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The mentally handicapped young Sheemie possesses the awesome power to shatter the very Beams of the Dark Tower - the fulcrum of existence itself. But Sheemie doesn't want to destroy reality. He is in the prison of Devar-Toi, and all he wants is his friends to rescue him. Roland Deschain is coming for him even now, but Sheemie must evade animal-headed guards and the monstrous Great Old Ones while he waits! traveling through the Desatoya Mountains, Roland comes across a haunted camp. There, he relives one of his past adventures in which he and his ka-tet were trapped by supernatural enemies. How will the young Gunslinger survive the sinister assault? And how does it relate to his current quest? Find out in this exciting prequel to The Little Sisters of Eluria!
Dark Tower : The Gunslinger - Sheemie 's Tale 1-2; Evil Ground 1-2; The Fall of Lord Perth 1

136 pages, Paperback

First published September 17, 2013

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Robin Furth

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,538 followers
February 5, 2020
This collection of Dark Tower one-shots is pretty good, especially when you consider that they're all just expanding the worldbuilding and stories within stories without actually touching on anything that actually HAPPENS in the books.

That being said, I loved hearing the tale of the Fall of Lord Perth, a DT version of David and Goliath featuring Arthur Eld and Perth.

My second favorite is one that really should NOT be read at all until you're familiar with the entire DT series... and it features Sheemie! Our half-wit but golden-hearted hero with a surprisingly powerful noggin for being a half-wit. :)

King really loves his half-wits. He really, really does. :)

I'm glad I read these. Just a little extra edification, sure, but the artwork is always divine.
Profile Image for Craig.
5,585 reviews137 followers
March 24, 2024
This is the eleventh volume in Marvel's long-running series of associational volumes to King's Dark Tower books. The art is pretty good, not as great as Lee's work in the first few books, but it still captures the flavor of the world pretty well; Dean White and Richard Isanove are the artists. The story is as always by long-time King associate Robin Furth and adapted by Peter David, based, of course, on King's initial book in the series...more or less. As one might guess from the title, it's a compendium of three left-over short stories, one featuring fan-favorite Sheemie, one a tale-told around a campfire that presages The Wind Through the Keyhole concept, and a very early pre-Roland look at the world. It's a pretty good read; I don't think it would matter where you read it chronologically, though it's the final volume in the adaptation of the first prose volume. I don't recommend reading the graphic series version instead of King's prose, but it's a fine auxiliary.
Profile Image for Trudi.
615 reviews1,662 followers
July 21, 2014

Here marks the concluding final volume of the original Dark Tower adaptation by Marvel comics and to say it's left me feeling underwhelmed is quite the understatement. It turns out to be a confusing mish-mash of stories that barely connect to what's come before. The first two chapters are spent on Sheemie and the Breakers and strive to explain the birth of the Tower, its crucial importance and the forces who wish to see it destroyed. This is major Dark Tower sacred canon that took King decades to build and make believers of us all. To see it watered down in the final volume like this doesn't sit well with me and strikes me as rushed and lazy.

Then we're offered another adventure of young Roland and his original ka-tet which is followed up by a re-telling of the legend of Arthur Eld and his defeat of Lord Perth (a kind of lame David and Goliath type deal that I can't remember well enough from the books to know whether any liberties were taken with the source material or not).

As much as I was stupid excited for this graphic novel adaptation, I was slow to warm up to the series; in fact I skipped over Volumes 3, 4, and 5 and didn't pick up the series again until Volume 6 The Gunslinger: The Journey Begins. That's mostly because those first five volumes draw almost exclusively upon material from Book 4 of King's series -- Wizard and Glass. I'm much more a fan of long, tall and ugly Roland, than young Roland and his original ka-tet comprised of Cuthbert, Alain and Jamie. So while the series did get better for me as it went along -- especially The Battle of Tull and The Way Station -- there were way more lows than highs. Way more places where they got it wrong than right.

However, despite my lack of fangirling at this point, I'm deliriously excited by this news; the Dark Tower adaptation is continuing this fall with The Drawing of The Three: The Prisoner. Now we're talking!! Eddie Dean! New York! And hopefully some lobstrocities and astin. Oh yeah! The Drawing of the Three is one of my all-time favorite books and I have to hope that adapting from this juncture in the narrative will result in a much more successful experiment than what we've seen up to now. Only the best is yet to come in a world that has moved on.
Profile Image for Becky.
1,490 reviews1,866 followers
May 11, 2015
I've owned this book for a while (I think I picked it up after my last bout of DT GN reading) but I apparently never got around to reading it or even adding it to my shelves. *sigh*

Well, now I've read it and... it was decent. I love these adaptations because they add something to the stories that we see in the books, and while this one could be said to do that as well... it just didn't have the same oomph that the other volumes did. I think it's partially because it's a set of little vignettes rather than one cohesive story, so none of it truly feels as complete as it should.

Still, it wasn't a terrible waste of time. We got to see a little bit more of Mid-World, and that's always a plus.
Profile Image for Gary Butler.
695 reviews45 followers
June 25, 2016
23rd book read in 2016.

Number 69 out of 516 on my all time book list.

Review Pending:
Profile Image for James.
2,471 reviews67 followers
July 8, 2020
3.25 stars. Three small stories here. The first, Sheemie’s tale lest us see what happened to Sheemie when he was taken a few volumes back. I almost forgot he got snatched up. Decent story. 2nd story shows us some untold adventures with Roland and his friends. Then the final story gives a quick back ground on one of Arthur Eld’s adventures. It tells how he singled handedly stopped an invading army. This was my favorite. Overall, a an ok group of short stories.
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,386 reviews
February 19, 2015
This is really a bit of swan song to series. I will admit I have not read the books in the correct order or even got the series completed and here I am reading the final specials. But to be honest I am glad that I did it this way. reading the introduction you can see that it is being treated as the closing of the project and an end to the journey. In their own words there are still many more stories still to tell but for the time being its the end of this chapter - and possible the end of their telling of the stories - but who knows.

The book itself is really a series of short stories inter spaced through the other books - a bit of a lost episode collection or if you like chapters that were missed out in the previous books. Either way they stand up on their own although you do not see the stories that lead them to those particular predicaments however I think that is part of the thrill of reading this book out of sequence - I now want to go back and read them and see not only where they fit in but how on earth they got themselves in to those situations in the first place.

Now I will warn that this book is really for the fan or for the true adventurer - its not for every one and I can see some reading getting frustrated with it - but stick with it, its worth it.
Profile Image for Ellis.
1,225 reviews152 followers
June 18, 2016
When Lord Perth fell & the earth shook like thunder & all that, wasn't there a plane involved? I feel like some definite liberties were taken with that plot line. How about we talk just about the artwork here? because as usual the story continue to be a disappointment to me. The artwork is so, so lovely. The ghouls hovering over sleeping gunslingers, doing whatever they were meant to be doing. Aileen's bloody mouth. The giant wolves that the bad guys are riding. These are the things that make these books worthwhile, and are probably the only reason I keep reading them.
Profile Image for Sergio.
132 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2017
Teniendo en cuenta que el volumen es un conjunto de tres historias sin apenas relación hay momentos en los que merece más dos estrellas que tres. Solo una de las historias, la de Sheemie, tiene algo de importancia para la serie, y aunque presenta revelaciones interesantes no me acaba de convencer como tratan y simplifican la Torre, los Haces y las criaturas del Prim. Las otras dos historias son unos sacacuartos tremendos que supongo que harán ilusión a quien nunca tenga suficiente de este universo pero que parecen sacadas de una reunión para decidir con que rellenar los últimos números de esta etapa.
Profile Image for Alex Angulo.
157 reviews7 followers
September 16, 2023
Una serie de historias que no suman mucho, pero son una despedida de los personajes que acompañaron a Roland en su juventud.
Profile Image for Cameron.
278 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2016
Furth-er down the spiral... and death of this series. The quality of these stories is mixed, Furth's effort are dull and bad, Peter David's are good but don't add anything of value to story. If anything this shows just how good Sai King is and what a great job he did with "The Wind Through the Keyhole".

* After thought - I got so caught up in my disappointment with the story that I almost forgot to praise the art work! Richard Isanove has done a great job doing an admirable job with the material he had to work with. I keep a look out for his other works (past and future).

The good - "So Fell Lord Perth".
This is of interest and is slotted in well, as tale Roland tells Aileen during a rest stop while she is dying. In the original novels by King it would have had no place (unless Roland told his new Ka-Tet), likewise in the Gunslinger Born series it would have been a meaningless distraction. This one shot at end was a great place to satisfy the curiosity of the long time readers.

My only concern is that they place Topeka as being between Cressia and Garlan - unless someone comes the goods with a definitive set of maps for each of the epochs as the world moved on this only throws out "geography" again. My biggest irk with the comics series has been Furth and Co's rearranging King's original text.

The Ugly - Evil Ground

This is an attempt to do a triple-nested story like "The Wind Through the Keyhole", but it does not work on any level. It is not clear who performed the sacrifice at the "present day" evil ground and if it served any purpose (it seems out of character for Walter and there no demons in the story). The remember anecdote of raid during the time of Roland's original Ka-Tet's resistance has no punch as we don't really know the characters well enough to worry about them and nothing significant is added to Roland's story. The past "evil ground" of the ghoul monastery and Arthur Eld's dream knights comes from nowhere.

All up in his past Roland and Co stopped a place that looked like a bad place to sleep and may have been attacked by ghouls in a massed dreams, but came out relatively unharmed and unchanged. Pointless.
Lastly, I can't ever see Roland giving away his hat to a dead man when he is wondering around the edges of a desert!

The Bad - Sheemie's Tale

Furth is off on her own again trying to flesh out and finesse the interstices that King left during the drawn out writing of the cycle and padding out her own additions to the "lore" of the Dark Tower. To her credit she does not change any of King's writing and does not throw anything completely new in.

However, she is not a good story teller and Sheemie's tale was pretty dull to begin with. And being very restricted by the lines of previous work (her own and King's) there is not much room to expand or explore.

I am trying not to hold a grudge after "The Man in Black" fiasco, but I reckon there should be an E-Card "Things you will never here people say: Robin Furth really took the Dark Tower to new level, Stephen King was just the foundation". I see this flop as further evidence that Furth should stick to research and collating of the "facts" King lays down and explore her own worlds if she wishes to continue as a writer.
Profile Image for Karissa.
4,133 reviews209 followers
September 26, 2015
This book ties up the Gunslinger story of the Dark Tower Graphic Novel series. It is a compilation of three short stories that take place in the Dark Tower world. I really enjoyed Sheemie’s story, but the final two stories didn’t add a lot to the overall series for me.

This book features three stories. The first is Sheemie’s Tale which tells about what happened to Sheemie and how he ended up in the world where Roland faced off with the Spider King. The second is Evil Ground where an older Roland has a dream about when he was younger and him and his friends almost got eaten by ghouls. The third is The Fall of Lord Perth; in this story Roland tells a dying Eileen the story of the Fall of Lord Perth...which is basically the story about how one man can make a big difference against evil.

I really loved Sheemie’s tale; the illustration was really excellent and this story does a great job of filling a major gap in the Dark Tower Graphic Novel series. I had always wondered what happened to Sheemie and this tale answers that question.

The second story is okay, but pretty much just a flashback into some other horrors Roland has faced in his past. It was okay, but didn’t really add a lot to the world or the story.

The third story starts out sweetly as Roland tries to offer what comfort he can to a dying Eileen. The story itself though is pretty standard “ordinary man takes out extraordinary evil”, basically it’s a story about how one man can make a huge difference if they are smart and have the right skill set. Roland is using this story as an explanation to Eileen about how he thinks he can make a huge difference in the quest for the Dark Tower. Again, it was okay but not great.

Overall this was an okay collection of stories. Sheemie’s Tale is definitely worth reading, the other two are okay. If you are a fan of the series I would definitely pick it up and give it a read through. This wraps up the Gunslinger graphic novel adaptation. However, the story isn’t over. The first book in The Drawing of the Three graphic novel adaptation released earlier this year. I definitely plan on picking it up and overall have been very happy with the graphic novel adaptations of the Dark Tower series. I would recommend this whole series to graphic novel fans who enjoy dark fantasy.
Profile Image for Wes.
465 reviews5 followers
May 13, 2015
There is not much to recommend this, it is a mish-mash of stories at the end of the original run, you feel the individual tales could of been so much better if they had been given the full working and allowed the develop. They don't fill any major blanks in the DT story.
Profile Image for Wilde Sky.
Author 16 books37 followers
January 21, 2017
A collection of mythical illustrated stories.

I was pretty much lost from the beginning to the end – except for the re-telling of the ‘David and Goliath’ story.

My overall feeling at the end of this book was disappointment.
11 reviews
March 6, 2014
Out with a bit of a whimper. I wish they would continue with the series, but it was clear that the creators had become bored. A shame.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,141 reviews1,000 followers
December 21, 2015
3 collected shorts from the Dark Tower series. Not integral to the overall story but good nonetheless.
Profile Image for OmniBen.
1,245 reviews33 followers
January 8, 2022
(Zero spoiler review) 2.75/5
I have little idea what this actually is, although I know that it has no doubt spoiled some part of the story proper. Quite what this vague and unnecessary collection is doing located at the end of the first box set, I have no idea. If you've read the entire series of novels, then no doubt you'll look at this with a greater degree of clarity than I, although for someone who hasn't read the series, collecting these here, when they are obviously going to be read with little understanding of what is occurring, as well as no doubt ruining some future aspect of the story is nigh on unforgiveable. They serve little purpose and they're not very good. What's more, they don't even give the impression of being one shots. vaguely hinting at continuity which (I'm assuming) just isn't the case). Few if any of the characters are fleshed out (seeing as how you needed prior knowledge of them), or seem all that interesting given what we got. Despite how much I enjoyed the previous five volumes, I would have much preferred this not be included, or at least include a warning not to read this until you've read, or at least have a greater understanding of the series in general. It really is a rather unfortunate blot on a mostly very polished and engaging tale.
Apart from the Richard Isanove art, which is possibly the best of the six volumes, there is little else positive to say about this, given how I read it. I doubt I'll ever touch this volume again. 2.75/5

Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,201 reviews17 followers
January 6, 2020
Adding tales that are set near the same time as the Gunslinger, or at least right before, this short Volume gives us 3 tales that are too good to skip.
1) Sheemie's Tale - In the original read-through of the series, we don't meet Sheemie until the last book when the ka-tet makes it to Devar-Toi. Sheemie is a breaker, a kind of psychic warrior that is forced to assist in the breaking of the Beams that hold the Tower. Sheemie was originally on the adventure with Roland and his original ka-tet, but was taken early on and before the novels began. This story is about Sheemie escaping from Devar-Toi and calling out psychically for Roland to find and save him.
2) Evil Ground - On his journey to catch the Man in Black, Roland stops one night to rest and falls asleep near a dying man. The ghost affects his dreams and he remembers a time when he and his friends fought against Ghouls, including being saved by the spirit of Arthur Eld himself.
3) So Fell Lord Perth - After the battle of Jericho Hill, as Roland comforts Aileen as she dies, he tells her the story of Lord Perth, which is essentially a David vs Goliath story that contains a young Arthur Eld (who is basically their version of King Arthur).

Nice to see these stories, but wish "The Sorcerer" was part of the collection too.
I'll be ordering the graphic novel versions of "Drawing of the Three" soon. Can't wait!

877 reviews25 followers
August 23, 2017
I guess I am going to say why... Meaning why was this book done. No reason. They are 3 different tales that do not go together and thrown together. Here is the breakdown of the books

Sheemie 's Tale 1-2 - not interesting, weird, lazy and sort of boring. This is about the beams to the Tower and Sheemie

Evil Ground 1-2; So his young Ka-tet make camp and the place is haunted by evil spirits. This was pretty good and maybe the best of the three.

The Fall of Lord Perth 1 -The story re-telling of the legend of Arthur Eld and his defeat of Lord Perth (a kind of lame David and Goliath). This started out well and then took a nose dive.

I guess if you like (love) the series and can get it at the library go for it. Don't buy unless you are a die hard fan and need it...
Profile Image for Lady Sybil.
28 reviews4 followers
September 5, 2020
Para ser el último volumen publicado de la serie y como anexo a tres historias sobre la torre. He de decir que la que más me ha gustado ha sido la de shemie explicando que había pasado con él tras que los sucesos días antes de la colina de Jericó. La segunda historia no ha estado mal y la tercera silplemente ha sido puro relleno.
Con este volumen se acaba los años en la novela gráfica y ojalá hicieran los demás libros en esta versión, pero como lo veo imposible me quedo con las emociones de Roland y su Ka-tet, de Susan, de shemie y "del hombre de negro iba por el desierto y el pistolero iba pos el.... "
Largos días y placenteras noches. Camarada
Profile Image for Rici.
540 reviews
October 31, 2017
Leider hat dieses Buch hier, was das letzte ist vorerst was ich von der Bibliothek ausleihen konnte, keinen großen Eindruck hinterlassen. Wir haben eher mehrere Kurzgeschichten von anderen Charakteren und wie sie in der Welt zurecht kommen, statt das sich die handlung weiter bewegt. Schade, da ab dem nächsten Band ja eigentlich die richtige Handlung der Buchreihe weiter gehen soll soweit ich weiß.
Zeichnungen sind aber wie immer gut.
Profile Image for Jeremy.
36 reviews2 followers
October 29, 2020
I enjoyed some of the details about the origins of the Dark Tower along with the art style of Sheemies Tale.

But before now, the comics' timeline has been in chronological order until now. The stories feel out of place and I hated the way Dark Grounds resolved with Arthur Eld showing up to rush an ending.

The story of Roland telling Ailene about the fall of Lord Perth was silly and I hate that he promised to speak her name before the tower.
Profile Image for Ashley.
428 reviews37 followers
July 10, 2019
Oh my poor sweet Sheemie! I don't know if my heart can take much more of his story. It's just too sad.

I do love the way these graphics are delving deeper into some of the background characters. Sheemie wasn't really important until later on, but I love these looks into his time away from Roland, even if they do break my heart.
Profile Image for Ingrid.
733 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2017
Hiermit ist die Reihe abgeschlossen?!?
Also ich habe noch 2 weitere Bücher liegen und ich meine es sind 30 angekündigt. Die drei abgeschlossenen Geschichten in diesem Band haben mir aber gut gefallen.
Profile Image for Rob.
1,383 reviews
May 10, 2019
It started off kind of interesting and progressed to what seemed like left over story stuff they just wanted to finish using up. Not horrible just not part of the Dark Tower Series. This was a good read.
Profile Image for Nick Katenkamp.
1,361 reviews
November 22, 2021
Worth reading for fans but these are all one-off stories and don't further the narrative. I enjoyed it because I quite enjoyed this series but can imagine many would find this unnecessary. I like the Lord Perth story the most by far.
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 34 books177 followers
January 2, 2023
This was a collection of three shorter series from the Dark Tower series. They weren't the strongest parts of the series but weren't bad. They didn't seem very essential to the overall story, however.
Profile Image for Du.
2,026 reviews17 followers
July 29, 2017
Much better entry than Sheemie's tale, which I read separately. In this case this covers Evil Ground, which had great art, cadence and a vibe very familiar to the reader of the Dark Tower series.
Profile Image for Brooke.
607 reviews26 followers
May 21, 2018
I really liked this one. It was nice to read a few original stories from this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

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