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Guards of Book Two

Following the death of their sub, the former owners of the Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott and Rig Beckworth, were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. After seven years, these two Doms are ready to move on and find the boy who will complete them. Their painful past comes crashing back when they meet Mason Howard, a submissive who just weeks ago lost his Doms in a car accident.

Reeling from overwhelming grief that’s complicated by a severe social anxiety disorder, Mason can barely leave his home. When Rig and Bobby find him, he’s hit rock bottom, believing life is no longer worth living. Bobby and Rig set out to prove the younger man wrong. Fate has brought the three men together, but they’ll have to face the pain of fear and loss head-on before they can all truly live again.

220 pages, ebook

First published October 3, 2013

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About the author

S.J.D. Peterson

51 books1,007 followers
It's been an amazing journey since DSP first contracted Lorcan's Desire in January 2011. I've published 2 free reads with the M/M Romance group, my back list is growing, met some great people and have made some amazing friends.
I'm still in shock that I'm listed among the many talented authors at Dreamspinner Press! The little voice in the back of my head is screaming, "You are so out of your league."
Shhhhh I won't tell them if you don't :)

You can call me Jo, everyone does :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 180 reviews
Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
October 15, 2013
5 HUGE Stars... I totally LOVE this series!!!

SJD Peterson does not write books where it takes you a couple of chapters to start connecting with the characters, what she does so well, and quite frankly excels at is engaging you instantly. I was totally hooked right from the start with the gut wrenching prologue to Tag Team,  I just sat back and thought WOW! Because from the very first page my heart was bleeding… the impact took my breath away and I wasn’t putting my book down for anything. What I love about Jo’s writing is that she not only hits the right note with raw emotion but also gives us a sprinkling of humour and blends them perfectly. Throughout this book I laughed, proper belly laughs, cried ugly tears, felt an inner peace and happiness that all was right in their world with the kind of pride one would normally reserve for family, because my big burly bears Rig and Bobby did right by Mason… such was my connection to these characters.

Mason’s Dom’s are both killed in a tragic car accident and we meet him at the funeral of Charles, ostracised from the family, ignored as the dirty little secret not to be acknowledged, bearing his sorrow alone. Having been disowned by his parents and suffering from panic attacks, Gregory and Charles had been his haven only now he is overwhelmed by grief, a fragile and broken man and needy sub engulfed in the blanket of sorrow the surrounds him.

Meanwhile Bobby and Rig are living the life of retirement, holidaying in the Florida heat and the pair of them had me in hysterics.

“There is a reason Florida doesn’t have bears, Rig. It’s too hot and we have too much fur”

Folsom, the Club and the lifestyle had been Bobby and Rig’s life… it was where they had met and where they had enjoyed their life together with Stephen, their sub, who they also tragically lost to a car accident seven years prior and although they were happy to let the club go, there was still something missing, both Bobby and Rig were Dom’s and as much as they loved each other, they needed a third, a sub to complete them.

Mason’s need to be cared for went soul deep, without his Dom’s he was adrift with no purpose and unable to cope with the grief, he needed to focus, only he was alone with no one to guide him, living in a constant loop of of nightmares, and with his social anxiety disorder he was completely isolated… his only thought was of oblivion, to be with his Dom’s and no longer have the gapping hole in his heart. Unable to function properly without sleep and food he thought he was losing his mind.

My heart was singing that in some way, call it what you may, destiny, fate or other forces at work, had a hand in bringing these men together. (yes, I know it’s only a story, but these characters are living in my head!) Seeing the sadness in Mason��s eyes brought back Bobby and Rigs own memories of their loss and devastation at losing Stephen, only they had had each other for support …and Mason was alone. They had all shared that dark place where you feel you may drown in the burden of grief and sorrow and watching these two men in full Dom mode caring for Mason was beautiful, they maybe two big growly bears, but inside they were teddy bears and Mason was their baby bear and they were going to pull out all the stops to get him the help he needed, something his previous Dom’s had failed him in. Normally I want to jump right in there myself with hugs and comfort, but with Mason, I wanted it to be Bobby and Rig, I wanted them to make it all better… and when Max (OMG! I can’t wait for his book… just delicious!) volunteers to make the flight to Florida, well, damn, good friends are worth their weight in gold and I was happy that Mason was getting the support system he needed.

Mason couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen or felt anything so beautiful. Once again, Mason was struck dumb by how these two men had come into his life, put his needs above all other things, and asked for nothing in return.

For Mason, somehow the trust he had in these two men was there from the start, he felt at ease and for someone with a phobia of being with strangers, it was something he couldn’t quite fathom himself but the care and compassion as well as the knowledge that they understood his grief put him at ease and watching him let go of that emotion and finally sharing in the somewhat unconventional humour and snarky banter, just made my insides smile.

This is only a BDSM novel in that the characters are into the lifestyle and the series revolves around the Folsom BDSM Club, because in Tag Team if you are looking for a kink fix you will get mild spanking and that is it, the sex between them however is just smouldering, my heart was pounding in anticipation and the build up intense… and, oh boy, was it good!

This book is more about the healing process of these three men and watching the characters grow together seeing how Mason had such a profound effect on what had always been an inherent part of Bobby and Rigs nature, Rig the growly papa bear and protector and Bobby the soothing mama bear and nurturer, how they had always been a perfect fit, shifted and changed to accommodate Mason and it brought a different aspect not only to their relationship but to the three of them together. In return they were giving Mason what he needed, not more of what he had shared with Gregory and Charles but something new and that was what I loved, they morphed into this unit that together was beautiful… complimenting each other perfectly.

The silence that followed wasn’t uncomfortable. It was peaceful. He had no doubt that whatever barrier or obstacle they had just crossed, Rig and Bobby were feeling it too. Mason could feel it in their touch, had seen it in their eyes, and it was as if none of them wanted to speak and break the delicate bubble that surrounded them in this perfect little world.

I didn’t want this book to end, don’t get me wrong, it came to a satisfying conclusion, but as with Pup I just don’t want to let go of the characters. If only I could tap into the mind of Ms. Peterson so I too could live in their world because already Pony cannot come soon enough!

I could wax lyrical for pages and tell you all about the wonderful writing and how the characters touched me and how Jo Peterson is just one of those authors that I connect with, but it’s all a given… I love this author and she never ceases to amaze me and continues to give me everything I want from a book and… I will quite happily shout it from the roof tops without the slightest apology for my over enthusiastic behaviour.

EXCELLENT!!! Highly recommended and if you haven’t read Pup… get a wriggle on as this series and characters are not to be missed!

Click the link and enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win a copy of Tag Team... giveaway open until midnight(GMT) Monday 7th Oct.

Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews474 followers
May 9, 2015
Big Ol' Hurt & Comfort going on here.

Mason is drowning in despair when Bobby and Rig find him. It's a slow journey for the trio as they guide Mason back to here and now. It's sad, but optimistic and asks the one question relevant to us all:
"You have to ask yourself, is finding someone who is willing to bring you a little happiness, no matter for how long or how brief, really such a bad thing?”

Overall, the sweet and nurturing side of kinky as two Doms find their sub
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,685 reviews85 followers
August 19, 2022
Bobby y Rig se encuentran en Florida de vacaciones, Rig intentando disfrutar de los jovenes solteros que puedan llevar a su cama, y Bobby cansado del calor y el sol de estos lados. Pero un dia en una caminata por la playa, Bobby ve a un joven con ojos tristes que huye solo de oirlo acercarse, asi que se preocupa e incluye a Rig en buscar al joven y averiguar si se encuentra bien. Habiendo sido ellos Doms durante tantos anos, saben que un joven con collar de sumiso y ojos tristes, significa que el jove esta en problemas, y hizo de su mision averiguar lo que le pasaba y como ayudarlo. Pero lo que descubren les hace salir a flote no solo sus instintos de proteccion hacia el joven, sino los recuerdos mas dolorosos que han tenido, y solo logrando apoyarse mutuamente podran ayudar al joven mientras sanan sus heridas.
Mason perdio a sus Doms y ahora se siente solo y a la deriva, durante 12 anos, habia estado con ellos, se habia sentido amado, querido, que pertenecia, y ahora no tenia nada. Los pensamientos que cruzan por su mente no son muy sanos y la unica respuesta que le llega a su mente es reunirse con sus Doms. Pero la noche que toma la decision lo encuentran una pareja de Doms que lo hacen ver lo erroneo de sus pensamientos y lo instan a buscar ayuda. Ahora con el apoyo de ellos siente que puede volver a vivir, pero sera vida si ellos se van y vuelve a quedar solo?
Los tres tendran que superar su dolor y angustia por la perdida, y comenzar a ver la relacion que se esta formando entre ellos como un futuro real, solo requeriran de valor y esperanza para poder tener lo que quieren.

El libro comienza muy bien, la descripcion del dolor de Mason me llego totalmente, entendi su razonamiento y sus alucinaciones, por eso cuando cambia de pronto como a mitad del libro y se convierte feliz y entregado sub (aunque con problemas para socializar), me decepciono un poco. Al igual que los personajes de Bobby y Rig, comenzaron como 2 Doms de caracter fuerte y se volvieron dos osos de peluche que practicamente lo unico que hacian era consentir a Mason.
El personaje de Max me gusto bastante, y espero que el proximo libro sea de el, tambien me gusto que aparecieran Ty y Micah, asi pudimos ver como les ha ido a las otras parejas mientras se desarrollaba esta trama.
Otro problema que le consegui, fueron la cantidad de incongruencias o preguntas que quedaron guindando. Por ejemplo:
-Cuando tuvieron la conversacion del dinero de Mason?
-Al principio habian dicho que habian extendido el alquiler un mes, pero de golpe pasaron 3 meses fuera?
-En que momento Mason acepto ser su sub y que paso con el contrato o los limites?
-Cuando regresan a su casa, no entendi eso de que Tackett y Micah la estaban cuidando, acaso se quedaban ahi? iban a de visita a verificar todo? cuando acordaron eso?
-Cuando regresan Mason dice que esta feliz de volver a ver a Max para sus citas, entonces porque se emociona tanto por verlo en el Club? No se supone que ha estado yendo a terapia con el desde que llego?
Esas y otras inconguencias me hicieron sentir que el libro fue mal editado, espero que el proximo este mejor. Pero con todo y eso, lo disfrute, tiene varias escenas Hot que no terminan siendo tan Hot, pero las romanticas y las psicologicas son el fuerte de este libro.
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
October 11, 2013
Pup wasn't for me so I wasn't sure about reading more of the Guards of Folsom series, but the blurb for this book sounded like a better fit with some nice opportunities for hurt/comfort thrown in. The beginning showed a lot of promise. I love the characters, and the initial angst was well done. I cried. And my throat hurt.

Unfortunately, my positive feelings didn't extend to the romance. For the first 67%, I didn't feel any chemistry between the MCs and there was little sexual tension. So, a lovely story of grief and healing, but a bit boring on the romance side.

By the time the first sex scene happened. I was almost uninterested, but the scene was steamy hot, and the MCs found some nice chemistry after that. Still, I wasn't happy with all the telling going on, especially with all the inner thoughts and explanations of what was happening.

A lot happened off page, too, sometimes with time jumps where major things happened and we are only told about it after the fact. I wanted to experience it, not have someone tell me about it. That, combined with enough sugary sweetness to make me yearn for some kind of conflict, left me struggling to finish. After such a great start, I was disappointed.

Side note:
For those worried about BDSM, don't. This is a story about two Doms and a sub, but there aren't any serious scenes, just a mild spanking. That nice playroom is all but ignored.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,167 followers
October 6, 2013
I enjoyed this a whole bunch. Peterson grabbed me by the tear ducts on the first page, and didn't let go until half way through. The BDSM is sugar kink and fluffy, and will delight fans of Sean Michael. I was happy to roll with it, because Mason. Everything about this book was OK with me because Mason and his pain. Delicate, pretty Mason and his older bears, YUMMMMM!

I still maintain that Peterson is not a good writer, and tends to tell and not show. There were several big chunks of relationship development dropped into this story in a few sentences, and these, as always, annoyed me. The end of the book is also stretched out purely so we can preview other couples whose stories might comprise future volumes in the series.

There is also the strangest sentence in this book:

There is no mention of children in the preceding text. Serious question: does Peterson think that the "kid" in "kid gloves" is from the slang for children? That kid gloves are gloves that are soft, with which to handle children? Because hahahahahahaha. No.

Profile Image for Constantine.
988 reviews285 followers
August 1, 2019
Rating: 2.5/5.0


This was a lot slower than the first book and at times especially the beginning of the book I thought that it had an element of fantasy when Mason was able to see his own body in a near-death experience as we got into his head while he talked about himself or something like that. The writing was OK overall. But the story is not something that will get you engaged a lot. I would say it is pretty below average.
Profile Image for Simsala.
524 reviews58 followers
October 7, 2013
DNF 70%

I refrain from tagging this as BDSM.

Two Doms and a sub?
No, two mama bears and their slightly schizophrenic cub playing strip Monopoly.
And the winner gets? - Honey of course!

This is not a DNF, this is self-defense....
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
July 5, 2015
So to be totally honest, I was a bit disappointed with this one. It's my first SJD Peterson, and I was hoping for some in-depth, emotionally poignant BDSM/Menage relationship dynamics. Sadly, this one just fell short of the mark for me. I've read some really interesting BDSM (het and gay), and when they're really well done, they stick in your mind. Axel's Pup, for example, is one that was just bizarre enough to leave a mark on my psyche. Tag Team was, unfortunately, rather pedestrian in terms of emotional depth, kink, and menage, and it left me fairly unfulfilled.

The whipped topping on this Sundae of Sadness is that the writing is pretty sloppy in a few places. I'll just use this sentence as an example:

"'...and I did some pretty nasty things and hurt some good people that I'm not too proud of.'"

The character just intimated he's not proud of the people he hurt. So...yeah. This is a Dreamspinner Press release. I kinda expected more in terms of editing, especially since I paid over $6 to read this. I've read self-published ninety-nine centers that were edited better.

Ah, well, you can't win 'em all. I know there are a lot of people out there who enjoy Peterson's writing, and hey, more power to you, I'm glad you enjoy it. I just don't think her writing is my cuppa.
Profile Image for Will Parkinson.
Author 3 books99 followers
September 26, 2013
My name is Will Parkinson and I do NOT read menage/threesome books. Seriously. Why then did I read this one? One: SJD Peterson wrote it. Two: See one.

She taunted me with bits of the story about Mason. Even though I only caught a glimpse of the young man I felt his pain like a knife. So I decided to read it, with the thought that I wouldn't like it. Sigh. Yeah, I was wrong.

I'm not a fan of threesomes, but SJD made this story work so beautifully as Bobby and Rig pulled Mason out of his bitter descent into oblivion. They needed to find one another because without each other, they weren't complete.

This story is a hard read in places. Mason's anguish isn't easy to let go of, but Bobby and Rig are there for him. First as friends, because right now, Mason truly needs some.

They'll meet his problems head on and face the unknown together, whatever it brings. Like family.
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
October 27, 2013
I enjoyed the first book in this series and I have been waiting for this one, and i was not disappointed!

This book opens with Rig and Bobby, two Doms who have been together many years. They had recently sold their BDSM club and are now vacationing in Florida. And as the blurb states they are still mourning their sub Stephan.

What I enjoyed right off the bat with this book is the relationship between Rig and Bobby, their dialogue and humor with one another was wonderfully entertaining. I could really feel the ease from being together and loving each other for years between these two. And I liked these two guys were not described as muscled hotness and physical perfection either. Both could stand to lose a few and they didn’t like to workout, it made them seem that much more real. What I saw in my minds eye was two big teddy bears. So while vacationing in Florida, Bobby complaining about the heat decides to take a walk to cool off. And he stumbles upon Mason…

Mason is a sub and is devastated, lost and mourning the accidental death of his two Doms is sinking fast into depression. Mason also has a social disorder and can barely handle being outside among other people. Mason is a tender, broken soul and my heart ached for this sweet guy. Just when Mason hits his low point Bobby and Rig stumble upon him. The two men set out to help this lost and broken soul.

This book is about loss and healing, and while the all the characters are into the BDSM lifestyle don’t expect to see any of it in this story (I kept waiting for it to start actually). Did I miss it? Well yes, actually I did….I wanted my kinky sex! Well there was a little (spank me daddy), but my kinky side wanted more!! HEHEHE.

I also enjoyed seeing the characters from Pup, and Ty and Blake from the Whispering Pines series. I love these guys!!

Overall a wonderful and feel good story. This story did miss the mark on a few things for me. For one it would have been good to see Mason get back into his sub role more, I would have considered that part of his healing journey. Calling the two Doms sir for the first time was glossed over. And I wanted to see more of the Dom side of Rig and Bobby, I felt like we got their “caring and nurturing side” although necessary of course, I wanted to see the “Big Dom” side as well. What I did love was witnessing another happy Menage couple….I am turning into a kink loving woman it would appear….hehehehe
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
November 17, 2013

I'm writing this review with a much lighter heart than when I wrote my review for Pup the first in the Guards Of Folsom series. Unfortunately I was sadly disappointed with that ( my feelings, don't let that put you off ) but I really wanted to read the next in the series because I still loved the idea of the club and the stories of couples who are members there so I started Tag Team with a little trepidation but within a couple of pages I knew I could just settle back and enjoy the story.. So I did and I finished with a big smile on my face.

Bobby and Rig are absolute sweethearts which seems a strange thing to be saying about two big strong and experienced Doms, but they are! So caring, so loving and so likeable, they had suffered their own pain when seven years before they lost their own beloved sub in a terrible accident.

At the start of the book they are at a stage in their lives when they both feel that as much as they love each other, as Doms they need to complete their family once more with a sub who they can once again love and cherish instead of just doing the odd scene at the club with different ones. So they take a well earned break together in Florida to recharge their batteries and whilst there they come across poor broken Mason who has just lost both his Doms in a car accident. In a deep state of emotional distress, Mason has reached rock bottom and not having any other friends or family he makes a drastic decision which thankfully backfires allowing Bobby and Rig to step in and take the grieving sub under their wing and from then on we see the journey the three of them take as they heal not just Mason's but ultimately each other's losses.

Its a lovely journey and a very satisfying one which is why I finished with a huge smile. Very poignant and tender at times it's also sensual and hot when the three of them finally take their relationship further but I loved that in this Bobby and Rig respected that Mason wouldn't be open to a sexual relationship straight away and at the beginning just cuddled him and cared for him in a way that made him slowly grow to trust them. This made the love scenes all the more special when they arrived.

I never thought I'd be saying this but I did feel that seeing as this is a D/s and BDSM based series, there could have been a few more ' scenes ' included and like some other reviewers I was a bit surprised that we didn't get to see Mason and the guys using that magnificent playroom more but having said that its a great story, a lovely ménage and a beautifully told romance. I must also add that at the start of the book SJD tells a very personal and sad story that linked with the theme of the story and touched me a lot, not an easy story to share so thank you. .

I'm very glad to say this time I loved it! Bring on book 3.
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2013

Tag Team is the second installment of the Guard of Folsom series and it's Rig and Bobby's story! Yay! **happy dance**

Seven years after losing their beloved sub Stephen, Rig and Bobby are on vacation in Florida where they meet Mason, who is left alone after his two Doms are killed in an car accident. Mason suffers from social anxieties and panic disorder.

When Bobby sees Mason in his yard and tries to introduce himself, Mason runs away in fear. Bobby can't get the boy out of his mind and continues to look after him. One night he and Rig find Mason passed out in the garden. It looks like a suicide attempt.

A journey of emotional healing is following, not only for Mason, but also for Bobby and Rig, who are still suffering from Stephen's death. With Rig and Bobby's support, understanding, patience and big bear cuddles Mason begins to recover. I loved the slow and carefully path the characters are going. It needs time to heal, to trust, to submit again.

Mason gets help in his healing process from Max, a Dom and psychiatrist and I fell instantly in love with the guy. He plays a essential role in the healing of Mason. Hopefully Max and his sub Aiden will be the focus of the next book in the series.

And of course it's awesome to meet Ty, Blake, Tackett and Micah from the first book again.

Like my friend Trisie I was looking forward to the rush of feelings when Mason calls Bobby and Rig sir for the first time. But instead of witnessing a very significant moment we get nothing more than a retrospective glance. Too bad!

The lack of BDSM elements was somewhat disappointing. We meet two hot Doms with an exquisite playroom, but anyone who expects a scene at some point of the story will end frustrated. The only thing we get is a cute, little spanking. :)

So if you love menage stories and don't like BDSM stuff, don't worry, you can read the book.
Profile Image for Trisie.
64 reviews18 followers
October 7, 2013
This book is especially hard to rate for me, three stars seem too few for an emotional impact it brought, because it made me really feel and suffer with Mason. On the other hand I was expecting more and felt like it left me hanging.
What I really appreciate is the slow development of the new relationship, how they were getting know to each other while discovering how much they fit together. I felt it was exactly what all of them needed. I can't imagine it working for me if they started being intimate sooner.
Now to the things I didn't like so much. It's all based on BDSM matter without any real feeling of it. It's mostly talking about it than actually doing it. Don't get me wrong there are the typical elements of it but I'm pretty sure that even a person that doesn't like BDSM stuff could handle it without problem (well, if they could cope with some sweet spanking). That brings me to the other thing: Why the hell was I introduced to that exquisite playroom and its equipment when I didn't get a bit from it in the end? They could do that spanking on a sofa in the living room and there wouldn't have been a difference. I couldn't stop thinking about Chekhov's gun rule there. Also I was really looking forward to the rush of feelings when Mason calls them sir for the first time. Instead of it it happened without me and I was just told about it in retrospective. The last thing I wasn't so happy about was the end, something was just missing there. I'm giving it four stars for almost making me cry in the beginning and because I loved all the MCs.
Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,138 reviews95 followers
October 6, 2013
Umm more like 3.75 stars, really just shy of 4 stars.

Things I liked: slow burn, how loss/grief was handled, not heavy on the sex

Things I didn't like: these three came together too easily. I would have liked to see more proof of Mason being more self-proficient. A bit of angst somewhere could have helped, I was hoping for something to test the strength of the relationship but nothing.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,461 reviews166 followers
October 7, 2013
This is a terrific addition to the Guards of Folsom series. This time it is a ménage. Bobby and Rig, a wonderful, caring Dom couple, and Mason a scared, scarred and vulnerable man. It makes for some emotion-filled reading.

There is sadness, grief, two men who won't give up and are prepared to help another human in a dark place. There is a slow build and no expectations, but comfort turns into more.

Tag Team is more subtle than the wonderful Pup, but it is beautiful and emotional and the sex is incredibly intimate.

I loved seeing a bit of Tackett and Micah. I loved the role Ty played. Great reading, a new auto-select series for me.

PS: Whatever you do please read the author's forward it is brave and heart breaking all at once.

5 star reading!!
Profile Image for Purplegirl .
345 reviews85 followers
October 6, 2013
It's been a while since I read a book, besides a shifter book, in one day. I absolutely LOVED this book! Not only because it had two Doms and a sub but it was just such a great story. Rig, Bobby and Mason just fit together. Their similar histories with their sub and Doms just worked so well. It had me rooting for all of them to make it. It was so good. I love this series. Excellent story, excellent writing, excellent emotions, great sex and the BDSM was not in your face but fit very well for the situation. Great read! 5 stars!
Profile Image for Suzy .
748 reviews1 follower
May 22, 2017
Brilliant book! Three great guy who were so right together - lots of emotional moments on their journey (keep your tissues handy). Fell totally in love with Bobby and Rig!
Profile Image for Sandra.
1,648 reviews49 followers
September 15, 2015
un libro intenso,commovente ed erotico,bello e particolare.astenersi non amanti bdsm o menage a trois
July 22, 2014
3.5 stars

I love Jo Peterson's books. She is an auto-buy for me. Her characters are always well drawn, the sex is hot and she manages to put emotion into her stories. There is no question that there is a lot of emotion to be found in Tag Team. All of the characters have suffered loss and need to deal with grief. Mason's grief just tore me apart inside.

The blurb pretty much tells you what the story is about. While there is an air of BDSM all around, that is not really what this book is about. There is minimal sex and nothing more hard core than a spanking. It is a book about grief, and healing and I found that aspect well done. Bobby and Rig throw themselves into caring for Mason, after they find him passed out next to a suicide note. Rig and Bobby have first hand knowledge of what he is feeling, having lost their only sub 7 years prior in a car accident. They bring in their friend Max (who was briefly introduced in Pup) who is both a Dom and a therapist, and he works with Mason throughout the book.

Bobby and Rig quickly realize that they both are falling for Mason and would love to have him as a submissive, while knowing that it may never happen. There is a slow build to any romantic/sexual relationship. Unfortunately, for most of the book I felt as if Mason was only substituting them for the Doms he lost out of convenience. It wasn't until most of the way through the story that I really felt the attraction.

One thing that I felt was missing was that the aspects of Rig and Bobby as Doms that were described in Pup were nowhere to be found in Tag Team. In Pup, they are described not only loyal and loving (which was quite apparent here), but as set in their ways and into hard core kinks "humiliation, piss play and complete unquestioning slave-type submission." Although Bobby thinks about the fact that they wouldn't be able to or want to change who and what they are, this aspect of what they would require from Mason never comes up. I also felt that there were a few parts of the story that I would have liked to see played out on the page, rather than just referred to in passing .

Even though it wasn't fully what I expected, I enjoyed Tag Team and will definitely continue with the series. I am completely intrigued by Max and am excited for his story especially now knowing who his new boy Aiden is.

Profile Image for Runell.
1,057 reviews70 followers
September 25, 2015
Now this was better. Much better than Pup.

After reading Pup, I was slightly weary about reading Tag Team, the fact that it was also a ménage, which I'm really not fond of at all, only made me even more so. Nonetheless, the story intrigued me, and I decided to throw the towel in and go for broke.

Thankfully, I came out a little richer than I had been after finishing the first in this series because overall, I really enjoyed Bobby, Mason, and Rig's story. By the end of the first three percent, my heart was already aching for Mason, and I just wanted to give him a hug and pet him and love him . . . he really needed it.

Bobby and Rig aren't exactly what I expected of them. I honestly thought they were going to be . . . rougher, harder, but they weren't. Bobby was like a big teddy bear [Mason even says so], and apparently Rig is "tamed" by Mason, how much so, I'm not sure because all I really got out of him was that he was really Alpha like, and I know you're probably thinking, Well, yeah, he's a Dominant in a BDSM relationship; but again, besides the "boys" that are thrown around, Rig didn't seem anymore or any less of an Alpha then in any other romance novels I've read with Alphas.

Like I said, though, I enjoyed their story. I didn't hate anyone [except Tackett when he showed up *rolls eyes*] which is a huge plus for me. They all got their happily ever after, which wasn't wrapped up in a beautiful little bow which I was thankful for in this case because there was just too much they still had to get through for that to have been convincing.

The story that I'm really intrigued about, and have to wait for a little longer, is Max's. The way he was described in this story . . . mouth watering. His kinks, I have a feeling, are going to raise my eyebrows and have me going "hmmmm", but he's the one I'm most curious about so I'm really looking forward to his story because with it, I get to check up on Bobby, Mason, and Rig [and make sure Micah is okay too].

I'm happy.
Profile Image for El Ma.
427 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2019

Ich oute mich jetzt mal *g*, obwohl, manche von euch werden es ja schon mitbekommen haben werden … Ich mag Geschichten mit mehreren Partnern. Ich wüsste zwar jetzt nicht, ob ich es selbst leben könnte (in diese Situation kam ich noch nicht), aber die Vorstellung davon gefällt mir. Somit war klar, dass meine Erwartungshaltung an diesen Teil der “Guards of Folsom”-Serie noch höher war, als an die beiden anderen. Was bin ich doch für eine glückliche Frau … ich wurde nicht enttäuscht

Gott, was habe ich bei dieser Geschichte Tränen vergossen. Mitzubekommen, was passiert, wenn man keine Rechte hat, weil man mit seinen Partnern/seinem Partner nicht verheiratet ist und die Familien der Verstorbenen machen was ihnen gefällt, ohne Rücksicht auf die Verstorbenen und den zurückgebliebenen Partner ist unwürdig und grausam .

Ich habe mit Mason mitgelitten und mich für ihn gefreut. Auch, (und das erfährt man im Laufe der Geschichte) wenn seine verstorbenen Partner nicht alles richtig gemacht haben, war Mason glücklich mit ihnen und hat sich gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Alleine und verlassen auf der Welt ist er bedingt durch seine Phobie gefühlt der einsamste Mensch der Welt, bis Rig und Bobby in sein Leben “einbrechen”. Mason wird durch die beiden Männer förmlich “überrollt” und hat eigentlich gar keine Chance, sich gegen soviel Herzenswärme und Zuwendung zu wehren. Nicht nur Mason fehlt etwas Wichtiges in seinem Leben, nein, auch Rig und Bobby suchen ihr fehlendes Puzzleteil.

Zu sehen, wie sich hier etwas entwickelt, wie aus Einzelteilen wieder etwas Ganzes werden kann, wie Rig und Bobby Mason die Hilfe und Unterstützung geben, die er braucht, hat SJD Peterson richtig gut rübergebracht. D.h. auch die Übersetzung hat es geschafft, die einzelnen Facetten so einzufangen, dass für mein Gefühl nichts auf der Strecke geblieben ist.

Diesen zweiten Band zu toppen wird nicht einfach, ich lasse mich aber gerne durch Buch 3 überraschen
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
September 27, 2013
Please leave comments on Lucky's 5 sweet pea review at http://mrsconditreadsbooks.com/index....

SJD Peterson knows how to drag me kicking and screaming into reading something I normally wouldn’t read. And the kicker? She has a perfect track record when it comes to books that she says I’ll enjoy.

It’s unusual for me to read a ménage book. When she started this story she told me I’d love it, and I told her I probably wouldn’t even read it. Then she shared a few snippets and damned if I wasn’t hyped to know what was going to happen.

We begin our story with Mason, a young submissive who has lost the two most important men in his life to a horrible accident. He’s alone and has no idea what to do. Crippled by social anxiety, he’s isolated from help and he’s drowning in despair.

Bobby and Rig are on vacation, loving and hating it at the same time. When they come across a young man, collar around his neck, they greet him only to be surprised when he makes a mad dash for the door.

Not able to get the young man out of his mind, Bobby goes to check on him and what he finds proves to him that this boy needs him and Rig in the worst way.

It didn’t take me much past the first few paragraphs to need to turn the pages. Mason pulled my heart so hard and I wanted them to find him and save him and, in return, themselves. SJD wrote some amazing bits into this story, strong and powerful passages that makes you want to comfort all three men. Will they be able to save each other? Will Mason be the string that ties them together? In order to get through his defenses, Bobby and Rig definitely have to Tag Team the issue.

Another awesome story from SJD Peterson. And curse her for being right again.
Profile Image for Dee Wy.
1,455 reviews
May 29, 2014
An amazing story that dares to deal with the topic of suicide, a brave move on the part of the author as the issue is personal to her family. Be sure to read the author note before starting the book. If you're like me, you may shed a few tears right there.

Just as I could feel the author's pain about her loss, I could also feel deeply the pain Mason felt after losing his two Doms. So beautifully written that even though I bled for Mason, I could not turn away from his pain. I so desperately wanted him to find someone to love him again.

I fell in love with both Rig and Bobby who also had to deal with the death of a loved one. Everything they did for Mason made me so proud of them and happy that Mason had found someone to care about him so deeply.

This story is both raw and tender. Did I mention beautifully written? Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Chris, the Dalek King.
1,168 reviews151 followers
May 4, 2016
If you are reading this, then I am already gone. I apologize for the stress or inconvenience this may cause you. I am sure finding a dead body was not on your list of things you wanted to do today, and your unease will be my last regret...

Mason Howard lost the two most important people in his life to a stupid accident. A car crash. A brief moment of time in which what he had vanished into something he'll never have again. And to say that he isn't handling it very well is just about the understatement of all time. Even if he wasn't being crushed by grief, he has to now figure out how to deal with his constant panic attacks without his Doms, Charlie and Gregory, to ground him. When it all simply gets to be too much, he figures the only way out of his nightmare is to join the men he loves, wherever that may be. Heaven, Hell, or just a blank, black nothingness.

He never planned on Bobby and Rig, though. Never knew that they would be there to catch him at his weakest moment. Never figured that he could fill some part of them that was missing, the way that Mason was empty as well. But fate, luck, or some type of Almighty seems to want all three men to have this second chance at life. And at love. They just have to figure out how to do it--how to live again, how to love again, and how to fill the void that has been left by so much grief and too much loss.

To be honest, the first reason I decided to pick up this book was the cover. I'm a bit of a cover-junkie and have been known, on more than one occasion, to pick up a book simply because I liked looking at the cover so much. Not that this really helps when one is reading on a kindle...but some habits are hard to break. About a year ago I had tried to read Pup, the first book in the Guards of Folsom series, and just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was the timing, or something about the characters just wasn't what I needed right then, but I pretty much consigned myself to adding this series to the back bench of my to-be-read pile. And then this cover. Really, I just couldn't help myself.

Sometimes a cover says it all: beautiful, sexy, and just a tad dark.

I really, really liked this story. And not just for the D/s aspects, though I thoroughly enjoyed those as well. The story of Mason, Bobby, and Rig was both heartrending and lovely. When we first meet Mason he is almost to the point of snapping completely, and what few threads are keeping him bound are quickly unraveling. I enjoyed it--in a total I'm going to sit here and watch this train-wreck kind of way. But I also liked the strength he possessed--even if he didn't know it till that last very moment--and how he chose to stay. Or, not to go. It is because of this choice that I started to believe that these three men could actually make a go at this relationship. I think if Mason had simply been forced, by having Rig and Bobby swoop in at the last moment and 'save' him, then I think there would have been more of an unbalance later on, between the three. A sense of obligation and repayment that should not be there, even if Mason would be grateful, nonetheless. They all save each other, not big strong Doms save poor little damaged sub.

Another key aspect of this book that I loved was the fact that Rig and Bobby didn't try to heal Mason with the 'power of sex.' I believe sex can do a lot of things...but hell, Mason didn't need to get laid, he needed to talk to a therapist. And they knew it. Thank fucking god! And Max was really good for Mason (he also got me to buy Pony, the next book in the series, cause, goddamn, I needed to know who was putting that smile on the doc's face). Healing in this book wasn't a one-hit all-powerful cure-all for everyone. It was a process of learning to trust, love, and forgive. It was also really nice to see it in a book. I'm a big fan of sex (especially in this book) but the added reality made this a book to love, and not just enjoy.

As to the sex. Yep, I really liked it. I liked how the three of them fit together, how they were both able to relax, but able to play. I'm a fan of all things (ok, probably not all things) kinky, and it is not often that I run across D/D/s relationships. Hell, it is not often I find a good m/m/m that really hits all my buttons. They can usually make me hot under the collar, but to pull off a real feeling relationship* between three people, is a tad tricky. I am really pleased with what I found here. And really liking the more kinkier aspects of it. It doesn't really play a prominent role, but it is an essential one, seeing as it is a part of how all three of these men live their lives. It ended up feeling like simply a part of who they were, instead of just a plot devise to make the reader squirm in their seats.

This book was a well put together mix of sadness and hope. Each of the characters felt unique and felt important to the story, and I loved reading all the pov's and didn't find it at all annoying like I normally do when I have to share my head-space with more than one character. These three men made up a very good story. And a story that had me downloading Pony from almost the moment I finished Tag Team...with every intention of go back and re-try Pup. Everything just fit here, and it fit so nicely in my head. I really did like those few hours I got to spend with Mason, Rig, and Bobby. And I'm pretty sure you will too. 4.5 stars.

*At some point I really do need to figure the correct terminology for a three-person relationship. I read enough of them that I really should have some clue. Is it a triad? A Menage? An almost-orgy? Inquiring minds (ie me) want to know...
Profile Image for Wax.
1,295 reviews21 followers
April 29, 2018
Menage stories are always hard for me, and I am not sure that this one really hit the mark. However, I will admit that the the story is incredibly compelling. Mason, a former sub, lost his two Doms to a tragic accident. Feeling lost, he doesn't know what to do. Luckily Rig and Bobby, two visiting Doms, find him in his time of need.
Profile Image for GayListBookReviews.
472 reviews53 followers
December 31, 2013
I am a huge fan of SJD, she delivers consistent stories, amazing characters not just great personalities but also physically strong alpha males (I'm drooling), all the steamy-kinky-hot sex, and has the talent to make these men fall in love and be tender and caring without compromising their masculinity and strong personalities.

I can’t find a flaw in her story building, nothing in her writing. I am absolutely biased when it comes to her and her books.

Tag Team is book II in the Guards of Folsom Series, if you haven't read book one go get it, the group of characters and possible stories among these men is infinite. Doms and subs, with their own individual treats, getting together, matching their needs and kinks, all with a family like dynamic.

In this book, we learn more about Bobby and Rig. Their relationship is unconventional, but it works for them just fine. They are both Doms, been together for several years. Seven years ago they lost their sub, the one that made their relationship whole. So they are looking for a new sub, someone that will help them be complete again. Even though they have a happy and fulfilling relationship they are both aware of their needs and as they put it, they are both happier with a boy at their feet. That is who they are.

Mason is grieving. After 12 years in a polyamorous relationship, he lost his Doms in a terrible accident. He is completely lost, doesn’t know who he really is without the purpose of making his Doms happy, he is not sure where to start picking up the pieces, or if he is ever going to be able to do it.

One night, faith or a higher power brings these three men together. Bobby and Rig saving Mason’s life in more ways than one.

What follows is a very different story from what you could expect from a BDSM book. This book is about a lot more than just the sexual relationship. It is about grief, healing, learning to love again. Nobody understands Mason’s loss as Bobby and Rig do, the sudden loss of their boy was hard on the Doms, with all those feelings coming back, they know exactly where Mason’s mind is, and might be the only ones able to help him heal.

It is, in a very particular way, an emotional read. Mason’s feelings and insecurities are hard to read, he struggles with his need to belong to someone again and feeling as if he is cheating on the ones he once loved. While Bobby and Rig are ready to take care of him and own him in every single way.

I loved every word in this book. I loved how nothing was rushed, not one of Mason’s issues were dealt with lightly, both Doms took Mason’s needs very seriously. The sexual tension was present, I had so much fun with Bobby and Rig, as the established couple here they understand each other with just a look, sexy and intense, their connection is one of the things that put Mason at ease.

It was good to see the rest of the “family” too, these are all characters that I love, to get to see them again, see where they are and how they’re doing is always nice. And have them immersed in the story, being part of it too, not just satellite to it… I love it.

I can not recommend this book enough. I can hardly contain my excitement as I am patiently (NOT) waiting for book three.

Reviewed by Connie

To see more of this review and others like it please visit us at Gay List Book Reviews at www.gaylistbookreviews.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Marika Schiavone.
275 reviews13 followers
May 20, 2020
4 Stelle
Recensione a cura di Marika Schiavone per All Colours of Romance :)

Link: https://www.allcoloursofromance.it/in...

Attenzione: questo romanzo tratta temi molto forti, come il lutto, la depressione e il tentato suicidio.

Ammetto che In tandem è molto differente rispetto al primo libro di questa serie. L’ho trovato davvero molto sofferto e in alcuni momenti mi sono trovata davvero con il cuore spezzato e gli occhi lucidi per l’emozione. Bobby e Rig sono davvero due uomini con un cuore enorme, sono dolci, pazienti e molto determinati. Li ho proprio adorati; i due Dom sono uno spasso e nonostante la loro tendenza dominante, sono due teneroni.

In In tandem ho assistito alla crescita e maturazione del personaggio di Mason. Spesso mi ha fatto una gran tenerezza e avrei voluto abbracciarlo, ma per fortuna che ci sono Bobby e Rig.

Personalmente, non vado matta per le storie d’amore in cui uno dei protagonisti subisce una grave perdita. Specialmente quando questa viene sempre a galla per tutta la durata del romanzo. Ma, nonostante questa piccola considerazione personale, In tandem è comunque un romanzo ben scritto, tenero e molto romantico, e in alcuni tratti anche ironico. Ovviamente non è un libro concentrato esclusivamente sulla parte erotica e BDSM, ma è ben equilibrato.

La mia non era una copia ARC, in quanto ho acquistato per conto mio questo libro, ma quella definitiva e ammetto che durante la lettura ho riscontrato qualche errorino di traduzione e qualche distrazione nella punteggiatura. Questi non hanno in nessun modo alterato la lettura di In tandem, ma penso che sia un peccato che questi piccoli dettagli non siano stati ben curati.

Ad ogni modo, consiglio la lettura di questo romanzo con la consapevolezza dei temi delicati affrontati, specificati anche dall’autrice stessa nella prefazione. Se avete voglia di leggere una storia LGBTQ dolce, romantica e passionale, e allo stesso tempo erotica e piccante, In tandem fa al caso vostro.


Per leggere la recensione completa e scoprire di più venite a trovarci sul sito del blog :) All Colours of Romance

Link: https://www.allcoloursofromance.it/in...
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