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Southern Scrimmage #1

Six Ways from Sunday

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Take one NFL tight end, and one Marine, add one week and watch the sparks fly.

Bowen Murphy craved two things, football and Dylan. After high school he had football but he lost Dylan.

Dylan Sunday walked a different path, one laid down before him by his father and his grandfather. Losing Bo one day after discovering they shared more than football wasn’t part of the bargain.

Six years of missed connections and finally Dylan is able to come home to the man he left behind. The spectacle of the biggest game in the NFL is only the beginning of one sizzling week. After that time and fate would decide if Bo and Dylan would walk the same path, or if one of them would make the ultimate sacrifice.

Warning: bittersweet tale of two hot men, making up for six years of separation. May not be suitable for sensitive readers. Contains scenes of male/male sexual practices.

227 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 11, 2013

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Mercy Celeste

36 books953 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 399 reviews
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
March 17, 2016
When I saw the word "bittersweet" in the blurb for this book, I hesitated and waited to read it. I should have known better. This is Mercy Celeste! The woman can do no wrong! She never disappoints! And she certainly didn't disappoint here. I fucking loved this book and can highly recommend it to M/M romance lovers everywhere. There is a very scary, angsty part to the book, but rest assured that Ms. Celeste will make it all OK. You will cry, rest assured, but you will get your HEA. And it will be worth every tear.

This review is also posted at Gay Book Reviews

Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
June 30, 2013

4.5 Stars! This is fully developed short story packs a punch!!

A gripping emotional beginning that pulls on your heart and makes your toes curl! The author grabs the reader from the first sentence! Then the story continues to play with your emotions until the bittersweet end, but have no fear, the epilogue will bring it back around and leave you smiling!

The author handled the issue of homophobia very well, in a short, but very telling scene. It was realistic picture of what happened when Bo reflected on his treatment in the NFL after he ‘came out’; this in itself was a devastating scene, when you read it you will see why. It makes you wonder what the heck is wrong with some people and their absurd thought process! Just because someone is gay, doesn’t make them any less the person they were before, nor does it mean that they suddenly are attracted to every one of the same sex. It’s ridiculous, ignorant and unfortunately the belief of way too many people.

Have a box of tissues on hand; you will need them to mop up the tears of sadness and joy!

Buddy read with Kris and Vicki! Thanks girls!
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
November 2, 2014
This was a great read!

There were parts where I wanted more....but for the length it was a really emotional, sexy, sweet friends to lovers romance!

You couldn't help but root for Dylan and Bo!

I really wanted to continue on with the series, but frankly I'm pissed to hear of the direction the author took parts of Dylan and Bo's story in the subsequent books!

Why ruin a perfectly good couple?!?
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews293 followers
September 22, 2013
I have one question.


This little book was amazing. A-MAZ-ING. It was hot. It was sweet. It was funny as hell. It made me cry my eyes out. It made me FEEL.

Bo and Dylan were real guys who acted like real guys. Their chemistry was off the charts. The way they bantered back and forth was hilarious. Their love for each other was boundless.

I am running, running to get the next book and all of Mercy Celeste's other books as well. I am absolutely enthralled by this author!
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews790 followers
July 3, 2016

***4.5 Stars***

WOW! This was such a great read!!

Mercy Celeste's signature writing style sucked me in from the first paragraph.

A fantastic friends to lovers story. The perfect amount of steam, emotion and a touch of angst. Bowen and Dylan's story hits you right in the feels right from the beginning. I loved the absolute honesty between the two. No secrets, no hiding their feelings....just raw and honest emotion.

The story spans about 8 years, but you are connected to these characters and their love in every moment...even with the time jumps.

The story is a little over the top with certain plot points, but like I said, Mercy Celeste's writing style easily pulls it off. If it weren't for real life, I would have easily gobbled this one up in one sitting...because when I wasn't reading, I was just itching to get back to the book.

I wish we were given a bit more in certain scenes and certain points in their life that I wish were shown....but overall, a fantastic book that I highly recommend.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
April 16, 2013
A Hearts On Fire Review

FOUR & A HALF STARS--When you see Mercy Celeste as the author of a story, you should expect:

1) hot sexy Southern men (I adore!)
2) angst up the ying yang, where you are taken for a ride on an emotional roller coaster
3) dirty talking fun ;P
4)heart pacing, steamy sex (with some form of biting - I love that) :D

"Six Ways From Sunday" had all four of those qualities in spades. And for less than 90 pages, the ride is a fun, sad but most importantly memorable one.

Bowen and Dylan have been best friends forever in a steamy Florida town. We are introduced to Bowen learning his best friend and secret crush has enlisted in the Marines...and Bowen's on his way to college football and future NFL greatness. But what both young men admit to each other that day is a love that deepens through out the years.

They are separated for over six years, Bowen continues achieving NFL Superbowl heights and Dylan is no slouch in the Marine department either. Can these first loves withstand the separation, military life, the NFL (an entity within itself), being gay, etc.?

Oh boy, do they!! The amount of passion these two men carry for one another...let's just say it comes across quite eloquently within the tale. When these two meet again after all those years and can only share their bodies and hearts for just a week? *sigh* My cheeks still hurt from grinning so much.

And remember me mentioning that emotional roller coaster Mercy Celeste does so well? She's done it again to the point where you think there can be no light at the end of the tunnel. My heart flopped out of my chest and was making sad faces on the floor. But Celeste was able to put it back in and I can function again. Yes, there is a HEA, don't frown and think the worst, folks.

As a MM romance reader, you can pretty much expect HEA for an ending (HFN the less attractive brother is also accepted) What makes for a great author, in my opinion, is one who can twist you up, spit you out and put you together again while still making you believe in the power of love. I mean, that is the reason we read these stories, right?

Well Mercy Celeste has that in spades. In fact, she's done it again. I'm going to go rehash some of my favorite parts. Give this story a try, you will at the least be entertained, at the most, loving Dylan and Bowen.
Profile Image for Jenn.
424 reviews230 followers
April 21, 2013
All of my rage. Timeline errors, character names swapped out with others, repeated tense issues, incorrect comma usage, fragment after fragment, and finally, when the author said the character was sweating out "Gator Aide" rather than "Gatorade," I'd had it.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,461 reviews166 followers
October 24, 2013

Oh, I hear you Ron Burgundy. This book was sweet - first love, first sexual encounter with first love. Happy - Bo gets a scholarship and also gets to play football. It was sad and brave - Dylan enlists to serve his country but has to leave Bo behind, just when they discovered how much they mean to one another. They always knew, but didn't, you know what I mean.
It's also hot.
Two men, two paths, time together, time apart, time together......
I loved Bo and Dylan. Loved the connection. It made me cry like a bloody baby. So many emotions. Something I thought might happen, but kept hoping wouldn't, kept me on the edge of my seat.

I lived Six Ways From Sunday so I can't give it any less than 5 stars. Full spoiler free review at http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/...
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
October 28, 2013

I’m still recovering from this one…..

*wipes tears*

Soooo not expecting the chest pains I just suffered.

Bittersweet? Yeahhh, that’s putting it lightly.

It kicks off with a bit of an eye-roll, okay more like a serious eye twitch. But soon it picks up and I was cruising along, really enjoying it. The writing is fun and engaging and the characters are pleasantly entertaining.

Suddenly…BAM. I was screaming at my kindle (in a very public place without a care in the world) and white-knuckle gripping it, praying I didn't damage the darn thing while less than carefully tapping the screen to continue on. Was the torture worthwhile? Yea, I’d endure it again without question.

The summer after high school graduation, Bowen and Dylan confront their feelings for each other and admit they surpass simple brotherly love. Bo’s football career is about to soar, while sadly leaving Dylan behind. Dylan believes his own path has been carved in the blood and sweat of the Marines, and enlists. Six years later Dylan drops back into Bo’s world, and rocks it. Holy hell, it’s freakin’ hot in New Orleans and they practically combust during their reunion. A week in each other arms only solidifies their passion, commitment and need for one another. Between the NFL and counting the days till Dylan’s term is up, Bo is a ticking bomb. Will he last in one piece while he waits? Bravo on an impressive coming out scene to Bo’s team.

Over the top at times and even cliché at times, but it did not damper my adoration in the slightest. An unforgettable and startling story about a pair of all American heroes’ just looking for a slice of happiness together.
If you can stand to have your heart pummeled as long as the sun shines at the end, you’ll want to jump on this one.

*4.5 3.5 tackling-tough-terrific stars*

**for more on why a star was lost, check out the full review here....
Profile Image for Susan65.
1,609 reviews51 followers
April 13, 2013
For a novella, this one packed a pretty powerful and emotional punch. These boys grew up together, living next door to each other and were best friends from the get-go. They both loved each other, but never come-out to the other until it's too late...and Bo is leaving for college and Dylan is leaving for the Marines.

Their tearful farewell is so emotional. Bo is horrified that Dylan will be sent to war and killed. His fear is palpable and you can't help but share in his pain. Dylan promises to come back to him.

Fast forward six years. Their reunion is wonderfully surprising for Bo and the emotions felt between the two are still as strong as ever...as if it were just yesterday that their lives walked different paths. Sadly, Dylan only has a week before he has to leave again...and this is when the waterworks begin.

Bo is counting down the days for when Dylan is free from the Marines and they start their lives together. 18 months become 15 months, and 15 months become 12 months, and that's when my heart stopped. I won't say more to ruin the story, but trust me when I say it's a heart-stopper and I was using every brain cell trying to figure out how this could have a happy ending. Trust me when I say this review would have started out with a huge WTF???? if it didn't have one, so those that fear the words "bittersweet" are safe to read on.

Side note: Loved why Bo grew his hair, and I loved the tattoos. True love there boys and girls.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,438 reviews504 followers
June 14, 2017

BR with Meags!

I really wish this was longer and more fleshed out but I can't complain about two best friends falling in love when they're teens and staying that way despite time and distance. When they do meet up again, their reunion was desperate, hot, and bittersweet.

The devotion that Bo and Dylan have for the other is definitely tested, but of course they come out stronger for it despite some very harrowing obstacles. A really great start to what looks like a promising series!
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
October 20, 2016
Mi cara al terminar o.O.

Mmmmmm, no sé ni qué comentar, un novella con mucho sexo, no especialmente bueno, mucha situación para provocar lágrima, un plot lleno de sinsentidos, y unos personajes absolutamente unidimensionales.

Entretenido, pero sabed a lo que vais, simpleza elevada a la enésima potencia.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
March 6, 2014
Well, that just kind of rocked my world. You know, that book that just sits there, you see it, you want to read it but don't. Well, then you do and you think ahh, this is sex, fluff, a NFL star and a Marine, childhood friends and the most drama you will get is them being caught and coming out. Record scratch!!! No, that is not what this book is but you will feel like it is up until the record scratches. Wow, this was so much more than that. This was eternal, pure, true love at its finest with terrible heartache and happiness. Never did I expect it but I loved it. Read.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,355 reviews186 followers
January 20, 2018
Damn, that was such a tear-jerker. I cried.

Loved those characters, MC did a great job making them like big, ole jocks... Three of my brothers were just like those guys and it sure brought back memories of high school football games.

No idea how people can come through something like that, but it was a really moving story and I truly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
July 21, 2013
Dylan and Bo friends forever and the love of each others lives.
Despite this story spanning just over seven years, the main characters weren't really together for any amount of time, during those seven years, but the love and affection they felt for each other was clearly portrait.
I actually appreciated the author not making it into a big angst/homophobic fest since one is a marine and the other a NFL player, those issues are there, but their relationship, love and separation are the main focus of this short.
It's romantic, sexy, gritty and sad but at least for these two, love really does conquer all.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
September 28, 2013

So yeah, this book comes with a warning and I took that on as a challenge. Where did that leave me?

Mercy Celeste - 1
Sara's hopeless romantic heart - 0

The story of Bowen Murphy and Dylan Sunday is so sweet and so heart breaking at times. Friends since they were boys, but one realization that will tear them apart. As Bo is leaving for college and Dylan to the Marine Corps, their fear and desperation leads them to the REAL feelings between them.

Six years later, six years apart the friends are reunited. I have to say, I want a picture of that reunion. I could see it in my head, feel it in my heart and my eyes were wet as well. Goodness. I went into this book for a fun and light read and what I got hurt my heart.

Six Ways from Sunday was a real story. The boys were real, there was nothing about them that I felt forced (aside from that first scene that still has me shaking my head and just saying "Um...no"). In the world of sports and violence where boys live and play it's hard to be the one who walks the different path. I think the author handled their sexuality very well and I am SO happy that it ended like it did. I had a moment of SHUT. UP. at one point and could not believe what I was reading.

Oh and I loved the play on Dylan's last name. The six ways one could be be from "Sunday." Brilliantly done.

Profile Image for DaisyGirl.
1,203 reviews66 followers
May 20, 2017
4.5 Stars

Whoa. Holy hotness. Holy hang-on-to-your-seats. Holy ... heaven help me. This was one sexy, smexy, angsty, emotional, roller coaster of a ride. And I. Loved. Every. Minute.

Bowen and Dylan are BFF turned (seemingly) star-crossed lovers. The two are inseparable in high school but when graduation comes, their lives take different paths: Bowen to college ball and then the NFL; Dylan to a life in service as a Marine.

Six years of missed connections. Let me repeat: Six. Years. I can barely remember what I was doing six days ago. Six years? Get outta here! That's a long-ass time, my friends. Nevertheless, the two Skype, text, and somehow keep in touch - albeit sporadically at times. A one-week leave rekindles ... and reaffirms ... their love. And then ...

Let's just say, I needed tissues. Lots and lots of tissues.

Bottom-line: angsty, sexy, and smart. Yeah, it's heart-breaking but oh, so totally worth it.
Profile Image for Andrea AKA Catsos Person.
789 reviews110 followers
July 5, 2016
A sweet story with the right amount of heat.

Two lovable MCs and a friends to lovers trope. It's one of my favorites!

I had to give a rating of 3.5 stars because one aspect of the writing was not clear enough for my understanding.

The problem with the writing is that I did not always know who the author was talking about. I understand the use of pronouns in place of names to avoid repetition. But when the pronouns "he" or "him" were used, I didn't always understand to whom the author was referring and grammatical misuse of these pronouns.
Profile Image for Td.
690 reviews
October 11, 2013
This is the second book I read by this author and the second 1-star rating. The characters were unappealing to me, I didn't care about them or their story. I found the dialogue silly. The first sex scene made me cringe and the rest didn't go too well either. Before this turns into a full blown rant, I just didn't like it. I won't try this author again since we obviously don't click.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,214 reviews241 followers
January 2, 2016
Wow. I have had this book for a very long time and I am now kicking myself for not reading it earlier!

On to book two in the series!
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
August 3, 2018
I loved the friendship and the chemistry between the MC’s; the steamy scenes were great too; the feelings were there; it was heartbreaking; the writing is good, but the story felt a bit ridiculous. Especially the first chapter, and what happened at the end. It was unbelievable, and not in a good sense. I did tear up, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t enough. I would’ve enjoyed this book more if it were a bit longer, and if it went a bit deeper.
Profile Image for Elena.
914 reviews69 followers
December 27, 2018
Gosh, that one was intense!!! I loved Bowen and Dylan! I loved them when they were together and when they were so far away from each other...

It started out like a NA/YA book - and I'm not a big fan :|
but, luckily, it didn't stop me from continuing this beautiful story :)

But then? Then it got all the feelz I needed.
The longing was excrutiating.
The grief was heart-breaking.
The hospital scene was simply one of the most beautiful reunions I have ever read.

Highly recommended! (Thank you, Katerina!) ;)
171 reviews29 followers
July 28, 2013
Prejudice. That's my problem here.

I love my hot guys in love. Their sexy love-making has my toes curling with happiness. It's a deep sorrow when they must hide and fear discovery. I yearn and feel profound happiness when they get their happy ever after.

So, what's wrong with a reader who stolidly reads through a story of two men who grew up together, fell in love in high school, are prevented by circumstances and homophobia from being together for almost 8 years and who face disaster and heartbreak and searing loss? What kind of emotionally stunted person is not crying buckets over a well-told story like this? Seems it must be a reader who has macho-phobia.

I was reading along, appreciating the story, liking Bo and Dylan and happy when they were coming close to the end of their separation. Then the Very Bad Thing happened. I went on serenely reading and appreciating. Suddenly it struck me: this must be the time when everyone else was crying buckets! There had been such sorrow and now there was an even greater pain, and I was not getting it emotionally. The problem had to be the context. I was put off by the characters being such super macho guys. They are perfection in their jock credentials and their patriotic self-sacrifice. These guys are heroes in any stereotypical He-man way possible. All I can think of is that I just don't like these stereotypes much and kept noticing how the author reinforced their macho perfection. I was supposed to love guys and empathize with them even more because they themselves represent the American Dream.

This was a well-written story, sexy, loving and with its heart in the right place. Too bad for me that my heart just didn't want to go to that place with these guys.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews152 followers
May 3, 2013
4.5 stars

Wow, this one packs a punch. No, it isn't perfect; it has a few flaws here and there. But, it grabbed from the sweet beginning, caressed me through hot smexy reunions, held me tight during the emotional upheaval and soothed me at the end, leaving me with a nice big smile.

Best friends, Bo and Dylan, have grown up together with football being the center of their lives. Bo is heading to college to play ball, and Dylan has chosen to enter the military. They realize they feel more than friendship for each other on the night Dylan leaves for boot camp. Young love at its best.

Fast forward six years, they are reunited again where Bo is playing in the Super Bowl. They agree they still harbor the same feelings but unfortunately only have a week to catch up before Dylan heads back to the desert.

This is the point where you should have the tissue box close at hand. I cannot really say anything more about the second half of this book without giving too much away. Suffice to say, it has a few twists and turns, uphills and downhills with a couple of loops thrown in for good measure. I had no trouble feeling the love Bo and Dylan shared, through thick and thin. I do wish there had been more details given at certain points, but, then again, I'm not sure my heart could really take it.

This story had me bawling my eyes out, which I almost never do. I seriously had to continuously put it down to clear my eyes. I loved having my emotions yanked in such a way and love finding books that manage to do so completely unexpectedly.
Profile Image for Jo.
172 reviews74 followers
October 7, 2015
I had just finished reading the emotional juggernaut that is Jay Bell's seasons series and I was getting fun posts from one of my GR friends about Sidelines the sequel to Six Ways, which I guess in my emotional befuddled mind read as a funny book. I needed something light and fun so I decided to read the first book because "Hey if the 2nd book is funny the first must be the same"

This book honestly left me crying so hard in a fetal position that I had people concerned for my real life loved ones.


My only thought was no way did they recommend to me the Queen of HEA an "ole Yeller" book. I honest to God did not know where the author was going. This right there tells you how good a book this was. I bought it hook line et all. Do you know how many times I have read a similar plot line. I almost always know Lassie is getting out of the well. to carry the metaphor on.

I used to love wonder woman

Read this book, it is a wonderful story and the honest love between the two is a beautiful thing to read but do yourself a favor and read on a day when you can pamper yourself afterwards.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
October 3, 2013
I think I may have found a new favorite author! This is my first book by Mercy Celeste and I LOVED it!!! Bowen Murphy and Dylan Sunday were best friends and teammates in high school. They finally admit their feelings and gave in to the attraction the night before Bo leaves for college on a football scholarship. Deciding on a different path for himself, Dylan is headed to bootcamp to become a Marine. Six years later they reunite. Bo is now a superbowl MVP and Dylan is on a one-week leave. Holy cow, what a smokin’ hot week that was. Seriously, kindle-melting hot.

Dylan sighed wearily. “We had different paths to walk, Bo. I’m just happy that we can cross paths again and be who we were. Gives me something to look forward to when I’m ready to stop walking the one I’m on now,” he said, running his fingers through Bo’s hair, pulling a long strand up to rub between his fingers.

“I’ll be here when you’re ready. We’ll see if we can walk the same path then. I think we can.” Bo reached up to trace the frown lines around Dylan’s mouth. “I want to be with you.”

For such a short story, this was a very emotional read. I adored Bo and Dylan and their connection to one another. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath until the epilogue. I didn’t want it to end. I wonder if I can start a campaign for a sequel. I would love to spend more time with these boys!
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books362 followers
September 19, 2016
This book was a wonderful emotional journey. I found it difficult to put down as I was so invested in the story.

The story starts with Dylan and Bowen finally admitting their feelings for one another, forced to admit the truth when the time comes to part. Bo has a scholarship and a promising NFL career and thinks that he and Dylan will be together. But Dylan shocks him with the announcement that he has joined the Marines.

"Bo and Dylan. Dylan and Bo. They were a team. A unit. When one went, the other wasn't far behind.
Except now, Dylan had to stand on his own."

What follows is six long years of separation before they finally unite for one week before Dylan has to return to his post. Each man has successes in his career but the week together reinforces the strength of their love and the bond they share. Their future looks bright, they just need to get through the next 18 months before Dylan can return home permanently.

Bo and Dylan's story had me smiling and it had me crying. Not little tears but great big sobbing tears! Be prepared for heartache and happiness.

I am putting this on my favourites shelf!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 399 reviews

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