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Curio #4


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This is the third title in the Curio Vignettes series, follow-up stories to the novel Curio.

Didier Pedra can read a woman’s body like a book, sense her deepest needs and satisfy her every craving. It’s his job, after all.

But drop him in the center of Paris, the only city he’s ever known, and he’s lost, reduced to a trembling wreck by agoraphobia. When the world feels too frightening, he eagerly escapes into sex, that realm he could navigate blindfolded. Except one of his lovers—Caroly, the only woman who doesn’t pay for the pleasure of his gifts—insists she prefers the real Didier to the capable, seductive façade. She urges him to let her lead for a change, so he can confront the fears that haunt his mind through the familiar safety of his body.

A night’s cathartic reversal, when the masterful tutor submits to his student’s darkest curiosities.

51 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 24, 2012

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About the author

Cara McKenna

41 books2,203 followers
Since she began writing in 2008, Cara McKenna has published nearly forty romances and erotic novels with a variety of publishers, sometimes under the pen names Meg Maguire and C.M. McKenna. Her stories have been acclaimed for their smart, modern voice and defiance of convention. She was a 2015 RITA Award finalist, a 2014 RT Reviewers’ Choice Award winner, a 2012 and 2011 RT Reviewers’ Choice Award nominee, and a 2010 Golden Heart Award finalist. She lives with her husband and baby son in the Pacific Northwest, though she’ll always be a Boston girl at heart.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
May 9, 2014
Holy cow this series gets better and better! Wow!

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Reversal is book 4 of 6 in the Curio series. If you haven't read yet, spoilers to previous books are ahead...

Didier Petra is an agoraphobe. He lives in safe little apartment, nestled in the heart of Paris. His lover, Caroly continues to lure him out, overcoming his fear of crowds, sounds, insecurities. Didier wants to share his feelings for Caroly by buying her a nice piece of jewelry but the sheer thought of venturing 20 blocks to the jeweler is daunting.

In Reversal, Caroly realizes Didier uses her as a crutch...self medicating in their sexual exploits. So, she decides to take the reigns for once. Take away his control...lead the show. Holy shizzle this book was hot! I cannot begin to describe the scenes Cara McKenna can paint. It's tastefully erotic with a slow build that leaves the reader panting. Her books make the reader feel like a voyeur in their lovemaking. Watching Didier release his control to Caroly is so far my favorite scene.

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Love the growing these two characters are experiencing together. Both have their own weaknesses and they come together perfectly to break down barriers to their future happiness....happiness hopefully together.

And I thank you,

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Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,911 reviews54 followers
November 5, 2013
A truly erotic short story...

Without a doubt these books have a smart and truly erotic feel to them.
In this vingette Caroly takes control for the first time...

This one wasn't my favorite of the series - but across the board Cara McKenna has written a great series that I'll read to the end.

http://cariads-sizzling-pages.blogspo... - come visit me!
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Profile Image for Ingie.
1,422 reviews167 followers
March 21, 2013
A short sweet erotic novella, 4 stars.

I got tears in my eyes. He loves her, the woman who long ago stopped paying and comes to him over the weekends. He wanted to buy her a piece of jewelry but the city (Paris) scared him. Safe at home again she comes to him. He wants to give her more than his body.
I take a deep breath, swallow, clear my throat.
“I had a scare,” I admit. Simply speaking English is a comfort, a tiny taste of security, hiding behind the affectations of a different man.

One night she gets to lead.
“I don’t want to be treated like an alcoholic’s drink,” she tells me.
“That’s not fair—”
“And the pain will lessen, if you make yourself feel it. It’s like…it’s like a storm. It can’t rain forever. You have to ride it out.”

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Sweet and tender. Lovely!

I Like


....a freebie
Profile Image for Beate.
771 reviews110 followers
October 25, 2012
Curio in Didier's voice is a heavy read. His fears, his hopes, his dreams; you're right there with him, rooting for him. And your heart is breaking as his heart is breaking. He wants so badly to be more, I can't help but tear up.

That's the kind of power Cara McKenna holds over me. And knowing she'll only give us two more Curio vignettes after this one is making me want to hyperventilate. Seeing the story of Didier and Caroly come to an end is making me feel a little panicky. I laugh at myself for feeling this way about these characters, but I just can't help it.

I once had someone ask me what's so different about the smut Cara McKenna writes to any other smut. I've pondered that one a bit. It's not as easy as she's a better writer than most, though she is! What makes it different, is that she doesn't just write out the mechanics of a scene. To spice it up, she describes very well how the characters are feeling at any moment. Sometimes almost too well. But she doesn't stop there. What pushes Cara McKenna over the top compared to other smut, is that above the mechanics and feelings and sensations, you're invited inside the character's head. You're more inside their head than their body, so to speak. And that is what makes Cara McKenna such an amazing author.

I know 90% of the readers, if not more, label Curio as erotica. Putting on that label, is selling the books short. This is about much more than smut, if it were about the smut, I wouldn't be so crazed about them. It's about the characters. It's about what's in their head. It's about them not being perfect, it's about being able to connect. It's about reading realistic stories. I read a lot of erotica, good and bad - very few erotica books reach this level of greatness. Most of them end up merely 'good', not great.

Now, as for Didier and Caroly in this book; this time Caroly gets to wield all the power. Didier has to get out of his masks and personas, and just be Didier. It scares him, but it also frees him in ways he never thought possible. And what makes Reversal so special, is that he's this close to telling Caroly how much he loves her. But the part that sits with me the most, is at the very end, where Didier is brave and faces his fears.
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
November 3, 2012
Posted on Under the Covers

Cara McKenna takes readers back into the sensual world of Caroly and Didier. REVERSAL is written from Didier’s POV and it’s always my favorite place to be. Readers learn firsthand of his struggle with agoraphobia and experience the lingering effects that one terrible trip has caused him. But in the safe harbor of his home, Didier is slowly able to rein in his anxiety and panic to the point where he feels human again.

Caroly returns with more than just a smile and good faith in him. Whenever Didier sees Caroly, it’s as if a blanket of comfort is draped over him. He immediately feels more at peace. But Didier wants more and wishes to completely lose himself, to submerge into the fantasy that Caroly’s presence brings forth. This time Caroly resists, telling him that she doesn’t wish to become the means in which he hides from his problems. So together, they face his fears united and stronger than before.

REVERSAL is another agonizingly sweet love story for Caroly and Didier that delves deeper than before. McKenna first weaves an intricate web that Didier must find the strength within himself to escape from, then slowly unravels that to reveal a vulnerability that is striking and real. A story about unparalleled trust, inner strength and courage, McKenna simply shines with this series of vignettes.

*Review Copy provided by publisher
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
July 20, 2014

Another great erotic short story from Cara McKenna that continues the story of Caroly & Didier.

Things have progressed between these two, but as his feelings grow - so does the need to push his boundaries. Only these ones aren't in the bedroom. Didier copes with his anxiety by becoming lost in pleasuring a woman, but Caroly is ready to finally take charge. Make him face his fears without the ability to drown them in sex. She's in control in this time.

A fantastic little switch up to the dynamic as we get the story solely from Didier's POV and see a side of him where he has to be submissive to someone else's demands. This time Caroly wants to take him, not as the prostitute but as the man - fears and all.

This Vignettes series has been just perfect for in between reads. Short enough to read quickly but long enough to get sucked into their story. I am loving Cara McKenna's writing style and these little erotic romps.
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews791 followers
September 9, 2014
This series just keeps getting better!

Such a fantastic balance between smoking hot sex and beautifully authentic emotion.

I am LOVING the progression of Didier and Caroly's relationship. The pacing, the emotion and above all, the intimacy gripped me from the first page of this novella. I'd love to write and gush some more, but I must be off to devour the next installment.

Profile Image for Karen111.
1,181 reviews57 followers
February 15, 2016
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I enjoyed this instalment, told from Didier's POV, which was a nice change.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,606 reviews2,228 followers
February 15, 2017
My chest would have swelled with pride to know I'd made that trip by myself, walked those twenty-odd blocks on my quest and come home victorious. But quests and prizes are for knights. I'm no knight. Just some self-exiled wretch barricaded in his lonely tower.

Oh Didier.

It's selfish but I wish my infidelity hurt Caroly more. I wish she'd make demands of me, need more of me, refuse to share me.

I had delayed writing this review and slipped right into the fifth vignette so I've totally lost the thread of anything I had wanted to say about this one. So, enjoy some sad swoony lovely quotes instead.

I love this woman. Yet a man in love would cross a desert for the object of his affection, swim an ocean, scale a mountain. I can't even walk [down the street] for mine. What exactly makes me feel I'm someone worth suffering jealousy over?

Seriously. The heart.. it breaks.

I feel it all, hear it, smell it, taste it, everything beautiful and ugly and vital that feeds this city. It feeds on me too. I feel bare naked out here, skinned and split open, but I feel.

I feel it, too, Didier. My precious precious man.
Profile Image for Nakeesha.
351 reviews11 followers
October 24, 2012
So good. So good! Didier's perspectives are by far my favorites. There are a lot of erotic/romance authors out there trying to write sex as transformative therapy that can take a damaged or weak character and take their personalities, their ambitions to newer heights that heal and metamorphose them. A lot of these authors fail. Not Cara McKenna.

Didier, and Caroly too, have grown as a result of their sexual relationship. And their sexual relationship has grown as a result of their social development. From the pen of other authors, I have cringed at the rude acts they perform to and for one another. But McKenna makes these alluring and luxuriant.
Profile Image for The Lusty Literate.
724 reviews39 followers
November 16, 2012
This vignette is daring and surprising. Didier's perspective is so hot. He's driven to a frenzy of desire by Caroly who decides to push herself and spoil him by leading their encounter. He welcomes her choices that make him feel base, raw and vulnerable. They are so good together. It's heartbreaking that they both are so in love but hold back those words to each other due to fear.
Profile Image for Carina .
256 reviews73 followers
February 28, 2013
You know, I keep thinking that these shorts will start getting old or weird or I don't know. And at the beggining of the story I thought this would be the one to start going down hill....and then it didn't and it keep getting better!
I am just addicted to Mrs. McKenna's writing. Loved it!

4 stars
Carina Approved
Carina Recommends
Carina Endorsed
Profile Image for J.
3,071 reviews49 followers
May 11, 2013
This is my book 3 of Curio. I enjoy the characters but have to admit in this book I'm getting a little tired of the not getting out of the apartment thing and noncommitment/commitment feelings. On to Confession next.
Profile Image for Joy.
634 reviews80 followers
October 28, 2012
Really enjoyed this one--love Didier
Profile Image for Bona Caballero.
1,451 reviews63 followers
April 22, 2022
Como el resto de las curio vignettes, esta, que es la tercera, no recomiendo leerla aislada. Ya lo resumí en mi blog, esto va de invertir los papeles. Este relato corto erótico te lo cuentan desde la perspectiva de Didier, no la de Caroly. Y eso no deja de ser una ventaja porque él es un personaje mucho más interesante que ella. Didier intenta superar su agorafobia, y se está empezando a replantear cosas. El cambio se produce porque, en esta ocasión, él no está a lo que ella necesita o quiere, sino que ella toma las riendas y se pone al servicio de lo que él necesita.
Aquí la historia ya se va decantando más por el sentimiento amoroso entre Didier y Caroly. Claro que hay sexo explícito, pero ya no es tan aventurero porque no se trata de explorar sus deseos sino de sus sentimientos, siendo ellos mismos. Se puede leer, pero reconozco que aquí ya mi interés por estos dos decaía un poco.
Profile Image for Dar.
3,983 reviews81 followers
August 28, 2023
Love how this story is shaping up, and even more so when we get inside Didier's head!
Profile Image for UltraMeital.
1,269 reviews47 followers
July 2, 2015
I'm giving this one 5 stars but I actually would have given it more if that was possible :) I SO loved this one! We go back to listening to Didier's POV which is very different than we heard before and a little similar to the voice of Caroly in the first installment where she is so insecure, wanting yet afraid to reach and caress. Didier is the same, only his insecurities aren't in bed, but outside his bed and outside his flat.

We got to listen to Didier's inner fears, inner torture, how much he wants Caroly and how much he wants to give her or rather wishes he could. He has such a tender heart. his love for Caroly and the respect he has for her is simply beautiful and the way Caroly doesn't give up on him, she knows him, can read his body when he is stressed, calms him when he is in this state but also doesn't leave him like all the people around him - locked in a cage he himself built. You have to truly love someone to do what she is willing to do for him - helping him deal with this crippling fear of outdoors.

And then there's the sex.. WOW. That was truly amazing. It was so much more than just sex or kinky / naughty sex, it had a lot of meaning for the both of them. For once he had to surrender to her. Yeah, he surrendered to women before but that was part of the act, he didn't REALLY surrender and he was playing, he wasn't himself. With Caroly he truly gives up his control and let her take him. The experience was special for the both of them and brought a new intimacy that was more about the two of them and their love for each other and what they are willing to do / be for one another than it was about the act itself.

Simply Beautiful. I find myself utterly in love with Didier. I think it's impossible not to. He is perfect, yet he is human, has his flaws, has his difficulties. I can totally relate to Caroly. I see what she finds in him, why she is willing to keep him even for a short while (not knowing if what they have can really work on the long run) and how much he deserves "saving". So many women come to him to take comfort, to be pampered, but when does he get to be taken care of? Never before Caroly.

Rushing up for the next installment! :)
Profile Image for Carey Sabala.
369 reviews16 followers
November 3, 2012
I absolutely adore Didier and I really loved this little vignette. If you haven't read Curio, I definitely recommend it as well as the follow up vignettes (Coercion and Craving) to the original story that have already been released. This particular vignette is done from Didier's point of view and we really get a nice and sometimes frightening glimpse into his agoraphobia. We get to read how really debilitating it can be and how his clients just feed into the isolation. We also get to read more of how he feels about Caroly and how sometimes we play scenes in our heads of how an event should go but often doesn't. "The best laid plans of Mice and Men often go awry".

If you've been following this story like I have, you'll love this vignette. It's really a turning point in Didier's life. Normally Didier is the one in charge of their curious relationship but in this story, Caroly takes the drivers seat which completely throws Didier off his game. Ultimately Didier has made his apartment and what goes on in there, the only source of control he has over his life until Caroly strips even that away.
Cara McKenna is an expert at showing you the hearts and souls of unconventional modern relationships. This story will pull on your heart strings, leave you feeling empowered and clawing at the walls for the next installment.
Profile Image for Ellie.
84 reviews7 followers
October 28, 2012
Not a standalone - start with Curio!

I feel totally spoiled by getting Didier's POV again. He has such a great voice - I love when we get to see heroes be emotionally vulnerable, even if it's in their own heads.

In this story, Didier (our agoraphobic hero) has gone out on an errand on his own and he became lost causing him to be extemely anxious and flustered by the time he makes it back to his apartment. When Caroly arrives, she decides that in order to not let Didier use her (and his skills in the bedroom) as a crutch to ignore his own issues, she is going to take control in bed. Rowr!

I love the emotional arc that these stories are leading us on and I can't wait for the next installment! I think Didier has something important to tell Caroly. : D

20 reviews8 followers
October 19, 2015
4 and 3/4 stars, would be 5 five stars if it was longer (I know it's a novella but I still want more!)

Had to fan myself during the reading.

Exceptionally sensual, tasteful yet so naughty it makes an adult female giddy.

I feared Didier's surrender of the reigns will come out... doubtful at best. Female domination is not quite my thing, at least in books, but I got swallowed up.

I would also like to stress out my admiration for fleshing out Didier's problem, how well it is shown us. One can feel his anxiety while reading, and the growth of the characters, especially his, even though not fast paced brings a smile on one's face.
1,742 reviews36 followers
January 23, 2019
3.5 stars for typical mckenna awesomeness. the add-ons to the caroly/didier story have actually ended up being stronger than the original story, i think, because mckenna has continued to flesh out (<— see what i did there??) an implausible scenario and render it credible. she always had top-notch prose and fascinating, varied, fully realized characters, so now slowly watching the protagonists' story develop has been incredibly rewarding.

kitty kills it again. brava.
Profile Image for Heather in FL.
2,051 reviews
June 26, 2013
I just love watching Didier and Caroly. I love the affection between them, Caroly's curiosity, Didier's ability and willingness to indulge her... this time, Didier submits to Caroly. It's unusual for Didier to open himself this much to a woman, and it's very out of character for Caroly to run the show. But both succeed with aplomb. And it was a bit sexy. :-)
Profile Image for Sara.
2,088 reviews38 followers
October 24, 2012
Love them always. I'm also starting to like Didier's POV better than Caroly's. He's just so fascinating to me.

I still can't help but think these all might be better condensed into one sequel, but I enjoy them so much I'll try not to care so much.
Profile Image for Jessica.
247 reviews6 followers
October 27, 2012
I just love Didier and Caroly... I just hate the books are so short and pretty much are just one scene. I do love how you see how their relationship progresses including his disorder. Its a great series
Profile Image for Desiree.
585 reviews5 followers
October 16, 2013
These books just have such a depressing overtone to them, plus it's in a strange perspective. There is also a lot of scene setting and thinking about the environment.

I really don't care much for this serial much at all. Stuck finishing it though!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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