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Night Marchers #1

Night Marchers

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Librarian Note: Alternate Cover Edition for B005W464WC.

An all new Young Adult paranormal series that will have you averting your eyes for years to come!

This special edition of Night Marchers was professionally edited in September 2012. It includes newly edited scenes, a special Kai P.O.V., the first chapter of the sequel: Redemption, the first chapter of the first book in our new apocalyptic series: Project ELE and more!

This new Young Adult paranormal series will have you averting your eyes for years to come!

NEVER, EVER lock eyes with a Night Marcher! Everyone in Hawaii has heard this warning, except for seventeen-year-old Emma Townsend that is. For most Hawaiians know that looking into the eyes of Night Marcher can strike a curse that will end in death or eternal servitude.

Even though her father, who is a paranormal investigator, solely raised Emma, she has little experience in the realm of the supernatural. When she is forced to move with her father to Hawaii, only months before her graduation, Emma finds that her world as she knows it, is shaken when she starts seeing the unexplainable: fire balls in the distance, beating drums in the middle of nowhere and strangers who vanish into thin air. Then one day when she has a run in with a procession of Night Marchers, ancient Hawaiian spirits wandering from their burial grounds to their locations of battles past, Emma has no choice but to believe that the unbelievable does exist.

Now Emma must go on the run with the help of a mysterious stranger, as they seek out how to free Emma from the curse of a Night Marcher, who will stop at nothing to get her soul.

*We hope you enjoy this new edition of our free book which has had more than 60,000 downloads since February 2012.

342 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2011

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About the author

Rebecca Gober

13 books318 followers
Rebecca Gober was born in Houston, Texas in 1982 and spent most of her life growing up in Dallas, Texas. In between working full time, being a wife and mother of two, Rebecca has never let her passion for reading and fiction fall through the cracks. Rebecca Gober's first series, The Night Marchers Series, which she co-authored with her best friend and partner in crime, Courtney Nuckels, was released in e-book format in October of 2011. Since then, Rebecca and Courtney have gone on to write Redemption, the sequel to Night Marchers and three books in The ELE Series: Project ELE, Finding ELE and Exposing ELE. Ending ELE is scheduled to release in September 2013. In addition to being an author of six successful books, Rebecca is the CEO of Clean Teen Publishing. A new publishing company that opened their doors in early 2013, whose content ratings for every book published gives them a unique presence in the market.

Rebecca and Courtney are downhome country girls powered by chocolate and other random late night cravings. Coined in southern twang they bring new meaning to the word y'all. BFI's since the 6th grade, with a knack for getting into sticky situations, has resulted in countless ideas to write about for years to come.

When Rebecca is not working or writing, you can find her spending time with her family and her not so little puppy Neo.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
August 7, 2019
Wow.. I hated everything about this book.

Night Marchers was a very boring book. Yes, some things did happen and the whole night marchers sounded interesting.. and yet, I was bored out of my mind. It didn't help that Emma, the MC, annoyed the crap out of me either. She just kept rubbing me the wrong way.. and I just kind of blacked out whenever she was involved (so basically the whole book).

Besides Emma, there was Tristan and Kai - they were kind of interesting but it didn't help with the book. I just feel like this book was creepy and it made me cringe sometimes. Especially with the whole purity ring thing from her dad.. it just creeped me out. I get that it works in some families that are super religious but not my family and I'm Catholic.

Other than that, this book just bored me to death. I honestly have no idea how I got through it because I had zero alcohol. Maybe it was because work week has been so crazy that I didn't really notice how slow I was going through this.. but while writing this review - I noticed. I wish this book was more entertaining than it was, so that I could've been more invested into the characters or the story - but it wasn't. Therefore, I wasn't.

Overall, I liked that it was set in Hawaii……..
Profile Image for Erika.
Author 29 books225 followers
March 11, 2012
I don´t understand why this e-book has high ratings. I was deceived by these ratings and I lost my time (I cant stop reading a book in the middle even when I do not like it, I always hope it gets better)

Night Marchers has a poor writing, with a constant switch between past and present tense, extensive descriptions that don´t contribute in anything and characters quite unreal. The worst is that nothing happens until the middle of the book. I even wonder if it has any plot beyond Emma and his father moving to Hawaii ...

I repeat do not understand what so many people saw in this book...
Profile Image for Emma.
246 reviews
February 20, 2013
Oh my goodness oh my good ness OH MY FRICKIN GOODNESS!!! This book started out iffy. Just another YA teenage angst book about a girl named Emma having to move to Hawaii with her single dad and leave all her friends behind because her dad is researching a group of paranormal beings called Night Marchers. Emma meets cute guy #1 named Tristan. Suddenly, with Tristan gone for two weeks she goes to this amazing waterfall Tristan showed her, and gets lost. Night comes, she drops her phone, and hears eerie (is that how you spell it?) drums. She sees the night marchers! Mysterious hot guy #2 now shows himself, and saves her. But not before she makes eye contact with a night marcher, falling under the curse. The Night Marcher will now hunt her down until he stabs her with his spear. After running away from said Night Marcher with hot guy #2, she breaks her leg and hot guy carries her to his tree house. yes, you heard me. tree house. there, Emma learns that his name is Kai, and he gives her a soup to heal her leg. It has a berry in it. That is a very key detail. Her leg heals abnormaly fast, and Kai agrees to help her break the curse. And how does she do that? She kills this insanly strong thing with it's own spear. Kai also reveals that the evil night marcher after her is his twin brother, Kao. FREAK OUT NOW! And so, after minimal training with 3 foot tall people, falling in love with Kai, and hearing Kai intend on giving himself to the night marchers instead of her, Emma runs off to take on Kao by herself. stupid, girl! Kao attacks her is about to kill her... and Kai appears! AND OH MY HECK HE SACRIFICES HIMSELF AND TURNS INTO A NIGHT MARCHER SO THAT SHE WON'T HAVE TO! HE SWITCHES PLACES WITH HIS EVIL BROTHER! HE HAS TO GO WITH THE OTHER NIGHT MARCHERS!@!!!!!!!!!! sigh. I am team Kai 100%. super super SUPER good book!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Frater.
Author 63 books1,654 followers
August 7, 2012
I wavered between 2 stars and 3, but finally decided it's probably a 2.5.

I can't review this book without breaking down the elements that I liked and didn't like.

Here we go...


The Supernatural Element
It was refreshing to read about something other than vampires, werewolves, fae, etc. I loved the usage of Hawaiian mythology in the book. The Night Marchers were very well described and quite chilling. I also liked the Menehune and how they were woven into the storyline.

The Setting
I was drawn to this book because of the synopsis. I was intrigued to read a book set in Hawaii. I always enjoy reading about other locales. The descriptions of Hawaii from the landscapes to the people were very well done.

The Characters
Emma, the main character, did not come across as a special snowflake. If anything, she seemed like a regular 18 year old girl on the cusp of graduation from highschool. I liked her relationship with her best friend and her father. Also, the fact that her mother had disappeared when she was very young added an intriguing dimension. I kept wondering what happened to her mother. How could she just disappear into thin air?

Tristan and Kai are both fairly well-developed for love interests. Tristan came across as quite sweet, while Kai was a bit more mysterious. I liked both young men quite a bit, but I kept thinking Tristan felt terribly unnecessary.

Which brings me to...


The Love Triangle
It felt completely unnecessary. In fact, it felt like a time waster. More than half of the book is dedicated to setting up a sweet romance with Emma and Tristan before Kai moves to center stage of the story and Emma's heart. In fact, the first half of the story felt like a contemporary coming of age story set in an exotic location.

The Purity Ring
If this was a contemporary love story, I would assume that the Purity Ring was a plot device to make Emma determine if she was going to keep a vow made at a young age to her father, or follow her heart and be with Tristan. I don't even want to touch on the creepy notion that a woman's sexuality either belongs to her father or husband...*shiver* The father in the story is not overtly religious in any way, so this seemed really forced. The father is a paranormal investigator, not a minister or uber-religous sort, so it just felt...forced. Plus Emma does a fair amount of making out with two different boys. In the end it seemed to serve no purpose but to support the authors' religious viewpoint on the subject.

The Editing
I want to state that I believe the two women writing this series are actually very creative and promising writers. They can obviously weave a story, write vivid descriptions, and create interesting characters. That being said, they needed an editor. Let me repeat that: THEY NEEDED A FREAKIN' EDITOR. I have read many Indie and traditionally published works where typos, inverted words, or even a misspelled word somehow slips past the editor and copyeditor. Everyone makes mistakes. I get that. But there was clearly no edit on this book. It reads like a rough draft before spellcheck. It was a little distracting in the beginning, but it only grew worse as I read on. Even basic punctuation disappeared. Something as simple as placing a comma became eye-piercingly glaring after it kept happening over and over again.


“Boy she’s full of questions today isn’t she Kai?” 

Uh huh...that happens all the damn time.

This book could have easily been a 4 star or higher if they had hired an editor. I have never been so distracted or annoyed by a book in a long time. I kept grumbling "Hire an editor" over and over again.
A good editor could have definitely helped with content (the story needed some trimming) and punctuation and grammar. I really hope in the future that the authors invest money in their work so this story can shine like it wants to.

I desperately want to recommend this book, because the story is actually quite compelling at its core. But it needs a GOOD SOLID EDIT.

It saddens me to write this review, because I know if the novel had been properly edited it I wouldn't have hesitated to give it at least 4 stars.

Profile Image for A.R. McKenna.
Author 4 books22 followers
March 5, 2012
Sadly, I was not able to finish this novel. I realize that this e-book has high ratings. I do not mean any offense to the writer(s) and don't want to stir any drama, but this is my honest opinion of the book.

I really liked the story. Actually, I loved the story. I liked that it was different than anything else out there in the extremely popular YA genre. The problem had actually nothing to do with the story, though. I had a huge problem continuing the novel because of the many grammar and spelling mistakes I found, not to mention the constant switch between the past tense and present tense.

Now I realize that this e-book was a freebie and that it was self-published (maybe) and that writing a book is a huge feat. I myself have written two books and it's hard as hell! They may not be published or super popular but it takes a lot of work to finish a novel, period. The most dreaded part about writing is the editing, in my opinion. And to be quite frank, this book desperately needs an editor. There were simple mistakes that distracted me from the overall story, such as spelling errors and the constant change between past and present. This drove me crazy because I wanted to continue reading the book but I was unable to ignore it any longer. No one is perfect and I understand that mistakes are inevitable, especially in writing, but this was a little too much for me to ignore.

Unfortunately, another thing that really put me off about the book was the whole deal with the 'purity myth' that the main character, Emma, has subscribed to. I have no problem with girls who want to abstain from sex. My main issue is with girls who have fathers who buy them purity rings at the mere age of thirteen. That is creepy and unfair. As a feminist, I am deeply against fathers brainwashing their daughters with the purity myth. It's extremely patriarchal and reflects sexist beliefs. This may be a work of fiction, but it's intended toward the young adult audience. I myself am 22 years old, but it still bothered me when I read the part where Emma explained why she was saving herself for marriage. It felt like she was only 'saving herself' for her God and father. What about herself? Perhaps the author(s) and I differ in this opinion, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps I am biased after reading The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti. Who knows.

Once again, I mean no harm against the writer(s). I think their story is brilliant and I would have loved to finish it. I was just too distracted by the flip between past and present and the grammar mistakes.
Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews388 followers
December 30, 2011
It's a really, really good book don't get me wrong. But how can i say this, I'm not crazy about it, normally i'm in a book, like in in it but with this i wasn't. I could put it down half way and i wouldn't be rushing or feeling the need or desperation to get back into it and finish it off. I read it twice as at first i lost the plot of it all. It was an easy and simple read, a tad boring at times but it was good. The ending was the best part as it wasn't a predictable one, it shocked me a little actually, it was just the beginning that bored me, after she met Kai everything heated up a little and i was able to sit up and atually think 'hmm this is better', the next one should be good and it intrigues me as to what will happen. Overall a well written book, slow start but good ending! I would reccomend too, although I've only given it a 3/5, It does get better as you go along.
Profile Image for Niki.
65 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2012
I can't believe I read as much of this book as I did. The storyline moves at the pace of a snail, the writing goes back and forth between past-tense and present-tense so often that it's difficult to keep up, and the dialog is cheesy. By almost halfway in, I still had no idea what the main plot of the story was. All I read about was how pretty Emma's room was, and how cute Tristan was. Honestly, I kept waiting to find out that Tristan was gay. I don't mean to be insulting to the author; however, I would strongly suggest she find herself an editor before publishing her next book. The errors in Night Marchers were plentiful, and extremely distracting from the story.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
August 29, 2019
Emma is forced to move to Hawaii when her dad gets a job to do a documentary about the paranormal activity on Kauai. She meets Tristan and forms a relationship with him, all while being stalked by another mysterious guy. Emma is warned not to stay out after dark but does so anyway and soon finds herself staring at a Night Marcher forming a curse. Mystery guy, Kai, saves her temporarily and introduces her to a special race of beings called the Menhunes. Everyone helps formulate a plan to break the curse.

Well, that is a few hours of my life I won't be getting back. It wasn't the worst story I've ever read, but it did hit a bunch of my pet peeves, too many to list. I think what is most disappointing is that if you strip away all the crap, there are elements of this story that really could have been great. I like the idea of the Night Marchers stealing your soul if you show them disrespect. I liked the hidden race of Menehunes. I even liked that Kai But the delivery was NOT good. There were so many tidbits in the story that sounded like they would be important but then led nowhere (like her father's documentary) The love triangle was ridiculous. I won't be reading the next one.
Profile Image for Angie ~aka Reading Machine~.
3,638 reviews134 followers
October 15, 2012
Emma Townsend is your average teenager that has recently received the shock of her young life. Her father, a paranormal investigator, has taken a job in Hawaii and their moving within a month. Emma is not sure how she feels about leaving at near the end of her senior year. Emma and her best friend infinitely or BFI Kaylee are trying to cope with all of these sudden changes yet neither one wants to say good bye to each other. Her father's employers The Kealohas have spared no expense in bringing The Townsends to Hawaii. Her father's job is researching the Night Marchers. The Night Marchers are a group of mysterious people that roam Kauni Island yet you should never look them in the eyes. Emma and her father settle into their new lives. Emma meets Alani and her son Tristan is glad for the company. Tristan tries to help Emma settle into her life by trying to teach her how to surf, hiking to special place, and watching the sunset. Emma admits to herself that she likes Tristan very much. Meanwhile a mysterious man is watching Emma yet Emma thinks she imagined him. Until Emma becomes lost near special place close to dark. Kai has been watching a young lady closely yet when she is caught in the stare of a Night Marcher. He knows that he must act to protect her at all costs. Kai is drawn to Emma in ways he can't explain to himself and develops feelings for her as well. The Menehunes leader Adam tries to help Kai and Emma break the curse of Night Marchers. Emma also has feelings for Kai yet for Tristan as well. She feels like she's being torn in two because of it. What can The Menehune do for Emma? What is Kai willing to risk? What about Emma's family and friends? Can the curse of the Night Marchers be broken? What will Emma do? Your answers await you in Night Marchers.
Profile Image for Sarah.
253 reviews13 followers
March 4, 2012
This book is HORRIBLE. There's so many grammar errors that I can't properly enjoy the story. I should not be yelling "COMMA" multiple times on each page when there should have been a comma, yet I found myself doing that. The dialogue was awkward and didn't flow. It would randomly be set up wrong. The narrative switched between present and past tenses. The descriptions were too lengthy. I do not understand how this book has so many 5 star ratings. Night Marchers had so much potential and fell flat.
Profile Image for Aliza.
1 review
June 28, 2015
I feel really bad about writing this review because the idea had SO much potential. But there were just so, so, so many problems.

God, I don't even know how to say all the things that annoy me with this book. Let's try to get my thoughts organised, shall we?

First of all, EMMA. For a high school senior, her thoughts strangely remind me of my younger sister's, who isn't even 13 yet. She puts up SO much fuss about moving, and as soon as she reaches there, everything just HAPPENS to be perfect. Huge house, beautiful room, a cook who just HAPPENS to be an amazing chef. All because her dad's employers just HAPPEN to be super rich. A little too convenient, don't you think?

And I felt like the authors of this book were trying to put themselves in this story. After reading their acknowledgements and bio, I thought it sounded just like Emma. And the whole purity ring thing made me feel like the authors were trying to preach about chastity through Emma or something.

And in the beginning, she talks about how plain and forgettable her face is, but in Hawaii you have every single darn person calling her beautiful, and the only two teenage guys she meets also thinks she's drop-dead gorgeous. And I thought it was really repetitive how every time she ate something in Hawaii, it was "the best thing I ever tasted," and she "finishes it in seconds and apologises for looking like a pig," but Tristan and Kai still look at her like she's perfect.

Second of all, TRISTAN and KAI. It is awfully convenient for Emma that the only two guys she meets in Hawaii are gorgeous hunks who fall in love with her for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. Seriously, what outstanding qualities does she have that make them fall for her? None. Honestly, if something like this ever happens to me, I'd come over and give you guys my firstborn, but I doubt it would ever happen. Why? Cuz it's frigging unrealistic, that's why! Tristan and Kai are WAY too perfect to be true, and for no good reason as well. If they were royalty, where young men are trained to be impressive, their perfection would be understandable, but they're not. They are a surfer and a warrior. Why is perfection needed other than to swoon the readers or to make the authors feel good that they have such perfect men because they tried to put themselves in the story?

Tristan and Emma are WAY too accepting of each other's flaws, and the same goes for Kai. And they even point out how the other is so unique from every other girl or guy they've met, like Emma thinks, "Any other guy would have tried to sneak a peek," or when Tristan says, "Wow, Emma. Any other girl would have run away, but not you."

And why do Tristan and Kai both hopelessly love Emma after such a short period? Kai says he loves Emma more than his previous betrothed. AFTER KNOWING HER FOR WHAT, LIKE A FEW WEEKS? And considering how old Kai is, he should sound more mature. Unfortunately, he's not.

Basically, two perfect guys. One with a chill, light personality. One with a heavy, mysterious personality. Both after the same girl. A plain, ordinary girl with no amazing qualities who they both find amazing and fall in love with. A girl who can't decide between the two of them. Sound familiar to you? Probably, because it happens in every other YA novel that's ever been written.

Third of all, the grammar and dialogue. WAY. TOO. MANY. ERRORS. NOT. ENOUGH. COMMAS. The lack of commas in this book really made me cringe. I barely got to the end of the book because the grammar and mechanics of this novel almost made it unreadable.

The dialogue was no good either. It was full of lame jokes like when Emma's dad tells her, "What do you call a proton with big hair? A froton!" And they both laugh their heads off, and because they actually thought it was good. No, just no. That joke was just wrong. The dialogue also included lines that I can't imagine actual teenagers saying. I'd look for the dialogue, but I'm too lazy and this book does not deserve my effort

Overall, I did not like it. A fantastic idea spoiled by overused cliches, crappy grammar, and lack of reality. The first two pages were gripping, but it had no follow through. Horrible grammar. Bad dialogue. Unrealistic characters and relationships that had no substance whatsoever. A cliche love triangle. The only thing that saved this book was how original the Night Marchers in Hawaii idea was. Unfortunately, the rest of the elements that made up this book were extremely unoriginal. I think this novel would have been better if it had been written in a different style. Not worth your time unless you like this kind of stuff.
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
December 23, 2011
I loved this book. It was well written by new and coming authors. They are amazing. This book is set in Hawaii. I love the history and cultural facts that are in it. I've never wanted to go to Hawaii but after reading this it makes me want to and vacation by the beach. I feel that these authors did their research well. It is different than what I am used to reading about.

The characters are amazing!! Emma reminds me of one of my best friends. She is a very sweet girl but she can also be tough. She is so close to graduation, and her dad has to move them to Hawaii from Texas because of his job (which he is a paranormal investigator) and he has an assignment there. So a few months away from graduation, Emma has to leave everything she has ever known and move to a new place. Including leaving her best friend Kaylee behind. She handles it with such grace. I look up to her and admire her. Once she is in Hawaii, she discovers so many things very nightmarish and haunting. But she meets Tristan.

Tristan.....oh yes. I love dear Tristan. He is an ideal boyfriend, any girl would love to have. He also makes a great best friend. You can trust him with anything, including your life. Then he leaves for a couple months. Why did you leave Tris?? I was a bit put off that he would leave Emma. She needed him. But eventually, he comes back so it's all good. Or is it?

Kaylee. I love this girl. She is one of those characters you can really relate to. And I have. In real life. When losing a best friend, it is hard to stay positive about anything. I've been there in my younger years. I know how she felt. No more shopping together. No more gushing about the cutest boy in school. No more late nights causing havoc at your local Wal Mart. But I really admire her positive attitude. She is very much like my best friend is now. She'll tell you like it is, even if it hurts. She will always turn a negative into a positive. She will always be honest with you. But most of all, she will always be at your side in a New York minute. You can count on her for anything. She is the best friend a girl can have.

Then there is Kai. *sigh* I thought I was in love with Tristan. But I was wrong. He is swoon worthy, gives me the infamous butterflies when he's near. He also happens to be a Night Marcher. If you wanna know what they are, just read this book. You will find out. He is your typical Romeo. And yes, very gentleman like and sweet, charismatic and mmmmm everything a man should be.

If you haven't picked up this book, you should. It is hard to believe this was a debut novel. You will enjoy the journey, adventure, romance, action and all this book has to offer. I highly recommend to all that enjoy a great love story! It's the first book in a trilogy. I can't wait to see what happens to the gang in the sequel!
Profile Image for Autumn.
2,261 reviews46 followers
May 4, 2012
This book was amazing! I could not put it down. In a way I understand were Emma was coming from when she was being moved away from her BFI! I have moved from mine so many times that I am so grateful that we stayed in touch. Funny thing is I live in Texas like Emma did lol so I could relate on some level, not that I have moved out of state just towns over. When Emma moved to Hawaii, I was just like wow, how nice would that be. The way the authors described it in a way I felt as though I was there. Now I am torn between Tristian and Kai. Tristian is one of those guys that you could fall in love with and is a gentleman who cares about a girl/woman's heart. Now Kai on the other hand is a protector and seems to be caring.
This book is about how a young teenager and her father lose their mother when Emma was really young. They get on with their lives. When Emma's father gets a job offer in Hawaii Emma is very upset since she is 4 months away from graduating and she will be leaving her BFI. She adjust to the move when she meets Tristian, and he shows her the beautiful beach and surfing. He is a gentleman in every way and he cares for Emma. One day when Tristian has to leave she goes out by herself and falls asleep, when she wakes it is night time. And she has been told to not be out by herself at night. Then she comes across Kai who tries to protect her but she looks into the eye of a Night Marcher who tries to hunt her down. It is a curse that has been placed on her. Kai will stop at nothing to protect her since he has fallen in love with her.

I will leave it there since it is such an amazing book to read. Hope I didn't give too much away. :D
Profile Image for Eli.
37 reviews
June 11, 2013
You know what the YA market needs more of right now? Rich white girls going on spectacular adventures in cultures that aren't even their own! Seriously, why couldn't this chick (sorry, I can't even remember her name) have been a native Hawaiian? Would it have been so difficult to change it up for once? I'm glad that the author actually used a real Hawaiian legend (kind of), but this just makes me angry.
Now, as for the actual book, there's not much to talk about. It's just your typical YA paranormal romance story with a Hawaiian flavor. The writing, however, is vomit-inducing. I've read better writing on Fanfiction.net. This is what happens when people publish their shitty e-books without having a real editor look over it first, and it pisses me off. As a reader, I expect a certain level of quality from things that I pay money for. So far, every book that I've read that's been exclusively digital has been an unedited piece of garbage. Of course I know that not all e-books are like that, but at least with traditionally published books, I know that traditional publishers have these things that I like to call "standards." I'm honestly done buying books that are exclusively digital. I don't feel like wasting my money on things that are just going to waste my time.
Anyways, the story is boring, the characters are stupid, and the writing is horrendous. There's no point in buying it, and I can't understand how people would ever think that this is acceptable quality for any type of book.
Profile Image for Stacey (sassysreadingnook).
604 reviews74 followers
January 27, 2012
I found this book on facebook and the cover was the first thing that caught my eye, after reading the blurb it just drew me in even more. I was lucky enough to recieve a review copy which I'm sorry took me awhile to get to, with my personal life and a pile of other reviews to get through in the way.

When I first started reading I was drawn in straight away, it's very well written and easy to follow the storyline. I loved that the story was based in Hawaii I've always wanted to go there. Everything was described beautifully, it made me picture myself on the beach along with the characters. And I truly felt I was along for the adventure, (it's one not to be missed.)

The main character Emma is so easy to connect with, I loved her courage and her easy going nature, she has spunk!
Tristan or shall we call him "Mr Stud" is such a sweet and caring guy. He'll easily have your heart in his pocket, but he'd treat it well. The spark between Emma and Tristan you can feel almost instantly, two words..."heart fluttering!"
Each secondary character has their own unique quality that really makes this story come to life, you get to know them individually as the story progresses.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I recommend it to all who's up for something new and fun! You'll get swept up like I did.
Profile Image for Darlene Ruiz.
70 reviews12 followers
October 3, 2012
I loved this story! It was really different from anything I have read and it was about something I have never heard of...The Night Marchers!

Night Marchers are ghostly apparitions of a band of beings who move with purpose to the beat of primitive pounding drums. Some say they are armed spirit warriors en route to or from battle, toting archaic weaponry and clothed in decorated helmets and cloaks. Other accounts tell of high-ranking alii (ruler) spirits being guided to places of high importance or to welcome new warriors to join in battle. Perhaps these restless souls are looking to reclaim rightful territory, replay a battle gone awry, or avenge their own deaths. Some say the Night Marchers are searching methodically for an entrance into the next world.

haha, I got this deinition online... sounds better then what I would have written! I really enjoyed this story and totally recommend this book. I am downloading the sequel right now! It had my heart racing quite a few times and also laughed quite a bit especially with some of the Chuck Norris jokes that were thrown in there. I am really interested in seeing what becomes of Kai... I hope it ends happily!

Happy Reading!~!!
Profile Image for Mona.
132 reviews4 followers
May 19, 2012
This was one of those different takes on anything paranormal. I like have new perspectives on what is considered paranormal. The main character Emma is forced by her dad to move to Hawaii (not something I would complain about) and she is unhappy about it since she is still in highschool. Of course she is lucky to meet two gorgeous Hawaiian boys one more real than the other. She has adventures that stretched my imagination. Plus the end killed me. I must read book two.
Profile Image for Bella.
530 reviews220 followers
December 22, 2011
What a great book, once I got going I could not put it down. Packed with adventure, excitement and love and so much more!! I can't wait for book 2 to see what happens on Emma's journey! The story of the Night Marchrd was so awesome as well!!
Profile Image for Krystle.
973 reviews327 followers
Want to read
February 28, 2012
OMG! A book set in Hawai'i about the Night Marchers? I have to read this! Self-published or not!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,529 reviews1,247 followers
August 9, 2019
This could have been good. It had potential. An interesting premise played on Hawaiian legend. And that has some truth to it based on what little I looked up. I liked the history of cultures and characters.

What killed this for me was the lack of editing and revising. Several basic and glaring errors, way too much filler and an insane amount of redundancy. Especially in the first half of the book. Sentences repeated themselves within the same paragraph. At first I thought it was me, but nope. 1 word difference. And how many times can you use the word fervently within a single page?! I thought I could ramble about nothing but not like this. I feel like this was never even read through once written. Maybe a basic word check for spelling but it needed help. The first 45% if the book could have been done in 60-80 pages. This whole thing could have been done in under 200. And I would have been fine with that! What I don't like is all the extra. It made this boring and drawn out.

Then we finally get somewhere in the second half (seriously you can skip the first 40% and not miss much at all) and it picks up and gets to what the premise of the book is all about. And we get an unnecessary love triangle. I have no problem with these in books but the slow romance from one guy to electric touch with another just didn't work. And both guys were "too perfect" in their own ways. Especially Tristan. Cookie cutout perfect gentlemen... While I liked them if just felt fake.

Now to get any resolution to the story I have to read the sequel which is half the length of this one. Seriously, cut the extra and put it together into 1 book and it would have been good. This could have been easily 3 stars, maybe 4 if just a little more time have been spent editing and revising.
Profile Image for Megan.
1,654 reviews204 followers
August 31, 2019
Interesting idea for a story and I enjoyed reading it. I do think it is geared for a younger YA audience, or at least they would enjoyed it more, and it could use a proof reader (I noticed several errors and I'm not a pro at grammar by any stretch).

I liked that the love aspect was kept clean and that the MC had a commitment to staying pure, that's not something you see a lot of in YA fiction.

The Night Marcher aspect was intriguing - I don't know if this was completely made up or if it's a real Hawaiian mythology, but I'm curious to see how this story ends and hope to read the sequel.
Profile Image for Eva Luna.
126 reviews17 followers
August 29, 2019
Rating: 2
I am not sure if I have ever given a 2 star rating (maybe once?) but here we go! This book had so much potential but the way it was executed just wasn't it for me. So many things were silly & didn't make sense and don't even get me started about the forced love triangle.....
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,217 reviews93 followers
August 13, 2019
Actual Rating: 1.5

I am kind of disappointed in the way the book turned. I had such expectations for the book because the description sounded interesting. However, it was not for me. The characters were lacking for me. The writing style was lacking as well. Also, it was confusing and boring. It is the kind of story that does not retain someone's attention. I did like that it was set in Hawaii. I will most likely pick up book 2 to see what happens, but I hope it is much better than this book. Overall, a meh read.
Profile Image for Julie.
903 reviews27 followers
May 22, 2012
This review may contain spoilers

This was given to me in ebook form from Confessions of a Bookaholic for review

Summary: NEVER, EVER lock eyes with a Night Marcher! Everyone in Hawaii has heard this warning, except for seventeen-year-old Emma Townsend that is. For most Hawaiians know that looking into the eyes of Night Marcher can strike a curse that will end in death or eternal servitude.

Even though her father, who is a paranormal investigator, solely raised Emma, she has little experience in the realm of the supernatural. When she is forced to move with her father to Hawaii, only months before her graduation, Emma finds that her world as she knows it, is shaken when she starts seeing the unexplainable: fire balls in the distance, beating drums in the middle of nowhere and strangers who vanish into thin air. Then one day when she has a run in with a procession of Night Marchers, ancient Hawaiian spirits wandering from their burial grounds to their locations of battles past, Emma has no choice but to believe that the unbelievable does exist.

Now Emma must go on the run with the help of a mysterious stranger, as they seek out how to free Emma from the curse of a Night Marcher, who will stop at nothing to get her soul.

I got so emotional reading this book, I love a good love story, who doesn’t? I really enjoyed this book, this one had so many twists and turns, that I laughed, I got freaked out by the Night Marchers, I even cried, well to be honest with you I cried quite a-bit, The ending was not the ending I wanted, I know we don’t always get the ending we want but I really expected a different one, I cannot wait to read the second book Redemption, Our story revolves around our heroine Emma, She is just like any regular teenager, except her dad is a paranormal investigator, who gets invited all over the globe to, well, investigate, this is what moves them to Hawaii, he is there to investigate the Night Marchers, this is where Emma meets Tristan, who she gets very close to, This is also where Kai finds her, I don’t want to give too much away so can’t really say anything more, but the characters were wonderfully described, the clothes were a bit overly described but that kind of added to the appeal of this book, in a weird way, I love the Menehunes, a breed of people who are in the book, the fact that they all are named after book characters is great, they lived in a place away from everybody else, the detail about there land was very clever, the descriptions of the views made me want to go there, big time, This is a well written book and I think my daughter would love this, there is no sex in the book, so I would be happy to let her read this, I give this book 4/5.

Profile Image for Mikila Marshall.
20 reviews2 followers
January 25, 2012
Night Marchers is about a 17 year old girl named Emma who is forced to move away from her home in Texas to an all new experience in Hawaii where her father has been hired for a very important job. "Never Lock Eyes With A Night Marcher" is the saying for all Hawaiian's but being new Emma hadn't heard it, and she does just that. A curse is placed upon her. She goes on the run with a mysterious guy who will go out of his way to protect her. Will she fight to end the curse or will the Night Marchers succeed in stealing her soul and force her to walk among them?

First of all this book was posted on my page on Facebook. The cover first drew me in. It's beautiful and mysterious yet simple. But it's still stunning. I bought it instantly as the blurb made the book sound amazing. Weeks passed. Headaches started as I would try to read this on my laptop because I didn't know how to put it onto my Ereader, so again I put it on hold until I found a way to get it onto it. Finally!!! I read it within 2 days. I was gripped from the first word to the last. I didn't want to put it down. It is beautifully written and I felt I was in the book. Imagining the hot guys and beautiful scenery. I laughed in places, especially with Emma's bikini bottoms *cringe* :) The characters are easily lovable. From the main, to the best friend, even to the father. I had to keep reading because I needed to know what would happen to Emma and who would she choose. The guy who saved her life half a dozen times or the sweet sensitive guy.
As soon as I was done reading I could have picked it up and read it all over again. I'm so glad the book lived up to what I was expecting. Now I have to wait to read the next instalment. I can't wait to see what happens next with Emma, Kai and Tristen.
I give this book a very well deserving 5* because it was amazing, beautiful and unforgettable. Thanks Rebecca and Courtney for an EPIC read. Cannot wait for Redemption :D :D
I would recommend this to anyone that loves, action, suspense, love, drama, even myths. Amazing :) :)
Profile Image for Farrah.
1,247 reviews210 followers
March 26, 2012
I got this for free on amazon, so I didn't expect it to be good. I was surprised to find it was a fairly good book. There are a few things that I didn't like, however.

First, there were a few grammatical errors. It wasn't a big deal, but I'm somewhat OCD about grammar, so that was just a minor irritation.

The problem was the love triangle. It was...I don't know. It just didn't sit well with me. The two guys are Tristan, a local Hawaiian, and Kai, an immortal-by-accident who knows quite a lot about the Night Marchers. While I loved them both, it was a little strange to me that Emma was close to admitting her love to Tristan and once she's with Kai, she decides to has a little crush on him, too. I don't know, I felt like it just wasn't handled all too gracefully. It felt like the guys were just switched, one for the other, and Emma didn't take much notice. She mentions feeling guilty about Tristan a few times and she wasn't mean or airheaded about the situation but I just didn't understand how love seemed to sprout out of nowhere. I don't normally mind insta-love but this was just a little extreme. There were also some parallels to Twilight that I wasn't very fond of(the part where she goes off to meet the bad guy even though her hottie tells her it's too dangerous...sound familiar?)

Otherwise, I loved the characters and the look into Hawaiian culture an mythology. It was brilliant. The ending came with a plot twist that I never saw coming. I was in shock when it happened; I hoping to get my hands on the sequel soon so I can find out what happens after that massive cliffhanger.

So a very nice 4/5
Profile Image for Sue  .
307 reviews25 followers
August 22, 2016
I was excited to start reading this book because it was set in the exotic locale of Hawaii and sounded like it would be an interesting paranormal story involving a Hawaiian legend. Sadly, I was quite disappointed by it.

The writing, although quite descriptive with some nice imagery of the beautiful scenery of Hawaii, isn’t compelling enough to make you want to continue reading it, and I felt it was a real push for me to finish the book. The writing felt flat, monotone, and I just felt that some real heart and depth was missing from it. The story was extremely slow to get going, and I don’t think anything exciting or relating to the plot actually occurred until about 40% into the book. I neither liked nor hated the characters, and I couldn’t relate to any of them, and they just felt uninteresting and under developed. The dialogue was stilted and the relationship angle came across as very immature even though the main characters were 17 and over.

I felt there was so much potential for this book to be a really great story, however, it just got bogged down way too much in trivial nitty gritty details that had little or no relevance to the storyline, so much so that it felt like there was a lot of padding and not enough of the actual story itself.

This book may be more suited to preteens or early teens who would enjoy a story focussed on a young girl getting a new boyfriend in tropical Hawaii with a background story of an ancient legend.
Profile Image for Melanie's.
566 reviews29 followers
July 12, 2012
Night Marchers is a YA book that takes the beautiful island of Hawaii and explores some of the darker paranormal history about it. The story is told through the eyes of the teenage Emma who is ripped from her life in Texas when her father gets a job offer too good to resist.

Whilst initially reluctant to leave her home Emma quickly becomes accostomed to the new way of life and as is typical for teenage girls is helped in her transition by a rather good looking teenage boy.

I am always interested in things based in some kind of paranormal "truth" and this story didn't fail to impress with the authors obviously having taken a great deal of time to do their research. By the time I got to the end I could not wait to pick up the second one and see where the story went.

Overall a well written book definitely deserving of a place in any YA reader's collection. V""V
Profile Image for Kristin Scearce.
658 reviews21 followers
September 14, 2012
Disclaimer: I was given an e-book copy by the authors in exchange for an honest review.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's an awesome story, the legends involved are wonderful, and the descriptions of the Hawaiian scenery made me feel like I was actually there. I wish I could have finished it faster than I did, but real life had to go and get in the way. However, I couldn't wait to get back to reading it to see what new things were going to happen with Emma. Plus, there were quite a few quotable lines that really made me laugh ("He went to Jared's" and, of course, who could forget the Chuck Norris jokes). I've already started "Redemption" and I'm determined not to put it down until I finish it (25% finished at the time of this review!) I'm anxious to see what's around the bend!! =)

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies." <3
Profile Image for Kate Norton.
33 reviews
June 6, 2012
I got this as a free kindle book, and am rating it based on its peers (being, free/cheap kindle self-pubs). Otherwise, I'd have to give it a lower rating. Here's the deal: Cool story, neat idea, compelling characters... BAD/no editing. It could be so much better if there weren't so many misspellings, and more annoyingly, mixed metaphors and malapropisms. Every time I'd hit one, I'd wince and totally be distracted from the story line by my overwhelming desire to correct the problem. I actually facepalmed *several times*. I don't want to be harsh, I just feel like there is clearly a well of talent that these two authors draw from that is being tainted by laziness in proof-reading and editing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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