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Conversion #4

The Next Generation

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Spin-off to the Conversion Trilogy.

Nika and Julian Adams have a lot of secrets. But that's to be expected when you're a "little bit" vampire. When you're a supernatural being that is emotionally bonded to your twin, fitting in can be a little challenging. But these sixteen-year-old siblings are determined to find their place in the world...even if it kills them.

580 pages, ebook

First published September 28, 2017

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About the author

S.C. Stephens

39 books17.1k followers
S.C. Stephens is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who enjoys spending every free moment she has creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.

Her debut novel, Thoughtless, an angst-filled love triangle charged with insurmountable passion and the unforgettable Kellan Kyle, took the literary world by storm. Amazed and surprised by the response to the release of Thoughtless in 2009, more stories were quick to follow. Stephens has been writing nonstop ever since.

In addition to writing, Stephens enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading fabulous novels, loading up her iPod with writer's block reducing music, heading out to the movies, and spending quality time with her friends and family. She currently resides in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two equally beautiful children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for Sylvie.
81 reviews
May 2, 2012
This is a must for any fan of the first trilogy and people who like the "ten years later" kind of stuff. Not only do we get to revisit beloved characters but we get to know the twins that are now almost adult in another great story packed with humor, anticipation, angst and unexpected cool twists. This book made me want a whole new trilogy centered around Nick and Julie. Love it.
Profile Image for Janie.
870 reviews82 followers
October 5, 2017
I am absolutely loving this series. This book is a spin-off of the first 3 and could be read as a standalone but I would discourage anyone from doing that. You get so much world building in the first 3 plus you come to know and love all of the secondary characters in this one. I can’t wait for this author to release the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,799 reviews201 followers
October 3, 2017
How I was unaware that S.C. wrote a paranormal series before now, is a little upsetting to me. I love paranormal reads and I love S.C. so I am little baffled that I am just now finding this out. This may be the fourth book in her Conversion series, but it's also a spinoff off the first three books. I can attest that you don't need to read those books to read this one; however, I would recommend reading them if you can before reading this so you understand the whole background on the family and how everyone came to.

Now that I have gotten over living under a rock and not knowing about this series, I am seriously fixing that and reading the previously three before continuing on with the next book (I am assuming there's another book based on the open ending in this one).

The Next Generation is the twins book and is told from both their POV's. I love the bond that they share. It's unique that they can sense each other's feelings and where they are in relation to them. I get that at times that will get annoying (no privacy) but to share that strong of a bond with someone is quite cool if you think about it.

S.C. really knows how to build her stories and characters. Nika and Julian are typical teenagers going through normal life problems at their age, but they are also part of a vampire family. Their true family has to remain a secret to protect not only them but everyone else too. Watching these two juggle their teen issues along with their struggles on being secret vamps, it's quite interesting.

I know I am not giving a whole lot away and being vague but it's hard not to give anything away by saying one thing. It's a great start to spin off for this series and I look forward to reading more about Nick and Julie's elders in the previous three book. And then continuing their story in the next book in 2018.
September 30, 2017
4.5 Fangs

The Conversion Series was a 5 Heart read for me. It's a refreshing twist on the vampire myth. According to the author, you can be just a little bit vampire. The first 3 books highlight Teren and Emma and their family. This book jumps ahead in time and focuses on their twins, Julian and Nika.

I am always all over these "epilogue" type stories. We get to catch up on the characters we grew to love in the first series. This really could be a 5 heart read. However, for me, all that teenage angst makes my head spin. Fans of YA and fantasy will LOVE this story. What hampers things even more is that not only is there all those burgeoning teenage hormones, but Nika and Julian share a rare empathic bond---so they feel their own insecurities and lust, AND each others as well.

The story line and action well make up for the YA-ness of the story. Ancient vampires, and hunters, and new friendships, and blood and some swoony moments. Great read! This one ends with a feeling of more to come. And---Hooray! Two more books to come in this series! The Beast Within in January 2018 and Family is Forever next April. Can't wait to follow Julie and Nick as they become adults and continue to navigate the vampire world while remaining just a little bit vampire.

*Complimentary copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nancy.
585 reviews90 followers
September 6, 2014
I love the world that S.C. Stephens has created.

I've read the conversion books and really enjoyed them. It's interesting to read a story from the twins perspective.

I loved Teren and Emma, and I always wondered what would happen to their kids once they grew up. I wasn't disappointed. This book follows Nika and Julian with alternating points of views. Them growing up, going about their day, dealing with the everyday problems, all while trying to keep a low profile. To remain safe.

This book has it all, suspense, romance, a pot head friend, comedy, action, sweetness, unexpected surprises. I couldn't get enough. If you've read the Conversion series, and need more, then this book us a must read. I guarantee you'll love it.

I love it
Profile Image for Tasha.
1,490 reviews26 followers
April 21, 2017
So I finally got the full story..... Let me start with OMFG. Come on was I the only who was suspicious of Hunter.... I mean really? the name was a dead give away I mean if you were a Hunter and had a son Hunter might be a non-suspicious name but it was a dead ringer for me. And were they really going to do that to Ben?! OMG but the biggest Surprise of all was..... haha read it yourself online at the link below, btw the link was given to me as a friend with a note that the author would not be putting this book out anywhere except like this.... ENJOY

Profile Image for Kasie Sullivan.
140 reviews7 followers
January 31, 2013
Oh I really loved the conversion series, so I was excited when I realised there was another story from the twins pov yay!! And i Was lucky enough that some one sent me this book which I was ecstatic about, as i don't think I could have waited another year to read it! can't wait to see what happens next with hunter and Nika!! Pleasessss Hurry up 2014!!
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,799 reviews139 followers
September 30, 2017
I have been waiting to read this book for a long time. Heck, is number 715 on my TBR list and it had been 5 years since I read the third book in the series. Now my body and mind are ready for the next three books in the Conversion series or just the kid's trilogy as I like to call it. The story is being told from Jullian and Nika's point of view, so we get to see what is happening in the lives of both children. Nika and Julian are very close and they practically do everything together, but not in a bad way. They are partners in crime. The book had a good pace. Everything was slowly building up until the truth came out about some characters and then all hell broke loose. It bugs me that I have to wait for the other two books. I want to see Nika happy. And because I am an idiot I read the blurb for the 6th book and now I am dying to read book six to find out what will happen. I am sure a happy ending awaits Nika and Julian, but I want them to have it now. Emma and Teren got theirs. I was so happy to see them again after such a long time. I don't think someone should skip the original trilogy and immediately begin this one. I feel like they will have a better experience after they read Emma and Teren's story. There is a love square in this story, but for some reason, it didn't tire me as other triangles have. I am happy it was resolved in this book and it won't continue to the next book. I was very happy with the choices that were made. Nika, on the other hand, has found her love, but things are not as easy as they seem. Her boyfriend has a lot of deadly secrets and once the truth is out, things get worse. Julian's square stops being the focus and we get to see our vamps in action. I am not very sure about how happy I am with the turn the events took in this book. I want to see how the characters will adapt. Arghhhh, why is January so far away??? I want the next book now!
Profile Image for Paris        (kerbytejas).
800 reviews158 followers
January 1, 2015
Overall plot - ok - feels left open/unfinished so maybe there will be additional follow on books
Characters - great, new characters added
Characters secrets revealed
writing style - not sure i like this being told from mainly Julian's point of view

I would like to see follow on books and would defiantly read them. The material is there, the continued family saga, the aging of the twins, their conversion, Hunter's story... lots to work with - so I can only hope there will be more books

Profile Image for Aaliyah Hunt.
3 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2012
I really want to read this book but i cant find a place to find it. Where can i buy this book??? please i would like to know ASAP!!
Profile Image for HeatherP.
1,054 reviews25 followers
September 26, 2017
I know this is the 4th book in the series and I have not read the other ones but this one was so so for me. I really like paranormal books and I'm glad I did check this one out but it felt not done to me. There was a few plot holes and things dropped and the ending was off. Over all it's an enjoyable book and probably more for ones that have read the series. If you like paranormal go ahead and check this out. 

ARC in exchange for honest review
Profile Image for Gloria Elena.
593 reviews30 followers
October 2, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I wanted to slap Nika for being a teenager. I understand that she was being a teenager in love, but man, when the guy you love s trying to hunt your family, girl, give up and run. Like said, she was being a foolish teenager in love!
Great read. Can't wait to read the future books in the series!
Profile Image for Amanda Croley.
802 reviews45 followers
June 27, 2012
Teren and Emma's twins from Conversion Nika and Julian are the main characters in this spinoff series. The Next Generation rotates POV between the twins. They are 16 years old now, and both are dealing with normal teenager problems, as well as problems related to being from a vampire family. It seemed like it ended kind of abruptly, but I still enjoyed it.

Julian is head over heels in love with Racquel who seems interested, but is still in an unhealthy relationship she refuses to leave. Julian ends up getting in a fight with her boyfriend after he grabs her arm. Luckily Nika steps in between them before he allows his anger to give him away. His vampire nature could easily give him the edge to win a fight with a normal human teenager, but he pulls back in time. Nika isn't interested in any of the boys her age, or any boys at all until she meets her new neighbor. Hunter is twenty, and Nika knows her family wouldn't approve, but Julian won't tell on her because they both have dirt on each other. Gabriel is able to alter the glass at the ranch so Halina can come out in the sun for about twenty minutes before it starts affecting her. Julian decides to sneak out one night to a party that he knows Racquel will be at. As long as his parents are in their soundproof room they won't hear him leave, and they won't feel him leave if he is asleep. When Nika wakes up from a bad dream and realizes Julian is gone, she takes her fathers car to bring him home. Once she arrives and finds him stoned, she also understands that she is feeling his high through their bond. Julian gets the bright idea to go as a vampire to the Halloween party, and is showing everyone his fangs. Nika freaks out, and makes him leave. She gets Julian, Arriana (her bff), and Julian's friend in the car, and just as she is about to leave she runs into Hunter. Hunter is surprised to see Julians fangs, almost as if he knows about vampires. He shrugs it off, but it still makes Nika nervous. They both get busted on the way back in the house, but Nika still doesn't talk about the encounter with Hunter or she will have to reveal her secret relationship.
Profile Image for Melissa.
7 reviews
January 7, 2013
Oh my days, what a book....!!!! In the last 4 days I have successfully read all 4 of the conversion books and wow what a unexpected ending... I do so hope that it will have another story as it seemed that it was left open.... I would like to see Julian and arriana's story... Also hopefully nika and hunters story... Please s.c Stephens pretty please... Lets see more to the ADAMS family!!!!!!!
July 30, 2019

1st Read (August 26, 2014): 5 STARS

2nd Read (July 30, 2019): 4.25 STARS
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,860 reviews156 followers
September 29, 2017
Even though I’m new to SC Stephens’ Conversion series, its premise and the fact that the story is told through alternating perspectives of not just teen siblings but twins whose bond allows them to feel each other’s emotions as they go through everything that comes with being a teenager and a ‘little bit’ vampire, I knew I needed to introduce myself to this paranormal series and see how Nika and Julian Adams cope with growing up and co-existing with humans when half of their nature wants them to succumb to who they truly are at their core while the other side fights it in order to protect their secrets and those in their lives who matter most.

I admit that I probably should have started at the beginning of the series, so I could truly understand every facet of the storyline, but it can be read as a standalone as long as readers don’t feel out of the loop when backstory information is presented. Not knowing didn’t detract from my enjoyment of The Next Generation, but I’m the type of reader who likes to know and understand EVERYTHING there is about the characters and the plot, so I was a bit out of sorts until I focused on who the twins are presently and not necessarily where they came from and who they belonged to from the previous books in the series.

SC Stephens constructs quite the interesting setting and dynamics in Nika and Julian’s story. Stephens meticulously blends the problematic issues that come from being teenagers and the ones that come from being part of a vampire family whose secrets need to stay hidden for the safety of themselves and others. Equal weight is given to both sides of who the twins are and with the added qualities of suspense, self-discovery, and young love, the story line is complex and the characters are well-developed.

I do have to mention that the ending of Nika and Julian’s story felt a bit rushed and open-ended. Now, I’m not sure if that was deliberate on Stephens’ part and there’s more to come for the twins, but I wanted more from the ending…I wanted to feel closure for all of the situations that occurred in the text, especially when it comes to certain characters and decisions that were made, and I just didn’t feel like I got the resolution I needed.

I definitely enjoyed The Next Generation. Both Nika and Julian are interesting characters who have their own unique personalities and views despite the unbreakable connection that they share. Because the twins are not the same gender, it’s quite comical, at times, to see how they handle one another’s ‘issues’ and just how awkward such situations can be when nothing is sacred because their respective emotions infiltrate each other’s bodies and minds repeatedly.

Overall, it was a great introduction to a different side of SC Stephens’ writing and I’m intrigued enough that now I want to go back and read the first three books in the story because I definitely think those books will offer insights into The Next Generation that I just couldn’t grasp starting with the fourth book.

4 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
Profile Image for Loraine Oliver.
684 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2017
Conversion 4 is the story of Emma and Teren's twins Julian and Nika Adams. This book was really good and I highly suggest you read the three that come before it-The Conversion Series, as it gives the background and introduces the characters in the series. This is like a spin off but it is still part of the series and you will be glad you read the series first.

In this book Nika and Julian are in high school and sixteen years old. Not only do they have the usual problems that all kids have in high school, but they each have to hide who they are, and some days it is just so hard for them. However they both have a friend they like a lot. Julian has a friend named Trey who is a pothead but is really a good friend and Nika's best friend is Arianna, who really likes Julian, but he has his heart set on another unavailable girl, which disturbs not only Arianna but Nika as well. This causes a few problems for Julian, and he learns a hard truth from this. Nika's and Julian's feelings are shared as they are twins and they can feel exactly what the other is feeling which causes them both some unwanted thoughts! It can be embarrassing as well!

This book is told in Julian and Nika's point of view so we get to read what each one is thinking. There is a lot of angst and it gets worse when Nika starts going out behind her family's back to date a young man named Hunter. Julian dislikes him on sight and it only gets worse. Nika's secret dealings with Hunter causes a chain reaction of things to happen that is so terrible. I liked how the ending left it open for another book and can't wait for the next one to come out!

I also loved that all the characters from the original series are back, and we get to catch up with all of them. especially Ben who we find out a little bit more about in this book and it is amazing. All in all this was a great read for me and will be for you as well!

I gave this book 5***** paranormal stars and will be waiting for the next book in this series to come out!
Profile Image for Rachael.
520 reviews
September 29, 2017
While I am an avid reader of S.C. Stephens, I have to admit I have not read anything in this series. I didn’t even know it was a series when I saw her coming out with a new book. I was excited about the blurb and just a new book of hers, and immediately jumped at this one. While I admit it did take me a small time to get my bearings since I hadn’t read the first 3 books in this series, I did enjoy the book. It was a fun and adventurous read. I have read a total of 2 vampire series books in my life. I love vampires, but would prefer to see them on the big screen than read about them. I have typically shied away from anything remotely in this genre, but this book surprised me. So much so that I am going to go back now and fill in all the gaps an back story now.  In this 4th installment we get the story of Nika and Julian, twin vampires. They have shared their entire life’s living as twins, including their supernatural power of feeling each other’s feelings and emotions. They both want to find a way to break the bond and live their life’s. After all, high school isn’t the easiest of times to have another soul out there connected to your every emotion. This book was a fun read in so many aspects, one being that it’s truly original. Of all the vampire things I’ve watched, and the two I’ve read, this one stands out as we follow these two 16 year old twins on their journey and we get to see them navigate the waters around them. It's intense, fun, emotional and even a bit of a rush!

*I received an ARC copy of this title at my request and am providing this voluntary review.*
Profile Image for Elle.
43 reviews3 followers
September 28, 2017
The Next Generation was the first book of S.C. Stephens that I had read. I wasn't sure what I was going into which was nice since there was that element of surprise. That being said once I was into the book I realized it was part of a series and even though it can be read as a stand alone I recommend reading the series from the beginning since the family dynamic is a bit confusing.

I feel conflicted with this story and had I read the previous books I might feel better about what I read.  The story follows Nika and Julian, watered down vampire twins who have the ability to feel what the other is feeling. The story surrounding them just felt incomplete to me and not at all what I was expecting. The story constantly pointed out how the twins were feeling each others emotions, which personally wore me out. That sounds harsh but its the only way for me to put it. 

The twins are each coming into the age of love, heartache and self discovery and even though the story flows easily it just feels incomplete. I was left wanting more from this story and in the end I was left feeling unsatisfied. 

This being said the characters were very colorful and detailed. Their way of life was so well described I felt like I was living in their world at times. I actually love paranormal stories and the details that bring their world to life and Author S.C. Stephens did an amazing job with this aspect. 

3 stars.....
Profile Image for Britt Chaotic Creatives.
1,414 reviews95 followers
September 22, 2017
I have waited years for this book, and I promise you, it was so worth the wait. The conversion series is one of my all time favorite book series, I've read them all over and over. So to say I was excited about the Next Generation is an understatement. There may have been embarrassing squeals when it arrived on my kindle. S.C. Stephens did not disappoint in giving us Nika and Julian's book!

Teren and Emma's twins, Nika and Julian, are now sixteen and going through all the teenage high school drama on top of being a little bit vampire. Leading lives full of lies to keep themselves and their family safe isn't easy on them while they both experience the ups and downs of first love. Filled with love, drama, and edge of your seat suspense at times, this book keeps you enthralled in the world of the Adams vampires. The people Nika and Julian have grown up to be are exactly what I hoped for with Teren and Emma as parents.

All the beloved characters are back and in action with this book so we get to revisit the entire Adams clan. Everyone from great-gran Halina to the steadfastly loyal Ben are involved, which made me happy to no end. With so many eye opening and "OMG!" moments you won't be able to put this down. I am beyond excited for more!!!
October 3, 2017
I've been waiting for what feels like foreeeeever for the continuation of the Conversion series. After all, Teren is my favorite fictional vampire so I couldn't wait to see him as a dad.

The twins, Nika and Julian, are teens in this book and I'd definitely say it's appropriate for YA readers. The caveat is that you will get more understanding of the series and background if you read the first three Conversion books and those are not so teen friendly!

The story is told from Julian and Nika's POV and maybe slightly more from Nika although there is plenty for you to get to know Julian well. Both have a love interest for parts/all of the story and the author does a great job of balancing both and creating a story that has a lot going on but doesn't feel overwhelming.

I got the twist immediately, it's not hard to figure out but I won't give away any of the plot. Just know that some of the story regarding the history and future of vampires from the original books is expanded on here and clearly will be in future books.

I adored seeing what all the old characters are up to and meeting all the new ones as well. I also want to give a shout out to Hot Ben! He totally stole my heart. Definite recommendation if you're a fan of the original books.
Profile Image for The Pink Bookshelf.
114 reviews17 followers
October 1, 2017

S.C. Stephens has done it again! This is the spin-off from her Conversion series; it’s told from Nika and Julian’s point of view. I love having multiple pov’s in a story. I really enjoyed their twin connection.

The writing is seamless. The characters really come to life and pop. I was so into the story, they felt real. It’s been awhile since I was able to enjoy a story that much. Thank you for that Ms. Stephens.

Even though this is a story about vampires, they are different than other teen vampire books. The characteristics of these vamps are fresh and new (to me). I really enjoyed this new take on vampires. So fun! Granted the family bond could definitely cause some problems; but its adds a level of angst to the story. I couldn’t imagine having to live with feeling others emotions or having a built in GPS.

The story made me swoon, giggle, and gasp in shock. You will want to sit and read this entire book in one sitting. Its THAT good! I can't wait for more with these characters.
Profile Image for Jennie LeAnn.
Author 4 books5 followers
January 4, 2022
I’ve read it several times now

I just can’t stop reading these books. The whole Conversation series. They’re just the best and I wish I had even more like these.
I love how S C Stephen’s books are not short. It takes me days to read her book and I love it. The story is well thought out and plays out beautifully.
Really have no real complaints. My “fake” complaint is that now I HAVE to go read the next in the series.
The characters are just so real. Julian is seriously like a 16 year old guy. It’s fun to watch him navigate his feelings. But we do the same thing with Nika.
Halina is always a trip to read about and I almost wish she had her own book.
This book is nice also because although we have moved on from Teren and Emma’s relationship we still get to read about them.
And then there’s Trey.
And Hunter. Golly, I think I have. Favorite thing about every character.
Profile Image for CherryRed’s Reads.
975 reviews8 followers
October 3, 2017
O M G!

Soooo, we finally get some of those secrets revealed in this book that I have been wanting.

Vampires, suspense, surprises that left me speechless and of course romance with a spectacular twist!

I have enjoyed this series from book 1 and Author SC Stephens did not disappoint.

This book is in dual point of views of twins Nika and Julian who are now teenagers which of course brings on the teen years of finding one's identity that is full of emotions and discovery.
I laughed, swooned of course and said OMG more times than I could count while reading this story.

That ending... um yeah is it 2018 yet cause I need to know what happens next.

Go One Click it! & make sure to pick up the other books in this series.

A must read!

**ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review***
5 Cherries Popped
Profile Image for Book Lovers Hangout.
2,740 reviews12 followers
October 2, 2017
Okay so I kind of went about this backwards as I have not read the first books in the series. Yes. Yes. I know. However, I was not lost in this story. I absolutely loved it and will definitely be going back to read the rest.

I thought the storyline was so original and refreshing. It was definitely an interesting take on this genre. I am so excited there will be more written. I can't wait to see where S.C. is going to go with this story.

I really enjoyed the characters. I thought they were well developed and I loved the angst and emotion you felt from them as if you felt with them as they did eachother.

I definitely can't wait to read more and will definitely be going back to read the others.
Profile Image for Kimberly Garner.
1,255 reviews29 followers
September 27, 2017
When I signed on to read this I had no idea it was part of a series, that was my fault and I should have looked. I read the blurb and was like, wow sign me on to read this bad boy. I can honestly say, I am so glad I read this. of course now I have to go back and read the others.LOL I did feel a little off not knowing the back story off all of the characters that shape this book, however, the author did a fantastic job and filling you in, if like me, you dive in, in the 4th book versus the first. This story is told in dual pov.

Logow stuff
Profile Image for Stephanie.
498 reviews2 followers
September 16, 2017
It's so good to see Stephens continue with this series. I love Nika and Julian's stories as they become teenagers. The bond that they share and how it effects their lives is so creative. I can't wait for the next book in January!

Note, I did receive an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jardine Clark.
626 reviews11 followers
September 30, 2017
Loved it

Brilliant absoutley enjoyed reading Nika and Julians story's and reading about the trouble they go through being half vampire and human and what effects it has on there friendships and relationships. Can't wait for the next chapter in the conversion series hopefully not as long to wait.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,223 reviews
October 11, 2017
Nika and Julian almost grown up. Dealing with being a mixed breed of vampire and being teenagers. Julian fall for the wrong girl and doesn’t realize his perfect mate could be right in formation of him. Nika falls for Hunter and his name definitely has a deeper meaning. Same family different problems for the new generation.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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