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There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children read on...The Hostile Hospital - There are many pleasant things to read about, but this book contains none of them. Within its pages are such burdensome details as a suspicious shopkeeper, unnecessary surgery, heartshaped balloons, and some very starling news about a fire. Clearly you do not want to read about such things. About the Author: Lemony Snicket Lemony Snicket has spent several eras researching the travails of the Baudelaire orphans. During his spare time, he gathers evidence and is considered something of an expert by leading authorities. Lemony Snicket published his first book in 1999 and has not had a good night's sleep since. To his horror and dismay, he has no wife or children, only enemies, associates, and the occasional loyal manservant. Lemony Snicket's extended family, if they were alive, would describe him as a distinguished scholar, an amateur connoisseur, and an outright gentleman.

272 pages, Paperback

First published September 4, 2001

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About the author

Lemony Snicket

166 books25.5k followers
Lemony Snicket had an unusual education and a perplexing youth and now endures a despondent adulthood. His previous published works include the thirteen volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Composer is Dead, and 13 Words. His new series is All The Wrong Questions.

For A Series of Unfortunate Events:

For All The Wrong Questions:

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,683 reviews
Profile Image for Federico DN.
750 reviews2,668 followers
March 25, 2023

After leaving VFD village and the Quagmires and Hector behind, on the run from the police, the self-sustaining Baudelaire travel to Heimlich Hospital; where they meet Babs, an omnipresent voice intercom system that likes to shush people. The orphans then start working in the Library of Records, and they befriend Hal, a nearly blind archivist what loves plums. A brief respite of boringness takes place; until Mattathias, a human resources director, appears on the Hospital and, you guessed it, calamity strikes again.

The secret keeps unraveling! VFD doesn’t mean Very Fancy Doilies, and it actually doesn’t mean Village of Fowl Devotees either, what it really means is Volunteers Fighting Disease! Unbelievable! LIKED Hal a bit, although there isn’t really much to like since he barely has any spotlight. Totally HATED Mattathias, a ruthless HR manager that *replaced* poor Babs, unlike the despicable Count Olaf of the first book, or the terrifying Stephano of the second, or the mischievous Captain Sham of the third, or the feminine Shirley of the fourth, or the cakesniffer Genghis of the fifth, or the businesslike Gunther of the sixth, or the uncool Det. Dupin of the seventh (This IS getting ridiculous). Also HATED Stiletto Shoes, a totally qualified nurse that enjoys stabbing things with her fancy shoes, unlike the unfashionable Esme of the sixth, or the lawful Luciana of the seventh (This can’t be happening to me!!). The Baudelaire murderers still strong accomplices as ever, covering their backs and trying desperately to clear their names of all false charges.

Well this one really sucked! The singing volunteers UGH, I hate musicals. The self-sustaining Baudelaire idea is good, but the absence of a guardian, lovely or hateful, certainly takes something important away. Also for the first time in the series I found myself skimming, not once but twice; during the alphabetical aisle tour and the patient list anagram puzzle. Even doze off here and there. The new word definitions this time fell flat; and the humor was amusing at best. Story progression? Nope. This was SO much NOT worth it. 1 star. My personal unfavorite so far. I’m gonna pretend this book never happened.

[2001] [255p] [Children’s] [HIGHLY Not Recommendable] [Babs the stuntwoman] [Baudelaire arsonists] [No caretakers <\3] [Die Mattathias DIE!] [Die Stiletto Nurse DIE!] [I miss the Quagmires <3] [Boriiing]

★★★★☆ 1. The Bad Beginning [3.5]
★★★★☆ 2. The Reptile Room [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 3. The Wide Window
★★☆☆☆ 4. The Miserable Mill [2,5]
★★★★★ 5. The Austere Academy [4.5]
★★★☆☆ 6. The Ersatz Elevator
★★★★★ 7. The Vile Village
★☆☆☆☆ 8. The Hostile Hospital
★★★☆☆ 9. The Carnivorous Carnival [3.5]
★★★☆☆ 10. The Slippery Slope [3.5]
★★★★☆ 11. The Grim Grotto
★★★☆☆ 12. The Penultimate Peril [3.5]
★★★★☆ 13. The End
★★★★☆ 14. The Complete Wreck


TRISTEZA Aburrida.

Después de dejar la aldea VFD y a los Quagmire y Hector atrás, escapando de la policía, los autosuficientes Baudelaire viajan al Hospital Heimlich; donde conocen a Babs, un omnipresente sistema intercomunicado de voz que le gusta silenciar a la gente. Los huérfanos luego empiezan a trabajar en la Librería de los Registros, y traban amistad con Hal, un casi ciego archivista que ama las ciruelas. Un breve respiro de aburrimiento tiene lugar; hasta que el Mattathias, un director de recursos humanos, aparece en el hospital y, lo adivinaste, la calamidad golpea otra vez.

¡El secreto se sigue revelando! VDF significa mucho más que Vistosas blondas para Fiestas Decorativas, y en verdad tampoco significa Villa de los Fieles Devotos, lo que realmente significa es Voluntarios Frente al Dolor. ¡Increíble! Me agradó Hal un poco, aunque en realidad no hay mucho que gustar ya que apenas si tiene protagonismo. Totalmente ODIE a Mattathias, un despiadado gerente de RH que *reemplazó* a la pobre Babs, a diferencia del despreciable Conde Olaf del primer libro, o el terrorífico Stephano del segundo, o el taimado Capitán Sham del tercero, o la femenina Shirley del cuarto, o el oledor de pasteles Genghis del quinto, o el hombre de negocios Gunther del sexto, o el para nada copado Det. Dupin del séptimo (Esto ES ridículo). También ODIE a Zapatos Stiletto, una totalmente calificada enfermera que disfruta apuñalar cosas con sus lujosos zapatos, a diferencia de la pasada de moda Esme del sexto, o la legítima Luciana séptimo (¡¡Esto no puede estar sucediéndome!!). Los asesinos Baudelaire fuertes cómplices como siempre, cubriéndose las espaldas y tratando desesperadamente de limpiar sus nombres de los cargos falsos.

¡Bueno éste realmente apestó! Los voluntarios cantantes UGH, odio los musicales. Los autosuficientes Baudelaire es una buena idea, pero la ausencia de cuidadores, amorosos u odiosos, ciertamente le saca algo importante. También por primera vez en la serie me encontré salteando cosas, no sólo una vez sino dos, durante el tour por los pasillos alfabéticos y el acertijo del anagrama con la lista de pacientes. Incluso dormité aquí y allá. Las nuevas definiciones de palabras esta vez cayeron sosas; y el humor fue entretenido cuando mucho. ¿Progresión de historia? Nop. Esto fue TAN POCO valioso. 1 estrella. Mi personal desfavorito hasta ahora. Voy a pretender que este libro nunca pasó.

[2001] [255p] [Libro para Niños] [ALTAMENTE No Recomendable] [Babs la doble de riesgo] [Incendiarios Baudelaire] [Sin cuidadores <\3] [Muere Mattathias MUERE!] [Muere Enfermera Stiletto MUERE!] [Extraño los Quagmire <3] [Aburriiiido]
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author 89 books54.2k followers
March 21, 2024
The Hostile Hospital (book 8 of 13) is the first volume (I believe) to introduce the idea that the children themselves have to do things to survive that, while understandable, are not 'noble' when viewed in isolation. This begins in earnest the theme of noble vs villainous people that dominates to the end of the series.

It demonstrates an increasing sophistication in the novels, perhaps born of the idea that the audience were growing older over the years that the books were published.

In previous books we've often had a guardian who whilst well intentioned (though often deeply stupid) lacks the moral fibre to act when doing the right thing requires some bravery. In this book, and those remaining, it is the children whose actions are slowly called into doubt.

This path begins very gently in this book with the necessity of the children lying to &/or tricking various people in order to preserve themselves. Additionally the children begin to adopt the tactics of their enemy - using disguises themselves.

Guardians who refuse to recognise Count Olaaf are a thing of the past and instead we are drawn deeper into the mystery of VFD and the events leading to this current series of unfortunate events.

Our 3 heroes continue to suffer and are put in great jeopardy by Count Olaaf and his crew. The ending also departs from the pattern - Count Olaaf does flee the scene ... but there's a crucial difference this time.

Celyn enjoyed this one as she has enjoyed the previous volumes. Some of the wordplay goes over her head ... but then it's entirely possible that some of it goes over mine too.

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Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
March 31, 2019
After escaping the village of V.F.D. and freeing themselves from Count Olaf's clutches once again, the Baudelaire children are now on their own. They find themselves at a convenience store in the middle of nowhere with the hope of getting a message to Mr. Poe. The issue now is that they need to stay as covert as possible because it's been published in the local newspaper (The Daily Punctilio) that they're dangerous murderers. After another narrow escape, they end up at Heimlich Hospital where they find an interesting and shocking clue regarding the fire that killed their parents. With Violet Baudelaire in serious trouble, Klaus and Sunny have to scramble up a plan to save her, but how can they possibly save her all alone? Will Count Olaf finally be captured, or will his ridiculous shenanigans continue?

"Babs has resigned from Heimlich Hospital," said the voice, and the siblings felt as if they could see the cruel smile Olaf always had on his face when he was telling lies. "She decided to pursue a career as a stuntwoman, and has begun throwing herself off buildings immediately. My name is Mattathias, and I am the new Head of Human Resources. I will be conducting a complete inspection of every single employee here at Heimlich Hospital, beginning immediately. That is all."

This installment is definitely one of my personal favorites yet. Similar to The Vile Village, it's a little slow to start, but all of us were on edge for the final half. The villains in this series just keep getting more desperate and become quite murderous this time around with the Baudelaires in the most danger they've found themselves in since the start of the series. There were a few parts in the story that were totally unbelievable, but in a work of fiction such as this, it worked out just fine for us. 

Overall, we enjoyed this installment. It seems that this book is one of the darkest of all, especially with the setting. With the children left in such a dangerous predicament by the end of the story, we'll more than likely move right on to book nine.


You can also read this review @www.readrantrockandroll.com
Profile Image for emma.
2,247 reviews74.2k followers
May 8, 2018
This is your friendly reminder that I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH.

This series ranks among cookies and coffee and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for things in this world that I purely love, without complication or exception.

Also, I now understand why I am the way that I am. Clearly, nine-year-old me (who wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter past a certain point in the evening because if I did I'd get nightmares) was NOT equipped to handle this book, wherein a fourteen year old girl is drugged for the sake of surgical decapitation.


Who can blame me for being slightly damaged? That sh*t is scarring - and not just for Violet. (Buh dum ch.)

This particular installment is amazing even among the thirteen amazing installments that make up the series it is in, for the following reasons:
- the Snicket file, one of many mysterious mysteries to be researched
- the Library of Records, which is one of the top places I'd want to visit if I were in this world
- the continuing quest to discover what V.F.D. is
- the Last Chance General Store, just a great setting
- the character of Hal, a real misguided sweetheart (aren't they all)
- Esmé Squalor's stiletto heels, the heels of which are ACTUAL STILETTOS
- the internal quest in the Baudelaire orphans to decide just what makes a villain - is it the lying and stealing and tricking? Or is it what motivates that?

Okay. I'm done ranting. Maybe.

Bottom line: This book is dopedopedopedope.
Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
910 reviews472 followers
August 28, 2019
The sad truth is the truth is sad.

I am enjoying this series waay to much for being an adult woman who never read Lemony Snicket before 😂. Although, I must say, his sense of humour reminds me of my beloved childhood favourite, Roald Dahl! I also fell in love with A series of Unfortunate Events after watching the old movie, which starred two my favourite actors: Jim Carrey and Meryl Streep! This series is fun, dark, twisted, but in a cute, childish way! Absolutely loving it...

Profile Image for Lee  (the Book Butcher).
325 reviews71 followers
July 27, 2022
The Baudelaire are all on their own outlaw's and growing up so quickly. i can't believe they are really taking on Olaf head on and winning! well winning-ish! I'll call it a win since one of Olaf associates may have died in the Heimlich hospital. The orphans are on the same trail as the Olaf gang and bump into them on accident. i think they win the exchange as always but are viewed as the villains. they have to lie, dressed in disguises, steal, and hide from adults. They are fitting in to Olaf criminal band. i know they are unfortunate, but do they have to break the rules. Guess you have to do whatever it takes to survive or clear your names. I say the Olaf gang because their all her Olaf, Esme, hook handed man, bald man with the long nose, two women with white face paint, and the rather large person who looks neither like a man or woman. They have to do the work because Olaf can't be seen because he's dead. The Baudelaire's also can't be seen because the daily punctilio claims they murdered him. They travel along the hallways of the messed-up hospital. Finding themselves in a hall of records because as everybody know hospitals are best at paperwork. Olaf is there for the hall of records as well. That is where they meet with Hal being an unfortunate side effect of the battle of the hospital.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
February 9, 2019
The Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events #8), Lemony Snicket
The Hostile Hospital is the eighth novel in the children's book series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, the pseudonym of Daniel Handler. It takes place shortly after The Vile Village and is followed by a sequel, The Carnivorous Carnival. After escaping the Village of Fowl Devotees, Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire arrive at a store to send a telegram to Mr. Poe, explaining their situation and pleading for help. ...
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و سوم ماه آوریل سال 2011 میلادی
عنوان: بیمارستان خطرناک: مجموعه ماجراهای بچه‌‌های بدشانس کتاب هشتم؛ نویسنده: لمونی اسنیکت؛ تصویرگر: برت هلکوئیست؛ مترجم: محبوبه مهاجری؛ تهران، انتشارات ماهی؛ 1384؛ در 195 ص، مصور؛ فروست: مجموعه ماجراهای بچه‌‌های بدشانس کتاب هشتم؛ چاپ پنجم 1388؛ شابک: 9789647948753؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی - سده 21 م
بچه ها به عنوان فراری مجرم شناخته شده، همیشه در حال فرار هستند، ولی اینبار به بیمارستانی می‌روند، که آنجا «کنت الاف» می‌خواهد با عملی عجیب سر «ویولت» را قطع کند، تا بتواند بر آنها مسلط شود، که با کمک کلاوس و سانی نمی‌تواند. بچه‌ ها با مدارکی حاکی از اینکه پدر یا مادر آنها زنده‌ است، روبرو می‌شوند. و ... ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Mia.
348 reviews235 followers
Shelved as 'abort-mission'
December 25, 2015
Alright, I am hereby aborting my mission to finish this series. Here is my reasoning:

1. Every book has the same exact formulaic plot.

2. Every book has versions of same exact characters doing the same exact things.

3. The person who recommended I read these is no longer in my life*.

4. After reading 7.5 out of 13 books, I still know next to nothing about the overarching mystery.

5. Too much teasing. Snicket has to realise that if you keep dangling the answer in front of the reader's face and snatching it away about twenty seven thousand times, it stops being witty or suspenseful and just gets irritating.

6. I already feel like I've wasted enough time on this series, and with a TBR pile (both physical and online) that is growing at an exponential rate, I'd rather focus what precious little reading time I have on books I'm actually interested in.

*This makes it sound like the person died or something- rest assured, they are still very much alive, they just became a raging asshole. Oh, well.
Profile Image for Kon R..
295 reviews157 followers
May 22, 2022
This is definitely the most unique book in the series thus far. Up to this point, diversity has been a welcome change, but in this book's case it alienated me a bit. I felt this book was missing the usual charm. Maybe I just didn't like the plot this time around.

The Baudelaires shed their childish innocence in order to partake in mischievous actions that even they admit they're not proud of. There was a huge revelation this time around, so I feel like this book was a necessary evil to advance the series. The next entry better reclaim my love.
Profile Image for Sophia.
2,278 reviews355 followers
March 26, 2021
Another ‘meh’ book for me.
I will say that even though it frustrates me, I can appreciate the slow burn mystery with VFD and the children’s parents.

I just feel like every book creates more questions without answers and I personally don’t like that.
At least give us some answers!

Also, I didn’t like the fact that Olaf and his crew were able to find the Baudelaires without really anything to go by.
Do they have some crazy tracking device?

I feel like Klaus has maybe lost some of his smarts? His knowledge certainly doesn’t come so easily to him now.
Sunny seems to be taking the lead for figuring things out first.
I wouldn’t have a problem with that except for the fact that Sunny can’t speak in full sentences yet...besides that really long...word? Phrase?...she says when she doesn’t understand something.

I can’t believe there are five more books in this series!
I have very little ideas about what happens in those books (and I think most of my knowledge is from the show) so I suppose they could be better than I think…
Profile Image for Erin.
3,365 reviews473 followers
February 20, 2020
This was definitely a spooky addition to the series as Violet finds herself in mortal danger and Klaus and Sunny will have to be fairly quickwitted to save her. I felt that Count Olaf's posse dug deep to be extra villainous and that ending definitely intrigues me.

Goodreads review published 19/02/20
Profile Image for Irene ➰.
885 reviews85 followers
February 1, 2018

“Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee,
Hope you get well soon.
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee,
Have a heart-shaped balloon.”

This was my last book read in 2017. Great book to end the year, to be honest.
The last couple of the series weren’t too exciting nor with an interesting story, but in this one there’s once again the main spirit of this series.
After the escaping from the Village the kids end up in a Hospital, but it’s no common hospital there.

Count Olaf’s disguise in here was pretty cool. We don’t get a “real person”, but he simply speaks through the microphone to give orders as the “Hospital boss”.
After the events happened in that village the children are wanted by everyone and everyone who read the Daily Punctilio know who they are.
There’s more adventure in here, especially during the last half and it reminded me of how much I liked the first books the series.
I loved the last part, it’s actually pretty creepy knowing the circumstances…

The mystery is still there, nothing new is added nor discovered, the final decision of the orphans though was very brave, even if necessary.
Profile Image for ~Bellegirl91~.
739 reviews96 followers
February 6, 2017
“We are Volunteers Fighting Disease
And we’re cheerful all day long.
If someone said we were sad,
That person would be wrong.

We visit people who are ill,
And try to make them smile,
Even if their noses bleed
Or if they cough up bile

Tra la la, Fiddle Dee dee,
Hope you get well soon
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee
Have a heart shaped balloon

We visit people who are ill,
And try and make them laugh,
Even when the doctor says he
Must saw them in half.

We sing and sing all night and day,
And then we sing some more.
We sing to boys with broken bones
And girls whose throats are sore.


We sing to men with measles,
And to women with the flu,
And if you breathe in deadly germs,
We’ll probably sing to you



If Netflix DOES renew this series for S2 and it has this book in there, they had BETTER come up with a tune as obnoxious as that EASY STREET song on Walking Dead (it's by the Collapsable Hearts Club so go look it up but it's catchy at the same time! haha) and end up doing this where you get two different types of people....

those who'll learn it/sing along for the heck of it....


then you have those who would ABSOLUTELY HATE IT.....


So I'm giving this 2 1/2 stars and still cringed reading this and seriously couldn't get into it and was still repetitive like non other for me. It was still all the same as the other books looking back only this time the orphans are truly on their own. It was an Okay book, typical Unfortunate Events book but one rant though......


more like with Klaus and Sunny: "we need to save our sister so how are we going to fool everyone? oh, let's put on lab coats and surgical masks and that way we can fool Count Olaf's henchmen and everyone else."

*face palm* SERIOUSLY!!?? REEEEEALLY? I was soooooooooooo done after that! ESPECIALLY A BABY! As soon as mr. Lemony Snicket put that in, I thought no...... I can't do this style of writing but I'm now committed until the end. ONLY because after watching the first episode on netflix and seeing two certain characters at the end of the very episode in that van chained, I thought, "I don't remember reading that!? really? I'm confused." so I decided may as well now. I'm just SUPER SUPER SUUUPER glad these will be REALLY fast reads. So someone PLEASE tell me it gets less repetitive and more story? I also think Sunny's weird one word "sentences" and her older siblings "understanding" her is too weird, and just say "which meant" instead of something like "probably meant along the lines" or "meant something like..." kinda annoying. Anyway, onto book 9! :D I survived this one I can survive the rest!

oh side note haha my 12 year old little sister started the first book after watching Episode 1 as well and she said she didn't even get passed the first chapter. I laughed and applauded her and when I teased her the other day about reading them.....hahaha her LOOK was priceless and a definite no ;)
Profile Image for kate.
1,458 reviews975 followers
February 6, 2017
3.75* Once again, this was a fun addition to the series, although I did feel it felt a little like a 'filler' book! Not the most memorable of the series so far but it still had me turning the pages, feeling intrigued as to what is going on! I would just like a little more development as there's a lot of teasing going on, which has been intrigued but I'd be glad for some kind of revelation at some point soon... :')
Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews458 followers
March 24, 2023
4.5 Golden Stars

since the wrong turning of the events in the last book, the villains & heroes changed their places, Baudelaires have to protect themselves from the prying eyes in a crowded hospital.
they have an opportunity to find the truth.
but in order to do that, they made mistakes.
& they have to solve the confronting riddles as soon as they can, their lives depended on it.
Profile Image for ✧ hayley (the sugar bowl) ✧.
351 reviews71 followers
April 12, 2024
➳ 5 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

╰┈➤ ”but sometimes it takes only a photograph and a sentence to make an author cry himself to sleep even years after the photograph was taken.”

this book is definitely one of the darker ones in the series. the setting being a rundown hospital doesn’t help this cause. violet has it the worst in this book as she is out under anesthesia, admired by olaf’s creepy henchmen, and almost has her head severed so there’s that… as i said, one of the darker books.

still did enjoy this book, including the bits of information we get from lemony about the sugar bowl and his past. the disguises in this book where hilarious and absurd—almost as absurd ad the volunteers!

anyway, this book is a beautiful, creepy addition to the series. i highly recommend 😌🎀

╰┈➤ ”beatrice - summer without you is as cold as winter. winter without you is even colder.”

୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,053 reviews995 followers
February 4, 2017
Every time I pick up one of these books, they never fail to make me laugh. They're just so hilariously unbelievable and I love every minute of it! I think this is one of the ones where it strikes me the most though. It's really crazy the things that these poor orphans go through and really unbelievable that they've actually made it this far! I really love this book in particular because it shows that even good people do not so good things sometimes to escape bad situations and that's just part of life!
Profile Image for k.wing.
721 reviews25 followers
November 6, 2007
The Baudelaire's start taking matters into their own hands...

I enjoyed the climax scene in this book because it is the biggest close-call yet! Klaus is amazing, and is amazing in the climax scene.

Favorite quote from this book:
"There are many things in this world I do not know. I do not know how butterflies get out of their cocoons without damaging their wings. I do not know why anyone would boil vegetables when roasting them is tastier. I do not know how to make olive oil, and I do not know why dogs bark before an earthquake, and I do not know why some people voluntarily choose to climb mountains where it is freezing and difficult to breathe, or live in the suburbs, where the coffee is watery and all of the houses look alike." page 246
Profile Image for ✦BookishlyRichie✦.
641 reviews1,053 followers
April 21, 2016

This was full of action! I felt like there wasn't a moment to breathe and I loved that about it. It was fast paced and fun and mysterious and that ending? These kids are brave as hell.

Why did Esme wink at them?
Who survived the fire?
What does Olaf really have to do with any of this?

I'm excited for The Carnivorous Carnival!

Now on to book 9!! :D

- Richard or Drahcir or Ardichar
Profile Image for Carlos Peguer.
260 reviews6,785 followers
February 6, 2017
Para Beatrice: el verano sin ti es frío como el invierno, el invierno sin ti es aún más frío.

Este me ha gustado muchísimo, de verdad. La saga sólo va a mejor. Y como no se descubra pronto lo que significa VFD me va a dar una crisis nerviosa. Digo.
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,148 reviews1,736 followers
January 16, 2023
This is the eighth instalment in the A Series Unfortunate of Events series.

Apparently I can't be pleased! I stated in my review for the previous series instalment that I was beginning to find the formulaic outline - the siblings are housed with incompetent and disbelieving adults who fail to notice the presence of Count Olaf, despite repeated appeals by the Baudelaires, who are then forced to use their own wits to defeat him - present in each of the books to be a little wearisome. Here, things had altered and I still didn't find it as impressive as some earlier books in this series.

I still commend Snicket for his illogical logical (when the nonsensical still somehow makes sense) and his skilful comedy (that appeals to children with the more straightforward jokes and to adults with the clever wordplay) but found the bones of the actual storyline to be a little, dare I say it, boring!
Profile Image for Iben Frederiksen.
302 reviews212 followers
September 22, 2020

Actually found this one a really entertaining read. Loved the settings, the humour, and the upping of stakes, with Violet's life actually being in danger there at the end. It's great to follow the siblings as they grow as people, doing things they never imagined doing, questioning who they're turning into. Really liked it.
Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
637 reviews400 followers
May 12, 2020
بعد از یه وقفه‌ی طولانی (حدودا دو سال)، اومدم سراغ این مجموعه تا ادامه‌شو بخونم.
تو جلد هشتم مجموعه‌ی بچه‌های بدشانس، داستان همچنان خلاقانه ادامه پیدا می‌کنه اما حجم اطلاعاتی که هر جلد می‌ده تا داستان پیش بره واقعا کمه. این جلد یه کم کشدار بود.
جاهایی که در مورد عمل جراحی بود، با خودم فکر می‌کردم مخاطب این داستان دقیقا کیه؟ نه برای کودکان مناسبه نه بزرگسالان :))
Profile Image for Hafsa Sabira.
227 reviews48 followers
October 21, 2017
Leaving this series for right now with this book. What I have realized is that this series can actually be a bit depressing. Unlike almost every other children literature out there,this book promises a sad ending and being true to his words,Lemony Snicker actually brings unhappy endings in every single book.

It's true that the world is a sad place and there's just too much cruelty everywhere. But Snicket's world has extraordinary amount of cruelty and misjudgment, enhanced by million times under a microscope. Here a baby,no bigger than a loaf of bread,is appointed as a Secretary,a labourer in a lumber mill and what not. The children are on the verge of being killed so many times. Their parents are killed,their close relatives are killed and even their best friends are snatched away. This series is becoming too much for me to handle.

So,bye for now,Violet,Klaus and Sunny. Maybe someday I will feel like knowing your unfortunate events again. Till then,please remain safe.
Profile Image for Aliyah Grace.
335 reviews77 followers
September 11, 2018
“Maybe we're becoming villains after all.”

I don’t understand why I used to dislike this book so much! It’s so good. It was interesting to see how the two youngest Baudelaires fended for themselves without big sister Violet to help them. This book also marks the start of Olaf slowly but surely losing his theatre troupe members until he (eventually) ends up completely and utterly alone as he deserves.

The Baudelaire children are so brave. That epic ending. It's awfully sad that they're comparing themselves to Count Olaf but this really showcases the grey area between good and evil. As the series goes on we'll see more of a morality complex in this morally grey world.
Profile Image for Val Reads.
29 reviews442 followers
February 20, 2021
cada vez me quedan menos libros, y por un lado quiero saber que pasa y por el otro no quiero que se terminen.
Profile Image for Swankivy.
1,185 reviews145 followers
August 14, 2008
"There are many pleasant things to read about, but this book contains none of them. Within its pages are such burdensome details as misleading newspaper headlines, unnecessary surgery, an intercom system, anesthesia, heart-shaped balloons, and some very startling news about such things."

A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS number eight takes place mostly in a half-finished hospital in which the now-guardianless Baudelaire orphans find themselves after fleeing police. The last book had them running away from the village of V.F.D. after their friends escaped, and now they are accused of being murderers by a newspaper that prints all their names wrong but nonetheless displays an obvious picture of them. They send a Morse code message from a convenience store, hoping to get in touch with their guardian Mr. Poe, but before a response comes they are recognized by the store clerk and end up hiding away in . . . the van of V.F.D.

Volunteers Fighting Disease is an organization where everyone calls each other "brother" or "sister," and all they do is go to the hospital and sing a repetitive song while handing out heart-shaped balloons. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny pose as part of the organization, and they end up getting the job of working in the Library of Records as assistants to a man with very poor eyesight, as decreed by Babs, the director of Heimlich Hospital who is never seen but always heard via intercom. This is fortunate, for once, because they are hoping to go through the records and find out how Jacques, the man who was murdered in place of Count Olaf, was involved with their parents. But then, unfortunately (of course), they are not allowed to read any files; only to put away new ones (with the exception of Sunny, whose job is to open the busted filing cabinets with her teeth).

The siblings hatch a scheme to take advantage of their situation and replace some keys with a ribbon and paperclips, so that they can get into the library at night. They do so, though they feel guilty about tricking the man who'd been rather nice to them, and they try looking through the strangely-organized filing cabinets to find information about their case.

They finally find, under the name "Baudelaire," a file about themselves--however, only page 13 is still there. The rest has been removed by the authorities who are investigating the case. The Baudelaires want it, of course, in order to find out their connection to Jacques, but it turns out Count Olaf wants it too, to erase the evidence of his involvement in their affairs! They discover from the thirteenth page that there is evidence pointing to one of their parents still being alive, but before they can figure out what to do about it, they are treated to an unwelcome visitor.

Over the intercom comes the voice of Count Olaf, informing the hospital staff that he is the new director (with the disguise name of Mattathias). He says he is conducting an investigation of all the personnel, and it is not long before someone attempts to break into the library with the orphans. It turns out to be Esmé Squalor, Olaf's girlfriend, and she attempts to capture them but is slowed down by her stylish but not-very-functional stiletto heels. She tries to push filing cabinets down on them, but Klaus and Sunny escape out of a small tunnel. Violet is too big to fit, and she is captured by Esmé. Now Klaus and Sunny have to formulate a plan to find out where she is and rescue her.

The remaining siblings disguise themselves as Volunteers Fighting Disease again and roam around on the rounds with the singers, handing out balloons to sick people who really would rather have medical treatment. They do not find Violet in any of the rooms they enter, and they end up hiding in a storeroom to think things over. Over the intercom comes the news that the doctors, some of whom are disguised servants of Olaf, are planning to do a dangerous operation on none other than a fourteen-year-old girl. Klaus figures out where she must be by deciphering Isadora Quagmire's clue that anagrams are the key to revealing people's identities, and he unscrambles some patients' names until he finds one that is an anagram of Violet's name: Laura V. Bleediotie. He tracks her down to the surgical ward, with himself and Sunny dressed as doctors, and they manage to pass themselves off to the phony doctors as other phony doctors. Posing as villains allows them to hear some of the nasty things Olaf wants to do: Kill two of them and keep one to use to get the fortune from Mr. Poe. They are about to eliminate Violet by making Klaus cut off her head with a rusty knife.

As Violet lies drugged on the gurney, Klaus and Sunny pretend to be doctors in front of an auditorium full of doctors, Volunteers, and other interested parties. They begin to stall for time, hoping Violet will wake up, but their stalling makes the others suspicious, and they are then revealed as impostors when the people they are impersonating actually show up. Suddenly the whole hospital is after the Baudelaires for being murderers, and Klaus's holding a rusty knife is used to tarnish his reputation. Then it is discovered that someone has set the Library of Records on fire to make it look like the Baudelaires did it to erase evidence of their involvement. Everyone turns against them, and they flee, pushing Violet on her gurney as she begins to wake up.

Crouched in a closet, they have to think fast. Violet, in spite of her wooziness, manages to invent a fake loudspeaker that distracts everyone when she uses it to claim the orphans had been sighted in the unfinished half of the hospital and everyone should go there to capture them. They then construct a bungee cord out of rubber bands and bounce to safety. Unfortunately, the only escape for them turns out to be to stow away . . . in the trunk of Olaf's car. And that is literally the tightest spot on which the orphans have ever ended a book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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