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The Grey Wolves #6

Fate and Fury

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The last few days have been the darkest of Sally’s life. After experiencing the joy of finding her mate, she now suffers the pain of losing everything she holds dear. Both the Romanian and Serbian packs have been captured, ripping Sally’s soul mate away from her almost as soon as she had found him. Her best friend and the emotional glue that usually holds Sally together, Jacque Pierce, lies writhing in a restless coma, having been put down by Desdemona’s dark magic. Jennifer Adams, the unshakable one, has revealed to her friends and her mate that she is pregnant, but the Fates have marked her unborn baby for death. Though she rails against the darkness, deep inside Jen knows that Decebel’s baby must die as payment for her own life, and the knowledge is tearing her soul to pieces. Cypher, King of the Warlocks, has claimed Jacque’s mother as his mate and agreed to help Desdemona open a door that would release a horde of demons from beyond the Veil.

Though her world is crashing down around her, Sally holds out hope. The Great Luna is not sitting idly by. She has commanded the Fey council to call upon the packs—all of them. And though Cypher looks for a way to open the Veil for Desdemona, he struggles to protect Lilly and the wolves at the same time. Peri, the ever-courageous High Fae, and a contingent of the remaining females of the Romanian and Serbian packs push on through the rough Carpathian Mountains. Though they are bound to the human realm, they continue to search for a way to cross over to the land of the Fey. Meanwhile, in reluctant obedience to the Great Luna, the Fey council sends representatives to the far corners of the globe, meeting with the pack Alphas. The Fey must convince the Alphas of every pack to lay aside their petty territorial squabbles and battles of dominance. If they refuse, both the humans and the supernatural races will fall at Mona’s feet.

Sally holds to a shred of hope. Though Vasile, Decebel, and their pack mates endure the torture of the In-Between, living their worst nightmares over and over, Sally holds. Though she knows that it is only a matter of time before their wolves take over, she holds. Sally knows that if the males die, then so too will their mates who have performed the Blood Rites, including her best friends Jen and Jacque. Yet she holds. If the males lose themselves to their wolves and turn feral, so too do their mates. Still, she holds. Though Vasile, the strongest Alpha in their history to unite the wolves, is lost beyond the Veil, Sally holds. Though Decebel, the only other wolf besides Vaile strong enough to unite the packs, suffers beyond the Veil, Sally will hold. No one is left to unite their race, and defeat Desdemona. Yet Sally still holds. She holds out hope that the Great Luna will not abandon them, cannot abandon them. Throughout the centuries, the Great Luna has always provided a gypsy healer to the packs, especially in times of great need. Now Sally is that healer. Sally fears what role she has to play in the defeat of Desdemona, but she will play it. Though heaven and hell unite against her, she WILL play it.

For too long the supernatural races have lived in separation, warring amongst themselves, allowing trivial power plays and selfish disputes to keep them from uniting. That separation has made them weak. Now, being summoned as a collective force to the same land, will they come? Will they come in numbers greater than have been seen in centuries? Will they destroy each other and save Mona the trouble, or will they finally unite and fight as one?

292 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 13, 2013

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About the author

Quinn Loftis

60 books5,895 followers
Hello, Readers. My name is Quinn Loftis and I am lucky enough to call myself a novelist. In 2011, I self-published my first novel, Prince of Wolves with no expectations, other than my friends and family might purchase the book out of pity. Now, several years later, with 30+ novels and counting under my belt, Prince of Wolves had been downloaded over 1 million times. Though I was hesitant at the time to submit my work to the world for their scrutiny, I'm so glad I did. It made my dream of making a living by telling stories a reality.

I'm blessed to share my household my wonderful husband of more than twenty years (who also co-writes with me on occasion), three beautiful sons, a French Bulldog, and an oversized tabby cat. I love hearing from readers, so if you have any questions about the books or my journey, don't hesitate to hit the 'Contact Quinn' in the menu above. Thank you so much for taking a chance on my books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 582 reviews
Profile Image for ELLIAS (elliasreads).
508 reviews41k followers
April 13, 2013




Yea.....YE-AS! There's title! I almost died from happiness! But that wouldn't good as I wouldn't be able to read the book,...but OH JOY! SALVATION HAS COME ON THIS DAY!! AND EVEN MORE EXCITING,....the publication date is MARCH. OH WTW (werewolf)?!!? WHOOO!!

BUT YOU KNOW WUT? THATS WAAAY TO LONG! I have to wait.....two....miserable months. Great.

But still, I'm excited.

Now up-to-date.......HOLY ASIAN BABIES EVERYWHERE,.....Wait up, hold up, ass up,....(I blame Jen for the potty mouth), the ending was....wrenching....sad,......but it changed a course....to a higher standard. The three besties aren't who they were months ago. They have grown, grown into beauty and life....into love and their souls. I cried at the end. Like this.

Well....not like that...I had a bloated nose and deformed eye bags after the breakdown but still....and all the poor mates and hubbys!!

Wat they have to suffer. Holy Moles all over my freaking ugly face....

But I as read the summary,I felt hope.

I felt a pumping adreline rush. You know, the goosebump feeling on your arms, legs, face, hands, lips, ears, hair, and nails.

Sally...oh Sally-o-mally. In this book, I think she'll dominate and conquer. She has a big spirit. And she'll KICK - ASS! Desdemona's ass, that's for sure!




But not the creepy happy. The satisfied one.

GUYS,. I AM TEAM Dennifer. Or whatever you say it. I love them. Decebel and Jen...and Jen's little baby. I can tell I love the babe already!!

BTW,....for you girls....meet Costin.

And Sallyally.

Meet Decebel

And Gorjo Jennifer

Meet Fane

His beloved fired up spirit beauty, Jacques.

OK, I know that maybe these pics aren't exactly at all what you pictured but these peeps are. You aren't the owner of this raving post so go away. OK.

OOPS....I forget Desdemona....Here she is...beauty inside as in out.

JKJKJKJKJKJKJK...but yep. That pretty sums it all up.
Alrighty, a big thank you and shout out to Ms. Quinn for all hard work. We ALL LUV IT!!!


Peace guys! CHILL-ACCA-OUT!!



;p, ---> peacefully and graciously yours truly,

blahunthinkable ----> (blah-un-think-able)

Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews157 followers
April 5, 2020
I loved this book/series it’s amazing. I’m completely in awe of of these amazing, resourceful characters, full of life and willingness to sacrifice for the ones they love.

My favorite characters, as of right now are Decibel and Jennifer. They are perfect for each other. What is to happen in their very near future, breaks my heart. I know I’ll be crying throughout it. All the couples are great though and I’m sure everyone will have their favorite.

After a huge victory for the supernatural creatures, on it’s heels arose another threat. More dangerous than the one they just beat. No rest for the weary!!

As the story goes on it’s great watching the different characters find their true mate. Even better they all stay in the story.

I’m going to be in withdrawals when this series ends, I just know it.

The person reading these books is really good also. Love the accent!
Profile Image for If it ain't good I don't read it !.
176 reviews129 followers
August 22, 2014
How I feel right now is. I . It just isn't something words can describe, I mean I'm in love with this series with Jen , D ( forgot his name but do remember it starts with a D ) and the rest ...... Yeah anyways I hope the author speeds things up seriously after that ending DAMN !! I really love this series!!! Can't they just bring out a title ? Cover? Hell the fuckin release date even ?

Edit: now that I've read this lovely book I can't say I'm surprised. I mean really Quinn freakin LOFTIS wrote it.

5 stars
Profile Image for Alyssa.
13 reviews7 followers
March 24, 2013
Soooooo, I read the prologue.. And was like " w-why? D-did Jen have to go through that ? W-why is the world soooo cruuuuuueeeeeel? * SOBS*"

Then I read chapter 1 ( it's on the weeeeeebbbbbbbsiiiiiiiite gaiiiiizzz) and was like " ERMAGHERD * spasms* I NEED THIS BOOK LIKE RIGHT NOW! WARLOCK KING DUDE.... AND LILLY!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I LOVE THIS NEW COUPLE, IT'S SOOOO CUTE, AND SUPERMEGAFOXYAWESOMEHOT THAT LILLY FINALLY GETS SOME MANCANDY ! " so basically imma freak out, jump and squeal AKA fullon Fangirl when she post another excerpt/ whole freakin book.... I can't wait to see the girls in action tryin to find their mates :'D
Ps... I have a piece of fan art on her website ( YAY!) just look for Jacque in her " I'm not stubborn, my way is just better "tshirt. With Fane in wolf form .

Chappie two, was SUPERMEGAFOXYAWESOMEHOT !!!!!!!!!!!! I was like awwwwwwww, why Jacque , why are you paralyzed??? Then Sally going all bitchy- badass on preggo Jen, I was like wtf , but I liked it ;)........ Hopefully chappie three will be up soon :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Chappie three is up, and omg is it HAWT! I LOVE THE COVER! IT'S SOOOOOOO PRETTAY! any way..... Well chapter three was intense, Sally dear is totally taking on the role as resident Badass ..... And Peri is getting on my nerves with her secretiveness..... And I absolutely HATE Desdemona....... Well until next time my pretties * bows*
Well, guys it's been out fora few days..... And I still haven't gotten it and am on the verge of insanity ..... I need iBooks to get it like NOW.... That is all , for now

Ok so I couldn't wait.... So I borrowed the book from a friend ...... My reaction:

I had to stop reading a few times cause I couldn't emotionally handle it....... The epilogue KILLED ME LIKE LITERALLY TORE MY HEART OUT CHEWED IT SPIT IT OUT AND STOMPED ON IT LIKE A TRANTUMING FIVE YEAR OLD .. Anyways I LOVED IT!!!! Can't wait for the next book!
Ps I have more artwork on Quinn's site its Jen and Dec lookin at each other :,,,,)
Profile Image for Carly.
36 reviews31 followers
March 12, 2017
Jacque and Fane are still my favourite! love them

After reading (contains spoilers)

talk about epic ending! i was on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. when costin and sally finally completed blood rites, i was like, yay! now they are tied together forever and will live in bliss for the rest of their lives. BUT that happy didn't last forever because then decebel gave up his bond with jen to save the life of his daughter and i was like, nooooooooooo! you can't do that. figue out another way. AND then i was really confused to why fane semed a bit standoffsh to jacque after both of them were in the in-between.

I really want Jacque and Fane to have a baby because they were married first and everything. Sort of like how the saying goes, 'fist in, first served.' Jacque and Fane were together before Jen and Dec. They were married before Jen and Dec. Isn't it the natural order that they would have a baby first. Maybe it's just me, but i think it's sort of unfair thst they still don't have a baby after all this time and Jen and Dec have a baby really quickly. But I do still like Jen and Dec though, it's just, come on, Jacque and Fane needed to have a baby first, since, you know, they were the first at everything.
Profile Image for Audrie Cruz-Sealey.
344 reviews12 followers
September 28, 2013
I need my Jen and Dec fix please!!

I am super excited about this book. I am totally available to ARC Quinn, you know just in case you were thinking about it, LoL!!
Profile Image for Sandra.
134 reviews50 followers
December 22, 2015
I need this now!!! at least tell me what its called i don't ask for much do i? please por favor i'm begging!

why is this still so far away? i'm gonna cry!!!!

Fate and Fury!!!! Thats the one that i voted for! Its still super far away! A whole Month! grrrrrr!!!

For the love of all little furry things everywhere! I can't even process this right now I'll get to this review later I just I can't
Profile Image for Marulett.
731 reviews109 followers
May 14, 2013

Another AH-MAZING book in the series!!! I loved it, it had a bit of everything love, swoon worthy alphas, emotional rollercoasting....I can´t wait for book 7!!

Please Quinn write fast...I want to know what will happen with Dec & Jen!!



Profile Image for Mary.
Author 68 books210 followers
March 4, 2013
OMG !!!!!!!!!! MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Quinn Loftis is by far my fave author and this series has caused me to lose sleep, cry and fall in love with Decebel. However, I don't know how Quinn keeps topping each book! I was a hot mess for Book 5 and this is no different. Cried my eyes out at this one...

But, I shall remain calm while I write this review. Well, I will try anyway.

Best part of the book: OMG! From page 1 till the last word of this book was perfection. I am not just saying that because I love Decebel, either. Fate and Fury picks up right where Beyond the Veil ended, the females are trying to get the males back from the In-Between. Let's not forget that Mona, the witch, is still trying to kill them and, adding to that, Lilly (Jacque's mother) is mated! WHAT?!?! Just pure craziness. Now, another thing that I love about Quinn is she never forgets a character. In this book she brings back all kinds of characters and I love that. Now, I know that I am rambling a bit, that is because I don't want to spoil. So, let's make a list:

Mona is still trying to kill the pack
Males still stuck in the In-between
Females are trying to get them back
The Great Luna is calling out to all the packs
There is going to be a HUGE WAR
and Decebel is still the hottest wolf
Yep, that sums it up.

Not so great about this book: QUINN LOFTIS HOW COULD YOU??!! Quinn needs to change her name to "QUEEN OF THE CLIFFHANGERS". She ripped my heart out throughout this book, but the very last few pages KILLED ME!! I MEAN REALLY KILLED ME!!! I was crying to hard my eyes were puffy the next day. UGH! In my crazy, Book Nerd mind I think she was writing those last few pages with me in mind, trying to figure out if I could survive it.

When does book 7 come out??????????????
Profile Image for Hannahlchurch.
5 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2013
May I start off by saying that Quinn Loftis has truly outdone herself yet again on this latest addition to the Grey Wolves Series! It is jam packed with all of the emotions you can think of that carry you through this next stage in the pack’s adventures. It holds you until the end and keeps you craving more!! I was so drawn into the book I could not put it down because I had to know what was going to happen next. Quinn does an amazing job at making you feel like you are right there beside your favorite characters experiencing, hoping, and fighting right along with them!

Fate and Furry begins strong and stays that way the entire way through. If you know the series (and you must read them before this book) then start doing a happy dance because this book does not disappoint! Jacque, Jen, Sally, their mates, and friends created along the way continue in their fight for not only their pack’s safety but also the safety of Earth from the twisted Mona.

Quinn takes you on a roller coaster ride with new characters, soft moments we love, a little heartbreak, and a whole lot of Quinn Loftis magic…So you better hang on tight because you are going to LOVE this!!
Profile Image for Loren Weaver.
Author 4 books87 followers
August 26, 2016
Fate and Fury by Quinn Loftis is book six of the Gray Wolves. Bringing back all our favorite characters, plus a few surprises, this installment really clenches the deal on our hearts, giving them away completely to the Gray Wolves.

PS: spoilers if you haven’t read earlier books in the series!

Joined by Cypher, Lily, Peri, Adam, and Elle, the Romanian and Serbian packs are preparing for war and trying not to open the Veil. The torture of the In-Between threatens to take their mates from them, but the girls are on a rescue mission and they won’t let anything stand between them and their men. Without the men and the alphas that can unit the packs, the wolves won’t stand a chance against Desmonda. Of course, the witch has plans for Sally and Rachel, the two remaining gypsy healers. Peri’s going crazy trying to keep the girls protected while helping them rescue their men.
My favorite part about this installment, other than the wild adventure and loyalty, was the strengthening bond between the girls and their guys. The In-Between tests the men to their limits, and the girls have to come in and pick up the pieces. Their relationship is tested, strained, and only continual love gets them through each day.
Profile Image for Kelly.
54 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2013
******SMALL SPOILERS******Quinn Loftis' highly anticipated Fate & Fury (book 6 TGWS) does not disappoint. Quinn doesn't miss a beat, she immediately plunges the reader deep into the wolves' crumbling world. The sadistic witch Mona is still plotting to destroy all the kind hearted with her evil, as she pulls the weak willed into her devious plan. Meanwhile Jacque, Jen & Sally have come face to face with their darkest fears. They must rely on themselves & their inner strengths to help repair the bonds with their mates in order for the pack to fight as a untied front. The wolves however are not alone in this fight. They find allies among unexpected creatures & create a great army to fight against Mona.

Leave it to Quinn to sprinkle in laughter in the darkest moments, usually in the form of the ever amusing & sarcastic Jen. My favorite quote. "Walk away from sex on a stick."

Quinn's Fate & Furry will take you on an emotional roller coaster in which you'll see your favorite characters pushed to the breaking point, to learn the virtue of reliance & the reward of deep love.
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
March 16, 2013
The battle with Evil (with a capital E or should I say D for Desdemona) is coming to a head. All the main men have been captured and are being tormented so it’s up to the fabulous babes to set them free. The “Great Luna” is making herself known, calling all the packs, which also involves the Fae. Jacque’s mom is the high warlock Cypher’s mate pulling them into the battle...and Cypher must find a way to follow through with the blood oath or Lily will suffer – which brings in the elves. Yes, they are all here!

Wow, what an incredible story! Quinn Loftis's vivid and in your face writing style pulls you right into this fabulous story. As with all her books, the witty banter between the characters is the perfect icing on the cake!

The ending, ouch! It was like a physical blow. Decebel what the heck!!! Of course it left us wanting more.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
663 reviews
March 4, 2013
WOW!!! Could a series get any better? Amazed at how after 6 books, Quinn can still surprise and shock me... Tear at my heart strings and leave me completely inundated over the events that have transpired.
*sighs* I just finished this and I am reeling at how blown away I am....
Profile Image for Peggy.
1 review
March 15, 2013
OH MY FREAKING LORD!!!!! AMAZING!!! Just finished this book and I have so many emotions running through me I don't even know where to begin....I need book 7 already this wait is going to be absolute HELL!!!!!
Profile Image for Amy Ralph.
7 reviews
May 18, 2013
I need this book my sanity may depend on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 reviews6 followers
March 6, 2013
I wish I was as good with words as the awesome authors I choose to read but I can share how I felt during and after reading Fate and Fury. I was giddy, excited, anxious, shocked, happy, captivated, sad, eager, and ecstatic. But one feeling I was NOT, was disappointed. Quinn has done it again with Fate and Fury, she has managed to continue an awesome journey for all of our beloved characters as well as introduce us to some new characters, so get ready!

One of the many reasons I love Quinn's books is how she continues to develop her characters and keep them just as active in her stories . Unlike so many authors who have written series the past characters melt into the background but that is NOT so in Quinn's books! For those of us who have fallen in love with Fane/Jacque, Dec/Jen, and Costin/Sally, get excited because they are all in this book and each get time in the spotlight. Thank you, thank you Quinn for giving this gift to your readers. We fall in love with them ALL and WANT to see what is happening in their lives and Quinn delivers that!

Another HUGE reason I LOVE Quinn's books is how she describes and develops the love of the mates! It is unlike any other books I've read and so sweet! You can't help but fall in love with these mates. Who doesn't want to be loved like that? What am I talking about or how does Quinn make that different than another author, go read her books and find out!!!

These days time is so precious and so we may be selective on who or what we read not wanting to waste our time. I promise you that if you allow Quinn's books a chance, it will be worth your time, in fact you will lose track of time. I know that I did!

Get ready to join Quinn in is this awesome story and dive in with the Pack as they battle it out with Mona the witch. It was a nail biter and action packed the WHOLE time, I'm not kidding! Yes and definitely more Costin and Sally time (sigh)! I just love them. I agree with other reviews that this book is probably the darkest book so far but not in a bad way, in a way that shows the maturity of the girls, the seriousness of the battle and the love and even struggle of the mates!

As always I will be begging Quinn to continue to write more GWS books and look forward to the next one. Wow, that sounds so passive, "look forward to", more like DYING to get my hands on the next book, HOW WILL I LIVE until the next book! :Yep, Quinn's books are that good!!!!! We may need to start a support group for her fans. :)

Profile Image for Becky.
44 reviews
August 3, 2016
First I want to say is I'm a huge fan of Quinn's and help support her books every chance I get. I feel bad for only giving this book three stars but to me It wasn't as good as the first five books. I still love all the characters and Dec is still my favorite wolf. To me there was one to many povs and some times I was confused as to who was talking. Some parts kinda dragged on for me and I did skip all the parts with Lilly because I didn't like how her character was trying to be young and hip. I was hoping for more of Adam, Crina, Sorin and Elle but sadly they weren't in the book as much as I hoped for. All the parts with our three favorite couples of course were great and I loved those parts.
Profile Image for Mandi.
298 reviews
March 16, 2013
Oooohhh dammnn...cover is out!!!!

UPDATE: i was looking forward to this book as soon as i got half way through the previous one and i wasn't wrong to do so. The dudes are all still soo hot and awesome and the females are fabulous in their own ways esp. the trio of best friends. But before i forget, WHAT THE HELL, DECEBEL??!!! I wanna kick him so bad right now.
Oh yeah, and Quinn, why would you play with our hearts and emotions so much?? I mean i love your work but you are just too skilled in the art of awesome heartbreak.
Want to read
November 13, 2012
Is this book out yet I want to read this so much can you put this on I book plz plz put this on I book i need to read it well someone tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Isa.
1 review
January 9, 2013
Seriously you can start a whole new series before you finish your first one before you even set a release date for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Naomi.
15 reviews6 followers
March 12, 2013
ARC Review
Grey Wolves fans, get ready! All your favorite characters are back and ready to kick a witch's butt. Quinn listened to you, fans! She adores you and it shows in this book. The three original friends and their mates are back, front and center. Hope you love that as much as I did.

Because this is an ARC review of the sixth (but not last) book in a series, I have to admit to some prejudices about the characters before giving my comments.
1. I LOVE Adam. I think he's my favorite character overall not just guy-wise, although Costin and Fane are close 2nds, guy-wise.
2. I relate more to Sally and Jacque than Jen (never been the smartass bombshell, so sometimes I just don't like the sarcasm).
3. I am a sappy love nerd.

Quinn's writing has always captured my heart, and the sixth installment of this series started out amazing. Throughout the book there were lots of ups and downs, answered questions and new mysteries, old characters, new characters, and that tender, heart-melting and heart-wrenching thing called LOVE.

This book tells us more about Costin and Sally, giving them their moment, but Quinn didn't forget about everyone else. We see the strength of certain characters *ahem, Vasile* that we've been hearing about as well as the next moments in the lives of Jacque & Fane, Jen & Dec, Adam & Crina, Sorin & Elle, Cypher and Lilly, Dillon and his mate, Cyn and ..., shh! Also, quite a bit more from Vasile & Alina. Mona is back, and I really enjoyed her perspective. Plus, new characters I can't wait to find out more about. Oh, and Costin? Um, yes, please! Wait til he shows you what he can do.

With so many characters and mini-plots, there were times when I got distracted from the main plot line, but I always felt like I was getting need-to-know info. I wish Sally and Costin had more dedicated time to them and that the new pairs from BTV also got a bit more length to their stories (perhaps in book 7?). But with dominant males everywhere, Mona's nasty tricks, and some serious end of the world pressure, no wonder everyone was working their tails off to find a way to save the world.

Like Candace said, this book is edgier than the others. IMHO, it has moved beyond YA while still clean. There are some dark moments that mirror the sometimes harsh reality of real life, but the bonds, friendship and love that attracted us to Quinn's characters in the first place grow stronger as the individuals that compose them endure. This ain't no happily ever after, everything is hunky-dory book. These couples are full of LIFE and they are learning what it means to have a mate, forever.

I think you are going to love this book. And the ending? Yeah, it's SO good and so Grey Wolves (aka it's gonna punch you in the stomach).

Go get it, now!

Thanks for reading this review,
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
September 1, 2016
Fiercely Fur-tastic. Substantial sarcasm. Jaw-dropping conclusion.

I must say, the grey wolves have held a special place in my kindle for quite some time.
Book six? Really?
Wow!! That’s hard to believe.
The gang is still as tight as ever, as well as sidesplitting hysterical. It kicks off with the men trapped in the in-between and their women are determined to save them. For some reason, this was hard for me to get into. I struggled with some of the new faces and mixed up names with who was who more than once.

Jacque’s mom Lilly, is fun and funny, and I enjoyed watching her new-found happiness bloom. I have always loved the humor the girls have and they have a gift; for they can crack a smile on my face in an instant.
Yet, it seemed like all the ladies drank the Jen Kool-Aid and the sarcasm was sooo thick at times it was distracting. Everyone including Lilly had a smart mouth and unfortunately, I found it took away from the original three smart ass musketeer’s. The warlock king has won my heart and I was biting my fingernails when ‘his plan’ was in the works.

Several heart stopping moments took my breath away, especially Decebel's final scene.
Oh, my sweet gruff stubborn Dec. I am praying to the fates that he slips into a loophole and finds a way out of his promise. For all the grey wolves’ sanity, there must be a way to stop what ‘must be’ and create a new future.

Sluggish in the beginning…
lightning fast second half…
with an intense, unbelievable and action-packed conclusion.

I was wide awake and salivating for more as the last pages flew by and can guarantee I will snatch up the next and final book for one more ride with these lovely furry friends.

*4.5 escalating & extreme stars*
Profile Image for Jordan.
76 reviews
March 21, 2013

i dont know if i loved this book or hated it but all i know is it was worth all five srtars.
Hate one might ask?
good question
my answer?
WELL YOU WOULD TOO if you knew what happened in this book.
i mean really Dec really
do you want to see me die?
And is it me or can these guys not catch a break. one bad guy then another really*Bangs head on wall*
but i really love this book and from what i can tell it may not be the last book.
now i just have to figure out who this one is about since jac jen and sally already have their two books......

[image error]

Am i the only one who was shocked to see the cover
so i'm like
*open my account*
"hmmm which book have i not read and want to read"
*go to my books*
then "wow fate and fury has a cover cool"
*scroll down humming*
*then stops*
scrolls up
"OMG fate and fury has a cover and its hot"
so here i am saying WOW
ME LIKEY..........

*breaths heavly and catches breath*
hmmmm a bit different from the others but still okay.
415 reviews124 followers
April 9, 2013
Another great installment in the Great Wolves series!

Fate and Fury picks up right after the painful cliffhanger of Beyond the Veil , our favorite wolves are trapped in the veil, and being tortured nonstop by their worst nightmares.

And what's that exactly?

It’s seeing over and over again their mates being tortured/rapped/killed without being able to save them.

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I know, I get all emotional just thinking about what must felt, knowing our their mates are the most important thing to them.

The story have lots of turns and when you expect everything can work out, an even greater enemy arise.

Oh don't let me start about that ending... Decebel you killed me!!!!
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Anyway,neither to say that all the fans of the series will wait anxiously for the next installment!

Profile Image for Ramsha.
320 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2013
This book left me speechless, it was heart breaking and wonderful at the same. Words cant describe the emotion i felt when i neared the end if the book, it kind of felt like a roller coaster ride!! It only took me a few hours to finish this book !!! It was freaking amazing, Quinn Loftis never fails to surprise. I felt the book tear at my heart, well that was a given with the way the book was beautifully written. I am so excited because with the cliffhanger in the end of the book I kinda think there will be another one. I will be anxiously waiting to see what Jen does when she finds out that her baby will live but someone else has had to die!!! I wanna knowwww!!
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269 reviews
March 15, 2013
Ok Ms. Loftis...please take out your Editor's notes before you publish. They were everywhere! Unfortunately, I found this one to be along the lines of Out of the Dark...a little disappointing. So much was going on that I had to keep backtracking. There were two new pairings in the last book and I felt that you barely heard from them. Another book dedicated to Jen and Decebel. Aren't there other characters? I will of course read the next book. I want to know where things are headed. Sorry.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 582 reviews

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