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Fortunately, Ned was invited to a surprise party.

Unfortunately, the party was a thousand miles away.

Fortunately, a friend loaned Ned an airplane.

Unfortunately, the motor exploded.

Fortunately, there was a parachute in the airplane.

Unfortunately, there was a hole in the parachute.

What else could go wrong as Ned tries to get to the party? Readers will cheer as Ned's luck turns from good to bad to good again, while clever illustrations tell the story of his wacky adventure and narrow escapes.

48 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1964

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About the author

Remy Charlip

49 books31 followers
Abraham 'Remy' Charlip (born January 10, 1929) was an American artist, writer, choreographer, theatre director, designer, and teacher.

He studied art at Straubenmuller Textile High School in Manhattan and fine arts at Cooper Union in New York, graduating in 1949.

In the 1960s, Charlip created a unique form of choreography, which he called "air mail dances". He sent a set of drawings to a dance company, and the dancers ordered the positions and created transitions and context.

He performed with John Cage, was a founding member of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company for which he also designed sets and costumes, directed plays for the Judson Poet's Theater, co-founded the Paper Bag Players, and served as head of the Children's Theater and Literature Department at Sarah Lawrence College.

He won two Village Voice Obie Awards, three New York Times Best Illustrated Book of the Year citations, and was awarded a six-month residency in Kyoto from the Japan/U.S. Commission on the Arts. He wrote and/or illustrated more than 30 children's books and passed away in San Francisco, California, on August 14, 2012.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews
Profile Image for Hilary .
2,299 reviews460 followers
May 31, 2019
This was such an imaginative, exciting and funny book. I really liked the humour and the far fetched scenarios.

A boy received an invitation to a birthday party but unfortunately it was a long way away. Fortunately he borrows his friends plane but unfortunately the engine blows up. The rest of the book alternates between fortunately and unfortunately with a lovely surprise ending!

The illustrations are beautiful, colourful and humorous this would make such a fun book to read with a child! This would make a great birthday present.

Read on openlibrary
Profile Image for Lisa Vegan.
2,856 reviews1,290 followers
November 16, 2009
Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, How I love this book. It had been lost in my sea of to-read books until a (non-Goodreads) friend mentioned it to me last night. Fortunately, my branch library had a copy on their shelves and I borrowed it this morning. (Unfortunately, I’ll have to return the book since the library owns it and I don’t own a copy.)

I think this book is hilarious. The story with happenings that go between fortunately and unfortunately (good luck vs. bad luck) is very funny and the accompanying illustrations are wonderful and perfectly fit the story. From the sun being half covered and smothered by a cloud to the finale, this book is highly entertaining. I love children’s picture books where the author/illustrator are one; their talents amaze me.

Given one occurrence in the book, I think that this book would make a wonderful birthday present.
Profile Image for Julie.
2,213 reviews35 followers
June 29, 2019
I interpret the message of this book to be: Life is unpredictable, and the ability to adapt in unexpected situations, and problem solve for positive outcomes is essential. The boy in the book had developed thinking skills, and he could run and swim. He was well equipped to meet the challenge of each unfortunate event.
Profile Image for Jen.
2,396 reviews40 followers
March 8, 2013
Fortunately the illustrations switch from color to black and white.
Unfortunately the illustrations look a little dated.
Fortunately the book shows opposites in a very clear way.

Overall, a cute book and so beloved that it has been reprinted since 1961.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,683 reviews2,515 followers
May 28, 2018
This one seemed familiar, but I'm not sure if it's a book that I loved from childhood, or one that I read to my kids. Maybe both. Anyway, it's a don't-miss charmer of an adventure tale with ups and downs, laughs and shivers.
Profile Image for Crystal.
Author 1 book30 followers
February 20, 2013
Just read this book and am sending to my brother-in-law Ned. My husband said that Ned had this book when he was a child and wanted to send it to him to bring back childhood memories. Ned, in this children's book navigates the ups and downs of life with resourcefulness and this would be a great read for any child passed the age of 5.
Profile Image for Danielle.
Author 2 books258 followers
November 19, 2012
Great fun.
Ned goes on a wild adventure full of alternating fortunate and unfortunate events.
Luckily, it all turns out on a fortunate note at the end.
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,504 reviews229 followers
June 15, 2019
This amusing picture-book follows the wildly fluctuating fortunes of Ned, a young New York boy who is (fortunately) invited to a surprise party. Unfortunately, the party is far away... but fortunately, a friend loans Ned an airplane. Unfortunately, the motor explodes... but fortunately, Ned makes it to the parachute. And so it goes, back and forth, as Ned makes his adventure-filled way to a party, where there is one final twist in store...

I enjoyed Remy Charlip's Fortunately - my first title by this prolific picture-book author/artist - and imagine that young readers will find its deadpan back-and-forth humor even more hilarious than I did. I really liked the way that the illustrations alternated between brightly colored skies, when depicting the "fortunate" scenes, and dull, gray-toned black-and-white vistas, when depicting the "unfortunate" ones. It really added some extra oomph to the story! All in all, a fun little book, sure to appeal to young readers looking for a tale where anything can happen.
5,670 reviews81 followers
January 13, 2020
Told in alternating spreads of Ned's adventures after he fortunately receives a birthday invitation, unfortunately he is in New York and the party is in Florida. I usually start be asking if anyone knows what "fortunately" means and then tell them unfortunately means something bad happens. I then have them put thumbs up for the good things and thumbs down for the bad. 1/9/12

Used this again for my birthday/MLK program. One mother liked it so much she took it to check out. 1/16/13

Used again and had a lot of thumbs (some fingers) pointing up and down. 1/20/15

Used again but my story time crowd keeps getting younger and younger. Not sure how many understood. 1/12/16

Used for Preschool Story Time, no one responded to my question of what Fortunately meant, but they got into doing the thumbs up and thumbs down.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,339 reviews
August 17, 2017
Published in 1964, so if the illustrations seem a bit old-fashioned, there's a reason. The story, though, is a lot of fun, as Ned is invited to a birthday party; getting there involves a bit of serendipity. Fortunately... one pleasant thing happens. Then, unfortunately, there's an obstacle... which, fortunately, leads to another bit of good luck. And so on. Probably very original and innovative when it was written, in that the "fortunate" illustrations are in vivid color, while the "unforunate" ones are in black and white. An interesting look for young children at the way circumstances shape subsequent actions. A School Library Journal Top 100 picture book.
Profile Image for Manik Sukoco.
251 reviews29 followers
January 1, 2016
I have read this to my Kindergarten classes. The kids love this book. It is a fun way to teach the meaning of the words "Fortunately" and "Unfortunately." The children love to comment on what might happen next. As a teacher it is a great way to get students writing their own story with the same formula. Children love to hear it again and again.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,135 reviews61 followers
February 13, 2017
Would have loved to use this book in class. Smart design, sweet illustrations, great opening for many conversations.
Profile Image for Ioana.
1,046 reviews
September 22, 2023
De când am devenit mamă cartea perfectă este aceea ce mă delectează atât pe mine, cât și pe fetița mea. Iar dacă la asta adaugi și umor, atunci fii sigur că o să citim și recitim cartea de zeci de ori. Un astfel de exemplu este "Din fericire" de Remy Charlip, unde destinul lucrează de ambele părți, rezultând o lectură absolut delicioasă.
Ned este un băiețel din New York ce primește o invitație la o petrecere surpriză. Din nefericire, petrecerea este în Florida, dar, din fericire, Ned are un prieten ce îi împrumută un avion. Dar, zborul lin este dintr-o dată întrerupt de explozia motorului. Însă norocul lui Ned nu îl părăsește, cu toate că o furcă rătăcită sau înotul cu rechinii îi dau ceva bătăi de cap.
Colorat și plin de haz, volumul se cere a fi citit de zeci de ori, fiind savurat de copii și părinți deopotrivă. Mai multe am scris într-un articol publicat pe blog.

Profile Image for Emily.
82 reviews
February 21, 2012
The main character Ned is a fortunate individual when he receives an invitation to a surprise party. However, as he endeavors to attend the party, fortune is not always his friend. A fantastic journey ensues as Ned encounters a connected string of situations that alternate between impeding or advancing his mission. Illustrations mirror these varying circumstances: full color spreads pleasantly depict fortunate events while black and white images portray unfortunate circumstances. So consistent is the layout and design of the book that even the cover, endpaper, and introduction pages faithfully alternate between color and monochromatic illustrations. Woven into each image is either a remnant of the past illustration or a foreshadowing of the next image, tying the entire body of work together seamlessly. Complementing each double page illustration is one simple sentence beginning with either “fortunately” or “unfortunately” that succinctly explains Ned’s latest predicament. The color choice and expressive detail of each illustration along with the distinct, purposeful word choice and placement of text work together effectively to set the hopeful or concerning tone of each spread. Quickly catching on to the book’s alternating pattern, young readers will easily predict whether the next page will bring a fortunate or unfortunate event and eagerly anticipate turning the page to discover the specific details. By the end of this adventure, readers are left with a memorable experience they will soon want to revisit.
Profile Image for Sarah Sammis.
7,549 reviews245 followers
January 12, 2012
Remy Charlip is a choreographer, dancer, poet, artist and children's book author. He's also one of my favorite authors of children's books.

His books are surreal and playful. Fortunately builds on a series of events much like The House the Jack Built nursery rhyme. Each new event poses a new problem that requires a solution. The problem comes with "unfortunately" and the solution is provided with "fortunately."

The basic story follow's Ned's travels from New York to Florida to attend a party he has been invited to. On the way he has a number of misfortunes, each one more surreal than the previous. And yet all these apparently random events do help Ned reach his goal.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,397 reviews
September 28, 2017
I first encountered this book at an elementary school where students had written and illustrated their own Fortunately / Unfortunately scenario and they were displayed on the hall wall. What a terrific prompt for creative writing!

It works well in a pre-school story time at the library and was an ideal addition to our theme of FALLING this week. We have two story performers. One did the FORTUNATELY pages and the other did the UNFORTUNATELY pages while leading the children in pantomimes of swimming, running (patting legs), and so forth. Lots of action, Lots of fun.
Profile Image for Cindy Kleback.
463 reviews6 followers
February 11, 2017
I found this book today in my public library, and I was so surprised! This book is all about Ned and the fortunate and unfortunate things that happen to him, but I had a personalized version of this book when I was little that I LOVED because it was about Cindy's adventures. I'm pretty sure that I still have that book at my parents' house, but I was tickled to see that kids today can still go on this fun adventure, even if it isn't personalized with their name (unless their name is Ned, of course!).
Profile Image for Jennifer (JenIsNotaBookSnob).
987 reviews13 followers
September 29, 2017
This is just fantastic. I wish I would have discovered this book as a child, it would have been a favorite. My younger brothers would have just adored this and it would have been read to pieces. Anyways, my 6 year old daughter thought this was just great. She insisted I read it twice and then she was still sitting on the sofa reading it to herself and giggling the whole time. Older picture book that has managed to stay very entertaining.
302 reviews7 followers
February 26, 2013
A good way to teach the concepts of fortunately and unfortunately. And the alternating pictures were had a lot of good details (the frowny face on the clock on the second page was my favorite). The unfortunate situations are somewhat dark and surprising which was fun. But somehow it didn't really grab me--I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend this book.
83 reviews8 followers
March 12, 2013
Fortunately, this book was fantastic!
Unfortunately, we have to return it to the library.

My kids and I LOVED this book. It just fits our sense of humor. This is one I'd love to own.
Profile Image for Fred.
104 reviews35 followers
August 29, 2012
I love this book. What a good idea, what a good drawing of sharks at the chase (and tigers crouching through a hole underground). What a shame that Remy Charlip had the idea in 1964, before I was even a gleam in my father's crew cut.

My 4 year old loves it, but I decided to ask him what "fortunately" means. His answer: "Like us." Huh, said I? What does unfortunately mean? "Black [and white]." In other words, he inferred from the illustration switches that is what these words mean! ("Like us," meaning, in full color.) James Murray he ain't, I guess. I love a kid's mind at work.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book665 followers
April 10, 2014
This is a very strange, but entertaining tale that follows a young man as he transitions from one very unlikely situation to another. The narrative is engaging, but the illustrations are a bit rudimentary for my taste.

Still, it's a humorous tale and we enjoyed reading it together. It reminded us of the story Suddenly! by Colin McNaughton.
Profile Image for Dianna.
1,895 reviews43 followers
May 20, 2010
I remembered reading this as a child although I didn't remember it much. My three-year-old son loved it! It made him laugh, and also taught him the meaning of the word "fortunately." I like the alternating use of color illustrations for the "fortunately" pages and the black-and-white for the "unfortunately" pages. Also the simple, humorous text and illustrations.
Profile Image for Kristen.
407 reviews65 followers
January 28, 2023
A storytime go-to for me. Love the bright colors and silliness.
This time around, I'm inviting the kiddos to cheer when a Fortunate thing happens and boo when an Unfortunate thing happens and they're loving it. (they will take any opportunity to yell in the library)

There were genuine gasps of horror several times during Ned's misadventures. The kiddos got really into it.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
4,057 reviews97 followers
October 3, 2013
This one was a lot of fun. Ned's luck changes from page to page, and the concepts of "fortunately" and "unfortunately" are reinforced through the illustrations. When Ned has bad luck, the pictures are in gray scale. Would be a great readaloud.
Profile Image for Amber.
30 reviews73 followers
December 26, 2021
My brother and I owned this book when I was a child. I remember reading it to him when I was six or seven. We really liked the story and he asked me to read it to him frequently until he learned how to read. It's a wonderful memory I have of him and I.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
July 12, 2010
it's fortunately versus unfortunately in this book describing Ned's adventure while trying to get to a surprise party.
Profile Image for Friend of Pixie.
611 reviews26 followers
October 14, 2010
an adventure that alternates between good and bad things happening. Each double-page spread has an "Unfortunately,..." and "Fortunately..." side. Amusing, but L didn't ask to read it again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews

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