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Acadian Waltz

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At thirty, Nora Kehoe is feeling pressured to settle down. On a blind date, Nora unexpectedly ends up in the emergency room where she meets Dr. John Blessing. She hopes the pragmatic Dr. Blessing can make her life complete. Then, a passionate encounter with a childhood friend changes everything.

The charismatic Jean Marc Gaspard manages the family business, Gaspard Fisheries. But rumors abound that Jean Marc is running more than seafood through the waters around Manchac Louisiana. When a family crisis sends Nora to Manchac, she is thrown headlong into the dangerous world of smugglers and swindlers. And as Jean Marc tries to protect Nora from his past, he realizes he may lose her because of it.

The dark bayou waters run deep with secrets in Louisiana, and every Cajun knows how to dance the fine line between the right and wrong side of the law. But for strangers, learning the steps to staying alive in the swamps can be tricky. Life, and love, will be dependent on how well one can master the … Acadian Waltz

270 pages, Paperback

First published January 12, 2013

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About the author

Alexandrea Weis

52 books1,101 followers
Alexandrea Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans. Having been brought up in the motion picture industry, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her award-winning novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Naomi.
4,733 reviews144 followers
June 19, 2014
Read my full review: http://bit.ly/Ug8FzI

My opinion: I will let you in on a secret. I loved this book more than I thought I would. When I finally dedicated the time to read it, I finished it in 2 hours and didn't put it down until it was done.

Normally, I am not a huge fan of romance and will turn down authors who ask me to review their books in this genre. I tend to find that a chunk of the books I have read focus on the romance dance and very little into character development. Under my rating system, in order for books in this genre to rate higher than their counterparts must focus on the storyline and to receive the Naomi Blackburn Seal of Approval, the books have to be well developed. A focus on the characters and storyline development vs. damsels in distress jumping into bed with the strapping male character is an absolute must. Acadian Waltz accomplished this!

What I loved about Acadian Waltz was that Ms. Weis took the time and care to develop the lead character, Nora Kehoe. While Nora wasn't totally imperfect, she wasn't perfect either. I did feel that some of the supporting characters needed further development, particularly Uncle Jack. Other than that, the book was dang near perfect.

The story had a feeling of excitement to it and as a result flowed quickly. Jean Marc, had an aura of secrecy to him and what he was all about. Was he really a bad boy? The setting in NOLA was good, but I really loved when it switched to Manchac. I noticed that Ms. Weis' descriptions of the setting became stronger and, as a result, the mystery increased ten fold!

I must state that I agree with another reviewer who stated that the romance "plot" was predictable, but it was this author's writing style and capabilities that made this book stand out.
Profile Image for Karen.
316 reviews11 followers
January 15, 2013
Acadian Waltz by author Alexandrea Weis was a unique, well-written and entertaining read! The writing immersed me into the culture of the Cajun French of Louisiana, the fishing industries and the old history and charm of New Orleans. The genre for this book is contemporary romance and I think it fits perfectly.

The story develops with a great pace and Weis keeps your interest throughout. I wanted to keep reading without putting it down, but then I didn’t want it to end. The story moved with a feeling that was easy and fast at the same time.

The relationships in Acadian Waltz were loyal, funny and emotional. The relationship that Nora had with her overbearing mother was realistic. I liked that these characters were more mature and educated. The struggles that Nora dealt with as a people pleaser were trying to find true love and if she couldn’t have that, she would settle for a “good” relationship. She was pragmatic, loyal and really put others before herself.

Jean Marc was enigmatic, sexy, mature, hot and smart, but he has secrets from his past and in his life that add an interesting twist to the story. The connection that he shares with family and Nora’s uncle add a great element. Dr. John Blessing was an interesting character but I felt like he could have been a bigger role and I would have liked to see what made him tick. As was Jean Marc's twin brother, Henri, but I didn't feel we got the whole story there. That being said, I feel that they did play excellent supporting roles to the story.

Additionally, I enjoyed the fact that there was a level of maturity and experience in the pages. The writing and editing allowed for the focus to be on the author’s craft, which was excellent. I also appreciated that the story was not your typical romance or ‘erotic’ romance where the characters have sex every paragraph or page. Now, mind you, I enjoy ‘the sex’ scenes and don’t want to miss out on the hot and steamy sexy time, but this book had real, terrific dialogue mixed in.

The ending and the epilogue, almost had me throwing the book against the wall. Especially since I was gasping at the end of the last chapter, which gave another twist and turn. The story tied up nicely, Although, there was room left for the door to be open to more. Which of course, I am always wanting -- more!

Alexandrea Weis was a new author to me and I was a bit nervous, like it was our first date! But, I had a great time and would do it again. The appeal of this story might not be for everyone, but if you like a well-written, exceptional story that immerses you, then this is for you. I am looking forward to reading more from this author. Give it a try! 4.25 Stars
I was provided an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessica.
185 reviews17 followers
November 11, 2015
This is the second I have read from this author. The first book was so great I decided to read this book. I am so glad I did. I am so hooked on Alexandrea Weis. This book was just as good. Nora, the main character in this story, is getting older. She has a nagging mom pushing her to get married and have grandchildren. The thing is her mom wants to choose the guy. He has to be successful and highly liked. Nora is not finding anything in these guys she are dating. She has a dinner date lined up for the evening, but ends up in the ER. Her date was allergic to shellfish. While at the ER Nora meets this super hot doctor, Dr. John Blessing. He offered to drive her home. Nora was already head over heels for him. John asked her to dinner and she happily accepts. Nora told her mom she was going to go on a date with a doctor. Her mom was so excited he was a Doctor. She wanted to meet him right away. Of course, Nora just dated the Dr. a few times and was not ready to share with her mom. Dates with John is always what she dreamed of. John was a gentleman, a doctor and her mom was not setting her up on any more dates. A few more dates and Nora was ready for John to meet her mom and stepdad. Her mom loved him right away. She knew he was the one. Nora's mom and John starts making wedding plans only a few weeks into the relationship. Nora starts to panic. Her mom and John are making all the plans which is suppose to be her job with fiancee, John. While they were making the decisions without her she left to visit her Uncle Jack. While there she runs into an old friend, Jean Marc. She feels something for him. Going back home confused and mad at herself for feeling like that when she is about to marry. As the wedding plans and dating continue, John starts acting different. Where did the gentlemen she meet go? Sex is like an instruction manual. No passion. Telling her where she can and can't go. She just shuts up and takes it. For awhile that is. Jean Marc's brother gets into some trouble and being a nurse, she agrees to help take care of him. Uncle Jack knows Nora is not happy. No many times she says she is, she doesn't know if she can keep it up with mom and John. After some much needed time away from the present life, she realizes that everyone around knows her more then she knows herself. One passionate kiss is all it takes for her to make up her mind who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. But there are secrets that can change how Nora feels.
Profile Image for Mandy Reads Indie.
1,804 reviews95 followers
April 16, 2013
“Sometimes you have to discover what you don’t want in order to appreciate what it is you really need. Once you have lived, only then can you truly love.”

Nora started off a good, head strong character that wasn't afraid to speak her mind. But all that becomes hidden once she meets Dr. Blessing. For some reason all her mother's crazy antics and lectures over the years come slamming into her and she feels the need to listen. Why? I don't know. If this lady was my mother I would have found the first bus out of town and never looked back. I can only take so much of people like her before I am ready to go postal on them. She was mere inches away from being offed in my head.

This is one of those books that sinks in and makes a cozy little home in your heart. Truly a good read that was both romantic at times and easy to read. Nothing flashy or jaw dropping...just a feel good read. Or was it? I am just reading along thinking I know how this book is going to end and then the end sneaked up on me and I was floored. I absolutely did not see this ending coming. Way to go Weis for giving me a book I was not expecting to read. And I was near tears at the very end thinking something terrible. Oh my poor heart. I am not sure I could deal with it had it ended a certain way.

Weis’ writing is perfection…her story is amazing…and I am just sitting here with a smile on my face. I am definitely going to be looking into more of her work. And I recommend this story to all who love a beautiful romance in the making.

Fav lines…

As I began buttering the toast, I wondered why men always patted themselves on the back after sex, as if they had just climbed Mt. Everest, thinking that they had a satisfied a woman when they had actually done nothing of the kind.

Odd, how you could know someone all your life and then, without warning, what you thought had been friendship turns out to be love.

Profile Image for B.J. Robinson.
Author 48 books37 followers
March 17, 2014
I bought this book because of the Manchac, Louisiana, setting and New Orleans, since I'm a Louisiana girl who once lived not far from Manchac and on the North Shore from New Orleans. While I prefer books that leave the sex behind the bedroom doors, I'm glad I read this one because of the setting. A cult is in the book, but it doesn't promote them. Instead, a character happens upon one while in the French Quarter in New Orleans. The reason I loved the book was the love story between Nora and Jean Marc, one of never settling and marrying the right one. A few minor mistakes do not intrude upon the beautiful love story that is well written and keeps the reader involved. The author is from the area and does a great job of describing Manchac and the New Orleans French Quarter, which make the story more vivid and realistic, enabling a reader to visualize the setting described. I enjoyed the book and am glad I discovered another Louisiana author because I love to read books set in Louisiana. When I rate a book, unless it is full of mistakes, I do not take off for a few. Mistakes are in well-known publisher's books these days; they're everywhere, and I wonder if there is such an animal as a perfect book. There's always room for improvement in any, but I rate on the story and this one is five-star in my book. I think of Manchac Swamp living vs. New Orleans city living when I think of this read, and I'd make the same choice Nora did. A beautiful soul-searching read.

B. J. Robinson
Author of River Oaks Plantation
Profile Image for Kathleen Kelly.
1,378 reviews130 followers
March 7, 2013
I have read a few of Alexandrea Weis's books and loved them all. The same can be said for Acadian Waltz. A story that takes place in New Orleans, with glimpses into the deep south. Nora Kehoe is a physical therapist in charge of the Joint Program at a local hospital who is feeling a bit lonely. Her mother wants her to marry and supply her with grandchildren and Nora is not ready for that. She does agree to go out on a few blind dates and when one of them ends up in the hospital emergency room with a reaction to something he ate. While there, she meets Dr. John Blessing. Things between the two move along pretty fast with John proposing and Nora accepting. The good doctor is a bit too pushy and anal, everything has to go according to his plans including planning the wedding.

When she goes back to where she grew up to keep an eye on her Uncle Jack, she runs into a childhood friend, Jean Marc Gaspard . Sparks fly for both of them but they are each to stubborn to admit to it. As time goes on things get more intense and eventually come to a climax when Nora moves in with Jean Marc's mother to help take care of Jean Marc's twin brother Henri after Henri is found almost dead. This story has the charm of New Orleans, the danger of the swamps along with family secrets make this a book worth reading until its surprising conclusion. I loved it!!
Profile Image for Kimberly.
684 reviews35 followers
September 8, 2016
Nora Kehoe is a successful woman who knows what she wants, certainly she knows her own mind. Or does she? Nora's overbearing mother, Claire, has finally convinced her to find a man to marry. After going on several lack luster dates set up by her mom, Nora finds herself on the date from hell and ends up in the ER when her date has an allergic reaction to shell fish. There she meets Dr. John Blessing. Their relationship quickly turns into more, even though Nora doesn't feel a spark, she agrees to marry him. But, Dr. Blessing turns out to be anything but a blessing. Especially when Nora starts to realize she has feelings for her childhood friend, Jean Marc. Jean Marc is everything the boring Dr. Blessing isn't, and he sets Nora on fire! Nora is one confused lady who has lost herself in pleasing others. Can she find her voice and take her life back? Read and see!

This is a good story. I enjoyed all of the supporting characters. Of course being set in New Orleans and Manchac Louisiana gave the story an extra bit of mystery and intrigue. At times I wanted to hit Nora upside her head when she was being a doormat. And I felt the story kind of dragged on a bit, but all in it's an enjoyable read. Definitely something different.
Profile Image for Karen.
179 reviews
January 15, 2013
When Nora meets John, she thinks she may have found the perfect man. The doctor was kind, considerate and handsome. She finds herself settling for a man who has never given her butterflies or an orgasm and agreeing to the lifestyle he presents, whom only her mother finds perfect.

While a chance meeting with the inscrutable Jean Marc, a familiar face with from her childhood, Nora finds herself frustrated; but is it lust or loathing? As Nora discovers her true feelings for the two men, she reveals the past and present actions of all of the men in her life, along with their true intentions.

Ms. Weis writes with much conviction. The vibrant storyline moves swiftly and is packed with passion and suspense. This cast was believable and exciting. Though I may not be able to relate to the world Nora lives in, I can certainly feel her frustration and hesitation as she searches for her own identity.

I don’t know if Acadian Waltz has a truly unique plot, but I believe Weis’ brilliant writing makes up for any shortfalls in originality.
Profile Image for Linda.
3,289 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2013
Nora Kehoe had adored Jean Marc since she was a child only when he left after her ten year old proposal to go to college she had cried for months. Now, when she was thirty he came back to run the family business and he was more craze and abrupt than ever!

Jean Marc Gaspard had forced his twin brother out of the business when he learned that Henri was stealing money and smuggling items so dangerous that he chilled up just thinking about it. When he graduated from Texas University he never looked back and married a girl who reminded him of Nora, only thing was she was not Nora and his marriage bit the dust which was a relief for him. Soon he heard that she was engaged and her fiance' wanted to marry in a ridiculously short time and every time her saw her three carat engagement ring he wanted to punch John Blessing in the nose!
Profile Image for Mary Ting.
Author 50 books2,165 followers
April 17, 2013
It had me from the very first chapter and I couldn't put it down. I laughed, got a little teary, and even blushed at times. Thank you for a wonderful read! I will be reading more of your books.
7 reviews
September 9, 2013
Did not expect this book to be what it was. I really enjoyed it and was suprised and satisfied by the ending.
Profile Image for Tammy Theriault.
87 reviews23 followers
December 7, 2013
Was given this book by Elizabeth Seckman. She said it was worth a read and she was right!! Loved it!! Read the 2nd half in one night- it just kept getting better.
Profile Image for Karen Hrdlicka.
1,174 reviews23 followers
October 20, 2018
It's been too long since I've read a book by Alexandrea Weis, and this one has been on my TBR a while. As soon as I began reading I was pulled into the heart of New Orleans and the secrets of the bayou. In Ms. Weis's signature style, she pulls the reader in with strong characters, a well-paced story, and enough passion and intrigue to ignite Jackson Square. Nora is a very strong woman, who temporarily loses her way when the man she's dating and her mother start plotting her life out. However, something in her heart knows he's not the one but will she recognize the man from her past that completes her and is he all he seems to be? Secrets run deep in Louisiana and threaten Nora's happiness once she decides to grab the brass ring. The ending about broke my heart but luckily she mended it quickly. Great characters abound in this book: Jean Marc and Uncle Jack are among my favorites. I'm on to the next book by this author.
389 reviews3 followers
August 14, 2017
Well written,so funny sometimes,passionate about the story the author described the life and times in New Orleans an the

Bayou Country. Laugh with expressions from Uncle Jack,the vivid characters make me feel like I moved there and live that fictional story with them :::::: Highly Recommended !!!!!
Profile Image for Anncleire.
1,297 reviews96 followers
April 14, 2013
“You really did keep it.”
“How could I throw it away? You made it for me.”

“Acadian Waltz” è finito nelle mie mani grazie a Barbara Hightower da World Castle Publishing che gentilmente mi ha chiesto se ero interessata a recensirlo. Ho scorso la trama, ho capito che era una romance, che c’era un mistero e mi sono detta perché no? In realtà avrei dovuto partecipare al blog tour dedicato a questo libro il 9 aprile. Il fatto che sono stata male, il mio esame e altri impedimenti mi hanno impedito di partecipare. Ne sono immensamente dispiaciuta anche perché questo libro merita immensamente è davvero molto, molto interessante.

Nora Theresa Kehoe vive a New Orleans e è in un periodo statico della sua vita. Nonostante sia una professionista di successo avverte che le manca qualcosa. Quando dopo una serie di appuntamenti al buio inconcludenti finisce in ospedale e incontra l’affascinante Dottor John Blessing capisce che potrebbe nascere qualcosa. Ma quando i preparativi per il matrimonio si fanno sempre più pressanti e le aspettative della madre opprimenti Nora si rifugia a Manchac dallo zio Jack dove rincontra il suo amico di infanzia Jean Marc Gaspard. Tra di loro ci sono degli affari irrisolti e dei sentimenti latenti, ma anche moltissimi segreti che rischiano di mettere in pericolo tutto. Nora dovrà scegliere se essere sé stessa o cedere alle convenzioni.

Alexandrea Weis è stata di una bravura eccezionale nel rendere incredibilmente convincente questa storia. È Nora che narra in prima persona la sua vicenda, dal suo punto di vista e con le sue mancanze, ma questa scelta narrativa concorre a rendere l’immedesimazione del lettore molto più reale e un impatto emotivo non indifferente. Nora è figlia unica, e come tutti i figli unici si deve far carico da sola delle aspettative dei genitori che si fanno sempre più ineluttabili. Tra l’altro la donna ha perso il padre quando aveva solo 14 anni e la madre ha cercato conforto in un altro matrimonio, ricorrendo a qualsiasi mezzo pur di mantenere il suo status quo. Incredibilmente egoista e impiantata in un mondo in cui è l’apparenza che conta, la madre di Nora ha dei desideri che incanala, o meglio, cerca di incanalare nella vita di Nora. La famiglia, osannata e disprezzata, ci tiene uniti ma a volte pretende troppo, cose che non sempre riusciamo a dare, senza rimanerne feriti. Ed è proprio un desiderio della mamma di Nora che innesca una serie di eventi che la costringono a cambiare corso. Nora è una donna sicura di sé, che sa quello che vuole, che di certo vuole rimanere indipendente. Ma quando si trova a dover condividere gli spazi e il suo tempo con il suo fidanzato Nora di lascia convincere a ridimensionare la sua vita, prendendo in considerazione i suoi “suggerimenti” prepotenti e a volte pienamente degradanti. John è un uomo che ha un piano ben stampato in testa e cerca di seguirlo in ogni sua parte senza preoccuparsi di quello che potrebbe succedere o di quello che potrebbe provare Nora. Una specie di caterpillar che va sparato per la sua strada e frantuma ogni ostacolo. Ma Nora non ci sta. È qui che ho veramente ammirato la protagonista. Questo è un libro reale, con personaggi reali. Quelli che si potrebbero incontrare nella vita di tutti i giorni. E quando Jean Marc fa la sua comparsa, anche con i mille problemi creati dal fratello Henri, dal suo passato, dalle sue scelte, Nora sa che può fidarsi, sa che si può incamminare con lui lungo una strada fatta di prove difficili, ma di amore, passione, irrequietezza, slanci incandescenti e notti quiete sul portico a guardare la luna. Perché non ci si deve accontentare, bisogna vivere la vita appieno con tutta la forza che si ha.
Lo sfondo che offre New Orleans è assolutamente speciale e incredibile, devastata ma sempre piena di fascino e mistero, è una città con un retaggio culturale impressionante che si perda nei vicoli in cui si consumano i vecchi riti voodoo. Assolutamente affascinante, così come interessante è l’attività ittica portata avanti da Jean Marc, insolita e incredibilmente naturale.

Il particolare da non dimenticare? Un anello fatto di carta argentata e strass.

Non posso che consigliare la lettura di questo libro, originale, ma allo stesso tempo confortevole, dai sentimenti contrastanti e che tratta la possibilità di scelta, gli impegni, le responsabilità ma anche l’amore come forza che può arrivare ad aiutare una situazione difficile. La paura di lasciare la vecchia strada instabile ma sicura perché già battuta, per gettarsi nelle possibilità di percorsi nuovi e non ancora sfruttati, al fianco di qualcuno che non blocca ma aiuta a crescere costruendo un rapporto d’amore sano e incredibilmente giusto. Perché tutti facciamo degli errori, l’importante è che vi sappiamo porre rimedio.
Buona lettura guys!

Io ringrazio immensamente Barbara Hightower e World Castle Publishing per avermi concesso l’opportunità di leggere questo libro in cambio della mia onesta opinione. Grazie per la comprensione e il rispetto. Sono felicissima di poter collaborare con voi.

Recensione anche sul mio blog per l'iniziativa
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
May 7, 2013
When I read that this was a story set in New Orleans and the bayou, I was eager to read it since I'm always intrigued by reading about different regions of the United States. I was not disappointed either because the author did a fantastic job of creating a place, characters and dialogue that made me feel like I was there. There was even a bit of suspense thrown into this romance to make things even more interesting.

The story is about a woman, Nora Kehoe, who has lost herself since her father's death when she was a young teen. Her mother left her roots behind to marry Nora's father with a goal of making something of herself in the high social circles of New Orleans and carefully plots out her life as well as Nora's. Nora thinks she rebelled against her mother's plans for her when she chose a career path that she loved and there is still a small part of her that misses her dad and her days back on lake with her uncle on his shrimp boat, but now that she reaches the age of thirty her mother starts really pushing her to marry and raise a family. Her mother has a certain type husband in mind and Nora agrees that she is lonely and getting to an age when she should be in a relationship so goes along with it all. Nora goes on disastrous date after another with her mother's list of candidates, but then stumbles onto a fine man all by herself. Dr. John Blessing is the epitome of a good match and even makes her mother happy. John has a time table for each little step in their relationship and he has a habit of speaking for her and knowing what is best for her which is disconcerting to Nora, but she goes along with it. Her weekly visits to her Uncle Jack start to get her thinking when Jack challenges her about John not being 'right'. Uncle Jack wants to know does he make her happy and where is the passion? Nora is also disconcerted by the continued presence of the man, Jean-Marc Gaspard, who had once been her childhood best friend- the older boy she idolized and thought the world of, but then hated when he grew up. She spits and snarls at him, but he insists that the hate is all on her side that he is still her friend- and that's what scares her. Nora continues down the path of letting John and her mother dictate her wedding and future marriage with increasing pressure that she conform and change to their ideal of her while suppressing her doubts. It's not until Jean Marc's no good brother, Henri enters her life bringing Jean Marc and the others from her past when she was happy different Nora that Nora finally starts to come back to life. Unfortunately, Henri's return brings many complications including danger and old secrets dredged up that may end any new found happiness for Nora.

When I first started reading this story and saw where things were going, I groaned because I saw Nora just go completely spineless and let her mother and fiance, John, walk all over her. Then I grew more irritated because her spine only showed up when the people who cared for her were true friends and challenged her to go for happiness and stay true to herself. Of course, she fought back then. Grr! I wanted to reach into the book and shake her until her teeth rattled. Then, when I saw her with the man, Jean Marc, who had been everything to her in the past and how perfect they were together, I decided to settle in to wait and see what happened. Thank goodness I did because that's when it started getting interesting.

The plot on this one is a slow building one. Much of the time is spent inside Nora's head as she must find her way back to the real Nora. I went through quite a range of emotions when it came to Nora, but in the end, I practically did a fist pump when she finally fought back. Nora is the sole narrator, but as the reader I had no trouble understanding what the other character's were thinking. The author is really good because the reader is given a better understanding of matters than poor Nora who has a skewed perspective on things. I loved the wonderful character descriptions that come out through Nora's thoughts and through the well-crafted dialogue. Uncle Jack and Steve, Nora's secretary were personal favorites. And while I wasn't fond of John and Nora's mother, Claire, they were well-rounded characters. Jean Marc is kept as a shadowy figure until near the end though there are glimpses given throughout the story of the man who would emerge from the shadows and take center stage in Nora's life. Normally, epilogues are a toss up with me when it comes to whether I'll still feel like I'm in the story or not. This was one of the better written ones that didn't stint on the emotional scenes while giving the wrap-up to the loose ends.

This was a new to me author and I loved this story so I'll be checking out her other stuff. I can recommend this to those who enjoy spicy contemporary romance or light romantic suspense.
Profile Image for Candace.
108 reviews17 followers
May 27, 2013
Acadian Waltz, by Alexandrea Weis, is a romance novel set in and around current New Orleans. Acadian Waltz is the second book of Alexandrea Weis' that I have read and reviewed. The first novel of her's that I read was Diary of A One Night Stand (my review can be found at http://endlessdaysofbooks.blogspot.co...). I really enjoyed Diary of A One Night Stand and was excited to read another novel from Weis. Acadian Waltz did not disappoint!

Acadian Waltz centers around Nora, a happy and successful Physical Therapist in Louisiana. While her life is full, at the pressuring of her affluent mother Nora finds herself on one blind date after another to catch 'the one.' When it seems next to impossible to find a suitable husband, fate brings Nora together with Dr. John Blessing. Nora has seemingly found the picture perfect man and her mother couldn't be happier.

After a short courtship, Nora finds herself engaged to John and starts to realize that marriage is supposed to be more than a business arrangement. While John is perfect marriage material, Nora uneasily realizes that they are missing the 'spark' to keep the relationship exciting. To her bewilderment, Nora happens to stumble upon the so called 'spark' with Jean Marc, her uncle's boss and her long time rival. Will Nora settle for the good Doctor or throw everything away to be with the dangerous Jean Marc?

My favorite character in Acadian Waltz is easily Nora's Uncle Jack. A lifelong shrimper and fisherman, Jack is the total opposite of his snooty sister Claire (Nora's mother). Jack is down to earth, hard working, tells it like it is, and often drinks too much. He also acted as a second father to Nora when her own dad passed away when she was a child. As soon as Jack meets Dr. John Blessing he makes his opinion known to Nora. He sees right away that the passion is missing and is worried for his niece. In addition, Jack plays a vital role in reuniting Nora and Jean Marc after he has an accident which throws the two rivals together.

Weis' Acadian Waltz is a captivating read which I finished in one sitting. From the get go I found myself pulling for the mysterious Jean Marc and disliking the boring and bossy Doctor John Blessing. I also enjoyed how the culture of New Orleans played a huge role in Weis' novel. There are many twists and turns in Acadian Waltz, and the ending surprised me very much. If you are looking for an interesting summer read, Acadian Waltz by Alexandrea Weis is for you!

*The author has provided me with a complimentary copy of her book, Acadian Waltz, for the purpose of review.*
Profile Image for Chantelle Bouffanie.
1,191 reviews11 followers
September 17, 2016
Amazing!! Nora is a very strong, opinionated woman. Jean Marc is an childhood friend. Jean Marc always had strong feeling for Nora. He was the only one that could make Nora burn inside with Passion and love. I had to read it all in one night. Couldn't stop reading it. Thought that Dr. John Blessing would've of been an blessing for Nora but turned out that he wasn't. This book had me laughing, crying, and my heart stopped beating at times. I can't wait to read another amazing story. Definitely an one-click buy.
Profile Image for Amy.
Author 25 books24 followers
February 23, 2013
I loved this book! Fab HEA!

ACADIAN WALTZ by Alexandrea Weis grabbed me right from the start and held me captivated clear through to the almost end when I feared the worst. I loved this story, I loved the characters, I loved the setting. I have to say there was nothing about this book that I didn't love. Nora is a woman on the edge, she's torn between one world and another, between one man and another. I will say that I did not like John Blessing but then I doubt I was supposed to. I silently pleaded with Nora as we journeyed through this story to leave him, give him back his ring, and tell him to hit the road. He was controlling, self-centered, and a selfish lover. He was everything that Jean Marc wasn't. I wanted Nora to be with Jean Marc so badly that I found myself pleading with her to just kiss him already!

Alexandrea writes this story with such intensity that there were times when I thought I felt the stickiness of the bayou humidity, heard the buzz of mosquitoes, and smelled the warm peatiness of the swamps. ACADIAN WALTZ is an adventure into the smuggling world that slinks through the bayou like a snake, it's a dance between two people fated to be together since childhood, and the secrets that have been left to fester which cut through families leaving wounds that never seem to heal.

I highly recommend ACADIAN WALTZ by Alexandrea Weis to anyone who truly loves a romance that sizzles, sparks, grabs a hold on and then drops your heart only to make you swoon in the end. It's like the last lines of this extraordinary tale say about the Acadian waltz - "Every Cajun knows that you can only dance the waltz with your true love. Because you can never master the steps, until someone touches your heart." - This contemporary romance will stay with you long after you finish reading these lines. This is one that I didn't want to see end. Ever.

***eARC was provided by author in exchange for an honest and unscripted review. Thank you, Alexandrea.
Profile Image for Jane.
554 reviews23 followers
February 5, 2013

Nora, a 30 year old self assured woman, is adamant she doesn’t need all the trappings of a man, children and the picket fence life style that her mother is constantly trying to force on her. That is until she meets John, a handsome doctor who offers her the world and makes her believe ‘all that’ is exactly what she wants. The whirlwind romance and her mothers elaborate wedding arranging soon become too much for Nora, so when an old family friend needs her help she is only too willing to take a two week time out and go to their aid.

I became really frustrated with Nora when she began to lose herself during her relationship with John. She was clearly a woman who knew her own mind, she had her own home, her own income and had no need to depend on anyone, emotionally or financially, so when her personality did a 180 degree turn from independent to door mat, it seemed strange and I couldn’t understand it. Then in walked Jean Marc and the tables turned right back around again.

Jean Marc was the typical rough diamond. He was as handsome as sin with a body to die for but had a dark side to him that wasn’t quite on the right side of legal. Nothing is more exciting than a man willing to break the rules and Jean Marc played the part well! It didn’t take long for Nora to notice him and doubts about the way her life was going played heavily on her mind.

Acadian Waltz is a contemporary romance novel with a touch of intrigue, a dash of suspense and a little bit of danger thrown in. The combination made for the perfect read…. for me anyway!…and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Alexandrea Weis is a new author to me but her writing style and story telling was a pleasure to read and I will be searching out more of her work. Highly recommended.

Copy supplied for review.
Profile Image for Jae Mod.
1,716 reviews234 followers
September 26, 2016

Alexandrea Weis is a new author to me. I have never read a novel written by her. At first, Acadian Waltz started off slow for me to the point the book was becoming a little cliché. Overbearing mother wanting her thirty-year-old daughter to bear her first grandchild. But my opinion quickly changed as the novel progressed. Can I just say wow? Alexandria Weiss writes exceptionally well which made it easy for me to follow.
The story is based around on a young female named Nora. When she finally meets the perfect male with all the potential she is looking for, she becomes pretty much dormant. At first when you meet Nora, she is strong and independent female character. But when she finally lands a man, she changes more to a submissive (not sexual). Not only does she lose herself, she settles with this man. When you think about it, John is the man her mother would want her to marry.
Then one fine day, she runs into someone from her past, more like her childhood, Jean Marc. I liked him as soon as we met him. Nora soon struggles with her feelings which was clear to me as a reader that her feelings where for Jean Marc. I was very pleased this story ended in a happily ever after. Yeah, I am a sucker for happy endings and Alex sucked me right in.
The story line was intense and full of passion. Very written novel by Alex Weis. Love the description of New Orleans and the bayou.

Lastly this line made an impact on me.
“Our souls are not judged by the sins we accumulate in life, but by the love we take with us after our life has ebbed away.”
Brilliant line. Ms. Weiss you deserve a round of applause.

My rating 4 stars.

Reviewed by Kris F.
Profile Image for LovesAllThingsBooks Book Reviews.
155 reviews14 followers
February 5, 2013
I received a copy of Acadian Waltz for review by the author. From the moment I read the first chapter I was hooked. The story was amazing, the characters were beautifully portrayed. What I love about Alexandrea Weis is that she writes her characters realistically, simply meaning that they are characters that the average person can relate to. They suffer from the same struggles emotionally and physically that we do.

Nora is feeling the pressures of settling down and marrying thanks to her mother. She ends up going on a dating spree in hopes of finding the right man to build a life with. While on one of these crazy blind dates she ends up at the hospital where she meets Dr. Blessing. Immediately Dr. Blessing and Nora connect, he asks her out and she accepts. Things are moving right along in their relationship until her old family friend Jean Marc and his family need her assistance. It's there with Jean Marc and his family that Nora remembers the art of the Acadian Waltz.

This book is by far one of my favorites. I am looking forward to reading it again very soon. If you are looking for something to read that does not have all of the paranormal creatures of the night, just something fun and romantic then this is the book for you! Acadian Waltz has NO creatures of the night to rescue the damsel, there are NO super powers, there is only ordianary people struggling with life and love.
Profile Image for Jencey/.
788 reviews7 followers
April 10, 2013
The Alexandrea has donated a copy of the Acadian Waltz for the giveaway at Stonecrest Library on the 18th of May.
Nora has reached her thirtieth birthday and now her mother feels it is time to settle down and marry. She grudgingly agrees to the many blind dates set by her mother and step father. None of them seem to be really worth the effort. One night after a particularly bad date, Nora is in the emergency room after her date had a bad reaction to the food. She meets a doctor John Blessing. They start to see one another. Her mother couldn’t be happier, but is he truly a blessing in disguise? Enter a man from Nora’s past Jean Marc Gaspard. He reminds Nora of the past but what will she choose for her future?
My Thoughts:
This novel is more of a romance novel. I did enjoy it! I agonized over the decisions that Nora makes throughout the novel. The novel is beautifully crafted in plot. Who doesn’t have a mother who means well but causes more harm than good? I appreciate the way the author shows the turmoil that Nora goes through as she comes to her decision.
This novel shows more of the history of New Orleans. The Gaspard family is Cajun in origin and descended from a famous pirate. I love learning more about the history of a place that I don’t know much about.
The setting of New Orleans is not written about often. Alexandrea’s writing is worth checking out as she shares the area that she knows well.
Profile Image for BestChickLit.com.
458 reviews243 followers
April 4, 2013
Let me start off by saying I cannot put into words how much I enjoyed this book. Right from the offset I felt connected with the main character, Nora Theresa Kehoe, and wanted to know more about her life and the characters that came in and out of it. And I was not left unsatisfied. Not only is the book well written, but it has everything a good romance thriller should have whilst making reference to New Orleans’ colourful past.

Nora T, as she is referred to throughout most of the book by the lovable Ms Marie and her family, finds herself questioning her single-girl life and her focus on her career after weekly lectures from her overbearing mother. And as luck would have it, she ends up meeting the man of her mother’s dream – the respectable Doctor John Blessing. But after a whirlwind romance, how will the Doctor fair up against Nora’s childhood beau Jean Marc Gaspard? As the sexual tension grows between Nora and the lovable rogue Jean Marc, the reader is left in utter suspense – hoping and praying that the two finally get together. But with the inclusion of Nora’s domineering mother, Jean Marc’s criminal twin brother Henri and the stifling Dr Blessing, it is clear the path of true love never runs smooth. If you are looking for a book full of romance, suspense, sexual tension and action, then Weis’ The Arcadian Waltz should move right to the top of your ‘To Read’ list.

Review by Victoria Lawson on behalf of BestChickLit.com
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews68 followers
August 28, 2013
Acadian Waltz was the first book by Alexandrea Weis that I’ve read. It won’t be the last because I like her style. I thought there was the right blend of angst, suspense and romance, allowing the story to move at a good pace and keeping me engaged throughout. I really didn’t want to put it down. And, how can you go wrong with the charm of New Orleans and the bayou as a setting?

The characters were flawed and relatable: Momma (Claire) was overbearing. Her husband, Lou, was somewhat meek. Dr. John Blessing was demanding and narcissistic. Jean Marc was complicated and a bit arrogant. Uncle Jack was really down-to-earth and just called things as he saw them. And Nora was trying to please everyone but herself. I loved her best when she developed a backbone! The relationships were complex and well-developed.

This was a very well written story with some twists and turns that will, in turn, frustrate and please. I’m looking forward to reading more of Ms. Weis’ work. Acadian Waltz was an enjoyable read and I would definitely recommend it. There was some profanity and some explicit love-making scenes.

Rating: 4 ½

Heat Rating: Between Mild and Hot – a bit spicy

Reviewed by: Karen C

Review Courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
Profile Image for J.T. Lewis.
Author 54 books56 followers
February 5, 2013
Our souls are not judged by the sins we accumulate in life, but by the love we take with us after our life has ebbed away.

This wonderful quote that resonated with me for a number of reasons is just one example of the awesome writing of Alexandrea Weis in Acadian Waltz.

Not your typical romance reader, Alexandrea’s seemingly effortless writing style sucked me wholly into the story while the underlying mystery and suspense kept me there.

Her characters were fully developed and I was able to form emotional attachments of some sort to each an every one of them! This is an amazing bit of writing, and a testament to Alexandrea’s skill as a storyteller.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves a good romance with a little mystery and suspense sprinkled in

5 Stars!

JT Lewis

I received a copy of this book from the Author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kathy Rouchelle .
969 reviews14 followers
September 22, 2016
You know you have a good book when the characters make you want to haul off and knock their heads off! Well, yea, that's what this book did to me. Nora...well I thought she was a strong independent woman until her mother's words worm their way into her brain and eat up every bit of sense she had because when she meets and begins dating the handsome, gentlemanly Dr. John Blessing and that's when she begins losing all of her independence and I think a bit of her brain matter. I mean I never wanted to take two people and bang their heads together as badly as I did theirs. And then there is Jean Luc...a really good man and not at all bad on the eyes either. I won't say more other than this is a really frustrating, funny, hot and wonderful read. Don't let it get past you. Great read Aleandrea Weis.
Profile Image for Tamara Weaver.
140 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2016
Acadian Waltz- what a fabulous book. I think it is a wonderfully sweet love story. Childhood friends- estranged as adults. A woman feeling pressured by family to settle down with someone who meets her mother’s high standards. A man from the bayou who doesn’t measure up to those high standards. Nora has to choose between making her mother happy- and between being true to her heart. There are so many twists and turns. So many interesting tidbits about New Orleans and living in the bayou. This is the first book by Alexandra Weiss that I have read- but it will certainly not be the last. She has a way of bring the characters and the setting alive. The ending- I never saw it coming- and I loved it!
Profile Image for Ashley Cestra.
1,168 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2016
Woah woah woah! That ending was practically a kindle toss moment! Who ends a story like that?! Alexandrea Weis- does, that's who. AND IT WORKS! This woman is a writing God! I adore all her stories! The Acadian Waltz is no exception here! This story isn't as dark or as erotic as her newer stuff but this was a very mind boggling read! The characters were interesting, having stepped out of society's gender roles ( she was the independent one, and he was the complainer)! My mouth was hanging open on more than one occasion and that fact alone is why I LOVE this woman's stuff!
The Acadian waltz ended beautifully with true mushy gushy moments! I'm already looking for another read by Alexandrea Weis !!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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