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The Al Dhakir Brothers #2

Marriage Behind the Facade

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Summoned to the desert sands

Sydney Reed dreamed of being a princess in a faraway land, and couldn’t believe that smoulderingly sexy Sheikh Malik of Jahfar would marry plain old her — even out of convenience. But the dream has ended and she’s back to reality with a thud!

Now Sydney needs his signature on the divorce papers — Malik, however, has other ideas. Jahfaran law requires that they spend forty days together as man and wife before Sydney can be free of him forever. Out in the scorching desert Malik holds all the power — he’ll make sure their forty nights are more than worth it…

192 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Lynn Raye Harris

349 books2,853 followers
Lynn Raye Harris is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sizzling military romantic suspense novels and contemporary romance novels. She lives in Alabama with her husband (former military), her cat, and her American Saddlebred horse.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
April 10, 2022
2.5 Tortuous Stars

I reread this book yesterday and was more disappointed than my first time through.
Hero caused a lot of pain. Continually claimed he didn't love his new wife and she overheard him while he phoned his brother as he told him he regretted marrying her. He kept everything to himself.

I was not a great fan of the heroine either. She spent almost the entire book being upset and heartbroken.

Let me just say it was a painful read.
Profile Image for Fiona Marsden.
Author 38 books140 followers
March 19, 2012
What do you get when you put together a needy young woman who never learned her own value and a rich powerful Sheikh who happens to be divinely good looking but emotionally frozen? When Lynn Raye Harris gets hold of them you get a great story about real relationships and people who need to grow. In this case this seemingly disparate couple could just be what the doctor ordered to bring about what's needed to help the two estranged spouses meet their potential. We all know there has to be a happy ending at the end because its the nature of the beast. But how Lynn gets us there is brilliant. The writing is almost poetic in places and the portrayal of intimacy between the two lovers is sizzling and deeply emotional at the same time. One of the things I really appreciated what that they were both faithful to their vows during the separation. Looking forward to the linked book, Strangers in the Desert, after meeting the characters in this book.
Profile Image for Desere.
758 reviews75 followers
January 21, 2013
I know that most you will agree being married to a real life Prince is something every woman wants, but have you ever stopped to think what it might be like if you find your Prince, marry and then discover all is not it seems?

In Marriage behind the Façade the author beautifully showed me the other side of the royal life of Prince Malik (don't you just love how foreign and exotic his name sounds) and Sydney. They meet have spectacular sex and on impulse they marry, only Sydney discovers that Malik reckons he made a mistake by marring her and she takes off back for home.

Almost a year goes by before Malik comes looking for her and he has a quite the deal breaker for her to get the divorce she wants. They need to return to his home land of Jahfar, live as man and wife for forty days and then and only then will they be able to apply to the King for a divorce.

I don't know about you ladies but for me I would not see the idea of being swept off to a foreign land for a couple of days with a Prince all that bad, except if like Sydney I cannot seem to keep my mind out of the gutters whenever in the vicinity of a sexy as sin Prince in all his glory!

Yet, Sydney agrees and once there Malik tries everything he can think of to bring her around and back into his bed. The question of course being will her heart survive this time around if she falls again.The characters of Malik and Sydney were simply stunning. Malik being the always in control of his emotions and Sydney always doubting herself and not ever being confident.

That combination of personalities made for some really stunning conflict and hotter than the desert sun reading. I loved how the author let each layer of Malik unfold giving me as reader the insight into the man's head I was searching for. I also truly adored the level of deep emotion the author packed into the character of Sydney showing me the side that the world does not see, yet is the real her.

The setting of the desert made the read that much hotter, and a really sexy sex scene in the desert scene not only packed the passion into this one but also let me see that the author was showing that the storms of the desert raging out of control was much like the characters emotions and the inner storms they are fighting, which I just totally loved!

The dialogue was funny and witty as Malik and Sydney bash it out, and also extremely passionate and emotional. This is not the first time I have read this author's work but I can with all honesty say that this time around she somehow, and believe me I did not think it possible, but she completely surprised me and made the book almost personal as if she was writing about herself. Either that or it is just proof that this author writes so well that she lets her reader connect with her characters on such a deep level of emotion that it will as it did me stun you into awe!

Excellent work Lynn, I truly cannot wait to see what you offer up next! Highly recommend read.

5/5 star review
" Their passion burns as hot as the desert sun"

Profile Image for Booklover.
645 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2012
It was an emotional intense read,the story progressed really well but Sydney irritated me,liked the way they try to talk out the issues and save the marriage,Sydney wants words as declaration of love but Malik has difficulties with expressing his feelings with words he believes in action rather then words,their main conflict is about this only,by the end Sydney realizes her mistakes and goes back to Malik and they have their HEA

Overall a good read
Recommend it
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,631 reviews552 followers
August 8, 2017
"Marriage behind the facade" is the story of Malik and Sydney.
Malik and Sydney marry in a whirlwind marriage, which soon ends as Sydney runs away hearing Malik's true intentions.
One year later, when she asks for divorce- he gives her a condition that she has to stay with him for 40 days.
Then it goes as anyone can predict.
Tbh I didn't enjoy this one at all.
Stubborn unfeeling hero, naive ignorant heroine, below average chemistry and sex.
Not for me
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews348 followers
September 20, 2017
Unlike many times, here I would have preferred not to have POV from the hero. It is sometimes much more fun to try to figure out what he is thinking from his words and reactions to the heroine. And frankly the rationale behind his thinking didn't hold up as well as I wished. He was a bit of an ass.
Profile Image for Maria.
Author 2 books32 followers
March 9, 2012
This is my first sheikh book. The sheikh, it seems, has been a sought after romantic hero since the days of Valentino, or maybe since Edith Maud Hull penned her vintage romantic novel, 'The Sheik'. I mean, what could be more irresistible than the prince of the desert, riding his camel, his white robes flowing in the desert breeze?

As a woman of western origin, married to a man from the east, I read this with particular interest, although my man is not from an Arabic community. What I thought I'd get was a piece of high flown romance. What I got, was a story of a relationship between two human beings. How they resolved their conflict and found their conclusion. She is the ugly duckling in a family of swans, who ran off with a prince on impulse and ended up running away. He is a man who easily straddles two cultures, eastern and western. The fact that he's an Arab prince and she's American is neither here nor there. But it makes for interesting reading. The Arab land is not a dusty, sandy place, it's air conditioned comfort. Until the pair find themselves in the desert in a sandstorm, that is. There's no muezzin referred to calling people to namaz. But the focus remains entirely on the protagonists. This is a piece of quality writing. You want fiction to make you feel good and give you the message of hope? You'll get it right here. And I have to add that Lynn Raye Harris is a very skilled writer. She is quite one of the best writers I have ever read. Her love scenes are beautifully written.

In a relationship, both parties have to change and adjust to each other and you will notice that in this couple. If you read only one romantic novel this year, read this one.
Profile Image for Nas Dean.
824 reviews39 followers
April 25, 2012
MARRIAGE BEHIND THE FAÇADE by Lynn Raye Harris is a Mills & Boon Modern release for February 2012.

Sheikh Malik of Jahfar married and whisked off Sydney Reed to Paris. But he didn't take her to his homeland Jahfar. After a few weeks Sydney walked away from Malik and her marriage. She was so in love with Malik, so why did she walk away?

Now Sydney needs Malik's signature on her divorce papers. But Malik has other ideas. He takes her to Jahfar and exposes her to his way of life. Stranded in the desert, Sydney falls for his charms again and succumbs to passion. Will Malik let her walk away now?

Warmly poignant with simmering sensuality MARRIAGE BEHIND THE FAÇADE is a lively contemporary romance with a lovely heroine you will love and want to cherish and a gorgeous Sheikh Hero you are sure to swoon over. Lynn Raye Harris brings to live this sparkling tale of unexpected encounters and red hot passion with a hint of danger in the desert!
Profile Image for Nancy Crocker.
230 reviews5 followers
June 16, 2013
Who ever said love was easy! Rated 4.5 stars.

This is the story of a married couple on the verge of Divorce. Sydney overheard a phone conversation between her husband Malik and his brother the King, and left her husband a week later when she told him she LOVED him and he said nothing back.

After waiting a year and Malik not contacting her she decides it is time to move on and files divorce papers. The same day he shows up and tells her she must live with him in Jahfar for 40 days before a divorce could be granted.

Parts were so well written I felt Sydney's pain trying to get her husband to tell her he loved her. The book even had me in tears. As much as it moved me emotionally it also frustrated me at times. She needed words, he couldn't say them. And there were a few times that things were repeated. I feel as if the repeated lines were removed. And they would have spent a little more time together in the story then I would have rated it 5 stars. Still a good book and worth the read.
3 reviews
April 15, 2020
The heroine Sidney is the one I have the softest spot for.
Her lack of self-esteem is not due to any actual flaw or failure but simply because she is the odd one out in her family; the introverted closet artist in the family of extroverted business people; and though they love her (and she knows it), they don’t ‘get’ her. That makes her insecure because her need to be completely and openly accepted overshadows her need to follow her heart.
Malik is actually exactly like her; a misfit in his family; but because of his naturally dominant nature & remote upbringing (no certainty of familial love) he doesn’t sit around trying to fit in, he just does what he wants. As Sidney could have if she was more assertive.
He doesn’t understand Sidney’s insecurities or her need for verbal reassurance as he would scorn to seek it himself. He doesn’t give or seek explanations and cannot understand that either matters so much to her. He is exasperated by her need to have things vocalised. For his part talking about emotions requires feeling them, thinking about them and he would rather not do that thanks very much. Also if he doesn’t actually acknowledge anything openly, he can’t be held to it later. But her insecurity is more because he doesn’t express his feelings – verbally or in action. Under the circumstances it would require an enormous ego to assume that he loved her; which my dear Sidney did not possess.
I felt the most for Sidney when he finally says the words she wants to hear, but in exasperation, as a result of her nagging and she realises that that is not enough. It took guts for her to walk away then rather than accept the crumbs from his table. But Malik is in my list of favourite heroes because he is faithful, in his own way he looks out for her during their separation and in the end he comes to her, to fulfil her terms even though he doesn’t understand the need, simply because he now realises it is very important to her, and she is very important to him.
Profile Image for Sara  HarlequinJunkie.
247 reviews279 followers
January 19, 2013
Marriage Behind the Façade by Lynn Raye Harris is an intensely passionate re-union story about a couple on the brink of divorce.

Sydney Reed and Sheikh Malik of Jahfar had a world wind romance leading to a hasty marriage. But no sooner were they married the doubts set in. When Sydney overhears Malik’s coversation with his brother regretting their hasty marriage it’s the final straw and she leaves him to return to California and her family.

Having not heard from Malik in a year, Sydney decides its time to move on with her life and files for divorce.

When Sydney left, Malik’s pride got in the way of following her home, but when he learns that Sydney plans to divorce him he decides its time to take action and comes up with an ingenious plan.

Malik shows up in California telling Sydney that she must live with him in Jahfar for 40 days per Jahfari customs before their divorce can be finalized.

Once Sydney is in Jahfar Malik introduces her to the Jahfari way of life, the time they spend in the desert begins to heal old wounds and rekindle new passions.
But Malik is a man of action…and Sydney is a woman of words and that right there is the crux of their relationship problem.

“Dramatic? I said I love you and that’s dramatic?” Her eyes stung with emotion. With pain. He wanted to marginalize her feelings for him and she hated it.
He jerked his trousers closed. “Do you want me to say I love you, Sydney?” His eyes flashed, his chest heaving as he stared at her. “Would that make you happy?”
He leaned forward and caught her chin, forced her to look at him. “I love you,” he said, though it came out as a growl. “Is that what you want to hear?��
She pushed his hand away and huddled near the door as the sand pelted the SUV. “No,” she said to the glass. “Because you don’t mean it.”
His laugh was hollow. “And you said the words were important.”

If they are to get their HEA both Malik and Sydney will have to change and accept each other for the person they are...

I really loved this story, it made realize that sometimes actions do speak louder that words…we place so much emphasis on words that we tend to overlook the finer things in life.

I loved the characters in this book, they were beautifully penned. Marriage Behind the Façade is a beautiful desert romance; passionate and emotionally charged. If you love a great re-union story this is a must read.

Profile Image for TashNz.
727 reviews21 followers
January 21, 2013
Review by TashNz

Lucky me, this supurb story was available in NZ in September and it was a must buy for me because I had enjoyed book one, Strangers in the Desert so much.

In order to secure a divorce from Prince Malik, Sydney agrees to return to Prince Malik's hometown, Jahfar and live as man and wife for 40 days and nights, as is custom in Jahfar in order to proceed to a divorce. Being back in close vicinity of Prince Malik slowly dissolves all the hard feelings Sydney has held tight to over the past year of absence. Not being one with words Prince Malik is too proud and stubborn to just say what he feels and instead tries to show Sydney but it's not enough for Sydney.

I recall being in awe of the imagery! Lynn Raye Harris reminded my why the Sheikh genre is number one on my top five list. The desert is so far removed from my world I love it because I can escape from my daily grind and Marriage Behind the Facade achieved that 100% for me. I love drama and conflict second-chance stories bring and I knew I was invested in the story when I was feeling Sydney's pain.

A fast-paced heart-accelerating highly recommended read.

Profile Image for MaryD.
1,732 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2019
Despite the fire burning between Sydney and her husband, Sydney never felt worthy of the marriage to the prince. That was reinforced when she overheard Malik telling his brother that the marriage was a mistake. Sydney left, vowing to get a divorce when he doesn't contact her. Instead, she is told she must spend 40 days with him in his country before she can have her divorce.

I did like that we were able to "hear" what Malik was thinking.
Profile Image for HÜLYA.
1,111 reviews44 followers
October 8, 2013
Bu hikaye beni çok şaşırttı.Şeyhli hikayeleri oldum olası pek sevmem fakat Lynn Raye Harris'in Sıcak Öpücük isimli kitabı değişik bir konusu vardı..Okurken erkek karakteri elimle sarsmak geldi şöyle iyice bir sarsmak geldi içimden..
İki tarafın da yanlış anlamaları özellikle erkek karakter Maliki'nin yetiştiriliş tarzı yüzünden krize giren bir evlilik..Kalbi adeta taşlaşmış bir erkek kocası tarafından sevilmediği duygusu ile evliliğini bitirmeye kararlı genç bir kadının hikayesi idi..
Profile Image for Xai Xai.
347 reviews26 followers
July 28, 2016
Omg! I'm not a huge fan on Sheikh themed Romance, but I'm making this an exception. This was emotional and heart jerking. Pride was the factor in causing this couple to misunderstand and assume the worst of each other. Almost every Harlequin there was the emphasis of expressing ILU but this book showed that it was passion and action declare feelings. sigh! This is a prince to whisk away! loved it! a definite recommend!
Profile Image for Jen - Reviews.
387 reviews28 followers
August 11, 2012
I read this book some months ago. Actually it was the very first romance novel I've ever read. I really loved the story - and especially the delicious sheikh! The only thing I feel let this book down was the grammar. Otherwise it was fabulous.
Profile Image for Jan.
78 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2013
Another great book by Lynn I love the way she weaves a story and how one connects to the characters. Love this book as her other one about his brother Strangers in the desert. Another great read.Love the passion, drama, danger, and such fun to read. well done Lynn :)
331 reviews15 followers
October 9, 2023
So the H had a sweet childhood fiancee who he despised because she worshipped him and made him feel trapped. So when marriage orders came after they came of age he flew off the trap and railed against her saying he hated her which resulted in her committing suicide. Now he uses that excuse to be an unfeeling b@stard playboy who loves and enjoys women's attention and sleeps around until he comes across the h who is "intriguing" to him because she doesn't fawn over him and bend backwards to get into his bed the first time. Then he marries her in a whim and later breaks her heart too. Then he is like "woe is me" "I killed an innocent girl woo-hoo" "I am bad I don't deserve love".

Well I don't know about you but I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for this u$ed c0ndom POS who got exactly what he wanted - he wanted out of the trap of marriage and he got exactly his wish by making the sweet little girl who had loved him her whole life to die. She was now out of the way and he becomes a well accomplished manwhore. He even goes on one time saying he has tried all sorts of vices and pleasures and he had gotten bored before the h came to his life. I don't know what he is feeling sad about. And what was the author trying to do creating him in such a spoiled character.

All I see is a spoiled brat who gets bored of things easily and revels on the chase. He didn't want a sweet worshipping wife he got that out of the way. He was bored of bold sexy women hitting on him so he got the h who was interested in him. Now he wants her out of the system so instead of divorcing her he manipulates her into his bed. He tells her the sob story of his fiance's suicide but in the next chapters reveals in his monologue that he always wanted to marry a traditional Jahfaran wife but AFTER he had enjoyed and had his fun and when he was done playing with women. You see a person who blames themselves for the death of another won't think this way. You can see he doesn't actually feel guilty or repentant for what his behaviour made another person take their own life. He was actually enjoying his freedom. And the sob story was just to manipulate the spineless h and to gaining her sympathy.

This man is absolutely irredeemable.

Even the H in the first book wasn't so miserable. He too didn't want a sweet biddable wife and treated her like furniture but instantly got instrested when she adopted western ways of operating. But he was atleast not so low to cause someone to die.

This guy deserved to be tried for abetment to suicide and that's what would have happened in real life you can't deny that. This author is nuts.
Profile Image for Ritsky.
325 reviews7 followers
July 22, 2017
I like it!

I like that the writer shows the POV of both main characters. I especially like how Malik is described in this novel. While he wasn't perfect, the narrative could convince me that he was a husband material, but not without his baggage. Hell, everyone has baggage, even Sydney. And it is explained quite well. I have to admit that at one point I got annoyed with Sydney, but not enough to make me hate her.

In general, a good HP!
Profile Image for RebeccaL.
156 reviews
May 28, 2012
This review contain spoilers listing with my view regarding some of the conflicts between the main couples so don't read if you do not want to know about them as it may spoil your enjoyment of the book.

It seems the theme of this book is "Words mean nothing. Actions do". Unfortunately I cannot see how the hero is doing the "correct action" to prove that he is showing his love to the heroine. I agreed it was bad if one spoke the words and did not mean them. However, I believed it is equally meaningless and hard to make a relationship to grow when you said one thing and the action seems to be contradicting what you said.

In this book, the heroine (Sydney) clearly heard the hero (Malik) talking to his brother on the phone that he made a mistake in marrying the heroine, yet it was explained later by the hero that the mistake meant he hasn't given heroine the chance to realise the kind of life this marriage entail. Then where is his action of showing the life she is going to have when they want to get marry? Sydney misunderstood that Malik is ashamed of her and hence has never introduced her to his family nor even bother to take her to his country. If he recognised his mistake of marrying without showing her what her life will be like while he was talking to his brother, did he do anything about it afterwards? For someone who value action more than words, that seem to me "talk" with no action. Why didn't he try to bring Sydney to show his life in his country afterwards? It is not as if Sydney left him straight away after she overheard the conversation. He still have time to correct his "mistake" by indicating at least he wanted to show Sydney his country and his way of life. But did he do anything? NO. Did he intend to do it? No idea as the heroine has left by then so all I can see is his words of regretting the "mistake" of marriage but no action of indicating he is going to correct his mistake.

He said Sydney was acting like a spoiled child and run away from problems. But what about him not going after Sydney or even tried to contact her after she ran. All he was thinking was his pride and refused to contact the heroine because no other woman has ever left him. This is from someone who viewed the heroine as a spoiled child by running away from her problems but didn't consider he is also equally spoiled as he sulked that no women has left him before and refused to do the correct "action" to contact Sydney to find out what's the problem.

When finally the lie of the necessity to stay together for 40 days in Malik's country in order to get a divorce comes out, Sydney misunderstood and questioned outright that if he lied to get his revenge. Although Malik denied her accusation, he could not bring himself to tell her the true reason why he lied. As the reader, you can see this lie was explained in Malik's mind that he did it because he NEED Sydney to stay. However, it definitely is a failure in both action and words if you are in the heroine's shoes where he not only failed in his communication of his need of her but also failed in his action of showing his need by willing to let her go at that point.

Having said all these, I still enjoy the book, enjoy the writing style and hence the 3.5 stars. When a book gave me enough to think more than it should (as I normally read it for enjoyment with no intention to analyse the relationship too much), even I don't like the actions nor the words of the hero, it certainly deserve 3 stars and above.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for iamGamz.
1,545 reviews46 followers
August 21, 2015
3 Love Meeee Stars

“You know me so well, don’t you, Sydney? Always positive that you have my motives pegged. My emotions.”

“You don’t have any emotions,” she flung at him. He stiffened as if she’d hit him, tension rolling from him in waves.”

In Marriage Behind the Façade, Prince Malik ibn Najib Al Dhakir’s impulsive marriage to Sydney Reed proves to be a mistake when a few months into the marriage, Sydney walks out. A year later, when he learns that his wife is attempting to file for a divorce, he reappears back into her life and convinces her that to get a divorce, she will need to travel to Jahfar and live with him as man and wife for 40 days.

Their story is all about communication, or the lack of it, and making the decision to overcome personal fears to keep the one you love.

Malik has never known true love or affection in his life. His childhood was barren of emotion and he learned as a small child to hide his feelings because they were considered weak. While Sydney’s childhood made her feel like the cuckoo in the nest with her perfect family. She never felt good enough for Malik and when she overheard him tell his brother that he should not have married her, she allowed those feelings of inadequacy to make her run from her marriage.

This couple frustrated the bejesus out of me. Just say what you need to say and get it out in the open. Beating around the bush isn’t working, so why continue doing it? Malik’s emotional distance would have frustrated a saint and I had to give Sydney credit for trying when he turns hot and cold so easily. Likewise, Sydney’s need for constant approval and acknowledgement would drive anyone up the wall. These were two people who seriously needed couples therapy!

This is the second book in Lynn Raye Harris’ The Al Dhakir Brothers series. While it does not live up to it’s predecessor Strangers in the Desert, it still makes for an entertaining read. Toward the end of this book a third brother, Taj, was introduced, yet there hasn’t been a story for him yet. Here’s hoping that his book is released sometime soon. He appears to be a lot more personable than his brothers.
Profile Image for Sincere.
72 reviews4 followers
March 27, 2013
Sydney has signed her divorce paper and sent it to het to-be-ex prince husband. And then he comes and tells her that she must spend time with him for 40 days due to Jarfar rule before she can divorce with him.
sydney decides that this should be done so she goes to Jakar with him.

I want more from thiiiisssss! .

I can't say that I love sydney. I have mixed feeling about her.

Sydney is very inconfident woman. She always has a feeling that she is the duck in all swans in her family.
She doesn't though she is good enough so when she is fear of losing her husband,very handsome prince of Jafar, Malik, she decides to run away.

Malik is very great ! . I'm really love him. He has problems with showing any emotion because he learn from very young age that no one cares.

This two made devastate couple running away and hold the pride.
but they change each other little by little and that's romantic ;)

this book is very enjoyable to read
Profile Image for Kay.
1,901 reviews119 followers
July 21, 2024
4½ Stars

I love a tortured hero romance. From childhood, Malik has learnt to keep his emotions deeply hidden and to avoid becoming too close to anyone. But Sydney sparks something inside him and in a whirlwind he marries her. Sydney had grown up in her sister's shadow and was always made to feel a disappointment to her parents. She couldn't fathom why Malik married her, so when she over hears a conversation where he expresses his regret for marrying her, she is devasted.
He’d feared losing her, so he’d married her. And she had feared losing him, so she ran away when she thought she might. What a pair they made.

Their reunion is fraught with anger, bitterness and some red-hot chemistry. Ms Harris doesn't disappoint in providing a very satisfying HEA.
Profile Image for Kim.
700 reviews9 followers
September 25, 2016
Sydney has been married and separated for a year from her Arab Prince husband. Wedded bliss is not in the cards when in Paris she overheard a telephone conversation with his brother saying the marriage was a mistake. She fled back to California and her safe life working at a job she hates as a realtor. She has signed divorce papers and sent them off to her husband today before her appointment to show a house. When she opens the door to meet the client there stands her husband, Malik, who tells her according to Jahfaran law they must live as man and wife in his native country for 40 days before they can divorce.
591 reviews
October 30, 2014
Words vs Actions?....d:)

How can a relationship work when one believes in "words of love" and the other believes that "actions speak louder than words"? The h had insecurities and needed words of love and reassurance. The H wasn't into feelings and flowery declarations, he believed in actions, rather than words. The story features the POV from both the H and h, and shows a nice progression on how they worked on themselves. Excellent book about two people who approached their relationship from opposite sides.....d:)
Profile Image for Debra.
3,368 reviews10 followers
October 17, 2021
Marriage Behind the Facade

This story crossed continents. The marriage between the main characters started in Paris. Two visitors who met there. But once she found out that the marriage was not about love but to stop his marriage of convenience she was hurt and left him. A year later they were brought together where she asked for a divorce. He wanted her to go to him homeland for forty days before he would grant it. Will they reconnect or not? What happens when people don't say what they mean? Or emotional empty that they dont see or feel? Can they learn in time?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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