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الإنسان هو المقياس: دعوة صريحة لحل المشكلات الأساسية في الفلسفة

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من مقدمة المؤلف:
أحاول في هذا الكتاب أن أعبر ثلاثة خلجان مختلفة : الأول هو الهاوية التي ترعب الرجل العادي وتبعده عن احتراف الفلسفة, والثاني هو الهوة اللاإنسانية بين الفلسفة والأنواع الأخرى من البحوث العقلية, والثالث هو الصدع الموجود للأسف بين الهدفين المتفاوتين للفلسفة, وهما التحليل النقدي والإستبصار التنبؤي

379 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1976

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About the author

Reuben Abel

3 books8 followers

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews
5 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2020
I used this essentially as a textbook for 10 years, teaching a high school course in epistemology. It is both deep and accessible. Great for casual readers -- thorough, without getting too technical or arcane. Adults would gain a lot from this, recommended!
Profile Image for Salma Qahtani.
31 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2016
"تمامًا مثلما العالم طيّع جزئيًا، كذلك هم البشر، والمجتمع، والشخص. كل منهم وصل إلى ماهو موجود عليه... يظل الشخص أثناء حياته لا ينتهي من عملية مستمرة من خلق النفس كتمرد على جهوده الخلّاقة، مثلما هي الكلمات للشاعر."
الكتاب كثافة فلسفية ولغوية وفنيّة
April 27, 2020
بعد قراءة هذا الكتاب ليس للإنسان العادي ما يخشاه في الاقتراب من الفلسفة والمشاكل التي تتعلق بالهوة السحيقة التي تفصل بين الفلسفة والبحوث العقلية الأخرى وتلك المشاكل التي تمثل الصدع الواقع بين هدف الفلسفة كتحليل نقدي وهدفها كاستبصار تنبؤي ، بين الفلسفة التحليلية والميتافيزيقيا
Profile Image for William Schram.
2,086 reviews89 followers
February 19, 2018
In Man is the Measure author Reuben Abel scratches the surface of philosophy and the issues that trouble philosophers. The book is divided into chapters with each chapter focused on a theme. One chapter might focus on machine learning, while another discusses intent in the idea of murder, say.

In asking important questions about human nature and nature in general, Abel shows that Man truly is the Measure of all things. Take History as an example. With the subjective nature of history and the human predilection for storytelling, is it really possible to view Human History with an Objective eye? The book argues that you can't since all historians view history through a lens of their own experiences and personal situations.

There isn’t really much else to say about this book, I enjoyed it well enough. It did not go into depth with any analysis or ideas, but it did bring up a lot of themes covered by Philosophy.
Profile Image for Diego  Silva.
8 reviews
July 4, 2020
As an IB Theory of Knowledge teacher, I found this introductory text to philosophy and epistemology to be of great use when exploring Areas of Knowledge. In particular, the chapters on Science and the scientific method are comprehensive and accessible.
Written in 1974, it is understandable that some concepts and explanation sound out of date, though.
52 reviews3 followers
January 22, 2008
A philosophical and spiritual discussion of our world. Written in a very easy style. I enjoyed the read although, at times I felt questions unanswered... maybe that was intentional... maybe I am supposed to answer them for myself... not sure just felt a tad inconsistent with his overall format.
Profile Image for John.
43 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2008
Intellectually provocative and full of interesting material. I read this while cruising in the Gulf of Mexico back in 2000.
Profile Image for Jim Boyd.
Author 1 book2 followers
December 11, 2014
This is an intelligently truthful book that explores the uneven landscape of the human intellect. It is filled with ideas (good and bad) that one would be well-served to understand and remember.
4 reviews
December 28, 2018
Some hard terminolgy and a dictionary can be helpful and it really gives a lot of insite on a lot of matters.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 reviews

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