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After making a deal with the devil, Rayne and Sunny have been given
the chance to go back in time—preventing that fateful night when Sunny was bitten by Magnus from ever happening. But Sunny finds she doesn’t want to live without Magnus by her side and Rayne secretly wishes that vampire Jareth was back in her arms.

To reclaim their lives, Sunny and Rayne team up to figure out a way to change history for the better. But if the twins can’t get the boys on their side, history may spiral out of control—destroying not only the Blood Coven, but quite possibly the entire human race...

256 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Mari Mancusi

57 books2,131 followers
Mari Mancusi grew up where the north wind meets the sea (otherwise known as Massachusetts), but has since made her home in the great state of Texas, mostly due to her love of summer. (And tacos.) A former Emmy Award winning TV news producer, today she is the author of more than two-dozen books for kids, teens, and adults, mostly of the sci-fi/fantasy variety. In addition to writing, Mari loves traveling, video games, and cosplaying. She is also Mom to an eight year old Frozen superfan who, when recently asked by her teacher to describe her hero answered: “My Mom!” (Okay, fine, she said Kristin Bell.)

You can find Mari online at www.marimancusi.com. She knows several Samanthas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews
Profile Image for Lex.
799 reviews150 followers
September 9, 2012
WARNING: Contained some unmarked spoilers

LAST BOOK!!! Blood Forever just got a LOT of eye rolls from me although I must admit, there were some times, I think less than five times that I actually smirk at some of the conversations. BUT well, I still find something that is not to my liking.

For starters... I forgot how Sunny could be so whiny about almost all things. Forgot how she could be a complete idiot. I mean, DUH, isn't it obvious what a BITE NIGHT is? And she had to ask WHAT IS IT. *rolled my eyes* She actually admit she's an idiot. And then there's the whole changing the future thing. Um, yeah, that's so frustrating in my part.

Why? Well, for one thing what's the first seven books all about then? >:( They altered the whole story and sheesh! You could put it in one book, why make it 8 books? LOL. I mean, I seriously like this series when I first read the books. I'm not being mean or anything, I liked it back then. But now, with all the shenanigans, I don't know. Not really much.

I groaned when I got to the part of the Project Z. Oh for the love of God. There's Vampires, Werewolves, Faeries in this book, why not throw another kind in the whole fiasco? Like the gross, brain-eating people (I don't think they count as PEOPLE), ZOMBIES. It just became like a Post Apocalyptic world with all those zombies. Major Ugh. Sorry, I'm really not a fan of Zombies, as I don't read nor watch TV series about it.

And please! Stop mentioning Twilight. It's really getting old. I hurt my eyes from rolling it too much whenever Twilight or other TV series were mentioned. Vampire Diaries was mentioned too. Oh yeah, gosh.

BTW, there's this scene, where 'Magnus was looking for Sunny'--her mom's words, not mine-- and then her mom said "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Sunny?" NOTE that I bold-ed the name. Cause afterwards, Magnus is still calling Sunny, Rayne. I was like, Magnus, I know you're a thousand year old vampire but are you that forgetful? Cause you see, Magnus is, I believe within earshot to hear Sunny's Mom saying her name. And now that I check, her Mom is standing next to Magnus at that time. So is that a typographical error then? And oh btw, not to confuse you or anything, Sunny is posing as Rayne cause remember Rayne was the one who enrolled to the vamp training and Magnus' orignal blood mate.

I really like Rayne. She's a strong character although sometimes she has too much HERO AND Goth fetish. But at least she could seriously kick some ass.

The good side, I finally got the closure. I like how it end even though I know you could just be done with it from the start of the series anyway. At least no one died anymore in the family. They all live happily ever after. It was okay. AND I plead the fifth.

EDIT: I forgot to add, remember how Sunny's being so adamant about turning to vampire in Book 1? Huh. In this ending, I could only roll my eyes, sigh loudly and muttered "Finally! If that's how you'll end, why prolong Magnus' agony? Sigh."
Profile Image for Landon.
289 reviews56 followers
July 20, 2017

I wasn't disappointed when I read and gotten into book 8 of the Blood Coven Vampire Series, at first it took me awhile, maybe at least two years, and I finally finish it. Don't blame me, I get distracted or always been busy. But the story was good; it was a surprise and none- surprises in the book. I was mad with Bertha for what she did to Sunny. I really but she got that work by Rayne lmao. And man Pyrus got what was coming to him, I was happy in the end, but I was hoping for Pyrus to die, if he would've gotten eaten by those Zombies I would've been cheesing like a kid in a cupcake factory. But demon seed didn't die, what a disappointment, they sent him to vampire prison which I thought, by the way, was stupid. Lastly, when Lucifent got killed for the second time, I was like, the kid vampire can't catch a break, 1st time Bertha murdered him. And in Blood Forever he got killed by Pyrus. I do believe he was to live he may not have been a danger to the human race because he liked the humans and was friends with them. Pyrus was just bipolar with a chip on his shoulder. Maybe we need a storyline about that psycho and what made him so evil yeah?
Profile Image for Donna.
1,211 reviews
November 24, 2014
How did we end up here

Mari’s pretty much sent me all of these Blood Coven novels except for maybe a couple. I just love them so because they’re so snarky and they love The Lost Boys and they rip on Twilight and how could you not love them? I mean really . . .

Okay, book. You've got 50 pages. Go!

I’ve been hooked since the first book and I really do need to go back and read the one or two Sunny-POV books that I skipped over towards the beginning because, really, I didn’t like Sunny when I started this series. Now? And especially in BLOOD FOREVER? Her teenager girly mall girl flame has been sufficiently snuffed out, she’s so much more grounded, so much more intelligent and she’s such an awesomer character than she used to be.

The first fifty pages were a snap to read because Mari has this succinct way of writing that just shoots you down the story’s pipeline like a bullet. When you finally come up for air you’re well past 100 pages and aren’t sure what day it is. But here, Sunny’s (and Rayne’s) world has been rebooted in an attempt to circumvent their world from ending and everything going to hell (literally). So the story starts and you really can’t help but wonder if you’ve read this before. I actually went back and checked to see if this was a middle book or something because I was a little confused. But it all evens out. I couldn’t stop at 50 pages if I tried.

What worked . . .

From the vampires to the girls and even Bertha, everything was told with this Joss Whedon-esque style that’ll have you thinking Buffy without even trying. It has the sass and the smarts and the snark all rolled up into one tightly controlled coffin that may be on the verge of exploding. Despite the redundant beginning it took on a life of its own when the girls tried to keep their lives in check and failed miserably. Enter shenanigans and the world nearly goes to hell all over again.

And zombies. And a zombie queen that controls them. That’s hard to beat, I think.

Rayne can’t help but get herself in over her head and her approach still has the tendency of sucking but she’s lucky things end up working out in her favor in the end, usually because she’s right about the things she’s acting on. And poor Sunny only wants what’s best for Magnus and she can’t help but let her own feelings for him get in the way and it kind of mucks things up a little and it really isn’t long before all the devil-deal-making gets flushed down the toilet. It’s crawling up out of that U-bend that really makes it fun to read.

Let’s not forget the Lost Boys reference and the Twilight-ripping. LOVE.

What didn't work . . .

I’m not the biggest fan of the lovey-dovey schmoopy-woo goo-ness that goes on between Rayne and Jareth and Sunny and Magnus but I can let it pass because the rest of the book is pretty awesome. I don’t give too many authors passes for that kind of vampire love but really, it wouldn’t be the book without it.

And in the end . . .

The Blood Coven series is a parody of all that is teen vampires. If you go into it thinking anything else, like it’s actually something to be taken seriously, you’re going to be disappointed. But knowing that Mari is a true vampire girl that’s a total Lost Boys fan and knows damn well that real vampires don’t sparkle it makes the books all the better. You can appreciate the not-so-subtle jabs she takes at current YA vampire trends, the homages to The Lost Boys she makes and the Buffy style she channels from Sir Whedon. BLOOD FOREVER has no shortage of any of this and it rounds out what is quite literally one of the best vampire series I’ve read. It’s just so incredibly fun and entertaining and plucks at all the right cockle strings. Mari knows how to snark it out, love it up and stake it down and I can’t help but love that.
Profile Image for Muffin~.
386 reviews
December 30, 2012
Last review...finally... I never thought this is going to happen ever (but after I waste two of my school holidays…)...
At first I knew I should have skipped the 6 other books =_=''
First and last are surely enough... It’s a waste of time to read the other books too.
At first Sunny is going to be a Vampire like I thought...So why read the other books which are full of shit where she is so winy about not to become one?
Than time traveling is a nice idea, Spider and Z. are also a nice Idea.
The book is quite funny but if I ever read “bigger picture” or “demand” ever again that much in a book series I’m going to throw up. Really the books lacks on vocabulary.
I think the book got 4 stars, because XD I finally can end the series!
I also love happy endings! That’s why I really like to give 4 stars.
Also I like that the boys are not stuck at the other time at the end and how everything went better after Birdy aka Bertha died...

So it's going to be a short review! It is a quite funny book, nice Idea and the worst series I ever read...
I never read such nonsense in my whole live but the nonsense is quite entertaining...
But if I ever start a similar book series I start to stop to read the series... one time is enough.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for S.E..
288 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2012
“Blood Forever” carried on well from the last book, and although the author has devised a very convenient plot to end the series, I still think it was a smart move that made the story easier to tell but did not make it any less interesting.

The Blood Coven series is similar to a lot of juvenile series out there that deal with vampires and other supernatural beings. The storyline does not really stand out as such, but one thing’s for sure – this series does not take itself very seriously and because of that, the silly parts become acceptable and even funny. Although I enjoyed reading about Sunny and Raine and all their adventures, I must say that I’m glad “Blood Forever” is the last book in this series!
Profile Image for Kimberley Ang.
58 reviews
June 3, 2013
Great book!! i love it and i can`t help but feel sad that this is the last book and there will be no more adventures about Sunny and Rayne with their cute boyfriends, Magnus and Jareth in anytime soon. I would admit, at first when i started reading the Blood Coven series, i thought it would be boring and filled with dramas about the twin problems. But when i reached the third book, it become a book that i couldn`t be put down!! I`m gonna miss these stories but will remember them deeply in my heart!!
Profile Image for Madeleine.
40 reviews
January 18, 2014
I thank my lucky stars that there was a time when I dared leave normal, everyday life behind…to take a chance with a boy that bites.
I love me some happy ending!
Profile Image for Jamie.
316 reviews45 followers
May 30, 2023
Blood Forever is the final book in an amazing series! I have loved reading every book and am sad that this was the last book. I would love if the author would write more books with these characters set maybe a few years from when this one ended.

Rayne made a deal with Hades in the last book to take her and Sunny back in time. She wanted a do over of the last year. Rayne thought that she and Sunny could go back in time and change how everything played out with the hope that they could prevent some things from happening. Rayne is excited at first to be able to possibly change the past but Sunny is not really down for it and is not happy with Rayne at first. It doesn't take long before the girls start to miss their vampire boyfriends. When they take the opportunity to meet Magnus and Jareth again, things don't go as planned. The guys don't know who they are as they have not met them yet since they went back in time. Rayne and Sunny need Magnus and Jareth to get to know them and trust them so they can hopefully change the outcome of a disaster that is the works. Will the twins be able to convince the guys to believe them and change history or will things take a turn for the worse? You will need to read the book to find out.

While the book starts off similar to the first book the author did a great job in changing things up. The characters were the same but started off with a bit of a different attitude toward things. There was romance, action and suspense. I have enjoyed reading this series from the first book to the last book. I was surprised and so happy with the ending though. I just wish there were more books in this series because I am not ready for it to be over. I highly recommend this series if you love vampires, romance and slayers!
Profile Image for Lidia.
8 reviews
April 22, 2020
¡Ultimo libro!
Después de un trato con Hades, Rayne y Sunny obtiene una nueva oportunidad. Rayne consiguió regresar en el tiempo ahora solo deben mantenerse lejos del mundo sobrenatural y vivir como chicas normales. Sin embargo, no es su deseo real. Ellas quieren a su novios de vuelta y su mundo extraordinario también. ¿El problema? Ellos no las recuerdan. Decididas a conquistarlos y cambiar la historia para bien interfieren, pero lo que parecía correcto ahora resulta peor que la primera historia ya vivida. Esto ya no es un juego, deben ser más cuidadosas o el mundo tal como lo conocen se volverá una historia real de apocalipsis... ¿zombie?

Me dolió despedirme de esta locura de saga. El final, no se los contare, pero se pueden dar una idea. Cariño, el final es predecible, pero el cómo llegan a ese final es lo valioso.
Circulo de sangre, es una saga para leer cuando necesitas olvidar el estrés estudiantil o despejarte un rato. Es buena para una tarde de ocio. En ocasiones sentirás que la autora decidió fumarse algo, pero vale la pena darle una oportunidad. Entretenida, sencilla, juvenil, cómica, sobrenatural y con amorios. Sip, sin duda pasaras una agradable tarde con estas gemelas.
Profile Image for Alicia Rust.
98 reviews3 followers
December 5, 2023
A great ending to the series! In book 8 of the Blood Coven Vampire Novel series by Mari Mancusi we see our favorite twins lives turned upside down. They have returned from the Underworld with a mission to get their lives back to normal. Or will they choose to try and get their original lives back even knowing the outcome? Of course this book doesn't disappoint when it comes to the twins solving yet another mystery and trying to save their boyfriends even if they choose not to be with them. I don't spoil what this mystery is but it was not something I was expecting and I loved that!

I seriously loved this book and the fact that Sunny and Rayne have a chance to change their lives back but deep down they know it's not possible. They end up missing their boyfriends (even if Jarreth wants nothing to do with Rayne) and Magnus is reluctant to work with them. I do feel like there were things that were missing in this series and hope one day Mari Mancusi will clear them up. Such things as Corbin and the rest of the slayers, and Jayden. Does going back in time change their fates as well? I guess we won't know. But overall it was a great series and the best series for teens just getting into vampire stories to read.
Profile Image for sierra.
281 reviews2 followers
March 27, 2021
Content Warning: again with the fat shaming and misgendering of a non-binary person
Otherwise this is my favorite of the series!! The time travel is amazingly well done! The zombies while a bit predictable are still fun and new to the series. They wrap up all of the plots nicely in the epilogue that I was worried they wouldn't due to the plot holes I was noticing in the middle of it all. The whole slayer but also vampire and fairy thing seemed like it wouldn't fit in but it does. I loved the changing perspectives between Rayne and Sunny ; sometimes that can be hard to do but this author did it very well and shocked me with it. Sunny's fight for her true love is very well written. I'm still not a fan of the whole vampire in his like 1,000s dating a teenager thing but at least they love each other.
Profile Image for Barbara Marie Warner.
1,143 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2024
Blood Forever: (A Blood Coven Vampire Novel Book 8)

Blood Forever: (A Blood Coven Vampire Novel Book 8) Wow I loved this book! You can't help but love the twins with such different personalities and their constant banter, but still there to help each other right away when they have too. My husband who hates listening to all my paranormal books was actually laughing because I listened to the audible book and read when I could, and finished this book in less than a day. Definitely recommend this book / series
Profile Image for Jassicca.
685 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2019
Time-travel and Mythology have always been my favourite genres besides Vampires, and the last two books had nailed it to my favourites bookshelf. Mari Mancusi writing style was easy to digest, and her creativity shined in this series for she managed to include the paranormal elements, Myth and time travelling without making the story sound ridiculous. I will recommend reading this series for those who are looking for fast pace, fun and light reading material.
Profile Image for Sheila.
775 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2018
This was a amazing series!!!
I will so miss Sunshine and Rayne.
Does Rayne save her Sister Sunny?
What happens in Hades?
Will Rayne ever be with Jareth again?
Will Sunny ever be with Magnus again?
How will this series end?
I can share it won't leave you disappointed.
Profile Image for Alex_13➰.
69 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2020
That was so good, it was a perfect ending to me, I love it ❤🙌
I'm gonna miss so much my girls, Rayne and Sunny, and my gorgeous boys that bite Jarreth and Magnus, they are incredible characters
This story is gonna stay with me for a long long long time, maybe a eternity ⌛
Profile Image for Lara Ienco.
288 reviews12 followers
May 20, 2021
"Agradezco a las estrellas de la suerte que hubo un momento en que me atreví a dejar atrás la vida cotidiana normal... Para arriesgarme con un chico que muerde"

Dios, esa referencia al primer libro me dejó llorando.
Que hermoso todo, mil estrellas 💜💜
Profile Image for Trina.
435 reviews8 followers
May 7, 2019
I feel like this was done just to make a happy ending for the series
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Susan Mauney.
2 reviews
April 7, 2020
One of my favorite book series. This has been a great read for me and has kept me wanting to read more could not put it down.
Profile Image for Katiie.
483 reviews4 followers
August 14, 2021
This had to be my fav book of the series!!! I really enjoyed how it ended. The story the love and all of it was just amazing and I was so happy with It !!! I would def read it again
Profile Image for Faye.
1,039 reviews3 followers
December 12, 2021
Rating: 4⭐
Age: Pg-13
Vamp, fae, High school , & mistaken identity.
Good Series
Profile Image for Stephanie Duerr.
20 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2022
If you're looking for a old school trashy paranormal teen series this ones for you! Sad to see it go. Loved how the last line was the title of the first book
Profile Image for Syahira .
650 reviews72 followers
October 5, 2012

Blood Forever is the final installment of the Blood Coven series that centered around the fairy princess, Sunny and vampire fairy princess and the vampire slayer, Rayne. This book is narrated by both of the POV character instead of a singular narration like the previous books. Near the end of the last book, Rayne's world literally crumpled around her. With death threat hovering, she went to search for her sister and it turned out to be a trap. Magnus was taken as a prisoner by the Vampire Consortium and presumed to be executed and Sunny died from iron poisoning. In distraught, Rayne's boyfriend, Jareth decided to broke off their relationship and leaving Rayne in a limbo. Luckily, earlier she had befriended with a rock star who have a friend that could lead them to the hell dimension and a tiny promise that Rayne could save Sunny. In this book, Rayne make a deal with Hades to turn back time to the start of the first book and thus avoiding Sunny's death all over. But this also mean that Rayne would be human again and both of them would never met with Jareth and Magnus. Or so they thought..

Theme : Deus ex machina. Obviously.

With everything happening in the previous books, Mari Mancusi turned the table again by giving the characters a tabula rasa (blank slate) so everything that happened, would never happen and the girls could avoid certain things as they had lived through it. And I know it would be obviously cliched and also terrible for the fans but well, here's the twist : ZOMBIES.

Honestly, the zombie thing make this book top off as a good ending to a fun and geekish series tolerable. Besides, there are some intense conflicts in this book and variety of hurried resolved plots between the characters which can somehow irritate average readers. But as a fun teenage book to read, you could do no wrong with this book.

I do like that Sunny changed as a character from the start of the novel and she did think her ordeal in the series had somehow changed her as a character. Rayne in the other hand doesn't show much characterization as Sunny did but her new time with Jareth has some funny and quirky moments. But the book does focus on Jareth and Magnus especially on the fact that they're quite an opposite of what Rayne and Sunny used too.

As a whole, it's an enjoyable end to the series. But there are some things were tied up quite loosely and it does make you feel the ending is so abrupt and make you question if reading the entire series is worth-it as a whole since anyone can skip the rest of the book and just read this one. However, it's a good YA vampire series that was geared appropriately to the demographic and for once in a while, I like that the series is uncomplicated enough to be recommended to youngsters. I certainly couldn't say that to some of the vampire YA series that I ended reading after a couple of books.
June 13, 2017
I finish Blood Forever in two days, I started this just yesterday, once I finish reading Soul Bound.


[Few Spoilers ALERT]!

I enjoyed this book, because of both Sunny, Magnus, Jareth, and Rayne got a do-over and happy ending in the end. Like yes, finally, Pyrus dusky self-got what he deserved like I was hoping for Pyrus to die, like get eating by those Zombies but that wasn't the chase, he didn't even die, ugh, he wack evil self only got life in vampire prison lol, like whhhyy? But I did get happy though when Bertha died for the second time; Karma's a mother chicken huh? Lol but little ol' Lucifent got killed again for the second time, I was like dang, lol little ol' child vampire can't catch a break, especially when the first he got killed by Bertha and in Blood Forever he got killed by Pyrus. I think he would've shut and lived he may not have been a harm to the human race, as he says he had human friends but since Pyrus is bipolar, that didn't happen. Glad Jareth and Rayne got married in the end, and both Rayne and Sunshine parents are alive, including Sunny being alive to and the guys got their memory back, in the end, Yes awesomeness book.
Profile Image for Mar.
121 reviews25 followers
October 14, 2012
This is the final book in the series and it just completely wiped out the previous books making this a story if its own. With Sunny and Rayne getting a 2nd chance to create an alternate life for themselves, they of course can't stay away form Magnus and Jareth. This great otherwise what was the point of the previous books. The only things was that with them trying to change the past they actually create a bigger problem, which is no surprise. As if all the many creatures we have read about in this series is not enough no we have zombies, yes Zombies. Seriously I read it and was like, are you kidding me!

The characters are still great I love the bickering between Rayne and Jareth, that little spark is still there between them. Sunny is still a bit whiny but it was about time she decided to become a Vampire. Finally! Magnus on the other hand still has his priorities but with a little more romance in him, which was great.

The story was good but it felt like a story of its own where you didn't really need the past 7 books. There was also a mistake where Sunnys mom calls her Sunny in front of Magnus but he continues to call her Rayne?? Overall it was still entertaining, funny and it had its romantic moments. I did like the ending and I'm happy they got their happy ever after. It was a good series full of adventure, laughter and romance.
Profile Image for Alex.
5,944 reviews1 follower
December 26, 2012
I'm a little ashamed at how much I loved this series. It's ridiculous and cheesy, but something about it just made me fall in love. I'm honestly saddened that this was the last book.

Overall, this was not a series I was ever expecting to like but I'm definitely going to miss it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 97 reviews

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