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Fever #1-5

The Fever Series

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In the blockbuster Fever series, Karen Marie Moning creates a darkly erotic and paranormal world, torn apart by the struggle between humans and Fae. Now in a convenient eBook bundle, here are the five thrillingly sexy novels featuring heroine MacKayla Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, and Shadowfever.
“Give yourself a treat and read outside the box.”—Charlaine Harris, on Darkfever
When her sister is murdered, MacKayla Lane journeys to Ireland in search of answers. There, she makes a startling She’s a sidhe-seer, which gives her the rare power to glimpse beyond the realm of Man, and into the dangerous realm of the Fae. As the boundary between the worlds begins to crumble, Mac becomes a target. But her mission is Find the Sinsar Dubh, an ancient book that contains the key to controlling mortals and Fae alike, before the enemy seizes it.
In her fight to stay alive, Mac must hunt the Sinsar Dubh—a book of the blackest magic imaginable. Pursued by assassins and surrounded by mysterious figures she knows she cannot trust, Mac finds herself torn between two powerful V’lane, the ancient, immortal Fae Prince, and Jericho Barrons, a man as seductive as he is dangerous.
When Mac receives a page torn from her sister’s journal, she is stunned by its desperate contents. Now that Mac knows her sister’s killer is close, she’s on the hunt for revenge. Forced into a precarious alliance with V’lane, the lethal Fae prince, and Jericho Barrons, a man of deadly secrets, Mac is soon locked in a battle for her body, mind, and soul.
When the walls between Man and Fae come crashing down, Mac is caught in a lethal trap. Captured by the Fae Lord Master, she is left with no memory of who or what she the only sidhe-seer alive who can track the Sinsar Dubh. Clawing her way back from oblivion is only the first step Mac must take down a perilous path, from the battle-filled streets of Dublin into the realm of the Fae, where nothing is as it seems.
In an epic battle between humans and Fae, the Sinsar Dubh turns on Mac, and begins to mow a deadly path through those she loves. Who can she trust? But more important, who is Mac? Does an ancient prophecy reveal her destiny? Mac’s journey will force her to face the truth, and to make a choice that will either save the world . . . or destroy it.
“Delectably dark and sexy . . . spiced with a subtle yet delightfully sharp sense of humor.”—Chicago Tribune, on Bloodfever
Includes an electrifying excerpt from Karen Marie Moning’s new novel, Iced.

Kindle Edition

First published September 17, 2012

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About the author

Karen Marie Moning

55 books30.1k followers
“The only other calling I ever felt was an irrepressible desire to be Captain of my own Starship. I was born in the wrong century and it wasn’t possible, so I chose to explore the universe by writing fiction instead. Books are doors to endless adventure.” -KMM

Karen Marie Moning is the #1 NYT bestselling author of the Fever Series and Highlander novels.

An alum of the Immaculate Conception Academy, at seventeen she attended Purdue University where she completed a BA in Society & Law, with minors in Philosophy, Creative Writing and Theatre, while working full time as a bartender and computer consultant. She intended to go to law school but after an internship with a firm of Criminal Attorneys, decided against it. For the next decade, she worked in insurance, where she wrote intercompany arbitrations and directed commercial litigation. At the age of thirty, she decided it was time to get serious and do what she’d always wanted to do: write fiction novels.

Beyond the Highland Mist was published in 1999 and nominated for two RITA awards. She then published six more novels in her award-winning HIGHLANDER series, and received the RITA Award in 2001 for The Highlander’s Touch.

In 2004, she began writing the #1 New York Times bestselling FEVER series. The books have been optioned twice for potential franchise development by Twentieth Century Fox and DreamWorks Studios, but the rights are currently held by Moning who has expressed a desire to one day see it as a television series. Her novels have been published in over thirty countries. She divides her time between Ohio and Florida and is working on two future projects for Random House Publishing.

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 458 reviews
Profile Image for Celia.
227 reviews49 followers
May 23, 2017
Don't think, read. I'll tell you how this is going to go: This will be a love story between you and a book. Yeah, you're going to hurt when it finishes, but remember that truly
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
- A. L. Tennyson.

The only thing I regret is that a book can never be unread, even for the sole purpose of reading it again for the first time.

On another note: A lot of people have complained about the heroine, but I don't give a sh*t. I want real people and not two dimensional characters in my books. Personalities vary, get over it and go with it!
Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
August 19, 2014
5th re-read, 2009 pages (the annoying Mega in 'Iced' included), Mac 1.0 and 2.0 to drive me bugfuck all over again, one creepily obsessed partner in crime who wishes to remain anonymous because of embarrassing lusting over paper & ink book character, teaching my auto-correct variations on the theme 'Barrons' (Barronesque, Barrongasming, Barronsdrool, you get the idea).

But now all 2009 pages are over! :/

I guess that means no more peeing in empty apple juice cartons?

..and, hey, where's my partner disappeared to?

Profile Image for Alissa.
647 reviews99 followers
February 4, 2017
Oh, very, very good. It is way WAY better than I expected when I first picked up this series as my next paranormal romance fix. I've been on a PR kick lately, it's odd the way I became fast addicted to a genre I basically avoided, considering I wasn’t even much into urban fantasy. Actually, I’ve never liked emphasis on romance in my fantasy, I’m all for epic/low/grimdark stories and romance doesn’t factor well into the equation (I still don’t. That's what romance novels are for).
In August I only had Anne Rice’s and Laurell K. Hamilton’s books under my belt. In September I read the whole Black Dagger Brotherhood series, started both Night Huntress and the Elemental Mysteries series, tried and dropped both the Dark-Hunterverse and the Guild Hunter series. Go figure.

The Fever series is more than I've bargained for. Belatedly, I noticed this is primarily shelved as urban fantasy and I agree, there is a romance subplot (with a sharp focus on sexual tension) but it's not the core of the series. Setting, concept and characters are. It's well written, the rhythm is good, there is a plot, there are several mysteries, the tones are very dark, there is murder, there is violence, there is rape; it also gets very disturbing at times, particularly during the interactions between the main leads (#lovehurts).

And it's totally absorbing.

No matter the narrative flaws, some inconsistencies or the high-handed alpha-males, I truly enjoyed the snarky banter, the engaging plot and the themes explored.

I plan to get current (Edit 01/12: The second half of the series is not as good as the first, unfortunately it seems the author is running out of steam; gradual decline notwithstanding, I’m looking forward to Feversong).

There’s comfort in knowing your limits. It’s a safety zone. Most people find theirs, get in it, and stay there for the rest of their lives. That’s the kind of life I thought I was going to live. There’s a fine line between being stupid and knowing you have to test your limits if you want to do any real living at all. It was a line I was poised on very delicately at the moment.
Profile Image for Heidi Hart.
458 reviews43 followers
July 17, 2020
[Note: I reviewed each book individually, as spoiler-free as I possibly could. This review of the kindle bundle (the edition I actually read) is my review of the series as a whole. Here there be spoilers. You have been warned.]

I have averaged only 2-3 hours of sleep per night all week. Partly because of the nocturnal, tortured, ravening beast that is my teething 7-month-old son, but mostly because of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. Like the Sinsar Dubh, the book of dark magic the series revolves around, Fever is absorbing, addicting, and unputdownable.

When I started Darkfever, I wondered if this series could live up to the hype. Fever has A. LOT of very, very enthusiastic fans. Now having read it myself, I see the appeal. The worldbuilding is amazing. The narrator/heroine's (MacKayla Lane) personal growth is satisfying and inspiring. Some of the supporting characters are so appealing, and the dialogue is snappy, snarky, and funny. I will probably re-read the series at some point just because I don't think it's possible to take it all in one go-round.

But I will not join the ranks of the squeeing Fever fangirls. This series has some deep issues that really diminished my enjoyment. As I noted above, spoilers ensue. Don't read further unless you're okay with that.

Mac's Imperfect, Sometimes Maddeningly Annoying, and Sometimes Untrustworthy Narrative

The whole series is told in the first person, limited perspective point of view of the heroine, MacKayla Lane. There are at least two really great things about Mac as a narrator: 1) through Mac, we learn what we need to know, and only as much as we need to know for each scene, in a way that is tied up in the action of the plot rather than having an omniscient third-person narrator infodump all over the story, and 2) the best part of the series is Mac's personal growth from a self-described Barbie doll to a strong, powerful woman warrior capable of saving the world, and her narrative gives us a front row seat to that incredible transformation.

There are also some real drawbacks to reading this story through the warped lens of Mac's narration. First, she can be really fucking annoying. In the first book, I was irritated with her endless descriptions of what she was wearing, how she painted her nails, how she styled her long blond hair, what color lipgloss she chose, how her shoes matched her accessories, how tanned her long golden legs were. Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's pretty, we get it. As the series went on and Mac's cheerful happy rainbow bubble popped as she faced one unimaginable ordeal after another, her narrative became (thankfully) a lot deeper and darker, but not always less annoying. The later books, and especially Shadowfever, are burdened with Mac's long, rambling, inner monologue as she considers and questions and doubts every single decision she makes. I get that the fate of the world is resting on her shoulders and she doesn't know who to trust, and it makes total sense that in those circumstances she should deeply examine the repercussions of her actions, but the pace of the plot sometimes suffered from all of that navel-gazing.

Second, I mentioned in my review and status updates of Darkfever that Mac's narrative was prone to spoilery foreshadowing statements like "Later I would look back on the next few days as the last normal ones of my life, though at the time they seemed anything but" (Darkfever, Loc. 1152). At first, these statements annoyed me because they were distracting and sort of patronizing, telling us when something was important the way a sitcom laugh track assumes the audience is too dim to know when something is funny. Now that I have read the whole series, I have two new objections. First, Faefever ends with an emotionally devastating cliffhanger, and KMM basically says in the afternote (which the reader gets to while lying there, metaphorically bleeding with empathy for Mac), "Ha ha, I know you feel like shit right now, but you can't say I didn't warn you this was coming." Yeah, she did warn us, but that's a cop out. The fact that we coulda/shoulda/woulda known it was coming doesn't mean KMM didn't intentionally set us up to have our guts ripped out, and then leave us hanging. Furthermore, there's a lot of really important stuff that Mac's narrative doesn't foreshadow, and since the entire series is told in retrospect, the realization at the end that there is a lot of information that Mac withheld makes her an untrustworthy narrator, and that, too, strikes me as unfair to the reader.

Barrons is STILL a Total Douchenozzle

My early reviews objected to the fact that Barrons was physically aggressive and violent toward Mac from their earliest encounters. This didn't get better. In the first book, he leaves a wide band of bruises around her chest and holds her against a bookshelf by her throat. In the second book, he chains her up in nothing but a bikini (Jabba the Hutt, anyone?) in order to give her a tattoo she doesn't want. In the fourth book, he has sex with her when she is not physically capable of giving consent. And in the fifth book, the finale, leading up to the HEA (or as close as we can get), he still manhandles her and threatens to kill her at least as often as he treats her with tenderness.

I know this is part of a larger trend toward darkness and violence in romantic male leads, and some will argue that supply-and-demand theory suggests that this trend wouldn't exist if female consumers weren't lapping it up, but I hate it. I hate how the trend both stems from and contributes to rape culture and the cycle of domestic violence, and I hate what it says about our society that women write this shit for women readers, and we readers eat it up. In Dreamfever and Shadowfever, Mac is disgusted by the women who offer themselves sexually to the gruesome Unseelie demons in exchange for some kind of dark, sexy thrill, and the lure of the violent male alph-hole hero is not at all unlike that: ugly, debasing, self-defeating, and sad.

Even if I could set aside Barrons' violence and sexual aggression, I didn't find their relationship emotionally satisfying AT ALL because it is entirely one-sided. Barrons uses Mac for his own purposes throughout the series. He urges her to trust him, then berates her, belittles her, and punishes her when she doesn't or when she puts her trust in anyone else, but he gives her no reason to put her faith in him. Yes, he saves her life -- but not always, and he is not the only one to save her: sometimes others do, and sometimes she saves herself. He never answers any of her questions. He offers no confidences. He tells her nothing, and unapologetically lies, misleads, cheats, and deceives her over and over again. In Shadowfever, we're finally given a reason for his evasion --

but even that is a cop out. Trust, intimacy, and love are reciprocal: you cannot get back what you don't give out, and Barrons doesn't give. Anything. At all. Ever.

My last objection to Barrons ties in with what I was saying above about Mac being an untrustworthy narrator. The early books raise a lot of questions about what Barrons is: good, evil, human, fae, druid, vampire, the Unseelie King? I have no doubt that KMM intentionally built up the suspense and fanned the flames of speculation with hints and foreshadowing, which kept the readers invested and boosted sales. But what Barrons is is entirely unpredictable and unforeshadowed. You won't guess, because you can't possibly have any idea: he is unlike anything you could imagine, because his race is entirely unique. Kudos to KMM for imagining something so new and different, but Feck 'er (as Dani would say) for manipulating us by planting so many red herrings. Foreshadowing can be fun if you drop hints and let your reader have a sense of superiority if they're able to piece together the mystery before the narrator reveals it, but if the foreshadowing is entirely misdirection and the mystery takes another direction entirely, it's just manipulation. Maybe some readers enjoy that. Not me.

The Role of Women, Throughout the Fever Series, Leaves MUCH to be Desired

Yeah, Mac and Dani are pretty kickass. Flawed, but pretty tough, impressive, independant women. Good for them.

Every other woman in the series? Villain, Slut, Doormat, and/or Victim. The Fucking Fae are supposed to be a Matriarchal race, but their original Queen (now dead) was a jealous bitch who couldn't hang onto her man. Their replacement Queen is absent and ineffectual, and there is no reserve of strong Fae women waiting to take up command. The only Fae in positions of power (or players in the game, as Mac describe them) are men: The Unseelie King and Princes, Darroc, V'Lane. All of the human players are also men: Barrons and his associates, Maluce, the O'Bannions, Inspector Jayne, the MacKeltars, with one exception -- Rowena, the leader of the Sidhe-seers, who is an evil old shrew.

Like the Fae, the Sidhe-seers are also supposed to be matriarchal, but with the exception of Rowena and Dani, they are ineffectual, untrained, uneducated, and mostly sitting ducks. I think a greater proportion of them end up dead in the final tally than the losses in the human population of the earth.

Fiona, Barrons' ex-lover and employee, is also a villainous shrew, turned evil merely because she had the effrontery to fall in love with Barrons. (Mac, take note, sister.)Mac's sister Alina was a slut (inasmuch as she was banging the evil Lord Master) and victim. Mac talks about how much she loves her adoptive parents, but when she speaks of them, she speaks of all that her lawyer father has taught her about survival, and all that her emotionally fragile housefrau mother has taught her about accessorizing and acting like a lady. *Rolls eyes in exasperation* The MacKeltar women cook, gossip, and make babies, but don't do anything at all to advance the plot. *Rolls eyes some more.*

And the woman who caused all this trouble, the way Helen of Troy is blamed for sparking the Trojan War with her beauty (when in fact she was just a scapegoat for the wreckage caused by the violent egos of men)? The Unseelie King's human concubine, who has no powers other than those her man gives her and no speaking role in the entire story.

Feck that shit, dude.
Profile Image for Sonia.
72 reviews31 followers
December 7, 2012
A few friends recommended this series over and over, so after a recent surgery and long time at home without kids (yes, I am totally enjoying this recovery) I decided to give these a try. The first few pages of the first book "Darkfever" were a little annoying, with all the main character's young adult angst that she distresses about, but then the storyline and the changes she goes through more than make up for that. And I actually think the author, Karen Marie Moning, intended her to sound the way she did- sheltered and whiney (though bad things were happening to her).

I was so happy all the books in the series were already written! Once you start, it's so difficult to STOP reading these, even to sleep.

The storyline has to do with otherworldly creatures called Fae or Fairies, and loads of things happen that we don't experience in our here and now existence on Earth, so if that's NOT your thing, those details in the story will likely bother you. I can't seem to stop finding wonderful books like these, and fantasy-sci/fi is my favorite genre, so I was hooked right away!

There are many surprises and turns in the fast-paced story, and if you enjoy steamy situations, read past book one. Darkfever is just the beginning of some interesting, steamy and imaginative experiences MacKayla "Mac" Lane enjoys through the series. There were more than a few moments I sure wished I was her (or at least recovered enough to bother my husband with some of those ideas...).
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
September 25, 2012
09/25/2012 Review now posted on http://2geekgirlsreviewbooks.com/

Re-read September 2012


Overall Rating: 5
Book Cover / Book Blurb = 5 / 5 = total of 5
Writer’s Voice = 5
Character Development = 5
Story Appreciation = 5
Worth the Chili = 5
[individually about $7.99 each on Amazon and B&N, the 5 book series is around $30.99 on either]

I actually read these books individually, but wanted to review them together “in a bundle”. The five [5] book bundle is being released in mid-September, so this is a great time to put it all together.

This was a re-read for me. I originally read these books about 2 years ago. I read 1 – 4 in a blur and then had to wait like the rest of the world for #5. This was my pre-review days. I want to offer my opinion on these books in the worst way, so here goes...

When I first read these books, it came at a time for me, "pre" social media, where people share books and their thoughts about them. I was in Barnes and Noble one day looking for something good. None of my “tried and true” authors had anything new out and so I thought I’d try this author. I first read, or should I say, devoured “The Highlander” series and just couldn’t get enough. I hadn’t read much sci-fi or paranormal and it wasn’t my “cuppa”, but what the heck, this author had done such a fine job on these other books, I’ll give this a go… The rest, my friend, was history for me. So enlightening and turned me into a paranormal reader for life. So enjoyable and I’ve raved and rec’d these books ever since.

In my opinion, these books are like Lay’s potato chips – no friggin’ way you can eat just one. But, can they stand on their own? Could you read #3 and not have to read #1 & #2? I don’t think so. I think you could read the first one and not read the others, but I don’t think you could easily jump into the middle or the end.

What Five Three things I liked about this book:
1.) The entire story. Karen Marie Moning [KMM] actually tells you the story told in these five books came to her complete. In order to publish, she broke them down a bit. Once you finish these books, you think to yourself, or at least I did, how incredible to have a dream or such imagination that you create all this. Absolutely phenomenal. I have such high appreciation for the talent and creativity it took to bring me this world, these characters. She weaves it all so well it just pulls you ever forward.

2.) You have to love MacKayla [Mac] and Barrons. These two have such tension around them you want to be in their sphere. You love them separately, but when they are on the same page you just sparkle. They communicate even when they don’t talk. You feel their “like” for each other immediately even when they are fighting each other. These two are now my dear friends. I want them to live forever and thankfully they will.

3.) The entire cast of characters. She introduces you to people on the first page that show up on the last page. She doesn’t forget nor does she allow you to forget any of them. They may be fae; Seelie and Unseelie, people or anything in-between. She makes us love them, hate them, feel sorry for them. We have such conflict of emotions as these creatures suffer the collapse of the world as they know it. Absolutely remarkable. I can imagine the writer creating an outline for each character. She would either have to have a mental picture for each, or maybe would have to drawn a picture. She paints for us, with her descriptions such wonderful and sometimes frightening creatures; the Grey Man, the many-mouthed creature, the Shades, Mac’s mother Rainey, Ryoden and on and on.

4.) The entire story about the fall of the wall between the Unseelie and the human world. The nucleus of this collapse in Dublin. We come to love the city prior to the collapse and then mourn for it during and after. The story itself is enthralling. She tells us how the world began, about the covenant between the Fae and the human race. The role the Druids have in maintaining the “wall”. Even down to the meaning of the MacKelter name in this puzzle or maze she creates for us. We never feel lost. We may be puzzled and wonder what is around the next bend but never lost.

Struggling ... What can I really say that hasn’t already been said? These books are epic.

5.) The cost of this 5 book series is well worth the expense. I purchased them separately and think I paid the $7.99 price for all but maybe the first one. For me, this was a good price point. But, remember, I was fresh off of my extraordinary ride with KMM’s Highlander series and wanted more, more, more. The more I think about it, I actually think I got the first one free. Right now, you can preorder the 5 book bundle for $30.99. It is out and available mid-September. This makes each book about $6.25. Well worth the chili!!

What three things I did not like or did not appreciate:
1.) The first book took a while to “grab” me. I read so much and this book took a while to pull me to that point where I just couldn’t stop. I don’t remember this from the first time I read it, but I do remember it from this effort. I’m not sure it really matters, but it is important to note. My message, hang in there. Please. You won’t regret a moment of it.

2.) I noticed when reading book 2 [Bloodfever] and book 3 [Faefever], they had quite a bit of “recap” in them. I skimmed them, so no worries, but it didn’t seem to flow well. When you get to book 4 [Dreamfever] and then the final book Shadowfever [5], you get the same degree of recap, but it is done so well that it adds versus detracts from the story. Is this important to your enjoyment? Overall, no, but while you are in the throe’s, yes. Once again peeps, hang in there. Just do yourself this favor and you will not regret a moment of it. In fact, you will absolutely hate how the pages fly by and weep a bit inside every time you have to turn a page.

3.) The cliff-hang endings between Faefever [3] and Dreamfever [4], then between Dreamfever [4] and Shadowfever [5]. With having all five books available and in your “hot little hands”, this isn’t such an issue, but I suffered months of waiting between Dreamfever and Shadowfever. Is the beast Barrons? If not, who is it? Does he really die? If so, now what? Oh, my… I suffered, and then when I actually read the book [day it came out], I was disappointed. NOT because it wasn’t good, it was … very good, but more because I had this mental relief and maybe it was a bit anticlimactic. This was one thing I wanted to pay particular attention to this go ‘round. How did I feel going into it right after reading Dreamfever and did I enjoy it more? Yes, so much more. I don’t think cliffhanger endings are good for anyone. Especially when there is a year between release dates. So, if you read these, I recommend reading them one right after the other to truly enjoy the experience to the fullest.

This remains one of my favorite series of all time. Out of the five books, I think I enjoyed Dreamfever [4] and Shadowfever [5] the best. Why? I think it was the culmination of Mac and Barron; the acceptance and open-ness that finally evolves and culminates for these two. They love each other. They had quite a journey to get to the "together" culmination of their relationship and Mac’s evolution was a joy to experience. As I say this, I also want to say, outside of book one, I don’t think any of the other four books actually should be read alone or out of order. I think they need each other and I think the reader will be cheated out of the “total” experience if they deviate.

I say this with a HUGE smile on my face … Happy Reading!
1 review
January 2, 2013
This book is like Harry Potter meets Fifty Shades. Let me explain. First it’s a great story for my age group, readers in their twenties. So many novels are directed for young adults that it’s hard to relate to the main characters when they are 16 years old. Since it was made for an older age group the romance is steamier, which is why it reminded me of Fifty Shades of Gray. It’s a story that uncovers the mystical world with faeries that live in and disrupt the human world. There are villains and “good guys” and the world has to be saved. You follow the main heroine MacKayla Lane. The story is written from MacKayla’s perspective which at times, really annoyed me. However, I let it go and kept reading, she stops being so valley girlish the further in the series you get. The character development is spot on though. You grow with MacKayla and all the struggles she goes through. You feel as if you are there with her as she questions everyone, everything and finally even herself. How she continues to have hope and pulls herself out of mental, emotional and physical battles. This story relates to what everyone goes in their twenties -You find yourself and finding that is a struggle. It asks the reader to question who you are when you’ve lost everything, when life keeps knocking you down, who are you when everything has been stripped from you. Ah, it’s so good. Of course there is romance, which I got completely wrapped in.  But to talk about any of it will just ruin the whole story. (but it’s great!) The plot well written, it keeps your attention throughout. It is similar to a spider web, everything ties together, relates back to something/someone, certain actions, and events. I’m finished with the series and can’t wait to reread them.
Profile Image for Joy.
253 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2013
An urban fantasy/chick lit series I actually like! I feel like these books are what Anne Bishop's should have been, and emphatically were not: full of a dark eroticism that didn't make me feel icky for having read it. The basic premise here is that the wall between the human and faery world is crumbling, and a young woman (Mac) just might have the power to stop it...but who is she really, and who is that sexy bookstore owner and what does he want? It's hard to say all the reasons I liked this book without giving anything away...suffice it to say, both my reptile brain and my feminist sensibilities were satisfied. The heroine has many opportunities to allow others to make choices for her, to be "saved" by various hunky dudes and she never goes for it. The author sets up several of the main male characters as potential exemplars, but our Mac realizes that she has to find her own way. Hooray! Also, nice plot twists. I definitely did not at all predict the ending. These books are way addicting (once you get past the vaguely/intentionally annoying first 100 pages of the first one). Beware!
May 25, 2013
This is my all time favorite series! Jericho Barrons is my number top book beau and MacKayla Lane is one of my favorite heroines. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. They are just that good!
Profile Image for Tracy.
637 reviews50 followers
August 2, 2015
To me the Fever Series is the best of the best when it comes to anything Paranormal or Urban Fantasy! I've read it twice and am planning my third re-read in 2016 when KMM puts out her next book...what a great series!!
Profile Image for Melissa.
384 reviews642 followers
October 24, 2014
This is the review for the wholes series.

It's one hell of a series. Compelling plot, complex and intriguing characters, unpredictable twist and turns and just completely amazing.

Profile Image for Mehak.
98 reviews1 follower
October 30, 2020
I give it one star for some very specific reasons.

Maybe my self hatred of being a brown girl has decreased and I find these things distasteful instead of agreeing with them, or they're a lot more blatant than I'm giving them credit for being.
Maybe as a non-POC reader, you might not notice the things I noticed, and if you did they might not strike you as odd or uncomfortable like they did for me. But as a WOC, I gave it the benefit of the doubt for the first two books, and quit at book 3. I was almost 1000 pages in before it got to be too much and I quit.

1.) There's some very weirdly worded white-supremacist, southern sympathizing and antebellum-glorifying attitude laced throughout.

In the Deep South, we understand pride. We lost everything once, but by God, we held on to our pride. We heaped fuel onto the fire of it, stoked it as high as a crematorium. And we immolate ourselves on it sometimes.

Um.... WHAT? By "We lost everything once", is the author referring to the Civil War - oh, sorry , I mean The War Between The States™ That Definitely Wasn't About Slavery. Is the author implying that that loss - aka, the wealth and privilege accumulated through the LITERAL ENSLAVEMENT OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS was some kind of main-character-backstory 'loss of something something important, like my mom or grandma' and not BLOOD MONEY that my family has had for centuries?

Down South, a man would have draped a shirt around me. He would have taken a quick glance while he did it, I mean, really, breasts are breasts and men are men, but chivalry is not entirely dead where I come from.

Ah yes, Southern White Men, famous for the chivalry that magically resulted in thousands of enslaved women having children much lighter than them. That's nice.

3.) There's a lot of not-too-mild racism, far too many uses of the word 'exotic', and lots of the white protagonist dressing up and pretending that dyed her makes her exotic and I quote, "Arabian Nights"-esque.

I had a head of shoulder-length, tousled Arabian-Nights curls that framed my face seductively and made my green eyes stand out even more than they usually did.

This description showed up, almost word-for-word, about six or seven times so far.

A deep voice came out of the darkness on my left, marked by that untraceable accent that hinted of time spent in exotic climes. Like places with harems and opium dens.

So now we're adding Orientalism to the mix too, got it.

I knew from Barrons, who knows everything about everyone, that the fierce, ruthless blood of a long-ago Saudi ancestor runs in O’Bannion veins.

This description shows up four times! Yes, Arab blood! So famously savage, animalistic, and NON-HUMAN that SEVERAL CENTURIES LATER a random white descendant has just enough of it to look 'exotic' BUT DEFINITELY STILL A WHITE MAN DON'T YOU WORRY.

4.) There are some horrible remarks about rape, rape culture, cat-calling, and unwanted sexual attention in general.

He rolled hard and fast, and I was on my back beneath him, with my hands pinned above my head, the weight of his body crushing me to the floor, his face inches from mine. He was breathing harder than the exertion merited. “Make no mistake, Ms. Lane, I didn’t rape you. You can lie there on your pretty little P.C. ass and claim with your idealistic little P.C. arguments that any violation of your will is rape and that I’m a big, bad bastard, and I’ll tell you that you’re full of shit, and you’ve obviously never been raped. Rape is much, much worse. Rape isn’t something you walk away from. You crawl.”

For context here, he did definitely ASSAULT her here because he controls her mind with magic woo woo and makes her strip in front of him.

Hahaha, stupid female! Stop being PC and sensitive you idiot SNOWFLAKE! He didn't rape you! If he had raped you, we'd know because the female body shuts that sort of thing down! /s

But seriously, rape is still rape if you don't fight back. Rape is still rape if you had an orgasm during it. Rape is still rape if you don't show any physical signs of it afterwards. Rape is rape as long as you AREN'T CONSENTING.

Also, here's a nice string of street harassment being framed as cute and fun and Sexy, because she dresses Hot™ so that means she asked for it.

There were cute guys all over the place, and I got more than a few catcalls and whistles. A bartender, a young single woman and a music lover, this was my element.

The first time I’d ever walked into this part of the city, I’d gotten whistles and catcalls, and had enjoyed them all. I’d been the kind of girl who dressed for attention, in an eye-catching outfit with all the right accessories.

I stared curiously, interestedly into the faces as they passed by. I offered smiles, collected many in return. I got a few whistles, too. Sometimes the small pleasures in life are the sweetest.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle.
319 reviews17 followers
January 29, 2013
These are my favorite books of ALL time!! This is the 2nd time I've read them. I started Friday night, got a little bit of sleep. I read all day Saturday (hated interruptions like cooking dinner lol), I got 4 hours of sleep that night after being up till 3am. Then I read all day Sunday, didn't make dinner, fed everyone easy stuff, then got only 3 hrs and 40 min's of sleep. Monday, everyone went to school, hubby went to work... I read all day. You can not stop reading this story. My brain is like a sponge, the more I read it, the more my brain needs to soak it up! You get lost in Fever world. Every character is real.

Mac is awesome. Her transformation from pink juicy girl to black leather badass is realistic and believable. You root for her every step of the way. You laugh at her. Cry for her. My heart broke with her when she grieved. You get angry when she does, and want to kick ass right along with her. She will never get on your nerves, you never want to bitch slap her for being stupid lol she starts out a little clueless but watching her grow, learn about the supernatural world and discover who she is and what she's capable of is a fantastic journey!

Barrons, Barrons, Barrons....Is one of, if not the best, fictional characters ever. I'd want one of him, but I'm not sure I'd be woman enough to handle it lol at least long term lol He is Alpha to the rest of the Alphas out there. Gorgeous, mysterious, possessive and bossy, yet he showed Mac how to be free. I loved it every time (probably only twice) when he smiled huge with his tongue between his teeth like he really did know he was the biggest badass of all and had the biggest baddest toys of everyone. I loved every time he was jealous. He gave away his feelings for Mac only then. And I craved every one of those scenes.

V'lane, well, I loved and loved to hate him lol only Barrons could have let me resist all that was V'lane.

As for everyone else, I loved them too. Every character was important. Interesting. Served a purpose in the story. The first time I read the Fever books, I hadn't read Karen's Highlander series. So seeing and knowing Adam, Dageus, Cian, Drustan, Christopher and meeting Christan MacKeltar was an awesome treat!! I loved that the beautiful highland Druids played a part in the last book. That the Queen's plotting finally made sense from that series. (however you don't have to read the highlander series to know what's going on in Fever) it was just an fantastic treat that they were there and played a part. It helped me "see" who all those Druid MacKeltars were that played a part with trying to hold up the walls and trying to protect the Queen.

And honestly, I liked the Unseelie King. I was so happy at the end when he *possible spoiler* found his beloved concubine. And then left with her:) I hope as this story is still on going that we learn they have a happy ending.
Profile Image for Bri.
50 reviews5 followers
April 22, 2013
mind blown photo: Mind blown mindblown_zps27e2ab32.gif>

Ahhh love is not a strong enough word for my feelings of this series. This is going to be short because I don't want to give anything away. So we are doing this in a list.
~This series always kept you guessing. I hate it when I can guess an ending, I hate predictability. Every time I thought I knew what was going on I was wrong. This kept you on your toes till the end.
~ I loved the characters, I loved to hate some of them.
~I am so depressed that this is over, it took me 4 days to read all of these and I am so sad I feel like I lost some really good friends.

I don't know what else to say, this was just really good. I will be re-re-reading this at some point.
Profile Image for Carey J.
147 reviews8 followers
November 23, 2014
Why yes, I did read all five books in the series in a little over a week. Have a problem with it? ;-p

Supernatural urban romance seemed like a good fit for a cold winter week while I was suffering from a virus. I enjoyed it, but I thought the first book and last half of the fifth were the weakest (started a bit bland and ended a bit convoluted). If I would have had to wait for the next book, I would have hated book three. Since I didn't have months to stew about the cliffhanger, only a couple hours, it was tolerable.

I was raised on historical romances, so this was like comfort food.
Profile Image for Rita Salazar.
13 reviews
September 19, 2012
Fun fantasy, but she could have condensed it down to 3 books. It got redundant and took a little effort to stay interested by the middle of the 4th book.
Profile Image for Heather Thurmeier.
Author 24 books400 followers
December 31, 2012
As expected, the second reading was just as good or better than the first. Thanks, KMM, for creating such an awesome series! I will always love Mac and Barrons.
Profile Image for P C .
241 reviews12 followers
March 21, 2023
PSA> I know the series is a relic at this point, but I can't help but need to rant about my displeasure! Let me live!

After a week of reading and 2030 pages later I can confess; This was series complete and utter bullshit!

How can you as an author be so talented to create a gripping enough story and fuck it up phenomenally it's beyond me?!!

KMM, girl, you invented the most ADHD* storytelling in the world of fantasy, shit was CHAOTIC and that's rich to say in the fantasy genre! The entire series was infested with Filler material, rhetorical questions and inner monologue, that shit wasn't cute in the 2000s and it sure as fuck isn't cute now, it ate away at my time and I hate being stuck reading something just for the hell of it: get to the point!

*I have it myself so I would know!

I gave Mac & Barrons the benefit of the doubt, somehow I continued to hold hope for some growth and redemption for them: nothing of the sorts happened for 5-consecutive-books! I'm enraged and appalled to say the least.. As soon as Mac tried to better herself she'd make 5 steps backwards and lose all her progress.. shit was annoying! Don't get me started on the time she called/believed herself to be EPIC? Be fucking for real MACKAYLA! Who in their right mind says that about theirself repeatedly?

How can you make a FMC SOO STUPID she's hideous to read about? How could she be so HORNY all the time for all kinds of creatures and men around and yet be the one man's girl all along? Was there a RH subplot and I didn't get the memo KMM? Literally, wtf was up with Mac being just a wanton all the time?? At first you give her idiotic bimbo traits, you then jump into the sexualising-the-hell-out-of-her-trope, Mac was so badly written! No question, period. There were some moments where I could relate to her, yes, but overall she was a literal liability to the story and I dislike her with a passion. Her stupidity is insulting to her backstory tbfh
Barrons... he was a mean idiot. A sexy one but still, a huge DICK to everyone but especially MAC! I will never complain about minor miscomm. tropes elsewhere because I just got a good look at what Miscomm trope really is at the core! IF you look for it at the dictionary it'll hold this series name and the MCs names right there. Shit was frustrating, Barrons was never really there for anyone but himself, a true egotistical man with a hidden agenda we were forced to like him and swoon over his mysterious ways for what? A textbook opportunistic animal of a creature he took advantage of Mac several times and I'm not just talking physically! The slut shaming was my biggest trigger in the entire series, Barrons talked to Mac as she was a shoe rag most of the time. I'm hurt on her behalf tbh, how could you 2000s bookish girlies eat up verbal abuse this way?


All of the bad sexism and rotten beauty culture from the 2000s was included in this series alongside some shitty pop references and nEW TeChnOlOgY cause wow We're so KEWL to be having IPODS and SURF the NET! Ugh for the love of god these never really age well and I'd know as a hater of this phenomenon, I ditch contemporary books the minute I read the word Insta/tiktok.
So yeah this fucking sucked and my cousin sucks more for gifting me the series bundle as a Bday present, Laura you bitch you OWE me a 10/10 read next year!

K I'm done ranting, read this series at your own risk 😘
Profile Image for Ashley Mitchell.
17 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2019
Since my previous book debacle, I have decided to return to my roots and indulge in romance extraordinaire Karen Marie Moning, who always gives me exactly what I need when it comes to hot men and great women. This go round, I picked up the Fever Series, which consist of five books - Dark Fever, Blood Fever, Fae Fever, Dream Fever, and Shadow Fever- and devoured them over the course of a weekend. Oh, I am absolutely gaga over this series. Although it is completely different from her Highlander Series, it does feature a lot of my favorite characters, specifically the Keltar clan and Adam Black, the sexy Fae turned human. I actually avoided this particular series for a while, because its plot and story-line is completely different from the Highlander Series and I assumed the romance and sexuality I craved from the Moning books would be gone. Boy was I wrong.

In so many ways this series is even better than the Highlander Series. The story line is more complex, and unlike the Highlander Series, the Fever books a not stand-alones, but over arch into one big story. We follow MacKayla Lane, a 22 year old girl from Georgia who sees the world through sprinkles, cotton candy, and pink rainbow glasses. This all changes when her older sister Alina is killed while studying abroad in Dublin. MacKayla goes to Dublin to search for Alina’s murderer and exact vengeance, but finds herself in the middle of a world she never knew existed, with no one to trust but herself.

Karen mashes up all my favorite elements of a great story in one series; mystery, action, romance, sex, the supernatural, and a strong female lead.

MacKayla is absolutely amazeballs. Her development was amazing, and I am pleasantly surprised by how realistic, well rounded, and honest she was as a character. In her Highlander Series, Moning’s female leads are all very similar, though they do have enough differences to not seem repetitive. Still, I didn’t expect Moning to pull a character like MacKayla out of her hat; she is a true-blue ass kicking heroine. MacKayla 1.0 (as she aptly names herself when thinking back to the beginnings of it all) is fun, frivolous and care free. She is selfish and self-serving, though not unkind, and has a very narrow-minded view of the world. She is afraid to be adventurous, to be animalistic, to do things and know people who don’t fit into her pink world, and for all intents and purposes, is not a survivor. Mac 4.0 is a complete 180; hard, tough, capable of necessary evil to protect those she loves. Slow to trust and to love, and completely willing to let her inner animal out to play. The man who helps her transform is Jericho Barrons, but more on this sexy beast (literally) later. MacKayla’s transformation is an organic and necessary change in order for her to survive in a world she only thought existed in make believe. It takes her a while to shed her pink skin and innocent world view, but it is this slow building development that makes her character so believable.

This series is so much darker than anything Karen has written before. Although there are dark elements to her Highlander Series, especially with those involving the Keltars, the central themes to that series has been romance, love, and finding soul mates. All the mystery, fairy lore, and supernatural elements are secondary. In the Fever series, these elements are front and center stage, and in a much darker and grittier way then it has ever been presented. Moning authentically grasped the ambiance of urban life and living; the dark, pulsing energy of it, and how easy it is to fall in love with even the dirtiest parts of it. As a New York City native, I can appreciate her descriptions of city living in Dublin. Choosing Dublin as the setting also provides a nice alternative to the beauty of the Highlands she is famous for revering. Dublin is not Scotland, but it is beautiful in its own right.

This book may not be about romance and sex, but it sure offers a whole lot of it. I love how Moning describes The Fever Series when asked about this particular aspect. She lets her fans know that it isn’t a romance (when speaking about the progression and plots of the first few books), but the series as a whole does offer the romance and love she is known for. Since the books aren’t stand alone, the characters aren’t necessarily “rushed” into falling in love. This is another authentic aspect, as there is so much crazy shit going on in Dublin that having Mac fall head over heels in love during the first book would seem completely unrealistic.

So back to the sex.

There are two “too hot for TV” leading men in this novel, although only one makes my vajayjay heart go pitter patter. Vlane is Fae, as well as one of the princes of the Tuatha De Danann race, which means he holds the special ability of “death by sex”. Seriously. He oozes so much sex that he literally has you unconsciously stripping off your clothes in the street. He politely gives you orgasms from a simple kiss. It’s THAT real. Still, while he is undeniably hot, he is all golden and bronze and blond haired, blue-eyed sunlight, and that just doesn’t quite do it for me. But Jericho Barrons. MY GOD. He is everything you are innately afraid of in a man but can’t help craving anyway. Darkly, savagely handsome, masculinity defined, dangerous, bad ass, too powerful for your own good, and amazing hot sex on legs. No romance with Barrons, you either take him or leave him. And boy oh boy I want to take him. Or rather, I want him to take me. MacKayla (the Pink Ranger) is deathly afraid of how Barrons makes her feel, and so she quickly and vehemently stores those sexual, intense, eat the world thoughts somewhere her pretty innocent heart can’t find them. Pink Ranger MacKayla is too sweet for Barrons taste, but she still seems to creep under his skin, intriguing him with her innocence and her light. With the help of Barrons and some rather unfortunate events, MacKayla the Pink Ranger becomes Mac the Black Ranger (or the silver one, he was totally bad ass), and her darkness allows allows her to no longer be afraid of her world-destroying feelings for the irredeemable Barrons. As the Black Ranger, Mac is no longer just someone who intrigues Barrons, but someone who the rules no longer applies to, someone who’d he’d destroy the world for as well. And along the way to those feelings, hot talking, steamy mindless sex, and carnal thoughts all get featured in the series between the two characters.

Barrons is officially THE HOTTEST of all of Karen’s leading men. There is none other. I worship the ground he walks on.

And sidebar. There’s this thing called Pri-ya. I don’t want to reveal it all, as I am trying to do better at reigning in my excitement and Barrons truly needs to be experienced in all his glory, not just my watered down version. But essentially, for a third of book four, Mac has mindless, animal, “I don’t need food or water or air” sex with Barrons, and sweet baby Jesus it was hot. BARRONS IS A GOD. I’ll be Pri-ya any day.

It is because of Barrons that this book was so aptly named. I was literally fanning myself ( I know I’m a geek, but I couldn’t help it) because of the heat presented to me in the pages. Karen delves just enough to keep us wanting and panting for more, while staying true to Mac’s character development and her subsequent relationship development with Barrons in the series. Now thats talent.

Now if only I had a way to make Barrons come to life. Maybe if I drink enough wine he’ll appear.

Let me go start on that right now.

Profile Image for Nvisiblegrrl.
64 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2015
I loved this entire series. I loved the way the characters grew emotionally and psychologically. The plot kept me moving forward and at the same time catching me off guard and surprising me in a way that I loved. I loved how we got to see inside Mac's mind and the struggling she had to go through to become the truly strong, courageous, passionate woman in the end. I laughed and I cried with this book. There were places that made my heart raw with the emotional roller coaster that played out in this series. I don't mind that we don't know "what" Jericho is at the end. I don't think "what" he is makes a darn bit of difference which is the point the author (IMO) was trying to make. (Actions speak louder than words and see me!)

I loved how the message of everything changes and nothing is guaranteed was handled. I loved how there was good even in the bad. This felt like it's supposed to IMO. Life is just like that, ever changing, no guarantees and a little bit of goodness in everyone and everything. And while those messages may have been a bit to subtle for some, they are there.....just slow down and enjoy the ride instead of trying to get the answers before you really know the questions.

oh yeah....and the idea that none of us are one dimensional..perfect. We're all made up by our experiences. We're shaped and formed by many things and some of those things come from a place none of us will ever understand because it's in our DNA.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,895 reviews1,374 followers
September 29, 2012
Did I enjoy this series?
Not overly. It had it's moments, but Mac (the main character) was whiney, the pace was too slow, and the storyline could have been easily written in one novel rather than five.

Would I read it again?
Definitely not.

Would I recommend this series to people?
No. there are much better urban fantasy series out there. In fact I would probably warn you against it.

Overall: 5 out of 10.
Profile Image for Andrea Frieden.
38 reviews
June 14, 2014
Iwillbe honest, I haven't "read this book" in the literal sense, but I HAVE read all the books in this series. Same fecking thing. I feel compelled to rate this book because as a whole I would rate this book 10 stars. Five stars just doesn't do it any justice. I wish there were more books out there as good as the fever series but unfortunately Karen Marie mining is one of a kind and there aren't. BEST. BOOK. SERIES. EVER.
Profile Image for Petra Garcia.
40 reviews
December 7, 2013
This series was FECKING AMAZING!
Never will I read a book like this.
The whole time I a had a huh face going on.
I read, read, read, and read some more with out ever thinking "when is this book going to end"
Over all this book was fan-FUCKING-tastic. Cannot wait to read Iced.
But, for the moment I must take a breather. I CANNOT BELIEVE I WAS ROOTING FOR THE WRONG FECKING TEAM!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Amanda Crockett.
12 reviews
October 23, 2012
Really like them! Different from what I've read before!! Still not finished with the last one but I'm excited to see how it ends!
Profile Image for Claudine.
84 reviews13 followers
March 17, 2014
I did it. I finished it. It was good overall and that's saying a lot for paranormal which I generally don't enjoy. And I liked Barron's but I didn't love Barron's.
Profile Image for Deidre Gubbels.
3 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2015
I both loved and hated this series. (I read until the end of book 5, I heard there are 2 more books, but I will not be reading them).
Story-wise I loved these books. Awesome mythology and story, pacing was mostly fine to me. Characters are intriguing, if somewhat all over the place here and there.
But, I don't think I have ever hated a book character as much as Jericho Barrons. All scenes with him and every time Mac was thinking about him, made me screamingly angry. I hate hate hate those aggressive, demeaning, rapist love interests like Barrons!!
All the other male characters were all one by one douchebags as well. All of them feeling that they're entitled to either sex with Mac or knowing about her sex life. Gah!!
Lots of people apparently hate Mac's shallow personality in the first few books (too absorbed with fashion, colour and accessorising), but that wasn't the case for me at all. I thought it was great to see her change and grow and still be herself. (plus, I think fashion is as good a hobby/interest as any and as an artist, I definitely understand her love for colour)
What I did not like was that every time it seemed like Mac was aware of what bad things people had done to her, it was ruined by her giving certain of those people a pass for them. Example: What happens to her with the Unseelie Princes is clearly and rightly defined as rape. But! What Barrons does to bring her back from being Priya is obviously rape as well. And every time it seems like Mac is going to see it this way as well, she takes it back and defines that as great experience. She even constantly lets Barrons get away with his taunts about it. The goddamn bastard!
Obviously, I do not find their romance (or lust for each other) convincing. Their sex and making out was not sexy or hot to me (by the way, if someone kisses you in a way that your mouth gets forced open so wide you can't really move it or breathe anymore, that is not hot, that is uncomfortable!)
And the fact that Mac wanted to remake the world when she thought Barrons died made my eyes roll almost right out of their sockets!

Also, there were things that kept taking me out of the story, which are research things. For instance, the way Dani talks. She sounds like an American tv teen instead of an Irish one.
Irish people do not call their mother's 'mom' like Americans do, they say 'mum'.
In the first book, when Mac arrives in Dublin, it's the middle of Summer. The story constantly tells the reader that it gets dark by 7 or 8 in the evening. It does not get dark that early in Summer in Ireland! These are simple things to research. Nitpicking, I know, but stuff like that takes me out of a story.

And then one last thing, I think there should have been some clues as to what kind of creature Barrons is. All the others had clues here and there. What Barrons is, is never even mentioned in the mythology beforehand. No clues, nothing.

What I did love, was Mac's relationship with Dani, her very believable grief for her sister and her wanting to find her place among the other sidhe-seers outside of Rowena (I wish more page time was spent on that instead of damn Barrons).
I wish book 5 had a little more in the way of a satisfactory ending between Mac and Dani, but I did really love how honest and fair Mac was in her reaction about Dani's involvement in Alina's death.
Profile Image for Judy.
694 reviews83 followers
December 20, 2014
With a my new job came a commute, a 3 hour a day commute. That is 15 hours a week that I can't have my nose in a book. However, that is the perfect time to have my ear buds in and listen to a book. It was through a similar situation many years ago that I discovered J.D. Robb and the In Death series. I wasn't sure what I wanted to listen to, so I hit the local library to see if I could get any ideas. As it turned out, they had DarkFever and Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning. Once upon a time I had tried to start this series, but became so disgusted with MacKayla that I didn't make it to Chapter 2. This seemed like a great opportunity to try the series again but not cut into the time I have for books that I enjoy. So I checked them out and ordered the rest from the interlibrary loan system. Most of the time, I listened to these along side my sister, who works at the same job site, in a different department. We were carpooling, so she was listening along side me.

Let me just start by saying that I really, really didn't get interested in MacKayla as a character until the second half of book 4. As for the much beloved Jericho Barrons, most of the time I thought he was an insensitive asshole. To be very honest, my favorite characters were Dani O'Malley and Lor. Dani had a depth of personality that made her snarky, wisecracking attitude worth reading. As for Lor? Just something about his attitude and remarks that kept him stuck in my head. Thank goodness that Dani has her own series now and Lor plays a bigger roll in it. But that is a review for another Sunday.

It was a bit disconcerting to find out that the last two books had different narrators than the first three. Once you have listened to Joyce Bean as MacKayla Lane, that is the voice you want to continue. Don't get me wrong, Natalie Ross did a good job, it was just disconcerting to have to relearn the characters. Though I will admit that Phil Gigante was awesome doing the male voices. Each person had a distinctive voice and was easily recognizable. Something that I have come to discover is not the case in all audible books.

If I was to do a rating based on each individual book and average it, the score would only garner 2 stars. Let's just say that it ended on a high note and be done with it. Overall, Mac had tremendous growth as a character, but it took her so long to get to a state that I actually cared to know what was going on with her that listening to this felt at times like self-torture. Honestly, I just don't get why everyone seems to love this series so much. Mac was a self-obsessed brat and Jericho was an obnoxious asshole. On the other hand it does help to explain the whole Twilight farce.
Profile Image for C.
64 reviews
December 24, 2016
Hard to put down UF/PR series! Too bad it comes with all 5 books bundled together. It would've been easier on my family and other obligations if I had to read them one by one as they came out. The heroine, Mac, is my favorite kind, well written and with a nice arc from superficial/shallow to really kick ass. Barons...*swoon* I mean not that I like overbearing, autocratic men, but sheesh, he's heady stuff. I gave it 4 stars because there were a few moments that even I found hard to believe (and I will take almost anything if it is entertaining) and because Mac just can't make up her mind and sheesh, you want to shake her and yell choose already! I think one of the fairies actually tells her to choose or he's gone. At that point I was thinking the same thing, you can't dangle them all for too long without pissing them off. Overall, satisfying ending and Mac & Barrons... yes...

I started reading ICED. The 4 stars does NOT include Iced. Dani's voice is a little off-putting at first (even in the DarkFever series). A few reviews mentioned the yuck factor of older men (in their 20's-30's) lusting after her. At first, I would agree, totally inappropriate plus sheesh I wouldn't want my teenager (if I had a teen) accidentally reading this and thinking that is normal or right.

However we met our babysitter when she was 12 and she was almost 5'2". She's now 16 and definitely not a child. She was already beautiful at 12, and by 14 (9th grade) was almost 5'4" and you knew looking at her that as she matures she is going to be flat out gorgeous. On top of that she is smart, and calm/poised and mature for her age. I get it that a man that looks beyond a girl's age, would see someone worth waiting for, especially when you add the paranormal element to it and Dani having a unique power. But the key there is WAIT for it. It is still a little off-putting that they are so strongly attracted to her. I am not sure I will finish Dani's story, I would rather read more about Mac & Barrons, but if you can't get enough of DarkFever and need a hit while you wait for the next one, you get peeks of M/B in the Iced series.

Oh! I wanted to mention that if you read this and then want more of Karen Moning, her Highlander series is entertaining (3 stars) but totally different. Solidly in Romance Fantasy. Highlander has strong characters (some of which pop up in DarkFever), some meddling fae, time shifting and decent stories, but lots more sex if you want it :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 458 reviews

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