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The Witching Pen #1

The Witching Pen

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This cover is no longer in publication. The most current cover can be found here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1...

(Book One of The Witching Pen Novellas)

It's hard being the most powerful witch on the planet. It's even harder when you're a twenty-five year old virgin who'll lose all of that power the moment you sleep with someone ... that's why Elena's never slept with her best friend and flatmate, Karl, despite the true feelings they harbour for each other.

Elena's about to discover that there are even more difficult things in life to deal with. One of them comes in the form of a pen she discovers one day, a pen that allows anything she writes to come to pass...

Suddenly, it's not just her powers or her heart that's at stake, but her very soul, as a dream demon with a seductive pull uses the pen to try and turn her away from her reality, and from Karl.

But the pen is just the beginning. Everything Elena has believed in is a lie, and her world is about to fall apart...

(Book length: novella - over 37,000 words)

220 pages, Paperback

First published July 27, 2011

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About the author

Dianna Hardy

44 books321 followers
Dianna Hardy is an international bestselling author of (cross-genre) fantasy fiction, most notable for her dark paranormal fantasy and the raw, intense Eye of the Storm series. But her heart-warming Once Times Thrice series proves she thrives in the light as much as the dark. Whatever your poison, what she loves most is to bring you stories that are action-packed, fast-paced and not short of heat, with the focus on character development, relationship dynamics, and the plot. She writes full-length novels and short fiction.

Although quite active online, Dianna prefers the quiet company of nature and animals to the hustle and bustle of people. She loves anything paranormal (she doesn't really consider it "para"), organic food, walking barefoot, the smell of the woods after rain, and summer days.

However, she is also sustained by coffee, chocolate and the occasional vodka.

Having graduated from Richmond Drama School (London) in '98, she spent the next few years in a multitude of jobs (both acting and non-acting), studying anything that fascinated her, searching her soul, and finally found her passion where it had always been: at the end of a pen.

She currently lives in South Hampshire, England with her partner and their daughter, where she writes full time.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews
Profile Image for Laurie Garrison .
721 reviews174 followers
October 5, 2011
4 1/2

Throw everything you think about novellas out the door on this one. I was really impressed with this story. You get a huge storyline with surprises spite the 67 pgs. You also get a good romance and one sex scene. Oh, I almost forgot you get a lot of sexual tension between these two also so you don’t miss out on the romance. I really like how the author went about writing how the pen works and the demons. This is an excellent story and quite differs from most paranormal romance stories. The book blurb really doesn’t do it justice so please don’t pay it too much mind .

Elena is a witch that lives with her best friend which by happens to be a guy named Karl. Karl has loved Elena since they were teens. He knows her secrets inside and out. He just has to make her see that she can trust him with her power. These two have to learn how to love and trust each other in order to stop the demon Nathaniel from getting Elena’s power. Before the end Karl finds out he is something special too.

Karl and Elena are great together the only thing I wished would have happened was the sex scene would have went a tad slower with Elena being a virgin.

Great characters and a great romance story, I highly recommend this one to anyone who loves witches and surprises.
Profile Image for Lady Raven RAVE!.
1,823 reviews1,417 followers
October 19, 2011
http://www.romancenoveljunkies.com /for readers & book lovers.

(May contain a few spoilers)

Elena is a thirteenth generation witch. At a young age, her mother told her being a witch comes with responsibilities; she will not be able to have a normal relationship or sex. She comes into possession of a pen, the witching pen that allows her to write anything that comes true. With the pen comes a dark demon, Nathaniel. Nathaniel haunts Elena's dreams and watches her from the dark until he makes his true intentions known. With the help of friends and family, Elena will uncover secrets as well as a way to prevent a demon portal from happening.

The product preview for this book is good but I don't think it does this book justice. I thought the story would be a certain way from reading the preview but it turned out to be a great start to a good series. The book had a certain simplicity to it in the beginning but later on as the story progress the characters and plot spoke volumes. The characters were all interesting for me. Katherine, Elena's mother seemed a bit cold but has a few secrets of her own. Amy and Mary are very important characters, as I believe their stories will be next. Pueblo seems to be a possessive and sexy demon and I think his story with Amy will be interesting. Karl is Elena's best friend. I have to admit I was not sure what to think of Karl but scene after scene he became sexier. After Karl's ordeal with Elena before and after, previous scenes started to make sense and came together. His role within the story was truly an unexpected surprise and added some excitement for me. Gwain was an interesting character as well; I just wanted to point that out. Saying what his role is will probably give away some of the plot. Lastly, the Shanka demon, Nathaniel, he is a villain need I say more.

I enjoyed the book and l'm looking forward to book 2 to see where the author takes Amy and Pueblo's story.

Story: FAIR to GOOD
Intimacy: GOOD
Enjoyment: GOOD


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Profile Image for Jeanne.
546 reviews303 followers
October 3, 2013
I am bummed. This was a free ebook (limited time offer ends in November) that caught my eye. I even came here to GoodReads to check reviews and found it had an average 4.5 stars. I should know better than to trust a high review rating, since they've burned me in the past. The book cover should have been a tip off too, but I was blinded by the price and hope. My mistake.

I was really in the mood for a witch story with magic and mystery. What I got was a hodgepodge of paranormal cliches framed around a big-ol'
Elena is supposed to be a twenty five year old, but the only proof we have of her age is from her stating it in the narrative. Her behavior and even the tone of the story reads like a teenager (or younger). Many of her actions do not make sense and are not explained.

Then we meet Karl (who feels a lot like Xander Harris from Buffy) her love interest who appears to have no other purpose or occupation in life other than that. This poor characters only distinguishing characteristics seem to be his eyes, hair and that he is utterly dedicated to a girl who gives him nothing in return. He has been Elena's best friend for years and obviously loves her, but they can have a real relationship because (drum roll for huge plot device) whoever Elena has sex with will gain her powers.

At first this twist seemed interesting and cool, but as I read through the story and became increasingly bored I began to wonder. Was it only intercourse that cause her to lose her power. What about oral sex or a hand job? Why does no sex mean that Elena can't have a fulfilling emotional relationship with a man? Does it only apply to men? Could she have save non-magic transferring sex with other women?

If I were Karl I'd been frustrated as hell by being stalled in the friend zone for TEN YEARS. Not to mention, I would have been asking a lot of those questions and not just accepting the no-sex, let's be co-dependent best friends forever offer. This is not the only aspect of the story that didn't make sense or was poorly explained. You can read my status updates to see a list of them.

Let's move on to the mysterious demon who begins to posses Elena's dreams. Whoa baby. There's a good way to do this and a bad one, we landed on the clumsy as fuck side of that line.

First, the demon is described as having green eyes and stone-like skin. *blinks* I'll give points for the stone skin appearing to be cracked and feeling leathery to the touch, but still one cannot help but draw a direct line to Twilight. Especially when this creeper demon watches Elena sleep. *sigh*

This story might be entertaining to someone who can look past the gramatical errors (of which there are many) and the...excessive...use...of...ellipses, but it was a glaring indication to me that the author either didn't use an editor or didn't use a very good one.

The story exists in a vacuum, with little to no explanation of the world and magic that is the foundation of the story. Given, I only made it 21% into the story, but I expect to at least know some basic details about the world by that point. What we learned were snatches of details that are not explained and often didn't fit with what we'd already been shown.

Add in the two dimensional characters who make illogical choices to simply drive the plot forward and you've got a recipe for frustration.
Profile Image for Two Nerds With Words.
940 reviews54 followers
June 30, 2012
I finally got around to reading The Witching Pen, and do you know when you have one of those moments that you're really cross with yourself, when you could smack yourself? Well after reading The Witching Pen, that's exactly how I felt. Why, oh why did I leave it so long! It's friggin' awesome. I mean seriously superb. It's so fresh, and had such fantastic twists that really blew me away.

The Witching Pen is a novella, but it really didn't feel like it as it had the substance of a novel. It was highly descriptive, entertaining and superbly written. The story flows effortlessly, with no fragments in narrative or character holes. It really is that awesome and beautifully crafted.

Yes, I know I'm gushing, but I enjoyed it that much. In many ways, I'm so pleased that it's a novella. It took me approx 4 hours to read, which was so lovely has I felt fulfilled when I reached the end. What's also fantastic, is that Dianna Hardy leaves her story open perfectly for her next installment.

I'm not going to discuss the storyline or leave any spoilers, all you need to do is read the synopsis for an overview. All I will say, is that I love the main characters. Elena is a superb protagonist of substance, and Karl is just wonderfully dreamy. *sigh*

Thank you Dianna Hardy for being such an amazing author.
Profile Image for Mary.
521 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2017
Wow…. I never read a novella like this. It has the depth of a full-length novel filled with witches, demons, magic … main characters that you will love right away, great supporting characters and a story that sucks you right in.
I loved the chemistry between Elena and Karl (who wouldn’t want a boyfriend like Karl?) and now I’m really curious about what happens next to Amy and Pueblo.. (their story will be told in the next novella).

Although this is not a full length novel Dianna Hardy created an exciting world with demons and witchcraft… so there are a lot of options for upcoming stories. Well, at least I hope there will be a lot more stories from the Witching Pen universe.

I loved this story from A to Z – so, my rating is without any doubt 5 out of 5 stars and I would recommend this novella to everyone who likes a really good paranormal romance novella.
Profile Image for Kay Glass.
Author 24 books54 followers
July 10, 2012
Life is hard when you love someone but cannot act on it. Elena knows she can't- she's in love with her roommate, he's in love with her, but they cannot be together. Years ago her mother told her she'd lose her powers to whatever man she gave herself to, and she's determined not to- not because she wants her power to remain her own, but simply because to she'd hate to burden someone with them. She loves Karl too much for that, and struggles to keep him at bay.

The problem? Everything she's ever been told was a lie, and sadly it leads to unexpected and potentially deadly consequences. Nearly every character in this series is lovable in their own way, and the ones that aren't? Well, I found myself rooting for swift justice. Bittersweet, this story left me wanting more. Lucky for me, there's more available!
Profile Image for Bonnie Lamer.
Author 51 books278 followers
November 16, 2011
Elena is a powerful witch, but no one can know that. She hides her power behind new age mysticism and Wiccan ceremonies. The only one besides her mother who knows her secret is her best friend Karl. Karl has loved Elena since they were children, but Elena has always kept him, and everyone else, at arm’s length when it came to romantic relationships. The talk her mother had with her when she was a teenager made it impossible for her to have a normal relationship. But, Karl keeps hoping.
Lies and secrets abound in Dianna Hardy’s novella, The Witching Pen. Elena discovers there’s a lot more to her than she was ever told. With demons trying to seduce her in her sleep and her suppressed feelings for Karl trying to surface, she doesn’t know how to stop her world from crumbling around her. She learns that with great power, there is often great pain. As the story goes on, she suffers losses that may just push her into embracing everything she can become – the good and the bad. Are love and good friends enough to save her?
The Witching Pen is a paranormal romance that packs a lot of action in its pages. Readers enter a world with a pen that can write the future, demons who want to destroy the world, dark skeletons in family closets, and the power of love and magic done for the greater good. While the story is focused on Elena’s relationship with Karl, other characters also seek to discover who they are and who they can be; some learning that love can come in many different packages. Dianna Hardy has woven a tale of passion and intrigue that brings the reader on a magical journey that can’t be put down until the very end.
The Witching Pen is a novella that could easily be turned into a novel with all the intricate details of the main character’s, as well as several supporting character’s, past and heritage. The difficulty with writing a novella is deciding what to include and what can be left out. In this particular case, I would have loved to read more about the characters. The novella is excellently written. The main characters are well developed, all be it with secret pasts. But, I craved more without having to wait to read the sequel. There were a lot of questions left in my mind at the end. Since I enjoyed the novella so much, I guess I will just have to read the sequel to find out more about where Dianna Hardy brings her characters next. I thank the author for providing me with a review copy and I give the novella four stars.
Profile Image for Carly.
420 reviews
May 24, 2012
I knew from the second page of The Witching Pen that I was going to love it and I was not wrong. What a kick start to The Witching Pen novellas series. All the bad things you have ever heard about novellas, like them being rushed, not in-depth, not enough world building, well all that can be scraped with this book. It is perfectly paced and Dianna Hardy has written some fantastic world building, including the interesting Demon Mythology that we start to find out about. Magic, romance, witches and demons that are brought together in a brilliantly fun and definitely sexy way. Hats off to Dianna Hardy for this amazing first instalment. I am so glad I had the 2nd book to get my teeth stuck into straight away.

Elena is 25 years old, she is the most powerful witch in the world, oh and did I mention a virgin.? She has always been told that if she looses her virginity all her power will be lost to the man in question. Karl is Elena's childhood best-friend and they are currently living together. Karl is the love of Elena's life but she just needs to realise it.

One day Elena discovers a pen, out of nowhere really and whatever she writes with it comes to pass. This is very strange so she keeps it to herself only telling Karl. But when Elena starts to have strange dreams of a demon who makes her hot and bothered and who can make her unconsciously use the pen, causing disastrous results, Elena starts to panic.

You can't expect to be the most powerful witch in the world and expect to be left alone, can you? And with everything Elena has ever known being revealed as a lie, her world will crumble.

I only wished Dianna made the sexual tension between Elena and Karl last a little bit longer LOL, as I was really enjoying the tension. There is so much more I am dying to know about the demon tribes and the elders, so I hope there is loads more info in book 2.

The ending is brilliant and I think Dianna knows how to leave her readers begging for more. If you haven't yet picked up The Witching Pen, you are seriously missing out.

My Favourite characters:

Karl: he is definitely your cute boy next door. He is also kind, caring and loving towards Elena. And he has a devilishly sexy side ;)

Elena: She is fun, down-to-earth and extremely powerful. She has a really likeable personality and I think most people will love her.

*Special thanks to Dianna for the review copy*

4/5 Stars

Carly ;)
Profile Image for Heidi.
186 reviews2 followers
September 26, 2012
I received this book from the author to read and give an honest review.

What a Fantastic Book I couldn't put it down! I am not usually one to read novellas as most of the time they are really too short to bring a story to life. This is definitely not the case with this book and I almost cried when it ended! A new twist on Paranormal romance has this story action packed from the get go! Witches, Demons, Angels this story has it all!

Elena, a 13th generation witch, carries secrets she doesn't even know about yet. She shares her life with a long time friend Karl, who has loved her since childhood. But becoming more than friends has it's consequences and one that Elena is not willing to face. But Karl has secrets of his own which he will have to give the ultimate sacrifice to learn. To top it off, their world is about to come crumbling down on them when their lives turn inside out after a Demon from the Shanka tribe wants to claim Elena for his very own and he knows all about her secrets. A thrilling adventure brings a group of unlikely friends and Other worldly acquaintances together to save the world from Demonic takeover.

This is a must read for anyone who loves Paranormal Romance and Fantasy. My life has been changed forever...I can't wait for book 2!
Profile Image for Emma Mills.
Author 9 books210 followers
August 13, 2016
This is a novella - shorter than the average novel - but longer than other novellas I have read, and a really good read. You still get a really involved and well thought out plot, romance, action and a steamy sex scene as well! In the early parts of the story when the relationship is just a friendship the tension between the two characters is really believable, and when something happens to one of them (I don't want to give anything away!) I was absolutely gutted... until it was resolved and then I breathed a huge sigh of relief - which proves to me that I really cared about these characters, and story!

I myself have been researching witchcraft for the sequel to Witchblood so I recognised a lot of the practises within the book, and they've all been well thought out, and when explanations are needed they are given succinctly. Considering the amount of paranormal fiction out there Dianna still manages to achieve something different. I love the idea of the witching pen, and the whole history behind it. I love the twists in the story, involving a couple of characters and I love the way the story ends with a minor character in trouble, for the sequel to follow on with!
Profile Image for  Davis Jennifer.
325 reviews13 followers
October 25, 2012
Elena is a thirteenth generation witch, in other words, she is pretty dang powerful. Not only is she powerful on her own, but she comes across this pen that has powers of its own(I will let you find out about that on your own). Unfortunately, with great power also comes with great responsibilities and boundaries. She has been told things by her mother that she has to keep in mind. If she does certain things, it will have consistences, and in this case, that pretty much means that she is never to have a love life. Once Elena finds what she thinks is her true love, she is willing to take the risk. What she has been told doesn't seem too bad, and is pretty much worth giving up in exchange for spending the rest of her life with the one she loves. That is when she finds out that most of the things she has been told were lies and hell on Earth breaks loose.

This book has a little bit of everything: suspense, romance, witches, demons, angels, and a great storyline with amazing characters. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. A must read withcy adult paranormal romance.

Originally post on The Mystical World of Book Reviews
Profile Image for Nelta.
510 reviews6 followers
November 1, 2012
After reading some quotes from other books in this series on quote day on Paranormal Bookclub on FB,I was intrigued and decided to read the Witching Pen.....why haven't I read this book before now....It was refreshing to have adults characters for change....The writing evokes all emotions and draws you into the storyline and you slap you hand because its tempting you to flip ahead to see what's next. Look forward to reading the next in the series!
I want an Angel like Karl!
Profile Image for Maggie Frank.
132 reviews15 followers
July 29, 2012
How I LOVE the Elena/Karl relationship and love story! Read this in 1 day! Can't wait to start the sequel tomorrow. Great read!!!
Profile Image for Kristy.
10 reviews1 follower
July 29, 2012
This book was awesome!! I was unable to put it down. Great job Dianna Hardy! I will be digging in to your other books.
Profile Image for Kate Anders.
Author 3 books24 followers
November 16, 2011
See this review and more like it at www.ufreviews.com

A novella full of witchcraft, demons, and love. I was excited to read this novella mostly because I have really enjoyed the witchcraft aspect of urban fantasy lately, although I would say that this novella fits more into the paranormal romance side of things.

A problem I always seem to have with most novellas is that there has to be enough action in them to keep the reader interested, but they have to achieve that action in a substantially smaller amount of time than a full length novel. I have always said writing a compelling short story is harder than writing a compelling novel. I think this novella suffers from this problem, so much action had to take place in such a short period of time and words that it starts to feel rushed in the end.

That being said, the entire novella did not feel rushed. The first half or possibly even the first two thirds of the book flowed pretty well and did not feel rushed.

Elena and Karl are this stories main characters, and like I said earlier I think this novella fits into the paranormal romance category because from start to finish the novella is about these two characters and their love for each other. The novella starts off with the two of them as friends who are roommates, but even in their everyday lives as friends the reader can sense that something more is on the horizon for these two. There chemistry is certainly clear from very early on in the novella. While the two of them feel organic for most of the story, towards the end they start to lose some of that organic feeling which is certainly a loss for the reader.

Elena is being stalked essentially by a demon who is after her power. As the story progresses you find out more and more about not only Elena's power but also about her family and how unaware Elena really is about who she is. And of course not knowing these things about herself end up creating problems for her as the story progresses. There are a lot of family elements within this story which I think really helps the story, especially in the parts where it feels rushed.

Another element of this story that I think works in its favor is the secondary character of Amy. Hardy seems to have made a point to introduce her to the reader, give her a pretty decent background, and really make the reader like Amy. The story does not really have an ending for Amy, so I can see how maybe the next novella in this series would be more about Amy, and if it is then I am looking forward to finding out how Amy's story ends.

Overall, I would say this is a good novella. I would recommend it to anyone who likes paranormal romance AND novellas (I know a lot of people don't particularly care for novellas). This is certainly a romance based book so if you are person who only wants a little romance in a book, this is probably not the book for you. But overall I think paranormal romance lovers will enjoy this book as a quick weekend escape read.
Profile Image for Anne (Angel Anne Reviews) Nelson .
504 reviews26 followers
September 26, 2012
What a phenomeanl book

Thank you Author Dianna Hardy for this phenomenal “Gift” of The Witching Pen. I actually read “Wilted” first and wanted to get hold of the others to read as a series. Now here I am writing this review, having done the review for Wilted already.

To follow is my fair and unbiased opinion of “The Witching Pen.”

After a talk with her mother, Elena learns that its absolutely impossible to have a “normal” relationship wit men. The stakes are high and the losses are great if she does. (I won‘t tell you why or what because of spoilers).

Elena is a thirteenth generation witch, and she is a VERY powerful witch at that. She has always kept to her true powers hidden, her mother and best friend since kids, Karl are the only ones to know her secret.
I will tell you that Karl has loved Elena since they were young but Elena has always shied away from romantic interludes, and keeps him at a distance… so she won’t be tempted.

The Witching Pen, although is a novella it reads as a full length book. There is so much action happening with all the characters on every page.
You’ll find a storyline that effortlessly flows across the page as you quickly devour each one.

Angels… Demons… and Witches, what a combination!!! AWESOME mix.

Fabulous, entertaining and outstanding series - A friendship that blossoms into love, with unpredictable consequences.

Elena soon discovers that her life as she knows it, and what she’s been told is a lie. That there is so much more than what everyone has told her about! Dark secrets of her family are discovered.
She comes into possession of a pen, yep… The Witching Pen where she can write the future, and to have it come true.. I‘d say, be real careful Elena :-/ . With the pen, a evil demon is attached who invades, haunts and tries to seduce Elena while she sleeps.. Dreams.

I’m going to stop here before I give much more away. If you read the blurb of this book you are going to be hooked just as I was!!!

A must read paranormal romance jammed packed with spectacular suspense. I suggest that if you haven’t had the chance to read this series yet, then take the time and get started.. You won’t be disappointed

The Witching Pen Novellas

The Witching Pen
The Sands of Time

Recommend: YA and up
Rating: 5/5 angel stars

Angel Anne Reviews

Profile Image for Lady Raven RAVE!.
1,823 reviews1,417 followers
January 16, 2012
http://www.romancenoveljunkies.com for readers

(May contain a few spoilers)

Elena is a thirteenth generation witch. At a young age, her mother told her being a witch comes with responsibilities; she will not be able to have a normal relationship or sex. She comes into possession of a pen, the witching pen that allows her to write anything that comes true. With the pen comes a dark demon, Nathaniel. Nathaniel haunts Elena's dreams and watches her from the dark until he makes his true intentions known. With the help of friends and family, Elena will uncover secrets as well as a way to prevent a demon portal from happening.

The product preview for this book is good but I don't think it does this book justice. I thought the story would be a certain way from reading the preview but it turned out to be a great start to a good series. The book had a certain simplicity to it in the beginning but later on as the story progress the characters and plot spoke volumes. The characters were all interesting for me. Katherine, Elena's mother seemed a bit cold but has a few secrets of her own. Amy and Mary are very important characters, as I believe their stories will be next. Pueblo seems to be a possessive and sexy demon and I think his story with Amy will be interesting. Karl is Elena's best friend. I have to admit I was not sure what to think of Karl but scene after scene he became sexier. After Karl's ordeal with Elena before and after, previous scenes started to make sense and came together. His role within the story was truly an unexpected surprise and added some excitement for me. Gwain was an interesting character as well; I just wanted to point that out. Saying what his role is will probably give away some of the plot. Lastly, the Shanka demon, Nathaniel, he is a villain need I say more.

I enjoyed the book and I’m looking forward to book 2 to see where the author takes Amy and Pueblo's story.

Story: FAIR to GOOD
Intimacy: GOOD
Enjoyment: GOOD

Romance Novel Junkies

Profile Image for Julie.
903 reviews27 followers
August 7, 2012
Ebook: The Witching Pen Novella’s
Author: Dianna Hardy
Fiction, Paranormal,
This review may contain spoilers
I was given this book by the author for an honest review
Summary: Book One of The Witching Pen Novellas
It's hard being the most powerful witch on the planet. It's even harder when you're a twenty-five year old virgin who'll lose all of that power the moment you sleep with someone ... that's why Elena's never slept with her best friend and flatmate, Karl, despite the true feelings they harbour for each other.
Elena's about to discover that there are even more difficult things in life to deal with. One of them comes in the form of a pen she discovers one day, a pen that allows anything she writes to come to pass...
Suddenly, it's not just her powers or her heart that's at stake, but her very soul, as a dream demon with a seductive pull uses the pen to try and turn her away from her reality, and from Karl.
But the pen is just the beginning. Everything Elena has believed in is a lie, and her world is about to fall apart...
The Review
I enjoyed the way this book was written, Dianna really made me believe I was watching it in front of me, as a film, I could totally see it, I loved the main character Elena, she was spunky and full of bravado even in the face of adversary, It was very well written with a seamless approach which had me glued to it, I could not put it down, as you can tell, I loved it, I want to say it was great meeting all the various demons, the incubus, succubus and Angels, I would love to know what happens with Amy and Pueblo and whether he finds her or not because they seem to belong together, I hope he finds her, what on Earth is Mary, Is she a good demon or a bad demon? I loved Karl, I thought he was perfect, I can’t wait to read the rest of the series, 5/5
Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,667 reviews117 followers
December 9, 2014
The following review is my opinion and not a paid review. I was given a copy of The Witching Pen by the author Dianna Hardy for an honest review.

Elena is a very powerful witch who was told at a very young age by her mother that if she ever slept with anyone she would lose all of her powers. Her powers would go to the one she slept with. Elena did not want to put the responsibility of her powers on anyone that did not grow up with them and know how to handle them. Elena did not have a big problem with this because she never really had anyone she cared enough about to sleep with.

Elena lives with her best friend Karl, they have been bff's since early childhood. Karl and Elena have been in love with each other for a long time but because of their friendship they have hid these feelings from themselves and everyone else. Elena has probably hidden her feelings because of what her mother told her about not being able to sleep with anyone.

Elena finds a pen called The Witching Pen. She finds out that what ever she writes with this pen comes true. Elena is the only one besides Karl that can touch the pen. But what Karl writes with the pen does not come true.

I would like to thank Dianna Hardy for asking me to review The Witching Pen. I had wanted to read it for a long time. Image how I felt when I go that email I was ecstatic. The Witching Pen wasn't exactly as good as I thought it would be. It was a hell of a lot more than I ever imaged it to be. Dianna threw in just enough to keep you hanging on and wanting more. When I wasn't reading it, it stayed on my mine. I was like ok, ok I got to know what is happening now.
Profile Image for Kelly Jones.
22 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2012
Firstly, thank you to Dianna Hardy for gifting me this book in return for an honest review.
I have to admit that the "witchy" genre is definitely becoming more appealing to me as I read more books with magic and wizadry in them. The Witching Pen is such an amazing book, once I sat down with it I had to keep reading as I really wanted to know what was going to happen.
I love how Elena is so normal even though she is a powerful witch, with normal relationships and normal attitudes to day to day events, and I love how she has such a great relationship with Karl, who from reading the book is kind of like her missing piece. It is a shame that she doesn't know the truth about her heritage as I am sure that there would have been a lot of different decisions she would have made along the way in regards to her life.
Karl is Elena's best friend and room mate, and there is just something magical about him even though he claims he is simply a human, and he swears to protect Elena from Shanka demons who are invading her sleep, they are a race of demons who were banished after their creation for fear they would dominate the world, and push it into darkness.
I love the mix of good and dark magic, and I love the different tribes of demons. I wouldn't mind a demon like Pueblo hanging around in his loin cloth.
I am itching to know what is different about Mary, who is Elena's assistant manager in her shop and there just seems to be something amazing about her, her dreams seem to be prophetic.

This book moved along with out any help, I picked it up, I loved it and then I bought the next book because I want to read more about these great characters.
257 reviews39 followers
May 22, 2012

As if its not bad enough learning to be a witch but learning that by being a very special witch you can never have a sexual relationship with someone without it costing your powers would really suck. Elena's a 13th generation witch who lives with her best friend Karl. Karl has loved Elena since grade school, and will always be with her, even if they can't really be "together". Elena starts to get a visitor in her dreams. This demon visitor wants to posses not only Elena's powers but Elena as well. This demon is the demon king of the Shanka Demons. He has given Elena the witching pen, that when used makes what she has written come true. Karl is the only person who can bring Elena back from these horrible nightmares. When one night, Elena is willing to give up her powers to Karl just to be with him intimately, the most horrible thing happens....(sorry can't tell you). This puts Elena over the edge for vengeance. She learns learns that she is half witch half demon succubus and plans on taking out her revenge on every Shanka demon herself even if it kills her.

Elena is that down to earth character that everyone likes. Karl is the boy next door that is a girls best friend, and the perfect boyfriend. I was so impressed with the creativity of this story. The world Dianna has created is like nothing I have read before which is refreshing. All the characters in the story are intriguing and it makes you want to read more about all of them. I really enjoyed this novella and would definitely recommend it.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikki McCarver.
194 reviews44 followers
May 18, 2012
Elena has been born with a great power and a terrible curse. If she engages in sexual intercourse, she transfers all of her power to that male and becomes human. It really hasn't been difficult for Elena because she has never been attracted to anyone, except for Karl. Karl was her best friend growing up and more recently her roommate. She has lived in fear her whole life about sleeping with him because of the curse. But dare she take that chance to lead a normal life with Karl and give him her power? Could she handle it?

Karl had been in love with Elena for as long as he could remember. She had been his solace and comfort for chasing away the demons in his past. He has patiently waited for Elena to show him that she feels the same way, even though deep down he already knows she does. Karl is used to all the magic that really is in this world because of growing up around her. But Elena has a terrible secret tat even she isn't aware of. Could his push at finally getting her into bed cost him his life?

Hat's off to the author for creating a thrilling new world. She has added a little bit of everything that keeps you guessing until the last page!! I really enjoyed reading this book and can't wait for the second book in the series. There is so much left open, and so many surprises!! Just when you think you have it figured out you realize that your totally wrong!! And the ending hints at the next book being about her mom. Let's hope so because she turns out to be the biggest surprise of them all! Great Read!!
Profile Image for Lynn Worton.
867 reviews29 followers
July 25, 2012
Review 6******

This is a novella, so it is a relatively short story. However, this does not mean that it's lacking in danger, romance and magic! In fact, it is full of all three elements, plus a bit more! I loved it!

Elena is a wonderful character. She is warm and loving. However, because of a curse, she cannot have a relationship with her best friend Karl.

Karl is the boy next door. Elena and Karl have been friends for a long time, and have grown up together. However, one night will change their lives forever.

Elena is a thirteenth generation witch, which makes her the most powerful witch on the planet. She is afraid of using her full power, so she holds back. She finds a pen one day, and then finds her nightmare has just begun.
Secrets are revealed for both Elena and Karl in this stunning book written by Dianna Hardy.

I love Dianna's style of writing, as it kept me glued to the pages! The story flowed seamlessly, and the ending left me wanting more! There is a scene that is explicit in nature, so I do not recommend this book for younger readers. However, if you are looking for a fantastic romance story filled with magic, demons, angels and adventure, then I highly recommend this one! I am now reading the next book in the series, The Sands of Time, and I'm thoroughly loving that one too!
Profile Image for Susan Mann.
130 reviews85 followers
April 30, 2012
I am a huge fan of witches and having read Dianna's Vampire poetry I was looking forward to this. I haven't read a lot of novellas but this one was great, not too short that you were left with a lot of unanswered questions but not too long that you got bored or a strung out story. For a small and quick read there is a lot of action, steamy sex scences, maigic and romance thrown into the mix.

The novella is based on a girl called Elena who is a witch whom lives with her best friend, who is a guy called Karl. Karl loves Elena and knows everything about her, but Elena has to learn to let him in and trust him with her witch craft. They have to work together to get rid of a Shanka demon who wants Elena's powers.

I really liked Elena, she has some issues with her mother I felt but she has a great power and her witchcraft comes to life. Karl, I wasn't sure about him at first but he grew on my and they were great together. The sex scence was done really well, it seemed natural and sexy but not cringe worthy like some can be.

If you like paranormal romance then you'll love this book. It's nice to read a paranormal book based on adults and not teens just for a change. It's an easy, short read, but full of action. I am looking forward to reading book two in the series.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Morgan.
Author 13 books99 followers
September 11, 2013
Like its short prequel, The Witching Pen pulls you right into the characters world. You get enough detail about Elena and Karl, their lives and relationship simply by the way they are with one another. The concept is fab. The pen itself seems like a really fun item to have, and yet dangerous, which is what makes it so appealing and interesting to read about.

There are equal amounts of heartfelt moments, and humour, which made the characters and the situations they were in more realistic. Karl and Elena are a very sweet and compassionate pair and because of everything they have gone through to the point that the start of the book, they are very likeable and you find yourself very happy for them despite all the new problems they have to deal with toward and by the end of the book.

The story – as with those that follow – is very down to earth in the sense that it is believable. I feel as though I like could actually run into these characters if I were to take a trip down to London, which I liked, because it’s not very often you find that you feel so connected to a story or its characters.

The Witching Pen is an intriguing beginning to the series, with a tease worthy cliff hanger that has you itching to read the next book as soon as you’re finished.
Profile Image for Gladys Quintal.
Author 23 books258 followers
January 2, 2013
I won a signed paperback copy of this book in a competition :)

The story centres around Elena, a very powerful witch and 25 year old virgin - that has been warned off sex by her mother with the threat of losing her powers. She finds a pen, too coincidentally at a point when she was looking for one and finds out that anything she writes with this pen, actually comes about.

She lives with her best friend - a guy a few years older than her that she has known most of her life. He is openly in love with her and Elena is unsure of her feelings for him. She loves him, but is not sure how deep that love goes. Karl isn't totally what he seems either and he knows everything there is to know about Elena. He seems to be the only other person that is able to touch the witching pen, besides Elena.

The book is fast paced and includes quite a few paranormal beings beside witches - which I enjoyed immensely. I read it from cover to cover in one sitting and am looking forward to seeing where the story goes. If you are looking for a good paranormal series, then you won't be disappointed with The Witching Pen Novellas.
Profile Image for Wanda Hartzenberg.
Author 5 books71 followers
August 27, 2012
The Witching pen novella book one
I loved the prequel to this book and was not disappointed by the book itself. The characters grow from the prequel and mature into well formed and well fluffed characters.
The basic remains the same, the 13th generation witch, cannot engage in sex without giving up her powers to her sexual partner. But love speaks louder than commitment and the sex happens in a nice, tactful way. I loved the way the author handled these scenes, it is not prudish but also not offensive, it is real and true not necessarily suitable for young readers.
Sex though has consequences as the heroin finds out, not what she expected and not what she planned. It is devastating, and life altering and leaves her in a position where she has one choice only. This choice might be the end of the world as we know it.
I can't wait to read more of this story with its new and fresh take on what could have been a highly over done genre. Good going.
I received this book via WaAr for an honest review. I loved it, and would recommend it is a nice easy read for all paranormal romance lovers. It gets a well deserved 5 * review.
Profile Image for Autumn.
2,261 reviews46 followers
June 26, 2012
I was given this book by the author to give an honest review.
I was really impressed with this novella. Most novellas that I have read have been short and hardly any point to the story. But with this one you get romance, witches, demons, angels and a wonderful storyline that makes everything flow together.
The Witching Pen is about a young woman named Elena who is a powerful thirteenth generation witch. It is in her blood. Her best friend Karl has been in love with her since he has known her and he knows the magic she holds. All of her life she has been told if she gives away a special part of her she will lose her magic, unknown to her there is more that story. When she finds a pen that is magically she wonders where it comes from and when she starts having dreams of a demon, there are things that have been hidden from her. When something tragic happens to Karl, she finds a way to fix what she has done. I don't want to give much away, so I will say this you will truly enjoy this book it was a great quick read and I can not wait to read book two.
Profile Image for Merisha28.
330 reviews20 followers
July 22, 2012
I received this book in exchange for a honest review.
Warning this book contains adult content.

This book is an action packed, suspense, paranormal thriller with romance mixed in. If you love demons, angels, witches and more, you need to read this book. I was pleasantly surprised how well the book was written. I couldn't put the book down for the life of me. There were so many twists and turns in the story that I had not expected. I can't wait to read the next book in this awesome series.

This story is about Elena who is a thirteenth generation witch. At a young age her mother tells her she is special and has certain responsibilities with it. She can't have a normal relationship where she can procreate. Her mother, Katherine, acts cold toward Elena but she is holding major secrets. After Elena finds a pen, her world gets turned upside down. I am not going to give anymore away. You just have to read it! I give it a BIG 5 stars, since I can't give it more than that.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews

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