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Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive

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There is a glory to life that most people-including believers-never see. In this insightful new book, John Eldredge presents the heart as central to life. Not only is the heart essential; the heart God has ransomed is also good. Building on these foundational truths, Eldredge shows readers why real Christianity is a process of restoration, where the broken parts of our hearts are mended and the captive parts are set free.

Waking the Dead leads listeners to understand how to live from the heart, care for their heart like the treasures of the kingdom, and give from fullness instead of emptiness. This message also shows how living from the heart can energize people to love God and others in a way they've never experienced, revealing to them life's purpose: fighting for the hearts of others.

224 pages, Hardcover

First published February 29, 2000

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About the author

John Eldredge

206 books1,718 followers
John Eldredge is an American author, counselor, and lecturer on Christianity. He is known for his best-selling book Wild at Heart.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews
Profile Image for Hannah.
176 reviews
December 5, 2012
This book spoke to me. It was like the words were jumping off the page as I read. Everything made sense.

'Waking the Dead' will always hold a special place in my heart because it is the book that helped me find my feet again when I had been down and who-knows-where for a long time. Nothing made sense, I was reluctantly giving up my faith, desperate for something to cling on to. Then I found this book on a friend's bookshelf - my interest was piqued by the title. I read the intro and knew I had to read the book. I kept my friend's copy for nearly a year - I eventually bought my own! I highly recommend this book to anyone questioning their faith or just wanting to know more and how to go further.
John Eldredge offers actual things you can use - he doesn't just say 'ok, go be more prayerful' - he helps you out, gives you suggestions, makes you see your life as it is and what it could be. Excellent God-inspired book. :)
Profile Image for Andi.
Author 21 books189 followers
March 23, 2009
Recognizing Goodness - A Review of Eldredge’s Waking the Dead

Something happened with children of my generation (people some call Generation X) and those kids that followed mine. Somehow, through no one’s intention or desire, we became people who were taught both that self-esteem was absolutely essential for help AND that we are not really worth that much in the scheme of things. Somehow, when we started teaching kids that they were valuable and worthy and then started allowing them to act like any way their pleased because of that, we lost a lot of people.

I see it in my students who both believe they are entitled to pass my classes but also believe - in the same, exact moment - that they don’t deserve anything and are worthless. I’m sure there’s a psychological basis for this stuff that I just don’t really comprehend, but I do see this terrible paradox - arrogant, insecure people demanding what they don’t deserve and missing out on what they do - simple love and respect - the things they should receive because they exist. This is sad.

So as I read John Eldredge’s book Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive, I was struck by this dichotomy and the way that Eldredge makes it accessible. What a freeing piece of information. That I can make mistakes and royally screw up and still be loved, but that because I am loved I should desire to be more like the one who loves me. That really is something.

Eldredge is writing, in part, against a teaching that many of us who were raised in the church received - the teaching that, ultimately, we are evil at core, “Fallen,” and thus must spend most of our time cleaning ourselves up and making ourselves right. I have long bristled against this concept because I see so many people, myself included sometimes, so beaten down by this idea that they are “evil,” unlovable, and ugly, as my grandmother used to say.

And Eldredge isn’t saying that people are perfect or that we don’t need to try any more to be better people. But the reason, he claims, that we seek to be better is because the core of who we are is loved - our hearts are loved by God. Imagine that difference - we do not seek to be better because we are wretched but because we are beautiful and glorious. We want to be better for the One who loves us. Wow.

Here is freedom. As Eldredge says, “Everything you love is what makes a life worth living.” Yes, that’s it. I love God; I love people; I love animals and music and art and writing (I really love writing). And these are the things I live for. These are the things that are glorious in me and in the world around me. These are the things that make me who I am, and if I can only live more fully into the person I was made to be, well, then how much more lovely will I be.

I wonder if we taught this to children - that they are beautiful and glorious, really, truly, at their core and that they need to live more fully into that - if we taught kids that if they love art, they should paint or if they love math, they should multiple - instead of teaching them that they are great but that what they love isn’t - if we didn’t break kids hearts with lessons about “practicality” and “earning a living,” would we have kid who were both confident but aware of their limitations. Would we have kids who don’t feel entitled but instead blessed and adore but one who makes them want to be better people? I wonder.

Waking the Dead by John Eldredge - Waking the Dead by John Eldredge

Profile Image for Frank.
Author 3 books9 followers
November 25, 2011
Book Review: Waking the Dead by John Eldredge

"Waking the Dead" is a title that grabs your attention. It's even more of an eye-opener when you realize the author is not talking about the unsaved who have not yet found Christ. He's talking about us Christians.

"How can this be? " you may wonder. Even though we have Christ in us, all too often we're swallowed up by the events of our day to day lives so that to a large degree we're oblivious to spiritual reality. So much so that Christ, in his love for us, may feel like grabbing us by the lapels and shouting: "Wake up!"

Eldredge effectively uses movie and literary references to help us realize that, just like Neo learned in The Matrix, just like Frodo learned in Lord of the Rings and just like Luke Skywalker learned in Star Wars, things are not what they seem. There's a much bigger reality playing out all around us. We each have a great destiny but are in a heated spiritual battle we often don't recognize.

The author opens the book with a quote from Saint Irenaeus: "The glory of God is man fully alive. " Eldredge shows us ways to re-awaken spiritually, to become fully alive and enjoy more of the abundant life Jesus promised us in John 10:10.

The writer speaks of four spiritual streams: Walking With God, Receiving God's Intimate Counsel, Deep Restoration and Spiritual Warfare. He encourages us to develop a deeper relationship with God and explains how we are all broken due to various trials and circumstances of life. Jesus wants to come into our hearts and heal those broken areas, one by one.

God has created each of us to bring glory to Him. We each have talents He has given us and when we use them in a proper manner, it glorifies Him. Yet, many times we become discouraged from using our talents, perhaps even being critcized as vain for seeking to use what God has given us.

Eldredge explains how prayer and fellowship can encourage an individual to shine to the glory of God. He mentions a friend, Leigh, a member of his church who has a gift of dancing and had always dreamed of dancing onstage yet she had been discouraged from using her God-given gift. The author explained how his brethren and he worked with Leigh and she finally had some opportunites to display the gift to the glory of God.

"Waking the Dead" is a deep book. It's not one that can be breezed through, instead it's a springboard for Bible study, prayer, and quiet pondering. We went through the book in our men's Bible study group at work. One of my study partners, Kevin, told of how his brother hadn't been doing much with his life, read the book and is now heavily involved in mission work.

God does, indeed, want us to be fully alive for His glory and our joy.

-- Frank Lewandowski

Profile Image for Meredith.
222 reviews13 followers
May 11, 2010
The good insights are buried in a continuously meandering style. John Eldredge tends to ramble, and with so many analogies, I think he sometimes forgets to return to his thesis.

The thesis itself is a mixed bag (man's heart created good). I found a couple of his points questionable (our parents taught us lies about our hearts??), but some of his insights were really outstanding (chapter 11: "Fellowships of the Heart" was a gem).

In this book are hidden snippets of his life story, and I kept wanting more of them, and less "waking the dead". I would really like to read his autobiography, if he ever writes one.
Profile Image for JJ Vancil.
85 reviews5 followers
January 17, 2012
This book is about the heart & it connects with the heart. John Eldredge is a master of telling stories and this book is proof. Countless personal stories & pictures from epic tales litter this book and add to its truth an emotional connection that moves the heart. The core truth and theme of this book is that the heart is good and needs to be set free & guarded. Moreover, we are at war and our heart is the goal. He attacks the false doctrine that we are wicked (after receiving Christ) and desires to set free those who continue to live in bondage long after they've come to Jesus. After the call to live out of a fully alive heart, Eldredge gives us 4 streams of discipleship that, if applied, will allow us to walk in freedom. The streams are walking with God, receiving God's intimate counsel, deep restoration and spiritual warfare. Few books have had the sort of impact in my life as this one. Pick it up & live out of your good heart.
Profile Image for fleegan.
288 reviews32 followers
August 14, 2007
This was a God book. It was pretty clever. The author uses a lot of literary and movie examples to make his points and that's kinda neat, so instead of it being all, "hey! we should be like David and slay giants and pray and write songs!" the author is more, "hey! remember the part in the Matrix where Neo..."
5 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2010
This book makes you feel like your veins are filled with sunshine, and that every thought your brain has blossoms like huge white flowers. John Eldredge uses references from movies, quotes from book, and a fresh perspective to show his reader that the only way we can feel like we're living a worthwhile life is recognize that by being one with God, we have pure and precious hearts. But Eldredge doesn't merely say: Jesus loves you, he pries away the cover of that, and allows you climb into the bones of God's love. I enjoyed it so much because Eldredge shares his own spiritual experiences while trying to guide you your own. I think that in some spiritual books, the overall message loses its impact because there's an absence of human connection. But this book fills that gap, and feels like a very wise and close friend. So, read this book. It's utterly fantastic in its reasoning, and inspiring in its evidence. It will truly drive you to "live with the glory of a heart fully alive."
Profile Image for Dean Huber.
12 reviews
November 13, 2022
John Eldredge talks in this book about hearing the voice of God. & about half way through this book I did hear the voice of God & he said to stop reading this book. Ok, I'm kidding about hearing the voice of God but I am not kidding about stopping my reading of this book. I've read "Wild At Heart", another book by John Eldredge & about half way through that I also stopped reading. Why? As a Christian of over 35 years, I was uncomfortable with the way Mr. Eldredge interprets & uses scripture. There was just too many times in both books that his use, or more accurately, partial use, of Bible verses where he twists scripture to make his point. That is just not acceptable. He may be a godly man, he may understand the Bible well but I just could not agree with his methods & interpretations of the Bible. I had high hopes for what the book promised but the contents just did not agree with my understanding of the Bible & his use of scripture.
Profile Image for Matthew.
516 reviews3 followers
November 2, 2014
4.5 stars. Good book.

I read one of his other books, Wild at Heart, with a small group of guys in my freshman year of college. In retrospect, I don't think all of my friends understood the purpose of that book. They'd dress up in armor and beat on each other. It's unfair but true, my friends at the time gave me a negative sense of that book and the author.

Now, years later, I finally get around to reading Waking the Dead and I'm pleased. This book is engaging and full of good wisdom. If you're a believer then it will inspire you to take spiritual warfare seriously, and to delight in God's presence and His plan. The central idea of the book is that our redeemed hearts are good/treasure and give glory to God (as opposed to the widely held belief that we are all terrible people and must feel guilty for all the forgiveness God seems forced to give us).
Profile Image for Thomas.
3 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2010
Excellent work. John Eldredge is a gifted writer. He had a way of putting my secret thoughts on paper, in a way that made me say, “Hey, that’s just how I felt.” This is a must read for Christians in particular, because he deals with our core issues – our heart and the relationship we need to have with the Creator.

One aspect that stood out to me in the book was that everyone has a part to play. Each of us can contribute something. And each one of us can be used of God. The book brought to life the whole of chapter 3 from the book of Colossians. Summarized in verse 23 “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Colossians 3:23 New Living Translation
Profile Image for Robin.
173 reviews19 followers
April 30, 2018
It's only been three days since I read it (and I read it all in one sitting - fighting a cold lol) but I think I can honestly say this book is a life-changer. Yes, you're right, that does seem entirely premature, and all I can say is, when you know, you know. Okay, even that sounds simplistic but beyond that I cannot go. :)

So, why haven't I read this before?? My copy is a re-print from 2016, and it was originally published in 2000, but somehow I don't think I'd have believed it in the first year of the new century. I think I needed the past almost two decades of life experiences to show me how accurate this book is.

Wholeheartedly recommended!!
Profile Image for Gina Welborn.
Author 42 books142 followers
May 22, 2014
I loved this book. Read it twice. This summer it's on my Re-Read stack.
Profile Image for Eryn Hayner.
25 reviews
July 24, 2023
At first, getting into this book was not easy for me. I didn’t dislike it but, given I was transitioning from a Bob Goff book, the writing style was not what I was expecting.

The further into the book I got, the more it spoke to me. This book really pushes readers to take a good, deep, true look at their heart and notice the value of it. Each chapter opened a new perspective for me and has lead me to some truly deep and intense self reflection.
Profile Image for London B..
148 reviews
February 21, 2024
He did it again.

What an amazing book, maybe one of his best.

I know I will be rereading this one down the line.
Profile Image for Olivia Camp.
59 reviews16 followers
September 18, 2024
Came into this cynical but left deeply moved. This was a timely read. Massive shifts in understanding my heart and God’s heart for me. Bonus points for all the LOTR references and analogies.
Profile Image for Margaret Mary.
7 reviews
March 15, 2024
Loved it! Will definitely be reading it again/throughout my life, a good book to keep on the shelves and read bits at a time.
Profile Image for Kyle Crockatt.
50 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2024
Great book. Like all John Eldredge books, you won't be disappointed in it. Definitely recommended.
Profile Image for Benjamin.
1 review
July 22, 2018
Waking the Dead is one of the best and most important books about the Christian life I have ever read. The truths communicated by this book are simple but deep and profound. Eldredge establishes the primacy of the heart early in the book, and then proceeds to unveil "four streams" by which we walk to awaken the heart and and become fully alive. This is a must read for any man or woman seeking a deeper life with Christ.
Profile Image for Joel Wentz.
1,168 reviews104 followers
December 17, 2015
John Eldredge takes a lot of flak for over-generalizing (especially with statements regarding gender) and for a prose that is almost overly accessible, possibly a little too "dumbed down." And while I can't say I disagree with either of those criticisms, I also believe he is on to something radically important here. The "warfare worldview" he advocates for has a massive impact on how one understands life's struggles and the role of God. His assessment of the human heart hit me in a powerful way, and I found myself personally moved. The daily prayer he offers is a remarkable liturgy that I am planning to incorporate into my regular prayer life.

Overall, I would genuinely recommend for those of us (and I include myself in this!) who look down our noses at Eldredge's work to give this one a second look. You may find yourself compelled by his arguments, and then you can go to Greg Boyd for a more academic look at a "spiritual conflict worldview."
Profile Image for Nyssa.
15 reviews5 followers
November 13, 2017
It was a good book. He speaks full of emotion and pursuing that desire for every believer to be intimately connected with God. His examples definitely incite that passion within readers, but seem less likely to be sustainable as a life practice. He speaks of the heart being primarily good, and I just don't agree with that being expressed in scripture and since that was a main principle throughout the book it took me awhile to get past his vocabulary to recognize what was true.
I suppose I would recommend it in certain cases. It is a good book, and I greatly appreciate his heart and love for Christ, I just didn't find all of his claims to be grounded in truth.
Profile Image for Laura.
2 reviews
July 8, 2012
I started this book about three years ago and skipped around and kept putting it down...probably because it was hitting too close to home.

We all have broken places in our hearts that need healing and this book explained why healing my heart matters (not only to me, but to everyone in my family, church and beyond) and how to get there. The journey is painful but simple and as a result of reading this book I am leaping over pitfalls in my life that used to trip me up every time.
Profile Image for Adam Heine.
Author 6 books23 followers
January 9, 2012
It started slow for me, taking forever to make a point I didn't feel needed to be made (or else repeating a point I'd already gotten). But there's a lot of good stuff in here, about how we're at war, about the truths hidden in our most powerful stories, and about community and how we need to fight for each other. There's a lot I'd forgotten.
Profile Image for Jamie.
4 reviews
March 13, 2015
This book changed my husband and I's lives. I saw a 180 degree heart change in him after he read this. He lost his father at a young age, and Jesus healed his heart from that loss through this words of this book.
Profile Image for Jonathan.
2 reviews18 followers
August 10, 2016
I am not a fan of this author. This is one of his better books. I read it through in college, and I am thinking about skimming it again someday. The final chapters are an intricately written example prayer.
Profile Image for Niel Knoblauch.
106 reviews3 followers
November 29, 2013
This book is a glass of ice cold water on a hot day. Really enjoyed it and I take so much away with me...
Profile Image for Robin Spiva.
2 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2018
Read this with my bookclub and we really enjoyed it. Profound and insightful. John Eldredge is such a good writer!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews

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