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Immortality is a dangerous affair when it isn’t done right.

Basie Yeats knows he’s doing immortality all wrong, spending endless days in the same place, but he doesn’t see a reason to leave the home he loves in Long Lily, Pennsylvania. Once the impossible death of his mother leaves him the only immortal person he knows, Basie decides that the only thing he wants to do is get out of Long Lily and start doing immortality the right way—alone.

Kit Elliot has wandered the world looking for the right place to call home, so when a church-turned-cottage suddenly goes up for sale in a quaint Pennsylvania town, it feels like it was meant to be. It takes only a few days at Wellhead Cottage for Kit to decide that the man who sold it to him is frustrating, awkward, and terribly handsome. He offers to help Basie find a new home away from Long Lily—but as days turn to months, Kit finds himself wishing he could make Basie stay.

Trigger Warnings:

Graphic: Panic attacks
Moderate: Suicide (euthanasia), death of parent, grief
Minor: Pregnancy (healthy)

268 pages, Paperback

First published August 29, 2023

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About the author

Tess Carletta

2 books89 followers
Tess Carletta is a library assistant by day, and an indie writer every other waking moment. She holds a particular love for sunsets, quiet country walks, and stories about folks who love each other. She lives in Pennsylvania with two roommates and a round cat aptly named, Ruby the Ham Princess.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 186 reviews
Profile Image for Noah.
336 reviews222 followers
January 20, 2024
Patience, got me crawling through minutes / Well aware when I’m in this / I ain’t waiting around / Oh no I ain’t waiting around (Easy Thing – Dom Fera). Holy fuck! Wow, this was a good book! What a pleasant surprise. At first, I really only picked this one up because it looked cute and I thought it would be a nice way to pass the time. An easy thing, if you will. Now, it’s looking like this is one of those ones. You know, those books that you go back to again and again just to feel something. It captures that special kind of feeling that sometimes comes over you on a sunny afternoon. That mix of easy contentment and profound melancholy. Oh man, this book, I don't even have all the words to express how much I loved it. It’s funny, I actually knew there was something special about it just from reading the blurb (which I actually did this time)! When I saw that this was about immortality, I envisioned in perfect clarity a scene where Basie goes back to an older Kit at the end and their love is still as powerful as it was from their first meeting, and already got choked up! Mind you, this was before I even read the first word of the damn thing! Don’t worry, I’m not going to spoil whether or not something like that happens, but this story tugs at the heartstrings all the same. Thinking back, I guess you could say that I was predetermined to love this rather than the opposite. Huh, that’s a new one.

Anyway, I’m always captivated by stories about immortality. From Tuck Everlasting to that episode “Long Live Walter Jameson” from The Twilight Zone, it’s always a subject that’s perfectly primed to explore themes of loneliness, stagnation, and belonging. And while Kit & Basie hits on all of these, it still manages to land firmly in happier territory. And I honestly couldn’t be more relieved for that. Maybe I’m being selfish, but I loved these two too much for there to be a bittersweet ending! Oh, I didn’t even talk about the characters… oops. Basie is an immortal man who's dealing with a recent loss and decides it's time to sell his house and travel coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago, and then across the North and South to Key Largo. All in a desperate attempt to try to “do immortality the right way.” And as these things tend to happen, a man named Kit is the one who buys his house as he's fulfilling his own wish of living out his Stardew Valley dreams by moving to the idyllic town of Long Lily, far away from noisy city life. With this hot dude now living in the only home Basie’s ever known, suddenly leaving seems a lot harder. Okay, there’s probably no way I could describe this book while also doing it justice, but please read it! It’s good, I promise! “Leaving” as a motif is always romanticized in stories, but this book flips that on its head. What if the big revelatory moment in a person’s life is staying?

“He found that the quiet was not caused by a lack of things to say, but an overabundance of possibility.”
Profile Image for ~Nicole~.
844 reviews344 followers
September 16, 2024
I can’t possibly find the right words to say how wholesome and emotional this story was. I had no idea this little gem existed so thank you, Meli.
And yes, I know it’s probably not quite a 5 stars story but I’ve been in such a slump lately where I couldn’t find anything worth reading and I couldn’t make myself pick anything on my tbr so this book reads like a small miracle to me.
It’s a cozy romance, sweet, tender and so ..tranquil. The whole setting, the side characters they’re all amazing and the emotions are so intense .. Basie and Kit 🥹🥹😍😍. Loved them. I loved everything about this, the writing, the guys and even the painful moments. Poor Basie, I felt his pain so deep 🥺
Excellent read and a brilliant new-to -me author. Can’t wait to read Patchwork.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
287 reviews144 followers
June 20, 2024

I'm gonna say that... Kit and Basie have made proud placement into my top 5 favourite reads EVER!

This book was BEAUTIFUL.
The way they pined and cared for each other, the way they showed each other how they felt through the smallest of kind gestures, THE APOLOGIES THEY GIVE EACHOTHER IN THE END, (take notes authors, these men were apologising like their life depended on it, THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE)

The fact I got to buddy read it with my bestie Gaby💖, made it even more enjoyable as we were both squealing by the end. Wow.

Cosy romance is not a genre I gravitate to.. The lack of plot, or a complication in the storyline generally holding me back, but I must have had a Kit and Basie shaped hole in my heart that now feels sufficiently full.
(I made 45 highlights, and they are all just romantic shit that each character did that would turn me into an absolute puddle of goop)

"Who do I have if you're not my person?"

"Sometimes it feels like I've loved you as long as I've lived, which is pretty overwhelming because, god, it feels like I have lived forever."

This book warmed me from the inside out, it was so disgustingly wholesome and the writing was so different and my brain loved it. I felt physically overwhelmed and was smiling like an idiot at my kindle in the end and I felt weird inside in a good way.

You may disagree with me, and you will be wrong, and that's okay.. tehe 🤭🤭🤭

Deserves 6 stars on my ratometer to be honest.
Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,234 reviews116 followers
March 12, 2024
3,25 stars.
Overall sweet mm romance about immortality and home.
Thanks Meli for the rec!

It took me long to get a feeling for the story and the characters. Nearly the whole first half of the book I felt a bit lost, hoping to finally connect with them, and feel the connection between them.
Thankfully the second half improved for me, but sadly not enough to make this a memorable read. I expected to love this story as much as my favorites from K. L. Noone, but my expectations were too high. I'm in a strange reading mood lately, so maybe that's why I didn't feel much.

There were a few things that didn't make sense at all, from the beginning, and weren't adressed at all:
-why didn't Basie look earlier for hid late mother's letter?
-why didn't he go to his mother's funeral?
With how devastated he clearly was over losing her, these things didn’t make sense, and I didn't get why there wasn't even an explanation offered.

There were a few lovely phrases. How beautiful is this thought:
"To the best of Kit’s knowledge, Crane’s Nest was a miserable, rainy patch of land that the residents of Long Lily left alone because the forest there was older than Wellhead Cottage and trees like that deserved their solitude."
Profile Image for Ellie.
612 reviews58 followers
August 16, 2023
5 stars

This book is so full of love.

Familial love, friendly love, romantic love, love for a place and for a way of being. Every action taken in this book, wise or not, is driven by love.

But underneath the love, is a deep current of sadness and grief.

When Basie learns that his mother has died, he can't bear the idea of staying in the house they shared for so many years even for one day longer. He immediately puts it on the market and squats in an abandoned diner while he waits for his best friend Lewie, the town realtor, to "find the right person" to buy it.

As much as Basie wants to go, when Lewie tells him he's found someone who fits, he finds that he can't bring himself to leave without meeting the man. And Kit Elliot does fit; he blends seamlessly into the town and seems to belong in a way that Basie never felt he did.

One glimpse and suddenly Basie isn't so sure about leaving after all and while things between them may not get off on the right foot, they soon become close friends and Basie is torn between the man he's falling for and the place he can no longer bear to be.

First of all, thank goodness for Lewie. Always there gently nudging things from the sidelines, Lewie is the benevolent fairy godmother of the story. Without him, who knows where these fools would be.

Strangely enough, I'd consider this a coming of age story. Basie, for all his years, has led a fairly sheltered life and this peace is brutally upended when his mother dies. Kit has been flitting from place to place, but has finally decided that it's time for him to settle down and find a community.

In terms of plot, this is a very simple story, and the weight of the narrative stands on the characters' shoulders. Basie and Kit both are remarkably relatable characters, though not without their flaws. Several times I found myself wishing they wouldn't do something, knowing they would, or hoping they would take a chance, only to find them holding themselves back. The development between them is slow, and felt hard-earned.

The setting is so rich, I found the descriptions of the house and gardens very evocative. Fields of sunflowers, lilies, the scent of lavender tea, freshly drying paint and strawberry pies. The small community that is woven around them, the tapestry of the people and the countryside.

This was the kind of book that made me cry after I finished it; quiet tears shed into my pillow with the lights out. It was just such a beautiful story and I highly, highly recommend it.

I kindly received an ARC from the author. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for jay.
917 reviews5,294 followers
July 15, 2023
cozy romance fantasy books are not for me cause i have a heart of stone and hate fun but

this was so heartwarming and cute and i love them 🥺

this book is the equivalent of waking up to the sun shining on your face on a lazy day ❤️

read as part of 202-Queer 🌈✨

*thanks to the author for the arc!*
Profile Image for Iman (semi-hiatus).
726 reviews211 followers
August 30, 2024
This book tugged at my heartstrings it’s wonderfully cozy and warm, perfect to be read with a cup of hot tea or coffee.

”You were never terrible. You were the reason I got out of bed in the morning.”

The story was vividly brought to life; I could picture the house, the shed, and every detail of the scenes they shared. It felt like watching a movie, but better—a story brimming with depth and life.

The characters were amazing and vividly portrayed. Basie, in particular, felt incredibly real—his impulsiveness and emotional depth made his actions feel entirely authentic. I loved both Kit and Basie~~~

The ending is exactly the kind I adore. It lingers in my mind, making me wonder on an ordinary Wednesday, ‘What are Kit & Basie doing right now?’

Beautiful and perfect.
Profile Image for Gaby .
770 reviews79 followers
June 20, 2024
“But who do I have if you're not my person?”

This book is perfection, it’s the definition of cozy romance and I will hear no criticism about it.

Kit and Basie, Basie and Kit. I would die for them!

This book is just so cute and fluffy and sweet and nice. I had a silly smile the whole time I spent reading this book.

Poor Basie broke my heart with his grief, he was so lost and lonely completely adrift and then, oh boy! then he met Kit and from the first moment these two saw each other you could just tell how completely smitten they were with one another.

Walks, gardening, and pies, Kit and Basie spent time doing the most mundane things and yet I could not get enough. Thankfully, the angst in this book is very minimal and it lasts about 2 chapters only!

Reading this book was an experience especially because I got to read it alongside my bestie Chelsea <3
Profile Image for Raluca (hedonicbooks).
561 reviews69 followers
September 26, 2023
You know that feeling when you finish a book and you get all fuzzy on the inside? This beautiful story made me feel just like that. It's cozy, whimsical, magical, wonderful! It's snuggling under a blanket on a rainy day, it's the surprise of a rainbow after a storm, it's rays of sunshine dancing on your face in the spring after a hard, cold winter, it's just so wholesome and adorable. And you need to read it.

Set in current times, the story follows Basie, a 25 year old electrician that has inherited immortality from his mother. So yes, he's been 25 for... a while.

With depictions of loss and grief, the book takes us on Basie's healing journey, a journey that is both heartbreaking and painful, but also deeply cathartic and transformative. During his mourning period, Basie meets Kit, a newcomer to Long Lily, an enigmatic presence that pulls Basie in and overturns his plans of 'doing immortality the right way'.

The writing is warm and inviting, the characters are well defined and balanced, and even if I initially thought their connection was maybe too sudden, the soul mates card was played beautifully.

There's a lot of comic relief too, mostly offered by Basie's interactions with the other characters. He is grumpy, closed off and abrasive, but the small town community he surrounds himself with sees him for who he really is. The side characters were wonderful, I particularly liked Basie's best friend - I hope he'll get his own book.

This is such a heartwarming story. It made me smile, laugh, even cry; I was an emotional mess after finishing it, but grateful for witnessing the characters discover each other and build a genuine relationship in such a magical place.

Oh, and don't get me started on all the baked goods. 🤤 All those pies made me want to get out of bed and start baking.
Profile Image for ancientreader.
572 reviews162 followers
October 9, 2023
Till about 2/3 of the way through, I was happy with the book this was, and then I grew dissatisfied, and by the end I wanted it to be a different book. I generally consider it unfair to ding a book for not being some other book, but I'm going with it this time anyway because there was so much potential for more.

See, I love the premise: Basie Yeats, an immortal man (actually, we later learn people like him are only extremely long-lived), learns that his (also nearly immortal) mother has just died, having left home without telling him and gone to Canada where she can get aid-in-dying. In a fit of grief and anger he upends his life, among other things selling the house he lived in with her, but fortunately the buyer is Kit Elliot, who, no surprise, turns out to be the other MC.

Kit wants to settle down, Basie wants to tear up his roots because the loss of his mother is so painful, cue conflict and separation and eventual reunion plus what for me was a disappointing revelation (that doesn't seem to have surprised anyone, and perhaps only surprised me because I kept hoping for a more interesting resolution).

But, well. It's a sweet story, it's on KU, and maybe my disappointment is unfair after all.
249 reviews52 followers
March 7, 2024
I love this feel-good story about immortalities finding a home in the world. The writing is exquisite, light as a breeze over a grass hill, but able to touch deep in your heart. What a feat for a new author. Totally recommended.
Profile Image for Sarah.
385 reviews15 followers
October 2, 2023
“He was going to call every electrician in Berkeley Springs and tell them that Basil Yeats had rabies and liked to kick puppies. That he pushed old ladies into traffic and swiped mint gum from the gas station every time he filled his tank.”


Oh, this was super sweet and cozy and a comfort read with a few tears in between. Q.Q

Not much happens at all, per se ...
We have our two protagonists.
One can’t (won’t) travel anymore and wants to settle down.
One simply can’t stay any longer after a fateful event and wants to escape.
Both meet each other and it sparks.
But what to do when one wants to stay and one wants to leave and neither can do otherwise?

This may sound more dramatic than it is. In itself, it’s a lot about baking pies, subtle magic, wonderful neighbours/friends and an old diner in the woods with a decaying roof. It’s a lot about the little things.
About living and loving and eventually leaving.

Yes ... it’s a lot about love.
Love for the big and small things.


Oh, das war super sweet und cozy und Wohlfühllektüre mit ein paar Tränen zwischendurch. Q.Q

An sich passiert gar nicht viel ...
Wir haben unsere zwei Protagonisten.
Einer kann (will) nicht mehr reisen und möchte sich niederlassen.
Einer kann nach einem Schicksalsschlag einfach nicht mehr bleiben und möchte ausbrechen.
Beide treffen aufeinander und es knistert.
Aber was tun, wenn einer bleiben und einer gehen will und keiner anders kann?

Das klingt jetzt vielleicht dramatischer, als es ist. An sich geht es viel um Kuchen backen, um subtile Magie, um wundervolle Nachbarn/Freunde und um ein altes Diner im Wald mit marodem Dach. Es geht viel um die kleinen Dinge.
Um Leben und Lieben und irgendwann Gehen.

Ja ... es geht ganz viel um Liebe.
Liebe für die großen und kleinen Dinge.
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,491 reviews80 followers
October 8, 2023
This is a book I wanted to love, but it was missing the magic and left me rather disappointed. The fact that this took me almost 1.5 weeks to read speaks volumes. When I had time to read, I didn’t reach for this, and really I should have marked it as a DNF.

I suppose I got off on the wrong foot with this anyway. The intro is from Della’s POV before switching to Basie’s. While the book alternates between Kit & Basie’s POVs, there was the odd lapse where for a sentence or two, Lewie’s thoughts and/or feelings would make themselves known. Was it intentional or accidental? By all means, wrote an omniscient POV, but be consistent.

I didn’t enjoy the journal entries, but then I don’t like any epistolary content. I also didn’t like the little fake death certificate or tragedy in three parts stuff either.

I think one thing that affected my enjoyment of this was how heavy handed the hinting was the
Profile Image for Emily.
116 reviews
June 26, 2024
This was a very cozy read. Even with it touching lightly on how certain characters dealt with grief. The little bit of magical realism was cool.
The love story in this was like a warm hug ❤️
Profile Image for Shu Wei Chin.
665 reviews32 followers
July 14, 2023
4.5 heart-warming, whimsical stars

"Who do I have if you're not my person?"


This is the cozy fantasy of my dreams; the softest, most healing queer (Achillean) romance, the most whimsical soft fantasy that added so much depth to the romance and some truly lovable characters. I loved that both Kit and Basie are such multi-faceted characters with their respective flaws and quirks, and can I just give the biggest hug to Lewie Simon, THE role model of a best friend, who truly carried this entire tale.

There is a little angst in here as characters mature and navigate the struggles of immortality in a world of mortals, but if you know me at all you know that angst and hurt/comfort are what clenches my heart and root for characters. It did get a little frustrating in the middle, I felt like there was one 180° decisions too many but this is only a tiny nitpick. Just the one little thing stopping me from giving this a full 5 stars.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Terri Jones.
2,535 reviews48 followers
August 3, 2023
This novel is fiercely, thoughtfully, compassionately charming, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who enjoys fantasy romance and some consideration of inhuman time. On some level it is also a grumpy-sunshine romance, but it's not that simple. And therein lies the delight.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Jen.
367 reviews30 followers
September 4, 2023
I loved this SO much. Didn’t want to put it down. It’s so cozy and sweet and whimsical. I loved everything about this and it’s going to be my new comfort read rec to everyone. I adore books where the setting becomes a character and it was done so wonderfully here. I really hope there are more books in this series to come!
Profile Image for ✨Meli the bookworm✨.
148 reviews14 followers
September 4, 2023
To Basie’s fascination, the crust on Kit’s sandwich was cut off on the long edges. Basie tore the short edges off his own sandwich so that between the two of them, they had one full set of crusts.

4.5 very heartfelt and swoony⭐ but rounding up because I honestly can't seem to stop thinking about this book!!

I genuinely LOVE when books surprise me. Take Kit & Basie. I read the blurb, and was expecting a cozy fantasy romance between a 77yr old immortal, who stopped aging when he was in his mid 20s, Basie, and Kit, the man who bought his house (with absolutely everything in it) after Basie’s mother passed away. And yes, if I had to describe to someone the book in a very, very short paragraph, that is what Kit & Basie is about. But it is also a vibrant ode to love and the bonds that keep us sane and well, that heal us when grief is just too much to deal with, not only the romantic type; friends (Lewie Simon, you absolute beauty of a friend, you are the true MVP of this book and the best matchmaker anyone could ever ask), community, the place where your soul belongs to, even when you can’t think of nothing but to runaway from your woes, from everything, from yourself.

The writing is beautiful, comforting and very much swoony. It also has layers and layers of depth that makes you want to take the time to appreciate it, savour it with every fiber of your being and get lost for hours, days, weeks, beekeeping, caring for irises in the garden, baking pies, painting a mural, finding that very unique place where you belong, the place that brings all the unexplainable magic to life. The romance and banter between Kit and Basie is delightful and sweet; with amounts of yearning that feel borderline illegal and criminal, and a fierceness that stems from knowing you have met your person.

Basie knew the answer to his question as if he had been born with it—as if all the things Kit was trying to tell him were the very first words he’d learned and spoken. Basie wrapped his arms around Kit’s shoulders, because he had things he wanted to say too. The rough hands buried into Kit’s hair said, Oh, I’m a fool. His nose pressed into the apple of Kit’s cheeks pleaded, Forgive me. Every returned kiss said words Basie could not articulate, but sounded in his mind like, Me haces querer vivir para siempre.

I have to admit though, despite being resolutely charmed and obsessed with 95% of the book, there were a couple of decisions from characters that felt a bit too abrupt, a bit too "magically he sees the error of his ways" for my particular liking, considering everything that had transpired and how incredibly believable the characterizations had been up until that point. And still, I would recommend this book, in a heartbeat, to anyone who… to anyone and everyone, period. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK!! It's beautiful, and can't wait to have my own copy of it, reread it endless times, and of course read more of the Tales from Long Lily.

[I received an advance review copy for free from BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.]
Profile Image for Nick Vallina (MisterGhostReads).
608 reviews22 followers
December 3, 2023

Basie and Della Yates have been living in Long Lily Pennsylvania for over seventy years….which isn’t that remarkable until you realize they haven’t aged past twenty five and thirty seven respectively. They’re immortal and have settled in the small community of Long Lily because it’s a place where anything seems possible.
Until the day when the unexpected happens and Basie wakes up to learn his mother has died.
In a fit of sadness he sells his house and plans to leave Long Lily, insisting he wants to “do immortality right”. Until he meets the charming man who bought his house: Kit Elliot…and suddenly Basie finds it incredibly difficult to leave.

I LOVED this book. It deals with a pretty heavy topic while dealing with Della’s death but it is so cozy and squishy and makes you fall immediately in love with Kit and Basie. I can’t get enough of these boys. I loved their journey together and can’t wait for more stories from Long Lily.
Profile Image for AngelFire.
762 reviews57 followers
Shelved as 'tried-but-not-for-me'
June 15, 2024
DNF @ 29%. No rating.

I had a feeling this wouldn't be my thing based on the high page count and the limited scope of the story but the high ratings made me want to check it out. Unfortunately, the slow pace that so many other readers enjoyed wasn't working for me and the many inconsistencies/plot errors were a distraction.

I couldn't turn my brain off enough to ignore the plot holes and inconsistencies that I wasn't supposed to focus on. For example - Basie spends several weeks living at the abandoned diner without any electricity. Sure, there's a toilet and sink (part of the diner's washroom) and I can believe that the water was never turned off and the septic tank is still fine. But where did he shower? He only had a small backpack so his clothing would have been limited so where did he wash his clothes? He would have looked and smelled terrible within just a few days, never mind weeks. It's not possible that the townspeople would have ignored that for so long.

Then there's Basie and his mom's immortalities. I was curious how two people manage to live in a tiny town for many decades while never aging, yet have nobody notice this. In most immortal stories, the immortal person deals with the situation by packing up and moving every few decades or by doing a great job pretending to be their own descendants (new names, new personalities, new home decor etc). There's a throwaway line in the story that Basie's mom had pretended to be her own daughters multiple times, but then the author contradicts this by saying that everybody always knew Basie's mom was Basie's mom, who was the same person who moved to the town in 1945 and was still there (looking the exact same age) in 2023. In addition, people knew that Basie's mom was pregnant in 1945 so they would have known that she gave birth to a son who she named Basie, who grew up in the town, magically stopped aging at 25 and has existed in that same town ever since. There's no reasonable explanation for how/why the townspeople never notice these two obviously immortal people living right under their noses and why they never comment about it.

Next - we're told Long Lily is a town where everybody knows everybody and everybody loved Basie and his mother. Except when his mom dies, Basie tells readers he has nobody who cares about him except his best friend. Everybody in town would have known that Basie had sold his house and didn't have anywhere to live so why didn't he have tons of offers to let him stay in their homes? He even spends the majority of his time in different people's homes during the day, fixing various electrical issues. For a town that supposedly is filled with love and kindness, they sure didn't extend that kindness very far. Basie also comments that he's given a meal (I assume lunch) in payment for his electrical services, but that's a joke. The value of a meal like that would be about $20. Are we supposed to believe that Basie was only charging $20 for hours of electrical work, never mind the materials? I assume Basie used to be paid in actual money before his homeless situation so why did this change? Again - these people don't seem very loving and kind to me. It seemed like they took advantage of a grieving man who didn't know what way was up.

I also wasn't impressed with Basie's mom's selfishness. The woman literally leaves her only child in the middle of the night, sneaks up to Canada and get euthanized, all while Basie thinks everything's fine. Are you kidding me?!? What kind of a loving mother would do something like that?!? Her reasoning (which I found out about reading a review) was also absurd. She had started aging again and she didn't want Basie to deal with her getting older and sick while Basie stayed healthy. First of all - she never asked Basie what his preference about the situation would be which should have been her main concern as a parent, and second of all - she never tells him anything. The situation kind of resembles somebody committing suicide due to depression but even that wouldn't make what she did okay. I was floored by her horrible behavior and I felt very sad for poor Basie.

But Basie also wasn't blameless in that mess because he never bothers going to Canada or sending instructions on what should be done with his mom's body. There's no reference to a funeral or memorial. She just dies and then Basie decides to skip over those details. He also never bothers going to get his truck, which was their family's only mode of transportation, which his selfish mom had driven up to Canada, knowing she'd never drive it back.

Throughout the part I read, I kept wondering what the author will do to resolve the obvious issue that always comes along when one MC in a romance is immortal: how do the two MCs have a solid HEA when we know one of them will die way before the other? The solution is usually to turn the non-immortal MC into an immortal but unlike with vampires, the immortal magic in this book was something unknown so I had no idea how the author could go about resolving that. Well, I looked at other reviews and it turns out that the author chooses the easiest and most uninteresting approach, which also happens to be a massive plot convenience. Basically, . Yay...??

Anyway, I could have lived with these other issues but the pacing was way too slow for me. There were tons of irrelevant details and everything moved at a snail's pace. Kit was very bland and Basie was also a disappointment because the guy looks 25, he's actually 77 but he also acts 25. No matter what your physical appearance is, being alive for nearly 8 decades would have given Basil a maturity and approach to life that's very different from that of a 25 year old. The whole point of the story was supposed to be this weird juxtaposition between Basil looking young but really being old but none of that came across in the narrative.

Overall, I can understand why this story worked for so many people but it wasn't my cup of tea.
Profile Image for Mio.
93 reviews
March 14, 2024
“Where are you going?” As far away from you as possible. To Sunday service. To go fix a dead doorbell. Nowhere at all if you tell me to stay.

Should I have spent my night reading this in one go until 4am? Probably not, but I’m having a hard time regretting it. This was a wonderful read. Very slow burn and bittersweet. The ending felt good and right and the writing was impeccable, such a joy to read these descriptions. I don’t see pictures in my mind at all usually, but some of these visual descriptions made some fuzzy pictures appear, I love when that happens.

From the outside, the diner looked like it had been plucked apart the same way people pluck at grass—frayed along the siding, with no rhyme or reason to which boards stayed nailed in and which were cracked with age.

My brain’s tired and I am too, so I will be concluding this review here. Definitely recommend this for feelings on grief and love and unique descriptions, plus some immortality thrown in the mix.

Kit shifted on his feet. There was a heaviness in his arms that made them dangle at his sides, unable to bear any more weight. Basie wished Kit could hold something, because it had been a damned long time since anyone had given him a hug.
Profile Image for Annabel.
Author 3 books28 followers
January 15, 2024
This was so cute!!! The plot + the writing style made it feel like a very cozy yet modernish fairytale.

I would have liked it even more if there had been more chapters about the development of Kit & Basie's friendship, because now it felt a bit rushed. For some reason, that didn't make their romance less believable. They were so cute together! Every interaction between them was precious.

This book also makes me want to live in Long Lily, so can anyone tell me how to get there? 😉

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for cait.
250 reviews6 followers
July 28, 2023
4.5 stars*

Before I start, let me tell you one thing: finishing this book after watching season 2 of Good Omens healed something in me that Neil Gaiman picked up, squeezed, threw away, broke, and walked on because it was fun (in that order.)

Now we can start.

I want to preface this review by saying thank you to Tess for sending me an ARC!

Cosy fantasy isn't really my thing, so I really hesitated when I applied for an ARC of Kit & Basie; but as you can see, in the end, I caved, and I applied, and I got an ARC, and I read it. And I loved it. Not only it saved me from emotional damage (thank you, Neil Gaiman (no).), but it's also one of the sweetest, purest books I've read, and it was exactly what I needed at this precise moment. I'm also very much into a romance mood right now, so really, it was the perfect time for me to read this book.


When I say this was one of the purest, sweetest books I've read in a while (two weeks ago I read The Dragon Republic so, you know, compared to that, a queer, cozy fantasy/romance is.... yeah). BUT it's not to say there wasn't any angst, because there was. Granted, it wasn't unbridled, excessive angst, but it was present enough that you could feel it and go, "Ah. Well, shit." But also, when you're dealing with an immortal being and a love interest who, until (if they even are) proven otherwise, is very much not immortal... I mean, everyone can figure out why Basie (the mc) is angsty and very much running away, especially after his mum's death. Wouldn't you? I would. The angst was brought and done well, never bordering on the too much or the unreasonable/unbelievable. Basie's reasoning made complete sense, and it was a nice way to complete his arc. Although his relationship with Kit starts (and when I mean start, I mean really start in... the last chapter(???) you have enough building and friendship, (and pining. so much pining) to be satisfied by the end of the book. Also, they were adorable. I might have giggled and blushed and kicked my feet in the air a few times.

The sides characters were very fleshed-out and they had their own personalities, even though, let's be honest, they were barely there. And that's not a problem: the book was centered around Kit and Basie, their friendship, and their journey together to being lovers, and even though it did leave many characters aside (I wouldn't be opposed on knowing more about the Simons! Or Lara!), it was enough, especially because the book is a bit less than 270 pages long.

I never felt dissatisfied once with Tess's choices. The story formed a full circle, Basie's arc made sense and he did, in the end, found what he had always dreamed of. I think if we knew a bit more about Kit's past, it might make the whole thing better (but really, this is just me being greedy, because I love Kit and I want more of him). The relationship between Kit and Basie was... phew, amazing. They made me laugh, they made me smile, they made me giggle, and I am a TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OLD WOMAN. The writing style was, in my humble opinion, flawless. The beginning almost read like a legend, before it opens onto Della being sidetracked in her quest for a house until she finds the church/cottage. It flew easily under my eyes, it's also easy to read but never too simple. It's an amazing debut book, and I will absolutely be present for Tess' other releases!
Profile Image for Lorena.
152 reviews4 followers
December 17, 2023
first of all i would like to thank the author for the eARC

i was following the author for a bit and this book was definitely one of my most anticipated release, i feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to read it in advance because i can now scream about how much i loved it and force people to read it

this book is so sweet and relaxing and comforting 😭 but also it makes you feel a lot of emotions and i love when this happens: i got sad, i got mad, i laughed,  i cried,  i was all heart-eyes and I gasped at the plot twist

characters finding love when they're not in their teens or early twenties give me so much hope i can't explain it, and i love how this book shows that it's never too late

i loved Kit and Basie a lot, the way they're written really makes them act and appear like real people, the secondary characters also are all so lovely and Wellhead seems like a wonderful place !

even the way the book is written gives so much comfort, i really loved it😭

can't wait to buy a copy when it's published
Profile Image for Jackbees.
125 reviews8 followers
September 16, 2024
Yes it was sweet but it was just too slow and I was not compelled to continue. DNF at 70% after many attempts.

And seriously, Kit walks to work, encounters Basie on the way and decides to walk him home and spend (I think, I can't totally remember) the day with him. This is romantic, sort of, but the day is not all that romantic, it barely progresses their relationship. And like WHAT ABOUT WORK!!?? Did you call them and tell them you weren't coming in? What about the other underpaid staff that are scrambling because they have to cover you?? Did you think about them!!WHERE IS YOUR WORK ETHIC!!!! This shit stresses me out.
Profile Image for S.O. Callahan.
Author 4 books53 followers
August 30, 2023
This book was so sweet, emotional, and beautifully written. I loved the story and how everything tied together so perfectly at the end. If you’re looking for a cozy read with slow-burn romance, you’ll love it too!
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Myers.
51 reviews4 followers
August 22, 2023
A new local Erie author who provides a feel good LGBTQ romance with tears and laughs throughout the whole thing. I’m anxiously waiting to hear if they’ll be more Long Lily adventures!
Profile Image for Abby Heidt.
497 reviews23 followers
April 24, 2024
what a cute lil folklore story 🥹 if you liked “The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches” READ THIS!

Basie is immortal. He lives in a small town in PA with his mother in a church that she had fixed up upon moving to Long Lily. Soon he deals with a life changing event that leaves him alone and wanting to “do immortality correctly” so he puts his house for sale, with everything inside.

In walks Kit. Now that Kit has bought Basie’s house, Basie can leave, right?

Will Basie stay? How will Kit do living in a house with all of Basie’s things?

This book was a slow start for me, BUT the second half was 10/10. I loved how Kit and Basie’s story comes together and how they help each other grow. The ending just melted my heart!

Love to support a local author so I’d recommend this one to anyone who is looking for a slight “fantasy” LGBTQ read!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 186 reviews

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