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Kit and Kaboodle

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Picture Book ~ When Kaboodle the elephant continues to deny his best friend monkey Kit a peanut, Kit tries to impress his friend in a variety of fun ways. Together they learn valuable lessons about sharing and manners.

44 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2012

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About the author

Chris Robertson

6 books15 followers

Chris Robertson is an author/illustrator of Children's Picture Books. His most recent book is "Harry and the Hot Lava". Chris's other books include "My Yellow Umbrella", "I'll Trade My Peanut-Butter Sandwich", "Little Miss Liberty", "Kit and Kaboodle", "The Tooth That's on the Loose!" and "Pandora's Box" with Julia Dweck. Chris's whimsical cartoon style feels light-hearted and carefree which seems to perfectly match his humorous writing style.
While in elementary school, Chris was introduced to "Curious George", "Madeline", and "Harry the Dirty Dog" by way of the Bookmobile. The introduction left such a strong impression, that even at an early age, Chris knew children's books were going to be an important part of his life.

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Dorie  - Cats&Books :) .
1,096 reviews3,531 followers
October 23, 2017
This book has some really cute illustrations. I enjoyed the friendship between the monkey and the elephant and all of the ways that the monkey tried to get a peanut from Kaboodle. He tried balancing things while riding a unicycle, streaming a banner from an airplane, painting a picture of Kaboodle, etc but nothing worked In the end Kaboodle tells him that he never said "please". Kit says please and gets a peanut but then throws paint at Kaboodle for not saying "you're welcome".

After enjoying the story and the lesson in manners I was quite surprised at the ending. I don't think the idea of throwing paint at anyone or anything is a lesson we want our kids to learn. The author should have thought of a more appropriate way to teach the rest of the lesson, of saying "you're welcome".

Unfortunately because of the ending I couldn't really recommend this book. Perhaps there is still time for a change in that part of the book?

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and NetGalley, thank you.
Profile Image for Deepika.
235 reviews82 followers
October 30, 2017
'Please', 'Thank you', and 'You are welcome' are magical phrases. Kaboodle, the elephant, refuses to share peanuts until his friend Kit learns to use those magical words. This book was more engaging than most thrillers I read this year. I turned the pages feverishly to know how Kit would up his game to impress Kaboodle and win that teeny-weeny peanut. This is a beautiful book which will aid parents to make their children learn some good manners. Delightful read!
Profile Image for Carla.
6,783 reviews158 followers
October 23, 2017
Kaboodle, the elephant is chomping away at his bag of peanuts and Kit the monkey, his friend asks him for one. When Kaboodle says no, Kit tries all sorts of things to impress his friend and score a peanut. He does everything but say please. There are few words in this book and toddlers will be able to "read along" with the repetitive words. This is a great book on manners and the importance of being polite and using the words and phrases, Please, Thank-You and You're Welcome. Kids will love seeing the extent Kit goes to trying to impress Kaboodle enough to score that little peanut. The illustrations are hilarious, I love seeing the shark almost eat Kit. My grandson giggled at this one and loved seeing what Kit was going to do next. The only thing that bothered me about this book was the ending. I did not think throwing paint on Kaboodle because he forgot to say "You're Welcome" was a good choice. The publisher generously provide me with a copy of this book via Netgalley.
Profile Image for BlackhamBooks.
174 reviews6 followers
September 5, 2012
This is a very quick read. Just a few words per page, repetitive (but in a good way, they kids will want to join in even if they can't really read yet). The illustrations are great and really tell most of the story. On Amazon, it said something about pop-up text. I read this on my computer (cloud app) and Ipad, and didn't see any extras, but it was great as is (maybe the Fire shows something new).

I thought this was quite similar to "Banana" by Ed Vere
Profile Image for Storywraps.
1,968 reviews35 followers
October 28, 2017
This delightful book will have kids giggling as a serious, kind of grumpy, elephant (Kit) munches on his bag of peanuts and gets more and more annoyed at a spirited little monkey (Kaboodle) who wants to share his bounty.

Kaboodle tries everything possible to change the elephant's mind, he: juggles china cups and plates to persuade him.... No!!, actually places his head inside a lion's mouth.... NO!!, flies a plane upside down showing off his aerial expertise... NO!!, and he even performs dangerous bungie jumping exercises. But alas the elephant's response is still an emphatic... NO!!!

Finally Kaboodle learns the secret to having that yummy peanut released for him to enjoy. Can you guess what it might be? The book contains a valuable life lesson for little ones and if put into action many wonderful things will be granted to them and they will be held in high esteem by all. There is an added twist at the end of the book that will make kids laugh.

I love the simple, uncluttered illustrations and the expressions portrayed by both characters. The colours are bright and cheery and imagination reigns. I love the book and highly recommend it. "Please" get a copy of the book to share and enjoy. "Thank you very much!"
Profile Image for Elizabeth Edwards.
5,499 reviews9 followers
May 1, 2020
okay i get it, i understand the sentiment but seriously u can always be the bigger person and share because u care. it should not matter how the other treats u? ... maybe that child or adult was not taught properly by his or her parents ... depends on how they were raised? i think manners are so important but ... at times it can go to the other extreme ... i have a relative and i give it as an example ...this man love him to pieces ... think i love him more than my cousin ... she knows ... he would take me as a kid every where ... to the farm ... it was a blast he was my buddy ...any who he doesn't call his Father In Law by his first name ... i know i get it ... it is out of respect but this man was been married to his oldest daughter for years, my Mom always tells me he married her when she was super young but he has only been the bestest of a great man to her ...not saying i don't know the whole story ... point being let the man call u by your first name and it is just being close ... no worries ... family is good.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,440 reviews154 followers
October 10, 2017
*thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

5 stars.
You know what. This was actually really funny! It was so basic. So little detail. BUT, the story was amusing. It kept my attention, the illustrations were well done and appealing and the end of the book makes us both laugh and sends us a very important message (I wont give it away but im positive its one you want all of your children, and those adults who are still children, whatever age, to know!). This book was short but fantastic! Any book that can make me and others laugh, is already a winner.
5 stars well deserved!
Profile Image for Ash.
198 reviews14 followers
October 15, 2017
The monkey wants a peanut, but the elephant just wont share. So our monkey friend tries everything he can think of to get the elephant to say, "YES!"

Very similar to "Please, Mr. Panda", but I actually think this one is cuter. I like that the book can be easily read by children and parents alike, as while there are lots of fun pictures there aren't many words, yet it never becomes repetitive in its silliness.

This book teaches a good lesson of saying not just "Please" but "You're Welcome" as well.

A super cute story with lots of laugh-out-loud moments.

**I was given a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review**
Profile Image for Becky B.
8,441 reviews147 followers
October 21, 2017
An elephant is chomping away at a bag of peanuts and a monkey asks him for one. The elephant says no, but that doesn’t stop the monkey. He tries everything he can think of to impress the elephant enough to give him a peanut…but it turns out he could’ve had one for something very simple.

A bright and colorful book featuring two memorable critters, a little hyperbole, and the fact that being polite is more impressive than bungee jumping or sticking your head in a lion’s mouth. The text is simple and repeated, perfect for beginning readers to “read” along and start to learn some sight words. Definitely the most memorable book on manners I’ve come across in a while. Also, that monkey must REALLY like peanuts. Kids should get a giggle out of the lengths he’s willing to go for a little peanut. Recommended for beginning readers, kids learning to say please and thank you, and animal fans. I’ll keep an eye out for this one for our elementary library.

I received an ARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,885 reviews7 followers
December 1, 2017
Elephant doesn't want to share his peanuts. Monkey is determined to throw every trick in the book at him to impress him into sharing. In the end, Monkey is reminded to say "please," and Elephant is reminded to say "you're welcome" in a very humorous way... One I hope my own children don't use. ;-) The illustrations are vibrant and entertaining. They are sure to make small children laugh. What I found really interesting about them was that while reading in Adobe Digital Editions the pages look like a still frame movie flipping. The continuity of design is amazing and something I've never seen done so well in a picture book.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Ryan.
5,023 reviews28 followers
October 11, 2017
What will it take for an Elephant to give a monkey a peanut? I do not know which one is Kit and which is Kaboodle, but I can tell you that they are cute. I am going to guess Kit is the Elephant. Kaboodle tries various exploits to get a peanut from kit. He flies a plane upside down, tries bungee jumping, and juggling while riding a unicycle. But only one thing will make Kit share his peanuts. Maybe you can guess. I don’t want to spoil the fun. This is a very simple book on the lines of Elephant and Piggie that will be loved and shared by all readers.
Profile Image for Paul Franco.
1,374 reviews11 followers
October 28, 2017
If there are two animals that really enjoy peanuts, it’s elephants and monkeys. So what happens when an elephant has a bag of yummies and won’t share?
If you go through the pages fast when the monkey’s juggling the dishes, it looks like a little movie. No matter what he does, and some of the attempts are pretty impressive, the elephant is not enthralled.
In the end the elephant did have a point, and the monkey’s revenge was kinda harsh. But yeah, they could have both done better.
3.5 pushed up to 4/5
February 29, 2020
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Profile Image for Linda Tilling.
706 reviews28 followers
October 17, 2017
Cute picture book for toddlers. Kaboodle the elephant won't let his best friend monkey Kit have a peanut, so Kit tries to plead with his friend in a variety of fun ways. Together they learn valuable lessons about sharing and manners. The drawings are lovely and my granddaughter loved it.
495 reviews10 followers
March 30, 2018
Three year old liked

The repetitive no became a cheerful cheer as the little one guessed the next page before the page was turned
1 review
September 17, 2018

My Son enjoyed, picture presentation and concept fantastic. Simple and excellent message. Look forward for more such books from the author
Profile Image for Ellen L. Ramsey.
351 reviews
March 24, 2023
Witch Kit and bat Caboodle forge a friendship as Kit helps Caboodle recover from a broken wing. I love Kit’s chant, “Hocus Pocus, help me focus,” and the ending is just perfect!
Profile Image for JenBsBooks.
2,171 reviews64 followers
September 5, 2012
My love of digital reading has extended to children's picture books too! While I LOVE my library, I can't tell you how many fines/lost books I've had to pay for. I've been able to collect a pretty good digital library for the little ones, and it's fun to read them on the Kindle, Computer or Ipad.

Not all the free offerings are good (I've picked up duds from the library too though)but there are some gems out there. This is one. Bright, creative illustrations. Simple words, repeated, and a little lesson in manners presented in a fun way.

I got this for free (there are a few different email lists/blogs that feature free reads), and it's available for Kindle Prime, but I think it would actually be worth a purchase (although it is a very quick read).
Profile Image for InkedBookDragon.
62 reviews56 followers
November 17, 2017

I am always looking for books for my kids. I am constantly on the quest for ones that are educational. It is refreshing to find one like Kit and Kaboodle by Chris Robertson. It shares a story of two friends and sharing. Followed by the importance of manners. I have read this book multiple times to my little ones and they love it.

Thank you Netgalley and Xist Publishing for a digital copy of this book to review. It was a pleasure to read. I am rating this book Five Stars because it is exactly what I was hoping that it would be and my little ones enjoy it. The illustrations are well done and the lessons are very obvious. I would highly recommend this.

Profile Image for Donna Twichell.
23 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2019
This is a cute book on manners. I love the facial expressions of the elephant and the utter silliness of the monkey. Never could figure out which is Kit and which is Kaboodle, assuming those are names. It is a quick easy read for very young children. Even though it is a picture book, it seems sometimes drawn out, especially regarding the actions of the monkey.

(I was provided a copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
Profile Image for RedRobinXXX.
479 reviews
February 14, 2019
I am reviewing this book for Chris Robertson, Xist Publishing, and NetGalley who gave me a copy of their book for an honest review.
A lovely story, with simple pictures, which reinforces manners and sharing, but it does so in a comical way, which will attract children. Briefly, the monkey asks the elephant for some of his peanuts but the elephant refuses. Kit, the monkey tries numerous funny activities to change Caboodle’s mind, but nothing works … all he had to do was say ‘please’
Profile Image for Christa Simpson.
Author 11 books290 followers
May 19, 2013
My daughter gives this story 10 fingers out of 5. :D She loved that she could read it by herself and she also loved the monkey.

At first I wondered where the story was going, but in the end there was a good lesson to be learned. Overall, it was a quick, fun read and it was great to have a children's story in e-book format.
Profile Image for Dena McMurdie.
Author 4 books135 followers
May 29, 2013
My kids laughed on every page of this silly picture book! Monkeys and elephants seem to be a popular theme these days with children's books. I love the bright illustrations and the simple but very expressive story about manners. Very cute!

My blog: Books for Kids
Profile Image for Lindsey Erickson.
253 reviews15 followers
February 9, 2018
My 4-year old daughter and I really enjoyed the illustrations in this book. She thought it was cute and giggled a few times. As an adult though, it was not very engaging, and not one that I would be thrilled about reading over and over again to her.

*Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Christine.
130 reviews6 followers
December 21, 2017
A fun, funny little story with bold colors, cute animals and a darling title. My 1 1/2 year old loved it and we read it 3 times back to back. I immediately searched our local library for other titles by Chris Robertson and we read through each over the following week. Great, easy read for young readers.
Profile Image for Jenny  Zimmerman.
1,601 reviews72 followers
May 6, 2013
10*s. This is a magnificent read about manners with comedy thrown in to keep the kids entertained!! I loved the illustrations and story line!!! This is a MUST read for the entire family to enjoy!!
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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