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Morning Glories

Morning Glories, Vol. 3: P.E.

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One of the most prestigious prep schools in the country...But behind its hallowed doors something sinister and deadly lurks. When six brilliant but troubled new students arrive, they find themselves trapped and desperately seeking answers...and escape from a place where nothing is what it seems to be!

The critically acclaimed, smash-hit series rolls on with this collection of the blockbuster third arc, "P.E. " The first days were just the beginning--when the faculty cancels classes and sends the students on an outing in the nearby woods, all hell breaks loose--sending the Glories on a mysterious journey through time and space.

241 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2012

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About the author

Nick Spencer

952 books338 followers
Librarian Note:
There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

Nick Spencer is a comic book writer known for his creator-owned titles at Image Comics (Existence 2.0/3.0, Forgetless, Shuddertown, Morning Glories), his work at DC Comics (Action Comics, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents), and for his current work at Marvel Comics (Iron Man 2.0, Ultimate Comics: X-Men).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 242 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
October 7, 2017
Capture the Flag for psychopaths!


So these kids get sent off into the woods to...win something? Some game? I don't know, but they end up getting paired off and nutty things start to happen.
Oh! And flashbacks! Lots and lots of flashbacks!


Plus, there's some kind of time travel cave? I just don't even know what the fuck is up with that shit. I can't... What?


And then the whole sit and stare at a wall till STUFF N THINGS happen? What the hell, Spencer?! I'm incredibly intrigued, but I hate you so much.


Then there's this crazy ending that just...WHAT?! What happened?!


And new kids! Now there are new kids?
Ok. I know this review makes no sense, but (let's be honest) neither does this comic.
Profile Image for Sridhar Reddy.
57 reviews6 followers
August 9, 2012
These 'Morning Glories' books are really running my patience to a raw nerve. While I appreciate plot twists, ending every issue and scene with a new question, or character, or absolutely random development is not, in my books, building a compelling story, it's sloppy writing. What we're supposed to be processing as a "complex" story is instead a writer out of control. I've been trying to connect the dots but it's disingenuous of a writer to keep adding a dozen or so new dots at each turn.

Equally disappointing is the artwork. The facial expressions are good but there is little to no consistency in the figures - some frames veer wildly as a character will have an entirely different body shape, and the coloring of the book remains uninspired and bland.

The only saving grace is the beautiful cover artwork, which makes me wish that the interior art were only so lush and vibrant.

I've stuck with this book through three collected editions, and am now beyond giving it the benefit of the doubt. Nick Spencer is in dire need of a good editor, someone who will tell him that he's not building a narrative, he's simply piling ideas on top of one another and calling a mystery because every plot point ends with a question or someone curtly interrupting the dialogue. In some way, eventually, Spencer must know how it's going to all coalesce, but he's stretched it past the point of breaking. His narrative is broken into a thousand pieces, and to repair that is something that is asking a LOT of his readership. Sometimes there's such a thing as too many ideas, and restraint must be shown. The lack of restraint by Spencer results in a completely unfocused and busy piece of work, one that wants us to admire it for its audacity, but instead rubs me raw.

That said, I will likely read the next installation simple for the fact that I've already invested myself this far. If it continues to spin further out of control, then I will not be shocked. But as for now, my expectations remain fairly low. A disappointment.
Profile Image for Elena.
576 reviews181 followers
May 24, 2015
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
March 14, 2017
Still confused as ever, still intrigued as ever.

So we get a little bit of crazyness with the story. Back in time? Sure why the fuck now. We also get to see psycho crazy bitch actually kill more people. We get a flashback of asian delight. We get so many flashbacks, time traveling, and insane fucking plot points I honestly can't keep up. The language, dialog, over the top shit just makes this impossible to stop reading.

Still not a huge fan of the art though. Always just find it _OKAY_ but nothing more. Fun but wish for more distinct looks for everyone.

Anyway I will continue this story cause it's batshit fucking insane and I love it.
Profile Image for Derek.
1,047 reviews75 followers
August 3, 2015
This is becoming too cyclical, it's starting to lose me. Unlike the series LOST, this doesn't have the grounding for half of the unbelievable things they're trying to achieve here. The Casey subplot? The murdering streak in Zoe? It has gone from impressive to improbable. Characters just keep popping in for cameo appearances a la Deus ex machina style.
Profile Image for Megan.
571 reviews
June 28, 2012
How is it that I feel like I know both more and less about what the hell is going on in this series?
Profile Image for Ronyell.
986 reviews331 followers
August 12, 2013
Morning Glories


After reading the first two volumes of Nick Spencer’s current comic book series “Morning Glories,” I was interested in seeing what kind of strange and nightmarish adventures our main protagonists are getting themselves into this time. Well, it turns out that there are even more twists and turns for the characters in this volume than ever before!

What is this story about?

In this volume, the faculty at Morning Glory Academy decided to cancel classes for the rest of the day just so the students could play a game called Woodrun. Unfortunately, as the students start playing this mysterious game, things start getting really crazy when time travel and various flashbacks of the characters’ past lives start surfacing during the games!

What I loved about this story:

Nick Spencer’s writing: Once again, Nick Spencer manages to weave in mystery and thrills into this volume as we see the Morning Glories go through various surreal situations during the mysterious game called Woodrun. I enjoyed the way that Nick Spencer still manages to add more to the characters’ back stories such as Casey’s father being in the military, how the death of Jade’s mother affected Jade deeply and Zoe’s dark past with a teacher at her former school. It added more dimensions to the characters and I would like to see whether or not these characters would overcome their dark pasts in order to survive in a school that is out to kill them. I also loved the fact that this volume focuses more on the interpersonal relationships between the characters and how they are trying to get to know each other since it brought more depth to their personalities and it would be interesting to see in future volumes about whether or not they will try working better with each other to escape Morning Glories academy.

Joe Eisma’s artwork: Once again, Joe Eisma’s artwork is just so gorgeous to look at as the characters glow right off the pages and the action sequences were drawn extremely well. I also loved how Joe Eisma made the characters’ facial expressions look so realistic and effective as I really took in emotions that the characters were experiencing and I felt myself sympathizing with the majority of them.

What made me feel uncomfortable about this story:

The main problem I been having with this series so far was that the stories continue to switch back and forth from the characters’ flashbacks to what is currently happening to them (and some awkward scenes where the characters time travel to different eras). Even though there is a clear story here, I felt that the constant switching of the narratives between the past and the present were a bit too frustrating to go through since I am one of those readers who prefers to read stories that take place in the present and have flashback sequences happen in certain points of the story. It is not that I hate flashback stories, it is just that in this case, the flashback stories of each character kind of slowed down the story for me and I was more interested in what was happening to the characters in the present rather than having more flashbacks of the characters’ past lives. Also, for anyone who does not like strong language and gory violence, this volume contains quite of bit of both and it would best to skim over these scenes if they prove to be uncomfortable for the reader.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, “Morning Glories Volume Three: P.E.” is a pretty good volume that really explores the inner relationships of each character and reveals much more about each character and their journey in escaping from the nightmarish Morning Glory Academy!

Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

Profile Image for L. McCoy.
742 reviews3 followers
November 24, 2018
I think this series might be going downhill as it goes on.
The first volume is fantastic IMO.
The second volume is good, not great.
This one is just okay.

On one hand, it’s a suspenseful story with good artwork and this volume includes some pretty good kills.
On the other hand, I am tired of the angsty bullshit, I don’t give a fuck about any of these characters anymore except the ones who should be brutally killed off and the flashbacks in this volume are annoying (sometimes flashback stuff is done well, not in this book).

So yeah. I’ll add volume 4 to my reading list though this series is going downhill.

Profile Image for Kitty G Books.
1,628 reviews2,980 followers
August 21, 2016
Really really like this series as always and see in the brutal craziness combined with time travel and flash backs makes it crazy good. This is certainly a series with an awful lot to offer and it does so through beautiful (if brutal) artwork scenes, savage moments of fights and deaths, and the casual bullies and rivalries you'd expect from a school. All of that and more factor in to make this such an engaging one to read and one I'd highly recommend :) 4*s
Profile Image for Baba.
3,814 reviews1,273 followers
June 21, 2020
The mysteries, shocks, twists and turns continue in this 'P.E' story arc. Still a great book, the more revealed the more you need to know, kind of like the Lost TV series. In this Volume, the all classes are cancelled and students sent on the 'Woodrun' (supposedly physical education = P.E.), which sees some of the Glories travelling in space... and time! 9.5 out of 12.
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,019 followers
October 23, 2017
I definitely missed being back in this world with all the characters. The plot is beginning to make more sense and I think eventually we'll get insight to what's going to happen to the characters and why things are happening to them. The school is extremely weird and I haven't picked up on it's purpose yet but hopefully I'll figure that out soon. The artwork was great as usual and I'm looking forward to reading the next volume.
Profile Image for David.
Author 18 books388 followers
January 17, 2014
Curiouser and curiouser.

With this third volume of Morning Glories (collecting issues #13-#19), all the kids at Morning Glory Academy are sent out to participate in some sort of outdoor snipe-hunt called "Woodrun." Of course everything at Morning Glory Academy is creepy and leads to fatalities, but the best part of this volume was Hunter (nerdy ginger-haired fanboy with a crush on Casey) being paired with Zoe (hot Indian material girl with a tongue like a whip).

I am still liking this series a lot, but not gonna lie, I am getting increasingly confused as mystery piles upon mystery with almost nothing explained yet. I mean, at some point in your big conspiracy epic you have to start unraveling the knot a little bit, right?

So far we have Casey time-traveling to meet her father, Jade and Ike, umm, having a long conversation in an underground cavern, Jun/Hisao getting some M/M action with a new guy in a double-page bit of fanservice for the ladies, and then there is Hunter and Zoe out in the woods. With a knife. A big butcher knife. Wielded by Zoe. Who is a knife murderer. WTF?

The thing is, all these cliffhangers end with one of the characters or some new person showing up and making a startling pronouncement that vaguely hints at What's Really Going On, except we know we haven't even begin to scratch the surface of What's Really Going On.

So far, all I know is pretty much what I guessed after the first issue: Morning Glory Academy is part of some deep conspiracy/cult that is either trying to take over the world or save the world or thinks it's doing one or the other, and our six Glories are all "special" in some way.

Artwork and the story continues to be superb, but if I keep getting strung along like this, my patience will be tried.
Profile Image for Leah.
696 reviews86 followers
November 10, 2014
It took full three volumes, but I’m officially hooked on this Morning Glories series. P.E. was definitely a step in the right direction for me, in regards to character development, writing and plot, and just overall enjoyment of the series.

The writing:

I think it’s improved, but really pieces of the puzzle are coming together, and while there’s still this crazy mystery and disjointedness in the plot with having characters doing freaking everything, I felt like it worked this time around. Maybe I’m just getting used to the writing and the story in general, but I think with P.E. the Morning Glories story has hit its stride.

The characters:

At this point, all of them have grown on me. I’m starting to like Casey a little more than in the previous two volumes, and while she’s still not my favorite character, I feel like she’s gotten more relatable. I absolutely loved Jun (Hisao) and his backstory in this volume becoming more developed. Loved it, and love him.

Still really loving Zoe...but what the hell is her mission all about? She’s either batshit crazy or she’s been following some batshit orders. I want to know.

I liked Ike and Jade being paired up, and although I like that Ike is a dick, I was happy to see this other side of him come out when talking with Jade. He was still a dick, but he’s has some added depth to him now.

The artwork:

I’m still really loving how everything is being portrayed visually.

The ending:

The hell was up with that ending? Can you say freaking cliffhanger!?

Luckily for me, I’m picking up the next three volumes from my library this evening. I need to know what happens next.
Profile Image for connie.
1,432 reviews97 followers
February 20, 2016
4/5 stars

What??? This series just has so many cliffhangers! The 18th issue is probably one of my favourites so far, it was so cute at one point I literally cooed! It's nice seeing someone happy in a series that's mostly people being miserable. I'm slightly confused as to what's going on with Casey, but I'll probably read up on what happened if the confusion persists after reading the next volume.

I'm really enjoying the development of the characters, and I'm looking forward to seeing more about Jade and Ike- they definitely seem like confidants of sorts now, and I'm curious about Ike's past. So yeah. Solid volume, longest so far, and I'm really looking forward to carrying these on after the end of the last issue. Like, damn.
Profile Image for Anthony.
802 reviews62 followers
May 8, 2014
It's a comic were the reading experience is similar to that of watching a serialised TV show, and the show it reminds me of the most is LOST. Each issue will often flash forward and backwards, cutting between the 'now' scenes at the school and the characters past or future. It's never really specified which, but I think in most cases they're flashbacks. It's good, but sometimes it does get a little "so what the hell is actually going on? What does it all mean?".

There was a line in LOST "the answers to your questions will just lead to more questions", which is true, but sometimes it would be nice to get some answers. But I suppose it's a good way to keep you coming back for more.
Profile Image for Melissa Chung.
905 reviews324 followers
May 23, 2015
Vol 3...I'm more intrigued and confused. There is a lot of time jumping. Meaning the plot jumps from each character's present and past to show the reader a build up of what is to come in the future volumes. We get to see more of the main characters abilities in this volume. The teachers are all still crazy. This volume had more meat to it. Lots of backstory. Can't wait to get my hands on Vol 4.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,160 reviews261 followers
January 18, 2016
This is my favorite so far. I feel like things are starting to gel and the characters are pretty well developed at this stage. Looking forward to where this is going.
Profile Image for Jenna.
507 reviews23 followers
August 10, 2017
This wasn't my favorite. The book had too much going on with very little explanation as to why it was all occurring and it left me confused. The ending was a cliffhanger and it left me confused which is usually an indication that the cliffhanger isn't that good. I was confused instead of curious. That being said I still love this series. The graphics are amazing and I don't know that I've come across a graphic novel whose artwork I have loved so much. I have the fourth and fifth volumes requested/ready for pick up at my library so hoping to get to those relatively soon.
Profile Image for Gina.
507 reviews21 followers
April 7, 2017
I am still loving this series!!! I just can't read it fast enough!! I am continuously wanting to know what is happening next. So many twists and unexpected surprises!! Loving it!!
Profile Image for Aaron.
1,006 reviews110 followers
May 25, 2013
I'm really starting to doubt that Nick Spencer has any idea where this series is going. As of this trade we're now 19 issues into Morning Glories and so far not a single question has been answered. Everyone speaks to each other in cryptic non-informative sentences. No one reveals ANYTHING about themselves to anyone else. There's not a single person in the series we KNOW to root for. It's becoming too much.

At this point, the story reads a lot like "Lost: The High School Years," only it feels even more random and strange. Every issue something new and insane is introduced, and none of the previous weirdness is addressed. I had high hopes for this series, but at this point it just feels manipulative. Nick Spencer does not strike me as a particularly talented writer, he's just kind of a talented con artist. I have not been impressed with his other series, and the most writerly elements of this series (character development, themes, universe exploration) are very, very thinly drawn and only seem to be getting more so. He's good at making up a lot of random crazy stuff that we can't understand, but so are children. I feel like this could fit in the Morning Glories universe:

A student opens a janitor's closet, only instead of janitor's tools, there's a PORTAL. "Wow," says the kid. "Gemini was right. The meanings are becoming clear." He closes the janitor's closet, revealing that he's holding... A BLOODY SWORD.

It's that kind of random invention without even the remotest explanation that fills this series and makes it feel completely unfocused or devoted to alleviating confusion. It's also not helped by the flat, empty art. Every character kind of looks the same with different hair, and each setting feels bare and soulless. I guess as I'm writing this I'm realizing, this is not a good series. I really want it to be, though. I think I will give Morning Glories one more collection, but if there are still no answers in that volume, I'm done.
Profile Image for Greyson | Use Your Words.
538 reviews33 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 9, 2019
Morning Glories Series Ratings:
Morning Glories, Vol. 1: For a Better Future: ★★★★
Morning Glories, Vol. 2: All Will Be Free: ★★★★★
Morning Glories, Vol. 3: P.E.: ★★ DNF
Morning Glories, Vol. 4: Truants: Lost Interest in Series
I don't know what happened.... I think maybe this is a it's not you, it's me scenario? I don't know I just couldn't get through it.
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,164 reviews175 followers
August 5, 2014
SO excellent, and a refreshing story among comics these days, but the only thing keeping me from giving it five stars is the confusing muddle of a plot. It's intriguing, yes, but answers are few and far between, and feels like they're heading toward an end game that's years down the line.

It's hard to keep loving a series this good when we get one answer for every hundred questions. I don't want things to be spelled out, far from it, but some help along the way would be awesome.

Still have it on my pull list, though. So, so good.
Profile Image for Geppis Baltimore.
218 reviews5 followers
December 16, 2017
This volume of Morning Glories is centered around a school- wide game of "Woodrun" which is like Capture the Flag, but way more extreme. Everyone is divided into groups of 3 and then sent into the woods to fend for themselves. This series so far is one crazy plot twist after another, it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat!

*Recommended for mature readers*
Profile Image for Yaakov.
360 reviews
May 7, 2021
This series is fucking ridiculous. Nick Spencer is awesome sauce.
Profile Image for MissAnnThrope.
561 reviews4 followers
March 15, 2013
15 March 2013


Morning Glories, Vol. 3: P.E. confuses the frack out of me, but my twisted brain loved every moment of it. I have no fucking clue what is happening, and felt so relieved that someone finally asks the questions that I've been wondering myself. Nope, there are zero resolutions here. I love being kept guessing as long as the answers eventually do come.

This volume is one seriously deranged time warp adventure. Learning more details of everyone's troubled past left me hungry to find out more. Casey's and Jun's flashbacks are the most intriguing and complex. I can't wait to see how everything ties in together.

Zoe takes the term mean girls to a whole other level. This crazy bitch is ruthless. I would never want to get on her bad side. Can't say the ending made me feel bad at all, but I have a feeling this insane world will somehow reverse things.

The suspenseful ending is intense. I wish the fourth volume was already available because I will be dying with anticipation. I'm especially curious to find out more about the puzzling powers some of these characters possess.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 242 reviews

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