh gefreut – noch bevor Pepe in einem gallischen Römerlager ankommt, fällt er Asterix und Obelix in die Hände, die dann auch schnell Bekanntschaft mit dem berühmten spanischen Temperament machen.

Im Dorf angekommen, erzählt Pepe auch schon seine Geschichte, für die unsere Gallier selbstverständlich großes Verständnis haben.

Doch auf Dauer finden die Dorfbewohner den kleinen Jungen etwas anstrengend. Langfristig ist das keine Lösung – irgendjemand muss Pepe zurück nach Hause bringen. Und wer sollte dafür besser geeignet sein als Asterix und Obelix? Die beiden Gallier machen sich mit Pepe und Idefix auf den Weg ins ferne Hispanien, immer verfolgt von unglücklichen Römern, die eine Heimkehr Pepes natürlich verhindern wollen.


Das hat Spaß gemacht! Gute Witze, bisschen Spiel mit Klischees und Stereotypen, in diesem Fall aber eher nett und liebenswürdig als rassistisch, zumindest sehe ich das so. Nicht meine allerliebste Story, weil Pepe tbh schon etwas nervig ist, aber ein lupenreiner 4-Sterne-Asterix 👌🏼
Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,678 reviews169 followers
July 10, 2022
Some classic Asterix jokes - the Spanish 'ole'; the gysies; hiring fish; the singing
Some classic travel - by sea to Spain, climbing through the mountains, gypsy village, the succession of town with druidical processions; bullfighting
it shows how the series improves book by book.
Profile Image for Gary.
958 reviews223 followers
November 1, 2020
In order to bring the rebel Spanish village (Still holding out against Roman rule) to heel , Caesar kidnaps the son of village chief , Huevos Y Bacon , Pepe, and has him spirited off the Gaul.
Pepe escapes from his Roman captors , and is rescued by Asterix and Obelix , who are tasked with getting him back to his village in the south of Spain.
Lots of colour and vibe , as Asterix and Obelix , with their little charge Pepe , and the dog Dogmatix, travel across Hispania (Spain), using a Basque guide for the first foray,, spending time in a nomad camp, and coming to the attention of Spurius Brontosaurus, charged by Caesar with responsibility for Pepe , who now disguises himnself to try and kidnap Pepe again from Asterix and Obelix. This brings all sorts of Spanish things into the adventure , including a spectacular bullfight , olive oil and desperadoes who charge at windmills.
Profile Image for Matthieu Wegh.
739 reviews20 followers
May 23, 2024
? Eigenlijk heb ik dit stripboek uit mijn bieb gehaald omdat ik een leuk zoekboek van Asterix en Obelix gevonden had en de strip ook wilde laten zien bij het voorlezen..
🤔 Zoals ik verwacht had, kwam het stierenvechten in dit album voor. Daarnaast was bijzonder dat het zoontje van een Spaanse aanvoerder van een tegen Caesar verwoed vechtende enclave zijn zin kreeg door zijn adem in te houden en even later Obelix dat nadeed toen hij geen geld had om voor dit zoontje vis te halen/kopen. Dat vond ik het meest grappige van dit album. Daarnaast was ik zelf niet zo in de stemming voor dit album...Oekraiene en misschien wat kleine regio's in de Donbas en Marioepol kunnen ook wel gezien worden als een kleine regio dat strijd tegen een Russische overmacht... het is heel triest wat er daar gebeurt, dat de mannen daar blijven vechten tegen de Russen en veel vrouwen en kinderen in de rest van Europa opgevangen worden...
Nou ja, niet zo in de stemming voor stripboeken op het moment dus...

MW 25/5/22
Profile Image for Dominick.
Author 15 books31 followers
September 25, 2018
One of my favourite Asterix books, if for no other reason than it has some particularly good character names in it, including Huevos y Bacon, the Spanish village leader. The Asterix formula is well in place by now, with almost all of the usual elements in place: pirate encounter, abuse of Cacofonix, boar-eating, final feast etc., albeit with fresh elements in place (e.g. Obelix's horrid singing at the final feast gives Cacofonix some cold comfort). Many laugh out loud moments as Asterix and Obelix set out to return young Pepe to his dad, chief of the one Spanish village still standing out against the Romans, though some might object to the politically incorrect satire of Spaniards. I never get tired of looking at Uderzo's art, which by this point was as polished and supple as it was going to get.
Profile Image for Emma.
1,423 reviews
February 9, 2023
C'est toujours un plaisir de relire avec des yeux d'adulte, un Astérix qu'on a adoré dans son enfance.
Astérix en Hispanie n'a pas dérogé à cette règle, j'ai remarqué pas mal de clins d'œil et de références qui m'avaient échappés, petite, mais je dois bien avouer que ce que j'ai préféré, c'est encore et toujours Pépé qui retient sa respiration toutes les 5 minutes.

Un des très bons albums de la série, à mon avis.
Profile Image for Illiterate.
2,277 reviews39 followers
April 20, 2024
In which our heroes, like all good north Europeans, take a summer trip to the Med. Ole.
Profile Image for Sara.
52 reviews38 followers
January 27, 2018
Pues leído también para practicar francés. La verdad es que me he cansado de todas esas referencias a toros/flamenco/sevillanas/desierto (¿calaveras de vacas en las paredes? ¿Qué es esto, el Salvaje Oeste?)/carromatos con que se representa a Hispania, de ahí que le dé menos nota que al anterior. Que sí, que la gracia estará en la "parodia" a España, pero ya ha llegado un punto en el que detesto ese recurso. Además, el niño es muy (MUY) repelente.

Lo que se salva es el follón del pescado, lo mejor de la historieta.
Profile Image for Elessar.
261 reviews59 followers
October 25, 2022

Historia llena de tópicos sobre España, igual que en el volumen dedicado a Britania. Tomado como la sátira que es, resulta gracioso desde luego, pero la enorme cantidad de anacronismos sacan de la trama en más de una ocasión. Un tomo que era inevitable no sacar, pero que habría estado mejor si se hubiera centrado más en el aspecto histórico.
Profile Image for Rodolfo Santullo.
535 reviews42 followers
September 24, 2019
Otro Asterix que queda tirado por casa -les juro que lo vengo controlando bien, lo devuelvo a su lugar en la biblioteca sin una palabra- y que releo porque lo tengo entre las manos, le pego una ojeada y, obviamente, quedo de inmediato atrapado. Creo que es mi primer Asterix, si la memoria no me falla. El primero que me regalara mi hermano Fernando cuando trabajaba en una librería y regularmente me traía un Asterix, un Lucky Luke o un Tintin. Y a pesar de que debo haberlo releído hasta el hartazgo, prácticamente no lo recordaba, lo que me permitió disfrutarlo muchísimo. Estamos ante el álbum número 14 de la dupla Goscinny y Uderzo y su nivel ya acaricia lo increíble. Todo está tan aceitado, tan perfecto en su estructura general -esa que vamos a reencontrar libro a libro, con la interacción de los habitantes del pueblo, los romanos cercanos, los piratas, etc.- como en su trama puntual -los romanos secuestan a Pepe, hijo de Sopalajo de Arriérez y Torrezno quien es el jefe el único pueblecito que se les resiste en Hispania y lo trasladan a las Galias para mantenerlo controlado, sin contar con la intervención de los galos- que es un disfrute indecible de leer. Aquí tenemos todo lo que un álbum de Asterix debe tener, pero particularmente se destaca -imaginen lo bueno que está- la labor de Uderzo, quien logra cosas increíbles como ser los personajes que se van rotando -romanos, españoles, lo cuidadoso que es con todos los de la aldea gala- y con unas escenas de comida y festín que hacen que uno vaya corriendo a la cocina a saquear la heladera y lamente no tener jabalí. El humor es notable en todo sentido, pero los chistes sobre España (el turismo, la españolidad, el flamenco, etc.) son fenomenales.
Profile Image for Mário João  Silva.
73 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2021

Esta banda desenhada dispensa apresentações então passemos ao que interessa.

*Asterix na Hispânia, é a história dos Romanos quando tentam invadir uma parte da Ibéria. O que César não esperava é que iriam ter uma forte oposição por parte de uma Aldeia na Hispânia.
Posto isto César manda capturar o filho do Chef da Aldeia, (Pepe) e envia o menino para a Gália, onde não deveria ser encontrado pois assim César faria chantagem com o Chef da Aldeia. Ao chegar à Gália Pepe que é um rapazinho muito destemido consegue fugir à brigada Romana e refugia-se na Aldeia Gaulesa de Asterix.
Matasétix decide então que iria proteger o menino Pepe das mãos da legião Romana e encarrega Asterix e Obelix de tratar do pequeno traquina. Mas o pequeno Pepe faz a cabeça de Obelix em água e decidem então levar Pepe de volta em segurança à sua aldeia na Hispânia.

Quanto ao resto todos já sabem o que esperar😅 temos romanos a levar nos dentes, Obelix a querer tomar a poção mágica, legiões de Romanos a fugir dos dois Gauleses que não viram as costas a uma boa luta 🤣🤣🤣💪🏻
Os quadradinhos são excelentes e de todas as bandas desenhadas esta sempre foi a que mais gostei.
Profile Image for Tehanu.
336 reviews57 followers
March 11, 2018
I continue on my journey reading Asterix out of order!
This one was so much better than the previous one I read (Latraviata). You can tell that it was written by the original writer.
I was so happy when I saw the homage they made to Don Quijote, what's more hispanic than him? My edition also included some behind the scene stuff, like some lists of trully hispanic things that Goscinny thought had to included. Too bad that El Cid didn't make the cut.
All in all a good Asterix album, though not as good as the next one I read, so I'll have to give it a 3.5 rating.
Profile Image for Mia.
338 reviews
March 23, 2021
La Hispania is finally conquered! Still a small village is resisting invasion... Sounds familiar?
Cesar himself decides to take care of the situation and ends up taking the chiefs son hostage. Little Pepe is everything but a walk in the park and is able to outwit the romans. While on the run he runs into (literally) Asterix and Obelix, who protect him from the romans and take him to their village. Eventually they make the trip to take little Pepe back home.

This book was so good. Pepe is a spoiled brat, but it works for this book and just makes it more entertaining.

The ending, to me, was the best part!
Profile Image for Manish.
865 reviews52 followers
February 28, 2019
Read the French version with a dictionary and by taking notes thanks to my rudimentary knowledge. The effort was draining but the sheer brilliance of Goscinny kept dazzling through out. Laughed out loud more than once.
277 reviews45 followers
April 11, 2020
Boa forma para dar força na leitura das últimas 30 páginas do Ensaio sobre a Cegueira. Acreditava já ter lido esta história, mas a minha memória não estava certa. Foi um deleite reencontrar o génio de uma das maiores duplas da nona arte, e há muitos gags engraçados nesta jornada hispaniola.
Profile Image for Ángel G..
Author 14 books12 followers
September 12, 2021
Otra divertida aventura de los galos.

En este caso en Hispania. Eso sí, llegan a Sevilla en seguida para ser la época del Imperio romano.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 207 reviews

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