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This Wretched Valley

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Four ambitious climbers hike into the Kentucky wilderness. Seven months later, three mangled bodies are discovered. Were their deaths simple accidents or the result of something more sinister?

This nail-biting, bone-chilling survival horror novel is inspired by the infamous Dyatlov Pass incident, and is perfect for fans of Alma Katsu and Showtime's Yellowjackets.

This is going to be Dylan's big break. Her friend Clay, a geology student, has discovered an untouched cliff face in the Kentucky wilderness, and she is going to be the first person to climb it. Together with Clay, his research assistant Sylvia, and Dylan's boyfriend Luke, she is going to document her achievement on Instagram and finally cement her place as the next rising star in rock climbing. 

Seven months later, three bodies are discovered in the trees just off the highway. All are in various states of decay: one body a stark, white skeleton; the second emptied of its organs; and the third a mutilated corpse with the tongue, eyes, ears, and fingers removed.

But Dylan is still missing. Followers of her Instagram account report seeing disturbing livestreams, and some even claim to have caught glimpses of her vanishing into the thick woods, but no trace of her—dead or alive—has been discovered. 

Were the climbers murdered? Did they succumb to cannibalism? Or are their impossible bodies the work of an even more sinister force? Is Dylan still alive, and does she hold the answers? 

This page-turning debut will have you racing towards the inevitable conclusion.

304 pages, Paperback

First published January 16, 2024

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About the author

Jenny Kiefer

2 books288 followers
Jenny Kiefer is a horror writer living in Louisville, Kentucky. She is the owner of the horror bookstore Butcher Cabin Books.

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5 stars
746 (11%)
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1,078 (16%)
1 star
253 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,547 reviews
Profile Image for Kati.
161 reviews
January 21, 2024
This book started great. The first chapter, where we read about the discovery of the bodies, really sucked me in. But boy, I feel bamboozled some 300 pages later. The plot was goofy and inconsistent, and the story wasn't scary (I'm not one of those hardcore horror fans who never scares - I scare very easily). The writing wasn't bad except for a handful of sentences throughout the book (the worst being the phrase "dead-and-breakfast" used to describe some corpses). But it didn’t feel cohesive, almost like different authors wrote different passages. I didn't like the characters, but I think that might've been the point.

The more succinct way to describe it is that it reminded me of a B-grade late 90s / early 00s horror movie. Watching it would've been fun, but reading it was a chore. This marks the third horror story in a row that I've read and felt disappointed in. Maybe I'm the problem? Other readers have given it good reviews, so I'm glad it found some fans out there. It's just not for me.
Profile Image for Brandon Baker.
Author 3 books7,684 followers
January 20, 2024
This Wretched Valley follows four friends (and a dog) as they trek into the Kentucky wilderness to explore a previously undiscovered climbing rock, and when they get stranded there, some weird things start to happen.

The story switches between all their POVs, and back and forth in time, as they uncover the secrets hiding in that wretched valley, and struggle to survive.

Overall, I really had fun with this one! It's a slow start, and the switching of POVs mid-chapters took a minute to get used to, but I ended up really enjoying it.

I still stick with the comparison that this is like a mashup between The Blair Witch, The Descent, and The Ruins, but with a little dash of Midsommar and The Southern Reach Trilogy. It's fun, gory (the gore scenes were esp effective imo), weird, surprised me a few times, was trippy, and easy to read.

Oh and also, this is based on the Dyatlov Pass Incident, which I was unfamiliar with, but that might be good to know if it's a special interest of yours!!
Profile Image for Sadie Hartmann.
Author 24 books6,429 followers
January 12, 2024
-Wilderness/Survival Horror
-Supernatural elements
-Multiple timelines/POVs
-Short chapters
-Fast pace
-Horror scenes & gore are LEGIT scary
-Comps: The Endless (2017), Event Horizon (1997) & The Ruins by Scott Smith
Of course, my full book review will unpack the comps and why I chose them, plus detailed notes on my reading experience and as always, spoiler-free. I’ll post it to Goodreads soon. Great book!
Profile Image for Carl Bluesy.
194 reviews46 followers
September 25, 2024
There is something grate about horror stories about people going off into woods that I love!

This was a lot of going though the standard beats in this stories, so if your not into being lost in a supernatural forest, this stories is not for for you. But if that is your type of story, then you won’t find to much that new to you. That’s not necessary a bad thing, because it means there going to be a lot of the thing that made you love this type of story I the first place.

Most importantly, like all stories, it’s the people that make or brake it, and I really like the cast here. They were relatable and fun to fallow around as thing got worse and worse for them. Plus there was lot of small burst of stories from other people in difrent times and there experiences in the supernatural forest.
Profile Image for Lauren.
72 reviews15 followers
April 1, 2024
DNF @ 70%

This book is trying to do "evil sentient forest" and "bloodthirsty ghosts" at the same time and it just really did not work for me. (Also...the ghosts need weapons to kill?? THEY'RE GHOSTS! WHY DO THEY NEED WEAPONS?? And if the forest wants people to stay away why does it allow some people to get lost inside it? ...yes, I need the spooky forest to have some sense of logic. Shut up.)

The action felt very repetitive (characters thinking they see something weird, then convincing themselves they didn't actually see anything. The group arguing over how to handle the situation, trying to leave the forest but just walking in circles..then something explicitly spooky happens) and the characters are very one-dimensional:

Dylan is a rock climber.
Luke really loves his dog.
Clay's PhD thesis is riding on this trip.
Sylvia is the smart, logical one. (Who *should* have been the final girl....)

That's it. That's literally all the personality they have.

Finally, I just didn't care for the writing style.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mikala.
567 reviews181 followers
May 16, 2024
For a horror novel, more than any other genre, I think the setting is paramount to the tale. If done right, the setting can become its own distinct omniscient character in the story. For me personally, my very favorite horror stories are those where the setting not only becomes another character in the story, but the actual antagonist itself (i.e. The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson). "This Wretched Valley" takes this to a whole new level that I had yet to see explored yet!

I love horror set in nature or involving camping, hiking, the woods!!! It sets such an instantly scary tone. I have seen a thousand horror movies that start just like this and honestly this kind of "adventure into the woods gone wrong" story never gets old to me.

This was an engrossing, intensely creepy story!!!! Strong start, very ominous!
Some of the descriptions are really good...."Their tents sitting like blisters in the valley below"...also comparing the sun hitting the rock face as showing its acne and pockmarks. Very clear imagery 👌

OKAY also the whole "Donner party" spin here was genuinely scary! Those descriptions were wicked!

I have definitely never read anything quite like this book before. I can see myself rereading it in the future and I think upon a reread my rating could go up to a 5.
I also would love to see this book get nominated for the 2024 GR choice award for horror because, as far as horror stories go, this had it all!
Profile Image for Devi.
194 reviews35 followers
February 17, 2024
3.75⭐ That first chapter was so good. It reminded me of The Dyatlov Pass incident, which still remains a terrifying mystery. That set the tone of the story, but sadly it lost its momentum.
Profile Image for Andrew Shaffer.
Author 44 books1,484 followers
July 8, 2023
In the tradition of THE DESCENT and THE RUINS comes THIS WRETCHED VALLEY, a horror novel set in uncharted woods south of Kentucky's famed climbing and hiking paradise, Red River Gorge.

The graphic descriptions of both the woods and what they find there will haunt readers. Or gross them out. And Kiefer doesn't ease into it: The first few pages in particular are straight-up gore-core. Don't make the mistake I made and read this right before bed. And definitely don't take it with you on vacation to a cabin in the woods. Read it on the beach, in the bright sunlight!

The four friends whose POVs we cycle through make poor choice after poor choice. Whether it's not packing an extra gear in case something fails (rope, hello?!?) or not carrying flashlights on some of their jaunts, they're constantly putting themselves in jeopardy. Some of this can be chalked up to the valley messing with their heads; some of it is just college kids being dumb. I can't say I was sad to see any of them go! (Not a spoiler, as their fates are foretold in the first chapter.) If you're looking for an entirely likable character to root for...there's the dog, Slade.
Profile Image for Beverly.
913 reviews375 followers
March 8, 2024
This Wretched Valley had a little too much gore for my taste, but it is an interesting debut in the horror genre and the author owns a bookstore devoted to horror in my town of Louisville, Kentucky, so kudos for her. In this age of innocuous names and bland cover art, she also makes a bold statement with her book's title and the depiction of the rock face as a skull is magnificent.
Profile Image for John Amory.
Author 17 books63 followers
January 2, 2024
Good writing in search of a better story. For the vast majority of this book, it's just people walking in circles and wondering what's going on and why they can't get cell service. I also kinda felt like I was trapped in an endless forest reading it.

Then it got good and gross toward the end, even if I still have no idea what actually happened or what the point was.
Profile Image for Kelli Wilson.
558 reviews155 followers
May 21, 2024
I like horror with some scary fascination. With a chance to see someone "win". A chance at a fight.

They tell you what happens in the very beginning.
They all die.
They tell you in the first three pages, the details of the bodies or what's left of them.

Then you read the entire book. Ending up exactly like they told you. The only difference, is now you also have all the very detailed vomit-inducing specifics of everything that happens to each of them, err each body, alive and after! I'm all for horror and gore. Unfortunately, this was just gore.
Profile Image for Johann (jobis89).
726 reviews4,461 followers
February 1, 2024
I really loved this book - it’s like if The Ruins met The Descent, also inspired by the Dyatlov Pass incident! This Wretched Valley follows four friends who trek into the Kentucky wilderness to explore a newly discovered climbing rock. The gore was top notch and it was so trippy and messed up! A brilliant survival horror novel that really did leave me quite unsettled at points. 4 stars.
Profile Image for Katrina.
619 reviews178 followers
January 16, 2024
I enjoyed this one! It has a great intro and it hooked me! I just found the characters so annoying and really dumb! Like they're professional climbers but they mess up immediately and they don't even know basic first aid?😂 it took me out of the story. I did like some of the gory scenes but it did start to feel repetitive . If you like survival horror definitely check this one out!

Thanks for the arc, Netgalley!
Profile Image for Debra.
2,829 reviews35.9k followers
February 26, 2024
First off, that cover!!!! How fantastic is that? I love it! This Wretched Valley was inspired by the Dyatlov Pass incident. If you are interested in learning more about the Dyatlov Pass, I recommend reading Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. In this survival horror book, Clay, a geology student, has invited Sylvia, his research assistant, Dylan, a social media star rock climber, and Luke, Dylan's boyfriend to join him in climbing and exploring an untouched cliff face he has discovered in the Kentucky wilderness. Seven months later, three bodies were discovered. Dylan's body is missing. Is she still alive? Where is she? What happened in that Wretched Valley?

What indeed! Many reviewers have mentioned this, and I agree, this book would make a great movie. It's a book about an area that the locals do not have good feelings about. I wonder why!?! What happened to the curious experienced climbers? It feels as if the synopsis of the book gives everything away, but there is more going on in this book.

This book had a creepy uneasy vibe. I enjoyed the POV's of the characters and the feel of the book. While it didn't knock my socks off, I did find it to be enjoyable. I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the narration.

Entertaining, creepy and a good listen. Would make a great movie.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,880 reviews6,110 followers
June 18, 2024
This was an interesting read that I'm not quite sure how to rate or review. I'm going to have to think on this one a bit! I can't tell how much of it was the book's fault and how much of it was my slump's fault that I couldn't ever quite connect to the characters, but I loved the setting and absolutely adored the ending. More thoughts to come soon!
Profile Image for Steve Stred.
Author 84 books644 followers
November 27, 2023
Huge thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC!

Deja vu for those who read my reviews, but by now, you’ve probably deduced that I like reading books set in the wilderness and involving craziness. It could simply be they are lost and they need to survive or the forest itself can be possessed or an ancient entity wanting to remain untouched – either way, I’m game.

Add in the third spine-tingle maker for me – Dyatlov Pass – and I’m practically vibrating in anticipation. If you’ve not heard of Dyatlov Pass by now – I’ll pause while you go Google it and then we’ll wait here until you dig yourself out of the rabbit hole…………………………………… (eight hours later) AH! You’re back. See, not much going on in that crazy world with Dyatlov eh?

So, it should’ve been a no brainer heading into ‘This Wretched Valley’ that this book would’ve been tailor made for me, but alas, not all books hit home runs and for me, this one was an easy ground out to first base.

What I liked: The novel is centered around two main individuals – Clay and Dylan. Clay is doing a research project using LIDAR and attempting to find an unmapped rock face in order to graduate. Dylan is a recently signed professional climber, and as she’s been friends with Clay for some time, when Clay finds his potential A-grade rock face, he invites her along so that she can make the first climb and film some online content. They head there with two others (Dylan’s significant other Luke (and their dog, Slade) and Clay’s research assistant, Sylvia.

The only problem? The place Clay’s found is in an area the locals know to avoid.

As they hike in, we get the growing tension of GPS issues, each of the people thinking they’ve been walking in circles and Slade, the dog, going bananas time and time again. The dog doesn’t want to be there, but the group pushes its outbursts away, suggesting the dog has just seen a squirrel or a deer.

Once they do finally arrive at the cliff face, nothing goes right. Kiefer does a solid job of making the area feel uneasy and a suggestion that not all is right with the place, nor with the group. Arguments break out, time seems to move differently and each of the people find that they seem like things are repeating themselves, even when there’s video evidence to suggest otherwise.

It all comes to a head when an injury happens and they need to get the injured person to a hospital. This kicks of a series of events that ultimately culminates with the forest reclaiming those who’ve trespassed and the circular nature of well… um, nature kicks off again.

What I didn’t like: I reaaalllly wanted to like this one. Going in, I was hoping to get something along the lines of Nevill’s ‘The Ritual’ meets Lyons ‘The Night Will Find Us.’ Instead, I found everything to be telegraphed and falling into the world of ‘predictable,’ unfortunately. I personally didn’t care enough about any of the characters to want to root for any of them and when I didn’t have any emotional attachment, when anything happened, it had no effect on me.

Things got off on the wrong foot near the beginning, at least for me, when they stop for food and the waitress wasted no time in telling them that people go there and don’t come back and soon after, they end up driving in circles. Couple that with the way the dog was behaving – finding what appears to be a human femur – and the group brushing it all aside, it made it hard for me to ground myself in reality in order to then detach myself from reality, if that makes sense? I needed something to say, ‘Hey, these individuals are pragmatic and rational, so the irrational stuff happening is that much worse because of it.’ But we didn’t get that at all.

Why you should buy this: As with all books, if it sounds like something you’d dig, give it a shot! I LOVE 99% of all books I read and I go into every book expecting to have my socks knocked off, so when one is a misfire, it’s more of a rarity for me. This one just didn’t connect any dots with my reading brain and instead of DNFing, I stuck it out to the end, hoping that the ship would be righted and I’d really fall into it. Unfortunately, that never took place.

So, for you, if you are looking for a book set in a creepy place and things just don’t go right, this might very well be right up your alley.

For me, it just didn’t do what I had hoped it was going to.
Profile Image for jay.
917 reviews5,297 followers
August 16, 2024
i think the problem with horror books is that they are legally required to be at least a bit boring
Profile Image for thevampireslibrary.
437 reviews209 followers
December 7, 2023
This is a debut? 😱 this was incredible, inspired by Dyatlov Pass this was a unique take on survival horror, graphic and gross this is not for the faint hearted, it is not often a book will make me jumpy but this had me ON EDGE, I really enjoy survival horror/unchartered territory, in the same vein as The Ruins, The Ritual, The Road this plays on the universal fear of the unknown but with a fresh perspective, the prose is haunting and goosebump enducing reminiscent of early Jack Ketchum, Keifer has a real talent for storytelling and often left me questioning what was real and what wasn't, the ambiguity adds to the what kind of fuckery is this, this is definitely a book you will want to pick up I think Jenny is going to be a *star* in the genre!
Profile Image for Jan Agaton.
1,079 reviews1,103 followers
September 3, 2024
if this author's gory scenes collabed with rachel harrison's characters & storylines, it'd be a perfect horror book.

these characters were so aggravating & there's a line btwn unlikeable that I love vs simply annoying. needless to say these characters leaned towards the latter.

there's also a fine line btwn an ambiguous ending that has that eerie unsettling feeling vs just unfinished and also annoying. again, this was the latter.

the body horror was great, but that's pretty much all I liked about it.
Profile Image for Erin .
1,425 reviews1,452 followers
August 22, 2024
I read this book because my friend really enjoyed it and they wanted me to read it. It takes place in Kentucky and the author lives in Kentucky. She owns a Horror bookstore in Louisville. We Kentuckians don't get much love in media or in anything really so I was looking forward to reading this book. My friend has similar Horror taste to me so I had no doubt I would enjoy it.

Folks, I did not enjoy it. This book is so boring. I knew at about 50 pages in that I was not having fun. All the characters were flat and I never felt scared or on edge at anytime while reading this. I basically skimmed the last 100 pages because I just wanted it to be over.

I didn't love it...I'm dreading telling my friend this because this book is their favorite book of the year. I'm just glad this book is over.
Profile Image for Kiera ☠.
230 reviews83 followers
November 15, 2023
This book was such a mind fuck! As someone who’s had a keen interest it the Dyatlov Pass incident, when I heard there was a book coming out inspire by it I immediately requested the ARC.

This Wretched Valley has a little bit of everything. From a haunted forest, to apparent dimension travel, to body horror to characters descending into madness. Kiefer’s story telling here is incredible. I didn’t know if I was rooting the characters on, or low key hoping for their demise.

Unsettling, terrifying, mind-bending and wild. This is a release you’re going to want to pre-order. Gripping from front to back. Is there anything more unnerving then getting lost in the woods, only to realize there is no way out?
Profile Image for Syn.
291 reviews43 followers
February 6, 2024
This Wretched Valley is creepy and weird and such a strange liminal story. A group sets out to go and map an unknown area with a cliff face that could be the hot new place for rock climbers to ascend. There are several red flags leading up to their entry into the forest and point of no return. But everyone just kind of brushes them off and doesn't think much off them.

After wandering through the woods for quite sometime and seemingly a bit lost, they finally break through and find the valley and cliff wall that they are looking for. They set up their camp and the first night all seems fine. Then on the second day, things start to go oh so wrong.

An addictive read, I had to know what would happen next, it's super weird and I loved that about it. There seems to be ghosts and time glitches where things from the past are coming through into the present. Some glitches in the Matrix one might say. Loved my time with this book.

As someone who loves to go camping, I sometimes wonder why I do this to myself and read about horror in the woods. I also love swimming in the ocean and reading water based horror. Apparently I'm trying to make myself terrified of things I love. 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Horror Sickness .
791 reviews326 followers
March 1, 2024
What an excellent debut novel about survival and a psychological exploration of what happens when reality merges with the unexplainable.

Two climbers and two researchers are determined to find a brand new rock that no one has climbed before to go and explore it.

They manage to find a rock that no one has climbed before in the middle of a forest. The people in town warn them that it is a place where many have gone in and disappeared and those who made it out, were forever changed.

They of course dismiss the warning thinking it is just a local legend. That is until they get in and their perfection of reality starts to crumble.

This was such an interesting and unique take on survival horror. It reminded me of stories like The Ruins or even Annihilation. If you enjoy those types of stories this will be a great read for you.

The horror is wonderfully done, with a lot of atmospheric dread and gore. This is a bone chilling story about 4 people and a dog that went to explore and were excited to be the first ones that climbed this rock ... but things didn't go as expected. The things they saw and experienced are the things of nightmares.

Discover for yourself what the woods hide and what fate did the climbers meet.
Profile Image for Valerie.
477 reviews25 followers
February 11, 2024
I’m not a Kentucky native. I’m not a veteran rock climber. To have the author reference Muir Valley on, what seemed like, every other page, was extremely distracting for someone who doesn’t know what that is. I shouldn’t have to Google something the author is too lazy to describe themselves.
To add to the frustration, the first 100 pages were filled with useless words either describing rock climbing mechanics, or Dylan’s instagram posts to her *50,000 followers* or her intrusive thoughts about how horrible and selfish she is.

I was about ready to DNF this book at my “100 page rule” when things finally seemed like they were about to pick up. I probably should have just stopped. 150 pages later I’m just as frustrated and unsatisfied as I was after the first 100.

Read this book if you want a what-not-to-do while rock climbing. Or a play-by-play on how to be an instagram influencer. Don’t read this book if you were expecting a Blair-Witch-type of horror/thriller.
Profile Image for Ярослава.
869 reviews582 followers
January 23, 2024
Є вдумливі горори, ті, які говорять "так, у тебе під ліжком ховається голодний зомбі, але найстрашніше - це те, що всі ми існуємо у смертному скінченному тілі й неминуче втратимо близьких", чи там "земля під твоїм домом спрагла крові, але боятися насправді треба патріархату", абощо - коротше, історії, де лякалочка є приводом для соціального чи психологічного коментаря. Так от, "This Wretched Valley" - не з таких. Але якщо вам треба страшний до дрижаків, кривавий і огидний текст, щоб зігнати адреналіну і хоч трошки побоятися не за Україну, а за вигадані картинки, то вам сюди. Нічого страшнішого і бридкішого сто років не читала, дуже хочу, щоб його екранізували (у мене не вистачить сміливості дивитися, навіть текст - на межі того, що я можу витримати, але екранізація аж проситься: текст дуже візуальний і з прекрасними jump scares).

Анотація каже, що книжка натхненна історією про перевал Дятлова - але насправді радше смертями Кріс Кремерс і Лізанни Фроон (незрозуміла історія з телефоном, зникнення просто з протореного маршруту, стан решток, етц.), чи принаймні мене в перевалі Дятлова тривожить не те, що використано тут (а тривожить мене те, що навіть дуже добре підготовані, раціональні й досвідчені люди можуть у критичний момент вдатися до кількох катастрофічно нераціональних рішень, деякі з них непоясненні - а якраз тілесний горор у перевалі Дятлова легко пояснити розкладанням/падінням у той струмок/абощо).
Коротше кажучи, сюжет у двох словах: Америка древня земля і голодна, впритул до трас і містечок з дайнерами дрімають старі місця, спраглі крові, і, наче риба-вудильник, заманюють здобич, пропонуючи їй те, що треба. От, скажімо, студент-геолог розробляє технології, як віднаходити нові альпіністські маршрути, і пролітаючи над провінційним Кентуккі, раптом відкриває цілковито нову скелю, ідеальну для скелелазіння. Щоправда, його скан цієї скелі підозріло збігається з зображенням якоїсь уже відомої локації, а нові скелі впритул до міст, про які ніхто не здогадується - це рідкість, але він вербує студентку ботаніки, подружку-професійну клаймберку і її бойфренда розвідати локацію. Не повернеться ніхто (це не спойлер, бо пролог починається з того, що знаходять тіла).
Аж не віриться, що це дебют, так добре витримано ритм і нагнітання напруги. Подобається, як нашаровуються різні типи горору: скажімо, довший час це горор комп'ютерної епохи, візуал, зумовлений знайомими нам комп'ютерними технологіями, коли задник пейзажів навколо тебе раптом виявляється looped glitching video. Ну, а потім уже іде горор з м'ясом.

Дослуховувала аудіокнижку під час вечірньої прогулянки з псом, сахаючись кожної тіні. Потім до другої ночі не могла заснути, тому ранковий ракетний обстріл сприйнял�� сонно і флегматично. Якщо вам теж треба сприймати ранкові ракетні обстріли сонно і флегматично, то цей роман 10/10, дуже рекомендую.
Profile Image for Zana.
537 reviews162 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
September 9, 2024
DNF @ 61%

Profile Image for Rachel Martin.
363 reviews
January 16, 2024
I know this is my first finished read of the year (the other being a DNF), but I think it'll end up being one of the stand outs at the end of the year.

This was the perfect wildness horror story, along the lines of The Ruins, The Troop, The Ritual, or even the movie As Above So Below. Or perfect for someone interested in the mysteries of The Dyatlov Pass.

The fear of the unknown was prevalent throughout--I was hooked from the first few pages. A thrilling and an absolutely gruesome, bloody ride that I didn't want to put down!!
Profile Image for Ghoul Von Horror.
958 reviews295 followers
January 14, 2024
TW: Language, gory scenes, blood, violence, baby murder, animal death's, drinking, death by suicide, cannibalism, use of b-word, domestic abuse

About the book:This is going to be Dylan's big break. Her friend Clay, a geology student, has discovered an untouched cliff face in the Kentucky wilderness, and she is going to be the first person to climb it. Together with Clay, his research assistant Sylvia, and Dylan's boyfriend Luke, she is going to document her achievement on Instagram and finally cement her place as the next rising star in rock climbing.

Seven months later, three bodies are discovered in the trees just off the highway. All are in various states of decay: one body a stark, white skeleton; the second emptied of its organs; and the third a mutilated corpse with the tongue, eyes, ears, and fingers removed.

But Dylan is still missing. Followers of her Instagram account report seeing disturbing livestreams, and some even claim to have caught glimpses of her vanishing into the thick woods, but no trace of her—dead or alive—has been discovered.

Were the climbers murdered? Did they succumb to cannibalism? Or are their impossible bodies the work of an even more sinister force? Is Dylan still alive, and does she hold the answers?
Release Date: January 16th, 2024
Genre: Paranormal Horror
Pages: 304
Rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

What I Liked:
1. Terrifying scenes
2. Scared me
3. That cover
4. Absolutely obsessed with the characters

What I Didn't Like:
1. Didn't care for the writing style at times
2. Too many repeats of words

Overall Thoughts:
I read this book at night I read this book at night for winterween And I was terrified. There were scenes that made me so creeped out that I

So far I am not enjoying this straightforward monotone tell all docu-voice so I hope it changes more to the pov's. I'm not a fan of being told it what happened in a book instead of reading about it happening.

The writing felt very choppy. I didn't like that it would jump back and forth in the same chapter with the pov of the character(s) and then a narrator type voice. I found that odd. Why are we breaking the forth wall via the pov section?

Author repeats a lot of the same words lots of times;
-Optical illusion

After I got past the beginning I was absorbed with the story and the characters. Some of the stuff they did was insane.

Final Thoughts:
Some parts got boring when they would repeat the same actions over and over when I wanted the storyline to progress.

This book was so good. I wish I would have taken more notes on the book but I was too busy writing and didn't get that much.

The book was gross and had some disgusting moments in it that made me drop my mouth.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Quirk Books for this advanced copy of the ebook. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,547 reviews

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