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In this FREE post-apocalyptic romantic urban fantasy short story, a tough mercenary known as Nisha the Heartless is hired to transport mysterious cargo from exotic New Asia to a well-paying client.

But things are never what they seem in a dark new world now populated by humans and the Strange: shapeshifters and telepaths, nymphs and hobgoblins. It is a lesson Nisha learns all too soon - one that puts her on a journey with a dangerously sexy, enigmatic man who will force her to confront the nightmares of her past, and risk her heart for a future she never dreamed could be hers....

(Originally published in the Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance 2; Constable & Robinson, 2010.)

37 pages, ebook

First published December 15, 2012

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About the author

Lara Adrian

112 books10.8k followers
LARA ADRIAN is a New York Times and #1 internationally best-selling author with nearly 4 million books in print and digital worldwide and translations licensed to more than 20 countries. Her books have been named among Amazon’s Top Ten Romances of the Year, and have also been nominated by readers multiple times as finalists for the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance of the Year. Reviewers have called Lara’s books “addictively readable” (Chicago Tribune), “extraordinary” (Fresh Fiction), “strikingly original” (Booklist), and “one of the best vampire series on the market” (Romantic Times).

Writing as TINA ST. JOHN, her historical romances have won numerous awards including the National Readers Choice; Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice; Booksellers Best; and many others. She was twice named a Finalist in Romance Writers of America’s RITA Awards, for Best Historical Romance (White Lion’s Lady) and Best Paranormal Romance (Heart of the Hunter). More recently, the German translation of Heart of the Hunter debuted on Der Spiegel bestseller list.

With an ancestry stretching back to the Mayflower and the court of King Henry VIII, the author lives with her husband in New England, where she is working on her next novel. Visit Lara’s website and sign up for new release announcements at http://bit.ly/LaraAdrianNews

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
December 29, 2012
Review posted on Demon Lover's Books & More

I think that if you're going to write a post-apocalyptic novella/short story, it works best in an already established world. It's hard to experience the entirety of the world when you have 30 pages to world-build, create characters, and have them fall in love.

That's not saying it can't be done, it just is hard to do well.

Lara Adrian is a favorite of mine, but this story has a lot going on and I feel like it would have worked better as a PNR rather than a post- apocalyptic romance because it could have devoted more time to the characters. I didn't feel confused at any point, but I did feel like the I Love Yous were out of left field, and that there's so much happening but we only get to see snippets of it.

That being said, I'll read more if this becomes a series. I'd love to see what happens after they go back to the Strange court. Especially since there's so much we don't know.

This short story has the makings of a great series, and a great world, but if Ms. Adrian continues on with it, I hope we get to see some world-building.
Profile Image for Ronda  Tutt.
861 reviews52 followers
February 27, 2013
Interesting Apocalyptic World

Nisha the Heartless Mercenary (Eagle-shifter) and Drakor's (Dragon-shifter)short story was very interesting as they both face the triumphs of dealing with the post apocalyptic world. The Novella was fast paced and read smooth. There is no erotic in this book though there is a love scene but it is very clean as if blinking an eye and it's over.

However, I do love reading about shape-shifters because of the true mate factor and in this case love has no boundaries when Nisha gets one look at Drakor. I loved the surprise of Nisha reaction when she discovers that she is of the strange race - only an eagle instead of a dragon. Which in the end it made Drakor and Nisha's story with their sudden new found love all the more sweeter.

I would of like to have known more about the post apocalyptic world and maybe even gotten to know more history behind each character than the short description given in this short novella. The world sounds interesting and I would love to know more about Drakor and his kind.

Now that Nisha has met Drakor her mate, I want to know more about Drakor when he confronts his kingdom and takes his place as king among his people (The King of the Strange).

Interesting Read.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
2,254 reviews89 followers
August 24, 2018
There was so much potential to the beings and the world Lara Adrian introduced in this short story. If it had been a full-length book, it might have been awesome. As it was, everything was rushed and shallow and the breakneck speed made the love story almost ridiculous. I'd love it if Ms. Adrian revised this and turned it into a novel one day, but as it is now I was let down.
Profile Image for Alex (HEABookNerd).
2,100 reviews
August 7, 2021
NIGHTDRAKE was a really short read that presented a very cool sounding world but there just wasn't enough page time to really develop anything. We barely skim the surface of this post-apocalyptic world inhabited by humans and the Strange (magical creatures) and the relationship between Nisha and Drakor is super insta-love because that's all that can fit. That being said, it has Lara Adrian's usual enjoyable writing style and if this were continued, I would definitely read more.
Profile Image for Ashley.
146 reviews17 followers
March 31, 2013
Had potential. The beginning really pulled me in but it quickly became an eye roller.
Profile Image for Daisy Daisy.
691 reviews40 followers
August 31, 2019
Erm... This one is just not for me it's just not possible to crate a romance and background in 30 pages with a HEA. I also refuse to create a shelf named H is a dragon. The bit with the h at the end was ridiculous. ☹️
The covers also lies it's the h with a gun and all the buildings look very 2005 ish not post apocalyptic 😡
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for NAT.orious reads ☾.
891 reviews391 followers
November 7, 2017
I'm giving up - not only on this book, but short stories in general. I think my mind is too sophisticated for shallow pseudo-romantic bullshit like this. sorry, Lara. I loved everything else you did so far, but this...nah.
Profile Image for Linda.
887 reviews86 followers
March 30, 2013
Great short story, post apocalyptic world, where the humans live with others, shapeshifters, hellhound gargoyles etc. Nisha the mercenary who earns her living on transporting all manners of goods, picks up her next shipment however he discovers it is a living shipment which is so not her usual. Nisha discovers her shipment has. Name Drakar and he is an incredibl sexy dragon shifter that she can not resist !
Profile Image for Kiki Sidira.
260 reviews55 followers
August 16, 2018
Too sudden instant love, too many swift changes with no apparent reason. Good story, but it could have been better if it was longer and given more "room" to get established.
Profile Image for Ulla LiebtBücher.
214 reviews3 followers
June 3, 2021
Re-Read: Ich mag die Geschichte sehr, die ich zuerst auf Englisch und später auch auf Deutsch gelesen habe.

Von Lara Adrian kennt man sonst starke Alpha-Männer, mit deren dominanter (und hin und wieder militanter) Ader sich ihre eher weichherzigen Frauen erst mal anfreunden müssen.
In "Nightdrake" scheinen die Rollen vertauscht: Nisha, die (nicht ganz so) Kaltherzige, eine Art postapokalyptischer Transporter, verstößt gegen die Regel und öffnet ihr "Paket": Sie findet Drakor. Wer und was er genau ist, wäre bei dieser kurzen Geschichte schon ein Spoiler.
Aber soviel möchte ich verraten: Hier ist mal ein Mann, der stark und zugleich eher friedlich und sehr sanft ist. Die Pistolen muss Nisha selber schwingen wenn es mal wieder schwierig wird!

Von mir gibt es 5 Punkte und eine Leseempfehlung.
Ich hoffe immer noch, dass irgendwann einmal ein richtiges Buch oder sogar eine ganze Serie aus diesem interessanten Universum wird.

Profile Image for Netanella.
4,466 reviews12 followers
June 29, 2018
Futuristic paranormal romance set in a post-apocalyptic world. With all of this going on in less than 40 pages, something's got to give. Here, it was the romance that suffered - completely rushed and rendered unbelievable. On the plus side, Nisha the Heartless is a pretty cool name for a post-apocalyptic babe. On the down side, her turning out to be Strange and having paranormal heritage and powers was cheesy. Cheesy-bad.

I still like Adrian's works. Just not this one.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
March 19, 2013
This was a short little read that I picked up when it was free on Amazon. I love Ms. Adrian's Midnight Breed series so I was curious when I saw that she wrote a futuristic paranormal romance.

The story is about a tough as nails female mercenary, Nisha the Heartless, who does any tough job she gets paid for. She has a reputation for being hard and cold particularly when it comes to the Strange- all the paranormals in the world.

Nisha's latest assignment of transporting a shipment from the docks to a designated place goes awry when she learns what her shipment is. This puts her on the run and makes her re-think all that she has understood about herself and the Strange.

First of all, I was impressed with the way the backdrop and worldbuilding were told so that I grasped what was going on quickly. I found the spunky heroine someone I could root for as well as her love interest. The only thing that really disappointed me was that it was all over so fast. I loved where the story was going and truly wished it could have been a full-size novel or at least a novella. It was like just a sample taste that makes me want more with no more in sight. Hope she writes more about these characters and this world because I enjoyed it even with just the glimpse I got.

It is still an Amazon kindle freebie at the time I wrote this so its definitely worth the little teaser taste if you like the author or just futuristic paranormal romance in general.
375 reviews349 followers
January 10, 2013
In 2066, a slight tilt of the Earth's axis brought on a series of natural, apocalyptic events that destroyed societies around the world. Perhaps a few tens of millions of humans survived, along with a new breed of beings known as The Strange: shapeshifters, goblins, nymphs, or "freaks of nature" as Nisha, one of the surviving humans, refers to them.

Nisha is a mercenary with a nickname of her own: Nisha the Heartless. She sells her services to the highest bidder, and when the story opens, she has been tasked with transporting a mysterious crate containing a shapeshifting dragon/(and not surprisingly) incredibly hot male named Drakor.

Since this is a novella, the action moves quickly, and the romance moves even more quickly. So quickly, in fact, that it's hard to tell just when and how the transition between Nisha and Drakor from strangers to lovers occurred. Nevertheless, the paranormal elements were sufficient to hold my interest for this quick read, and there was a nice little twist at the end.
Profile Image for Literary Ames.
835 reviews401 followers
January 22, 2013
Breakout unknown prisoner cargo. Spend a couple of hours together running for their lives. Sex. Exchange I-love-yous. Are you freaking kidding me? A one-night stand with a stranger and now they love each other, forever, and are both willing to die to protect their new lover. Yeah, that's believable.

Some thought was given to the post-apocalyptic world building, and considering the revenge and re-take my kingdom set-up, there was enough there to create a longer, more acceptable and convincing story set over a number of days or weeks.

Free from Smashswords.
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 19 books53 followers
November 14, 2014
I just found a new favorite! However, just as another reviewer in Goodreads said; it would have been better if the story was longer.

The ending of this short story isn’t exactly a cliffhanger, but it leaves so much room for more events. I definitely would be happy to read a sequel of this story. I’m so hungry for more that I think I’ll read more of this author’s work.

If you like short but fulfilling fantasy story you should give this a chance.

Profile Image for Amanda.
Author 11 books133 followers
May 17, 2013
NightDrake is for people who...

...love broken, post-apocalyptic worlds
...can never get enough DRAGONS
...aren't bothered by characters exchanging I love yous without much back story
...don't want all the graphic descriptions of sex (*ahem* Not me.)
...like a heroine who's pretty kick ass (at least until the I love yous are exchanged)
...need a short little paranormal in their lives
NightDrake was a free Kindle book I downloaded on December 20, 2012 for the Why Buy the Cow? reading challenge.
Profile Image for Vettech.
529 reviews13 followers
January 16, 2014
This was such a cute yet....WAY TOO SHORT!! I love Adrian's Breed vampire series, so just knew this one would be right up my alley. The story follows Nisha, a beautiful Mercenary and her cargo, Drakor, a dragon shapeshifter and King of the Strange (the name given to the worlds paranormal beings).

I loved seeing a glimpse of the futuristic, but not too much so, of the world. I do love a story with shapeshifters also.

I rather think this could be the beginning of a new series some where down the line for Lara Adrian...at least I hope so~~
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
December 22, 2012
As is often the case with stories of this length, I felt like the romance aspect was very rushed. Nisha and Drakor meet, have a connection, get nekkid, and are suddenly in love. I liked the world and the idea behind how the different Strange came about enough that I wanted to see more of the world and less of the romance. Still, it was entertaining and I did enjoy it. I just wanted more.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Bea.
513 reviews49 followers
January 6, 2013
First off folks, it's free, so don't fuss about the length as if a short story could possibly deliver a more complex story.

The beginning was intriguing, I enjoyed the little bit of world building that we got. I definitely can see where a full book/series could have been made. So yes, the ending is rushed and unrealistic, but it was not unexpected.

Profile Image for Rachel Annie.
136 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2013
3 1/2 to four stars really. The romance was condensed by necessity as this was a short story, with even less pages than a novella. It's not your typical Lara Adrian read, having been written in first person, but she still did a good job with it given the word count.
Profile Image for Angie.
249 reviews3 followers
June 20, 2020
Lara Adrian, right? Even a post-apocalyptic short story - which I'm not a fan of - is great written by her. Shows a future after a Big Bang kind of change where not only has the world shifted geographically but a new species was revealed - they're called Strange and they've been there all along, in the shadows. Shapeshifters, ugly looking things, powerful and dangerous. One of them just so happens to the newest assignment for the well-known Nisha, the mercenary.

Except this is not a routine job. Her cargo is live, it talks, it charms and it changes her view on the world. Their short adventure - relationship in the making on the run - is only a beginning that isn't a part of the book but it hints a happy if not complicated life. The Strange male is not what she could ever imagine and he is the one to help her find out Nisha is not what she thought.

Lara Adrian does not disappoint, people! Her Midnight Breed series and The Next Generation is amazing and this short story - that's taking place in a completely different world, btw - is no short of the same quality.
Profile Image for Graham Downs.
Author 11 books61 followers
April 7, 2018
It was a good enough story; it held my interest. Things happen FAST, though: one moment, this women hates paranormals (called "The Strange" in this story), and the next she's ready to spend the rest of her life with one. Hardly a plausible progression for a real-life romance. But hey, we're dealing with the paranormal here, right? What's "Plausible"?

What bugged me the most about it was that the actual STORY was finished literally 52% into the book. After that, it's just all about the author, and samples of her other books.

I didn't want to read any of her other books. I wanted to read this one. And I felt short-changed. Free samples and teasers of books are fine. I've done it myself. But for 45% of a book to consist solely of samples of other books? Not cool.
3 reviews
December 21, 2020
To Short a Short Story

As much as I enjoy Lara Adrian, I have read the entire Midnight Breed collection including all of the novellas, was disappointed in NightDrake. The story that was presented was exciting, as I love other worldly things. The areas where I was let down were the fast moving instant romance, and the lack of more Strange characters. This book would have been a very exciting novel, but as a short story I felt to much was being crammed into a few pages.
Profile Image for Georgina Parkin.
2,291 reviews58 followers
January 29, 2017
It had potential, but it fell really flat because of the length. I'm an Insta love girl if it's NOT like this. Too much was going on to feel like anyone knew each other. They'd spoken but a few words to each other before they declared love. What made it super unbelievable? The fact she HATED anyone who was 'strange', which he was. Anyway, it just didn't do nothing for me.
Profile Image for Margaret Gracie.
68 reviews2 followers
July 3, 2017
Blatant advertising

The short story a bit farcical but the excepts from books was ridiculous. I thought giving you an outline of a story is fine, to do it with page or pages from most books shows desperation and that is not a way to keep your name or to make a name for yourself. I will not be looking for any of the books advertised here. magdg
49 reviews
May 6, 2019
Awesome story

This is an awesome story I just saw the pacing was way too fast. I guess it is the short story but it leave me wanting more. A lot more. I would like to know what happened to the strange how Drake became to be captured. I Nisa and Jay will find his homeland and turn around. I need more details.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 239 reviews

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