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Psihologia emoţiei

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În studiul său, care se vrea un model de psihologie fenomenologică, Sartre caută să demonstreze că emoţia nu este un accident, ci un "mod de existenţă al conştiinţei", unul din felurile în care ea înţelege să fiinţeze în lume, în sensul dat de Heidegger termenului Verstehen.

Dr. Leonard Gavriliu

117 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1939

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About the author

Jean-Paul Sartre

870 books11.7k followers
Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre was a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic, considered a leading figure in 20th-century French philosophy and Marxism. Sartre was one of the key figures in the philosophy of existentialism (and phenomenology). His work has influenced sociology, critical theory, post-colonial theory, and literary studies. He was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature despite attempting to refuse it, saying that he always declined official honors and that "a writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution."
Sartre held an open relationship with prominent feminist and fellow existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. Together, Sartre and de Beauvoir challenged the cultural and social assumptions and expectations of their upbringings, which they considered bourgeois, in both lifestyles and thought. The conflict between oppressive, spiritually destructive conformity (mauvaise foi, literally, 'bad faith') and an "authentic" way of "being" became the dominant theme of Sartre's early work, a theme embodied in his principal philosophical work Being and Nothingness (L'Être et le Néant, 1943). Sartre's introduction to his philosophy is his work Existentialism Is a Humanism (L'existentialisme est un humanisme, 1946), originally presented as a lecture.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews
Profile Image for Luís.
2,171 reviews990 followers
September 28, 2024
Sartre bases his theory on phenomenological research on the birth of an emotion accompanied by classical bases. He bases his conclusion on the idea that emotions are a reaction to the world that presents itself to us and our way of reacting.

I partly agree with his ideas, but in other cases, I would either not have understood or not agree.
Profile Image for Sara Rahimi.
Author 3 books11 followers
December 21, 2018
It's his fucking writing style. What he has to say is so brilliant, but his pretentious tone ruins it for me. It's such a shame, because his theory of phenomenology concerning emotions has been extremely helpful for my thesis. However, he seems to purposefully word his thoughts in such a way, that they come off as cryptic and highly pretentious. Such a shame, because if he tried to formulate his thoughts more clearly, I think I would have given it at least 4/5.
Profile Image for Madame Pérez Losa.
41 reviews9 followers
August 30, 2021
En esta obra asistimos a unos apuntes, o a un ensayo, de Jean-Paul Sartre acerca de la Psicología y su correcto enfoque.
Para ello toma a diferentes estudiosos del campo y se propone identificar o delimitar el objeto de estudio de la Psicología y la forma correcta de enfocarlo, tirando mucho de la fenomenología.
En uno de los capítulos, basándose en las teorías de tres autores, habla sobre la emoción de la ira. Verdaderamente, me resultó super interesante. Lo mismo me sucedió más adelante con la emoción de la alegría, me gustó mucho ahondar en ello. Aunque hay que reconocer que la lectura es espesa, pues el contenido es denso.
Es una pena que me falte base en cuanto a Psicología, Antropología, Fenomenología y demás ciencias y disciplinas que me hubieran enriquecido mucho más la lectura. Igualmente, muchos conceptos o formas de ver las cosas me las planteo por primera vez gracias a su bosquejo.
Profile Image for Alana.
234 reviews36 followers
October 3, 2021
this googly-eyed bitch really just picked up his pen and started writing (non-reflexively) some bullshit that does not sound right at all (both reflexively and non-reflexively) and was like yeah lads let’s take it to the printers (reflexively)
Profile Image for Mohammed Yusuf.
336 reviews172 followers
January 25, 2014
كتاب يجعلك معلقاً في الهواء لا الأرض أقرب ولا السماء ويطرح عليك إستشكالات جديدة بدلاً من الإجابة على القديمة , سارتر هنا مدافعاً عن الوعي ضد اللا وعي يتوهم الغرق وتارة أخرى يجد نفسه على اليابسة , والفينومينولوجيا كانت ضالته ليرتب ألق الفلسفة خلال إنفجار شلال العلم , أليس من العبث أن نبيد رأياً علمياً بحجج فلسفية يمكن الرد عليها , قد يثرثر الفيلسوف كثيراً عن وجوديته لكن الضرورة ستعيده إلى الآخرين , ذكرني ذلك بعبد الرحمن بدوي الذي كان طبقاً لمبادئ لوجوديته لا يريد مساعدة أحد من الناس حتى في مرضه لكنه رضخ لذلك في رقاده بالمستشفى , لا أريد بذلك أن أجعل من سارتر عدواً للعلم فهو يقدر العلوم الطبيعية لكن كان إستشكاله مع السيكولوجيين في نقطة الوعي ويعتبر أن مجرد عدم الوضوح في بعض ممارسات الوعي لا يعتبر دلالة لوجود اللا وعي ومع هذا فقد أثبت فضل بعضهم وأستدل بنظرياتهم ما يخالف عقيدته في بداية الكتاب عن عدم وجود علم النفس

مع أن المثال كان هو السمة المميزة في تقريب الفهم و كان في الإسلوب إنشائية جيدة إلا أنه ثقيل بعض الشئ ويحتاج قراءة متأنية , والحقيقة كنت أعيد بعض المناطق أكثر من مرة وأحس بأني لم أفهم جيداً , لكن الفكرة العامة واضحة
إذاً هل الكتاب صعب القراءة ؟ جداً ... وهل هو مفيد ؟ بالطبع ...

في خاتمة الكتاب وبعد دقائق من التفاؤل عن كون المترجم اورد كلاماً لفرويد تتفاجأ بأن الكلام كان عن نقد الفكر الديني لا عن التحليل النفسي كنظرية بل عن مكان الدين من العلم اليوم وخاتمة لا داعي لها تماماً

إقتباس :

وهكذا فإن في كل إنفعال جمهرة من الأحداث العاطفية جمهرة من الأحداث تتجه نحو المستقبل لتكونه بطريقة إنفعالية

أجعل نفسي إنسانا حين أتفهم نفسي كإنسان
56 reviews3 followers
May 31, 2023
El otro día me estaba preguntando porque hay tanto odio a los franceses, luego me leí este libro y lo entendí todo, gracias Sartre.

Su manera de escribir es básicamente tratar con desprecio al lector mientras va diciendo que todas las teorías anteriores a la suya son basura, es innegable que dice cosas interesantes, pero la manera en la que se expresa dan ganas de quemar el libro.
Profile Image for Flybyreader.
703 reviews199 followers
March 3, 2020
Baştan okuru uyarmak gerek: Bu kesinlikle kolay bir okuma olmayacak! Felsefeye yeni yeni ısınıyorsanız asla buradan başlamayın. Bu kitabı yaklaşık altı ay sonra ele almak üzere rafınıza kaldırın.

Sartre okumak hem sabır hem de duygusal güç ve metanet gerektiriyor. Varoluşçuluk felsefesi ve kuramlarına meraklı iseniz, egzistensializmin kurucu ortaklarından Sartre’ın eserlerini mutlaka okuma listenize eklemelisiniz. “Heyecanlar üzerine Bir Kuram Taslağı”, Sartre’ın Varlık ve Hiçlik’ine uzanan yolda ele aldığı kısa denemelerden biri ve akımın ele aldığı bilinç, tin, us ve insan eylemlerinin nedeni olarak heyecan/duygu kavramlarını hali hazırda var olan kuramlar üzerinden tartışarak farklı bir sonuca ulaşıyor.

Öncelikle varlık, yani var olmak nedir? Sartre varlığı, “ben olmayı”, kendi varlığını yüklenmek olarak yorumluyor. “Varlığını bir taş parçası gibi dışarıdan almak yerine ondan sorumlu olmaktır.” Peki heyecanlar (Emotions) bu sorumluluğun neresinde yer almaktadır? Varlığımızı yitirmemize, kaybetmemize, kazanmamıza sebep olur mu? Sartre heyecanın bir kaçış olarak kullanıldığını ancak bir kurtuluş imkanı sağlamadığı düşüncesini ortaya koymaktadır. Heyecan ne özneden ne de onu oluşturan nesneden bağımsızdır. O, dünyayı belli bir şekilde algılayarak anlamamıza neden olan bir olgudur. Sartre’ın burada en çok üzerinde durduğu heyecan yaratan duygu olarak “öfke”yi ve korkuyu ele aldığını görüyoruz, çünkü hayat zordur ve tuzaklarla doludur:

“Bizi kuşatan dünya - Almanların Umwelt dediği şey - arzularımızın, ihtiyaçlarımızın ve edimlerimizin dünyası, belirlenmiş şu veya bu amaca yani yaratılmış bir nesne görüntüsüne götüren dar ve zorlu yollarla örülü görünür. Haliyle, şurada burada, her tarafta pusular, tuzaklar vardır. Bu dünyayı, üzerlerinde bilyelerin yuvarlandığı kumar makinelerinin hareketli tablalarına benzetebiliriz: Dikenli tellerle çevrilmiş yollar vardır ve çoğu zaman yolların kavşaklarına çukurlar açılmıştır. Bilyenin, saptanan mesafeyi saptanan yollardan geçerek ve çukurlara düşmeden aşması gerekiyor. Bu dünya zordur.”

Heyecanlar zorlu dünyayı algılayışımızı değiştiren etmenler olarak nesnelere yakıştırılan nitelikleri hakikat gibi kavrar. Heyecanlar üzerinde bir etkimiz yoktur:

“Heyecana maruz kalınır. İnsan canı istediğinde kurtulamaz ondan, o kendiliğinden söner, biz onu durduramayız.”

Sartre’ın duygular , heyecanlar ve bilinçlilik üzerine ortaya koyduğu kuramlar gerçekten ilgi uyandırıcı. Üslup ve kelime seçimleri kolay olmasa da akımın meraklılarının edinmesi gereken küçük bir eser. Sartre’ın hızla farklı alanlara uzanan zihni, kelimelerin ağırlığı ve çekimine yaptığı vurgular, kendini gerçekleştirme kavramına yaptığı atıfların okumayı fazlasıyla keyifli kıldığını söyleyebilirim. Ayrıca çevirmenin muhteşem bir iş çıkardığını da söylemek gerekiyor.
20 reviews
February 22, 2022
Ik lees pop-filosofische boeken met veel plezier en de signaalwoorden voor dit essay zijn noch 'pop', noch 'plezier'. Het was echt werk om hier doorheen te komen. Sartre mag dan een grote filosoof zijn, dat hij zo geliefd was onder een groot deel van het Franse volk zal niet zijn gekomen door het lezen van deze enigmatische 'schets.
Ik ben blij dat vele hedendaagse popfilosofen niet schuwen om termen als 'gestalpsychologie', 'psychastheen' of 'hermeneutiek' te vermijden, ofwel helder te definiëren alvorens ze lukraak in een tekst worden geworpen.
Waar ik vooral moeite mee heb is dat de twee kernbegrippen waar de tekst om draait: 'Magie' en 'Emotie' niet afgebakend worden. Filosofen (iig klassieke ivoren-toren types) hebben de vermoeiende neiging begrippen als bewustzijn, werkelijkheid, god en ga zo maar door op originele wijze te interpreteren, maar vaak totaal niet te definiëren aan de hand van een werkdefinitie.

Desalniettemin zijn twee belangrijke perspectieven, voor zover ik denk dit essay begrepen te hebben, me bij gebleven.
1) Emoties zijn vluchtgedragingen: Een 'magische' manier om de onbuigzame werkelijkheid naar je hand te zetten, een vorm van controle of zelfbescherming zo je wil. Sartre noemt het hier, naar Freud, vluchtgedrag. Zo is woede een wijze om onrecht, de afbreuk aan je zelf-perceptie, bij te stellen en te compenseren voor iets dat jouw karakter, jouw zijn, wordt aangedaan. Denk aan het omverwerpen van een spelbord als je verliest, dat is een 'magische' manier om inbreuk op je eigenwaarde te redden. Het hoeft zich niet fysiek te uiten echter om z'n resultaat te boeken. Zo kan het gebeuren dat je gaat walgen van iemand die je hebt afgewezen... Niet omdat deze of gene per-se wel/niet walgelijke karakter-eigenschappen heeft, maar omdat je jezelf wil beschermen van een negatieve zelf-evaluatie, ofwel een inbreuk op je zelfbeeld. Jij kan ten slotte de ander geen onrecht hebben aangedaan door diegene te negeren, afwijzen, dumpen, whatever.. want dat zou betekenen dat jij 'slecht' bent. Dit proces schrijft Sartre toe aan alle emoties(ook vrolijkheid) waarbij een onderscheid gemaakt kan worden tussen reflectieve (reflexief in Sartre's termen) emoties zoals schaamte en irreflexief, zoals woede en vrolijkheid.
2) Een ander mooi inzicht, die ik ontwaar en intuïtief bij mij aansluiting vindt, is dat emotie en bewustzijn niet losgekoppeld kunnen worden. We zijn in ons Westerse verlichtingsideaal nogal trots dat we ratio en emotie als twee entiteiten kunnen inschakelen in onze menselijke gereedschapskist. Velen zullen bewustzijn als volgt kunnen bezien: i) we nemen iets waar, ii) we verwerken dat intern iii) dat roept een emotie op. Als we dat proces 'meditatief'/ reflexief volgen kunnen we emotie herkennen en compenseren/wegfilteren.
Gebeurtenis (dit heb ik bij de psycholoog meerdere malen moeten aanhoren) roept emotie, roept gedrag op. Waarbij ik dacht, maar als ik al geëmotioneerd ben, bezie ik dingen anders, vallen me andere gebeurtenissen op, verwerk ik die gebeurtenissen anders en vorm ik distinctief gedrag. Ofwel.. emotie is terug te leiden tot emotie is terug te leiden tot emotie is.. etcetera etcetera (regressio ad infinitum, in Filosofengebrabbel)

Wat Sartre betoogt is dat emotie als het ware het raam van ons bewustzijn vormt. We beschouwen alles om ons heen langs een gradiënt van emotie. Sartre noemt dit de 'intentionaliteit van ons bewustzijn - een emotie is een bepaald bewustzijn van de situatie.
Ofwel, in eigen woorden, menselijk bewustzijn = emotie.
Tot zover// de geprezen menselijke ratio.

Ik raad dit boek af aan ieder die z'n vrije tijd koestert, maar de samenvatting/duiding aan het einde juist aan voor ieder die wel houd van een potje nadenken
Profile Image for Ethan.
173 reviews6 followers
May 19, 2022
Interesting account of emotions as a structure of consciousness that affects our understanding of objects in the world. Dispenses with a lot of unhelpful theories as in James' view that emotions come after their physical correlates ("it is because we are crying that we are sad"), and partly problematic views as in Psychoanalysis.

(Not sure how Goodreads registers two reads, it's badly formatted here is read two:)

Took a lot more this time around, especially on the significance of the aspect of "nothingness" or negation in the "magic" of emotion. Emotion often brings about the negation of certain things in the world, or a negation of some internal relation to the world.

One question it does invoke is that of desire. Why is it that consciousness, say, runs from a danger, rather than hides in an effort to negate that perceived threat, danger, whatever it may be. Or, to put the point of desire more clearly, why does Joy wish to behold the thing anticipated quicker than possible through some "magical" structure of consciousness. This remains vague, and subsequently I think allows a place for Lacan. The phenomenological psychology offered here is useful, but I think only when in addition to Lacanian psychoanalysis. Freud here, I think, is pretty well dismissed in all. The use of Freud remains historical (unearthing the possibility of drives unknown to the subject), as well as the idea of a structure of consciousness. That those things are correct is not necessarily true.
Profile Image for Raúl.
8 reviews2 followers
October 20, 2013
Un dolor, un auténtico dolor muy fuerte ha sido leer este libro. Primero intenta cargarse toda la psicología existente hasta la época en que se escribió, después alude a miles de referencias filosóficas que hay que conocer a fondo para entender algo de la teoría que posteriormente enunciará. Y la teoría en sí misma es poco menos que un viaje lisérgico.

Es bastante más que probable que no haya entendido este libro pero tampoco me hace falta creo yo, así que altamente no recomendado para conservar tus niveles de dopamina y serotonina en cantidades más o menos normales. Desde la semi-ignorancia opino, también es verdad.
Profile Image for Alexander Cruz.
126 reviews4 followers
August 29, 2020
Sartre propone una psicología de las emociones basándose en un estudio fenomenológico de las emociones como una irreflexividad hacia lo mágico.
Como documento histórico es muy interesante leer al Sartre temprano y compararlo con el tardío.
Profile Image for Carolina Álvarez Valencia.
119 reviews12 followers
March 26, 2020
Una aproximación fenomenológica de las emociones. Interesante análisis desde una crítica a la psicología y a las teorías psicoanalíticas.
Profile Image for Sao Nam Landry.
26 reviews
June 21, 2024
Une bonne introduction à la phénoménologie. Merci à toi, Jean-Paul.
Très bonne et belle description de la tristesse (passive et active) de ta part. Touchant !
Profile Image for Matt JL.
41 reviews
August 26, 2023
Another Sartre book that I couldn’t put down. I love his writing style, challenging but brilliant. Had some great insights about the inner workings of each emotion and where they ultimately come from that I can take with me. “Magical”
31 reviews
August 22, 2020
A little bit to educative and less emotional, but good to read
April 20, 2016
Sartre's theory, aims to describe psychology in terms of phenomenology (probably because of Martin Heidegger influence on him).

Sartre tries to shift our focal understanding of human psyche from physiological interactions that merely answer what is, a rather remote picture of our emotions as living beings, to a more immediately felt medium, the phenomenology of what we experience. In this way, meaningless scientific descriptions vanish and are replaced with a more ambiguous but certainly more profound, feeling of the emotions. Our emotions can be explained with the feelings they evoke in us, sad, happy, angry etc, that give our a magical feeling, making us feel special!

Sartre's criticism of physiological and psychoanalytical understanding of emotions in a nutshell is that they all lead to reductio ad absurdum. But what he missed out is that, existentialism is all about the absurdity of life and it's nauseating meaninglessness, in fact meaningless chemical interactions as the basis of the magical transformation of the world is as absurd as existentialism!

Maybe he missed that point, nonetheless trying to understand our emotions with Heidegger scope and Sartre's ink is an enjoyable adventure. There are enough memorable lines that would make you rethink some aspects of how you perceive yourself, in this book to give it a go!
Profile Image for بسام عبد العزيز.
974 reviews1,321 followers
April 23, 2015
جذبني اسم سارتر على غلاف الكتاب..
أو بالأحرى..خدعني اسم سارتر على غلاف الكتاب!

لا أؤمن بعلم النفس.. أعتقد أنه من الخطأ أصلا وصفه بكلمة "علم".. العلم هو ما يوجد فيه "قوانين" .. لكن علم النفس توجد فيه "نظريات" فقط..
ببساطة لا أتخيل أن يقوم عالم نفس بإجراء تجربة على عشرة أو مئة أو ألف.. او حتى مليون فرد و يخرج منها بتعميم يشمل الجنس البشري كله منذ بداية الخليقة!!!!
في نظري كل إنسان هو كائن مستقل و متفرد بذاته.. و لا يمكن وضع "النفس" تحت الميكروسكوب.. فكلها في نظرية مجرد تخرصات و تخمينات و محاولات .. ببساطة "نظريات" لا أكثر...

ماذا عن الكتاب؟
سارتر يحاول استخدام الفينمونولجي (الفلسفة الظواهرية) في محاولة وضع تصور لأسباب الفعل و الانفعال عند الإنسان..
ببساطة لا يهمني! ..
7 reviews
February 8, 2015
It might be just me, but when he’s critiquing the views of others (Freud, James, Janet, etc.), I can’t understand him. But his sketch of his own phenomenological views is quite clear and his illustrations are pleasantly vivid. It’s a very short read and worth checking out before drowning in Being and Nothingness. If only that book were as clear!
Profile Image for Elier Mancilla.
92 reviews10 followers
January 26, 2019
Me gustó la parte en la que pone el ejemplo de las uvas verdes y como nosotros mismos justificamos nuestras emociones. También que muchas de las emociones que sentimos en realidad son una construcción social. Aún así no me gustó mucho la manera en la que está escrito este libro. A pesar de ser fan inquebrantable de Sartre, este es el libro que menos me ha gustado.
9 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2018
Book packed with information, not easy to follow but once you do, you unravel the genious that Sartre is, this book is a true insight on his thinking.
Profile Image for Ashu Bhargav.
7 reviews9 followers
February 10, 2020
I never had any respect for this man. I still don’t respect him but he posits profound ideas here.
Profile Image for sofía.
24 reviews6 followers
June 16, 2024
leído exclusivamente en el 135 con brat de fondo. no sé cómo me irá en el parcial pero fue una experiencia.
Profile Image for dorotea.
27 reviews
March 18, 2024
casi 30 páginas de introducción solo para hatear psicólogos, y uno de los estilos de escritura más insufribles que he leído en toda mi vida.
Profile Image for M Eren Yasar.
52 reviews
February 16, 2024
I read ''Transcendence of an ego'' just before that and i suggest other readers read that first too... It makes more clear everything.

Sartre's most non-philosophical book is this. He seemed like an ''arm-chair psychiatrist'' while writing that one. I enjoyed this one so much.

He took on human emotions in this one. His theory seems like a mixage between Freud and Adler's thoughts. Sartre sayed that just like Freud's dream theory, every emotion is a wish fullfilment. His choice of word is ''Diversion'' but you can easily make a connection between two theorems.

And just like Adler he reflects that emotions are our excuses in front of the reality. When we can n ot solve the reality emotions creates a world, a new reality in our minds for our own narcissist sake. We keep our arrogance while we doing that.

In practical words, for example we take a girl with sexual problems and traumas. Just before sexual interaction, she starts to cry or shows anxietic actions. Maybe she may pass out. It becomes like a force shield for her ego because she thinks she can't settle these actions properly. So she tries to end the situation in meanings of ending her own consciousness.

Its a huge step to being and nothingness and its so fun to read. I suggest it.
Profile Image for J. D..
Author 2 books327 followers
November 15, 2013
In this short book, emotions are some sort of mental act directed at a object as a way to "apprehend" the world. Apprehension involves what we choose to know so that, "in a word,the emotional subject and the object of the emotion are united in an indissoluble synthesis." More specifically, "during emotion, it is the body which, directed by the consciousness, changes its relationship with the world so that the world should change its qualities." When we flee, for example, we negate the dangerous object. We also negate through magical behavior as, for example, a boxer who closes his eyes so as not to see the punch coming at him. Or, Sartre writes, "joy is magical behaviour which tries, by incantation, to realize the possession of the desired object as an instantaneous totality."

This is an inaccessible book. I don't know what Sartre is saying other than "signifying" that an emotion is not what we typically think it is. When Sartre states that an "emotion does not exist, considered as a physical phenomenon," he neuters our normal understanding of emotion. Also, if the mind's role as regulator-mediator is seen as distinct from emotion as a physiological state or as an action in or reaction to the world, Sartre eliminates the physiological side of things and redefines "emotion" as a mental act that describes how we choose to engage the world. Emotions as physiological entities are defined out of existence. They are mental acts and, by definition, the body can't do that. In doing so, Sartre's "Sketch" is Stoic-like rational denial and control, or magic-like denial and affirmation. This view is, perhaps, the inevitable and logical result of an overall theory that has us creating our essence.
Profile Image for Daniël Zevenhuizen.
22 reviews2 followers
December 23, 2020
Helder geformuleerde theorie, mooi afgezet tegen de positivistische psychologie en de psychoanalyse, die het bewustzijn dreigt te reduceren. Betrekkelijk weinig verwijzing naar tijdgenoten (een naam als Bergson ontbreekt bijvoorbeeld, die zover ik weet William James in de Franse intellectuele kringen inbracht). Voor een schets misschien niet erg, maar wel voor degenen die het boek graag in de context van de geschiedenis van fenomenologie en existentialisme zouden plaatsen. In het positieve deel van het werk (waar de schets voor een fenomenologische psychologie van de emotie wordt uiteengezet) wordt niet concreet gemaakt wat de aard van de "magie" die de emotie gewaarwordt of ook produceert precies is, en hoe zij tot stand komt. Andere auteurs, die verwijzen naar ontwikkelingen in de kindertijd, hebben daar beter aan beantwoord.

Mooi vormgegeven vertaling met uitstekend nawoord van een vooraanstaand Nederlands psychiater en Holocaust-overlevende (Louis Tas, 1920-2011). Vooral de relatie van Sartre tot Freud komt hier goed uit de verf: als zovele vroege Franse lezers was ook Sartre veel te vlug om Freud af te wijzen, door zelf in te vullen wat deze bedoeld zou hebben, zonder afdoende kennis van de bronnen te nemen. Dat mondt er bijvoorbeeld in uit dat Sartre het dubbele aspect van het onbewuste mist. Het onbewuste is namelijk niet alleen verdringing en symbolisering, maar ook een eigen vorm van (prereflexief) denken (waarvan de analyse de logica probeert te achterhalen en nalopen). En op dat laatste legt Sartre zelf nu juist óók de nadruk, als ware het zijn eigen uitvinding. Tas spreekt van "crymptomnestisch plagiaat" van Freuds essay over het Unheimliche.

Dat moet ik eerst maar eens lezen. Wellicht pas ik mijn oordeel van de waarde van deze schets dan nog iets aan.
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105 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2023
How can you rate philosophy ?? My end of the year project on the phenomenological perception of the world by victims of genocide wouldn’t even EXIST without this book.

But I’m also frustrated. In L’être et le néant, Sartre announced that he would be detailing the emotions, and going deeply into his theory. JEAN-PAUL, ARE YOU JOKING ? The detail of his theory was literally two pages, the rest being him criticizing psychology over and over (what did Freud DO to him ?).

Annoying how Sartre can be just as brilliant as he is insufferable.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 98 reviews

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