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The Amish Christmas Promise

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A proposal out of obligation

Could become a promise of love…

Pregnant Amish widow Mattie Byler is stunned to find her late husband’s shunned twin brother at her door. Samuel Byler is back to fulfill a promise: to marry Mattie. Only he’s not the rogue Mattie remembers. This Christmas, he’s determined to do right by her and the community. Saying “yes” feels impossible. But if Samuel's vow won’t heal her grieving heart…maybe his love can.

From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

223 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 28, 2023

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About the author

Amy Lillard

92 books643 followers
I'm a wife, mother, and bona fide Southern belle. Published author, expert corn bread maker, and Squirrel Princess.

I live in Tulsa, though I was born in Mississippi. I moved to the Sooner State when I was seventeen and met my soul mate and best friend not long after. I've retained a little of my Mississippi accent though most people think I'm from Texas. (?) Rob and I have been married for over twenty years and have a son--a mom proclaimed prodigy, of course!

I love homemade tacos, nail polish, and romance novels--not necessarily in that order. I'm a big fan of country music, a staunch proponent of saving the Oxford comma, and I'm shamefully obsessed with all things Harry Potter.

I believe that God is love. I guess that's why I adore romances.

I have always been intrigued with the Amish culture, their gentle ways and slower-paced lifestyle. (And I love, love, love the fact that they stay married for their lifetime.) But until recently I never thought to blend this interest with my penchant for romance. Okay, okay, I'm a bit old-fashioned and even enjoy the gender roles that are present in this culture. I love to cook and take care of my family. Yes, that's me June Cleaver with a laptop.

I dislike people trying to convince me to read the Twlight series (I'll get to it or I won't, either way I'm good with it), gratuitous violence, and strawberry ice cream. (I know I'm alone on this last one, and again, I'm good with it.)

Favorite movies--(besides HP) French Kiss, Maid of Honor, A Lot Like Love, Just Married, and Sweet Home Alabama. Oh, and Miss Congeniality, Sabrina (both versions) and a 1940's movie called Dear Ruth. If you haven't seen it, you should! A-dorable. Anything with Doris Day and most all of Marilyn's and Audrey's.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Lynda.
1,158 reviews26 followers
November 20, 2023
My Description, i.e., the Blurb …
Mattie Byler is Amish, a young widow, and a mother of two. And she is pregnant. The last thing she expected when she opened the door was to stare at her dead husband’s face. Samuel Byler. Her husband’s twin brother. His shunned twin brother. No one had heard from him in years. Why was he here?

Samuel had no plans to return to his community after being in the Englisher world until he read about David’s death. He was there to marry Mattie; he had promised his brother. And like a bull in a china shop, he tells Mattie he is there to marry her. He is carrying a lot of baggage. And his blurted announcement is not well received by Mattie. The book is tagged as ‘An Uplifting Inspirational Romance‘.

My Review …
When I read the description on NetGalley, I immediately clicked the “Request” button. I felt lucky to be approved. This was a fun book to read because of a specific character — not a human but a little pygmy goat named “Charlie”. This little goat makes work for Mattie and her two sisters who currently live with her since her husband died so suddenly. She eats anything she pleases and, of course, she is NOT supposed to consume but does anyway. While Charlie is not stated as an ESA (Emotional Support Animal), she is. She has that knack of knowing when Mattie needs extra support. I have a fondness and a personal understanding of ESAs, as I have one. My little Thor never wavered after my husband’s sudden death. So — yeah, I loved “Charlie”.

You will like Mattie. She’s tougher than she knows. But it’s tough being a widow and being pregnant. She has more than two sisters who live with her. Evie has a disability but it does not define her or keep her from doing what she wants to do. There is a lot to admire in Evie’s character. Naomi has strong opinions about a lot of things and doesn’t hesitate to share them — well, most of the time. She definitely has one regarding Samuel.

There’s a sweet old yellow dog named “Goldie” that recognized Samuel — I have a HUGE soft spot for dogs. A passel of goats — David and Mattie had a “goat farm” — now Mattie is ignoring those who gently and not so gently suggest she needs to remarry because she needs help. She does and Samuel is determined to help her…and he does.

You’ll chuckle if not laugh out with the scene of the Bishop’s wife (hint, she’s the biggest gossip in the community), Charlie, and a piece of cherry pie.

You should be intrigued by now. There are more characters — but not too many at a time. And Samuel’s story comes out in pieces. And it is not a pretty one. You’ll probably think, as I did, “Go talk to the Bishop already!”

In a review of a published book, the reviewer can quote a passage or two. In ARC reviews, one is to avoid doing that because the passage could be removed or modified in the published version. There was one jumped off the page and I feel confident that no one could improve it. “Life math is hard.”

The passage comes as Mattie considers her life with David. Two — David and Mattie. Four — two children. And now there were just three. “Life math is hard.” I lost my husband suddenly too. At 3:45 pm there were two. At 5:00 pm, there was one. Life math is truly hard.

I liked this book but did feel the ending was rushed. There was all this angst and then — tada! At least, that’s how it felt to me. Other than that, this book was a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. While it occurs in the months before and after Christmas, the core of the story deals with trust and learning to let go.

I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of “The Amish Christmas Promise” via NetGalley from the publisher, Harlequin – Romance, Love Inspired. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Rating: 4.5 stars rounded to 5 stars for sites showing on round numbers.
Cover: Nice cover — however, a red dress on “Mattie” is improbable.
Pages: 223
Publish Date: 28 Nov 2023
#TheAmishChristmasPromise #NetGalley #AmyLillard
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,184 reviews
November 1, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise
By Amy Lillard
This is a Heartwarming story that tugged at my heart. A story about loss, healing, keeping a promise, inspiration, shunning, and forgiveness. A brother comes back home to keep a promise he made. A Young widow with two small children and another one on the way. She has so much to deal with and trying to stay within the rules. Is the promise one that can be kept? How will the community take the promise? A Sweet story and the characters were great. There is one character, Charlie, that will have you laughing throughout the story. I was given a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,546 reviews179 followers
November 30, 2023
What a sad situation Mattie found herself in. This young widow was pregnant and also had two toddlers. She truly loved her late husband and was doing the best she could to carry on. I liked reading about the close relationship she had with her sisters, Evie and Naomi. The way the sisters interacted with each other, from the humorous moments and the times of support, to the moments when they challenged Mattie in some way or another to move forward, was a great part of the story.

Samuel was a complex and conflicted character. I couldn’t help but like him and hope that he could let go of grief and guilt and move on to a happier future.

The connection and chemistry that grew between Samuel and Mattie was compelling. The way obligation turned to something more for Samuel was very sweet. And the struggle at first for Mattie to deal with a man who looked almost identical to her late husband added a great element, too. This story was so enjoyable to read and I hope there will be more books set in this community.

(4.5 stars)

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog:
Profile Image for Lori.
1,892 reviews124 followers
November 11, 2023
Loved this sweet romance to the fullest!
Wonderful characters and a good plot that will make you want to get in the Christmas spirit.
I'm going to be honest and say that Emma is my favorite character because of her bubbley and fun loving personality.
I.do understand that Mattie is grieving and you'll never get over missing someone.
I appreciated and loved Samuel for trying to do the right thing for David and Mattie.
Sometimes things just have to work.out with God's timing. Good things come to those who wait with patience.
Me, that's hard for me to do but I do try.
I.really enjoyed this sweet story.
Lillard is a gifted writer and I love anything she writes.
I am giving this one 5 stars for an excellent cosy read.
I highly recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Michelle Rhoden.
425 reviews14 followers
December 16, 2023
I always enjoy Amy Lillard’s book and this one was another win for me! I loved how it pulled at my heartstrings and made me laugh out loud at the antics of the little goat, Charlie, and the gossipy bishops wife. Definitely held my attention from page one and I highly recommend it. This book released November 28, 2023 from the Harlequin Love Inspired series.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

Merged review:

Amy Lillard is one of my favorite authors and I always look forward to her books coming out. She did not disappoint with this book that deals with loss, forgiveness, promises and a tender, clean romance. Definitely worth waiting for as we come upon the Christmas season.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own. This book is from the Harlequin Love Inspired series and released on November 26, 2003. I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Kerrific Kerr.
460 reviews14 followers
March 22, 2024
There were tears! Such a sweet story with a wonderful ending. The characters are perfect in this holiday read.
1,423 reviews21 followers
November 12, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard
An Uplifting Inspirational Romance
A proposal out of obligation
Could become a promise of love
Pregnant Amish widow Mattie Byler is stunned to find her late husband’s shunned twin brother at her door. Samuel Byler is back to fulfill a promise: to marry Mattie. Only he’s not the rogue Mattie remembers. This Christmas, he’s determined to do right by her and the community. Saying “yes” feels impossible. But if Samuel's vow won’t heal her grieving heart…maybe his love can.
This is Mattie Byler and Samuel Byler's story.
“I’m here to see M—” He didn’t get her name out before a loud clatter interrupted. He peered inside and followed the noise.
She was standing by the long dining table, her chair sprawled out behind her as if she had stood up in such haste that she had knocked it over.
Her shock was expected. He supposed, to her, he looked like her husband come back from the dead.
“Mattie,” Evie called. She didn’t wait for her sister to respond. With a surprising agility, she whipped around, her crutches clanking as she did so. Somehow, she managed to push the goat to one side and haul herself toward her sister.
Mattie’s face had turned chalk white, her eyes a little dazed. She placed one hand over the mound of her pregnant belly, then slowly crumpled like a marionette’s puppet whose strings had been cut.
Samuel Byler paid the driver, then looked down the narrow lane that lay before him as the man drove away. He should have felt something more. Something more than a sense of relief. A stab of longing maybe? He was home. Something he hadn’t been able to say for many years now. Yet, not really home, but back in the valley where he had grown up.
He started up the drive toward the house he couldn’t yet see. His brother’s house. Used to be, anyway. Now it belonged to David’s widow, Mattie. If the location app the driver used was correct, it wasn’t far off the road, just behind a copse of trees. It was behind one of those trees where he left his duffel bag. He didn’t want to show up at Mattie’s house toting everything he owned like a vagabond.
A tingle started in his back and worked its way up to his neck. His clothes felt too tight, unfamiliar. They should have been like donning the past. That was what he was doing, wasn’t it? Going back. Back but not backward. He had to remember that.
I recommend this book.
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard is a wonderful well written 5 star book.
You will love this book. Story of faith, forgiveness and hope.
I am looking forward to reading more books by Amy Lillard.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions shared here in this review are my own.
Profile Image for JoAnne.
2,911 reviews29 followers
January 6, 2024
The Amish Christmas Promise is a Love Inspired Inspirational Romance. It was a heartwarming but also heartbreaking read filled with all things Amish. The main characters were easy to like and were rounded out nicely by the secondary characters who added another layer to the story. Having a pet goat living in the house with them though was a little over the top and added some laugh out loud moments.

Mattie is a widow and pregnant with her third child. Two of her sisters come and go to help her out with her two daughters, the house and the goat farm. Her brother-in-law Samuel who is shunned comes around in order to fulfill his promise to his twin brother - that if anything happened to him, Samuel would step up and take care of David's family. Of course, the promise was made when they were younger and before Samuel left the church and their town to make his way in the Englisch world which didn't work out well for him. He is now back in their small town and wants to marry Mattie and take care of her and her daughters along with the yet to be born child but still has doubts about bending his knee and asking for the church's forgiveness so he can become an active part of the Amish community. Of course, Mattie knows nothing about the promise which throws his plans a little out of whack as well.

There are twists and turns to the story as well as several different stories being told. There are a lot of secrets as well as lies of omission. Samuel is helping out where he can on the farm until more secrets emerge that he hadn't felt comfortable talking about. I liked that Mattie and her family did have contact and conversations with Samuel even though he was still under the ban awhile deciding when the right time would be to ask for forgiveness. The word choices often used really portrayed how the Amish live. There is some closure but I wish the book had gone on a little longer. There are hints of what might happen in future books if we meet up with the characters again.

Ms. Lillard is one of my favorite authors and I enjoy her Amish stories as well as her mysteries and contemporary romances. Give her books a try if you haven't already!
Profile Image for Deanne Patterson.
2,178 reviews93 followers
November 28, 2023
Please visit my blog here for this post https://veganbookblogger.wordpress.co...

I really, really enjoyed this book.
It's tender and heartwarming but doesn't shy away from real-life circumstances.
Pregnant Amish widow Mattie Byler is pregnant with her third child, she has two toddlers and a farm she's running now after her husband's death. Luckily her two sisters are able to live with her and help her, which she tremendously appreciates. Her husband's shunned brother shows up at her doorstep and tells her he's going to marry her. She's having none of it, he's been gone eight years now that he's left the faith. He says he fulfilling his brother's wishes to take care of his wife if anything should happen to him, which unfortunately it has. As they spend more time together, she appreciates the chores he can do and the hard physical labor he can do she and her sisters cannot. She finds herself falling for him but makes it completely clear he must make it right with his faith by seeing the bishop. Though he cares a great deal for her he's not quite ready to return to the faith but she's adamant in what he must do if he wants any chance with her. As they spend more time together, he comes clean on what life was like for him since he left the faith eight years ago. It hasn't been easy and has been a real eye-opener compared to the laid-back lifestyle of the Amish he was used to. He has lost in life because of choices he's made but he's ready to finally start anew with a renewed faith and a beautiful family. Tender, sweet, realistic, loss and then renewal of life and faith. Beautiful! Recommended.

Pub Date 28 Nov 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Lghiggins.
895 reviews10 followers
December 29, 2023
Mattie’s husband David was killed in a farming accident leaving her with two precious preschool daughters and another child on the way. She has been grieving for several months when David’s twin brother Samuel appears. He claims that he had promised David that he would take care of his wife and children if anything ever happened to David. He declares that he is there to marry Mattie. Not only is Mattie stunned by his assertion, but there is a major obstacle. Samuel has been out of communication with his family and the Amish church for eight years, and he is under their rules for shunning anyone who has left the church in this manner.

The Amish Christmas Promise is about the secrets Samuel holds and his reluctance to share them and ask forgiveness of God and the church members. He is deep in lies of omission which are hurting his budding relationship with Mattie. She and her two sisters who live with her risk their standing in the church by the acts of kindness they show Samuel. So faith, trust, kindness, and God’s will become major themes in the story.

The children are sweet, and the sisters are supportive. Some humor is brought into the novel in the form of Charlie, a mischievous pygmy goat that Mattie keeps in the house as a pet. It is rather a stereotype, but the bishop’s wife Eleanor Peachey does her best to righteously spread rumors and gossip. Mattie and Samuel are both likable characters. I enjoyed the book, but the resolution seemed like a jump in time and occurred too easily to be believable given the past tragedies in the protagonists’ lives. It was, however, the ending most readers would hope for.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Kristina Anderson.
3,748 reviews69 followers
November 26, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard is a heartwarming tale. Mattie Byler, a pregnant widow, is shocked when she finds her husband’s twin, Samuel on her doorstep. Samuel has returned to the community to honor a promise he made to his twin many years ago. Since Samuel is shunned, he will need to make a kneeling confession before the baptized members of the community. That is easier said than done. The Amish Christmas Promise is an easy story to read. There is an interesting cast of characters. Mattie is lucky to have sisters to help her. They are outspoken and supportive. My favorite character was Charlie, Mattie’s pygmy goat that lives inside her home. That goat has a larger-than-life personality. She goes where she wants, eats what she wants, and is quite the escape artist. Charlie is also an excellent emotional support animal. She has a knack for knowing when Mattie (and others) needs comforting. There is one scene involving the bishop’s wife (aka the biggest gossip in the community) and Charlie that had me laughing out loud. The Amish Christmas Promise is a story about healing, restoring faith, trust, new love, letting go, forgiveness, and God’s timing. When you are a widow or widower, it can be hard to open your heart to a new love. I did feel that the ending was a tad rushed. I enjoyed experiencing Christmas with the Amish. I hope the author will return us to this community because I would love stories featuring Mattie’s sisters. The Amish Christmas Promise is a touching tale with a returning twin, a naughty goat, supportive sisters, an unwavering widow, shunning guidelines, finding forgiveness, and a gracious God.
Profile Image for C Allen.
410 reviews11 followers
November 27, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard will be released, November 28, 2023. I was given an ARC by Harlequin - Romance, Love Inspired, but was not asked to offer a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Widow, Mattie Byler, and her late husband’s shunned twin brother, Samuel, have a very difficult entangled relationship in Amy Lillard new Christmas book. Each of these two main characters have faced heartache and loss. Each is dealing with their loss in an entirely differ ways. One running away from God and one walking with God. What a pair these two make.

The plot of this story is well written and helps one move into the Christmas season. It is an interesting page-turner.

The characters are realistic and believable. Mattie’s sisters, Evie and Naomi are great additions to the cast of characters. Mattie’s little girls are precious and the non-human little pygmy goat named “Charlie“ is just too cute for words.

Lillard handles a very tough story line with poises and grace.

I highly recommend this as a 5-star addition to your Amish book collection.
Profile Image for Eileen.
2,281 reviews
November 30, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard, is a heartwarming story about loss, healing, keeping a promise, inspiration, shunning, and forgiveness. Mattie Byler is pregnant and widowed, with two little girls and a farm to take care of. One day her late husband’s twin brother, Samuel, appears at her door; claiming that he had made a promise to his brother that he would look after his wife if anything happened to him. In Samuel’s mind, that meant he needs to marry her. Unfortunately, he has been shunned and has been living among the English. At first Mattie doesn’t want anything to do with him, but she reluctantly allows him to do work around her farm. Slowly they form a friendship, with Mattie realizing she’s falling in love with him and Samuel has fallen in love with her. Before anything more can happen, Samuel needs to confess his sins to the community and return to the church; something he’s been struggling with. I highly recommend The Amish Christmas Promise to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
18 reviews2 followers
November 12, 2023
Mattie Byler is pregnant and widowed. She also has two little girls and a farm to take care of. One day her late husband’s twin brother, Samuel, appears at her door. He said that he had made a promise to his brother that he would look after his wife if anything happened to him. And in Samuel’s mind, that mean he needs to marry her. Unfortunately, he has been shunned and has been living among the English. At first Mattie doesn’t want anything to do with him, but she reluctantly allows him to do work around her farm. Slowly they form a friendship and Mattie realizes she’s falling in love with him. Samuel has to get right with the church first, and he struggles with that.

I’d have to say this is one of my favorite books by Amy Lillard. I love them all but the knight in shining armor rescuing the damsel in distress plot line is so romantic!

I received an ARC copy of this book for my review. My opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Dali Castillo.
508 reviews14 followers
November 29, 2023
Tugs at Your Heartstrings

Wow! Mattie and Samuel's story is absolutely wonderful! In it you have two people that are brought together by a loss, and each one is dealing with it in their own way. Mattie deals with it by insisting on proving how strong she is and that she doesn't need to depend on Samuel. Samuel deals with it by trying to do all he can to help Mattie while making up for what he's been through and to keep the promise he made. As they deal with it in their own way, they don't seem to see how much of a bond it creates between them. However, with the help of some very special sisters and a cute little goat, that bond just might grow into something special.

The Amish Christmas Promise is truly a beautiful story. Throughout the story you will find love, faith, redemption, forgiveness and healing, and that combination will surely tug at your heartstrings.

I received and advanced copy of the book. However, all comments and opinions are voluntary and completely my own.
Profile Image for Connie Saunders.
1,648 reviews135 followers
December 6, 2023
When does duty become a privilege? When does a promise become a blessing?

The Amish Christmas Promise is an emotional story that tugged at my heartstrings and reminded me of the power of faith and forgiveness. Mattie and Samuel's growing awareness of each other is both sweet and tantalizing but there is one enormous hurdle to overcome. Is the shunned Samuel willing to ask for forgiveness from his Amish community?

This is Lillard's first Harlequin title but I'm sure it won't be her last! This book has endearing characters, an Amish Christmas setting, and an inspiring faith message! I highly recommend The Amish Christmas Promise to all who enjoy Amish Christian romance.

I received a complimentary digital copy from the author. There was no obligation for a positive review.

I invite you to read my full review @https://connie-oldersmarter.blogspot....
Profile Image for Maureen Timerman.
3,031 reviews488 followers
October 19, 2023
Amy Lillard brings us a story of inspiration, but also a story of forgiveness from the community and from oneself.

This is an Amish story of shunning, and yet there is some compassion. A story of doing what a bother wanted, and yet, living through your own pain.

A young widow with two daughters and another baby on the way, she is dealing with so much, and yet, you will see her living her faith, yet struggling with the rules!

A man unjustly accused, comes back after finding out his brother has died, he for once wants to do the right thing, but can he?

This is a page turner for answers, but it is also a story with so much emotion, and I loved how the story worked out, just wish it was a bit longer!

I received this book through the author, and was not required to give a positive review.
Profile Image for Susan  Faloon.
1,007 reviews
November 23, 2023
I love this story! Mattie and Samuel have had great heartache and loss. Each have travelled in different directions in dealing with their pain. One holds to God while the other questions His will. Samuel marches in to her life and tells her he is going to marry her. He made a promise to his brother David. A promise she hasn't ever heard of.
The whole storyline is interesting with the touch of romance, a mourning period, two baby girls and a child on the way. Sisters Evie and Naomi are excellent secondary characters with big hearts. And a silly little goat gives a great touch of humor.
I want to thank Harlequin Love Inspired and NetGalley for an advanced reader's copy of the book. This is my unsolicited opinion about it. It has a nice Christmas feel to it with the added reality that sometimes things go awry during the holiday too. I want to see the sisters' stories next!
Profile Image for Sunnie.
947 reviews36 followers
November 28, 2023
Mattie finds herself expecting a child as her husband unexpectedly passes on. Samuel is her husband's twin, one who left the Amish and was shunned by his Amish community. He has come back to keep a promise to care for his twin brother, David's family.
I so enjoyed this sweet romance. The characters were all believable and Samuel was trying to find his path back to his Amish community, but because of his past life experiences, he is having a difficult time moving forward. Gossip spreads quickly and things become more and more difficult.

I loved the little goat in the story, always into mischief. I really thought this was a most engaging book. I was caught up in it right away. This was a very sweet romance. But will Samuel be able to move beyond the events of his former English life?

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Cherese Akhavein.
400 reviews
October 30, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard
This is a story of healing, regaining faith, new love after tragic lose and Forgivness of what once seemed the unforgivable. It’s a story of shunning or what some call tough love and how a community can and does make all the difference in our life.
Samuel’s and Mattie’s story is sure to touch your heart, every characters brings such joy to the story and will leave you feeling as if your within their storyline, also I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention a very special character Charlie who will keep you in stitches. This is the perfect Christmas story so pick it up and be prepared to feel all those Christmas joy’s. I was gifted a copy of this book, however all thoughts are my own and I’m so very happy to recommend this book.
Profile Image for Melissa Henderson.
Author 7 books171 followers
October 29, 2023
The testing of relationships can bring sorrow or joy. In this heartwarming story, a promise is made and the attempts to fulfill that promise cause trouble and conflict within a community. Will guilt prevent true love? How can forgiveness be shown to self and others? This is a sweet story of love, trust, hope, and faith. I enjoyed reading this one. I received a complimentary copy of the book. No review was required.
Profile Image for Janice Sisemore.
1,555 reviews14 followers
November 18, 2023
The Amish Christmas Promise

Samuel came back to Marry his brother widow. Samuel has a lot of changes to make before he can marry Mattie. Will he be able to make the changes required of him? Will his family accept him back into their lives?

I enjoyed all the characters in the book. A lot of surprises I didn’t expect.

I brought the book from the reader service. This book review is my own opinion.
Profile Image for Katie.
111 reviews4 followers
November 22, 2023
An estranged man returns to his Amish community to fulfill a promise he had made to marry his deceased brother's wife.
This book was sweet. It let one in on life as an Amish person. I learned many things I didn't realize.
In true "Love inspired" fashion, it had a great happily ever after!
Profile Image for Jennifer McClurkan.
345 reviews33 followers
January 8, 2024
A very good Amish Christmas book about second chances. Pregnan, Amish widow Mattie Byler is stunned to find her late husband's shunned twin brother shows up at her door. He made a promise to his brother that if he died his brother should marry Mattie.
Profile Image for Vicky Sluiter.
Author 1 book82 followers
December 27, 2023
Such a page turner! I did have a bit of a challenge getting into the story but once I did it kept me up at night. I had to learn all the secrets and find out what in the world was going to happen.
Profile Image for Gabrielle Baker.
538 reviews6 followers
January 2, 2024

Amy Lillard's "The Amish Christmas Promise" is a heartwarming and tender holiday romance set against the backdrop of an Amish community. Filled with themes of love, faith, and the spirit of Christmas, this novel delivers a cozy and uplifting story that will resonate with fans of Amish fiction and sweet romances.

The story revolves around the lives of the main characters, Sarah Burkholder and Seth Miller, both members of the tight-knit Amish community in Birch Creek. Sarah, a kind-hearted and compassionate woman, is devoted to her family and community. On the other hand, Seth, a hardworking and earnest man, has returned to Birch Creek after a period of exploring the outside world.

One of the novel's strengths is the portrayal of the Amish way of life and the sense of community that defines it. Amy Lillard skillfully weaves cultural elements, traditions, and the spirit of Christmas into the narrative, creating an authentic and immersive reading experience. The scenes depicting community gatherings, shared meals, and the preparations for Christmas celebrations add depth to the story.

The romance between Sarah and Seth unfolds with a gentle and sweet charm. The author captures the nuances of Amish courtship traditions and the importance of faith in guiding relationships. The characters' interactions are filled with genuine emotion, and their growing connection is portrayed with a sense of innocence and purity.

The themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the healing power of love are interwoven throughout the narrative. Both Sarah and Seth carry burdens from their pasts, and the story beautifully explores how love and faith can offer the promise of a new beginning. The Christmas season serves as a backdrop for the characters' journeys toward healing and reconciliation.

The supporting characters, including family members and friends within the Amish community, contribute to the richness of the story. Each character plays a role in the protagonists' lives, emphasizing the importance of relationships and the interconnectedness of the community.

The writing style is gentle and evocative, capturing the essence of the holiday season and the simplicity of Amish life. The author's descriptions create a vivid sense of place, allowing readers to envision the snowy landscapes and festive gatherings. The pacing is steady, allowing the narrative to unfold naturally.

While "The Amish Christmas Promise" follows some familiar tropes of Amish romance, it stands out for its authentic portrayal of Amish traditions and the emphasis on the Christmas spirit. Amy Lillard's storytelling brings warmth and sincerity to the characters' journeys, making it a delightful read for those seeking a heartwarming holiday romance within an Amish setting.
Profile Image for Linda.
417 reviews19 followers
November 16, 2023
Author Amy Lillard writes inspirational and uplifting stories. Her research and visits to Amish communities make her books authentic. Samuel Byler promises his twin brother David he will marry David’s wife, Mattie, if something should happen to him. Mattie is now a widow with two children and another on the way. Samuel is shunned but returns to his community to fulfill his promise. Mattie is unaware of the promise. She is to say the least, wary and stressed out with Samuel’s return. He knows he needs to confess before the church. What holds him back? Will Mattie be able to heal, and can Samuel help her with the process? 5 Star recommendation!
I received a complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own.
466 reviews6 followers
March 12, 2024
The Amish Christmas Promise by Amy Lillard is a sweet story of love and hope and forgiveness. Mattie is a widow with two children and another on the way. When her deceased husband’s twin brother, Samuel shows up at the door and says he’s going to marry her to honor a promise he made you his brother, she doesn’t know what to say. Among other issues, Samuel is shown by the church, and will need to make things right before they can even consider it. But, as they spend time together, they will discover that it might be more than a promise that binds them together. Thanks #NetGalley for the chance to read this sweet story. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Sarah Bickings.
277 reviews4 followers
November 28, 2023
What a heartfelt, lovely, charming story...full of hope and redemption! If you are looking for a cozy read, this holiday season, one that will fill you with joy and hope and warmth, look no further. The characters are simply endearing.
Thanks to #NetGalley and #Harlequin - Romance, Love Inspired for the ARC.
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