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Brandon's Laughter

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Dear Author,
We have known each other nearly all our lives. We grew up in the same mid-sized conservative town in the south, but it took music and distance to bring us from acquaintances to this moment. How did we get here from there?

Photo Description:
Black-and-white photo of two men laughing together; one is leaning on the other’s shoulder.

This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

46 pages, ebook

First published July 1, 2013

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Ellen Holiday

9 books23 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Vio.
677 reviews
July 27, 2013
4.20 stars
Richie and his love song to Brandon was the perfect romantic, dedication. I had the sniffles and a huge smile on my face, happy, deep and wonderful words. I thought the separation was an interesting learning curve and worked in their favour it gave the boys room to grow. Experiencing the good and bad of living without one another and eventually they arrived at the right place, together. I loved this sweet romance, lovely!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
July 21, 2013
Richie and Brandon grew up together in a small town. Richie was the musician and Brandon was the athlete. The two realized that they were attracted to one another but since Brandon was leaving for the army, Richie put a stop in any prospect of having a relationship. So Brandon left and Richie started his career in music, playing on small venues until he got invited to Nashville to play in charity event for the GIs...


While there were already some encouraging reviews, I think it was Vio giving this 4.2 stars that motivated me (so thank you, Vio :p). This was such a lovely story. I loved reading Richie's journey of becoming a musician. I must admitted the last scene where Richie sang the song he meant for Brandon made me all teary eyed. Yes, I'm a sap, I am not ashamed saying it.

The minor "liberties" taken regarding the historical timeline made the story felt "lighter" (no pressure of homophobia, even in the world of country music and army), even if Richie at first worried about being queer. Which was fine with me; it was a nice change sometimes, not reading something angst due to external situation.

The reason that I didn't rate more was because the separation in the middle between made it lack of connection between Richie and Brandon. Brandon wasn't Richie's first (in love-making). They didn't exchange letters too. I guess, a sap that I am, I wanted to read more about these two as a couple. But it's definitely one of my favorites in this event.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,167 followers
July 21, 2013
Aw, a really romantic one! That's what I've been missing this time around: there's lots of hot sex and funny sex and sex with bondage and adorable sex, but not as many deeply romantic stories. Holiday gave me happy feels! Thank you!
Profile Image for BevS.
2,811 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2013

Another winner from the LHNB event. 4.25 stars and

Richie and Brandon have been friends for years, growing up together in a small southern town where it isn't wise to be gay. Richie has always been very interested in music, and Brandon does his own thing. They realise that although they are attracted to each other, living where they live it is not a good idea, so Brandon leaves to join the army and Richie tries to fulfill his childhood ambition of playing in Nashville. Does he succeed, do the guys ever meet again....you'll have to read this very sweet story to find out.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
November 28, 2013
I'm finally getting around to this and I'm sure Tailtiu will be happy about that! :)
After much poking ( seriously, she poked me) I read this LHNB short.


I never thought I would say this, but thank you Tailtiu for the pokes. :)
This is a simple, sweet, romantic story, even if I had so wished for more. More of them together, more of what Brandon was feeling and thinking and more after it ended.
Yes, I loved it, but I think this should be made into a longer story, I'm greedy.
It's free and it's really really good, I recommend everyone read it.

“I didn’t like to think of how Brandon might be changed by the war. For me, the greatest sorrow would be if it stole his laughter. I prayed that wherever he was, whatever he was doing, he still found reasons to laugh. Amazing how that sound had been an annoyance when it was inescapable. Now, I longed to hear it again.”
Profile Image for K.
1,606 reviews82 followers
July 1, 2013
LHNB Story released 1.7.13
Just over 4 stars
Beautiful story of Richie and Brandon from their earliest days through adolescence and into adulthood set in an era where being queer wasn't talked about. After school they become separated and loose touch but Richie, who narrates the story, never stops thinking of Brandon as his musical career grows. The lyrics of Richie's song are truly heartbreaking.
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
November 29, 2015
A lovely well paced story that moves from toddlers giggling in their prams, to adolescent kisses, then through 'Nam and Nashville to finding each other again. It's both heart-wrenching and heart-warming, either way it has a lot of heart.

The writing is good, characters are engaging and the book is just the right length for the story. All this and it's offered free!
Profile Image for Pjm12.
1,930 reviews41 followers
July 2, 2013
This is tender and sweet. Some nice building of two very different characters. Some nice inclusion of secondary characters. It may be got a little too sweet right at the end, but that's country music for ya: All bared open with nothing to hide.
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
July 1, 2013
That was it?! I wasn't done with the story! I need to read more about what happens with this sweet couple. Great characterization, although I'm thinking discrimination would probably play a bigger role in their story during this time period, especially in the south. Nice, emotional read :)
Profile Image for vLadimiR.
163 reviews17 followers
April 30, 2014

Such a sweet piece of literary heaven. The story had the right length. Slow burn romance. Enough angst to highlight the tender moments. No chicks-with-dicks or sugary lines. And best of all it's FREE

I'll definitely keep a look out for other works from this author.
Profile Image for Sandra.
4,098 reviews13 followers
July 26, 2016

Offered for FREE from the M/M Romance Group's Love Has No Boundaries Anthology: Volume 6. Thank you too all the amazing authors who participated!

**Sigh** That about sums it up. Lovely story. The only difficulty is that it takes place during the Vietnam War so while I want them to be open I'm always hesitant with my MC's being out in historicals because I worry about the practicality of living life like that in that time... but, **sigh** Just a beautiful and sweet story about young love.

Profile Image for Annika.
403 reviews10 followers
August 4, 2013
I loved this story about Brandon and Richi. even the "I love you but should not be together" part which often s just stupid nonsense worked here. no angst (also unrealistic for this time) but a sweet romance through and through. The kind of lyrical writing fit pretty well with the musician topic.
Only thing that I'd would have liked to know, how will their live go on. What about Richi's musical career. What will Brandon do (stay in the army or not and if not what then). How will their parents and surroundings react/accept them. How will they built a live together (both have changed some)...
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,268 reviews351 followers
March 14, 2016
4.5 stars and rounded up, because I really enjoyed this one.

I thought that this was just beautiful! I loved the pace of this and the writing was just excellent. The song was beautiful and maybe made me tear up ;) haha. Seriously though, wonderfully written story and I really enjoyed it from start to finish. Thank you!
Profile Image for rameau.
553 reviews196 followers
July 23, 2013
I really liked this one but then again I do have a huge soft spot for anything angsty and borderline melodramatic. One of my pet peeves is the presence of lyrics in prose: I don't mind a line or two but a whole song no matter how original is too much. Some stories can overcome that crippling flaw but this one had a tad too sappy reunion and ridiculous ending for my taste.
Profile Image for Bookbee.
1,420 reviews23 followers
September 30, 2014
This short story had me bawling my eyes out because it brought back so many memories from that time.

I cried because my heart broke for Brandon and Richie and then again out of sheer joy! And on top of it all, it's absolutely beautifully written!
Profile Image for Bárbara.
1,165 reviews79 followers
September 23, 2016
Too much emotion for something so short.
It was a beautiful coming-of-age sort of story. A story about discovering what (and who) you love, and knowing how to fight for it.
At times bittersweet, it was a really moving, sweet story. I have tears in my eyes right now.
Profile Image for YullSanna.
Author 0 books35 followers
November 13, 2016
Боже, это так романтично! Прелесть!
Profile Image for Aerith.
8 reviews
March 3, 2022
Linda historia. Me gustó el crecimiento del personaje principal, y hasta se me cayeron unas lágrimas cerca del final. 3 estrellas porque, aunque sé que es un libro corto, me quedé con ganas de más
Profile Image for Alicja.
277 reviews83 followers
March 9, 2014
rating: 4/5 (more like 3.75 but I founded up)

My favorite thing about novella was the style of writing; beautiful, lyrical and I really felt like I was inside Richie's mind. The second best part was that this was a romance second and a coming of age story first, along with all the growing pains of discovering who you are and where you fit in this world.

The plot was simple, but in this case it worked since the focus was more on Richie's feelings and development. I wish it was longer, and that we could have gotten even deeper inside his mind. And that we would have seen more of Brandon. I guess my one complaint is that we weren't shown more than just the surface of why Richie fell in love with Brandon, and how their relationship developed. But at the same time I think that's less important than what the author chooses to pursue.

Overall, I loved the story but I think it would have been even better had it been longer and spent more time exploring the development of these boys into men. I'm surely going to check out other stories by this author; have I mentioned how much I adore the writing style?
Profile Image for The Novel Approach.
3,086 reviews136 followers
July 31, 2013
Exactly three years ago, I read a novella called One More Soldier, a story also set in the 1960s, a story in which one of the characters leaves to fight the war in Vietnam, a story I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Marie Sexton succeeded in pulling my guts out through my tear ducts, and I was afraid that Ellen Holiday was going to do the same with Brandon’s Laughter, but I was spared at the eleventh hour, thank goodness, though that’s not to say I didn’t shed a few tears along the way.

I absolutely loved this story, even if I do think it’s too short. That’s not a slight on the author but a compliment to her. I just didn’t want to let these characters go.

You can read the rest of this review at The Novel Approach
Profile Image for Julesmarie.
2,506 reviews85 followers
July 19, 2013
Very sweet. The kind of sweet that left me with a huge sappy grin when it was over.

The most remarkable thing I can say is I grew up in a tiny little town where we had 3 accessible radio stations, 2 of which were country. And I've never liked country music. This story actually made me consider possibly giving it a second chance...

Richie's a lovely character, and I enjoyed spending time in his head and hearing about his history with Brandon. Very nicely written.

Favorite Quote:
It got in the way of our songs, and I used to break off, my chords useless against the resonant everywhereness of all that laughter.
Profile Image for Julia ♥Duncan♥.
360 reviews24 followers
October 10, 2014
This was different and refreshing. I didn't feel that the focus was on the romance, rather it was on Richie's journey to figure out what he wants for himself and where he fits in the world. I don't usually like stories set in the country or in the past, but I liked this. I thought the snippets of music we got were great. I was really immersed in the setting and in Richie's music.
Profile Image for Rissa (an M/M kinda Girl!!).
971 reviews11 followers
October 28, 2013
Getting to see the MCs grow up together and then apart (or however the story may go) is always a plus in my book. I like to say I've been there since the beginning...just like them!

This story was filled with emotion and you could feel it all pent up and bursting out by the end & that makes the 'ache' so worth it.

Profile Image for Dana Cavallon.
Author 2 books3 followers
July 17, 2013
Sweet story that made me laugh out loud a few times. I finished this with a smile on my lips and tears in my eyes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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