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Blood of a Fae #2

Court of Claws

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Bound to a man she hates more than she ever thought possible...

Everything Morgan Pendragon knows and loves is gone as she wakes in the dangerous court of the Siabra. The man she was falling in love with is dead, and in his place is a man she barely knows. Surrounded by liars and knives in the dark, all Morgan wants to do is run the other way but Kairos Draven is determined to keep her by his side.

As Morgan and Draven's lives become even more irrevocably entwined, little do they know the sins of the past are coming for them both…

409 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 30, 2023

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Briar Boleyn

5 books1,227 followers
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Briar Boleyn is the fantasy romance pen name of USA TODAY bestselling author Fenna Edgewood. Briar rules over a kingdom of feral wildling children with a dark fae prince as her consort. When she isn't busy bringing new worlds to life, she can be found playing RPG video games, watching the birds at her bird feeder and pretending she's Snow White, or being sucked into a captivating book. Her favorite stories are the ones full of danger, magic, and true love.

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20 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2023
I am so over the defiant heroine that is just weirdly immature

Really a 2.5 stars but I will round up for all the little things I found creative in the world building.

I will start positive; I like the story. I like the concept of a retelling of Camelot with a twist and the new setting for the fae. I like all of the characters and even though the romance was slow it takes off in this book. The world building is new and different and given fantasy romance has been my most recent bender rhe worlds all start to blend together, but this series has something different and I appreciate that.

I do not mind a FMC starting out immature. That’s the whole point right is the hero’s journey. Morgan just….doesn’t. She utterly stalls out. One, I cannot stand the miscommunication trope and I hate it more the older I get. When the miscommunication is being explained and literally ALL EVIDENCE SUPPORTS IT, sitting there screaming you hate the person and never speak to you again is literally reminiscent of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and that’s all I feel like Morgan does. The MMC is offering her everything she would need to save her people and she just fights him every step of the way even when it stops making sense. Calling him a liar at the beginning? Sure they were thrown into a situation that he was trying to manage. Calling him a liar at the end after he had spent the entire book NEVER letting her down? Like…come on girlfriend. Morgan would be the friend that I would just have to go the fuck off on for acting like a middle schooler and maybe use some deductive skills here, Princess.

And the ending of this book does fuel the plot (which when it doesn’t just sends me into a rage read) but honestly there was a much better way to do it other than “I hate you” for the 10000000th time when the man has don’t nothing but try to help you. Even WITH the miscommunication shit she still doesn’t make sense with it.

It drove me crazy enough that I don’t know if I will read the third book. I REALLY want to know how the big battles end but I just don’t know if I can read another book of her choosing to believe literally anything except what is demonstrated to her. It drove me that crazy.
Profile Image for ✨Julie✨.
516 reviews219 followers
June 6, 2024
Gosh these characters pissed me off, where to even start?

Morgan is so hot and cold in this book that it gave me whiplash. She goes from I never want to talk to you again to I want to jump your bones and back at the speed of light. She is so immature and would so clearly NOT be a badass so it is eyerollingly ridiculous when the author tries to paint her as one. She claims to want answers, but every time she has an opportunity to get them, she throws a tantrum and takes off. If she is the savior of this story, they are all doomed.

Draven lied and manipulated his way through this entire book. He omitted every pertinent detail and took away her freedom of choice at every turn. He took her to another continent against her will and then boxed her into a role and a future that she did not consent to in more ways than one. He had some valid reasons for a lot of his actions and I believe he truly cares for her, but he should have been honest with her and treated her like a true partner. They are clearly endgame so I know I’ll have to leap over all of these red flags to get to the end of this series and it makes me kind of angry that the author set everything up this way.

All the details of this story were both too far fetched and too convenient. Of course they each get an exmoor 🙄, of course they develop new magical powers at exactly the moments they need them 🙄, of course there just happens to be an arch at all the exact locations they want them even though they claim they’re rare 🙄. Give me a break. Not only that, but so much of this plot felt like an ACOTAR rip off and just a knock off in general of so many other books. This is a message to ALL authors, STOP WRITING BOOKS ABOUT FIGHT TO THE DEATH CHALLENGES. It’s been done and we are tired of it.

I have never liked that this is a Camelot retelling, so I was happy to move away from those parts of the plot in this book for the most part. The ending brought back some of those aspects and I was reminded again of how distracting I find them. Even with all of the things that annoyed me about this book, the overall world building was well done and it was fun to see a new part of it. This author does a good job of describing their surroundings without being overly wordy. This was a very entertaining read from start to finish. It was mainly the last 20% where the author started pulling revelation after revelation out of thin air that I really started to get frustrated. It almost felt like the author felt pressured to end on some jaw dropping cliffhanger and made up a bunch of ridiculous stuff to suit that purpose.

Morgan’s choice at the very end really boiled my blood. It was not the act of a ruler or of someone who truly has her kingdom or her loved one’s best interest at heart. Does she truly think she can do it all on her own? I am more apt to think that she will need every bit of aid she can scrounge up. More likely she was just not thinking at all. 😒

Again, this was an entertaining read. I loved book one and am mainly this worked up because I am invested and wanted to love book two just as much. I will still stick it out and hope for the best for the rest of the series. I think I am mainly just so tired of “miscommunication”being used so prevalently by romance authors. If she wants me to believe these people are meant for each other, I’m gonna need to see some serious character and relationship growth.


I loved book one and have been excited to dive into this. I really hope it delivers! 🤞🏻
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
October 7, 2023

Untitled design-High-Quality
My Review

This second book managed to blow its predecessor out of the water I devoured this in one day unable to put it down until I reached the conclusion I was that invested in the outcome here. So after the reveals of book one Morgan now awakens in the court of Umbral Flames and Draven whom she had been gradually learning to trust proves himself much more than she could ever have imagined setting things back between them by a mile, discovering he’s a prince, Fae royalty and also in line to the throne is the least of it he also has claws and horns the surprises just keep on rolling. To protect Morgan from the intrigues of the court and his many enemies he has also named her paramour his consort a pretence she will now need to keep up if she wants to stay safe.

This was fast-paced, bloody and action-packed throughout, we definitely get the romance here that was missing from book one and I absolutely adored Draven he really did come into his own, His steadfastness and endless patience when dealing with Morgan was legendary and he definitely gave off touch her and die vibes. His obvious care for Morgan was apparent in his every move.

Morgan well we get to see more of her origins and though I do like her and she’s definitely an intriguing mix of strengths and flaws I also was frustrated with her many trust issues and sky-high walls. I just didn’t think her attitude at times towards Draven was warranted or even fair she seemed to have such high standards and if you cross her lines she cuts you dead. Her black-and-white approach at times just seemed naive and a tad immature. I recognise that Draven was keeping secrets but were they really that severe or that unforgivable especially for the reasons given, I think not.

With that explosive finish, I’m now eagerly anticipating the final book in this series I’m also hoping that Morgan can behave with some steadfastness and realise that life is shades of grey and sometimes the end justifies the means. I’m anticipating great things to come and also hoping the finale carries the momentum all the way to the finish line. I definitely recommend this series it’s well-written, imaginative and with some fabulous immersive world-building and it’s easily managed to keep my attention throughout. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Court Of Claws. (Blood Of A Fae #2).

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Andrea &#x1f349; .
550 reviews86 followers
August 2, 2023
2.5 ⭐️ What the hell was that?

Omg, I'm so proud of myself. I can't believe I didn't DNF this. The book was bad, like really bad. I know dark romances aren't my thing, but seriously, what was this? Queen of Roses wasn't dark, and the realisation that this second instalment was... well, it was unpleasant. This wasn't a dark fantasy romance, it was just dark fantasy with toxic af characters. Both MCs suck. She's a doormat and he's unhinged, trying to convince her that he's the one for her, but also not(?). It was as confusing and frustrating as it sounds.

Things I enjoyed in this book include:

- The fact that I was absolutely right and this is absolutely inspired by ACOTAR with the three trials/ games and the fact that the romantic lead from book 1 is now dead and gone, and the MMC is Draven, not Vesper.
- The exmoors, duh.
- Beks and Hawl.
- I appreciated that the list of triggers is available at the end of the book.

Things I didn't enjoy:

The list of TW to take into account for this book is literally longer than this review. I'm going to leave here the list, and I will add new ones since I think there are some missing ones. Triggers include: Is the fact that the fmc's f*cking stupid a trigger? Because I think it should be. This woman is the least believable character I've read in a while. And it's not because she's supposed to be half-fae trapped in a magical far away land. No. I mean she's the whiniest, most insufferable person ever that, when given the choice to get the situation that she hates and is constantly complaining about reversed, she says no! She says no and decides to just go with the flow and keep taking it. Seriously, wtf?

I could keep complaining about this book for hours. The MMC is horrid. He's supposed to be the hero, but all he does is lie, hide vital information from her, force her to do things against her will, he DEFENDS CHILD ABUSE (that part is ingrained in my memory), and is constantly, overall, unbearable and an absolute fraud.

I might've been able to defend two/three characters within the hundred, give or take, that are in this book (including side characters AND animals)... but I'm not going to. Read this at your own discretion, but I would not recommend this book. You might enjoy it if you like dark high fantasy books with extreme violence/toxicity with a hint of romance.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the eARC!
Profile Image for verônica ♌︎.
26 reviews14 followers
April 24, 2024
4.75⭐️ lovedddddd this book sm more than the first! rtc!

ೃ⁀➷pre-read! hope this book is good cuz it’ll make or break the rest of this arc series for me (draven & morgan admit your damn feelings)🤭
Profile Image for Katie (spellboundbooks_).
440 reviews99 followers
August 21, 2023
3.5⭐️ 2🌶️

Big thanks to Starwater Press, Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions!

Okay so after that slight cliffhanger of an ending on the first book… we are thrust back into this fantasy world of a Arthurian legend retelling. The first book did a great job of introducing us to the world-building of the tale, the MCs and gave us some action throughout. It did promise dark romance themes which didn’t seem to have happened in the first so I figured there would be more in this one… more on that later.

Well all that world building we got for Camelot? (I think that’s the name of the land where Morgan was from? Honestly I forget) - but all of that… right out the window. New world (continent? land?? I need a map here!) , and ALLL new characters besides Morgan and Draven. So whatever you retained from the first book is irrelevant to this new city. But honestly new city has some wild stuff going on so it’s fine.

What I didn’t expect was for Morgan to be so stupid for the first half. She was was all “You kidnapped me. I hate you.” When this man literally SAVED HER LIFE. Like I get you’re upset but get over it you are alive and can use MAGIC. There’s a whole ACOTAR like trial going on for the title of Emperor of this kingdom and there’s a lot of new characters.

The first half of this book dragged a little but then at the 60% mark it starts heating up and by that time I was HOOKED. There’s romance, a little spice (nothing I would consider crazy or really even that smutty - it’s giving The Love Hypothesis amount of spice), and a whole lot of action. There were parts that had my jaw dropping with things I didn’t expect. So here again I am left with so much information and CRAZY THINGS happening and now I’m ready for the third book!

3.5 stars rounded up to 4 since I was almost over it in the beginning but then it managed to reel me back in. I do wish Morgan wasn’t so stupid at times and there was more of that dark romance vibe that I was promised. But the plot twists that had me gasping more than made up for it.
Profile Image for Kaylie (Review Hiatus).
86 reviews129 followers
November 25, 2023
"But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice 🌶️🌶️.5/5

What to expect
🌹 Slow-burn romance
🌹 Enemies to lovers (to enemies again?)
🌹 Morally gray MMC
🌹 World Building
🌹 One bed and Forced Proximity
🌹 Deadly Trials & Court Politics
🌹 Touch her and ☠️
🌹 First person POV

My ThoughtsI will make this as spoiler free as possible
This is the second book in Briar Boleyn's Blood of Fae series. While I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, I felt more disappointed in the second. For starters, the FMC was incredibly insufferable for almost the entire book. Anytime I reached a point of dialogue and she spoke, I wanted to throw my Kindle (dramatic? perhaps but she seems to have the maturity level of a toddler sometimes). When I reached the book's second half, I had hoped (for a brief moment) that she would get better and finally have the character arc I thought started at the end of the first book... but that lasted for about 8 pages. I am more confused about Morgan's relationship with Draven than ever before.

As for the plot; I found the story interesting but there were parts that seemed lackluster or rushed. The book picks up where Queen of Roses ends, which I did enjoy but the story felt like it could have been a novella (think Six Scorched Roses in the Crowns of Nyaxia series). I say that only because the book is more about Draven and his world rather than adding to the overall story of Morgan/Arthur/Camelot. Now, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy reading this book and learning the backstory of Draven but it felt more like a side quest (if you will) than a major plot point for the overall premise of the series. By the end of the book, I was left feeling aggravated with Morgan; I honestly had no idea a character, A MAIN CHARACTER, could be so irritating. Morgan's character reads like an insufferable brat who will throw a tantrum anything they do not get their way.

Now for Draven, I will keep this short and to the point (mostly so I do not spoil anything and also because he does not make me feel like Morgan does). If you want a dark, twisted, possessive MMC with "I would burn the world for you", "Good girl", "Touch her and die" vibes, Draven is IT. He is morally grey but a gentle soul wrapped up with a pretty little bow.

And again, I felt like the world-building in this book was just as beautiful and well done as in the first. Overall, I thought the plot was decent and added substance to Draven's character. This book follows Draven's journey as he competes in the Blood Rise in an effort to regain control of his kingdom. It also ends on a cliffhanger.

** I want to thank the author for allowing me to receive an ARC copy of the book for an honest review **
Profile Image for Tracy Myburgh .
74 reviews9 followers
November 10, 2023
Arthurian retelling with a fae twist
Trials to death
Found Family
Book 2 in series

Morgan Pendragon finds herself in a foreign room in a foreign court surrounded by a very angry Fae and her sidekick. Draven has brought Morgan to the safety of his court under the illusion that she is his paramour, consort, lover to protect her from the rest of his dangerous court.

Morgan is livid because that is the complete opposite of what they are to each other and secondly because he has magically locked her in his rooms for her own protection.

Thanks to Becks, a lively twelve year old human boy with magic, she escapes from the room for a few hours at a time to explore the court’s secret tunnels and spy on Draven as he trains for the upcoming trials. The winner of the trials is crowned emperor of the Umbra Court.

This is a journey of self-discovery for Morgan and I just love how everything is coming together in the story.
This was a fantastic sequel to the first book. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, this one I found a lot more entertaining. I flew through the book and I am extremely excited to begin the next book.
This felt a lot like the characters from The Elfhame series mixed with the ACOTAR series. This is the type of series I would read over and over.

This series is a must read for any fantasy and romance reader.
This book does have trigger warnings so please take note of that.

A huge thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this e-copy in exchange for this honest review.
Profile Image for dani.
68 reviews11 followers
September 10, 2023
”if only it didn’t have to be this way. you’re all i think about. you’re all i see. i’m so tied to you i barely know who i am anymore.”

thank you to netgalley for the arc!! <3

court of claws is book two in the blood of a fae series! this book begins shortly after book one ends. except, morgan pendragon wakes up and finds herself in a whole new place.

this place, the court of umbral flames, is the home of the siabra people. better know as, draven’s home court. morgan awakens alone in a room, and finds herself lost as to her current situation. she learns that draven is the prince of claws, and is holding her captive in his suite for the moment while attempting to build an image that the two are romantically involved with one another.

along the way, morgan meets a few side characters, one of them being a young boy named beks… who helps her to escape captivity for a moment and explore within the palace’s hidden tunnels!

the main focus of this story is the three trials for the throne. currently, the throne is unoccupied due to some issues within draven’s past with his family. so, volunteers must attempt to ascend to power by winning these challenges. only one can become the emperor/empress though!

along the way, morgan and draven face many challenges within the court and not only that, but also with one another and trying to accept their fates.

this book was AMAZING! the beginning is a little slow i’ll admit, and draven was feeling kind of tamlin-esque at the start but then realizing what was really happening made the whole situation make so much more sense. i really loved seeing more draven and his history, since book one didn’t allow us much insight into his character.

i did get really frustrated with morgan most of the time, from her continuing nativity to being downright nasty towards draven. like i understand her, i do, but i also believe she overreacts most of the time. i’m excited to see where her character goes in book three, as she’s becoming a stronger person and more independent than ever before!

there were twists and turns that i never would have expected, and these characters really have a special place with me. draven and morgan together has to be my favorite part of this though, they’re simply too cute and i hope for them to continue their journey together in book three.

so excited to read book three and get answers after how this book ends. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. literally need to know what happens next.

**major spoilers**

i am SO ANGRY at how morgan let draven go despite everything. i understand her anger like i said above, but they’re literally meant for one another and are married and ugh. i wish draven told her about the marriage so maybe she wouldn’t be as mad?? idk. and BEKS?? sobbing. deserved better.

“believe me, she’s done worse. but she knows if she dares to lay a hand on my wife, it will spell her immediate end.”

i absolutely adore draven every time he referred to morgan as his wife. like THATS MY MAN !?! morgan if you don’t want him, i’ll take him fr. them being bonded is everything to me.

speaking of bonds, nightclaw being able to talk to morgan through her mind?? LOVE. and the fact he’s a cat and got saved?? love even more. best supporting character!!

quotes i love:

“you’re a force of destiny morgan pendragon. or should i call you morgan venator?” real! kairos draven venator 🤭

“morgan pendragon is not merely my paramour as i have led you all to believe.” his eyes rested on me. “she is also my wife.” PEOPLE (i) DIED?!??! 😩🥰

“do you know how hard i’ve tried to stay away from you?” he whispered. “do you know how long i’ve waited? and in the span of a few nights, all of it has been undone. i can't keep away. i know i don't deserve you. you’ve forgiven too much already. but i’m not strong enough to resist. you’re my every weakness, my every temptation.” i died pt. 2 !!

so yeah, i am so gonna be living for their banter being married when they finally make up and live happily ever after <3
Profile Image for Sonja.
947 reviews22 followers
August 15, 2023
I'll be honest here. I almost quit this book so many times. The first half was so tedious and Morgan was such an annoying character. She was almost intolerable with the way she acted and everything she said. I absolutely hated her and never wanted to pick the book back up. I knew I was getting an ARC from a different author on a specific date so I figured I'd read this one until then and if I wasn't finished I didn't care. Fortunately, things did get better. This was broken up into two parts, pretty much 50/50, and the second was so much better because Morgan wasn't such an arrogant, petulant, child. Plus, things finally started happening.

I also want to point out three things specifically. First. This author over uses the word(s) "fuck(ing)" and it is hardly ever used when it even makes sense. Now, I swear a lot. But here it was always thrown into a sentence and I had no idea why most of the time. It didn't enhance anything and in fact, made things more jarring. It was absolutely unnecessary in this book. Second. For the love of my time and sanity, please stop describing every single place, person, and piece of clothing in such detail. I get that you need a certain amount to build the environment and paint a picture of the character. But oh my gawd is this overkill. I just did not care about every single little thing. Third. The author's pandering in this book was way worse than the first one. I don't care if you have gay couples in your book, but almost every single couple aside from our main one here is gay. If that's your thing, more power to you, but it's not mine. Then there's the constant almost preaching about this bearkin in the castle and how he/she/they/it should be accepted by all no matter what. I read books to be entertained. Not to be preached to and have all this PC crap being shoved down my throat.

I went into this relatively excited after how the last one ended. And that was a mistake. From the moment Morgan wakes up she acted like a spoiled brat and deliberately went against what Kairos asked of her when she didn't get her way. To be fair, Kairos really did a bad job of explaining anything to her, but she really could have been way more mature about things. Basically, Kairos has brought her back to his fae kingdom, where he's a prince no less, because he couldn't think of anywhere else to take her to help her heal. Plus, you know, he bound them together at the end of the last book. In order to protect her, Kairos claims her as his paramour. Which is akin to a concubine I guess? It's the only way he knew to keep her safe, but of course she just absolutely freaks out about it and for this whole half of the book she hates him and fights him at every turn. And she also never listens, always jumping to conclusions, which just made me constantly want to smack her in her stupid face.

Like I already mentioned, things do get much better the second half. Apparently sex with Kairos has managed to change how Morgan feels about many things. She finds herself falling for him again and easily playing the part of paramour. She has finally decided to learn how to control her fae power because now she's terrified of hurting someone with it on accident. And she is determined to see Kairos succeed at his goal of winning the crown of his people despite the whole thing being rigged. For Kairos to become king he must compete in three trials and win. But he's not the only one competing. And each trial gets harder and harder. And more brutal. Kairos is willing to suffer thru it all though because he wants to change things. We learn quite a bit about his past and what he too has suffered thru. He wants to put an end to his father's horrible legacy and make his kingdom better.

Really, the last half of the book was pretty great. And then we got the end. Goddamn Morgan jumping to conclusions again and refusing to listen to anything Kairos says. And then literally jumping thru a portal with absolutely no idea what she's doing or having any sort of plan. That ending really ticked me off. Especially considering how well things were going by that point. I'm on the fence about reading the next book. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see these two get back together. But Morgan's stupidity is just so incredibly annoying.

Profile Image for Megan.
243 reviews124 followers
July 7, 2023
2.75⭐️ a lot less intriguing than the 1st book. Don’t think I’ll read the third..
Profile Image for Yves V.H. [Slow reading].
176 reviews40 followers
December 17, 2023
3.5 ⭐

This was much better than the first book; even the dialogues and style has improved although it still needs more editing.

In this book, Draven's world is explored more which I liked since I get to understand his fierce demeanor and why he seems to hold many secrets (because he does) and how he truly feels about Morgan is expressed here.

Morgan, on the first few chapters, somewhat annoyed me because I don't understand how she's all mad with Draven when he'd all nice to her. She's very stubborn. Other than that, she is not naive which is one of the things I like her for. She also discovered more of herself, including her past and how it affected her present.

The plot itself is okay. What got me was that ending because that character was my favorite and I am just glad that the character was mentioned again. It is a cliffhanger so I am definitely heading to read the 3rd book of the series.

🌸 Thank you Netgalley and Briar Boleyn for the copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Profile Image for ☾`ACourtOfKindles~☾.
48 reviews34 followers
April 5, 2024
Court Of Claws

"Your hair is like liquid moonlight, a crown fit for a goddess."

Holy hell I loved this sequel. Now lets get into it..

Rating: 5 out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Romance: 4 out of 5 (We could have had a bit more of showing how Draven was falling for her but it still was so perfect)♥️♥️♥️♥️
Spice:4 out of 5, those spicy scenes were just *chefs kiss*🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Emotional Damage: YES A MILLION TIMES YES! ALL THE BOMBS. This was better than book one for me though both were amazing reads. We get a ton of questions answered here but are still in suspense for book 3. The plot is just so insanely good.

"So you've saved me by bringing me somewhere everyone wants to kill me? Wonderful plan."

This story so far is what I would call enemies to reluctant allies with attraction to somewhat friends to enemies to fake relationship with benefits to lovers back to maybe enemies? Idk what magic is in this but I am obsesssseed. This is like the ultimate trope. I do feel like our male lead fell a little too quickly but its written so well that I don't even care. Meanwhile homegirl over here is fighting their attraction every step of the way and I love the angst. Now don't get me started on the muthaflipping dialogue. Every word out of their mouths were gold. This was so well written and oh soso satisfying.

"Don't make me fucking pull those horns off."

I love Morgan. She shows a ton of growth between this book and the last. She stands up for herself so much more and I am so proud of her. Her constant love hate relationship with Draven was so good. I never knew what to expect from her sometimes and I was always so invested into when she would finally cave. I can't wait to learn more about her past and how she's not who she thought she was. The suspense of her seeing her family, and both sides has me dying for more.

"I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine."

Draven? I am a simp. Boleyn really threw horns on this man and I was just like cool that's hot. His back story broke my heart. We knew he was going to have reasons for why he's done what he's done but I did not see any of it coming. He deserves the world and then some. Morgan needs to go ahead and be it for him because the constant hot and cold she's giving him makes me want to hop into this book and smack her around. Now the ending bombs he dropped? I wouldn't even be mad bestie. *spoiler* This contributes to my new favorite trope now, 'secret wife', 'unknown wife' like idk what to call it but when the mans like oh don't touch my wife and me and the main character are both collectively like wtf did this man just say right now??? Then I am leaping for joy and the Morgan is just like "gotta rip this man's horns off again". I was so dead, but I need more of this trope lol *end spoiler*

I loved every single new character that was introduced in this book, except Avriel, he was absolutely disgusting and up there with Arthur for me. The amount of shit he got away with was so frustrating but definitely kept me hooked and ready for his downfall.

Again another work of art by Briar Boleyn. Time for me to speed off to book 3 as I am no-lifing this series rn. Ta-Ta

Thank you NetGalley for an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Ta || bookishbluehead.
536 reviews30 followers
July 31, 2023
If you need an example for the miscommunication trope, take this book. There is so much of it in these pages. And I hate it, it’s one of my least favorite tropes.

After the ending of the last book, Morgan is now discovering a whole new world and at least that was something I really enjoyed. I liked to learn a little more about the different kinds of Fae. Some major aspects of the first book seemed to be mostly forgotten in this book, which kind of irritated me, but I guess we’ll see where this story will lead us in the future.

My main complaint with this book has to be about Morgan herself. I was so annoyed with her for most of the book. At some point I was convinced that she intentionally misunderstood everything just so she could be more annoying.
Profile Image for Ouafa.
53 reviews3 followers
April 24, 2024
Once again, the world-building in this book is exceptional.
We're immersed in the discovery of a new kingdom, complete with its unique culture, traditions, and beliefs. One aspect I found particularly intriguing is how a myriad of popular beliefs diverge from one realm to another, each steeped in its own history and experiences.

The plot is plotting, keeping me thoroughly engaged as I eagerly followed along. I found myself captivated by the unfolding revelations, each peeling back layers of mystery. Naturally, the book had to conclude with an unexpected cliffhanger, leaving no option but to eagerly go pick up the next book.

As for what didn't quite resonate with me, I felt the story took a bit of time to gain momentum. However, once it did, the pace became relentless, propelling me forward. At times, the heroine's reactions annoyed me, veering toward the immature and extreme. It's not that she lacked justification for her emotions, but they occasionally tested my patience.

Thanks NetGalley, Starwater Press, and Briar Boleyn for graciously providing an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Marta Cox.
2,758 reviews212 followers
July 21, 2023
Four and a half
In this book we catch up with Morgan as she finds herself apparently the paramour of Draven in his home court. No she definitely didn't sign up for this but if she wants to return to help save Camelot then it looks like she has to play along as wicked games are afoot !
Ok hands down this is even more exciting than the first book Queen Of Roses and yes that promise of romance is realised . However believe me Morgan has Serious ( yes it deserves a capital S) trust issues which admittedly made me want to shake her more than once. You will Oo and Aa for Draven though as he's almost a perfect hero. The situations the couple face are truly vile and the Fae can be as heinous as you imagine. They do terrible things and yet Draven thinks with Morgan he can change things and I seriously have doubts. What is interesting though is that we get more about Morgan's antecedents and history, well technically just snippets. Plus the supporting characters added greatly to the proceedings and as a lover of He Man I adored the nod to Battlecat ! That epilogue though is everything I wanted, whoop whoop so roll on book three.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
Profile Image for Abby.
22 reviews
August 14, 2023
This series is absolutely incredible! The romance, the fantasy, the action, the characters, the plot twists, the details. I am seriously obsessed and it is one of my favorite series, I cannot wait for the next one to come out! If you are an ACOTAR fan, this is a MUST read! So freaking good!
Profile Image for Angela.
268 reviews13 followers
May 27, 2024
A second book that has surpassed my expectations!! This has truly surprised me, in the best of ways.
In this we follow Morgan as she enters a new kingdom, Sorega, and especially its city, Noctasia.
She finds herself among Kairos Draven’s people, the siabra. There, she makes new friends and alliances, even the most unlikely of them and learn more about herself and her powers.
The trials for the throne of the siabra empire takes place and there are many secrets Morgan has to uncover…

I loved seeing Morgan finally grow some backbone. She is clearly different from the last book and is not afraid to affirm herself -even if it’s against her own safety - in order to be able to make her own choices. Even sometimes throwing a fit or two…
I loved Lyrastra too. She’s such a complex and nuanced character! She can be mean and petty to some and fierce and loyal to those she cares about.
And Draven? He was so protective and caring of Morgan and so different from the ruthless monster he was believed to be! A swoon worthy book boyfriend!
But my personal favorite thing from this book was Nightclaw and the exmoors in general. They are dangerous, lethal battle beasts but such loyal creatures!

Thank you so much NetGalley and Starwater Press for this!!!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
87 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2024
This book picked up right where Queen of Roses left off, and let me tell you - I could NOT put it down!

While book one focused on world building, character development, and an introduction to the story, book two propelled us full blast into the action. This entire book is packed with high stakes, twists, turns, and surprises. It’s also an exploration of a new world and a journey of self discovery for Morgan. She learns more about her lineage, she develops new relationships, and the spice starts to get spicing 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Throw in mythical creatures, hidden agendas, a death match, elemental magic, and secret marriages and it makes for an incredibly shocking cliffhanger! I started book three immediately because my heart couldn’t handle it. If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend it! ❤️‍🔥

Thank you so much to the author, Starwater Press, and NetGalley for providing an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review ♥️
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
November 7, 2023
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Fantasy / Romance
*Rating* 3.5-4


Court of Claws, by Briar Boleyn, is the second installment in the authors Blood of a Fae series. Morgan Pendragon wakes up to find that she is half way around the world from Camelot in a place called The Court of Umbral Flames, bound to a man, Draven Kairos, who has returned home after a 20 year banishment for taking revenge on the man who killed his loved ones. One that is ruled by a people known as Siabra and a Queen Regent who loathes the very fiber of Morgan because she is Valtan Fae.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Erin.
403 reviews19 followers
May 26, 2024
Court of Claws- 3.5⭐️ 3🌶️

Fake relationship
Morally grey MMC
He Falls First
One bed
Surprise twist
Kingdom politics
Found family
Animal familiars
🏳️‍🌈 Side Character Rep

This story begins right where the first left off. I really like how this reimagined Camelot is pulling more and more from the original. Links are being revealed and coming together. All of the little pieces of the original story finding their way into this one, just with a spin. It’s refreshing and highlights taking a misogynistic tale and restructuring it to not be so archaic.

The writing is a little stilted, it felt like the word “F*ck” was added in excessively (mostly by one character) to make things edgier… sometimes it was in juxtaposition to the story creating a jarring harshness of language in situations where you would expect more finesse. And I’m not talking about the bedroom scenes… those were good!

Anyway, it wasn’t off putting enough that I didn’t enjoy the book. Far more than the first, mainly because of the non-stop action and fast pace plot.

Morgan is an infuriating character. It’s almost like she is completely ignorant of court politics or intrigue. (Reminder, she was raised as a princess!) She only sees things in black and white. She is full of flaws; immature, annoyingly defiant for terrible reasons, stubborn, wishy-washy as hell, and seemingly purposefully and idiotically obtuse. Her character arc isn’t evident yet… hopefully she will grow in the next book… and says “f*ck” in more appropriate instances, instead of throwing it around because her character needs to be more daring and grown up… She just sounds like a middle schooler on a playground trying to show how badass she is by saying the worst curse word she can think of.

Draven seems to be an enigma with his loyalty and willingness to do what has to be done. Talk about the definition of “Morally Grey”. A softie with a hard exterior. Exactly what a morally grey man should be. He has killed, been exiled, caught for Morgan and himself, sacrificed himself and his kingdom. I think he is well written… as well written as any other fantasy romance MMC. They all have flaws.

The exmoors are so cool! I’m a sucker for animal familiars. If something happens to them I’ll riot.

The side characters are endearing. I’m undecided if I can get past Morgan’s poor character arc enough to read on… if I do, it’s only for Draven and the exmoors.

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for the advanced reader copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kaz.
25 reviews
July 21, 2023
I don’t think I’ve ever disliked an FMC as much as I do Morgan. She’s got to be the dumbest character I’ve ever encountered. Asks all the wrong questions, makes every single wrong assumption. She’s not even believably ignorant. She grew up with a literal monster of a brother who turns out to be the worst person imaginable and she never says A SINGLE THING AGAINST HIM. Then Draven comes into her life, doing literally everything in his power to save and help this girl and she essentially spits in his face like a petulant child. She fights him every step of the way, for what? Pride? Where the fuck did all the pride come from? It clashes so hard. “I can’t give into him because it can’t end well” “I can’t tell him how I feel because it’ll hurt” he tells her how he feels but ooop he must be lying because she’s so god damn insecure. I cannot stand her. The ending of this was so unsatisfying. All the decisions she makes seem to be solely to make things difficult in the book. They make no sense.

All that said, I do like the story, I really do. I love a good retelling, and the world is great. But god, I can’t stand Morgan. I don’t even want her to win at this point. She can kill someone no problem with a weapon, lovesssss fighting, but killing someone with her magic?? How dare she. What utter nonsense. The bleeding heart, the “I want to save everyone but myself” trope falls so flat when she’s so completely ignores the one person who’s been trying to help her the whole time. So he left some shit out, SHE LEAVES EVERYTHING OUT. She’s pretty much leaves out the truth just as much as Draven, but god forbid she be accountable for it unless she’s needlessly taking the blame for every little thing because she’s a martyr.

I hate myself for wanting the next book simply because I want to know how it ends, I know I’ll hate her just as much. If Draven had a POV in this it would be 1000x better.
Profile Image for Kayla.
88 reviews44 followers
August 6, 2023
3 ⭐️

✨Deadly Trials
✨Court Politics
✨Magical Creatures
✨Slow Burn
✨Relationship of Convenience
✨One Bed
✨Found Family

This book was definitely better than the first. I liked the plot and storyline so much more. The idea of the Blood Rise to compete for the empires next ruler, I thoroughly enjoyed.

I also really loved the new characters that we meet in this book and the found family that they have created.

Draven is a total hottie and the fact that Morgan kept denying herself of him for so long is insane to me! I will say though that some of the back and forth with them became a bit long winded.

Some downsides to this book I would say are:

- some things are not fully fleshed out or explained
- a lot of sentence/word/phrase repeating
(the amount of times the FMC said “what do you mean?”
in the last two books is insane!)
- the pacing was a bit off for me
- lacked depth

Overall I did enjoy this book. It was a very easy ready and I found it very entertaining.

**thank you to the author and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this ARC**
Profile Image for Kate.
85 reviews45 followers
April 30, 2024
“You have the most beautiful laugh, you know. You rarely use it, but when you do... It shakes the world. My entire world.” 💫

This book was better than the previous one, and I can sum up why with three simple words. KAIROS. FUCKING. DRAVEN. *ahem* daddy *ahem* On to the review!☝🏼

While this story started where the last one left off, we didn't delve much deeper into the Excalibur plotline in this sequel. Instead, this story pulled us into Draven's world and his life. We follow Draven's journey as he tries to regain control of the kingdom of Sorega by competing in the Blood Rise--a competition to obtain the Siabran throne. Meanwhile, Morgan is stuck at his side in a place she doesn't recognize, surrounded by liars and people who would love nothing more than to murder her. She must decide whether to leave and save her own people or to stay and help him redeem his.

While I did enjoy this, I wasn't expecting the entire story to take place on an entirely different continent. Don't get me wrong--it was fantastic world-building, and definitely helped to build more of an understanding of the lore, traditions, and history of Valtain and Sorega. But an entire book based on the continent of Myntra without elaborating on the pursuit for Excalibur? Kind of a bummer.

Imagine an assassin dropping into your life to absolutely destroy your world, and instead he destroys your fucking cervix. That's Kairos fucking Draven. He's the embodiment of the morally grey character who will die to protect the one he loves, but also kill anyone who would dare lay a finger on her. He's the one who says "good girl" in the bedroom, but is so fucking respectful about it that one can't help but climb him like a tree. Then there's his displays of tenderness right after slaughtering a slew of monsters. Kairos fucking Draven, motherfucka! We all knew he was going to have a heartbreaking backstory, but I didnt know it was going to crack my dead soul. Everything in this book explains what made him into the man we meet in book one--ruthless, yet compassionate.

💫"But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”

I wasn't a huge fan of Morgan in this book, but Draven more than made up for it. She just has so much animosity towards him and everyone around her, that I found her quite unlikeable throughout much of the book. By the end, I was slightly rooting for her again... but sheesh. She was overly defiant, like a young child, and you didn't see the character growth in her that we saw in the first book. She stays at this base level of immaturity and doesn't really arc out of it.🙄 I'm hoping she grows up in the next book.

That all being said, I really did enjoy this book. It was action-packed, full of betrayal, court politics, magic, and a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance. New characters were introduced which I quickly took a liking to, and need I say more than exmoors?🐈‍⬛

💫"He was in my heart. In my very soul. Cracking me into pieces. Shattering the girl I once used to be. Creating me anew."
Profile Image for Mel.
201 reviews3 followers
July 17, 2023
Briar Boleyn's "Court of Claws" weaves a gripping tale that combines elements of fantasy and romance, earning comparisons to beloved works such as "From Blood and Ash" and "Plated Prisoner." With its captivating storyline and intense relationships, this book proves to be a riveting continuation of the series.

In "Court of Claws," readers are thrust into a dangerous and treacherous court, where Morgan Pendragon finds herself bound to a man she despises. Boleyn expertly conveys Morgan's conflicted emotions, painting a vivid picture of a protagonist torn between her desires and the harsh realities of her circumstances. The loss of her beloved and the presence of a stranger in his place adds an intriguing layer of tension and uncertainty to the story.

Boleyn's writing skillfully immerses readers in the treacherous court of the Siabra, where deceit and danger lurk at every turn. The author masterfully creates an atmosphere filled with liars and hidden threats, enhancing the suspense and keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The sense of impending danger and the unknown heightens the stakes, compelling readers to eagerly turn the pages to discover what lies ahead.

The complex relationship between Morgan and Kairos Draven is a central focus of the story, showcasing both the tension and the unspoken connection between them. Boleyn adeptly navigates the intricacies of their evolving bond, delving into their shared past and the sins that haunt them. The emotional entanglement and the growing chemistry between the characters add depth and intensity to their interactions, leaving readers invested in their journey.

As the sins of the past come knocking, the suspense escalates, setting the stage for further exploration and revelations. Boleyn keeps readers on their toes, expertly balancing the elements of fantasy and romance, and delivering twists and turns that leave a lasting impact.

In conclusion, "Court of Claws" by Briar Boleyn is a gripping blend of fantasy and romance that captivates readers from beginning to end. With its compelling storyline, complex relationships, and an atmosphere of danger and deceit, this book continues the series with a bang. Fans of the previous installment, "Queen of Roses," will find themselves engrossed in the treacherous court of the Siabra, eagerly unraveling the sins of the past alongside Morgan and Kairos Draven. Boleyn's skillful storytelling ensures that "Court of Claws" is a must-read for those seeking an immersive and thrilling fantasy romance experience.
Profile Image for BlaireReadsTheThings.
412 reviews17 followers
May 15, 2024
Thank you NetGalley for the digital copy of this title!

On the verge of death, Draven whisks Morgan away to his home country where he is a beloved prince. He has claimed her as his official consort and entered a bloody ritual to claim his crown.

If you are sleeping on this series, stop right now! This was even better than the first one! Where the first installment was a little slow with world-building and character development, this one was moving right out of the gate. I love Morgan and Draven and the band of misfits that they have assembled. I want to say so much about this book, but I'm scared to ruin the surprises. I'm nothing if not giving. LOL. I've already got the third one pulled up on my Kindle ready to rock!
Profile Image for alanah ♡.
49 reviews8 followers
August 3, 2023
Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for providing me with the Court of Claws ARC! Somehow, Court of Claws was even better than Queen of Roses. It hit all the nails on the head - romance, spice, action, magic, drama, thrill, court politics, friendships and more. I liked that again it showed that not all fae are heartless are they are often portrayed in other works of fiction - a lot of the fae were still cruel yes, but in this book the level of cruelty was not much different to humans which I liked the comparison of. The pacing of the events of this book was good, and I enjoyed the hunger games-eque vibes that the challenges for the throne brought. I think that the relationship between the two main characters is done wonderfully and I cannot wait to see where it progresses in the next book, especially with that ending! Overall another amazing read and I can’t wait for the third book to be released!

Review posted straight to my Goodreads (alanahreads), and to Amazon, a further review may be posted on my Instagram (alanahreadsbooks) at a later date.
Profile Image for Tabatha.
101 reviews18 followers
June 12, 2024
***Thank you to Starwater Press and NetGalley for an ARC, in exchange for an honest review***

I admit I was hesitant to continue with the series after book 1 left me feeling flat until half way and that ending!!! After a Queen of Roses ended on a slight cliffhanger, a Court of Claws picks up where we left off…Now this book gripped me in from the start and had me cheering for our Morally Grey MMC Draven…We learn more about Draven and the back story into the curse and we move forward into deadly trials and court politics…The story flowed well and the characters were all well written and grew throughout EXCEPT Morgan!!! There were some moments of growth for her but every time we seemed take a step forward she would take two steps back, and that ending broke my heart…

Moving onto Book 3 Empress of Fae…
Profile Image for Meagan.
114 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2024
By the Three…this can’t get any better, or can it?
I 👏 love 👏 this 👏 book 👏

🗡️ Mates
🗡️ Magic
🗡️ Secrets (Lies-however you perceive them to be)
🗡️ Trials
🗡️ Love

I have fallen head over heels for Draven, my current book boyfriend. I dare anyone to fight me on that one. Yes, his tactics are questionable at times.
Morgan is definitely a character with trust issues that continue throughout this book. She has good reasons to act the way she does.

•I would like more spotlight on other characters in this book.
•Still, though, 5/5 ⭐️
I’m ready for the third installment. Let’s get it going!

Special thanks to #NetGalley, #StarwaterPress, and #BriarBoleyn for this ARC to review.

#BloodofaFaeSeries #BookWorm #Reader #ARC #BookReview #BookReviewer
Profile Image for Brandy Lynne.
82 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2023

I received this as an Arc through NetGalley.
😍😍😍 This book was even better than the first. If you loved ACOTAR this is one to read.

Enemies to Lovers
Forced Proximity
Battle Cats
Deadly Games / Trials
🌶️🌶️ definitely more spice to this than the first book.

Picking up right where Queen of Roses left off Morgan awakens in an unfamiliar place so far from home and the people she loves. Dealing with loss, pain and sadness she finds herself stuck with Draven as his Paramour, all for her own protection. The tension between the two builds and the book is filled with unexpected twists and turns.

The ending leaves an even bigger cliffhanger than the first, and I couldn’t put it down. Thankfully the third book is already out :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,240 reviews

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