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Addison Godwin is a Non-Glam — one of the one in ten thousand humans who is immune to vampire glamour and mind tricks. Her gift enables her to work as an Auditor, enforcing the law that vampires and humans keep their distance from each other except in a purely non-physical way. The law is necessary because when a vampire tries to have sex with a human their blood-lust combines with their sexual appetite and the result looks like road kill.

Alec Corbin is a Four Star Master Vampire with piercing blue eyes and intentions to get Addison into his bed. He promises he can be gentle but Addison has seen way too many vamp/human crime scenes to go for that. She has no interest in the six foot four hunk of sexy vampire man candy, even if he is supernaturally hot.

But just because she Audits (and sometimes executes) vampires for a living, doesn’t mean she hates them all. Her best friend, Taylor, was turned against her will. Now, living as a slave to one of the crueler Master vamps in town, she leads a miserable existence and Addison is helpless to save her within the confines of the law.

Things come to a head when the Vampire Inquisitor comes to town and Taylor is given to him as a sex slave. When Addison sees her best friend tortured, beaten, and burned with silver she knows she has to do something — even if it means teaming up with Corbin and paying the Crimson Debt.

This is a plus length novel--95,000 words of Paranormal Erotic Romance. Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches are characters of note. Also included are chapter 1 of Shadowed, Book 8 in the Brides of the Kindred and chapter 1 of Scarlet Heat, Book 2 in the Born to Darkness series

352 pages, ebook

First published March 3, 2013

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About the author

Evangeline Anderson

232 books4,893 followers
Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. And yes, she is nerdy enough to have a bumper sticker that says “I’d rather be writing.” Honk if you see her! She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews
Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,192 followers
February 22, 2022
First of all fuck this heroine

I don't think I liked the heroine at any point in this book. She was full of hate and guilt with almost 0 redeeming qualities…like she wasn't even that good of a friend!

I know the author was trying to achieve that Kate Daniels strong woman vibe... but it totally failed, she was a bitch and honestly she should've died like 12X in the first couple chapters alone ノಠ_ಠノ

What I did like was the SASS in this book!

“Then again, no one had ever given me a screaming orgasm, threatened my life, and then decided we should go for round two. We were definitely in a unique situation here.”

My gawddddd. Writing a savage character is a tricky line. She needs to be sassy enough that readers enjoy her POV, but you gotta be careful not to go past the other side where she just kinda becomes ... unlikeable. Corbin what did you see in her that you don't see in me * hair flip*

and now... the main reason we picked up this sinfully delicious looking book .... the love interest: Alec Corbin


It's a weird scenario where you like one character more than the other... usually its pretty balanced especially in these shorter kinda fun books like this. But there was a CLEAR unbalance where Addison was just lowkey the fucking worse to Corbin. And on the opposite side, Corbin was just the best just being so patient and understanding to her.

“Do you really think you mean so little to me?” he asked quietly. “Do I mean so little to you, Addison?”

Ughhhhh my fucking heart, i'll love you!!!!

Corbin was hot as fuck, I'm ready for him to claim me now as his

"He wasn’t just fucking me anymore-he was breeding me. Claiming me as his own, marking me so that no other male would come anywhere near me. I was his…utterly and completely his."

i guess i've backtracked to the whole vampire thang, no regrets bb. The worldbuilding wasn't extraordinary but for some reason, i was weirdly drawn into it. Maybe it was just for a certain love interest *wink wink nudge nudge*


“Hello?” came a deep, smooth and all-too-familiar voice.
“I need to see you,” I said, forcing the words out. “I have…damn it, I have a favor to ask.”

There will never be a day where I don't friggen *ADORE* adversaries forced to tolerate each other. My main issue here is that theres no real problem that forces them to come together .... its more of a situation that she asks for a favor and he like yah fine so that whole trope wasn't really carried out how I would've liked

In general I really do love me some paranormal worlds with the vampires and weres, that I liked even more how the 'non-glams' added a whole new element to this *cliche* world ... but it just felt thrown in. Like the author had all the elements to really build up this world then gave us a shitty heroine but we accepted it cuz of Alec (✿ ♥‿♥)

“I took a deep breath and looked down at the stake in my lap. “If I shoved it into my chest too?”
“What do you think would happen if you shoved a stake in your heart? You’d die,” she said flatly. “The stake has already done its magic—there’s no reversing it that way.”

Overall decent book that I basically only read for the main-squeeze *shrugs*
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
March 28, 2014
5 stars
He wasn’t just fucking me anymore-he was breeding me. Claiming me as his own, marking me so that no other male would come anywhere near me. I was his…utterly and completely his.

Addison’s life is lived with guilt, ever since the day her best friend Taylor was turned into a vampire. Addison has done everything she can to make them pay. Addison is an Auditor, one of the very few humans who are immune to Vampire glamour; she enforces the rules and happily punishes those who break it. She feels guilty that Taylor is stuck in her Mistresses Hell, subjecting her to crude activities, taking full advantage of her naivety. After Taylor’s last visit, she is determined to do what she can to get her away from her Mistress and the Inquisitor who she was gifted to for the purpose of his pleasure while he is in town, even if it means turning to Alec for help.
“just because you make me feel a certain way doesn’t mean I want to feel that way.

Alec Corbin is a powerful four-star vampire and is probably the only “man” willing to help Addison, but the price she has to pay isn’t something she willingly wants to give. Alec has made it no secret that he wants Addison, with every fiber of his being, but the stubborn Auditor only sees him as the monster she thinks his kind to be. He finds this to be the perfect opportunity to spend time with Addison, hoping that she will finally remove the hate filled goggles and see him as the man he truly is.
“Do you really think you mean so little to me?” he asked quietly. “Do I mean so little to you, Addison?”

Addison has no clue what she signed up for, but her guilty conscience is enough to make the sacrifice of being Alec’s consort. Preparing her for the Inquisitor’s visit, Alec teachers her how to not flinch away from his touch, having his hands and mouth all over her body, needing his touch and wanting his attention; making them believe that he owns her, body and soul…But her hate is never far from the surface, and her temper has always gotten the best of her getting them in more trouble putting Alec in a tough spot to set things right and keep them alive.
“I know you’re brave, Addison,” he murmured. “Your courage is beyond question. But you are so terribly breakable, my darling. So very precious and fragile. I cannot allow you to risk yourself like this again.”

Crimson Debt was a sensually erotic read that had me squirming in my seat. Alec was just amazing, he is dominant and powerful but with Addison he showed patience, tenderness and love. Addison was another story, she was full of hate and guilt and no matter how much her body told her Alec is different. I wanted to smack the hate out of her, forever living in the moment and never thinking of the consequences. My favorite part in the book was where he was getting her used to him, it was HOT as fuck! I loved the storyline even though Addison wasn’t my favorite lead; I still enjoyed it very much. I can’t wait to jump into Taylor’s story, the poor girl needs to toughen up and take care of her own problems, BUT I have high hopes she’s gonna get there.
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
July 22, 2017

Soooo... This was an Amazon freebie and like most of them, the stories aren't really that capturing. For me, the heroine ruined the whole damn book. The plot, hero, action and so on was great but I simply couldn't stand to read another page of the heroine's bored superior complex that would lead her to her certain death had the hero not saved her ass continuously. I mean, seriously, mouthing off when you know your opponent it hundred times stronger is just not a good idea. Despite from that dreadful character, the book was quite OK. If only the author knew how to write better female leads...
June 11, 2017
I had a really hard time with this book due to the giant pain in the ass female mc. She is such a bratty brat brat that's prejudice against vampires and phobic of them. She's a big ole hater of vamps and especially the male mc, who's the ruler of the territory she inspects/regulates on the human side.

Besides being a giant hater of vamps and all that, female mc is also all about guilt tripping herself and living with a giant chip on her shoulder. It's her backstory and blah, blah, blah, but it's lame and anyone with half a brain cell wouldn't fault themselves like she does. So blah on that.

Female mc being a brat made more than half the story awful. She's like willfully stupid and trying to get killed just to spite the vamp mc. Such a pain. I'd rate this a 1 for her personality and all her drama with her idiot friend. It's nice having friends, but how she is with hers is like uhh, wanna be a martyr. More blah boring & annoying. She needs hobbies is all this tells me.

How this got 2.75 stars from me is because the male vamp mc and that the female makes undouchey decisions of goodness finally in the end. I'm too tired and ranted out to go over the male mc, but he's basically Eric Northman from True Blood, but without the constant sexual innuendo & humor.
Profile Image for Hot Mess Sommelière ~ Caro.
1,375 reviews169 followers
August 24, 2015
Crimson Debt is the first non-Brides of the Kindred book by Evangeline Anderson that I read. And I must say, it's not so different!

This first installment in the Born to Darkness series (great title, by the way), introduces the reader to Addison Godwin, an Auditor who's basically responsible for keeping the vampires in check and bringing those to justice that hurt humans.
Ever since her friend Taylor has been born to darkness against her will, Addison is especially sensitive when it comes to the fanged other race. When Addison finds out that her gentle friend is being mistreated by a more powerful vampire (mistreated being an understatement), she freaks out completely and asks the powerful vampire Corbin for help.
He agrees, but under one condition: Addison has to play his consort. But will she be able to play the submissive little female at his side?

Crimson Debt was could have been a wonderful book. It wasn't particularly deep, and I didn't expect it to be. Evangeline Anderson's Kindred series has been one of my Guilty Pleasure series for a long time and I was starving for some fresh blood, so this seemed just right. It's a rather gripping read and I finished it in a short time, though I must say that the Kindred books usually invest me more, which might have been due to this book's main character and narrator, Addison.

Addison is a HORRIBLE person. I mean it, she's awful. She's so racist I wanted to jump into the book and strangle her. The things she says to Corbin let alone thinks about him aren't only loaded with prejudice and insults, she also hurls them around freely and without apology. The thing is, in her universe, vampires aren't only stronger, they're also evil, deprieved, disgusting and worthless creatures (all except her friend, obviously). In her line of work, she obviously encountered lots of bad vampires, but that's overdoing it.
She's like one of these white american police officers who laugh at the camera, fondle their moustaches and state "Well fuck those niggers, they're all bad and I, White Bob, will stop them!".
That's what her attitude was like. I was offended at every second sentence she dished out. The way she treated Corbin was atrocious. And all he did was gently remind her that he had been human too, and becoming a vampire wasn't necessarily a choice.
I was so disgusted with Addison I nearly stopped reading. If Corbin hadn't been a vampire, but, say, Mexican, a lot more people would have been offended.
And I don't think the stuff she says is ok at all: she isn't just afraid of Corbin's strength and therefore sees the very real possibility of danger in him, she also insults his character and tells him he's a monster just because he has fangs.
Her words practically discredid every single thing I have been taught in school, that monsters are people who do bad things, not those who could.
The saving grace of the book in this department is Addison's friend, Taylor, who, in the sneak peek at Book 2, so abtly points out: "There is such a thing as mental and emotional abuse too."

3 Stars for an entertaining read with a horrible main character.

Edit: 3 stars? Scratch that. Every single time I think about this book, or, more accurately, about it's main character, I get incredibly aggravated and angry. So it's 2 stars. I can't say I hated it but I definetely didn't like it.
Profile Image for Susan.
39 reviews25 followers
October 28, 2015
I don't think I ever hated a main character more than I hated Addison. I think the author was trying to write a strong, independent woman and what came out was a racist, bitchy, stupid girl with no survival instincts. She should have died a dozen times but was continuesly saved by a vampire she repeatedly was cruel and rude too. I'm actually surprised I finished it because she piss ed me off so bad.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
August 12, 2018
I have a new Book Boyfriend and his name is Alec Corbin


“From the moment I saw you, I knew I would do anything to have you and I do not care how I achieve my goal. By fair means or foul, you will be mine.”

Seriously!! I am so tired of stupid heroines!!! Addison was actually naive and obstinate. She constantly insulted her consort's elder vampire with zero sense of self preservation. She caused all sorts of problems that could have been avoided if she hadn't been so unbelievably dumb.


This would have been a solid 4 star read if the heroine had been less annoying.
Profile Image for Lo.
201 reviews52 followers
June 8, 2020
This was so disappointing. The story had such potential, all of which was crushed by the heroine and just how unbearable she was.

I love a fantasy/dystopian worlds where vampires and weres live and the other dynamics that develop around that such as non-glams (those who can't or are much harder to put under a vampires glamour). There is nothing I love more than an author who can build and entire new world for me, which is something that Evangeline Anderson is extremely good at.

Alec Corbin was a wonderful hero and I enjoyed each time he was on the page, especially when he proved he could still pull out his Scottish accent even though he was over 400 years old and had travelled the world many times. Taylor was a sympathetic, helpless best friend who even though most of what she did was cry, as a reader I understood why and I felt for her so it never got annoying. Roderick and Celeste were picture perfect villains with no redeeming qualities but that worked for this story, I was good with hating them as much as I did.

To top it off there was a great plot(s), there were three distinct plot lines going on through this book that worked well together. I was completely invested in how they would get Taylor out of her situation and safe from Roderick and Celeste. I was completely invested in how Corbin was going to pass the Inquisitors inspection. And story line three had so much potential: how could Addison reconcile her job with falling in love with a vampire - if this had of been how could Addison change some of the Auditors practices it could have been good.

Now so far this review seems like it is glowing, so what went so wrong that I have only given it 2 stars?? Well let me tell you, Addison Godwin, our heroine was completely, totally and utterly UNBEARABLE. Apart from her one decision at the very end of the book (which if she hadn't of done would have made this a 1 star read) there is not one single redeeming feature to her character and it makes no sense why Corbin would want her and why Taylor would put up with her. So what is it that make her so unbearable....
1) She is extremely prejudiced: Addison is one of those people that believes that she has a right to treat vampires like shit and say what ever she wants about them because her best friend is one. Even though she also talks to and about her friend as if she is lesser now that she is a vampire. In a world that has been created that confers laws and rights on a vampire, it means that they are part of society and worthy of being treated with some dignity but the way that Addison views it is that because some vampires do bad things that means that each and every one of them is terrible. Now this type of prejudice is alarming enough, then we add in the fact that Addison is a an Auditor (she is a non-glam and has to allow a vampire to glamour her) which is effectively the police of the vampires. They investigate crimes committed by vampires, give citations and where a terrible crime is committed issue the death penalty. They are vampire police and yet she gets away with blatantly hating vampires and not even trying to pretend otherwise, other than say repeatedly that there is no problem with her behaviour because her best friend is a vamp.
2) She is a terrible friend: Now I will concede that she does put herself in a situation that she is deeply uncomfortable with in order to get her friend out of a bad situation. Note that she only did this after her friend had suffered 6 years (!) of terrible abuse at the hands of their maker and it is only when they say that things have gotten so bad that they are thinking of killing themselves completely does she try to help. Add to that she is only helping Taylor because she feels guilty for not doing anything to prevent Taylor from being turned even though she was warned to watch out for her. Then to top it off that every time she speaks to or about Taylor it feels like she is doing it with a massive eye roll and basically says that the only reason that she can still be friends with her is because she is such an awful vampire. She does nothing to help her be a better vampire even though the reason that she is always starving and being abused is because she is seen as a bad vamp.
3) She is unbelievably stupid: If there is a stupid decision to be made she will make it and she cannot hold her temper to save her life (literally), what a great trait for someone that is effectively a police officer. Even though Corbin goes out of his way to help and Taylor and repeatedly tells her not to do/say certain things because the situation is so dangerous that if anything goes wrong it will not only results in her death and/or torture, it will also result in the death/torture of Corbin himself, Taylor - her supposed best friend and everyone that is under the authority of (and treated well by and love being in the authority of, they would be under the awful Celeste’s authority if he should die) Corbin. Still she always does or says what she is not meant to. ALL THE TIME.
4) She is terrible to Corbin: Corbin has a delusion that there is something good about Addison, personally I don't see it. He is a good vampire that looks out for and protects those under him. In all the time, read years, that Addison has been harassing his business and trying to find things to pull him up on, the most she finds is a two day out of date liquor license which he gets rectified immediately, there is never anything else that could lead her to believe that he is a bad person/vampire. Yet the things that she says to him can be pretty heartbreaking. He tried desperately to show her that not all vampire are monsters and yet she says the most cruel things to him about how he could only every be a vampire and therefore bad. It makes no sense that would have any interest in such a callous person.

So overall, 2 stars for a story that should have been 3.5/4 stars but was completely destroyed by the bigoted, cruel and unbearable main character.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
842 reviews223 followers
August 26, 2021
Actual Rating: 3.5 stars.

The beginning of the book had potencial for a urban fantasy novel, and I would have definitely liked to read that, it seemed pretty interesting. Granting that, to be fair, that feeling of UF comes right out of one my favorite UF series.
This book has gone through a Frankenstein kind of situation since it seems to have been put together with ideas of other novels and turned into a vampire paranormal romance. The world depicted here and specially the vampire lore has obviously been taken right out of the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris or at least its True Blood TV series. In fact, the male protagonist, his vampire club and even the airhead lady bartender has a 100% been plucked out of there, as well as a couple other characters and their political or hierarchical positions. I am socked that so many similarities can be allowed without incurring into a copy right infringement issue.
There are also other elements that I found similar to the Brides of the Kindred series, but that is to be expected to an extent, since that series is written by this book's author.
But what I found the funniest of all this bits of "inspiration" that come from other books, was an aspect right almost to the end, when we have our own Edward Cullen moment in Breaking Dawn. That part even made me laugh.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this book and I'll read the next installment too. And despite the fact that I always know what to expect with this author, I still find most of her romances entertaining and enjoyable.

Scarlet Heat (Born to Darkness,#2) - 4 Stars.
Profile Image for starsaga.
772 reviews8 followers
March 11, 2013
I think I will like this series, because I loved this book!
This was a great first book in this new series about vamps, weres, consorts, auditors, witches and uh...you name it, its in there. What I loved about the book is that it is still erotica, the book certainly builds this world where all these creatures live and thrive with villains and cops and fangers, in Florida no less, but at the same time, the sexual tension is built up in a way that made the book pretty hot to read. The heroine was sweet but spunky, slightly confused about what she wanted but look at her choices, a smoking hot, pale but hunky, blonde vampire (who at times spoke like an genteel lady from the mid-50s, but whatever) or her dreary but safe life as an auditor. I did not exactly blame her but she could have been a little nicer to the hunky dude, he was so nice to her. The secondary story about her inept vampire friend Taylor and the were guy, also extremely hunky, well....I just cant wait to read that book. EA did not fail to deliver with this one, hope we stay away from the woowoo witches and their rituals (I have been burned by EA's bad witch book) and stick to the hot pnr!!! I recommend this book, absolutely!
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,466 reviews12 followers
October 11, 2015
33% in: Addison is willfully stupid, arrogant, and racist. Too Stupid To Live, and someone, such as Corbin, should put her out of her miserable existence. Not only does she practically ask for it, she deserves it as well.

I'm very tempted to put this book down, but Corbin is great.


I ploughed through to the end, thank the gods. My extreme dislike of Addison's character was negated by the awesomeness that was Corbin. It really was too bad, that, despite the awesomeness that was Addison's red hair and milk-white thighs, her mouth spewed nothing but vile and vinegar. I felt for Corbin like a long-suffering Carpathian male.

The plotline was great - I usually enjoy Anderson's works and her world-building, and this world of vampires, weres, and witches in a modern-day Tampa was no exception. I will definitely continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Monica **can't read fast enough**.
1,033 reviews350 followers
August 19, 2015
The set up in the beginning of CRIMSON DEBT reminded me a bit of the Sookie Stackhouse world of vampires. Instead of Eric's Fangtasia, Corbin owns a vampire club called Under the Fang. Under the Fang is where humans can go to have glam-sex in exchange for providing blood to vampires. There is a vampire hierarchy and self government that all vampires are accountable to which is also a bit like the Stackhouse world. In CRIMSON DEBT however, the humans also police the vampires through their own government agency. Acting as an auditor for the agency in the Tampa area is how Addison's and Corbin's paths cross.

Although I enjoyed the story for the most part, I ended up liking Corbin much more than I liked Addison. I hate it when the heroine comes across as mostly unlikable. I could completely understand where Addison comes from in her approach to vampires; after all she gets to see some of the worst outcomes between human and vampire interactions through her job. However, Addison willfully refuses to see that there could be any good or redeemable qualities in anyone who is not fully human. Even with her best friend being turned into a vampire doesn't seem to help. She also automatically assumes that shifters are untrustworthy as well. It's just a bit annoying when a character clings to beliefs and suspicions when things are being clearly shown to be the opposite of what they believe. Stubbornness to the point of annoyance is what made Addison's character not a winner for me.

I enjoyed CRIMSON DEBT as a nice introduction to the BORN TO DARKNESS world and I will definitely continue on with the series. There will be plenty of room for expansion since Anderson not only introduces the world of vampires but other supernatural creatures such as shifters and even witches as well. I listened to the audio version of this one and it was very well narrated by Mackenzie Cartwright.

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•(♥).•*Monlatable Book Reviews*•.(♥)•
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books2,010 followers
March 19, 2018
Addison is a non-glam (which basically means a vamp can't enthrall her) auditor. She investigates vampire establishments and makes sure nothing criminal is taking place. Her black and white view on vampires (people good, vamps bad) is called into question when she asks for sexy Corbin's help in rescuing her best friend, Taylor, from a sadistic vampire. Addison agrees to Corbin's terms against her better judgement. The more she's around Corbin and his soft caresses, the harder she's falling. But when he pays the ultimate sacrifice, will she be able to do the same?

I was in the mood for a sexy vampire romance and Crimson Debt is one of the best I've read. Seductive, alluring, a little violent and so addictive! I couldn't stop reading. If you like your vamps drop-dead gorgeous and your heroine strong and feisty, you've got to read this!

My Rating: 5+ stars
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,328 reviews532 followers
October 30, 2020
I saw good reviews but also bad ones about this book. I'm glad to say I'm mostly on the side that enjoyed this book. I was happy to dive into a vampire romance and I was satisfied with what I got for the most part. I understand some of the points made in the negative reviews but I didn't take this book too seriously and had fun listening to it.

Crimson Debt is a romance between Alec Corbin, a vampire who's determined to get Addison (a human who can't be glamoured) into his bed. However, she's human and sex between humans and vampires are illegal in this world. When her best friend (who was turned into a vampire) needs help, Addison agrees to give herself to Alec in exchange of his protection.

I'm excited to read the next book who's going to follow Taylor and Viktor (the best friend & a lone wolf who's going to be her husband for three months because of a debt he owed Alec.) I can't wait to see how that will turn out :P
Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews236 followers
November 9, 2015
4.5 fanny fold stars

Let me start by saying that the cover for this book had me thinking it would be a cheesy, cravat wearing, fluffy kitten loving , I love him I hate him lame arse book.

Now ok yes there is some I hate him no actually I love him going on through the book but I can forgive Addison for that because quite often we judge a group of people - vampires/ cheerleaders/ goths/ builders - by an experience we have with one person. So naturally Addison did that after her friend was turned into a vampire against her will by a greedy bitch vamp.

Then she meets Alec Corbin( whose voice I actually loved, I thought the author did him really well).

"He was large - very large and I had a moment to fear being skewered like a shiskabob.."


It only takes one person to change your perception and you question your quick judgement on a whole group of people. Of course Corbin did that for Addison. Like I said I loved the way he spoke, and I REALLY loved his dirty talk. It was hot

"I'm going to spread you open and touch your pussy. Watch in the mirror while I stroke you."


There was mutual mirror masturbation, licking, desk sex, licking, destroy the bed vampire beast sex, licking and even some love making.


So Ok I have got a bit distracted with all this naughty talk again, but it was a good book, the series is looking mighty fine if this is the start.

"I just want to take you thoroughly, want to claim you completely and know that you're mine. Only mine."

Profile Image for Beth (^v^)/.
116 reviews64 followers
June 3, 2013
☆☆☆☆☆5 Steamy Stars☆☆☆☆☆

What an unexpected surprise!

This is the first novel in the Born to Darkness series,and the first book I've read by Evangeline Anderson. I read it in one sitting, and I absolutely loved it.

In a world much like our own, but vampires are out in the open. As in many other stories, they are able to glamor people. However, glamor and human-vampire relations are heavily regulated by the government. And the government hires glam-proof auditors to maintain order. Enter Addison. She's an auditor and our story begins with her inspecting a night club, owned by a very sexy vampire.

Corbin looks forward to every audit because he feels extremely attracted to Addison. However, it is illegal for humans and vampires to be together. Corbin's luck changes when Addison approaches him for a favor. Addison's friend, who happens to be a vampire, is being abused by her master. She'll do anything to rescue her.

Such a great story. Addison was hard-headed and annoying but I still was rooting for her. And Corbin...

They're a great couple, and their relationship had a nice long development. The book doesn't shy away from disturbing areas like abuse, discrimination & rape. But all wrapped up with a HEA and lots of sexy times.

1 review1 follower
March 6, 2013
I just finished this book and I will say that I will read the next story in the series. Having said that, there were parts of this book that I really loved and other parts, not so much. Ms. Anderson builds a great world here with a great premise. Here, vampires are out, sex with humans is illegal since humans seldom come out alive, and humans immune to vampire mind control do the policing. The story focuses on a human Auditor, her vampire best friend, and the vampire who controls the city of Tampa. Addison, the auditor, makes a deal with the devil, aka Corbin, to rescue her best friend Taylor from a really nasty pair of vampires. I thought the characters were well written, but I frequently wanted to just, well, bitch-slap Addison. The way she clung to her prejudices bordered on dogmatic and frankly, she was just plain bitchy. I think a person as intelligent as she would not have been this stubborn, sometimes to the point of stupidity. But she does eventually overcome her fears and find her way to Corbin. I won't spoil it by saying how, but the ending was great. It cost me a bit of sleep since I couldn't put it down once started. At the end, I even came to understand Addison and her motives. That makes it well worth reading.
Profile Image for Bethyboo ღ The Book Addict ღ.
454 reviews79 followers
September 20, 2017
Nope. So much nope. Addison was way TSTL for my liking. I mean seriously?! Who the fuck mouths off and purposely pisses off a 600+ year old vampire after repeated being told it's almost impossible to kill him when you're a fricken fragile human! This chick just pissed me off. Her whole all vamps are evil except of course my BFF and constant denial about EVERYTHING just made me want to smack some sense into her dense brain. As for Corbin, well he was just awkward. I liked most of his dirty talking at the beginning and middle, but towards the end it just got cringe worthy. All in all this was totally not a book for me and from the first chapter of the 2nd book that's just going to be all sorts of awkward and cringe worthy.
Profile Image for Sarah :).
153 reviews
May 6, 2014
This is the second book I've read from Evangeline Anderson, the first being Picture Perfect. I'm defiantly going to be reading more of her books in the future!

Such a great vampire book with steamy, sexy scenes that make your toes curl!

The only negative was Addison unfortunately, she can be pretty annoying and irritating...

Would recommend to anyone who enjoys some vampire/erotica!!

I can't wait for the second book!!

Profile Image for Ryan.
86 reviews21 followers
November 10, 2015
Was free on Kindle so gave it a go. Was okay, not quite my thing.
Profile Image for Liz F.
719 reviews
May 1, 2015
Wow. I've really liked most of the books I've read by this author. They're really, super hot and the stories are engaging. I wasn't sure what to expect with THIS book but I think I found a new series that I simply MUST binge read....like right NOW!

Addison is...well, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about her. There are things I like and things I absolutely hated about her. Let's get the yucky stuff out of the way. What I hated about Addison is that she is carelessly callous to the hero, a vampire. Now, I understand that her best friends was seriously abused, raped, mistreated, had anything and everything that could be horrible done to her for SIX YEARS at the hands of vampires. And I understand that she hates vampires with a passion and since then, Addison's life's work has been to keep vamps in line. But she was so effing rude to the hero that I was a TOTAL turnoff. I mean, holy shit lady, try some self-preservation instincts on for size! She'd say things about how awful vampires were and how they're so disgusting and blah blah blah. Like, yikes! But she also had some good characteristics too. She loved her friend, Taylor, who was turned against her will. It said a lot to me that Addison pretty much dropped her entire life to start fighting the vampires for her friend. Of course, doesn't it make Addison a MAJOR hypocrite to love her friend, who is a vampire, but to hate all OTHER vampires? Come on. But anyway, I also loved how brave Addison was. She stood up, not only to the hero, who was a seriously powerful vampire, but she also stood up to a vampire that was stronger and older than him! It was impressive... it was extremely stupid of her to do it over and over again, but impressive nonetheless.

Corbin was just delicious. I pictured something like Chris Evans with a little scruff and these electric light blue eyes. Seriously, yum! I loved that Corbin was super powerful. It was so much fun to see him trying to get under Addison's skin at the start of the book. All of his double entendres were obvious but it was funny because he was just trying to get a rise out of her. I liked how he was so devoted to her, right away. I wish that his feelings for her would have been explained a little more clearly. He said it wasn't because she looked like someone he cared about long ago but then, what was it? Were they soul mates? If that was the case, I missed the part where he said that so I felt a little confused as to where the strength of his emotions were coming from. But that wasn't a huge big deal. Corbin was a good and decent vampire. Sure, he deals in trades and favors but he seemed like a fair guy. It was nice to see how kind he was to his people, especially comparing him to the "bad guys" in this book. But my favorite thing about Corbin was his endless patience with Addison. Even with her ugly behavior, he was always kind and caring towards her. He could have gotten really pissed and yelled or whatever but he never even raised his voice. It was impressive and his behavior had me liking him more and more as the book went on.

Okay, now for the good stuff... The Sexy Time. Holy shit, it was scorching hot! Anyone who has read this author's work will know what I'm talking about. Anyone who hasn't read her work, get ready to have your little socks blown clean off! I wouldn't say that this book was jam packed with sex scenes but there was plenty of them and wow, this author can really write a sex scene, lemme tell ya! But there was plenty of romance too. It was sort of subtle, in a way, because it took a long time for Addison to realize that she even liked Corbin, let alone how long it took her to realize she loved him. But since Corbin was smitten with her the whole time, it didn't bother me. It may have seemed one sided but Addison was confused by the fact that she wasn't disgusted by him so even that felt like progress!

I really loved this book. I felt like the ending of the book was a little rushed. Like someone looked down at the word count and said, Holy shit, wrap this sucker up! LOL! But it wasn't painfully obvious or anything. It's just that most of the book was pretty well paced and the end seemed a little more rushed than the rest of the book. The characters, especially Addison, weren't perfect but the hero and heroine BOTH had their good points, which I thought outweighed any negatives. There weren't a ton of laughs but it wasn't all doom and gloom either. There's plenty of drama and lots of action. I was on the edge of my seat towards the end of the book! But I don't want to give any details because it was too much fun. I will absolutely continue with this series and I'd recommend this book to any fans of paranormal romance who want a seriously hot book!
Profile Image for Marianne.
1,309 reviews156 followers
November 3, 2014
First of all, let me just say that words cannot begin to describe how much I loathe the cover, but I’ll try nevertheless.

I HATE this guy’s ridiculous bulging biceps and hairy underarm, how utterly gross. Not to mention his flabby chin. But worst of all; his fang! Since when do fangs stick out like that? For chrissakes, we’ve all been around pets with fangs. They are hidden INSIDE the mouth when their lips are closed, right!? How about Goths and wannabee vampires: Again, the pointy teeth are invisible when they close their mouths. Why would actual vamps do worse? Nuh-uh! Did the artist intend to make it look like he’s got an overbite? In that case, he’s in serious need of a vampire dentist! ASAP! So what if dentistry wasn’t readily available when he was born, he’s still had several decades in the 20th century to fix the issue. I suspect the artist felt an overwhelming desire to show that he’s got sharp teeth. So here’s my suggestion for a new cover: Show him with his mouth open, his teeth ready to strike. But for God’s sake, redo the cover art… PLEASE!!!

Ok, I feel better now, and I think I should say that despite the cover, I actually enjoyed the story a lot.

Addison Goodwin’s got a real problem with vampires. In her line of work she regularly sees vampires behaving badly. It’s up to auditors like her to monitor the vamp lifestyle. Because when they meet up and “do the deed”, the human always comes out in pieces. Or end up turned against their will, and bound to cruel Sires, like her best friend, Taylor who now suffers at the hands of her powerful, sadistic vampire Mistress from hell.

Alec Corbin is the oldest and strongest vampire in town. Never in his entire 400 years of being met a more frustrating and enticing female as Addison Godwin. He knows he wants her as his consort, and he is willing to trick, connive or entrap her to him by any means possible. She’s always managed to evade him. Until now…

Addison, on the other hand wants nothing to do with the cocky and smug 400 year old who’s entirely too full of himself. But when Taylor's Mistress Celeste gives Taylor to the Vampire Inquisitor and Addison learns what he's done to her she strikes a deal with Corbin to get Taylor to safety. Even if that means she’ll have to pose as his consort…

Unlike Addison, I had no problems with Corbin. he is still strong, possessive, and arrogant, he is also, kind, patient, and deep down has a good, yet scared soul. He definitely serves to make the female reader swoon and wish he was hers.
The same can’t be said for Addison. And once again my complaint is mouth related. *Sigh* I spent most of the book wanting to choke her. She is so immature, and it made me sick the way she just kept endangering everyone because she can't control her ego and blabber mouth.

Other than that, and the obligatory misunderstanding and angst; I did enjoy fact that Addison managed to pay her Crimson Debt and come out alive, much to Corbin’s (eventual) delight...

3.75 stars. Would have been 4 with a new cover.
Profile Image for Nickcole.
971 reviews67 followers
June 3, 2015
Stars: 4

Overall: Addison works at the Bureau that keeps the vampires in check. She is at Fang Bangers and she is propositioned by the head vampire Alec like has been for the past two years. She blows him off because she doesn't care for vampires. 6 years ago Addison and he best friend Tanya went to a vampire show and that's when he best friend was kidnapped and turned. Ever since than Addison has done whatever she could to try and keep vampires in line. When she finds out that Tanya is being abused she goes to Alec and he helps her, but for a price. They have amazing chemistry, but after what happened what Tanya, Addison is scared and unsure of Alec even though he goes above and beyond to show her how much he cares. There is a bit of drama in this book and a lot of back talking, but after Alec makes the ultimate sacrifice for her Tanya goes above and beyond to save him and they get their HEA.

Pros: I really liked Alec and how cool and causal he was. He was the Alpha that didn't need to get mean or pushy to get what he wanted, he just stood back and waited for it to happen. He was also a saint because of all the bullshit that Addison put him through and he still wanted her.

Cons: At times I wanted to smack Addi upside the head because she knew in her heart that Alec was being genuine, but it wasn't until he was dying that she really tried to be there for him. Other than that I really enjoyed the story.

Characters: Addison & Alec

Page Turner: Yes

Series Cont: Yes

Recommend: Yes
Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
May 1, 2013

Addison Godwin is a non-glam immune to vampire mind tricks, her ability means she's ideal as an auditor, enforcing the laws for vampire and human interaction. It's illegal for either species to have physical contact, a vampires blood lust and superior strength, means sex between them and humans is lethal. For the human that is.

Alec Corbin is a four hundred year old vampire he owns a nightclub where humans and vampires meet for mind sex, the vampires provide the mind sex, in exchange for blood. Corbin has wanted Addison since the first moment he laid eyes on her. He has promised he can be gentle, but Addison has no intention of getting down and dirty with Corbin, she enjoys staying alive too much. But she doesn't hate all vampires, her best friend Taylor was turned against her will. Taylor's maker is one evil vampire she mistreats Taylor at every opportunity.

But when the vampire inquisitor comes to town, Taylor is handed over to him as his sex toy. Desperate to help Taylor, Addison has no choice but to ask Corbin for his help.

I loved this story the first in the Born to darkness series. This author certainly knows how to write erotic love scenes. The characters were well drawn and easy to relate to. Addison was a little irritating at times but I did get where she was coming from. As for Corbin he's gorgeous, caring, highly protective and smart. Plus the added bonus of the hot sex scenes make this a must read.
Profile Image for Aki.
474 reviews5 followers
June 3, 2015
Quite honestly, I was very surprised at the sheer amount of four and five stars this book was given.

Especially because it's shit.

The plot centers around the flimsy 'save-my-vamp-friend-from-her-cruel-mistress.' That's how the main character-- a bigot and racist, by the way-- came to a vampire auditor.

I loathed the main character. She's really too stupid to be allowed to live and I seriously felt sorry for the vampire that seems to be in love with her.

I really have to wonder if the author didn't read Jeaniene Frost's Vampire series because there are startling similarities. Cat was a bigot until a bit later in the series, this idiot main character is also a bigot. I don't know if she ever got better-- I stopped reading. Cat and the main character here are both redheads. The main vampire character has blond hair: Bones had blond hair when he and Cat first met, I believe. Main character in this book does executions, so she's a vampire hunter without the stake-- and oh! Cat was also a vampire hunter.

See where I'm going with this?

It feels like the author took key elements from Jeaniene Frost and came up with this mish-mash garbage and called it a book.

My advice? Give this one a pass.

222 reviews8 followers
March 24, 2016
This was a DNF for me (after 50% read), because of heroine. I do not remember ever encountering such a whiny, bratty, TSTL heroine in... ever. I kept wishing the vampires would just put her out of her misery. I listened to this as an audiobook on my phone, and I kept yelling at my phone for her to stfu. The hero was much better, but far from flawless. Even though she behaved like a twat and made her hatred and prejudice against vampires know in EVERY SCENE, he kept wanting her to develop feelings for him. I mean - why would she? I also could not understand what in her attracted him to her (except the fact that she had red hair like his wife). She kept mouthing off and whining, putting herself and him in mortal danger for no other reason than she was an idiot with no filter and could not keep her mouth shut.

I am sad that this turned out to be a DNF since i felt there was a great potential for this book to be wonderful. Oh well.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,627 reviews477 followers
May 31, 2015

Most of the reviews for this book are good and there's a lot here to like particularly Alec Corbin, he's six foot four of hunky, sexy vampire and a gentleman to boot. I also like the idea of the immunes, one in ten thousand humans are immune to vampire glamour, I liked the tattoos, the auditors have one small black star, the vampires, one small red star for every one hundred years.
So, what didn't I like, in a word Addison, I thought she was awful, unable to follow instructions or keep her mouth shut when their lives are in danger, she was irritating and her hatred and loathing of vampires made difficult reading, I actually found myself feeling sorry for Corbin.
If Addison would have been more likeable this book would have worked for me as it is the 3 stars I'm giving is for Corbin, Taylor, Gwendolyn and the story.
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
May 9, 2015
I've nothing nice to say about Addison's character so I'm going to be classy & just move past Addison as a whole. Her vampire lover had wonderful character traits. His most obvious two being the patience of a saint & excellent problem solving skills. The world building was limited to the vampire's immediate world & the political ramifications directly impacting him. The plot was one dimensional imho but well paced. I rate this 3 stars. I wouldn't recommend this book if you're offended by bigotry. I loathe any type of discrimination & spent the majority of this read insulting Addison. It was not a pleasant read.
Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book433 followers
September 12, 2016
This was my FIRST vampire themed book. (I'm excluding the unimpressive Twilight...I read it when I was 14, (didn't complete) so naturally I forget everything that happened...since that book wasn't very good.)

This wasn't Evangeline's best. I wasn't craving to turn the page as I was reading. In fact, it took me a few days to finish.

It wasn't "bad" but it wasn't "gripping."

Though, it was quite interesting enough to make me want to continue the series. Not because I can't wait to continue the story, but because I feel an obligation to the characters I was introduced to and feel I should find out about their future.

I do hope I love the next book more!
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
August 17, 2015
This was a good vampire read. especially for a freebie. the sex was off the charts sizzling. my only complaint is the heroine, Addison. she was just a bitch and I hated the way she treated the hero. I found her character to be irredeemable. This story did leave me wanting to check out the next book in this series. It sounds promising.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 306 reviews

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