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Clearwater Castle #1

Secrets of Clearwater Castle

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Heartbroken Lowri Morgan, a young Welsh widow, is finally packing up her beloved husband’s belongings, her young daughter Wren asleep at her side. Then, hidden amongst the very last pile of papers, Lowri finds an official-looking letter – and her whole world shifts…

Her husband had a secret inheritance, one he’d never mentioned or done anything about. And now, it seemed, somewhere called Clearwater Castle was hers – and, in time, little Wren’s. How could he have hidden this from her and why? And what on earth was she going to do?

Arriving in Clearwater village, Lowri doesn’t find the fairy-tale home she’d pictured. The castle is near-derelict, a tiny cottage in the grounds barely liveable, and her responsibilities – as outlined by the ruggedly handsome but prickly local stonemason Huw – are overwhelming. This is not the future she’d imagined for her and Wren, but as the only link left to her husband, she’s determined to make the best of it.

Lowri never asked for a new start, but it seems fate has decided she needed one. As she and Huw reluctantly begin to work together, sparks start to fly between them. Can they find a way to save Clearwater Castle and bring life back to the village? What will they find out about themselves – and the mystery of the hidden inheritance – in the process? And will Lowri, heartbroken once already, find the courage to give love one more chance?

326 pages, ebook

First published May 10, 2023

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About the author

Emma Davies

26 books248 followers
Emma Davies once applied for her dream job in the following manner;

'I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty something mother of three.' Well she's now a forty something mother of three, and is working on the rest.

By day she's a finance manager and looks at numbers a lot of the time, but by night she gets to use actual words and practices putting them together into sentences. Her twitter bio says she loves her family, her job, reading, writing, singing loudly in the car, and Pringles, so that must be true then.

Wave to her on twitter @Emdavies68

Letting in Light is her debut novel, and she is currently working on her second.

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Profile Image for Rosh.
1,951 reviews3,329 followers
May 14, 2023
In a Nutshell: A well-written women’s fiction, staying true to the genre. As a series starter, this lays the right foundation for possible sequels without leaving anything major incomplete. Somewhat slow at the start, but overall, a nice read. The main focus isn’t romance: hooray!

Story Synopsis:
Wales. Lowri, a young widow, has been struggling to get things together for herself and her six year old daughter Wren, after her husband Alun died in an accident two years ago. While finally sorting through his belongings, Lowri discovers that Alun has an inheritance she knew nothing about – a place named Clearwater House.
When Lowri arrives in Clearwater village, she can’t believe her eyes when she realises that Clearwater House is a castle, and comes with huge grounds and several establishments. Though it is somewhat derelict, she begins picturing a future for herself and Wren in the empty gatekeeper’s cottage. For her plans for Clearwater, she needs the support of the local stonemason Huw, who seems to be a prickly drunkard, and of Elin – one of the workers in the textile mill on Clearwater grounds. However, there are a couple of nefarious people around, who have their own secret agenda for Clearwater.
Will Lowri be able to set Clearwater back on track, and also discover why her husband never told her about the inheritance?
The story comes to us mostly from the limited third person perspective of Lowri and Huw.

Bookish Yays:
😍 Lowri is a (mostly) wonderful character to lead this story. While she is still not out of her loss, her track doesn’t focus only on moving on or on handling Wren as a single mother or on finding new love. On the contrary, the book shows her as a capable and intelligent woman who know business and despite not being aware of the running of an estate, quite willing to take on the challenge. It was a treat to find a woman character (especially considering the genre) who is aware of the corporate world and the running of a business.

😍 Despite Lowri’s skills, she doesn’t shy away from asking help when she needs it, again a trait not commonly found in fictional characters who seem to want to do everything alone. Lowri doesn’t feel guilty about leaving Wren with friendly neighbours while she does her work, nor does resist getting assistance from locals and friends. I appreciate the realistic depiction of her character in this regard.

😍 There are some amazing secondary characters in this book. Huw, Seren and Elin each have a distinct personality and their individual arcs are woven around their character traits. I must also mention little Wren. What a delight to see a child character written as per her age! Jess, Lowri’s friend, also showed promise, and I hope we get to see more of her in the subsequent books.

😍 I loved the camaraderie across Lowri, Elin, and Seren. Their bond grows almost instantly but it never feels exaggerated. There are some touching scenes involving these three characters and Huw.

😍 A special shoutout for including scenes where Huw also cries without anyone remarking on it in any way. When a male character cries in such fiction, the scene is usually written either as being something odd or pointing to something vulnerable. In this book, neither was applicable. Huw’s emotional response was written as a natural outcome of the moment, and no extra spotlight was shone upon him. Loved this approach!

😍 I’ve read many fictional books that talk of castles and estates, but this is the first time ever I actually read what goes into the running of an estate. I enjoyed the characters’ sentiments about Clearwater and why they all were united in seeing it being restored to its former glory. Through their efforts, I also learnt about how much support is offered by the government in Wales to restore traditional estates and industries.

😍 Of course, even without the above info, Clearwater as a setting is magnificent, what with a castle, a textile mill with a water wheel, a river alongside,… I loved the visuals created in my mind by the author’s beautiful words about the Welsh location.

😍 Though primarily a women’s fiction, there is a little thread of mystery also woven into the plot. Though minor, it is still interesting.

😍 When the blurb mentioned Lowri and “the ruggedly handsome but prickly local stonemason Huw”, I was worried the book would go into romance territory under the guise of women’s fiction. To my most pleasant surprise, the romance is barely there. Most of the book focusses more on Lowri’s plans for Clearwater, her determination to set things right, and her relationship with the locals, Huw included.
(Of course, if you are the kind of reader who wants romance in stories, you might not like this point. But I prefer novels where romance isn’t made the lynchpin of the plot in a non-romance work.)

Bookish Nays:
😐 The title did warn me that there would be secrets, but I certainly wasn’t prepare for how many secrets there would be. Many of these could have been resolved if Lowri communicated better. Either Lowri knows something and doesn't reveal it on time or she has doubts and she doesn't clarify them on time or she has questions and she doesn't ask them on time. The curious cat in me simply couldn't handle so much delayed gratification.

😐 The going is a bit slow and repetitive, especially at the start when Lowri is somewhat uncertain about what was going on.

😐 The negative characters are mostly stereotypical and behave in a predictable manner. In this sense, their portrayal felt a bit flat.

Overall, I enjoyed this book quite a lot, despite losing my patience with Lowri’s inability to ask the right questions at the right time. The overall vibe is faithful to the genre, and the characters interesting enough to make me want to know them better. Seeing a woman take charge of an estate and its business was an unusual experience, so consider me booked for the next installment of this series. I’d love to see what shape Lowri and Huw give to Clearwater.

Definitely recommended to women’s fiction readers looking for a heart-warming story with a greater focus on inter-personal relationships and social improvement than romance.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of “Secrets of Clearwater Castle”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Profile Image for Brenda.
4,599 reviews2,884 followers
May 5, 2023
It had been two years since Lowri Morgan had lost her husband Alun, and it had been a period of grief and unimaginable pain. Their six year old daughter, Wren, was what helped Lowri through, plus her best friend Jess, always in her corner. On the brink of moving to a home near her sister, Lowri discovered Alun had owned an estate, Clearwater, details of which he'd kept from her. When Lowri drove to Clearwater, while Wren was in school, she saw Alun's solicitor. The news he gave her was such that it would change her life. The crumbled ruins of the castle stood proud among the beauty around it, and the gatekeeper's house was one such building.

Lowri and Wren moved to Clearwater, not knowing what to expect, but the cottage was charming and Wren loved her room. When Lowri met Elin, a bubbly, full of life young woman, she knew she'd found a friend. And she felt the same with Selen. But the working factory, which Lowri now owned, was set in the past and Lowri knew she needed to work toward better working conditions for the staff. But it was someone else who had it in for Lowri - and she was also beginning to understand that Alun had kept things from her. Big secrets that she was determined to uncover. What would it mean for the future of Clearwater? Would they be happy in their new home?

Secrets of Clearwater Castle is the 1st in the Clearwater Castle series by Emma Davies, and I loved it. Heartwarming and charming, with the setting of Wales and the beautiful meadow near the river with the castle in the background, the flowers and rare orchid - all designed to delight, and it did. I'm looking forward very much to #2 in the series and have no hesitation in highly recommending Secrets of Clearwater Castle.

With thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Robin Loves Reading.
2,425 reviews423 followers
May 11, 2023
Lowri is about to begin a new life with her young daughter Wren. Although widowed for two years, she is just learning of an inheritance left to her husband. It appears that Lowri is now the owner of a place that is called Clearwater Castle, but she soon learns that she owns far, far more than that. She decides to take up residence on the property, although her future is really undetermined.

Just as the inheritance was kept secret from Lowri, she learned that her husband held other secrets. As she decides to set things right for the Castle, as well as other issues around the village, a stonemason named Huw offers to help her rebuild. Why is he offering? This is a question that she cannot help but to ask. Meanwhile, Lowri finds herself drawn to the quiet and enigmatic Huw. She also finds friends and acceptance in her new life. However, there are problems that must be sorted out.

I loved Lowri‘s determination in this wonderful story. As I began reading this book, I quickly felt like I was in a warm, welcoming place. That was definitely true with these characters and the story as it developed. I love that this is the first book in a new series, and I cannot wait to see what else happens in Clearwater Village.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.
1,384 reviews97 followers
May 9, 2023
This was a lovely book to start a new series and I hope I can get approved for the next one as I want to know what happens. This light-hearted read is sometimes funny and sometimes sad. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Fictionophile .
1,194 reviews361 followers
May 11, 2023
Feel good women's fiction riddled with family secrets.

Lowri Morgan is a young widow with a six year old daughter. After losing her beloved husband in a car accident two years ago, she now finds herself at a crossroads in her life. She cannot really afford to keep maintaining her home, so she is compelled to make a move. Just as she prepares to avail herself of her sister’s offer of a cottage near where she lives, Mowri finds an old solicitor’s letter among her late husband’s things. Contents of the letter provide details of an inheritance – one he never mentioned to Lowri. With the encouragement of her best friend, Jess, Lawri travels to the other side of Pembrokeshire and visits the solicitor’s office, along with her newfound inheritance comprised of a derelict castle, an equally derelict water mill, and various other cottages and outbuildings. Overwhelmed, yet seeking to start a fresh chapter of her life, Lowri moves into one of the cottages with her little daughter.

Despite an unscrupulous and power-hungry estate custodian who thwarts her every attempt to improve the castle’s estate, Lowri makes some treasured friends in her new home. One of these ‘friends’ is Huw, a stonemason who is keen to rebuild the castle ruin. Another is Elin, one of the women who works in the estate’s textile factory.

Lowri, who has experience in business start-ups, has some wonderful plans for the future of Clearwater Castle and its estate. With little money, she is hoping that the Welsh government will approve her bid for a grant for improvements to the properties.

“It’s the first time she’s dared to dream since Alun died. It’s also, aside from Jess, the first time she’s felt the warmth of friends around her.”

Lowri and her friends meet with several roadblocks in their endeavors. Secrets are discovered, and betrayals exposed.

The satisfying ending was like a warm hug to tide you over until the next book in this delightful, women’s fiction series.
Profile Image for Kristin.
712 reviews58 followers
May 10, 2023
This is the first book in the Clearwater Series. I loved this book! It is heartwarming, charming and full of hope. It is hard not to fall in love with Lowri and the lovely people that she surrounds herself with. I have never rooted for a character in a book as much as I rooted for Lowri. Davies writes so that the book could be put into more than one genre. It’s romance, it’s a cozy mystery, it’s women’s fiction all rolled up into one. And it’s all enjoyable. I appreciated that there wasn’t any unnecessary background information or detail, but there was just enough detail for me to imagine Clearwater House and the estate. Oh, don’t forget your tissues because there are a few parts of the book that made me cry. I don’t doubt that anyone that reads this book will fall in love with Clearwater Castle, and all of the people there (sans Bridie). This book is for anyone really… not just those that like a particular genre.
Profile Image for Joanne.
203 reviews6 followers
May 11, 2023
Interesting first book in this series, full of secrets and discovery. Well written characters and a setting so well described you can close your eyes and be there. First quarter is a little slow but worth it in the end. Thank you netgalley for the advance copy
Profile Image for Cindy Spear.
438 reviews24 followers
May 12, 2023
I am so glad I took the time to read and review this captivating novel by Emma Davies. Secrets Of Clearwater Castle stole a piece of my heart! I absolutely was hooked from the first page of this novel and could not put it down. I became completely lost in the drama and read it rather quickly. And loved every minute of it, too! The story is as intriguing as its gorgeous cover. Mystery, romance, family, secrets, friendships, creativity and determination are just a few of the elements that make this first book of a new series enchanting.

Young Welsh widow, Lowri Morgan, is such a fascinating character. Her exceptional abilities don’t show immediately but eventually pieces of her strong personality come shining through. She is so much more than first impressions lead us to believe. I loved how the author did a slow reveal giving us time to get to know her. We soon learn what a courageous gifted woman she is. Especially since her life has been upended after her husband tragically dies in an accident. She is left in a less than secure financial position and with a young daughter to care for. Now that her husband is gone, she must make some radical changes to ensure they have a good life. In the aftermath of her husband’s death, she is faced with some unsettling questions about his past. It all starts when she discovers an official piece of paper in his belongings. He had inherited some land and property of which she was unaware. This sends a shock wave through her heart to know he kept such important information from her. What other secrets did he harbour? This sets her on a mission to uncover the mystery property: an intriguing journey that leads to Clearwater Castle. A place that holds more than one secret, including information on her husband’s background and family.

Lowri decides to move into the cottage on the estate with her daughter where she contemplates her next move. Now that her husband is gone, the inheritance is hers. What will she do with it? This unique landmark-castle is a shadow of its former self and practically in ruins. But there are other buildings on the property still usable, although needing upgrades, where work is happening. Due to her husband’s absence, another person was hired to look after the premises and business. The revelations we learn of this character prove to be both entertaining and disheartening. A challenge for Lowri but not one she cannot overcome. Many changes need to occur, if Lowri decides to take on this project. And there are obstacles she must face but she is not alone in the fight.

There are some delightful creative characters (like Elin, Seren, Huw) and a sly villain (I won’t name) that make this story crackle like a vibrant hearth fire. The castle and grounds are somewhat static characters as everything and everyone revolves around them. But as this property unveils its secrets, change for all is on the horizon— even for the buildings to make way for new business ventures that could help the community!

There’s so much to love about this story such as the inspiring descriptions, the atmospheric setting, the eclectic cast of characters, the perfect plot, the just-right pace and intriguing storyline. All this wondrous writing is wrapped up in secrets, strangeness, mystery and mayhem to deliver a magical outcome. Thankfully forgiveness, justice, restoration and victory trickle through the veins of this story and into the hearts of those involved. But not without hard work and digging into the past for evidence to support surmised activities.

Clearwater Castle ‘…a ruin, a place of forgotten dreams and a shattered past. …could become a place of new hopes and dreams.’ Which way will the pendulum swing for Lowri and her team? Will they get the grant they need to rebuild it? Emma Davies has delivered a wonderful story that lifted my spirits and carried me away to a castle that stole my heart (just as it did Lowri’s) and it will do the same for others, too! I highly recommend this triumphant story. 5 Shooting Stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for my review copy.
Profile Image for Annette.
2,281 reviews36 followers
May 17, 2023
It’s a good start to a new series. There’s lots of secrets and surprises in this book. Looking forward to the next one, can’t wait to see what happens at Clearwater House. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy
Profile Image for Emma Crowley.
967 reviews157 followers
May 10, 2023
It’s been quite some time since the wonderful Emma Davies has written anything in the romance genre as she turned her hand to cosy mysteries which I have to admit wouldn’t be a genre that I would read. So I was thrilled to see that she is back with the first in the Clearwater Castle series – Secrets of Clearwater Castle and what a return to the genre it was. I was completely and utterly sucked in right form the very first page and I adored everything about the story. It was pure perfection from beginning to end with memorable characters that you root for all the way, not to mention a brilliant storyline. This is the women’s romance genre at its very best and from early on I could tell that Emma Davies was loving writing this feel good, romantic tale which had lots of mystery and trials and tribulations along the way.

Lowri Morgan is a widow in her early thirties with a young daughter named Wren. Her husband Alun has been dead for two years and Lowri is slowly starting to emerge from the shock and horror that she has experienced since the accident that took him from her. That’s not to say she wants to move on, she would rather that her family life had never been shattered but slowly she is becoming stronger and she is described as being small, mighty and fearless. These words are very apt in summing up Lowri especially when she comes up against fierce opposition the further the story develops. Lowri can no longer pay for the family home she shared with Alun and it’s time to move on both physically and emotionally.

Her sister is offering her a cottage near her which she can do up. I could sense that Lowri wasn’t overly happy with this set up but that she really had no other option. Fortunately, fate stepped in and whether it turned out to be overall for the positive or the negative, well I was eager to discover as even within the first few chapters I could sense that I was in for a real good story that would have me caught up in its spell until I reached the final word. Whilst sorting through Alun’s stuff she finds a box of memorabilia and is horrified to discover that he had been keeping a huge secret from her. Anger stirs within her when she finds out that a letter that relates to a piece of land which given their current situation regarding moving doesn’t go down well with her at all. Lowri visits the solicitor mentioned in the letter and discovers that she has now inherited Clearwater estate with its crumbling castle/tower, a millpond, cottages, gatehouse and a textile business not to mention several acres.

To say she is overwhelmed and completely surprised would be an understatement and to be honest I’d say anger, anxiety and apprehension all feature strongly too. Lowri is faced with a decision - stay on the path she had set out on and move near her sister or else take the bull by the horns and take on Clearwater and all its accompaniments and the troubles and challenges that they will each bring? Deep down, she knows the road ahead of her will be a very difficult one, but maybe she wasn’t meant to find out about Clearwater right until this very moment? A glimmer of hope sparks within her and she is determined not to quash it. A decision is made to stay and try and implement some changes especially to the textile business which needs a radical updating and perhaps the castle could also be brought back to life.

No doubt about it, Lowri, is a gutsy character who when faced with even more upheaval in her life begins to face things head on despite Bridie Turner who has acted like a caretaker manager, throwing lots of obstacles in her way. It was like she knew Lowri was somewhat clueless in what she had to do moving forward and Bridie certainly took advantage of this. But I loved how Lowri found new friends and established a strong circle around her. She was making a fresh start and was like a fish out of water but with dependable people surrounding her the reader hopes that kindness will triumph over hate and the small things that we do for one another will mean more than can ever be expressed.

Clearwater slowly starts to heal Lowri’s broken heart as she begins to take the estate back to its heritage and though many jump to conclusions about her intentions for the estate and its long term future there are those who are behind her every step of the way. One of those being, Elin whom I loved. She was so generous, thoughtful and supportive and was like a best friend and sister all rolled into one and even though they had never met before, there was an instant connection between the pair. They were on the same wavelength and both had the same appreciation and love for the estate. For Lowri, this came quickly and was only further enhanced by Huw.

Huw was the enigma of the story. He lives on a narrowboat near to the castle and spends a lot of time drinking. He is not in a good place, the reasons for which become clear much further on and he doesn’t always put his best foot forward and present the best version of himself. Deep down, I could see that he must be traumatised by past experiences but given a chance he could do marvellous things. He is desperate to get the job restoring the castle but there are little twists and turns that crop up that really do turn things on their head. I enjoyed reading of the development of the friendship between Huw and Lowri. They don’t get off to the best of starts but they do have things in common, if only they could open up to each other. They needed to get everything out in the open and not harbour secrets or let miscommunication and false information get in the way of something that could truly be fabulous and wonderful. I mean that in terms of both a romantic sense and a working professional sense. Things are out of balance and wrong and the past collides with the present and this all just makes for the most fantastic story that I fully lost myself in.

For me Huw gave off distinct echoes of Amos a character from one of Emma’s earlier books. He is someone that has long stayed on in my mind as being one of the best male characters I have ever read and given the amount of books I read it takes that special something to make such a lasting impression on me. The fact I got these vibes from Huw meant I knew I was guaranteed a book which reminds me just how much I love reading and that is exactly how I feel about this book. I can often become tired of the women’s romance fiction genre as it can tend to just be the same plot rehashed over and over again and I find myself longing for that little something different to inspire me to fall back in love with the genre again and Secrets of Clearwater Castle did just that. It’s a stand out book in the genre with a superb setting, fascinating, varied characters all of whom have something to hide or else shouldering a burden and amidst it all there is strength, continuity, love, friendship, support and community. If you can’t tell by now I loved loved Secrets of Clearwater Castle and if this is the calibre of book one and it makes me feel this way than I can’t wait for book number two which I hope Emma Davies is already hard at work on. A Christmas visit to Clearwater Castle sounds perfect to me! Fingers crossed.
Profile Image for Anna.
588 reviews
May 15, 2023
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for a copy of "Secrets of Clearwater Castle" in exchange for my honest review.

The title of this book says it all - "secrets" - and there are many at Clearwater Castle. Lowri, a widow in her 30s lost her husband Alun 2 years ago in a car accident. She is left alone with their 6 year old daughter Wren. Having to move from their home because of finances, Lowri finally looks through Alun's things and finds that he had inherited Clearwater Estate which includes a castle, factory, cottages, a watermill, pond, river, meadows and woodlands. When he inherited it, he told Lowri that it was a worthless piece of land and not a whole estate. Lowri and Wren move into a cottage on the estate and Lowri starts to unravel the many secrets that the estate holds.

Huw is a stonemason who everyone knows as a drunk but he had big dreams of rebuilding Clearwater Castle at one point. This also becomes Lowri's dream along with the mill making products that they could be proud of.

Birdie is trouble and Lowri soon figures out what she's up to. Birdie underestimates Lowri not knowing that she works with start-up companies, helping to write up business plans and securing capital and loans for them.

But the more Lowri learns about Clearwater, the more she realizes that Alun kept many secrets from her and the people that she has met since she arrived are all interconnected.

This was a thoroughly wonderful read and hopefully there will be more stories involving Lowri, Wren, Huw, Elin and Seren.
Profile Image for Caroline|Page~Turners.
472 reviews9 followers
May 10, 2023
Lowri Morgan’s life is flipped upside down when she becomes a widow. After two years, she finally finds the strength to pack up her husband's belongings. As she continues to go through his things she comes across a letter…one she had never seen before and one he had never spoken of. Clearwater Castle now belonged to Lowri and one day will belong to their young daughter Wren. Lowri’s head immediately fills with so many questions. Lowri packs up her things and she and Wren take off to Clearwater Village. Nothing appeared as she thought. The castle is dilapidated and the village seems to be just as lifeless as the run down so-called “castle”. When Lowri meets Huw, a local stonemason, it seems that fate may have new plans for Lowri and Wren. The castle, the village, Lowri and Wren may just get a second chance at the life of happiness they have always wanted.

Secrets of Clearwater Castle by Emma Davies was a wonderful read. It was full of secrets, surprises and new beginnings. Just when Lowri was unsure of what her future would be like, after losing her husband, she found hope. This heart-warming, uplifting and inspiring book was an absolute joy to read. I couldn’t put it down as I read it in one sitting. Author Emma Davies has such an amazing way of pulling you into her stories, and actually living your life among the pages. This story of second chances was a wonderful escape. I loved it and highly recommend it!!!
Profile Image for Elaine - Splashes Into Books.
3,686 reviews124 followers
May 12, 2023
Two years after her husband died, it is time to leave
Lowri needs to sort everything out, not just grieve.
An unexpected discovery, a secret he'd kept for so long
A mystery inheritance - maybe a new place to belong?

Clearwater Castle and its huge estate, too,
Not what she'd expected - what should she do?
The Castle is a ruin, in need of huge repair
The cottage is liveable, no need to despair!

However, there's a business and a derelict mill, too,
All need updating, their books going through.
Huw, a stonemason, seems too keen to rebuild
But others seem determined their enthusiasm be killed.

A story of a fresh start where dreams could come true
Or nightmares abound, as secrets and surprises come into view.
New friendships, new aspirations and so much more
As this close knit community Lowri starts to explore.

Revelations of the past, hopes for the future, too,
A mystery, some intrigue, so much to do.
Not all are supportive but who is friend and who foe?
Who should she trust and who tell to go?

A heartwarming read with grief for more than just one,
Where dreams once scuppered could come true not be gone.
An inspirational story, where courage and romance
Give a whole community much more than just a second chance.

Finding out this is the first in a new series is great -
To read any sequels now I just can't wait!
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.
Profile Image for Coco.
514 reviews3 followers
May 6, 2023
Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for the ARC, this review is my personal, unbiased opinion.

4* A enjoyable read

About starting life anew, making good friends and finding unexpected love.

Two years after her husband died in a car accident, Lowri Morgan was forced to sell her house. Sorting through her late husband's belongings, to her surprise and shock, Lowri discovered that her husband owned an estate in Wales including a castle. Inheriting from her husband she's now the owner and Lowri decides to move to Clearwater, a far better choice than staying and living under her sister's disapproving gaze. Lowri and her small daughter arrive at Clearwater only to find the castle is dilapidated and the cottage she intended to live in barely habitable. Even the textile business on the estate and run by the villain of the book, Bridie, is scarcely surviving.

Beginning to make friends in the village, Lowri soon experiences betrayal, intrigue and deceit, all while struggling with the responsibility of running and making a success of Clearwater Estate.

The first third of the book seemed a little slow but the plot picked up speed to a most satisfactory conclusion.

4* rating because the book is written in a present tense, a style I don't particularly like when a story is set over a long period of time.

Good reading, recommended.
Profile Image for Lynda.
1,703 reviews86 followers
May 8, 2023
This is a lovely read and one I read in one sitting. With an inspired and eclectic cast of characters, and landscape to wonder at, this is a read you will find difficult to put down until the end. The character I really loved was Elin, she was the kindest most welcoming person, extrovert and loving.

Briefly, Lowri lost her husband two years earlier and is left bringing up her young daughter Wren. She is struggling financially and is forced to sell the house. Out of the blue she discovers a solicitors letter in her husbands files which states he had been left a property called Clearwater, by his uncle. Visiting the site in Pembrokeshire she falls in love with what basically a ruin. With plans to develop Lowri finds herself in the middle of a property development battle and secrets from the past that some people would prefer remain secret rise from the ruins.

Well written this is a gentle and heartwarming read. A rollercoaster of an emotional ride through the Welsh countryside with characters to lift your heart as you become totally immersed in them and their lives. If you are looking for a book to read by the fireside one evening or on a sunny warm beach this is for you. There’s something for everyone secrets, romance, sad loss and new starts and Lowri a woman who finds strengths she never knew she had. A wonderful read.
Profile Image for Patty.
758 reviews15 followers
May 8, 2023
3.5 stars

When Lowrie discovers a document buried in a box of her deceased husbands' things in the attic, she has no idea what it means for the rest of her life!

I enjoyed this book. The setting was beautiful, I could picture the river, the meadow with wildflowers and rare orchids, the remnants of Clearwater Castle, the watermill, and the factory in all its disrepair. The gatehouse sounds like a cute little place to live, sweet and cozy.

There's plenty of secrets as the title implies. Why did Lowrie's husband Alun never tell her about the inheritance, or mention Clearwater Castle at all? Who is Bridie and why is she so invested in seeing Lowrie fail? What happened to Seren's brother all those years ago? Why is Huw so quiet and withdrawn from people? It is all revealed in time as the story unfolds.

The title indicates this is Book 1 in the series. I am looking forward to seeing where the author takes the story from here.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.
May 14, 2023
'𝑨 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈.'

Secrets of Clearwater Castle is the first book in a feel good women's fiction series.

Inheriting a mystery castle comes with its own challenges and hardships and Lowri's world shifts when she discovers her late husband's connection to it. She is ready for a fresh start and to face the challenges head on. She is supported by an eclectic caste of characters who are loveable and will lift your heart and ones you will remember for a long time. I loved seeing Lowri evolve into a strong and independent woman as the story developed.

I was lost in the setting of the Clearwater castle that is beautifully and perfectly described by the author and fell in love with it just like Lowri.

Secrets of Clearwater Castle is a charming, hopeful story of triumph with a little of everything for everyone - secrets, friendship, love, loss and drama. Highly recommended.

Thank you @bookouture and Netgallegy for providing me with a digital copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Linda S..
551 reviews2 followers
April 29, 2023
Secrets of Clearwater Castle tells the story of Lowri, a Welsh widow raising her young daughter, Wren, who finds a letter among her deceased husband's personal effects about an inheritance that she knew nothing about - her husband Alun's uncle had left him Clearwater House and the surrounding estate. Lowri and Wren move to the Clearwater gatehouse to begin their new lives and find themselves surrounded by friends who become like family to them. The story has likeable characters, family secrets that surprised me, and the perfect villain in Bridie, the dishonest estate manager. I'm looking forward to reading the next books in this series to find out what happens with the estate, the textile factory, the new friends that Lowri and Wren have made, and especially if love will blossom between Lowri and Huw, the hunky stonemason.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Carly Rushforth.
489 reviews31 followers
May 11, 2023
Welcome to my stop on this lovely Books On Tour, I hope you enjoy my review.

Lowri is finally sorting out her late husband Alun’s belongings that have been stored in a her spare room for two years, with her friend Jess they uncover a unusual document about an inheritance that Alun never told Lowri about. When she gets it checked over she finds that she’s the new owner of a dilapidated house called Clearwater Castle!.

Can Lowri have a fresh start and bring Clearwater back to life ?.

I really enjoyed this story following Lowri and her daughter Wren as they navigated a new life and a fresh start.

All the “nice” people they meet along the way are such good strong characters, especially Huw, Elin & Seren . Lowri also comes across some not so nice characters and I was intrigued to find out what secrets they held and why?.

I felt quite emotional at the end because the story was just so magical and heartfelt, I really didn’t want to it end and I’ll be waiting for the next in the series.
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.7k reviews151 followers
May 10, 2023
My brain works in a bizarre way and when I read “Emma Davies” I immediately joined the blog tour as I love her “Adam&Eve” cozy mystery series.
I neither read the plot nor checked the genre. It could have been a recipe for a disaster but I thoroughly enjoyed this story.
There’s something that made me think of action&adventure stories I read when I was a child: the inheritance, the secrets, the descriptions of wild life in Cornwall.
And there’s a story that the adult me liked as Lowri is a clever and well plotted character as it’s poignant, heart-warming and compelling.
Emma Davies did a good job in developing a complex and timeless plot and I’m curious about what will happen in the next stories.
It was a lovely surprise and I’m happy I read this novel.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine
188 reviews10 followers
April 22, 2023
A heartwarming novel of a young woman and her daughter starting over in a Welsh town after the sudden death of her husband. With the discovery of a mysterious letter, she discovers that her husband had inherited a castle in the town that he grew up in. With that information, she begins her life anew and discovers hidden secrets and forms new friendships. I loved the characters and the descriptions of the Welsh countryside. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Joanne D'Arcy.
640 reviews61 followers
July 2, 2023
Lowri Morgan, recently widowed and with young daughter Wren is about to change her life as she moves to be near her sister. She can no longer afford the home she created with her husband. However a secret is about to be discovered when it appears her late husband has left a legacy.

A legacy, a secret inheritance that for some reason Lowri has known nothing about. Lowri is now owner of Clearwater Castle, surely the answer to her problems and her future.

However reality is very much not the dream and Lowri and her young daughter find themselves with only on habitable property, a rundown mill, acres of space, a workshop creating Welsh Souvenirs of poor quality and in positive Victorian conditions. What Lowri cannot understand is how her husband, never told her any of this and why he never solved some of the obvious problems.

It has all been left to a caretaker, who seems to be taking and not caring and what other influences does she seem to have in the village of Clearwater. Lowri starts to understand a lot more and finds herself with a new life that she wants to create for herself but for all the people and friends she makes along the way now Clearwater is clearly going to be her home.

A great start to a new series and one that has plenty of depth, fascination with secrets in villages and how they can impact still years and years later. If you add into that, the grit and determination of Lowri to do something with this wonderful castle and its surroundings, it was like walking into a National Trust building and seeing someone preserving the past so we can understand the present and not go wring in the future.

I am really looking forward to my return visit.
Profile Image for Diane.
214 reviews
June 27, 2023

A perfect summer read. Terrific story, remarkable characters, and easy to get caught up in the whole book.
Relationships, friendships and family…perfect combination to a beautiful ending. Of course, the realities of life are doling out between the pages of the Author’s story; jealousy, angst, envy and misunderstanding are some of the catalysts that pop up. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Carol Wilson.
10 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2023
Secrets of Clearwater Castle as

This was a book that really captured my imagination. It had several mysteries, romance, secrets and fraud. Revelations about families of the main characters that is not revealed to the end and how it influences the characters responses to each other. A totally enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Jackie.
828 reviews9 followers
May 1, 2024
I so enjoyed the first half of this story but then it became repetitive and convoluted.
It was especially disappointing that the author could not write an epilogue updating the finished plans. This is why I do not read books in a series.
Authors that cannot write a complete book with an ending do not deserve my time.
797 reviews
May 12, 2023
Young widow Lowri heads to Clearwater with her young daughter to claim an inheritance she knew nothing about. Faced with a dilapidated castle, Lowri finds it difficult to make the most of what was left to her.
Profile Image for Wendy(Wendyreadsbooks) Robey.
1,223 reviews70 followers
May 14, 2023
This one intrigued me from the start. Hidden inheritance and secrets including a mystery castle sounded a wonderful premise to a story.
Emma Davies describes the estate of Clearwater beautifully and I loved how Lowri instantly fell in love with it.
Brilliant characters with their own stories added so much to Lowri’s adventure and I loved how she found herself again after so much loss.
Profile Image for Dianna Peck.
119 reviews3 followers
August 15, 2023
Excellent story

My first book by this author. Well written by this author. I was drawn in to the characters from the first chapter. Full of mystery, intrigue, drawing on historical fiction, heartbreak and friendship. Love the strong women. Now to read more by this author!
106 reviews
October 5, 2023
Secrets of Clearwater Castle series: {Book 1.]

🤩🤩Wow what a superb read, I couldn’t put it down, it is so well written with so many twist and turns absolutely brilliant, I can’t wait for the next episode 🤩🤩👁👁👏👏
57 reviews
July 28, 2023
Secrets of Clearwater Castle

This was an emotionally charged story. Vera well written. There were lows and highs, but lower lows, and then the high at the end. Thank you.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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