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Paddington #7

Paddington at Work

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Paddington returns from Peru and tries his hand at such things as the stock market, barbering, and even ballet; but he decides he would rather be his bear self. Reprint.

144 pages, Paperback

First published March 3, 1966

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About the author

Michael Bond

637 books370 followers
Michael Bond, CBE was an English children's author. He was the creator of Paddington Bear and wrote about the adventures of a guinea pig named Olga da Polga, as well as the animated BBC TV series The Herbs. Bond also wrote culinary mystery stories for adults featuring Monsieur Pamplemousse and his faithful bloodhound, Pommes Frites.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for Paul.
2,240 reviews20 followers
February 14, 2019
Another hilarious Paddington book. I’m actually slightly concerned that I shouldn’t find these as laugh out loud funny as I do. I am, after all, a very mature adult... no, I couldn’t get to the end of that sentence with a straight face...
Profile Image for Sheila Beaumont.
1,102 reviews165 followers
June 4, 2019
This the seventh book in the series, and I'm still laughing as much as ever. In fact, this one may be the funniest of them all so far. It's hard to choose one favorite chapter, but if I had to, I'd say it's the final chapter, when Paddington performs in the ballet at Judy's school. Every chapter in this book is hilarious. Paddington is fun for all ages!
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,933 reviews1,062 followers
August 18, 2024
Another charming tale about Paddington and the Brown family!

Ages: 5+

Cleanliness: for goodness' sake, goodness gracious, Mercy, Gosh, and Crikey are used. Mentions a man smoking a pipe.

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Profile Image for Bill.
1,035 reviews178 followers
April 13, 2024
The lovable bear from Darkest Peru tries his hand at being a barber, helps out his neighbour Mr Curry, and takes part in a ballet. Things don't always go to plan, but somehow it all works out well in the end. Especially if you're a bear called Paddington.
Profile Image for Emma.
265 reviews
June 17, 2024
The image of Paddington participating in a ballet show is one that'll stay with me for a while.
Profile Image for chucklesthescot.
2,981 reviews126 followers
August 16, 2020
The Browns are relieved to hear that Paddington is on his way home from visiting his Aunt Lucy in Darkest Peru. They are so excited to see him that they decide to turn up on the ship for the last leg of their voyage to surprise him. Unfortunately, Paddington thinks that he is having hallucinations and has to visit the ship doctor. He also has anxiety about the possibility of not winning the journey time sweep and how you can unstick your paws! The poor bear arrives home to a run in with a heartless conman who robs him of all his savings and he is under investigation by the police who think he is the conman. It's all very hard for a good natured, well intentioned bear to deal with. I felt so bad for the wee guy.

Paddington decides that he needs more money and gets a job as an assistant at a barber shop. It is bad timing that the owner nips out for a coffee just as a pushy customer insists on Paddington giving him a trim. Hair clippers and paws really don't go well together! He goes to a ballet display ay Judy's school and chaos occurs when the professional dancer has a few diva issues and the schoolgirl who is to dance with him goes missing. Paddington is a game bear at the best of times but his decision to step in and do the dance hits a snap due to a mishap with tights! Paddington in tights doing ballet was a really funny story.

I couldn't wait to see what was happening in this book because of the cover. The sight of Paddington with a sledgehammer and a look of purpose on his face is a bad combination for Mr Curry. Who in their right mind lets Paddington loose in their house after telling him how you fancy having a hatch in your kitchen? It might also help if Paddington watched what he was doing and went to work on the right wall! This was my favourite story in the book by far and the illustrations are really funny!

Poor Paddington! He can't do right for wrong but he does mean well!
Profile Image for Mark.
389 reviews12 followers
March 8, 2015
Another collection of the (mis)adventures of Paddington Bear. This one starts with him returning from a visit back to Peru on a Cruise Liner when he is unexpectedly joined by the Brown family. He then gets involved with the cabaret act on board before returning home. Back home he is nearly fleeced by a fraudulent share dealer and then visits the Stock Exchange. Later he has a go at helping Mr Curry with some DIY work (which doesn't turn out as planned). He also tries his hand as a hairdresser and finally visits Judy's school and ends up taking part in a ballet performance.
As ever, a delightful collection of tales.
Profile Image for Nina.
621 reviews15 followers
April 1, 2019
Paddington is still totally hilarious to me. I really will have to work my way through all these audio books, costs be damned. I am constantly finding myself cackling out loud in public; the people around me must think I've lost my marbles completely. My favourite in this book was the last story, Paddington Steps Out, where a certain young bear becomes entangled in a ballet performance.
Profile Image for Keksisbaby.
959 reviews28 followers
January 18, 2024
Er ist zurück aus dem Dunkelsten Peru und bereit das Leben der Browns und der Nachbarn auf den Kopf zu stellen. Insbesondere Mr. Curry bekommt das zu spüren, als Paddington ihm hilft eine Durchreiche einzubauen. Dummerweise in die falsche Wand. Aber auch sonst ist der kleine Bär nicht untätig. Ob er nun an die Börse geht um einen Aktienbetrüger durch Zufall zu schnappen oder sich als Friseurlehrling versucht. Nur keine Angst jedes Chaos, dass der kleine liebenswerte Bär anrichtet, wendet sich zu guter Letzt doch zum Guten.

Wieder ein Buch über Paddington und ich bin den kleinen Kerl noch nicht über. Natürlich weiß man schon dass sobald der Bär seine Pfoten ins Spiel bringt kleine Katastrophen vorprogrammiert sind, dennoch sind seine Eskapaden einfach nur putzig. Insbesondere wenn er sich am Toupierträger als Friseur versucht. Die Kapitel erzählen hier nicht mehr abgeschlossene Streiche sondern greifen ineinander über. Es wird auch mal rückblickend Bezug genommen auf vorherige Geschehnisse, was dem Ganzen einen erwachseneren Charakter verleiht. Auch wenn mir der Ausruf von Jonathan Brown „Crikey“ jedes Mal wenn Paddington was anstellt auf den Wecker fällt und das ist ganz schön oft.

Dennoch liebe ich diese Kinderbuchreihe und werde sie wohl auch mal meinen Kindern vorlesen, dann natürlich in der deutschen Übersetzung
Profile Image for Leah.
520 reviews20 followers
October 17, 2023
Was wondering how Paddington was going to get himself out of the sticky situations he found himself in. Very funny stories. Him dancing ballet was quite hilarious.
As I read these stories am always wondering is Paddington the only animal that talks in this world.
Profile Image for Fi's Journey.
587 reviews22 followers
March 22, 2019
Like I've said in previous Paddington Reviews - I really enjoy listening to his misadventures and all the things he gets into.
To me, the mundane things in these stories are what it makes it so "magical". Paddington is the one who makes the mundane, magical.
Profile Image for John Bohnert.
543 reviews
May 18, 2019
I'm definitely a Paddington fan. Today, I purchased a 16" Paddington.
Profile Image for sheila.
133 reviews5 followers
September 26, 2024
my favorite story was the one where paddington went to the bank! what a darling bear!!
Profile Image for Tiffany Spencer.
1,760 reviews18 followers
December 15, 2018
Paddington at Work
Plot: Paddington goes on a trip to Dark Peru to visit his aunt Lucy and gets a surprise on the ship from the Brown’s. He win’s 5 lbs (62 dollars) on a ship game and immediately when he gets home wants to take it to the bank after he buys the Brown’s presents. But instead he gives swindled by a fast-talking man that tries to get him to invest in a (fake) oil company. After trying to exchange his stock he gives the detectives a helpful tip that leads them to the crook Paddington gets his money back. While trying to help his friend Mr. Gruber fix his vase he decides to make some more income and tries to apply for a job at a barber shop only he winds up butchering a man’s toupee. But things turn around for him when the man turns out to be a collector and he directs him to Mr. Gruber’s shop. He lastly takes part in a ballet when a Russian dancer’s ego gets too big for himself.

My Thoughts: I liked it better than I thought I would. At first (again) I thought this was going to be about his adventures on a ship. Thankfully it wasn’t. I don’t know what it is about sea books that turn me off. It started kinda slow. But as soon as he meet that man, I just KNEW what was coming. OH PADDINGTON! You can’t be counting your money out in public like that. And what I thought was gonna happen was the man was gonna grab his suitcase and run! As lovable as Paddington is the Brown’s need to sit him down and explain to him that not everyone can be trusted. And when people come up to you talking fast about how much interest your money’s gonna make in something you never even heard off all “Jim Dandy” (and the name just SCREAMS fakeness, cuz wasn’t JIM DANDY a food product a long time ago?) would have gotten was one of those hard stares of his. Mostly when Paddington messes up I blame the adult. This time not so much. What made Paddington think he could cut that man’s hair after NEVER having picked up a pair of clippers a day in his life? I actually kind of laughed when he tried to take all the pieces of hair on the floor and glue them to the man’s head. Like COME ON Paddington! REALLY? And they’re all different KINDS of hair. Of COURSE, it would be a toupee. Because I guess the goal isn’t for this adorable little creature to get into any “real” trouble so that’s why all these “magical” occurrences tend to happen to let him off the hook. I wasn’t thinking of there being pins as the reason he was jumping so high at the ballet but when I got to the end it made perfect sense. This one made me laugh because of the ridiculous scene in the barbershop. Although women do use glue but it’s usually the same texture of hair. Paddington needs Cosmetology 101.

Rating: 7
Profile Image for Kasia.
58 reviews
July 20, 2022
Uroczy kochany niedźwiadek powraca, tym razem w książce „Paddington przy pracy”. Michael Bond stworzył postać, która chwyta za serce kolejne pokolenia.

Uroczy Paddington to bardzo pracowity niedźwiadek. Stara się sumiennie wykonywać swoje obowiązki i bardzo rzetelnie przykłada się do zleconych mu zadań. Tym razem, po niefortunnym zdarzeniu z akcjami naftowymi nieistniejącej spółki, postanawia zacząć pracować. W tym celu najmuje się u pana Curry’ego, pomaga panu Gruberowi, a także zatrudnia się w zakładzie fryzjerskim. Oprócz pracowania Paddington umie także odpoczywać, na przykład podczas przedstawienia baletowego.

Ale jak to w przypadku Paddingtona bywa, jego niezwykły dar do pakowania się w kłopoty i tym razem go nie opuszcza. Na szczęście ten przesympatyczny miś ze swoim nieodpartym urokiem oczarowuje wszystkich, a to, co zdawało się wielką katastrofą, zmienia się w błyskotliwe pomysły i nieszablonowe rozwiązania.

Jak zawsze podczas lektury przygód Paddingtona i tym razem bawiłam się świetnie. Niejeden raz uśmiechnęłam się z sympatią i pokiwałam ze zrozumieniem głową. Ten miś z pewnością skradnie Wasze serca.

To jak - zaprzyjaźnicie się z Paddingtonem?

Michael Bond „Paddington przy pracy”, il. Peggy Fortnum, wyd. Znak Emotikon
Wiek czytelników: 5+
Liczba stron: 160
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 27 books261 followers
October 3, 2020
4 stars & 4/10 hearts. This wasn’t quite as funny as “Paddington Marches On,” but it was funny enough. xD The second chapter was really hilarious, and so was the fifth!! Minus a few euphemisms, this is a great book. I can’t wait to read more Paddington books! :D

A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Mr. Curry picked up a stake from a nearby pile and then pushed it firmly into the ground with both hands. ‘Now,’ he said, ‘when I nod my head, you hit it.’
“For a moment Paddington looked at Mr. Curry as if he could hardly believe his ears and then, as the Browns’ neighbour closed his eyes and began nodding his head vigorously to show that he was ready, he took a firm grasp of the mallet with both paws. 
“A moment later a yell of pain rang out round Windsor Gardens[.] Paddington jumped back in alarm and the mallet fell unheeded from his paws as to his surprise, instead of looking pleased, Mr. Curry let go of the stake, gave another tremendous yell, and then began dancing up and down clutching his head with both hands.”
131 reviews
July 21, 2021
I have really loved these books for our story time. We listen to the audiobook (which is well performed) while my child follow along in the book for the pictures and for unfamiliar words. Paddington is fun, predictable in a sense you know something will go wrong but it will be funny and it will all work out in the end. However the predictability does not make it boring but instead enticing to see what mischief Paddington will get into next. I also like that it introduces us to British culture and events my children may not be familiar with in order to expand their horizons. Definitely will be a reread in our house.

Recommend for:
- All: the audiobook at meal/snack/craft/quiet time is great for littles. "Paddington" is in my toddler's vocabulary now.
- Angliophiles
- Story time, read aloud
- homeschool
4 reviews
February 23, 2024
The book was about a bear named Paddington he lived happy in darkest peru but one night there was a earthquake in the forest so there family (Aunt Luci and Uncle Pastuso) go to a safe house but Uncle Pastuso stated seen there beautiful house been destroyed by the earthquake and the Paddington a her Aunt Luci survived but sadly Uncle Pastuso die so Paddington needed to go to New York to have a new family so he stayed with the Browns but he wanted to give Aunt Luci a gift because it was her birthday he saws a pop up book that is so beautiful but it is very expensive so he decided to get a job so the book is about how he worked in his jobs for example in a barber when he cutted all of a man’s hair.
Profile Image for Len.
Author 13 books51 followers
June 14, 2018
I'll consider buying the whole Paddington series after reading this one!
Paddington returns to the Browns after his trip back to Peru. He starts to get involved in several jobs, but whatever he does, he only finds himself in trouble. Fortunately, he always seems to turn the table around and wins everybody's heart, and every disaster turns out to be blessings in disguise!
Funny and simple, this one is definitely a must if you're into children's books and a fan of Paddington!
Profile Image for Almira.
627 reviews2 followers
October 16, 2023
Oh Paddington what will you think of next?
I can't decide which occupation of his I enjoyed the most.......

Certainly the barber shop escapade was quite humorous ---- but then the ballet scene was beyond compare......

Due to my library system's failure to own the entire series, there are a few that I have missed, and due to the hold system of materials I haven't read them all in order, but, hey, Paddington is Paddington, and he is the most enjoyable bear from "Darkest Peru".
Profile Image for Oleksandr.
35 reviews
February 14, 2024
Падінгтон-це ведмежа. Одного дня Брауни поїхали до стоматолога, а Падінгтон з паном Брауном залишились вдома. Падінгтон пішов і садочок, а там побачив сусіда. Той запропонував йому роботу за 10 пенсів і Падінгтон погодився. Поки сусід пішов у справах Падінгтон зробив вікно в будинку. Коли сусід повернувся додому, то віддав ведмежаті обіцяні десять пенсів, а як побачив вікно, що зробив Падінгтон, то віддав ще 10 пенсів.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jamie Bowen.
955 reviews27 followers
July 17, 2021
Paddington, the innocent little bear who finds himself far from Peru in London with the Brown family, he’s settled and has made friends. He always finds trouble though and in his book he ends up involved in a bit of work with often hilarious consequences. Another excellent Paddington book that will entertain all ages, not just kids.
Profile Image for Rita Fleyfel.
17 reviews
December 31, 2021
It's been a while since I read a children's book and this one brought me so much memories! I only watched Paddington as a cartoon growing up so for the first time reading it on audiobook was so exciting! Very funny and light read I recommend it to anyone who's looking for a plunge back into childhood :)
485 reviews
March 24, 2024
Reading "Paddington at Work" by Michael Bond with you has been such a joy. You've discovered that trying new things, even when they're challenging, can be rewarding and fun. Remember, like Paddington, to approach new experiences with enthusiasm and courage. Your willingness to learn and try will lead you to amazing adventures and successes.


Mom and Dad
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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