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The Unbridled Series #3

Dangerous Deception

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Old age ain't for sissies!
Vic Deveaux’s glory days as a winning jockey have ended, but he refuses to accept that pile of horse hockey!
When the West family asks Vic to take an easier position at their Thoroughbred farm, Westwood, he becomes enraged and teams up with two greedy stable hands in a scheme to kidnap the youngest son, Shane.
Things turn ugly when Vic discovers that his new-found friends have murder on their minds. Suddenly Vic finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He has betrayed his good friend, Eric West, but will he participate in his son’s murder as well?
Not content to sit at home and wait for her men to bring her brother home, Kate West convinces homicide detective, Carl Lugowski, to check out a hunch at an old abandoned mansion. Soon they’re trapped in a hornet’s nest of a notorious biker gang.
Oh yeah, Vic’s deception has placed the West family in more danger than they know what to do with!

216 pages, Paperback

First published October 31, 2012

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About the author

Cindy McDonald

16 books117 followers
After enjoying a career as a professional dancer/choreographer for twenty-six years, I have retired to write my book series and spend more time with family and friends.

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Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
October 23, 2013
Dangerous Deception by Cindy McDonald was published in 2012. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When Vic is told he needs to try a new, less risky position due to a nearly bad accident, he refused to hear what his employer had in mind.
Angry, Vic allows himself to be talked into a kidnapping plot.
Shane West would be held for ransom, while several hired hands took off with a large sum of money.
Things go wrong from the start. Vic is guilt ridden. Kate West tries to locate her brother with the help of a local law enforcement friend. This too goes awry when they arrive at the old abandoned mansion Kate believes her brother was taken to.

There is a lot of action and suspense, family drama and a little romance, although some relationships may appear star crossed.

The West family was put to the test, and gathered around each other to do what was necessary . Although betrayed, the family knows Vic will have to pay for his crimes, but they are good people.
The family still will have to deal with some family issues. These problems are sure to stir up old feelings, maybe even bring another betrayal to light. Stay tuned.
I liked the family aspect, the ranch, the romantic entanglements, and set up for the book in the series. I would have preferred a little more mystery, maybe a twist thrown in or something. However, this was an enjoyable read. This is new to me author, but I'm looking forward to finding out what happens with the West family next. Overall this one is a B.
Profile Image for Fran.
Author 48 books136 followers
November 29, 2012
Dangerous Deception

Cindy McDonald

Dictionary.com defines pride as: a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct.” Attacking someone’s pride or dignity can often change the way they respond to you, to situations and to life in general. The West Family is quite powerful and they own a Thoroughbred Farm in Westwood. Hiring many to work in their stables the reader learns the ins and outs of what it takes to get these horses in shape to race, to teach others how to ride and to keep their enterprises afloat. Vic Deveaux is now in his 60’s and was a great jockey in his prime. Winning many races and now still working for the West family what happens at the start of our story sets the stage for the deceit, treachery and lies to come. Dangerous Deception only author Cindy McDonald can deliver a plot so charged and filled with suspense, danger to the West family and surprises that will keep you glued or in your saddle until you cross the final finish line or read the last page.

Every Thursday the Wests spent training their horses at their farm. But, this Thursday would prove not only challenging but cause one of their horses to incur a serious injury. Eric West and his horse Ike were the traditional two to watch over the proceedings but not able to attend this time his farm manager Punch would take the reins along with his horse Cody. But, this did not sit well with some of the ranch hands and definitely not with Vic. But, when Vic decides to take over something happens that endangers one of the horses, a serious wreck is caused and one man’s pride was hurt. It’s what follows that really changes it all. Vic needed to step down but will he? What happens when he’s asked to take on a different responsibility?

Martin Krebs is a stable hand at the farm and always seems to be drunk, drinking coffee or coming up with ways to get out of doing anything and finally gets under the skin of Shane West causing him to be fired. But, Martin is not one to take things lightly and the fight and what happens would get most arrested to say the least. When Vic’s job is downsized and is asked to take on an easier load or position his pride is more than tarnished and what he does next will endanger the entire West family.

Jack Haliday is a navy seal hoping to break a gun running operation. As we learn more about his work, go on an undercover operation along with him and those involved we find out more about his life and his family.

Martin Krebs is a devious man and decides to enlist the help of Vic, use his vulnerability to capitalize on a plot to get even with the West family. Approaching him was not hard, convincing him to go along with his scheme more difficult as they decide to kidnap Shane West, collect a half a million in ransom earmarked for a customer of the family and then hopefully get away scot-free. Added in Krebs even enlists another stable hand that was rehired and the three of them go after Shane. But, when Shane is in a compromising position at a bar, is supposed to meet the new jockey for some fun at her place, he never expects to be taken by these men. But, Vic has a conscience and decides to spill the beans to Eric West about the kidnapping, demands the money in his safe and explains the threat against Shane.

A young woman’s home is a former movie studio, as all the pieces seem to be linking together as Shane will not be guest in her dungeon. Luzetta Valentine spied these men taking Shane down into the dungeon her father used to film Dracula movies. So much for the promise they made to Vic. The plot gets more intricate as the West family learns about his kidnapping, the kidnappers has their own plan in mind for Shane and Vic is caught in more than just the crossfire. As Eric, Mike and Kate West discuss the situation they realize where Shane might be held but will they get there in time?

The plot gets complicated, the money is delivered and one man finds that friendship in thievery is something you cannot trust. With Shane held captive, one man dead and another trying to find his way out of the mess, just what will the final outcome be? Kate West has her own plan even though they said not to involve the police. Martin Krebs reveals more about his sick past, his life and his real reason for wanting Shane dead. Carl Lugowski was a lieutenant in the police force and dating Mike’s ex-wife Ava when Kate calls him for help.

But, there is much more as we learn that this mansion is being used by a dangerous motorcycle gang that the police are watching and that Luzetta is afraid to cross keeping the mansion available for them to use when they want to. So, how are all of these pieces going to fit? Will they find Shane and what about Vic? Friendships, loyalties, deceit, murder and lives are all at stake in this no win situation: Three places are called in a horse race: Win: Place and Show! Just where will the Wests wind up this time and whose fate not even come in to Show!

When connection is revealed and we learn just what this has to do with the Navy Seals, the operation, including drugs and gun running the players wind up in the same place at the mansion of this former film maker and the end result just might be more explosion than a Star Wars or Action movie. But, the star of this production turns out to be the farm manager as he rakes in more than just some gang members but an entire arsenal too. Just how you have to read for yourself as we call route for Punch and cannot wait to see what he does next.

When the final lap comes in sight and the horses are charged up who reaches the finish line and who will get left behind? What will happen to Vic and will they stop Krebs and his master plan? What about Jack Haliday since his cover with the gang is blown?

Author Cindy McDonald keeps the reader in suspense until the very end where you know the story is not over, the end is definitely far from near, the characters are gearing up for the next ride and the chemistry between some just might reignite. Will Kate wind up with the good doctor or will Ava come between them? Just when will Ave stop at one man or will she always want what Kate has? How this end will make you biting at the bit for the next one coming out in 2013 when author Cindy McDonald will release: Against the Ropes her next outstanding novel. Once again the West family keeps the reader spellbound from start to finish. I should let you all in on a secret: Read this book in one hour. Love it.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer

Profile Image for Lelia Taylor.
872 reviews19 followers
December 27, 2012
Dangerous Deception is one of those books that can be just a little annoying and quite entertaining at the same time and that’s not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion. While a few issues were distracting to me, they also made me pay attention and keeping the reader’s attention is one of any author’s goals, isn’t it?

This book is the third in the Unbridled Series and, although reading out of order is usually not an issue with me, it was a bit disconcerting this time just in the beginning of the novel. By the time I finished the brief prologue and the first chapter, my mind was reeling from the many, many characters that were introduced, 17 plus 2 horses if my count is correct. As it turned out, most of them played significant roles in the story so it was important to keep them all straight (along with additional characters who showed up later). I suspect many of them are in the earlier books so this would not be so daunting to readers who started at the beginning but it distracted me enough to keep me out of the story for a while. I did eventually settle in, largely because the author does a nice job with characterization so they all stand out in the crowd, so to speak, but a cast of characters would have been helpful.

Two other issues got a little in the way of my enjoyment of this book. One was the overemphasis on sexual attractions between a variety of couples—I especially found most of the storyline featuring Ava to be unnecessary, kind of annoying and largely getting in the way of the core story. The other was the usage of words and phrases that I’ve never come across before such as “lugged” which was used in connection with a horse pushing another horse against a rail but also in connection with vision as in “lugged his gaze to meet Eric’s”. A third usage of the word had to do with carrying heavy objects and that’s the only use I’m familiar with. Another word used oddly was “molested” as in “his eyes were molested with dark blue smudges of fatigue” but also in “more stony rubble molested him”. I have never encountered either such usage of this word before. I wonder if perhaps the author’s definitions of such words may come from a regional influence.

There were a couple of times when I thought a character’s behavior was puzzling and inconsistent with how real people would react in a similar situation but, on the whole, I found Dangerous Deception to be an enjoyable read. Besides Ms. McDonald‘s ability with character development, she has also crafted a very intense tale, one that was hard to put down. The suspense level would be high, then fall to a touch of calm and then suddenly ratchet right back up again. This author likes multitudes of characters, quite obviously, but she also likes multiple storylines and she makes it work. I found myself weaving in and out amongst a variety of unhealthy situations, frequently with that delicious sense of trepidation and, just when I thought a crisis had been averted, something else would come along to shake things up. If you like mayhem, interesting characters, tense plotlines and spending some time in the world of Thoroughbred horses, you’ll enjoy Dangerous Deception.

Reviewed by Lelia Taylor, December 2012.
Profile Image for Beverly.
357 reviews
February 24, 2013
My Thoughts:
This was my first Cindy McDonald read. I am so glad I was able to participate in this tour and find a new author to add to my favorites list! Incredible book. Although it is book three in the series, it is fully able to stand alone. I had not read the first two books, I have since gone out and bought them, and I was not lost nor did I ever get the feeling that I had missed something vital.

About the book: It is well written and engaging. It was fast paced, but didn't leave anything out so I never felt like it was running away without me. The plot is multifaceted and each piece is carefully created and intricately woven together. The characters are great. I usually find myself choosing one favorite character in each book I read, but I would be hard pressed to pick just one in this book. I love the relationships between the West family members, everyone should be able to feel that much respect for their father and that much devotion to their siblings. The characters are constructed with just enough flaws to make them real and believable, but also enough amazing attributes to leave you searching for such a person in your own life.

You get to see the characters deal with, be confronted by and experience a wide range of emotions and undercurrents that are found running through this story. I found myself experiencing it all with them, I was so into the story that it all felt personal.

I was glued to the pages as the tale unfolded to culminate at a fulfilling, yet leave you looking for the next book, ending.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
1,219 reviews256 followers
February 10, 2013
"Dangerous Deception" is chock-filled with characters that range from the good to bad to downright evil. Each one is written to come alive with every turn of the page. I was able to either love or hate a character which is a sign that the writer is doing their job. Cindy McDonald certainly did hers!

The story was fast-paced and felt like I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. There was never any downtime, my heart was pounding through the entire story. I fell in love with the West family and I actually felt afraid for them. This is an adventure-packed book that just doesn't stop.

This is the third book of Cindy McDonald's "Unbridled Series". I didn't realize this was the third book in a series. Normally, I like to start a series from the beginning. I used to be so obsessive about this because I want to get to know each character and watch them grow from book to book. Since I didn't read the whole series from the start, this book started off slowly for me. I was having a bit of a problem figuring out "who's who", but it didn't take long before I learned all the names and what each character's story was about. Not reading the first two books, however, did not in any way prevent me from loving this book. All it did was add two more books to my wishlist.

FTC Disclosure: The author provided me with a copy of this book to review for this blog tour. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

Profile Image for Athena Nagel.
286 reviews182 followers
January 25, 2013
Dangerous Deception is the 3rd book in the Unbridled Series by Cindy McDonald. There are some excellent characters: Vic Deveau (veteran jockey), Eric West (stable owner who offers Vic a position), Shane West (Eric's son, the center of a kidnapping plot), Carlos Rivera and Martin Krebs (fellow kidnappers along with Vic Deveau), Luzertta Valentine (lives in the mansion of her father - where Shane is being hidden), the Nomads (meet at the mansion - motorcycle gang), Jack Haliday (police officer undercover in the Nomads), Mike West (Shane's brother), Ava (Mike's ex-wife), Carl Lugowski (homicide detective), Kate West (Shane's sister) and more.

This is not a long story but it is highly impact filled. There is the storyline with Jack Haliday trying to bust the gun operation of the Nomads; Shane being kidnapped for ransom; the horse races; Ava's manipulations; relationships; murder and more. This book is filled with lies and deception and was action packed enough that I did not want to put it down - read through it all in one sitting. It is one of those books that would have been easier to follow quickly if I had read the earlier books in the series but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. This story also leaves many options for future books in the series. I give this book 4 stars.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lauren Carr.
Author 46 books403 followers
January 28, 2013
Romance & Suspense-With Emphasis on SUSPENSE
Cindy McDonald’s Dangerous Deception is a suspense novel on steroids. From the prologue, she grabs you by the throat with an undercover detective who has infiltrated a murderous motorcycle gang. From there, you can breathe easy as McDonald takes you into the hardworking and loving West family who are only trying to take care of their Thoroughbred horse farm.
Then, deception steps in to make you hold your breath when an insane farmhand with a vengeance seduces an elderly jockey into going along with his scheme to kidnap Shane West. Too late does Vic Deveaux realize his partners in crime have murder on their minds.
Cindy McDonald’s writing style contains a natural flair. Just when you think that you can’t take the suspense any longer, she lets go of your throat to let you breathe easy until the next crisis makes you suck in your breath and hold it.
All roads (full of motorcycle gangs, arms, drugs, not to mention the West family trying to save Shane) lead to an explosive conclusion in a nail-biting climax. Five Stars.
DISCLOSURE: I was given a free copy of this book from the publisher, Acorn Book Services, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kathleen Kelly.
1,378 reviews130 followers
January 14, 2013
Dangerous Deception is the second book in the Unbridled series. The West family run a training facility for thoroughbred horses, a rich family but a family with troubles, especially from their help. Vic Deveaux is getting too old for the work that is required of him, Martin Krebs, a hand on the ranch who is fired by Shane West. Krebs finds out that Eric West, the patriarch of the family, has a lot of money in the safe and comes up with a plan along with Vic's help to get his hands on that money. With a family member in danger, the West's band together to thwart Vic's plans. A full cast of characters makes this a suspenseful story with plenty of action which includes an undercover cop who is investigating a motorcycle gang who are running drugs and guns out of a dilapidated mansion belonging to an old woman. There are also a few love stories going on, so there is something to please everyone. I did not read the first book but I was able to get up to speed with the characters and who they were in relation to each other. A great action story!

Profile Image for Beth Cutwright.
378 reviews8 followers
June 19, 2013
I don't think Cindy McDonald made an error in judgement when she gave up dancing and began writing books! This was mystery/suspense at its best! I enjoyed every moment while I read about the West family.

Characters were developed very well and the writing flowed seamlessly. At first I was a bit bewildered by all the characters brought into play, but as I continued to read I saw why each and everyone was a necessary inclusion, especially since the story doesn't end with this book. There is more to come. Sometimes life feels like a three ring circus and one day in the West's lives we see it is no different for them. Cindy has to be familiar with a horse farm and how even the horse manure draws ones memories and lures them to the beautiful creatures.

And she wrote with a bit of humor too. A stable hand had placed some snacks in a room and found them missing; who was to blame? Well, I chuckled deliciously at that part! I read voraciously to see how it all turned out. A very good read indeed!
Profile Image for Dalene.
331 reviews27 followers
January 7, 2013
I choose to read this book because I enjoy mysteries and the synopsis describes a great story.

I enjoyed all of the characters. They were described very well without being too wordy. I instantly was able to see these types of character in my head and put them into the story. My favorite character was Kate, especially when she hooks up with Lugowski to head to the mansion to help with the situation there. I also enjoyed their new found friend Luzetta. I wonder what part she will play in future books in this series.

My least favorite part of the book was that there were so many stories going on. These stories eventually wind together and fit in the end, but I spent so much of the time while reading wondering how it was going to go together. This just provided a little bit of a distraction for me.

All in all this was a good book. I would recommend this book for readers who enjoy adventure, mystery, and thrillers.
Profile Image for Lisa.
95 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2013
This was the first novel I read by this author, not realizing the novel was a series when I downloaded it. The book can easily be read as a stand alone book.

If you enjoy a little suspense but not into the hard core suspense with violence, this is the novel for you.

The West family owns and runs a thoroughbred ranch for race horses. Vic, a former jockey and employee of the ranch, is upset when the he is released from his current position. He hooks up with two other employees of the ranch to hatch a plan to kidnap Shane and demand $500,000.00 in cash from his father. The twists from then on will keep you reading to find up what will happen next! I would definitely read another novel from this author.

The novel was downloaded from netgalley.com.
2,321 reviews38 followers
January 25, 2013
Dangerous Deception by Cindy McDonald
Dangerous Deception (Unbridled Series #3)

This is a good mystery,action packed story. The West family is back. They train racehorses and have a good business. This has some of the same characters as Hot Coco does. I am not sure about the first book in the Unbridled series. I did enjoy book 2 &3 though and would read more from Cindy McDonald in the future.

The book is set up in three secections. The first is the set up at the stable. How Some of the jockeys, and stable hands don't like Shane West. Vic Is a jockey but he is full of pride. He is getting old and caused a accident and was offered a easier job and is resentful of it. He gets talked into kidnapping Shane West for the money the west's have in thier safe because a another farm only wants to sell for cash.

Part 2 No Escape Clause Vic realizes what he has done. He is afraid to trust his partners that shane won't be hurt. Eric and Mike West are searching for Shane. Kate West decides she wants to help to and asks a cop she knows.

Part three Iron Horse Warriors is jammed pack with action. Everytime it seems to be safe something else goes wrong or goes right. Did not want to put down till I had finshed it.

I enjoyed Dangerous Deception. I like the characters. The different storylines that connect and how they fit together. I like the West family. Want to see Ava get what she deserves in the future. This is a good mystery that anyone can enjoy.

I was given this ebook to read in exchange for honest review from Netgalley.

Description Taken off Netgalley.

Old Age Ain’t for Sissies!

Vic Deveaux’s glory days as a winning jockey have ended, but he refuses to accept that pile of horse hockey!

When the West family asks Vic to take an easier position at their horse farm Westwood, he becomes enraged and teams up with two greedy stable hands in a scheme to kidnap the West’s younger son Shane.

When Vic discovers that his new-found friends have murder on their minds, things turn ugly.

Suddenly, Vic finds himself between the rock and the hard place. . He has betrayed his good friend, Eric West, but will he participate in his son’s murder as well?

Not content to sit and wait for her men to bring her brother home, Kate West convinces homicide detective Carl Lugowski to check out a hunch at an old abandoned mansion. Soon, they’re trapped in a hornet’s nest of a notorious biker gang.

Oh yeah, Vic’s deception has placed the West family in more danger than they know what to do with!

11/05/2012 PUB Acorn Book Services 218pages
ISBN 9780985726744
Profile Image for Patricia.
115 reviews27 followers
May 21, 2013

Vic Deveaux’s glory days as a winning jockey have ended, but he refuses to accept that pile of horse hockey!
When the West family asks Vic to take an easier position at their Thoroughbred farm, Westwood, he becomes enraged and teams up with two greedy stable hands in a scheme to kidnap the youngest son, Shane.
Things turn ugly when Vic discovers that his new-found friends have murder on their minds. Suddenly Vic finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He has betrayed his good friend, Eric West, but will he participate in his son’s murder as well?
Not content to sit at home and wait for her men to bring her brother home, Kate West convinces homicide detective, Carl Lugowski, to check out a hunch at an old abandoned mansion. Soon they’re trapped in a hornet’s nest of a notorious biker gang.
Oh yeah, Vic’s deception has placed the West family in more danger than they know what to do with!

This is the first book that I read from Cindy McDonald and a change of genre from what I usually read, but as I started out reading in my younger years mysteries and thrillers and moved on to suspense and romance, it's good to be reacquainted with something that was always with me, the love for a good story and a good fictional ride.

"Dangerous Deception" is a very good story with elements that are bought together to fulfill a plot line that doesn't fail the reader.
We have family, friendship and betrayal, a little romance in the mix, a dangerous criminal and a biker gang. What's not to like ?

With it's engaging character's, the West family, and the town character's, the Sheriff, Vic Deveaux, Luzertta Valentine, Jack Haliday and so on, you get sucked into a town where trouble comes along in some days and all together get to the end of the day with the feeling that what really counts is family, love and friendship.

I would have liked to see a little more romance, especially in Kate West's case with the sheriff but I guess that I'll have to wait till the next books.

I haven't read the first two books but I'll be coming around to them between June and July and I'll be expecting the next Unbriedled Series book with anticipation.

If you love a good action packed, explosive story, a small town country intrigue and a loving town we would all love to live in, this is the book for you.


Profile Image for Clare O'Beara.
Author 22 books367 followers
December 6, 2014
The bloodstock business turns sour in this unpleasant tale of kidnapping, drug deals, resentment and violence. Shane, the son of a Thoroughbred racing outfit's owner fires a hand, Krebs, for slovenly and cruel work practices. Simultaneously an ex-jockey, Vic is forced into retirement. The two jobless men conspire with another man to extort the cash from horse sales by means of kidnapping.

Pennsylvania never looked so dark as in this tale. I can't figure what drew Krebs to the world of horses, because he doesn't like them or hard work, and acting up around young racehorses is dangerous. He's keen to commit a federal offence for a share of five hundred thousand dollars, and smirks as he uses a cattle prod on a chained person. Having second thoughts, Vic confides in another elderly hand but fails to do anything useful like calling the police. Thieves fall out and Krebs never meant to return his captive Shane alive. Meanwhile Shane's father Mike is organising a search and the culprits and hideout seem obvious to him, but he doesn't call the police either. Kidnappers always say don't call the police, and such a disorganised bunch of chancers would be no match for a SWAT team. A biker gang called the Nomads is on its way to rendezvous in the old mansion where Shane is being held, and they don't like outsiders, though there's an undercover cop among them.

This is closer to 'Reservoir Dogs' than to 'Secretariat', with a surreal flavour from sentences such as: "Her full perfect breasts to remain exposed." Cindy McDonald has assembled a cast of one-dimensional characters, from unremittingly sour stable hands to a woman who thinks white wine should be uncorked and left to breathe. Luzetta, the elderly daughter of a horror film director, camps out in her crumbling mansion, devoid of money but not of good intent. I did like the few insights into the horse training world but we could have done with more of them and less of brutality.
Profile Image for Barbara Mitchell.
242 reviews18 followers
January 19, 2013
This is part of "The Unbridled Series" but the first book I've read by this author. That didn't make any difference though, because it read like a stand-alone.

The setting is a horse farm just outside Pittsburgh where the West family has gained a reputation for excellence. The father is a widower and his two sons work on the ranch. His daughter is a veterinarian; she lives at the ranch but works at the nearby racetrack. Mike, the eldest son, is divorced and all business; Shane, the younger, is the local handsome playboy. Both love the ranch and are quite knowledgeable about horses.

My only quibble with the story is a personal one. I'm no spring chicken myself so when McDonald has 55 and 61 year old men referring to their age as over the hill, it hits a nerve. I suppose their careers have a lot to do with it though. Eric West, ranch owner, is the 55 year old complaining about his aches and pains, but long-time employee Vic Deveaux used to be a jockey. After his days of racing were over, he works on the ranch, at 61 still riding every day in workouts for the horses. To me his stubborn nature and inability to listen to anyone are more to blame for what happens to him and the West family in this story.

Disgruntled employees come up with a get-rich-quick scheme that puts everyone in real danger. The plot also involves a violent biker gang and a delightful woman hidden away in a deserted mansion. The characters are what make the story so readable. It's scary throughout and you'll hold your breath that everyone will come out of it alive. I really enjoyed it.

Source: author through Partners in Crime Tours
Recommended reading
Profile Image for Teena in Toronto.
2,324 reviews78 followers
December 17, 2012
This story happens over two days. Shane has a problem with Martin, one of his father's ranch hands ... he's abusive to the animals, is lazy and drinks on the job. When Shane calls him on it, things get violent and Martin is fired. But now Martin is mad. He talks two of the older ranch hands into helping him kidnap Shane for a $500,000 ransom. But little do they know that Martin doesn't plan on letting Shane go and plans on killing him. One of the ranch hands pulled into the scheme is Vic, the ranch owner's longtime friend, who thought he was getting demoted because he's old. The abandoned mansion where Shane is held is also the gathering place for a biker gang who show up to party. The elderly daughter of the long dead owner of the mansion secretly still lives in the mansion because she has no where else to go.

It sounded like an intriguing story but for some reason it just missed the mark for me.

I could feel the love in the West family ... they did care and would do anything for each other, even putting themselves in danger.

I found there were so many people in the beginning and I had a hard time keeping everyone straight. Once the story got going, though, I became less confused.

I wish Vic had had a bit more trust and respect for Eric. Considering how long they'd been friends, I wish Vic had given Eric more of a chance rather than jumping to conclusions.. I did appreciate, though, that Vic realized his mistake and tried to make it right.

Blog post review: http://www.teenaintoronto.com/2012/11...
Profile Image for Ruth Hill.
1,115 reviews648 followers
February 6, 2013
Now, I love mysteries and intrigue, but I am not a fan of mysteries like this one. There was a lot of profanity and implied sex (thankfully no bedroom scenes). There was some descriptive violence (yes, it got a little graphic at times, but I have read far more disturbing scenes). And the profanity was certainly objectionable and oftentimes unnecessary (in my opinions). All of these things should have made me not think too highly of this book.

Amazingly, I found myself intrigued with this book in spite of those things. While there were some parts that were boring or even difficult to understand, this book was full of action. There were portions that were hard to read, but I was willing to put up with that to read about what happened. I didn't really care about the characters (except Shane, I guess), but I cared about the outcome. And it was nice to know that justice prevailed.

I see that there is another book coming out soon. I have to admit that the reader was left hanging at the end of this book, and I may be interested in the next book in the series. Cindy McDonald does write well, and her story does make sense (as much sense as it can make).

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.
Profile Image for Fenny.
52 reviews3 followers
January 22, 2013
It is an absolutely, nearly running off-the-rails-so-fast-paced story that is best read in one sitting so you can keep up with all the action, what’s what and who’s who.

A lot is happening around the West family, consisting of father Eric and his sons Mike and Shane, and his daughter Kate. All get in to the action, aided by a few fascinating and unusual characters.

The final resolution of Shane's kidnapping is a little too far-fetched for my taste, but Cindy McDonald is able to bring all story lines nicely together ending it in one big sigh of relief as one would exclaim after riding a roller coaster.

When I started reading Dangerous Deception, I noticed a different writing style than I am used to. Scenes are worked out and described elaborately, leaving less room for my own imagination. It was later that I realized The Unbridled Series was originally meant for the television screen, which explained this.

Even though Dangerous Deception is the third in the series, it is a perfect stand alone.
31 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2013
The West family has found themselves in a tight spot again. They must pull together as a family to save each other from certain death. Kate West is again my favorite character. I love tough women; Kate can hold her own and proves she can do so in any situation. Having and being a mother I understand the drive to protect your own at all cost. I can easily relate to the West and would take many of the same actions if I was in similar situations.

I love this series. Dangerous Deception did not leave my hands until I had turned the last page. I have not read hot coco yet and can’t wait to see what else is in store for this family. It’s not necessary to read the series in order but with a series this good you don’t want to miss a moment of all the exciting and suspenseful happening in the West family.
Profile Image for Kristin (Kritters Ramblings).
2,240 reviews109 followers
February 16, 2013
Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

From the beginning, there were two stories running parallel with many characters involved with each and some horses with names, so it took me quite a few pages to figure out each story line and who was involved. Then I wanted to know immediately, how and where these two stories were going to intersect. One dealt with the horse racing world and all of the people and logistics that go into making a stable successful. The other story dealt with cops and drug dealers and was a little harder to understand at the beginning.
Profile Image for Kari.
3,863 reviews92 followers
January 11, 2013
When I started this book, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get into it. I felt like there were too many characters and plot points. I was getting confused. I had that feeling that I should know these people already. Once I pushed past that, I found the book quite enjoyable. It's fast paced and kept me engaged. The West family and the people around them were interesting characters. The family dynamic reminded me of a soap opera. I definitely want to go back and read the first two in the series now.
Profile Image for Kathyk21.
169 reviews9 followers
December 28, 2012
Dangerous Deception is a good story with a horse racing theme, if you haven't read MacDonald's Deadly.Com. Sadly, the first half of Dangerous Deception is like re-reading Deadly. The characters are the same as in the earlier book and lack any dimension or development. As long as Cindy MacDonald keeps the action and suspense in the forefront, the lack of character development isn't noticeable. Fortunately, the second half of the book is creatively suspenseful.
Profile Image for Susan.
760 reviews33 followers
January 18, 2013
Cindy pens "Dangerous Deception" in an action packed, suspenseful plot filled with twists and turns. Her characters were interesting and filled with chemistry, but if you didn't read the first book in the series it might take a while to figure out who is who. All in all it was a good action read and recommended to all readers.

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the author which was provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cindy McDonald.
Author 16 books117 followers
November 18, 2012
This is the third book of the Unbridled series and it is packed with action. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you!
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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