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Siga sõidab autoga läbi metsa. Tal on kiire ja eespool tuleb ületada sild. Järsku ilmub tema teele hunt. „Stopp! Sild on suletud!“ teatab hunt. Silla parandamine võtab aega ja hunt kutsub teelise seniks enda poole külla. See ettepanek ei tundu aga just eriti ahvatlev: kaval läige kriimsilma silmades ja järsk kõnetoon muudavad olukorra ärevaks. Mis saab edasi? Lõbusalt absurdne ja südantsoojendav lugu, mis toob muige ka lapsevanema suule. Eva Lindström (1952) on tunnustatud rootsi illustraator ja kirjanik. Ta on avaldanud üle 35 raamatu, lisaks illustreerinud mitmeid teiste autorite teoseid. Tema lood ühendavad sageli argipäevaseid toimetusi eksistentsiaalsete küsimustega, pakkudes kõike ainulaadses absurdse huumori kastmes. Lindström pälvis 2022 Astrid Lindgreni mälestusauhinna, lisaks on ta kaheteistkümnel korral kandideerinud mainekale Augustipreemiale ning kolm korda IBBY H.C. Anderseni auhinnale. Kahel korral on ta võitnud parima Rootsi pildiraamatu preemia ning saanud rohkelt teisi tunnustusi nii kodumaal Rootsis kui ka mujal. „Eva Lindström on tõeline meister, kellel on julgust valida vähem käidud radu.“ – Lotta Olsson, Dagens Nyheter „Eva Lindströmi võlu seiseneb tema erakordses võimes kujutada elu suuri eksistentsiaalseid küsimusi näiliselt igapäevastes olukordades.“ – Yukiko Duke, Svenska Dagbladet „Oma žanri legend“ – Gunilla Brodrej, Expressen „Täiesti ainulaadne“ – Åsa Warnqvist, Rootsi Lasteraamatute Instituudi direktor

32 pages, Hardcover

First published August 28, 2020

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Eva Lindström

53 books7 followers

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Mai.
1,140 reviews497 followers
January 7, 2024
I appreciate the Scandinavian minimalism, but what was that? For a second, I thought this was The Three Little Pigs, but then it wasn't? What?
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
August 10, 2024
Visiting our daughter for her 24th birthday, my wife and I give her a picture book read aloud marathon (Book 10 of 11).

I was getting pretty sleepy at this point of the marathon, but this eerie and bizarre book snapped my eyes right open.

A pig is driving along in his car when a wolf flags him down, tells him the bridge is out ahead, and invites him to wait out the delay in his house.

Nervous chuckles were had before the ending left me shaking my head.

It gave me weird flashbacks to Conor Stechschulte's Ultrasound
Profile Image for Helin Puksand.
976 reviews41 followers
July 11, 2023
Napisõnaline, kuid palju mõtteid pakkuv raamat. Kui hunt teatab seale, et too ei saa edasi sõita, sest sild on katki, ja kutsub ta endale külla, siis tekkis palju erinevaid mõtteid, kuidas lugu võiks jätkuda. Loo lõpp aga oli üllatav.
Soovitav lugeda koos lapsega. :)
Profile Image for Rebecca Crunden.
Author 26 books658 followers
Shelved as 'childrens-books'
April 4, 2023
I found myself a bit confused by this one, if I'm being honest. I got the feeling it was meant to be kinda sinister? But I'm not actually sure? Like, I feel like the wolves were setting the pig up to be murdered? But maybe the point was that it seemed super suspicious but ultimately wasn't? Just a big fake out? It's hard to say. I'm leaning towards sinister and dark, though.

The story is certainly thought-provoking given how short and narratively-light it is. An intriguing little read.
Profile Image for Hanneleele.
Author 13 books69 followers
April 3, 2023
Jätab õhku palju küsimusi, mis ongi ehk hea võimalus kaasa mõtlemiseks ja arutamiseks, et mis värk selle sillaga siis lõpuks on. Ehk on see hoopis tegelaste vahel :D
Profile Image for Sarah BT.
773 reviews45 followers
December 27, 2023
Weird but in a good way. This translated picture book makes you think about all the strange happenings in life. And while you may be reading the book expecting a certain outcome-it is a pig meeting up with wolves after all-the outcome changes and makes you wonder about the wolves and the pig in a new way.
Profile Image for Ophilia.
869 reviews49 followers
September 22, 2020
Väldigt snabbläst bilderbok med bara några rader text på varje sida. Går snabbt att läsa igenom och man får tänka lite på vad slutet egentligen betyder.

2 vargar påstår att bron framför är sönder och håller på att lagas. Och grisen som kör bil måste verkligen ta den vägen och har en tid att passa. Vargarna bjuder in grisen på en fika medan bron ska lagas. Första tanken är att vargarna lurar grisen för att sedan äta den. Men grisen åker därifrån efter fikat utan några skador.

I slutet får vi reda på att det aldrig existerade någon bro utan det är bara något vargarna säger för att få lite sällskap då dem förmodligen känner sig ensama ute i skogen.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ryan.
5,023 reviews28 followers
June 8, 2023
I don’t get this book. A pig is driving through the woods and gets stopped by a wolf who says the bridges is out, come over to my place. The pig really needs to get across this bridge, but the pig goes to the home of the wolf and meets the wolfs Spouse. They have a conversation about the painting in the house, and about being lonely in the woods. Then the pig leaves. They get to the river and there’s no bridge. There never was a bridge. So why did the wolf stop the pig. It doesn’t make sense. It feels like part of the story is missing. The artwork is okay but it’s all done at a distance and the wolf and the pig are so very small that a lot of this looks like a children’s painting. I didn’t enjoy this book and I don’t think kids would either because it feels undone.
Profile Image for De Grote Vriendelijke Podcast.
269 reviews159 followers
December 30, 2023
Een wonderlijk, gelaagd prentenboek over een wolf die een varkentje uitnodigt voor een kopje koffie bij hem thuis. Met onheilspellende details op de illustraties speelt Eva Lindström, in vertaling van Mijke Hadewey van Leersum - slim in op het verwachtingspatroon en de vooroordelen van de lezer. Een verrassend boek dat aan het denken zet. Uitgegeven bij Clavis, vanaf 5 jaar en ouder.
We bespreken het boek in de 100ste aflevering van De Grote Vriendelijke Podcast. Luister nu via Spotify, je podcast-app of https://degrotevriendelijkepodcast.nl...
Profile Image for Celina.
190 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2023
Het grappige aan dit boek is dat het een cliché verhaal lijkt. De Wolf en het varkentje, maar het krijgt een andere wending. Echter spreekt het boek me toch niet aan. De illustraties zijn flets en alsof ze door een kind zijn getekend.
Profile Image for Maggie.
186 reviews59 followers
December 21, 2023
This Swedish import is just a little unsettling (in a good way!) cryptic, and abrupt.

A pig is looking to cross a bridge. Wolves offer hospitality.

And the bridge? Perhaps the real bridge is the friends we make along the way ;)
Profile Image for Dylan Teut.
400 reviews146 followers
August 8, 2023
I'm sitting here thinking, Just really what was that all about?
Profile Image for Ragnar.
119 reviews6 followers
October 16, 2023
Napisõnalise veidi absurdliku tekstiga, ägeda illustratsiooniga, lasteraamatu alatooniga, kuid suurt inimest muigama panev lugu, mis meeldis ka meie 3-aastasele ;)
Profile Image for Angie.
1,372 reviews10 followers
January 16, 2024
Interesting. I don’t think it translated well.
261 reviews
February 7, 2024
Laheda absurdiga lugu. Ümber jutustada ei tahakski, aga lugedes tekkis selline mõnus avarus.
Profile Image for Cara Byrne.
3,583 reviews31 followers
March 27, 2024
What a curious, wonderful book! It's one of those sparse-yet-complex books that kept my kids and I talking long after we finished reading it. Friend or foe? Imaginary or real?
Profile Image for Adele.
930 reviews27 followers
August 10, 2024
What even was that? I know it was bizarre. And creepy. It made me laugh nervously and it surprised me so I guess I liked it?
Profile Image for Earl.
3,896 reviews40 followers
November 27, 2023
Fans of Jon Klassen may enjoy this book especially if they love even more vague endings.
Profile Image for ⋆。°✩☾⋆benita。°✩.
543 reviews58 followers
March 21, 2023
The Bridge is a story about a pig who’s looking to cross a bridge, but meets a wolf who says it’s not ready yet. The wolf invites the pig to their home. But what will happen after the visit? Or during?

…I’m not sure I got this book quite right. It was a little confusing, but I read what it was supposed to give, and it was “ever-so-slightly-sinister” and that it certainly was “fast-paced”. I was wondering what would happen, as we know in fairytales, pig’s (and other character’s in the same genre) tend to be the victim.

My conclusion is that is was so-so good, and it told what I wanted. The illustrations were simple and to the point. Maybe young readers will enjoy this book better than a 25-year-old.

Happy reading!♥️

I got this book for free from netgalley.com in exchange for an honest review
581 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2023
Raamat, mida on võimalik väga mitmeti tõlgendada. Siga sõidab autoga. Hunt peatab auto kinni ja ütleb, et seal ees on praegu sild katki. "Aga tule sa seniks meie juurde kohvile", ütleb hunt. Ja siit võiks lugu igasugu pöördeid sisse saada... Peab ise lugema, kuidas lugu lõppeb:)
Profile Image for Carolina Edvinsson.
872 reviews20 followers
April 16, 2021
För första gången älskar jag en bok av Eva Lindström! Är det såhär alla andra har känt för henne under alla dessa år? Och jag som inte har förstått någonting.
Profile Image for Matrosens Stjärna.
79 reviews1 follower
September 18, 2022
Vem är den här boken för? 3-åringen fattar inget, och jag som läser känner att vargen ska äta upp grisen vilken sekund som helst, men inget händer…
Profile Image for Helena.
377 reviews
March 28, 2023
Vot kus napisõnaliselt võib lugeja sõnatuks võtta :)
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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