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Michael never put much stock in clichés, but there’s one he probably should have listened to: You can never go home again.

His family assures him that plenty of young people take a few semesters off between high school and college, that a year of travel is practically a prerequisite nowadays. His father can pull a few strings, and he’ll be a freshman at ISU by September.

Michael has neglected to tell them that he’s not just driving around aimlessly, stopping only to have sex with his chain-smoking boyfriend—that, in fact, he’s hunting vampires.

After a disastrous family reunion, Michael unearths a vampire commune where he and Wild Bill can settle down. But Michael is the only human in residence, and the other vampires can’t stop themselves from sniffing around him.

In the words of Wild Bill, “This can’t be good.”

68 pages, ebook

First published December 19, 2008

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About the author

Jordan Castillo Price

137 books2,105 followers
Author and artist Jordan Castillo Price writes paranormal sci-fi thrillers colored by her time in the Midwest, from inner city Chicago, to various cities across southern Wisconsin. She’s settled in a 1910 Cape Cod near Lake Michigan with tons of character and a plethora of bizarre spiders. Any disembodied noises, she’s decided, will be blamed on the ice maker.

Jordan is best known as the author of the PsyCop series, an unfolding tale of paranormal mystery and suspense starring Victor Bayne, a gay medium who's plagued by ghostly visitations.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews
Profile Image for Shurrn.
560 reviews896 followers
May 21, 2015
Home is where the heart is...
Just, ya know, don't let your boyfriend drive a stake through it...
Listening to Wild Bill talk was like peeling an onion. Layer after layer of truth, wrapped in sarcasm, wrapped in truth, covered with a wry twist of his lips and a flippant delivery.
Michael goes home to check in with his family for the first time since he set out to avenge Scary Mary's death.

He's been on the road,
Killed some Vampires,
Hooked up with Wild Bill,
and became an Almost-Vampire...

Not that he can share much of that information with his judgy, assholish family. To them, he returns as the filthy goth gay kid with no future prospects...

Seriously, around the time Michael's sister came into the picture I was all:

The horrible homecoming underscored the tenderness that Michael and Bill have cultivated between them. They're still hot and heavy (and oh so dirty) when the situation calls for it, but there's so much love in the air now.

There's about a million reasons why a romance between a Vampire and a Vampire Hunter shouldn't work out... But Michael and Bill make it work for them. It becomes clear that Michael won't be returning to his old life, but staying on the road isn't the most healthy lifestyle for them either.

Michael finds a Vampire Commune, and instead of putting on his murder pants for once, he's hoping that he and Bill can find a safe place to settle. A family of their choosing...

An awful lot went down in this story and almost all of it was spoilery...
But guess what? Before the end of this book, we learn Wild Bill's real name!

Read all my Reviews in this Series:
01.0 - Payback - Read my Review Here.
02.0 - Vertigo - Read my Review Here.
03.0 - Manikin - Read my Review Here.
03.1 - Heaven Sent - Read my Review Here.
04.0 - Tainted - Read my Review Here.
05.0 - Rebirth - You're reading it!
06.0 - Brazen - Read my Review Here.
07.0 - Snare - Read my Review Here.
08.0 - Fluid - Read my Review Here.
09.0 - Swarm - Read my Review Here.
10.0 - Elixir - Read my Review Here.
10.1 - Jackpot - Read my Review Here.
10.2 - Canine - Read my Review Here.

Omnibus Reviews:
1-5 - Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary - Read my Review Here.
6-10 - A Bitter Taste of Sweet Oblivion - Read my Review Here.

Payback (Channeling Morpheus, #1) by Jordan Castillo Price Vertigo (Channeling Morpheus, #2) by Jordan Castillo Price Manikin (Channeling Morpheus, #3) by Jordan Castillo Price Heaven Sent (Channeling Morpheus, #3.1) by Jordan Castillo Price Tainted (Channeling Morpheus, #4) by Jordan Castillo Price
Rebirth (Channeling Morpheus, #5) by Jordan Castillo Price Brazen (Channeling Morpheus, #6) by Jordan Castillo Price Snare (Channeling Morpheus, #7) by Jordan Castillo Price Fluid (Channeling Morpheus, #8) by Jordan Castillo Price Swarm (Channeling Morpheus, #9) by Jordan Castillo Price
Elixir (Channeling Morpheus, #10) by Jordan Castillo Price Jackpot (Channeling Morpheus, #10.1) by Jordan Castillo Price Canine (Channeling Morpheus/Sweet Oblivion, #10.2) by Jordan Castillo Price Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary Ebook Box Set (MM Paranormal Horror Romance) by Jordan Castillo Price A Bitter Taste of Sweet Oblivion Ebook Box Set (MM Paranormal Horror Romance) (Channeling Morpheus) by Jordan Castillo Price

***I was provided with an audiobook copy of Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary (Channeling Morpheus, #1-5) from the author in exchange for an honest review.***
Be sure to check out my review of the box set for a more thorough examination of the series!
Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews322 followers
June 15, 2015

Sex on my sister's grave?

All these gifs are probably giving the uninitiated the impression that Bill's the "monster" in this relationship. Um, no, he may be a vampire, he may be a BAMF, but Micheal's the crazy little fucker you need look out for. I forget that occasionally and then he does something delightful like kill a bunch of people. But don't worry, they're all "bad vampires." Uh huh.
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,422 reviews167 followers
September 9, 2015
Written June 14, 2015

4 Stars - A great conclusion... Love the boys

Novella serial #5

 photo 5ad522d3-25eb-4338-8d6d-499205859793_zpshpve8ntz.jpg  photo 5ad522d3-25eb-4338-8d6d-499205859793_zpshpve8ntz.jpg  photo 5ad522d3-25eb-4338-8d6d-499205859793_zpshpve8ntz.jpg  photo 5ad522d3-25eb-4338-8d6d-499205859793_zpshpve8ntz.jpg

I've been listening to the 7:44 hrs audiobook box Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary including novella #1-#5:

Payback (Channeling Morpheus, #1) by Jordan Castillo Price Vertigo (Channeling Morpheus, #2) by Jordan Castillo Price Manikin (Channeling Morpheus, #3) by Jordan Castillo Price Tainted (Channeling Morpheus, #4) by Jordan Castillo Price Rebirth (Channeling Morpheus, #5) by Jordan Castillo Price = Channeling Morpheus for Scary Mary Ebook Box Set (MM Paranormal Horror Romance) by Jordan Castillo Price

Payback was a first short teaser to Michael and Wild Bill's future adventures. The second Vertigo was about their second meeting and still mostly an hilarious amusing PWP shortie. Two parts and I learned that this 21 years old Michael is a quite smart and clever youngster. The vampire Wild Bill is awesome cute too. The third part, Manikin led us up to a new (better) level. Finally!! — I got some explanations, more non f@**ing time and we have a couple of lovebirds. The fourth part Tainted was the most angsty and emotional so far. I was really nervous there for a while but thanksgod it kind of solved itself.

Then it was time for the last fifth novella part in my audiobook box. ~ And I must say this was a good one. More story, some suspense and they got to my heart. Really good. Looking forward to read novella #6-10 later on.


I keep repeating myself...over and over..
This narrater Gomez Pugh is simply AWESOME good. His voice is mesmerizing, he makes me care for these "boys". He has done this great eight memorable listening for me. I just hope he soon will make an audibook edition for A Bitter Taste of Sweet Oblivion as well.

There are all in all all 10 full serial novellas in this 'Channeling Morpheus/Sweet Oblivion' series. ~ See also my complete Channeling Morpheus for Scar Mary review for the first five parts.

I LIKE - sweet touching love stories...Oh!!

BR start 12th June for book 1-5 starting with #1 - Payback. (https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...)
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
June 14, 2017
It seems that the boys might be getting restless and angsty. How long will Michael and Bill continue with their self isolation??

An attempt at socialization doesn't quite work out the way they want. Forced into action, both of these guys have some surprising reveals to themselves and to each other, thankfully bringing them closer together.

I say that's definitely a good thing.
Profile Image for Marte - Thunderella.
782 reviews103 followers
June 10, 2014
This story starts with Michael and Wild Bill visiting Michael's parents. And family does what family does best, tells you things you don't want to hear. This holds true for Michael too, and especially his sister pisses him off when she tells him "You're definitely the girl" when she sees Wild Bill.

They takes off with Michael in a unusually pissy mood. Bill is behind the wheels since Michael doesn't trust himself not to 'accidentally' back into his mother's Volkswagen. LOL!

Pissy Michael was fun reading. I guess Wild Bill found it amusing to, but in the end he tells Michael "You wanna pout, or you wanna get your rocks off?". Subtle, as ever, Bill is. Oh, and this time they're on an outdoor picnic table... Who says the outdoor isn't fun?

After the less than successful family union, Michael wants to check out a vampire commune where maybe him and Wild Bill can settle down. Does Wild Bill want to go? "We got nothing but time, living La Vida Vampa." *hums Ricky Martin* (His lips are devil-red. Living La Vida Vampa. He will push and pull you down. Living La Vida Vampa.)

So they visit the commune and BOOM! All hell breaks loose and Wild Bill turns WILD, really angry while Michael gets all John Wayne. I was clutching my Kindle the whole time! *hyperventilating* They managed to (plot spoiler) .

And of course the sex was hot too!
"You dig that?" Bill asked, and I felt the words against my mouth where he'd just been plying me with kisses. "I always thought it was some vamp-voodoo that tickled your fancy while i cut you up. But I get a little bossy with you, and your cock throbs against mine so hard I can feel it."

The best read so far in this series in my opinion!

Marco's review here!

ps. sooooo sorry for the lack of gifs, maybe update later (tomorrow)
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,021 reviews233 followers
October 3, 2015
I felt unsatisfied with a lot in this book but loved a lot. I've come to accept that I will never be satisfied with these books because these are two very inaccessibly people totally out of touch with their feelings; neither of them are able to appropriately express themselves about anything. Each time I finish one I find myself say, "Men!" and then I realize these were written by a woman and then I don't know whether to be impressed she captured dysfunctional men so well or to be ashamed that I think that being out-of-touch-with-feelings is gender-specific.

BTW, I HATE the default cover. I think it's ugly and unfair for such an amazingly gorgeous cover model to be portrayed that way. This cover, where we see him in profile, is my favorite cover of the series. I probably am not alone since they changed it for this newer edition. That man makes me drool. Yes, I can admit that part of my attraction to this kind of book is hunky boys especially if wearing guy-liner, although I feel faintly ill that I'm twice his age.
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,268 reviews256 followers
June 20, 2015
Rating for the whole series.

This is one hell of a creepy, lonely, unfriendly world and seeing Wild Bill and Michael navigate their way through it is seriously worrying. No wonder Wild Bill had to go touch his roots.

Overall thoughts on the series here

Channeling Morpheus 1-5 BR thread 12th June 2015
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,636 followers
November 19, 2013
More plot in this one, as Michael finds out you can't really go home, when you've changed to outgrow it. There's some nice mix of emotions, as he meets up with his Mom and sister after being gone and out of touch. I thought the awkwardness, and the yearning for something lost, was well done. And then the guys' search for some kind of vampire-aware companionship takes an unexpected turn. I liked the twists of the story, but I think I feel the emotions more clearly when we're in Bill's POV.
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,604 reviews259 followers
April 26, 2015
*** 3.5 Star ***

There's kinky... and then there's having sex on your sister's grave. I mean... Shit.

Beyond that, it was interesting to see how Wild Bill and Michael continue to navigate Bill's abhorrence for violence and Michael's need to hunt 'bad' vampires, and how the couple are still striving for some semblance of normalcy, of belonging, of family - it's slightly heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Pixie.
1,227 reviews17 followers
April 27, 2015
So this one pissed me off and here is why. The blurb makes up only about 25% of the book, the bulk of the story is really about the vampire family the boys attempt to settle down with.

I’m taking a break from these because it’s more of the same. Bill & Michael barely talk & use sex as their main form of communication. What was once hot is becoming routine.

Also man, I cannot stress this enough filth is not sexy. So the book starts out with Michael’s sister asking him if he’s homeless and telling him he smells like a homeless person, saying he reeks. Now I thought vampires have a strong sense of smell, so then what Bill just likes wallowing in Michael’s filth? No, just no.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Claudie ☾.
547 reviews169 followers
October 8, 2020
Poor boys, looking for their place in the world… But do they really need other people when they have each other?

The meeting with Michael’s family went as well as could be expected! 🙈 No wonder he'd left home.

Love where the plot is going! Will Mikey change after all?
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,231 reviews41 followers
April 2, 2015
Another great story in the Channeling Morpheus series!! I just love Michael and Bill together.

This one was the creepiest so far for me, seeing Bill “vamp-out“


and also getting to see the other side of Michael. Michael is kick-ass in this story. Here we see the two sides of Michael real well. One side that’s capable of just shooting without hesitation and the other side, the pre-med wannabe.

Michael’s realisation at the end:

“I decided that while I was more than just a walking hormone cocktail, my new physiology insisted that blood was indeed very, very good……”

Book 6 here I come!!
Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews528 followers
August 30, 2011
This one was another great story in the Channeling Morpheus series. Since the series is classified as erotic horror, I guess it more than fulfilled its premise. I’m loving the sex and I’m very much invested in the characters.
But especially with this story I would have liked to see more. More of Michael’s family, more of his and Wild Bill’s life together, more of why they thought a four vamp/person commune in the middle of nowhere would be a positive change to their lives (because I wasn’t seeing that logic), more of their thoughts on their future...
Maybe I want too much from an erotica novelette. But that’s a good thing, right? Hence the 4 stars.
Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews218 followers
May 9, 2012
Omg! I'm so obsessed with Wild Bill and Michael!! I can't even take a break from this series and I will be finished before I know it!

I just love these two together. They are so sexy and their love for each other is so intense! This one was the creepiest so far for me; seeing Wild Bill vamp-out and also getting to see the other side of Michael.

Both of their pasts make me sad so I hope they continue to find what they need in each other.
Profile Image for Jordan Price.
Author 137 books2,105 followers
Shelved as 'wrote'
August 11, 2012
About this Story
Yowsa, Michael is so kick-ass in this story. I seem to remember that as I was writing this installment, it was really hard to switch out of his headspace and work on the other story I was writing at the time, which was Zero Hour, with innocent and thoughtful Ernest as its protagonist. Here’s the thing with Michael: he doesn’t think he’s a murderer, let alone a serial killer. He thinks he’s a perfectly rational person who has dug down deep and come up with the fortitude it takes to do what needs to be done.

And then there is all the beautiful contrast around him. Michael, the crack-shot who can shoot someone without hesitation. (He’s from Indiana…of course he knows how to shoot!) Michael, the pre-med wannabe who’s done all the gross lab tech jobs, and can sever a spinal cord without thinking, “This is a person!”

Michael, the 21-year-old who’s mortified by his younger sister’s question about who is “the girl” in his relationship.

It’s probably sick of me, but I love it when Cindy’s begging him for mercy and he shoots her in the throat, because there’s something chilling and dark in him there, something calculating and ruthless, that’s so fun to explore.

I also love Wild Bill’s role in this story, and about how his relationship with his family compares and contrasts to Michael’s relationship with his family. Bill’s age and perspective are brought into play here. He gets to witness the melodramatic family meltdown, knowing that his own family, who he never made peace with, is long gone. Even so, he doesn’t get overly-mature or maudlin about the whole thing. He still camouflages his wisdom among innumerable wisecracks and sarcastic stories.

There are also delicious shades of things to come farther along in the series…and I won’t be too specific, since some of you are reading this for the first time. But Michael’s depression and Wild Bill’s reaction to it, which began in Payback, begin to really develop here. And you’ll see later that Wild Bill isn’t being nice to Michael ’cos he’s a caring partner and a good guy. (Because, really, he isn’t. He’s getting off on the melodrama.) Wild Bill and Michael form a sort of feedback loop, where Michael’s depression feeds Bill’s lust, and then Bill’s remorse lets the flames burn down a bit, until their need for connection draws them into a new conflagration, and everything begins again.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emanuela ~plastic duck~.
805 reviews120 followers
November 1, 2010
When it's Michael's turn to tell the story, it seems that there is a lot more of action.

The story begins with Michael's family reunion and ends in the cemetery where Wild Bill's family is buried. In between the two looks for a place to settle down.

While in the previous books Wild Bill seemed to downplay his vampire nature, danger brings it out full-fledged. It should spook or repulse Michael, given his initial experience with vampires, but Michael accepts it fully, maybe because it has become part of his same nature.

The relationship between the two gets stronger, even if they are not always clear in their intentions, in the direction they want to go, but they always find a way to make it work (usually with sex). As in the other books, there are moments when the characters seem to strip themselves bare (not only literally), and they are true gems, wonderfully written.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angela.
324 reviews63 followers
March 31, 2015
I really enjoyed this fifth instalment. A little bit freaky for me with the other vampires, but still very enjoyable.
Profile Image for La*La.
1,912 reviews43 followers
July 9, 2015
3.5 stars.

Michael is so prickly! I felt bad for his family..and for Bill) Poor Bill, he's just wrapped around the finger of that little crazy fucker))
Profile Image for Donna.
3,069 reviews40 followers
May 22, 2018
My question...

Could there be a Wild Bill without a Michael?
Could there be a Michael without a Wild Bill?

I think NOT! These two require the other to just BE! Without the mutual support, both of them would slowly fade away... or get taken out in a blaze of glory! It scares me to think how JCP would write that one... just sayin'! *grin*

This series confounds me most of the time, but I do know that the line between good and bad can be VERY thin... VERY, VERY THIN!!!
Profile Image for Cole Riann.
1,078 reviews254 followers
August 3, 2016
Review posted at Brief Encounters Reviews. In conjunction with BER's week of Channeling Morpheus reviews, here is Part One and Part Two of our interview with Jordan Castillo Price.

Note: This was my second read of the series, the first of the 2nd edition.

Finally, number five, Rebirth, my favorite story of all the first half of the series :) On to more of why that is in a bit, but first, let me set up where we are in the story.

Starting smack in the middle of the most uncomfortable of situations, Michael at his home for the first time in a couple years with Bill. Not only is there the awkward fact that Michael feels guilty for skipping out on his family and leaving them with no knowledge of where he was or if we was even alive, there is the immediate fact, felt in the constant tension hanging in the air, that Michael doesn’t belong in this family. It’s an incredibly real situation, not romanticized or sugar-coated in any way, but gritty and unbearably awkward. Still, the quick and impulsive decision to stop home has Michael wishing to tie him and Bill to some sort of community or family, and they find that when Michael is finally accepted into a discreet online forum, and they find a commune of sorts that just might work.

The encounter with Michael’s family sets up the rest of this story, which I always like to think of as “which one of these things is not like the other?” It’s honest and real that Michael doesn’t fit in with his own family. Later, when the two of them approach the vampire commune there’s something so right about it that it seems wrong. It’s almost too perfect, or maybe just a dirty veneer of the perfection that Michael is hoping for. Every time, even knowing the ending already (which I will not get into, because that is something that should definitely be a surprise), I feel like something is just a little bit off-kilter with the story, the people, the whole situation which almost seems scripted. Yet, I get lulled into the story just like they are and I start to care about the people. If you’ve read this story then you know what I mean — how much of an affect that has in retrospect. That is the very reason why this is my favorite story of the bunch. Not only is it the most explosive story that constantly leaves me reeling, but Michael and Bill are so settled into the routine of their relationship by this point, even though they’re making it up as they go along, still drifting, but they’re a real team, and I love that.

There really isn’t a whole lot more to add, other than that this story has stuck with me for a long time, a lot more than the others did and it remains true today. Just like with the other stories, there is a lot of skill and craft in the writing in Rebirth — the interpersonal relationships, how we feel about characters, what is shown and what is concealed and how the difference is sometimes very carefully written. It is a mark of an author who has hit her stride in the series and also of a story that has been finely honed.

This is probably the most informal review I’ve ever written, so I’ll just keep running with it. I suppose that’s because this story always leaves a lasting impression and ends up tying in so nicely with the ones that came before it. I wish that more stories were this carefully crafted. I wish that I could wipe my brain and read it again for the first time :) If there were ever a story in this series that I was going to give the highest rating (not like I already did or anything!) it would be this one. So, before I blather on even more, I’ll end by saying that I think I’ll go read this again. A+
Profile Image for Elisa Rolle.
Author 62 books235 followers
May 18, 2009
Michael and Wild Bill are still together and still in love, but maybe the wandering life is starting to wear down Michael, and maybe, even if he would never admit it, also Wild Bill. And so this fifth chapter begins with Michael coming back home like the prodigal son: but what family, even if a loving one, would be happy to see their son throws away all the chance of a good and steady future? the gay news could be overcome, but the fact that Michael doesn't want to go to college is all another question.

And so Michael and Wild Bill are again on the street and since the chance with their natural family didn't go well, why not try with a vampire community? mmm, things are not easy, and maybe out two heroes are not fated to be a normal couple with a normal house and a front garden, and maybe a puppy... even if, truth be told, I can see Michael as a college student coming back home everyday to Wild Bill, and then the two falling in a routine with the sunday lunch with Michael's family... and maybe also the author is seeing beyond Michael's gruff exterior, since one of the most sweet and sexy scene of all the book is when Wild Bill tenderly washes out all the make-up from Michael's face, to see, for the first time, the real man under it... and it's not a real man, it's barely a boy, with all the dreams of a boy.

Little by little, Michael and Wild Bill are learning to build a world for their own, a world where a vampire and an hunter can fall in love and having an happily ever after... maybe...

Profile Image for ttg.
448 reviews160 followers
August 8, 2012
A very tense and tightly told conclusion to the first five parts of the Chasing Morpheus series (which starts with Payback.) In this episode, Michael and Wild Bill check out a vampire commune and see if it might be a safe place to stay long term.

This installment had quite the punch, and I was on the edge of my seat reading it. (Or...edge of my e-reader...) By the end, Wild Bill has revealed a new side of himself to Michael, and Michael is figuring out more of what he learned in part 4, Tainted.

Things wrap up well here (i.e. no cliffhanger) but are not wrapped up, since Michael and Wild Bill’s story continues for five more installments. You do see a neat evolution in these first five parts, from first meetings to chasing after each other to forming a more established relationship, and dealing with everything that it entails, especially when one partner is a vampire.

This is probably my favorite of the series so far--an incredibly tense (and scary) installment. Next up is part 6, Brazen.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,000 reviews119 followers
August 30, 2014
If only Michael had bothered to ask me, I could've told him that you can never go home again. Not really. In 'Rebirth', book five of Jordan Castillo Price's stunning series, 'Channeling Morpheus', Michael and Wild Bill are just starting to come to grips with their love for each other, and Michael's immunity to becoming a full vampire. He may never become a full vampire, but through his fluid exchanges with Wild Bill, Michael has developed, to a lesser degree, a number of vampire advantages and disadvantages.

It's been two and a half years since Michael left home, and going back wasn't a good idea. I thought the author did a really good job showing that Michael has outgrown home, his parents, and his sister. A brief visit and then Michael and Wild Bill are on the road again. A website which caters to postings by vamps and non-vamps accepts Michael as a member, and he posts whether anyone knows of a safe vamp community for them. If he only knew what they were getting themselves into.

It's really irresistible to me the characters this author creates. There is so much more to Michael than I believed after book one. He might be young, and he's definitely a glass-half-full guy, but he's not completely innocent to the ways of the world, regardless of what Wild Bill thinks. And Wild Bill isn't as jaded as he'd like the world to think. Each successive story has me more intrigued and more fascinated with these characters. Thank you, Jordan!
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews533 followers
March 12, 2014
4.5 Stars

Sometimes, we the reader get so caught up in the glam of the Vamps like Wild Bill here, Bones, Lestat, Edward Cullinan *erase, erase* that we forget that they are for the most part FUCKING SCARY MONSTERS!
Well, JCP hampers that home in this edition with the most terrifying display of vampire immorality that I have ever read. Okay, I've probably read worse but not with the impact that this has. This reads like a horror story and I was seriously scared for a while there. Phew. I've now come to realise that this series is as scary as it is sexy, and that's saying a lot! But there is more, for the first time I noticed a real psychological aspect comes into play for both Michael and Wild Bill here ...

Wild Bill and Michael both broke my heart just a little with this one. Michael is lonely and longing for somewhere for them to call home just for a little while. Bill is forced to expose his darker side to Michael and we realise just how far these guys will go for each other. Michael worries me though, his state of mind and the changes he is going through (not unnoticed by Bill) is going to have greater consequences for both of them.

Overall, this was awesome. Unputdownable.
Profile Image for Trix.
1,324 reviews114 followers
March 6, 2012
Volume 5 brought quite a series of unexpected events. However, the somewhat tragic vibe overall, made it difficult to rate this higher than 3 stars.

The story gradually progressed to a more somber atmosphere, which doesn't inspire me to believe they might get their HEA. Will check if the story continues.
Profile Image for Georgie-who-is-Sarah-Drew.
1,247 reviews139 followers
June 2, 2017
I discovered JCP's PsyCop series and devoured them - interesting characters, decent world-building, sweet relationship and the plots were just this side of too-loopy. Why isn't Channeling Morpheus as good?

What's not to like about a vicious-vampire killer, and his vampire boyfriend? Other than the fact that there's no sense of place or depth of character, that is. And the yo-yoing between gruesome killings and page after page of sex. Michael and Bill don't talk about anything of significance, they've no perceptible moral sense - yeah, OK, killing vicious-vampires is, on the whole, preferable to having them around. But still. The pair flounce round one random location after another "vamping" their way into food / fuel etc (i.e. hypnotising cashiers into allowing them to steal things). The novellas are pretty short, and I tried 5 of them in memory of PsyCop. But the relationship isn't developing, there's no overarching plot: just what is there to make me read on? Um...well...nothing really.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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