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Out of Body

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A high-stakes, propulsive YA thriller with a body-swap twist thoughtfully exploring themes of friendship and identity, perfect for fans of Tiffany D. Jackson.

Seventeen-year-old Megan Allen has been jumping from friend group to friend group in her high school, trying on identities like outfits. Nothing ever seems to fit—until she meets LC, the adventurous, charismatic girl who appears at her favorite coffee shop one day like magic. Finally, Megan feels like she’s becoming the person she’s meant to be: someone like LC.

On the night of their friendiversary, what was supposed to be a bonding experience ends in a waking nightmare. Suddenly, Megan is no longer herself. Too late, she realizes that LC has secrets—dangerous ones. Betrayed by her best friend, thrust into another girl’s life, and targeted by LC’s enemies, she must claim what makes Megan Megan to get her life back . . . or die trying.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published February 6, 2024

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About the author

Nia Davenport

1 book56 followers
Nia "N.E." Davenport is the Science Fiction/Fantasy author of The Blood Trials and its sequel (Harper Voyager). She attended the University of Southern California and studied Biological Sciences and Theatre Arts. She also has an M.A. in Secondary Education. She teaches English and Biology to amazing students. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys vacationing with her family, skiing, and being a huge foodie. She’s an advocate for diverse perspectives and protagonists in literature.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews
Profile Image for Laura Lovesreading.
327 reviews1,056 followers
March 4, 2024
I love a good body swap thriller

Out of Body is a YA sci fi thriller about seventeen year old Megan, who has spent the majority of life bouncing from different friendship groups and trying out different identities to fit in. She finally meets LC, a girl who brings out Megan out her shell, but LC has an agenda and all of a sudden we are witnessing a body swap.

Ok so I'm not a massive YA fan, and I'm really picky with the ones i choose to read, but the blurb and the gorgeous cover roped me in.
This was such a quick easy read, i couldn't put it down. The action starts from the start so you don't have to worry about a build up.
The reveals and twists were exciting enough for a YA read and the author does a great job keeping you intrigued.
I was rooting for Megan and enjoyed how she wasn't whiny and making too many stupid choices. She saw her predicament and did all she could do to try get help and get her body back!
The parents were getting on my nerves, but realistically would you believe if someone who clearly does not look like your daughter is claiming that they are and they are in fact in their best friends body? (lol yeah i would definitely would not believe it)
What I enjoyed mostly was the author was able to mix in great social commentary on friendships, race, social class and trauma. There is a scene where one of the girls is having counselling and I really felt it was represented and dealt with well.
The ending was a bit rushed and there was some parts i would have liked a bit more clarification or answers on. But as it is a YA i can excuse those inconsistences.
I am very excited to read more from this author!

Profile Image for BrownBookNerd.
168 reviews17 followers
April 7, 2024
This was sooo good!! Now I’m just going to sit here and collect my thoughts because that was a lot!!
Profile Image for Ms. Woc Reader.
660 reviews863 followers
January 22, 2024
Megan just wants to fit in with the cool kids like her friend LC. The two of them have been inseparable the past few months. But when LC convinces her to take drugs at a party she wakes up and discovers that she and LC have switched bodies. And instead of trying to help her do something about it her so called friend ignores her and assumes her position as Megan instead. The real Megan ends up with the family of a girl named Jade and soon discovers LC has been lying to her the entire time and she doesn't know a thing about the girl she spent the last few months with. It's a race against the clock as Megan tried to get back to her own body before it's too late.

This is a compulsively readable story giving reader's just enough to keep turning the pages. Towards the end especially the story became very unsettling. It definitely brings both the horror and sci-fi vibes.

It is fast-paced which I overall appreciated but that did make it hard in the beginning to connect with Megan because the switch happens so soon in the story. Readers don't have time to get to know her before the body swap. And then once bodies are swapped she's busy trying to get back into her own body while also trying to keep up appearances as Jade.
Profile Image for Zana.
536 reviews161 followers
July 18, 2024
Kudos to this book for making me like and care about the body switcheroo trope (which is a trope that I don't really care for).

I really liked this book for its takes on female friendships, toxic friends and people, and second chances.

I didn't like the author's fantasy series, but I can definitely get behind this.
Profile Image for Fanna.
1,011 reviews520 followers
Want to read
February 4, 2022
03.02.2022 speculative thrillers are always a winner, but this one telling "the story of a teen girl whose best friend uses dangerous near-future tech to swap bodies" forcing her to reclaim her identity before it's too late — wow.
Profile Image for Jordyn Roesler | Sorry, Booked Solid.
757 reviews244 followers
April 5, 2024
I love a YA sci-fi thriller and was so excited to try this book out! It was a little hard to get invested in this story initially, because it jumps right into the action which is inherently confusing, but I think it got better and better as it went on. I enjoyed the periodic twists and reveals and really enjoyed some of the bigger commentary that the book made towards the end. I would totally recommend this to anyone who thinks the synopsis sounds interesting and am interested in reading more from the author in the future!

Featured in this reading vlog: https://youtu.be/_HNqXu2U1rs?si=X8Epm...
Profile Image for Lit_Vibrations (Sammesha D.).
277 reviews25 followers
April 2, 2024
I really enjoyed reading this one so much. The cinematic details were giving Down to Earth, Bourne Identity, Freaky Friday, or Hot Chick type vibes but a bit different with the YA twist. From the first chapter the action and mystery unraveled flawlessly and continued until the end. The plot was perfectly structured and I loved the concept of the body swap. It added an intriguing twist to the narrative and seeing the fate that lied ahead for the MC’s was golden.

On the night of their friendiversary Megan and LC shared more than a bonding experience and some fake drugs but bodies as well. Megan with no recollection of the things that transpired after she’d taken the fake Molly awoke to find herself no longer as herself‼️ At this point the author begins to create this sense of urgency and suspense around Megan getting to the bottom of what happened, having to pretend to be LC, and figuring out how to get her life back.

The novel explores themes surrounding advanced technology, research, friendship, identity, family bonds, forgiveness, and a battle between right and wrong. The unpredictability throughout is what will keep you engaged and on the edge of your seat. The twists unfold so intricately with a few shocking reveals like what really happened the night of their friendiversary. I wanted so bad for it to be some kind of crazy ritual LC performed that caused the swap. That was probably the only thing that disappointed me with the book and how rushed the ending was to me.

Overall, it’s so worth the read. The pacing was fast, details were vivid, and the character development was great. You’re in store for an endless adventure, hidden secrets, action, a nonstop manhunt, and fake identities (plot twist). If it’s not on your TBR definitely recommend you add it. Special thanks to the author & @macmillanusa #BalzerandBray for my gifted copy‼️

Rating: 4.5/5⭐️
Profile Image for Ashanti.
91 reviews8 followers
June 28, 2024
Loved this thriller! It gave Get Out and Freaky Friday vibes. It’s trippy to thing that the government may actually be performing these experiments on people rn 🤯
Profile Image for OnceUponAStorybook.
258 reviews20 followers
February 29, 2024
4.5 stars. This was so good. Kept me on the edge of my seat and I did not see the twist coming at the end. I loved the originality of the plot, a body snatching sci-fi novel, yes please! I liked how LC wasn’t really a villain and was just dealt a shitty hand at life. Megan was a really good friend because she understood why LC did what she did. This was so captivating and if this is on your shelf, please read it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Toya (thereadingchemist).
1,355 reviews147 followers
February 7, 2024
This story follows 17 year old Megan who never really belonged until she met her BFF LC. They decide to go out and celebrate their friendship, but Megan winds up betrayed by LC and thrust into another girl’s life. Megan is determined to get her life back, but time is ticking with LC’s deadly enemies after her.

This book was absolutely WILD. It’s one of those books that is best to go into without knowing much about the plot or twists.

When I got to chapter 3, I literally yelled “WTAF”, and I was absolutely hooked. I was also incredibly angry and wanted to rage out on LC.

I loved Megan’s character even if she was a bit naive to trust LC…but then again, as a lonely teenager, I would’ve be in the same boat. Even when no one believes her, she’s determined to get her old life no matter the cost. I’m not going to lie, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to endure what she did.

The last 20% of the book was an absolute whirlwind, and I was here for it!

If you’re looking for a twisty, YA thriller with some sci-fi type elements then you’ll definitely want to check this one out!

Thank you Epic Reads for providing a review copy. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for exorcismemily.
1,382 reviews334 followers
May 1, 2024

I loooove body swap stories, and this one is unique since it doesn't use some kind of wish setup. It was mysterious (and a bit stressful at times), and I enjoyed it a lot!
Profile Image for Donnakay'sBookWorld.
206 reviews5 followers
March 29, 2024
The story centers on Megan, a high-school student trying to find her identity in different friend circles. Eventually, she meets LC, and they strike up an instant besties friendship. After a wild drug filled night, Megan wakes up to a new life, and the realization that the things she admired about others' lives may not be all it's cracked up to be. From there, Megan goes on a mission to regain her identity but soon discovers she is only one fly caught in this spiderweb.

The beauty in this story lies in the fact that both Megan and LC are imperfect main characters who have made decisions that hurt others but will ultimately have you rooting for them. Even though Megan was the main character, I enjoyed getting LC' s point of view throughout the story, as the author really showed the duality of her situation and personality. A lot of LC's actions were flawed but understandable based on the context. There was also a cute little romance blooming for one of the MCs, and I loved having that little tid bit. It was done with just the right proportion and the perfect amount of teenage angst. I love them together and would not have minded getting more scenes of the two. I was cheering so hard in the middle of this thriller all because of the sweetness between those two.
Profile Image for Shaneka.
40 reviews
February 4, 2024
Megan is having a tough time figuring out who she really is in high school until she meets LC at her favorite coffee shop one day. They seem to hit it off and Megan finally feels like she's found her person but things take a strange turn when Megan wakes up in LC's body and realizes that LC has taken over her life. Now, Megan must find a way back to her own body and her own life.

This YA thriller had me hooked from the very first page. The fast-paced story kept me engaged throughout with so many unexpected twists. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I indeed did not. It's been a while since I found a book that allowed me to lose myself in its pages, letting my imagination run wild, but this one did just that. If you're a fan of Young Adult literature with a thrilling twist, then you’ll enjoy this one.

Release Date: February 6, 2024

*Review based on Advance Reader Copy*
Profile Image for Betwixt the Pages.
567 reviews78 followers
February 7, 2024
Rating: 4.5/5 Penguins (rounded down)
Quick Reasons: hold your breath, race to the finish thriller; such a unique concept!; badass characters; new conspiracy theory fear unlocked; #ownvoices author

HUGE thanks to Nia Davenport, Epic Reads, and Storygram Tours for the title! My review is voluntarily written and in no way impacted by this gesture.

LC fingers the silk scarf with poppies splattered across it like blood. After she's used it to get the information she needs, she rests it next to her bed.

Penguins, this read is a good your breath to the finish line, poignant, hard hitting expose on all the things that make us human and all the ways that can be used against us. The concept, from start to finish, is uniquely and beautifully crafted. This is a thriller that will keep you with one eye cracked even while you sleep. This book will follow you home, stop you in your tracks, seep into every corner of your mind until you're second guessing and self doubting.

Nia Davenport penned a soul-splitting tale and bade readers follow along. And you will, Penguins. These characters are believable, the world building is honed and detailed, and this journey is going to leave you thinking no matter how you close the final page. There is something distinctly HUMAN about this read, as of Nia Davenport hooked her fingers into a thousand brains just to piece them all together. If you're looking for your next thriller to pick up.... THIS is the one.

And our strength doesn't lie in how physically strong we may or may not be, either. It's soul-deep; no one can take it from us.

We are fierce. We are epic. We are bold.

And all of us are survivors.

I definitely recommend this to thrill seekers, purveyors of the poignant and believable, and those who don't mind a little conspiracy theory with their morning coffee. The writing is vivid, this story is chilling, and I now need to go scrub this new found fear from the recesses of my brain. Be careful what you wish for, Penguins.
Profile Image for Ms.Blkbelle Reads.
86 reviews12 followers
March 28, 2024
Out of Body by Nia Davenport

Pub Date: 2/6/2024


Read this if you like:
👧🏾Young Adult
🧠Psychological Thriller

I really enjoyed reading this book with @merakianvibes. It definitely took me out of my reading slump. It was a fun, light science fiction thriller. I didn’t want to stop reading. I could have read it in a day!

It brought back childhood memories of the Disney movie Freaky Friday but different.
I’ll definitely be checking out more from this author. I would love to see this book on a movie screen.

My Favorite Quote 💬
“Too much of society has a way of not giving a f*** about us. Of turning away and letting us be hurt.”
Profile Image for Glenda Nelms.
676 reviews15 followers
February 10, 2024
CW: Drug use, child abuse, physical abuse, violence, death of parent, gaslighting

Out of body is an YA body-swapping thriller that has a mix of Get Out, The Matrix and Freaky Friday. Megan Allen is trying to fit in with the cool kids until she meets LC, they become friends for three months. They celebrate their friendversary by attending a party wearing matching piercings. Megan tries using drugs for the first time but when she wakes up, she is not in her own body. LC is nowhere to be found, she has taken up Megan's life and ignoring Megan's frantic calls and texts. Now Megan must find a way to get her body and her own life. Twists and turns from beginning to end.
Profile Image for Kristin.
195 reviews196 followers
April 18, 2024
I've always loved Freaky Friday so I was excited to read this one! Of course it being by a black author with black characters made it sooo much better. I enjoyed the mystery of it all and the friendships that blossomed. I would absolutely recommend this one!
Profile Image for Heather.
159 reviews8 followers
September 6, 2023
First of all, everyone say “Thank you, Nia.”
Out of Body is a Jordan Peele-esque YA thriller coming after Nia Davenport’s previous Blood Gift duology. I have yet to read a book written by Nia and not give it five stars. This author has me by the throat, and I’m asking for more.
This story is intriguing from the start with a tease of a prologue to get you hooked in. Then from there, there are shockingly casual twists woven in. The way she had me saying “wait what” as the story progressed was really like nothing I’ve read before. The story and the tension build for the reader as much as it does for the main character, and it doesn’t stop.
Davenport trusts the reader and does not rely on being blunt and direct with the themes in this book. This is one of my favorite aspects of her writing. She has me questioning if the themes are intentional or not until I finally see they were intentional all along. It’s SUBTLE but so impactful. While I don't mind themes being very obvious (sometimes I don't get it unless I'm hit over the head), I love the quiet way that Nia can make an outrageous body-swapping story relatable and real to many.
Davenport expertly represents the way Whiteness - especially when weaponized by White women - steals the bodies, features, speech, mannerisms of Black women, and then discards them when they no longer serve their intended purpose. “It feels like not existing as an actual person but as some insubstantial, artificial thing that can be plucked from one casing and plopped into a new one at a whim.” She speaks directly to the commodification of Blackness in an artful way. Seeing the Black girls in this book claim their power and be lifted up by their Black women elders was incredibly empowering to read, even as a woman of the colorless variety.
Now for an even more personal note: Nia Davenport, for your true representation of mental health and therapy (the good, the bad, and the ugly), you will always be famous. I am a mental heath counselor, who specializes in childhood trauma. I was blown away by the care Nia took to present these issues thoughtfully and accurately. I have never read a book that I felt captured trauma, counseling, AND the process so well. I typically have a hard time reading representations of those aspects because I am easily bothered by how they are depicted inaccurately, often unintentionally I assume. And Davenport does not cut corners on the trauma and the realities of abuse and abusers. She does not shy away from the fact that those who are vulnerable may never really be safe, even if the threat is relegated to the background. Even if they have worked though a lot of aspects of their trauma, some symptoms will always remain.
Out of Body is a GIFT. Everything Nia writes is a GIFT. And I could not be more grateful that she continues to give us her stories. This one cemented her as an auto-buy author, and I look forward to putting a physical copy on my shelves in February. Absolutely blesst.


Profile Image for Shannon  Miz.
1,337 reviews1,075 followers
February 11, 2024

Oh, I could not put this book down, friends! If you are looking for a story that will keep you up reading far too late, look no further! I was hooked. As this is a mystery, I will be keeping this short and sweet. Suffice it to say, I was hooked from the start, and the book never let up. We're thrown right into the switch from the beginning, which did feel a tad overwhelming, but nothing too crazy. But obviously you cannot help but feel for Megan, whose body is literally stolen from her.

The twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat, and like I said, I basically needed to know what happened next! A lot of the twists I did not see coming, and it was very readable. I also liked how much the characters grew during the book, especially considering it was on the shorter side and involved an intense mystery.

Bottom Line: Tons of twists and excitement, and great character development, this was an unputdownable win!

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight
Profile Image for izzy:).
59 reviews
April 7, 2024
4.5/5 stars. This book was really good. It was a heavy story and also fast pacing but still had a good story overall. The only thing that really bothered me was that it was sometimes to fast pacing; I wished Nia added a little more details to the Novel, for example the relationship about Megan with LC. It happened very fast what is about to happen and I just wished for me that they would’ve been more details about them two. But overall I LOVED this book. It is a science fiction book that is mind twisting but in a good way. This book is also meant for every black person because the Author often describes what it is for a Black person to live in a society where White people are the supremacy. Definitely a MUST read for every person that like science fiction:)
(Also sorry for the grammar errors wrote this very fast lmfao and this book also reminds me so much of Chambers on Netflix, definitely a must watch from me🫡)
Profile Image for kiriahsbookshelf.
175 reviews20 followers
February 22, 2024
We all want friends and to be able to fit in. That’s what Megan wanted, she wanted to be able to fit in like her friend LC. One night the duo heads out to celebrate their friendship by going to a party, but after LC pressure Megan to take drugs at the party this is where things take a turn. She wakes up for the drug induced sleep to learn that shes no longer herself, and that her and LC have switched bodies and this where things get real. Megan tries everything to get back to her real body and the journey she goes through is an interesting one.

I went into this story completely blind and im glad I did because wow. I yelled out WTF, and IKYL on actual occasions because I couldn’t believe what was happening.

The book kept you wanting more, like I had to keep reading because I wanted to know what would happened next. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I didn’t. The last 15-20% had me on the edge of my seat!
Profile Image for Leslie McKee.
Author 8 books66 followers
February 1, 2024
4.5 stars

This book was unlike anything I've read before, and I loved it! I can't wait to check out other books by Davenport.

I had a hard time putting this book aside. The premise had a horror and sci-fi vibe, sort of like a futuristic "Freaky Friday." The active pace, especially once the body switching starts, will keep readers turning the pages. Character development and the YA themes of friendship and finding one's self are well done. The cover is a great fit for the story. It'd be awesome to have a sequel!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.
Profile Image for Kiya Lanae.
8 reviews
June 10, 2024
I liked how unlike normal thrillers that leave a question or two unanswered. This author made sure to tie up all the loose ends. I really enjoyed the characters coming into themselves and overcoming all the obstacles with their integrity still in tact. I loved all the plot twists. Very well written!
Profile Image for Raaven&#x1f496;.
570 reviews40 followers
February 3, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

This was an interesting sci-fi/mystery that was a little confusing but a fun read.

Megan is tired of her boring identity. She’s always been a bit of a nerd with a love of anime and has become tired of being seen as someone who can’t take risks and have fun. Then she meets LC. LC is cool and teaches her how to get out of her shell. After only 3 months, Megan and LC are inseparable. After a party goes horribly wrong, Megan wakes up in LC’s body and things really hit the fan.

The science stuff went waaay over my head. When they weee explaining the body swapping my brain switched off. I didn’t hate it, just didn’t get it. I liked the idea of the girls really banding together to beat the big bad at the end. I also liked how Megan was able to embrace herself and understand the at friends can like every part of you and you don’t have to hide who you are. Also the dedication at the beginning had me smiling so much. It’s so beautiful. This book was empowering and had a great message if even some parts of it fell flat for me. I did enjoy it a lot!
Profile Image for Laneisha.
153 reviews25 followers
June 21, 2024
Thank you, Epic Reads, for the e-ARC.

This is a book that will leave you breathless.


- This was a small book that packed a big punch. Though it was short, it was well-developed and didn’t feel incomplete.

- For a good 60%, I was completely engulfed in the plot. It was SO good, and I was absolutely hooked. The author did a great job building the suspense with a steady and consistent flow. I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails and trying to keep my blood pressure from skyrocketing.

- I loved that the story didn’t waste any time jumping into the suspense and thrill. By the second chapter, I was already saying wtf.

- I appreciated that romance wasn’t made to be a major part of the plot. Although there were moments between Ryan and Megan, they were minimal and weren’t focal points of the story. If there’s one thing I despise, it’s romance added to a suspense/thriller.


- The suspense started to fall flat after about 60%, and that steady and consistent flow began to minimize. The plot also started to drag slightly, and the pieces became a bit difficult to keep up with. It’s hard to explain, but it seemed like it ended almost too smoothly. The events that happened from 60% onward fell into place a bit too perfectly and easily. It felt a bit predictable and unrealistic. Having the suspense be so strong and consistent for that much of the story, it was disappointing that it didn’t stay that way until the very end. By setting that tone, I was expecting something more sinister, dark, and twisted to occur, but that didn’t happen. The story definitely had the opportunity and chance to go out with a bang, but it fell short.
Megan was so naïve and gullible, which became extremely annoying and frustrating.

Overall, I had a good time with this read and would recommend it.
Profile Image for Aarika.
279 reviews22 followers
February 8, 2024
Sci fi greatness

This book was out of the norm and I loved every part of it. The reveals, secrets and romance were great. I can see this being a mini series or movie with how well it was written!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews

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