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This & That #1

Baby & Bump

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At thirty years old, caterer Lexie Baump has a lot on her plate. With a business to run, she doesn’t have time for any added distractions. But one momentary indiscretion adds a little hiccup to Lexie’s plans. She’s pregnant. With no relationship prospects.

But if Lexie thought fighting morning sickness while running a catering business was hard, enter Dr. Fletcher Haybee. Their connection is instant, and their love of vintage rock tee shirts and Elvis music is enough to bond them for life. There are just two minor problems.

One: he’s dating her oversexed best friend. Two: he’s also her obstetrician.

With events to cater, awkward OB appointments to endure, and her ever-growing baby bump making it impossible to close her jeans, Lexie has to find a way to curb her undeniable attraction toward Fletcher and focus on her new role as a working mother. But it certainly isn’t easy when its clear Fletcher himself feels the same magnetic pull toward Lexie.

Can Lexie leave the gorgeous Fletcher for her best friend to chew up and spit out, or will she cave to her feelings and find love in the stirrups? Life is about to get messy, and we're not just talking about crumbs in the car seat...

293 pages, Paperback

First published June 25, 2013

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About the author

Brooke Moss

20 books342 followers
"I write because if I don't...my head will explode, and ruin the drapes." ♥

Brooke writes complex, character-driven stories about kismet, reunited lovers, first love, and the kind of romance that we should all have the chance at finding. She prefers her stories laced with some humor just for fun, and enough drama to keep her readers flipping the pages, and begging for more.

When Brooke isn't spinning tales, she spends her time drawing/cartooning, reading, watching movies then comparing them to books, wrangling five kids, mugging on one hubby she lovingly refers to as her "nerd", and attempting to conquer the Mount Everest of laundry that is the bane of her existence.

Brooke is also an avid Autism Awareness advocate, and a passionate foster/adoptive mother, who loves to share her experiences with anyone who will listen.

Find Brooke elsewhere on the web at www.brookemoss.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
July 31, 2017
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was an ok read for me. I think I wanted to like it more than I did, but it is what it is *shrugs*. I loved the idea of the story, as I am a sucker for unrequited love stories -- but something just felt...missing. I enjoyed the characters (mcs and side), but I felt like it never got deep enough into the characters or even the storyline for my liking. I had some unanswered questions at the end to where I was a little disappointed in the abrupt ending, and we never really get to experience them as an actual couple! I think I also never fully understood how they progressed from acquaintances to being in love with each other. The one character that I had the most issues with was the best friend who the next book in the series is about, so I'm not sure if I'll continue tbh. I'm sure many will love it, but for me it was just meh.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Lexi and Fletcher's story. Lexie finds herself in an undesirable position being single and pregnant. So when she feels an instant connection to her new ob/gyn, she is hesitant to attempt to start anything up with the handsome Doctor. Her friend jumps right in and asks him out instead. Through her pregnancy and after spending more time together, they start to develop stronger feelings and the lines start to blur. There is some family and friend drama, a few funny moments...and they do get a HEA.

POV: This was told in Lexie's POV (with the epilogue in Fletcher's). I think it would've benefited to hear more from his POV throughout the story.

Overall Pace of Story: Good until the abrupt ending. I never skimmed, and I think it flowed well otherwise.

Instalove: No, but instant connection I guess.

H rating: 3 stars. Fletcher. He was ok. I liked him for the most part, but his reasoning for staying for the OW didn't make that much sense to me and it was frustrating-- so I docked him a point for it.

h rating: 4 stars. Lexie. I liked her. I did feel like she needed to be more confident and to stand up for herself in her relationship with her friend more though.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed.

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: N/A. No sex scenes. Not even fade-to-black.

Descriptive sex: No

Safe sex: N/A

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: Yes, IMO.

Separation: Not really.

Possible Triggers:

Closure: This had ok closure, but the ending felt too abrupt for me. I wanted time with them as an actual couple and a more thorough glimpse into their HEA. I would, however, still (reluctantly) call this a HEA.

How I got it: It was part of my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: This would probably be Safe with exception for most of my safety gals.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
December 14, 2015
4 Baby and Me Stars

This is my first Brooke Moss book and this was a total random find. It’s no secret I love a single mama books, but you throw in a single pregnant mama, well, I’m a happy camper.

Baby & Bump is a standalone and is part of the This & That series. It’s completely funny, well written and put me in a good mood. Well worth the risk in taking on a new author.

Lexie is divorced and thirty years old. She’s past her prime, but with an unexpected pregnancy her world is turn upside down. I adore Lexie. I found her witty, hilarious and the single gal I envisioned for myself, that’s if I was a single thirty year old pregnant gal.

She finds an OBGYN and **GASP** has a crush on him. Who can’t resist a hot a Dr. Fletcher Haybee. I really liked the Hero. He’s sweet, kind and the guy you want to make babies with or at least have him raise your baby with. He’s a single dad (I know it just gets better right) and just like Lexis is divorce too.

Now, this would be a match made in heaven, except Lexie is single, pregnant and she really doesn’t need to get into a relationship so when her hot best friend has eyes on Fletcher, well, she lets Marisol, her bestie go out with him.

From the first sentence of this book I was hooked. I laughed so many times my belly ached. There’s a lot of character development and descriptive writing that helps you create the picture and scene in your head. I love reading Lexie’s thoughts because a lot of times, I was thinking the same thing.

This is more of a chick-lit read, than a NA novel, so no ladies, there is no steam, but it really isn’t necessary. I really liked Lexie and Fletcher’s relationship, they meet at random times, but when they do, the scene is warranted and I was gobbling it up.

A huge chunk of the book revolves around Lexie and her friends and family. So, it’s not completely a romance book, but I enjoyed reading the supporting characters. Lexie mom drove me nuts and I tried really hard to understand Marisol, remember she’s the one that dates Dr. Fletcher.

You are probably thinking, why would I read a book if the Hero dates the Heroine’s best friend? To be honest, it kind of drove me nuts too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of angst, but there’s something about this mild tension that just kept me glued to the pages.

Overall, there aren’t many books about a pregnant single girl and this one exceeded my expectations.

99 cents ... Why not? http://amzn.to/1NCMy0A
Profile Image for Karen.
599 reviews
August 10, 2013
Every now and then I come across an absolute gem of a story in the Amazon Kindle freebies.

This book is free and it was fabulous...I loved it. So excited to see the author has quite a few other stories that I will certainly be checking out.
770 reviews133 followers
December 4, 2015
2 Stars

Would have liked this book more if :

1]I was fond of women who liked their friends' boyfriends.
2]I liked men who stringed on one woman but loved the other.
3]I liked woman who blamed their actions on pregnancy hormones.
4]I liked books where the ending is neatly tied up in a bow even when it shouldn't be.

Sad thing is the characters actually had much more potential.

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
April 8, 2018
Baby & Bump was a pretty cute but overall okay kind of book. This book is the first on of the This & That series. It's pretty funny, enjoyable, and a bit predictable.

So it's about Lexie who is recently divorced and around 30 years old. She has also found out that she is pregnant. With this new situation in her life, her world is basically turned upside down. I, however, loved Lexie for an MC. She was completely adorable, hilarious, and down right lovable.

Of course, she finds a crushable OBGYN - like.. where do these people work because my OBGYNs are all old and not my type. Tell me where I can find a hot guy who is also an OBGYN so I can move to where he lives and hope he falls in love with me.

Anyhoo, this guy is hot and their chemistry was adorable! I'd like to sign up for a Fletcher any day or time. He's also a single dad.. so yeah, Lexie is one god damn lucky woman. Unfortunately, things don't go like I planned. YES ME because Lexie's best friend has a crush on him.. so she let's her date him. UGH! WHO DOES THAT?!? Obviously Lexie.. but damn.

I loved every little scene I got with Lexie and Fletcher.. and I continuously wished that they were the ones dating! I wasn't a fan of Marisol and just wanted her out of the picture so badly. Also, Lexie's mom was kind of weird and annoying to me.

I need book 2 PRONTO!
Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
January 14, 2018
I didn't rate this book as high as it deserved because the second book in this series was horrible, just awful. Therefore I can't recommend this one because I wouldn't want to mislead anyone into reading this series. This is an author I won't read again I was so disgusted and angry.

The characters were well developed. It was obvious that much thought went in to each one, from Mom, the minister, the brothers, sister-in-law, and her two best friends.

Fletcher was my absolute favorite and I dearly love this man...wish he were mine. There was something about him that made him down-to-earth, yet a real class act. I was very drawn in by him. He was my hero for resisting the constant advances of Marisol as she sexually threw herself at him. He rejected her advances over and over again because of what he felt for Lexie, what had been evident between them from her first doctor's visit. Finally, a man strong enough to turn down a beautiful body (with help from surgical enhancements, of course) because of what his heart felt for another. Gosh I adored that in him. Bravo for having morals, for doing the right thing. You don't find that much these days in Romance Novels.

Kudos to Brooke Moss. You did a wonderful job with this story and I thank you. I will definitely be purchasing more of your books.
395 reviews23 followers
December 4, 2020
Will definitely want to read this again..

Some stories have a way of touching you. I truly enjoyed reading about friendship, the unconventional love stories, the crazy family and the not so perfect characters. Fletcher and Lexie's love is born out of chemistry and common interests. It's truly admirable when men will take a woman in his life regardless of their past, love them unconditionally. These two obviously have baggages but they accepted each other and moved on with to live a new life with the person they truly deserve. The willingness to sacrifice what they feel for the sake of the other person's happiness not realizin that they are each other's happiness. Another wonderful product of Brooke's creative mind.
Profile Image for Yelania Nightwalker.
1,058 reviews181 followers
August 9, 2013

Cuando lo vi gratis en amazon dudé en descargarlo, pero las buenas reseñas me ganaron y decidí aprovecharlo. ¡Qué bueno que lo hice!

Lexie descubre que está embarazada y aunque sabe bien quién es el padre y cómo, cuándo y dónde sucedió todo, ella no piensa decirle a nadie. Eso nos incluye, así que una buena parte del libro la pasamos sin saber nada.

Ella conoce a Fletcher porque decide cambiar de ginecólogo. Su prima Candance le recomienda a su obstetra y así empieza la diversión. Fletcher es un doctor sexy, divorciado y con una hija adorable (y un enorme perro). Desde el inicio ambos se sienten atraídos pero por un giro del destino y malas decisiones, él termina saliendo con la súper sexy amiga de Lexie: Marisol. Esta mujer es una citadora serial pero el encantador doctor la tiene loca... ¿Cómo puede Lexie decirle a su amiga que está enamorada de él? ¿¿¿¿Cómo????

Además, Lexie tiene que reconocer que no es lo que se puede decir "libre". Está por ser mamá soltera, tiene que lidiar con su trabajo, con su hermano que muere por tener un hijo con su esposa pero no pueden procrear, con su hermano menor que sale con Panda (léanlo y sabrán de qué hablo) y con una madre decidida a casarla con el que sea. Y cuando digo "el que sea" me refiero a eso. EL QUE SEA. Con tal de que su hija no sea madre soltera...

Me divertí muchísimo con los personajes, la familia de Lexie son todo un caso. Y a ella la adoré.

El romance entre ella y Fletcher es un dulce. Uno se derrite del amor de estos dos. La química entre la pareja es innegable pero ambos saben que no pueden estar juntos. Y todo se complica.

La verdad es que no puedo decirles o expresar completamente lo que este libro me hizo sentir. Honestamente soy un poco como Marisol que huye de las embarazadas y los bebés, y Lexie está embarazada de principio a fin en este libro. De modo que sabemos todo lo que tiene que lidiar, las náuseas, los cambios hormonales, las hinchazones, el sentirse gorda, los sentimientos hermosos que experimenta cuando empieza a sentir que su bebé se mueve y los ¡dolores de parto! Madre mía, sufrí sólo de leerlo...

En fin, si tienen tiempo, lean esta linda historia. La señora Moss nos demuestra que no se necesitan escenas de sexo para amar un libro, para enamorarte de sus personajes, sufrir y divertirte con ellos y derretirte en cuanto esos dos se ponen las manos encima. Créanme, no se van a arrepentir de leer esta novela. Dulce, romántica y divertida. ¡La amé!

El siguiente libro tendrá como protagonista a Marisol, ella tiene ascendencia hispana y por lo que pude leer en el primer capítulo que viene al final de esta novela, se le dará por decir cosas en español. Tiemblo nada más de pensarlo. En esas primeras hojas ya hay frases mal escritas en español, espero que las corrijan...
Profile Image for Kanika.
63 reviews2 followers
November 5, 2019
I don't get that why this book got so many good ratings because I thought the book was not funny but crappy as if the author thought to write about shitty characters and thought about somehow redeeming them which she couldn't.

The story starts with the news of Lexi (h) being pregnant by her ex husband who's a scumbag and it happened while both were drunk which I also found disgusting, I mean where was the Lexi's self respect, she just had sex with guy who cheated on her, stole money from her, slept around and vanished from her life like a fucking thief and this happened after he admitted he was going to propose to someone else. I mean i get it they are drunk but that's No EXCUSE. So I don't feel any pity for heroine she absofucking lutely deserve what she got because she lusted after her friends boyfriend ( I dont care how they portrayed her friends character) and not just lusting she kept things secret from her friends, from Fletcher (H) who is another character I dont understand. I mean if you got feelings for one person I.e Lexi then how can you date her friend even platonically specially after making out with Lexi you should have clean about it to your girlfriend or atleast end it. Dude you are playing someone's feelings which is WRONG. IT'S CHEATING. Secondly, I feel the morality of the book was quite questionable and shown in a light where it is portrayed quite negatively.

The whole book was basically based on lack of communication from Lexi to her friends, fletcher and so on ...Overall it totally sucked for me and I am sorry but sometimes when Lexi went on about pity partying for herself about her pain for fletcher ditching her to switch her to other doctor I felt like saying that "Someone needs to be more responsible and you deserve it BITCH"

After reading it whole I don't get who should get the award for being a BITCH - Lexi, Marisol, Fletcher or Nate. Ewwwww they all were fucking liars and cheaters. I am not sure I like a single character from this book maybe Candice or Corbin but still lead characters are pathetic.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melissa.
Author 80 books143 followers
December 23, 2014
Do you love stories with sassy women and hilarious events? Baby and Bump is a sweet love story about finding love where you least expect it!

What happens when a single pregnant woman falls for her obstetrician? Can they find love and happiness or will the doctor decide what's best for the patient?

Ms. Moss writes wonderful stories with engaging characters that will entertain you and keep you reading late into the night. Baby and Bump is the first book in the This & That Series but can be read as a stand alone. It's certainly a book you will want to read again and again!
Profile Image for Paula Bothwell.
1,541 reviews29 followers
November 11, 2018
Baby & Bump (This & That #1) - PG13
Violence: no
Language: fewer than 75
Sex: descriptive kissing. Sex referenced, no details.

I have read only one other romance where the heroine is expecting a baby, and as it did with this one, it really made me take a closer look at the main characters' relationship. I think it's founded more on personal interests and friendship than physical attraction, which makes it more interesting to me. (And that much more attention-worthy when they finally do get together.) I was pretty frustrated with the Hero for staying in a relationship that should have been stopped well before it was.
Profile Image for Cc.
1,107 reviews131 followers
January 26, 2021

Read this last month. The cheating is a kiss and having feelings for the man her bff/business partner has a sexual relationship with. The writing was ok, and I know that's damning it with faint praise, but it was just boring. No steam/sex to at least add tension.
Profile Image for Rhianna.
459 reviews93 followers
June 27, 2013
Unconventional, sweet, and packed with LOL moments!

Lexie Baump is thirty, successful, and after an epic indiscretion... pregnant. After a messy divorce she pulled herself up by the boot straps and started her catering company, Eats & Sweets, with her best frenemy, Marisol. Getting pregnant with no baby-daddy is a complication she really doesn't need. But this might be her one chance at motherhood and with the support of her cousin, Candace, she's determined to embrace it. First step, seeing her new obstetrician.

Dr. Fletcher Haybee, however, turns out to be everything Lexie could want in a guy. He's kind and quirky... and drop-dead gorgeous. With her mom trying to force a husband on her at every turn, morning sickness that lasts all day, and her busy catering schedule, it's only natural that she'd pretend no interest when Marisol decides she wants Fletcher. But the spark between them won't be denied as things grow ever more complicated right alongside her protruding baby bump.

It's no secret that I might just be Brooke Moss' number one fan. She's the author who pulled me from the paranormal shelves into more contemporary waters with her humorous and heartfelt, THE WHAT-IF GUY. Since then I've come to love her way of making people, not just characters, come to life on each page. They're funny and geeky, sexy and somber, thrust into situations that are relatable and emotional. And she's done it again with BABY & BUMP.

If you've ever had a surprise pregnancy you'll immediately empathize with Lexie. That's one of those really emotionally tumultuous things that blends fear and joy and anger and excitement into one big indescribable mess and I was feeling it right alongside Lexie. Quirky and responsible, it seems like a mistake she just wouldn't make and the mystery of just who the baby's father is and why she doesn't want to tell anyone is a nail-biting thread you'll want to unwind. In contrast, Fletcher is such an open book. I melted to mush right away with his Southern charm and how he's raising his daughter alone. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in finding a good dad to be one of the sexiest things on Earth.

The supporting cast is where a lot of the funnies come in and I just felt at home with them. Lexie's BFF cousin and her husband are adorable. Patsy, her mom, both annoys and yet is endearing in her own odd way. Her brothers and sister-in-law provide an added depth that makes the story strong. Then there's Marisol. I can't resist referring to her as the frenemy because she does and says things that if she were my friend I'd probably lose my cool over. I disliked her intensely and that eventually grew into hate. But then Moss did something... showed a side of Marisol that was unexpected and gave her some depth that I was anticipating. It made me cry and realize that I had been judging her only on what I was 'seeing' and that maybe there was so much more to her than I knew.

While it's definitely a romance, BABY & BUMP, is very much about the relationships that define us as family, specifically as parents. I just loved it. I laughed and cried and had to resist the urge to skip to the end. If you love quirky characters, single parent romances, lots of humor, and a heartfelt happy ending you have to read this book!

Notes: ARC received via author.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
236 reviews27 followers
January 21, 2021
I waited to read this book for a long ass time but for some reason I was always putting it off. I’m sad to say that I’m disappointed and I wasted my time.
I don’t get why it has so many good reviews, it sucked hairy balls!

So, be aware of the rant with lots of Spoilers that will follow!

I think the author lost track of things fast and just kept on pilling absurd things.
This book had potential, but…

And I’m really sad because I somewhat liked Lexie, she seemed a good character but got lost in the way.

This is my one and only shot at this author though.

Profile Image for Dianne.
868 reviews35 followers
April 14, 2014
GENRE: Pregnancy; In Love with best friend's boyfriend; Cheating

LENGTH: good length; 293 pages

Lexie Baump: a red-headed caterer, who finds out she is pregnant then meets her obstetrician and had undeniable chemistry with him. Then, she allows her best friend to go out with him. Soon, she starts to realize that she's in love with him.
Fletcher Haybee: Lexie's incredibly hot obstetrician who tries not to fall in love with her because he feels it's unethical, so he starts to date Lexie's best friend.
Marisol: Lexie's hot Latina best friend who starts to date Fletcher because he's a hot and a doctor.
Candace: Lexie's cousin, who introduces her to Fletcher.
Nate Smith: Lexi's ex-husband

Lexie's inner monologues
Lexie and Fletcher together
Lexie's hilarious mother!
The cabbage patch dolls

The predictability in the book
Marisol (well it's not that I dislike her but I didn't really warm up to her until the end)

OVERALL THOUGHTS ABOUT BOOKS: This book was too adorable for words! It was hilarious, cute, and just plain sweet. I could not stop smiling throughout the book. I did find the book was a little predictable (ex. I knew who the father was a couple chapters in). I also was annoyed with Fletcher for going out with Marisol in the first place. I understand he felt it was unethical but it just bugged me that he wasn't immune to Marisol's beauty. Another thing I didn't like was . It just bugged me! All in all, it was a cute, predictable book but I liked it as a whole.

STEAM LEVEL: No steam really


"Oh, you'll be a single mom?" "Yes. Unless you'd like to marry me."

"Did you get married to someone and not tell me?" I love Lexie's mother, Patsy!

FINAL RATING: 3.75 stars

Profile Image for Teri Beth.
453 reviews127 followers
January 28, 2014
Reviewed at Lives and Breathes Book Blog.

3.5 Feel Good Stars!

Baby & Bump was very entertaining and also different than the usual quick read. One reason being the main character is pregnant, I mean how often do the heroines find out they are pregnant on the very first page? Not many that I know of! Then Lexie has short, red hair. Yes, I am aware I am probably the only person that cares about that but it’s just so refreshing that she didn’t have those long, flowing, gorgeous locks! Those were left for her friend, Marisol and her cousin, Candace.

Lexie Baump was such an endearing character. The independent and strong mother-to-be just so happens to have a crush on her doctor. Yikes! I knew right away that couldn’t be good, especially when flirty Marisol goes to an appointment with Lexie.

Fletcher, “Dr. Baby”, was a very sweet man. I enjoyed his character and the fact that he was a single father. Personally, I would have like to have gotten to know him a little better to be able to really fall in love with him. He was still very enjoyable to read about and there was good chemistry between him and Lexie.

Baby & Bump also has a great cast of supporting characters, Lexie’s family is a hoot, they all brought great comic relief to the story as Lexie’s pregnancy progressed and her feelings for Fletcher got stronger. Plus Fletcher has the sweetest daughter!

Overall, Baby & Bump was cute. It made me smile and laugh, made me a little mad and a little sad at times, and kept me guessing for how things were going to go. It’s paced well; we see a great progression of Lexie’s pregnancy to where nothing feels too rushed or too slow. It’s the perfect kind of quick read!
Profile Image for Mimi Lovell.
159 reviews3 followers
August 11, 2013
So, the first thing that got me, is that the book is based in Spokane, Washington. Which is like a hop, skip and a jump from where I live, so automatically, I HAD to read it. And, I am so glad I did. This was such a lighthearted, but definitely heartfelt book. I was immediately drawn in and could not put the book down. I read all day long, and into the night. I have to say, fist off, that Dr Fletcher Haybee (swoon) was probably what every pregnant woman hopes she gets, but also hopes she NEVER gets. He's such a gentleman, and super gorgeous. What girl doesn't want a super gorgeous doctor looking at her lady parts, while up in the stirrups? And Lexie. She has to be a perfect heroine for this story. She is little miss independent, but still completely worried about how her family will react when they find out she is not only pregnant, but that she is going to raise her baby, alone... No father, at all. This is where her hilariously clueless mother comes in. She's a riot. But, I certainly would NEVER want her to be my mom. She says and does the most inappropriate things. All out of love for her daughter, but completely wrong, and definitively hurtful.
This book has the perfect amount of friendship for this amazingly romantic story. Her two best friends, Marisol and Candace, really balanced out the hilarity and crazy missteps (and sometimes even contributed to them).
So, I think I am going to leave it at that, because I don't want to give away the whole farm. That for you to read. Which you absolutely need to do.
And, then check out Apples and Oranges, book 2 in this series, which is Lexie's BF, Marisol's story. And I can't wait to see how Marisol gets hers (Her HEA, that is.) ;)
Profile Image for Moon .
3,350 reviews230 followers
August 28, 2013
Is this available in paperback? It should be. And dear God I'm behind. The sequel is out already and I'm still here writing a review...

This book really packed a punch. I laughed, smiled, got teary eyed, held my breath, and much more. I read this somewhat blind. I had this book and had forgotten what it was about. The bell didn't ring in my head until after I'd started reading. Once I had, that was it, there was no way I was voluntarily putting it down.

Oh Fletcher (said in a sighing tone). What a man. And Martha! You can't help but love her. She is really precocious. Lexie, Lexie, Lexie...She's a character you like, root for, and still want to smack upside her head. I love how this book is so life like. It's not all black and white and while I love things that are neat and clean, real life can be messy. Oh and do plan on being surprised by plot twists.

This is the second book by this author that I've read and loved. Brooke Moss knows how to write a good book. I'm going to keep reading her books and recommend you do too if you already don't.
Profile Image for Jo.
1,864 reviews17 followers
January 5, 2015
My face get wet when I read. Lexie deserved a better life, divorce at 25, she had nothing, the ex draw out all her money, no job, no home, no family n no money. It really long way for her to get what she had when she was 30.

One night mistake with her ex brings the best in her life even she was wondering can she do it, the mother's hard words n .....

She did it even it almost kill her life when she give birth.

Fletcher, a good man n never wants to hurt people, that's why he is a doctor to save lifes. But he did hurt people, the two best friend, what his behavior hurts both girls even it is HEA but I do fell sorry for Marisol, she may be a bitch sometime, but she is loyal to her friend, she is the rock of Lexie

Profile Image for Emily.
5,498 reviews526 followers
March 24, 2019
Caterer Lexie Baump just found out she is pregnant, she had not planned on being a single mother but she knows this is the right thing for her life. When she is referred to Dr. Fletcher Haybee, she finds the attractive man is someone she could spend her life with but when he starts dating her best friend she gives up on wanting him. However, the chemistry between them is off the charts and one thing leads to another. Lexie and Fletcher find themselves falling hard for one another but will her best friend understand why Fletcher broke it off with her with no hard feelings?

This was really funny but I didn't like that the friend was involved with Fletcher. Made it a bit awkward. Great chemistry and would check out more from this author. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Gisele.
374 reviews25 followers
September 13, 2013
Such a sweet read! It warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes more than once.
I want a Fletcher to meeeee!!!! =)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews

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