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Goosebumps #50

Calling All Creeps!

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Ricky Beamer is furious when he gets kicked off the school paper. So he decides to play a joke on Tasha, the bossy editor in chief. Just a little joke. Harmless, really.

After school one day he sticks a message in the paper. If you're a creep, call Tasha after midnight, it reads.

But somehow Ricky's message gets messed up. And now he's getting calls. Strange calls from kids who say they are creeps. Creeps with scaly purple skin. And long sharp fangs...

116 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 1996

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About the author

R.L. Stine

1,521 books17.4k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
February 18, 2022
Calling All Creeps! (Goosebumps #50), R.L. Stine

Ricky Beamer inadvertently lands himself as the leader of a squadron of monsters out for world domination. After getting kicked off from the school newspaper club, ... "If you're a creep, call Tasha after midnight," it reads. But somehow Ricky's message gets messed up. And now he's getting calls! Strange calls from kids who say they are creeps. Creeps with scaly purple skin. And long sharp fangs...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز هفدهم ماه فوریه سال2018میلادی

عنوان: به همه بگو سینه‌‌خیز بروند (گوسه بامپ50؛ سایه وحشت10)؛ نویسنده: آر.ال‌ اس‍ت‍ای‍ن‌؛ مترجم آرزو احمی؛ تهران: ویدا: پژواک فرهنگ‏‫، سال1389؛ در150ص؛ شابک9789642912605؛ چاپهای دوم و سوم سال1390؛ چاپ چهارم سال1397؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده20م‬‬

کتاب «به همه بگو سینه خیز بروند» را «آر ال استاین» نگاشته اند؛ در این داستان «ریکی بیمر» با اخراج شدنش از روزنامه ی مدرسه میخواهد تا با «تاشا» سردبیر روزنامه، شوخی بسیار کوچک و بی آزاری کند؛ پیامی در دفتر روزنامه میگذارد: (اگر شما یک موجود وحشتناک هستید، پس از نیمه شب با «تاشا» تماس بگیرید)؛ ولی پیام «ریکی» اشتباه بوده، و به جای «تاشا» با او تماس گرفته میشود؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 28/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,326 followers
April 29, 2015
I think this is the most disturbing Goosebumps book I've ever read.

Ricky is really bullied in school. People call him "Sicky Ricky" and "Ricky Rodent" and they regularly beat him up, taunt him, get him in trouble, etc. He has no friends, he has no allies. His life is hell. That all changes on the night he decides to take revenge...

See? This is already sounding creepy, isn't it? So. Ricky sneaks into the school after hours and posts an ad in the school paper saying

Calling All Creeps. Calling All Creeps. If you're a real Creep, call Tasha at 555-7609 after midnight.

Well, that sounds like pretty lame revenge to me. But I guess I should be grateful it doesn't involve him bringing any firearms to school. The joke backfires when it Tasha catches the ad before the paper goes to print and changes the number to Ricky's number. Now he's getting a lot of phone calls.

"I saw your message," the voice whispered. "I am calling as you instructed." ... "When will the Creeps meet?"

Tl;dr - Highly disturbing for a Goosebumps book, this entry deals with serious issues like bullying and the bullied person's need for (sometimes lethal) revenge. I'm still a little sensitive about school shootings and this book was a bit too dark for me, I'm not eager to read it to children. To be sure, it probably wouldn't affect the kids at all, it's just my issues with the book that are making me squirm here. It's not you, it's me, Book.

P.S. The Creeps also do this:

All four of them flicked out their long, bumpy tongues and slapped each other's tongues as if slapping high fives.

o.O Okay.
Profile Image for Ethan.
285 reviews325 followers
September 19, 2023
In Calling All Creeps!, young Ricky Beamer gets kicked off the school newspaper and decides to get revenge about it by sneaking into the school at night when they're putting the finishing touches on the next day's paper. The editor steps out for a minute, and Ricky sneaks in the window. He types a message on the open computer containing the contents for tomorrow's paper, to troll the editor: If you're a creep, call Tasha after midnight. He then includes her phone number in the message, and sneaks back out. Oh man! All the prank calls Tasha is going to get when everyone sees this in tomorrow's paper! She'll never get sleep again! Haha! Sucka!

But then things backfire. Ricky starts to get all these weird calls at his house after midnight! Turns out Tasha noticed his little prank and changed the phone number in the message to Ricky's before the paper was printed. And things take a turn for the worse when Ricky notices the callers aren't ordinary, but are whispering in odd voices, calling themselves actual Creeps, like they're an alien race or something. And they want to meet up. Can Ricky get out of the situation he's put himself in? And can he avoid the sinister Creeps? And who...or what...are they, anyway?

This sounds a lot better on paper than it ended up being. It's a neat, different premise for Goosebumps, but for me it just didn't pay off in the end. It's the Dean Koontz problem: neat idea, very poor execution. Not one I would recommend, personally, but not the worst I've read from this series either. A real "meh" book: tolerable, but not very enjoyable.

CAWPILE rating:

Characters: 4.5
Atmosphere / Setting: 3.5
Writing Style: 3.5
Plot: 3.5
Intrigue: 3.5
Logic / Relationships: 4.0
Enjoyment: 3.5

= 26 total
÷ 7 categories = 3.71 out of 10
= 2 stars
Profile Image for Ken.
2,388 reviews1,361 followers
September 8, 2021
Ricky is annoyed with Tasha as she’s just kicked him off the school newspaper club, seeking revenge Ricky decides to pull a prank on her by putting a message for "all creeps" to call Tasha after midnight in the next issue.
Tasha is wise to he’s tricks and changed to Ricky’s number instead.
Ricky is about to get the biggest shock of he’s life!

This is a fun entry in the series, the usual trope of bullying is really present here.
I really like the look of the creeps themselves, though in a way it’s a slight shame that they are on the cover. It ruins the surprise in the book.
That said I didn’t expect the twist ending!
Profile Image for ✨Bean's Books✨.
648 reviews2,967 followers
October 24, 2018
#50 "Just dial 555-C-R-E-E-P!"
Ricky Beamer has revenge on his mind. Revenge for being kicked off the school newspaper by the editor-in-chief Tasha McClain. And he's going to play a little joke on her. He'll show her that sixth graders are not nothing at Harding Middle School. But when his joke gets all messed up things start to get really weird. And Ricky ends up getting really "creeped" out!
Profile Image for Shruti (Hiatus).
214 reviews101 followers
August 27, 2022
Before I read 'I married a Lizardman' By Regine Abel (not for kids at all; god forbid), I read Calling All Creeps when I was but a child, written by the legend, the one and only, drum roll please - R. L. Stine 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 5 out of 5 pumpkins indeed.
I'll be damned if I remember one single thing from this book other than the absolute thrill this cover gave me as a kid, hinting at possibilities that there are *others* who live among us if you only just kept your eyes wide open and ears to the ground. I recommend this book to your past self. Cheers.
Profile Image for Mattia Ravasi.
Author 5 books3,709 followers
October 21, 2013
"One night and one more time,
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories,
Even though they weren't so great*"
-Fall Out Boy, Thnks fr th Mmrs

* this one was one of Stine's greatest though, awesome twist at the end and pretty original too - considering that the twisted ending was pretty much the most predictable feature of all Goosebumps.

Halloween is coming, so check out my Top 10 Goosebumps Books! (Once Halloween passes, do it out of nostalgia! I know you loved these little green marvels too!)
Profile Image for Evelyn.
199 reviews33 followers
December 12, 2016
This is actually the first time I've read this and it was ok. Again, putting aside the fact that this book was 116 pages and it's meant for kids, it wasn't a bad read. Just very slow in the beginning. I did enjoy the fact that I did not see the end coming! I thought I had the outcome figured out but it was a pleasant twist! Overall not a bad read!
Profile Image for Alex | | findingmontauk1.
1,503 reviews92 followers
April 5, 2021
Not too much to say about this one. Not the biggest fan of the plot, the characters, the repetition, or the 'Creeps' themselves. Not a win in my book!
Profile Image for Menglong Youk.
407 reviews60 followers
May 20, 2017
4.5 stars

Finally a Goosebumps book about a nerd kid. The title is not interesting whatsoever to me, and just by reading the title, I didn't expect anything new from this book besides cliché ghosty stuff, but wow. The plots are quite strange to me, but satisfying. And the twist, I didn't see it coming.
Profile Image for Krisandryka.
42 reviews6 followers
November 23, 2021
Re-reading this as an adult, I realize why Ricky did what he did in the end. And how harmful bullying is.
Profile Image for melhara.
1,554 reviews74 followers
January 27, 2023
Growing up, I've always avoided reading Goosebumps because the covers were terrifying (I also avoided watching the TV show for the same reason). No matter how much my friends tried to convince me to read them (my friends all loved Goosebumps and they had all assured me that the stories weren't scary at all) I'd stubbornly refuse to give the series a chance.

Well, 20+ years later, I finally mustered the courage to give one of these books a shot.

This was a rather strange novel with severe bullying - Ricky is constantly teased and tormented at school (and the teachers don't seem to care at all). When his bullies got him fired from the school newspaper, he decides to enact revenge against the editor of the school newspaper who fired him. (instead of the bullies...) His strange idea for revenge was to sneak a message into the school newspaper, calling all creeps to call the editor. But his plan backfired - the editor caught the message and changed it to Ricky's phone number.

Overall, this was an entertaining story and the twist/ending wasn't bad. I just couldn't help but feel saddened by Ricky's situation and his missed opportunity to really bond with his new friend, Iris!

Part of a personal challenge to read all of my boyfriend's and his sister's childhood books before we donate and give them away.
Profile Image for Lexi.
35 reviews14 followers
October 13, 2023
This main character is literally bullied majority of the book then if fearfully being told what to do by them because they are basically aliens then decides to join the bullies in the end?? And the bullies are barely bullies they only name call him and never physically harm him so… Like huh? If you cant beat them join them is a terrible lesson if that’s what this is supposed to be. I felt bored the first half of this book because it was literally just about a kid being bullied and how the bullies bully him. Also for the characters to be 6th and 7th graders where the frig were the adults or parents?? Ricky’s parents are mentioned once along with a lunch lady but that is it and they make fun of Ricky as well like the bullies do. The best thing about this book is the cover honestly.
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Profile Image for A.
105 reviews15 followers
November 14, 2021
Fun little story. Loved it when the parents wouldn't believe their kid and just laughed at him haha!
Profile Image for Clare rushby.
187 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2023
I want to start off by saying I love this cover, i feel like it’s different from a lot of the other ones and really draws you in. I did enjoy calling all creeps but unfortunately it wasn’t a favourite for me. I felt like it had a slow start and never truly captivated me like a lot of other goosebumps have. Ricky was also really bullied which became repetitive and a little upsetting to me. It was still a good read and worth reading, but I just wish it had a bit more spookiness and adventure.
June 12, 2024
Υπό άλλες συνθήκες μάλλον θα έβαζα 4 αστεράκια στο βιβλίο αυτό, αλλά μιας και ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός αποτελεί ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα των καιρών μας, και αποτελεί τον κεντρικό άξονα γύρω από τον οποίο περιστρέφεται η πλοκή μας, θεωρώ υποχρέωσή μου να του δώσω ένα ακόμα υπέρ του. Η "ανατριχιαστική" ιστορία δεν με έκανε να αντριχιάσω και τόσο, όσο η πραγματικότητα πάνω στην οποία βασίστηκε, και η αλήθεια είναι πως μου έδωσε τροφή για σκέψη.
Profile Image for kate.
712 reviews
September 20, 2022
This is another one of the more weird ones. The creeps are these lizard like creatures and they think that the kid is their leader. It’s more goofy than it is creepy but it’s also a fun sci fi idea. Overall, it’s not bad. The ending where they try to make everyone their slaves was so weird. It was okay, not my favorite goosebumps story.
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Profile Image for Tracey.
2,118 reviews74 followers
August 7, 2015
lololol That ending was horrible for all those bullies and mean spirited kids. Obviously Ricky comes out on top in that scenario. This is why you don't treat people like crap, you never know when the tables will turn.
Profile Image for Liam Underwood.
246 reviews5 followers
January 15, 2023
There are moments of Calling All Creeps! which aren't too terrible, and the book feels like it doesn't pull too many of the cheap cliffhanger chapter endings (or maybe I'm just becoming accustomed to them so they're no longer registering), but I have to confess I really struggled with the protagonist Ricky. He's horribly bullied at school, but also takes no responsibility for his actions and is quick to blame others. He also develops this strange grudge which feels very misguided. It's not unusual for Goosebumps to feature a protagonist who isn't exactly likeable, but it feels like Ricky really should be more sympathetic. It's an odd choice.

This book once again sees R.L. Stine dipping into sci-fi for horror, but with a lighter touch than some of his other sci-fi entries. I didn't mind this too much, and although getting to the concept at the core of this book requires a rather convoluted journey, I did find myself somewhat intrigued. I also quite liked Ricky's friend, Iris, although she's underused.

I wasn't a fan of the ending, but there's a couple of sequences in the middle part of the book that aren't too bad. Ricky does have a couple of moments where he's almost endearing, and it's disappointing that Stine didn't capitalise on this throughout. It's certainly not a great Goosebumps book, but Stine has certainly delivered worse.


Goosebumps Ranked
1) One Day At Horrorland - 4/5
2) Stay Out of the Basement - 4/5
3) Attack of the Mutant - 3.5/5
4) Welcome to Dead House - 3.5/5
5) The Headless Ghost - 3.5/5
6) The Phantom of the Auditorium - 3.5/5
7) Piano Lessons Can Be Murder - 3.5/5
8) Night of the Living Dummy - 3.5/5
9) The Girl Who Cried Monster - 3.5/5
10) The Werewolf of Fever Swamp - 3.5/5
11) The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight - 3/5
12) The Haunted Mask - 3/5
13) The Ghost Next Door - 3/5
14) Ghost Beach - 3/5
15) Monster Blood - 3/5
16) Night of the Living Dummy II - 3/5
17) The Haunted Mask II - 3/5
18) Deep Trouble - 3/5
19) Say Cheese and Die! - 3/5
20) A Night in Terror Tower - 2.5/5
21) Why I'm Afraid of Bees - 2.5/5
22) The Cuckoo Clock of Doom - 2.5/5
23) Be Careful What You Wish For... - 2.5/5
24) The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb - 2.5/5
25) Monster Blood II - 2/5
26) My Hairiest Adventure - 2/5
27) Night of the Living Dummy III - 2/5
28) Go Eat Worms! - 2/5
29) Monster Blood III - 2/5
30) Say Cheese and Die - Again! - 2/5
31) Vampire Breath - 2/5
32) The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena - 2/5
33) It Came from Beneath the Sink! - 2/5
34) Calling All Creeps! - 2/5
35) Egg Monsters from Mars - 2/5
36) Return of the Mummy - 2/5
37) Let's Get Invisible! - 2/5
38) Welcome to Camp Nightmare - 2/5
39) A Shocker on Shock Street - 1.5/5
40) Revenge of the Garden Gnomes - 1.5/5
41) How I Got My Shrunken Head - 1.5/5
42) The Horror at Camp Jellyjam - 1.5/5
43) The Barking Ghost - 1.5/5
44) Bad Hare Day - 1/5
45) Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns - 1/5
46) You Can't Scare Me - 1/5
47) The Beast from the East - 1/5
Profile Image for Ryan Hixson.
580 reviews14 followers
May 1, 2024
Calling All Creeps! By R.L. Stine is Goosebumps book 50 in the original series order. Calling All Creeps! could be titled How I Accidentally Started a Cult. This book is one of the least scariest Goosebumps that I have read, but the book is suspenseful. There's a plot about food poisoning, (not to kill, but something else) will the main character do it or not? The story moves pretty slowly and there is a lot of repetition. You feel bad for the character of Ricky who is picked on for no reason, even kids that just started at the school start pranking him. I do feel like Rick's anger is misplaced to the school editor than every other kid. This is the first Goosebumps book that acknowledges an attraction, most of the time it is best friends who don't see each other that way, but this book has a friendship with potential. The Creeps in the story were too predictable and I didn't like them. The ending was okay as Ricky who has been picked on his whole life, has an opportunity to lead a cult or destroy humankind. Spoiler alert he chooses to lead a cult. Calling All Creeps! was published on December 1, 1996.

Plot Summary: Ricky has been bullied his whole life it seems even kids that just started at school this year start bullying Ricky. Ricky works on the school's newspaper after class for credit, he wants to be a good reporter but the editor won't let him be published. He waits for an assignment and kids who bully him end up getting soda all over the computer the newspaper editor was working on erasing the layout. Ricky is kicked off the paper even though it was not his fault. He plots revenge on the editor breaks into the school changes the front page of the newspaper to an ad with the editor's name and phone number and asks for creeps to call after midnight. Ricky is almost busted by the editor but escapes. The next day Iris, the new girl, that Ricky likes says did you see the paper but it was all gone before he saw it. At midnight he learns that the editor switched it to his number as the creepy Creeps start calling awaiting orders. The Creeps start calling the commander and want to change all the humans to Creeps, which are scaly lizard creatures. Because of this mistake, the Creeps think Ricky is their commander and the destroyer of humankind.

What I Liked: The mistaken identity plot is pretty funny. I liked that not eating the macaroni and cheese in the school cafeteria worked out. The turn at the end when Ricky is trying to save kids but keeps getting mocked, and he chooses to rule them rather than save them.

What I Disliked: The repetitive nature of bullying there are no clever kids that mix up his nicknames. I did not like who the creeps were, I did not like they had only been at school a week. The pacing of the book was too slow. I felt Ricky's misplaced anger in the editor was just wrong. I thought Ricky was pretty annoying and did not do any favors for himself.

Recommendation: Calling All Creeps! is a Goosebumps book that I can not recommend. The ending is the only thing that makes the book stand out. The Creep's phone calls are the only thing that are unnerving the appearance is not that scary the way it is described. I compare this book to Legend of the Lost Legend and the only thing good about the book is the ending.

Rating: I rated Calling All Creeps! 2.1 stars out of 5.

Ranking: Here's my full ranking of the 50 Goosebumps books that I have read in order from my favorite to least favorite: 1) A Night in Terror Tower, 2) Stay Out of the Basement, 3) The Headless Ghost, 4) Ghost Beach, 5) Piano Lessons Can Be Murder, 6) The Haunted Mask, 7) Ghost Camp, 8) The Horror at Camp Jellyjam, 9) One Day At Horrorland, 10) Night of the Living Dummy, 11) Welcome to Camp Nightmare, 12) A Shocker on Shock Street, 13)The Phantom of the Auditorium, 14) It Came From Beneath the Sink, 15)Attack of the Jack-O'-Lanterns, 16)The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, 17) Say Cheese and Die, 18) Let's Get Invisible, 19) The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, 20) Welcome to Dead House, 21) Monster Blood II, 22) The Beast From the East, 23) The Girl who Cried Monster, 24)Deep Trouble, 25) The Ghost Next Door, 26) Say Cheese and Die - Again! 27) Night of the Living Dummy 2, 28) My Hairiest Adventure, 29) Be Careful What You Wish For..., 30) Return of the Mummy, 31) Why I'm Afraid of Bees, 32) The Haunted Mask II, 33)How I Got My Shrunken Head, 34) How to Kill a Monster, 35) Attack of the Mutant, 36) Go Eat Worms!, 37) Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes, 38) The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, 39) Bad Hare Day, 40) Cuckoo Clock of Doom, 41) Vampire Breath, 42) Monster Blood, 43)Night of the Living Dummy III, 44) The Barking Ghost, 45) Egg Monsters from Mars, 46) The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, 47) You Can't Scare Me!, 48) Legend of the Lost Legend, 49) Calling All Creeps! and 50) Monster Blood III.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mattie.
7 reviews
September 7, 2023

Calling All Creeps first *crept* into my consciousness when I was a middle schooler in the early aughts. No joke, this book DISTURBED me when I first read it— well, disturbed me in a GOOD way. I’m pretty sure it was the first time I was introduced to a main character who wasn’t your typical “Good Person” my young mind was led to believe that all characters in books had to be. I remember reading those last paragraphs when Ricky *chooses* to give cookies to his classmates to turn them into Creeps, and then downs one himself. My brain had this sort of ERROR ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE moment because I thought, isn’t Ricky SUPPOSED to say No! I won’t feed my classmates cookies to turn them into Creeps and make them into slaves! ….Right?

20 years later, this book has still stuck with me. As an adult I went on to become a big horror fan and rooted for characters who were complex and not always the stereotypical Good People that I thought book characters HAD to be when I was a kid. When someone asks me what my favorite YA books are, Calling All Creeps is one that’s always on the top of my list. I haven’t read it since my first reading and I have no idea if kids today or kids of the future will have an appreciation for Goosebumps, but for me this was such a formative book in my young life I can’t help but recommend it as a great YA book. 5 stars to R.L. Stine for the disturbing youthful revelation!!!
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2 reviews
Want to read
February 23, 2022
I love how this book has a lot of surprising things like how the bullies started worshipping their victims because they thought that he was the leader of the creeps. He had struggles trying to find a way out without them knowing he wasn't a creep. When he figured that there was no way out without being killed he pretended to help them until the end. In the end, he got helped out by the new girl who had just seen everything including the creeps. The way the author explained the creeps was spot on and helped u be able to imagine it in your head.
Profile Image for CooperTheGoosebumpsGuy.
79 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2023
I liked this book but the ending was really lazy and disappointing. I’ve never really read a Goosebumps book where the villains win. So four out of five stars! Because the rest of the book was amazing⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Profile Image for Jeremy Crews.
Author 3 books18 followers
February 14, 2023
Probably the darkest in the GOOSEBUMPS series, Calling All Creeps tackles bullying and what one would do if pushed too far. Ending was perfect! One of the best I’ve read.
98 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2024
Anthony's breakfast read aloud - he said it was good. 😁
Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews

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