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Your Body Speaks Your Mind: Decoding the Emotional, Psychological, and Spiritual Messages That Underlie Illness

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We all know how we cry tears when we are sad, or get butterflies in our stomach when we are nervous. These are simple connections between the mind and the body that are easy for us to understand. But what about the bigger issues, when the body gets ill, diseased, or damaged?

Now with Your Body Speaks Your Mind, Deb Shapiro―author of The Body Mind Workbook and Unconditional Love ―shows you a practical way to learn the language of your body so you can understand how your thoughts and feelings directly affect your physical health.

The body shows us what we are unconsciously ignoring,denying,or repressing, she says. With her breakthrough book, readers learn:

A system-by-system guide to your body that reveals what it is telling you about yourself
• A cross-referenced index of symptomatic illnesses, from headaches to pneumonia, and the emotional imbalances they symbolize
• Creative visualization and meditation techniques to enhance your ability to listen to, communicate with, and heal your body, and more

Healing is a continual journey―one of embracing ourselves ever more deeply, explains Deb Shapiro. Your Body Speaks Your Mind takes you on that journey, deepening your relationship with your own mind and body. Revised and updated UK bestseller.

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347 pages, Paperback

First published August 29, 1996

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Debbie Shapiro

37 books18 followers

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Profile Image for Osama Aghbar.
Author 1 book29 followers
April 1, 2018
جسمك يتكلم ...اسمعه
يقول الكاتب : ( يمكننا أن نطوف في الفضاء الخارجي ونستوعب كيف نشأ الكون....لكننا غير قادرين على معرفة كيفية عمل الجسم!
يقول الكاتب : ( إن 70% من المرضى الذين يزورون الطبيب يذهبون إليه بسبب أمراض ذات صلة بالضغط النفسي)
يقول الكاتب : ( طوال مئات السنين اعتقد الناس أن الإيمان بالشرائع يمتلك روح الإنسان، في حين أن الأطباء يهتمون بالجسد وحده)
يقول الكاتب: ( المرض شيء حقيقي، والطب يمكنه ان يقدم المساعدة، وأنا لا أكتب هذا الكتاب من أجل إقناعكم بأن السبب الوحيد وراء مرضكم موجود في نفسكم)
الجزء الأول : ( إيجاد معنى في وسط الفوضى)
1- وحدة النفس والجسد :
- إن دور المشاعر والإنفعالات جوهري في حالتكم الصحية.
- كما تفكر تكون.
- إن النفس والجسد وحدة واحدة، وإن الحالة الذهنية تعبر عن النفس في كل جزء من أجزاء الجسم.
- إن الأفكار والمشاعر تترجم إلى مواد كيميائية تنتشر في أنحاء الجسم وتغير التكوين الكيميائي للخلايا وتبدل سلوكها.
- عامل الضغط النفسي
- إدراك الذات
2- لغة الأفكار والإنفعالات:
قل لي كيف تفكر، أقل لك من أنت
- العوامل البيئية
- العوامل الوراثية
- العوامل النفسية العاطفية
- التعرض للكبت والتجاهل والإنكار
3- لغة الجسد
- يتحدث الجسم معنا من خلال الأعراض التي تنبأنا بحدوث شيء ما
- العارض الجسدي هو إشارة إلى إختلال توازن معين في الجسم
- لا تظهر العوارض أبدا من العدم، بل ترتبط بالماضي كونها ناتجة عن أحداث سابقة، وترتبط بالحاضر من خلال الطريقة التي تؤثر بها على الفرد.
- أحداث متراكمة
- من الصعب علينا في بعض الأحيان الإعتراف بصدق ما شعرنا به وما نزال نشعر به
- الجانب الأيسر والجانب الأيمن من الجسم
- مراكز الطاقة : نظام الشاكرا
- الحوادث أمور تحصل

4- الإصغاء إلى الجسد
- الإنتباه يعني مراقبة اللحظة والتنبه لها.
- إن العوارض المرضية طريقة يستخدمها الجسم للتواصل، وهي أشبه بكلمات أو رسائل يبعثها إليكم.
- دونوا أفكاركم.
- تكلموا مع جسمكم.
- الإسترخاء
- التأمل

5- مداواة عارض أم شفاء حياة؟
- الخوف والجسارة
- المغفرة
- الحب
الجزء الثاني : (وحدة الفكر والجسد)
- يمكن لشكل جسمكم الخارجي أن يكشف عن وضعكم الجسدي والصحي.
- إن جسمكم أشبه بسيرة ذاتية متنقلة

6- من الرأس حتى أخمص القدمين

7- الأجزاء المتحركة : العظام المفاصل والعضلات
- هشاشة العظام : يتسبب بخسارة كمية كبيرة من الكتلة العظمية، مما يجعل العظام هشة وقابلة للكسر، وينتج بالعادة عن التغيرات الهرمونية ، خصوصا لدى النساء عند انقطاع الحيض
- كسر العظام : يعني الكسر في العظام أنه عليكم التوقف عن القيام بما تفعلونه.
- المفاصل : هي التي تسمح لكم بالتعبير بحرية
- التهاب المفاصل : يشير إلى وجود مقاومة أو صراع مع ما يحدث.
- الخلع : يعني فقدان المكان أو الموقع
- النقرس : تعبير عن التوقف والعجز عن الحركة، وهو يعني التشبث بالماضي.
تيبس العضلات : يشير إلى مواقف ذهنية عنيدة
الفتق : يشير إلى ضعف او انهيار الطاقة النفسية، وهو يرتبط بأنماط التفكير القلقة، وبالحالات الذهنية المتسمة بالخوف.

8- الجهاز العصبي:
الألم : الألم في أي جزء من أجزاء الجسم هو إشارة إلى أن شيئا ما ليس على ما يرام.
إن تقبل الألم هو امر جوهري، إذ أن الخوف يزيد من حدة الألم نتيجة تفاقم التوتر والخوف من المرض
آلام الرأس والصداع : تدل بالعادة على كثرة التفكير، أو إجهاد نفسي، أو مشاعر مكبوتة،
الخدر: يعود الخدر إلى ضرر أو تلف يلحق الأعصاب أو إلى تشوه الرسائل الآتية من الدماغ.
9- صراع البقاء والضغط النفسي:
وهو يشمل (القلق والهلع والشك وفقدان الثقة بالنفس والإكتئاب والوسواس القهري...)
- الصدمة : واضطراب الضغط النفسي الناتج عن الصدمة
10 – حامي القلعة ( جهاز المناعة)
وهو أحد أهم أجهزة الجسم وأكثرها تعقيدا
11- نفس الحياة ( جهاز التنفس)
12- إيقاع الحب ( القلب والدورة الدموية)
13- راحة البطن ( الجهاز الهضمي)
14- مركز التوازن (الجهاز البولي)
15- ( الأعضاء التناسلية)
16- حارس الحدود (الجلد)
17 – التركيز (العينان والأذنان)
18 – الدماغ (الإضطرابات النفسية العقلية)
Profile Image for Lacey.
27 reviews
August 18, 2010
I realized that the best way for me to read this book was as a tool for self-reflection. Some of the exercises are useful for understanding yourself better. Perhaps some people are able to use it for healing and maybe I will in the future, but mostly I found some of the ideas hard to accept. I felt that the author was taking things too far, being too specific. For example, I have a hard time believing that having a sore throat means that I'm having a hard time swallowing my reality. I do however, agree that there is a body/mind connection and that Western society ignores that connection all too often. What I appreciated most from this book is the underlying message that you need to listen to your body more and that each person has to figure out what their own body is trying to say. The issue I have is that I felt as though the author was giving her own interpretations as fact, when in reality each body is different and there are many different ways to understand what the body is saying.

My favorite aspect of this book is the CD that comes with it. It has two guided meditations, one on dialoguing with your body and a second one on loving your body.
Profile Image for Doris Jean.
196 reviews30 followers
June 18, 2017
I liked this book a lot. It comes from a more holistic approach to the body-mind as a unit rather than the standard way of dividing them and speaking of one and ignoring the other. A seminal book on this is Antonio Damasios's "Decartes Error". Decartes said "I think, therefore I am" and Damasio's book has been a classic in psychology for his idea that we are not brain-thinkers who feel, instead we are body-feelers who think. This was chemically proven by Candace Pert in her book "Molecules of Emotion". I expect that this author (Shapiro) is well-versed in Damasio's somatic marker – body memory hypothesis and Pert's discoveries. Shapiro's book is based on the body-mind as one unit.

She also seems broadly knowledgeable in psychology, eastern medicine, and other fields. She mentions Jung, Dr. Candace Pert, dream-therapy, rebirthing, massage, meditation, ayurveda, reflexology, yoga, bioenergetics, acupuncture, yoga, Buddhism and Hinduism and more. She has written several books, one is entitled "The Metamorphic Technique" and another book is in the Turkish language. Her weakest area seems to be physiology, and I cite pages 177 and 178 - about how the immune system works - as one of the places where I believe she has minor mistakes.

The book is in two sections. Part One lays the foundation for the rest of the book in Part Two which goes over illnesses and analyzes them with body-mind explanations. Part One is "Finding Order in the Midst of Chaos". The chapters of Part One are: Mind and Matter Unite; The Language of Thoughts and Emotions; The Language of the Body; Listening to the Body Speak; Curing a Symptom or Healing a Life?

Part Two contains thirteen chapters dealing with the entire body. She goes over the body from head to toe, and analyzes its troubles with statements and dialogue questions based upon the concepts and thoughts presented in Part One. Her body-mind dialogues where one asks questions of feelings to the body-mind to discover emotional components of illness seemed excellent and revealing.

As an example, Chapter Seven is "The Moving Parts: Bones, Joints and Muscles". She gives a good overview of how the way that we move our body when walking or standing expresses our emotional state, and then she individually analyzes the different illnesses of bones, illnesses of joints, and illnesses of muscles with overviews and dialogues to expose the emotional components.

In order to give the flavor of how the author discusses the many different illnesses, I choose here one of her shortest discussions – gout, from Chapter Seven – where she says: "Gout is caused by an accumulation of uric acid in the joints, often in the big toe. Uric acid is normally removed by the urine, which is the body's way of releasing emotions that are finished with, or no longer needed, so they do not poison your system. If you do not release these old emotions they begin to get stuck, to solidify and crystallize, causing rigidity and inflexibility." Most of her discussions are much longer than this short example.

This is an excellent book because of its unique enlightening body-mind perceptions and I think everyone, even healthy people, would enjoy it. It supplements understanding of medical diagnoses and it is also a sort of a preventive maintenance guide for keeping healthy.
Profile Image for زكرياء.
Author 3 books785 followers
May 28, 2012
السلام عليكم

أنا أعشق هذا الكتاب و أقرأ باستمرار
أنا سعيد لأني أتعلم كيف أسـمع جسمي الذي لا يتوقف عن الكلام

زكرياء من المغرب
صاحب مدونة الكتابة في الظلام :)
Profile Image for Kristin.
1,141 reviews32 followers
June 30, 2015
Required reading for a yoga training I attended. I think the book has some valid points about the power of positive thinking as it relates to our physical and spiritual wellness and how the three (mental health, spiritual health, physical health) are all integrated and not separate from each other as our Western beliefs make us believe.

Where the book fell short for me was two aspects: One was the "testimonials". Too many of the testimonials read like an excerpt from a tabloid magazine. The second aspect was relating "some" past mental event or non-physical stress factor is causing say, my herniated disk. That my herniated disk is caused by shouldering too many burdens at home and work and not being able to delegate. Or a broken bone is an indication of a fractured event (and not from falling off a stair for example).

As noted, there are some valid points, but the book lost me when it moved into diagnosis.

Profile Image for Fatema.
31 reviews11 followers
April 30, 2017
اسم الكتاب: جسمك يتحدث فاسمعه
المؤلف: ديب شابيرو
عدد الصفحات: 448
التقييم: 4

يتمحور الكتاب حول فكرة أن تجد لحياتك معنى و تعيش بحب و سلام داخلي، مما ينتج عنه سلامتك النفسية المنعكسة على سلامة أعضائك الجسمية.

يرى الكاتب أن فهم و استيعاب وظائف الأعضاء و التركيز على مجريات الأحداث اليومية و حلحلة المصاعب أو التعاطي معها دون امتصاصها، يحول دون تخزين الألم في أجسامنا الذي يظهر في صورة المرض و ما هو إلا عرَض لألم عميق مكبوت.

يقودك الكاتب في جولة عبر الجسم البشري، عضواً عضواً و يطرح تساؤلات مثيرة حول المصادر النفسية أو البيئية أو الإجتماعية له دون تجاوز للحوادث التي تصادفنا يومياً، ليكون بمثابة الدليل للأعراض و أمراضها.

اقتباس أعجبني:

(( الحقيقة هي أنكم مجموعة من المواد الكيميائية. فجميع أفكاركم و مشاعركم تترجم إلى مواد كيميائية تنتشر في أنحاء جسمكم و تغيّر التكوين الكيميائي للخلايا و تبدّل سلوكها، و هكذا يؤثر الشعور بالحزن في مجاري الدمع فتنتج الدموع، أو يؤدي الشعور بالخوف إلى الإقشعرار )).
Profile Image for Jack.
65 reviews4 followers
November 15, 2018
I never intended to read this book. It was part of a collection of my mums which she passed to me one day as she realised I started reading more. I thought I’d give it a try.

If you are a believer of controlling your own destiny and that you can manifest all that happens in your life then you should give this book a read. I always understood we could achieve anything we wanted. I didn’t however, consider that we could also affect all which happens to our physical body.

This book provides a refreshing view on the way we live our lives and how we are so caught up in the everyday noise. It proves how a lot of physical illnesses are preventable through a higher state of consciousness and self love.

Give it a read, I think it is underrated. I admit I skipped a fair few of the illnesses in part three as I didn’t feel they related to me. But it is a text I can always refer back to and have gained the knowledge I intended when picking it up.

Thanks for reading,

Profile Image for Shams AlDharrab.
21 reviews40 followers
August 25, 2014

الكتاب رائع جداً .. يتحدث عن ارتباط الجسم وأمراضه بنوع التفكير .. جربته في أكثر من جانب وكانت تحليلاته في الصميم .. الجزء الثاني من الكتاب يصنف مرجع لم اقرأه كاملاً لكنه لدي في حال احتجت لأي جزء منه - من غير شر -
Profile Image for Janet.
785 reviews2 followers
July 19, 2019
I should have read this book years ago! It may have made a difference in my health. I always knew that the mind and body were connected. I could feel muscles tense and knew that breathing was constricted. I just never knew enough on how to change what was happening internally. This book presents many questions to ask yourself to examine your feelings, but not enough on how to change where you are. Certainly, as said, the most important element here is breathing. I credit yoga with changing my breathing and my living. As a child, I would hold my breath when I was scared. Sometimes I did pass out, which scared my parents. However, it is yoga that has taught me different ways to breath to bring my mind and body back to where I want them. Yes, the book also talks about stress taking a toll on one's body. How a working mom, with two kids growing with their own issues, can handle all of the day to day crises, I didn't know., except to keep going! Yes, meditation works, but it is also difficult to find the time to go inward. What a surprise that many women in their 50s have thyroid issues, which Shapiro says comes from putting other people first and looking at your own needs last. Teachers also, beware of thyroid issues! Anyway, the book will affirm and help with what you know about your body. Give it a chance! Then, take a yoga class or something like that which can bring you down and center you. "The world is too much with us!" (Wordsworth)
Profile Image for Sherri Woosley.
Author 11 books21 followers
October 8, 2018
I bought this as a required text for my yoga training class. There were parts that were very helpful and other parts that felt anecdotal rather than supported.
Still, a good resource to be aware of, especially if you are experiencing pain or symptoms without obvious cause.
Profile Image for Terry Hansen.
1 review
April 16, 2015
Didn't read the complete book. More of a reference book for health issues that may arise.
Profile Image for asrd.
2 reviews
March 29, 2016
كتاب جميل وعميق يجعلك تبحر في فهم جسمك والأعراض التي تظهر عليك
Profile Image for Kerstin.
19 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2012
Loved this book - use it regularly when helping clients to decode their body messages
Profile Image for Zahida Zahoor.
179 reviews4 followers
February 15, 2023
The book discussed how what your feel and suppress is exhibited as illnesses, pains and disease. For example if you believe/feel your carry the world on your shoulders you will have shoulder pain, if your wrist or hand hurt then you need to let go of a negative emotion ect. Though I do believe there is some merit in this thinking it too simplistic. Debbie mentions diet and exercise, but explains that people don't love themselves enough, that's why there are overweight. Debbie cherry picks some common diseases such as ME, AIDs and tries to explain them through the narrow lens of negative, pent-up emotions.
Debbie narrows in on one aspect, but fails to mention genetics, poverty, cultural and societal norms of not being truthful to yourself and others, inequality in society and genetic preposition to addiction, mental health ect.
There are list of meditation practices as well as alternative medicine described in the book, which are useful, but unfortunately doesn't mention the power of modern medicine or working closely with a medical practitioner.
In essence the book has one important point that is true- love yourself and listen to your body and your emotions carefully.
Profile Image for Mari.
122 reviews6 followers
May 23, 2021
Seda raamatut soovitati osta (veel müügil), mis võiks kodus olla. Lääne inimese tervisepiibel – kui keha hakkab haigeks jääma ja signaale saatma, siis pole need tundmatus keeles, vaid oskad kuulata ja paremini mõista. Kuna lääne meditsiin tegeleb poolega tervikust – keha ja tagajärgedega – siis siit leiab vihjeid põhjustest ehk psühholoogiast, mis ei ole ida tarkadele võõrad. Ehk et enne kui tableti haarad, mõistad, et keha on tasakaalust väljast ja kuulad, mida tal öelda on, nt kui seedimine on korrast ära, siis küsib ta: mida oli sul raske emotsionaalselt seedida?
Profile Image for Cristina.
30 reviews
November 11, 2017
I have learnt from this book to identify the emotional side of a list of disease. There are some questions that guide you to think how you feel. I have a hard time to answer some of those questions. However, I would like to go deeper in some of my analyzes. So, this book gave me a good start to undertand how diseases and emotional problems are related. But, I need to search further into some topics because that book was not deep enough. It was a good start though!
September 9, 2019
I have autoimmune diseases, she actually states that my hands are clenched into fists because I want to hit someone, not because of arthritis. She also states that most affected with arthritis were athletes who had outlets to channel their energies, but since retiring they have no where for their angry feelings to go....... so that is why our joints are attacked, swollen, painful.......ummm, no. That is just not how it works, I know this for a fact because, well, science.
Profile Image for Avery.
216 reviews
February 11, 2021
About two-thirds of this book covered body-mind connection. It was more conjecture than science which isn't to say it couldn't be helpful. The final third included guided meditations. I'm interested in the topic of how the body manifests emotional injuries but this book didn't leave me feeling as though I know more on the topic. That said, it isn't what this book sells itself as and I think it could be helpful for the layperson looking for an intro to their own experiences.
255 reviews
August 6, 2020
I will definitely revisit this book. It has a lot of information that I'm not totally on board with, but since my massage therapist seems to know everything about me without me telling her (because apparently "the body doesn't lie"), I'm trying to understand the bodymind connection better. I live too much in my head and need to change that.
Profile Image for Terrin Marino.
82 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2023
I thought this book was extremely thought provoking. I appreciated her exercises that went along with it. There were something’s that made sense to me and then others I was a little more skeptical but I am not closed minded enough that I couldn’t get behind it. It certainly not the end all be all answers for everything but again, a great window into the body and mind relationship.
Profile Image for Melissa Barnes.
60 reviews1 follower
October 2, 2023

Honestly, this was a little too woowoo for me. The author touches lightly on legitimate causes for disorders and then goes hard in the paint on how nearly every one of them is due to trauma, abuse, or failing to express feelings. There is certainly a mind- body connection, but this book just fell flat for me.
Profile Image for Em.
342 reviews14 followers
June 24, 2024
This was a required book for a YogaFit training.

We were told to buy a lot of books for our trainings. However, this was one of the most ridiculous ones. I'm not a fan of book banning, but this is one I'd support being banned.

Please consult a board-certified physician, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant for physical issues. Please consult a licensed counselor for a mental and/or emotional issue.
Profile Image for Tina.
500 reviews31 followers
June 26, 2024
This is an excellent reference book to keep in a healer's library. I have been a holistic healer for over 10 years so much of the information in this book is not new but potentially helpful in dealing with future health issues, both mine and my clients. I would definitely put this as recommended reading for my Reiki 1 students!
Profile Image for Kate.
49 reviews
August 8, 2018
One of the best books I've ever read about the link between our bodies, minds & emotions. This is the second time I've read it; it's one of those books for me that I like to read every so often. Very helpful book.
October 21, 2018
This book is my daily reference to know the emotional root cause of any pain

it’s really accurate about the emotional root cause of illness, it’s my daily reference with my pains and everyone illness.
Profile Image for Kathleen McBee.
13 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2021
This book really challenged my thinking on so many things. It asked me to set aside my preconceived thoughts about how things were and how the body worked and presented a new and important way to look at the body and the mind. It’s a great, challenging read that I would absolutely recommend.
Profile Image for Jenny.
51 reviews
February 10, 2017
Interesting ideas. I liked the exercises for forgiveness and fear. Reading about the issues and Shapiro's take on them pushed my belief systems, but I found it useful.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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