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The Grey Wolves #7

Sacrifice of Love

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As one evil falls, another rises in its place. The powerful witch, Desdemona, has finally been killed by an alliance of wolves, elves, and fae. But Reyaz, brother to Cypher the warlock king, has vowed retribution for a life that was taken from him. Now Cypher must decide not only how to protect his newfound mate and his people, but also how to destroy the only family he has left.
Meanwhile, Jen’s pregnancy progresses and the fateful due date draws ever nearer. The thought of losing Decebel’s child constantly threatens to overwhelm her. With each passing day, Decebel grows more distant, causing Jen to wonder what toll the impending loss of their child is taking on him. Unbeknownst to Jen, in an act of desperation to protect his unborn child and mate, Decebel strikes a deadly bargain with the Great Luna—his life in place of his child’s. There is only one way for that to happen; the bond between he and Jen must be broken.
As Jen as Decebel struggle through their darkness, another kind of darkness is infiltrating Fane’s heart. Doubts and questions linger as he tries to cope with the emotions brought on in the aftermath of Desdemona’s curse. He knows what happened wasn’t real, but still he can’t rid himself of the terrible images seared into his memory. Jacque is his light, the one who keeps the darkness at bay, yet he won’t let her inside to do just that.
Sally continues to learn what it means to be a gypsy healer and Costin struggles to protect her as she runs full speed ahead to help her wolves, heedless of her own safety. She sees her best friends struggling, each enduring their own trials. She’s desperate to help them, but can she keep them safe?
With all of these things hanging heavy over the heads of the Serbia and Romania packs, their attention is divided. The wolves do not even realize a threat has slowly infiltrated their midst. Will they recognize the threat in time to save the lives that precariously hang in the balance?
Against this backdrop of darkness, choices will be made, fears will be confronted, and the ultimate sacrifice will be made. Will the wolves stand together to defeat the threats arrayed against them, both from within and without? Will love conquer all? Or will the beleaguered wolves finally succumb to their demons?

307 pages, ebook

First published September 12, 2013

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About the author

Quinn Loftis

60 books5,895 followers
Hello, Readers. My name is Quinn Loftis and I am lucky enough to call myself a novelist. In 2011, I self-published my first novel, Prince of Wolves with no expectations, other than my friends and family might purchase the book out of pity. Now, several years later, with 30+ novels and counting under my belt, Prince of Wolves had been downloaded over 1 million times. Though I was hesitant at the time to submit my work to the world for their scrutiny, I'm so glad I did. It made my dream of making a living by telling stories a reality.

I'm blessed to share my household my wonderful husband of more than twenty years (who also co-writes with me on occasion), three beautiful sons, a French Bulldog, and an oversized tabby cat. I love hearing from readers, so if you have any questions about the books or my journey, don't hesitate to hit the 'Contact Quinn' in the menu above. Thank you so much for taking a chance on my books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 550 reviews
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews157 followers
April 6, 2020
Another exciting, emotional roller coaster ride. This book made me cry the most of the series so far. Again the wolves and supernaturals faced fear, anguish, love, loss, selflessness and another crazy evil, out for destruction. The bravery and willingness to sacrifice for each other is amazing, between these characters, that are such great friends/family/pack.

Two new two members arrive in the pack, one has a great destiny and one has a reluctant mate. I’m very curious about how this match will go lol? It should be fun and interesting, watching how things transpire. I can’t wait, this should be good!

Another couple finds out their going to be parents and is very happy. I hope things go much smoother for them than the last couple to have a child. I cried quite a bit for the last couple, what they went through was so hard and sad. They hardly had time to enjoy the pregnancy, with all that happened and loomed over them.

There seems to be a reprieve from danger for the time being, giving all the couples a chance to renew their bonds. Spending some much needed time together. However I wonder how long it will last? It would seem there’s always evil and danger waiting just around the next corner. What form it will take this time and the havoc it will bring, is yet to be revealed. I’m sure the wolves and other supernaturals will rise to the occasion, but at what cost?

The characters in this series are amazing, I’m routing for them throughout each book. I feel like I have come to know them all, hurt when they hurt, am happy when they’re happy, scared when they’re scared. My heart pounds when they are in trouble, I find myself holding my breath at times. This book/series has touched me, like not many others have. Yes I enjoy other books, but this I feel invested in, part of.

I highly recommend this series it’s great for teens through adults. There’s very mild swearing, sex happens behind closed doors, violence isn’t bad. It’s romantic, very funny at times, as well as sad, there’s a bit of everything in perfect doses. I love this series, but I have to take a small break only because there’s a lot of books and I’m at my budget limit for now 😢😭. I’ll be back at it very soon. If I didn’t make a budget I’d spend hundreds of dollars each month and that doesn’t make the husband happy lol. This is going to kill me ugh!!!!
Profile Image for Rachel.
184 reviews
January 23, 2015
Update : September 14th 2013.

Here comes my very emotional, sobbing while I'm writing this, review.

Can someone please put me out of my misery? Because this book shredded my emotions and my heart with its sharp plot twist, crushing, joyous ending, and Quinn Loftis's stabbing ending note.

Props, hugs, and loves Quinn. Amazing writing, book and storyline. You truly have a very rare gift. BEST SERIES EVER.

I have read this book series from the beginning, and have at least read the series 10 TIMES threw since then. Ok, I'm obsessed, but these books just grabbed my heart and WOULD NOT let go.

First off, I want to say that I LOVED ALL THE CHARACTERS and yes, I seriously just said that. Except the evil ones, I just wanted to well...

But, my favorite pair was by far Sally and Costin. Sally reminds me so much of myself (personality wise, gosh) and I loved how Costin gradually tore down her walls and showed her that she is amazing in her own right! They were just so perfectly matched and I could have read many books that just revolved around their story. (Quinn, I understand everyone else loved Jen and Dec, but please remember those Sally and Costin fans out there, thank you! Love you! )

( and for those who have read the book, you know what part DESTROYED,KILLED,MADE MY HEAD EXPLODE, and had me running around the house frantically making hot chocolate, crying and not being able to say anything other than "WHAT THE WHAT?")

Alright, sorry, just call me "The Tangent Teen". ANYWAY This book ties up many loose ends and we get to see alot more of the amazing Peri Fairy who has taken WAY to many sarcasm lessons from Jen. Most comments had me

I'm not going to say anything more, because this book is amazing and I'm NOT going to ruin any of the surprises. This book needs to be savored, slowly, and washed down with hot chocolate.

Now, please excuse me while I finish my emotional breakdown because I WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER SALLY AND COSTIN STORY.

Here are my emotions to this terrible truth... (and yes, I have embraced the fact that this was more than a story to me, I'm sure you have had one before)

why can't they be real?!

This might be the last book.....


I might die.


Reaction to @AuthQuinnLoftis tweet:

I'm going to die.

Profile Image for Terra J.
32 reviews13 followers
August 10, 2013
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mrs. Quinn Loftis has done it again. I got this book as an ARC copy. I must say that is was very therapeutic for me, since I have been sick and bed ridden. This book helped pass the time for me, but not only did it pass the time. It kept me entertained for hours, and I could not stop reading it or put it down. I got upset when I had to take breaks to rest. {lol :)} And just when you thought Quinn's books couldn't get any more awesome, the last in the series definitely proves you wrong, because the awesome factor was way above a 10. A very good read with lots of action, turmoil, battles, grief, and heartbreak. I have read some other reviews on books in the Grey Wolve's Series that stated that there were too many relationships, and they were not well developed. I totally disagreed with those reviews, and in this book Quinn elaborates more on those relationships tying everything together up in a nice little bow.

I love the way Quinn writes about love, soul mates, hearing each other's thoughts, communicating through a special bond, and aching with physical illness/need when away from the person you love. It makes the reader feel as if they are experiencing a new kind of love that takes on a whole new level of intimacy. That love can still be pure, taken serious, can conquer all struggles no matter how large or small they may be, communicate true unconditional love to each other so deeply, and also have the playfulness that real love should always have.

As we all know, at the end of Fate and Fury, Cypher's brother is the new enemy. This book takes you on a completely different journey as they encounter new evil. You learn that holding grudges and being filled with grief over death can cause you to become an evil person wanting revenge, and will do unimaginable things to achieve that revenge. As darkness takes over one's heart even family will turn against family, and just a tiny ray of light can shine through darkness, if you don't let darkness consume you.
Lessons of lost love, forgiveness, sacrifice, kindness, loyalty, unity, and friendship are taught in different ways and expressed throughout this book. A person will go to great lengths to protect the ones he/she loves.

I promised Quinn that I wouldn't give any spoilers away so I am telling you guys that this is a must read!!! It explains why Fane has been keeping himself from Jacque. It goes into great detail about the sacrifice made to keep Jen and Decebel's baby alive. It explains and shows more of the love that Sally and Costin share. You will find out more about the relationship between Lily and Cypher and if it will survive or not, about another pair of Mates that you won't suspect at all, whether or not they defeat Reyaz,and who all survives and who doesn't.(there is a hilarious conversation between Jen and her parents and Sally and her mom, that you can't miss.) Let's just say that this book kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. I cried at the sacrifices made, was over joyed with the loyalty of friends and some family, angry at the betrayal of some friends and family, enlightened with unity of all supernatural creatures when it was needed. So you could say in a sense I was on a roller coaster of emotions, but it was the awesome kind of roller coaster that keeps you coming back wanting to ride again and again. I have one last thought to leave you with there is a bible verse that I love, and I am going to share it with you. My dad was in the army and he has passed away now but anyway the sacrifices made in this book made me think of this verse. {[(John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.)]},

I will do another review when I can write more about what I read without giving away spoilers.

Thanks again Quinn I am honored to be able to read your work and to be chosen for an ARC copy and to be able write this review and share my thoughts with you and your fans/readers/audience.
Profile Image for Candace.
108 reviews3 followers
October 14, 2014
The award winning Grey Wolves Series just gets better and better with each book. You fall in love with the characters in Prince of Wolves, and that love just deepens with each turn of the page no matter which book you pick up to reread, and yes you will want to read them over and over again.

I'm convinced that it is impossible for the author, Quinn Loftis, not to leave us hanging on the edge of our seats when she ends a book. It is either the need to know what happens next, or just simply the desire to have the story continue on. True to form, Quinn left us with heavy hearts and concern for one of our favorite couples, Jen and Dec, in Fate and Fury. So I was extremely anxious to read Sacrifice of Love. (The title breaks your heart, but you just know that Jen was laughing because the acronym is SOL!) I held my breath through much of the book, wanting to know what was going to happen, yet afraid to actually find out.

What did I like about the book: If you know me, you know I like strong emotions when I read a book...well I had them all reading this one. I laughed, I got angry, I wanted to throw something at Quinn, and I cried...not only that I actually sobbed. I'm talking, eyes blurred with tears, shoulders shaking, and my dog losing his mind because he has no clue what is wrong, kind of cry.

I also really liked the last line of the book.

What I didn't like about the book: This is the end of the series...at least this timeline, for these characters. I know book 8 is Vasile and Alina's story, and I'm so excited to read that - but there will be no hot chocolate drinking while our girls talk about their fur balls.

I believe that this book wraps the story line up exactly the way I would expect it to. Some answers provided, but questions still left in the air. It gives me hope that I may one day be able to find out what is going on in the world of the Romanian Canis Lupis.

Would I recommend this book: YES! Read the series, I tell you with each one the story gets better, the writing gets better, and you just cannot help buy fall in love with all of the characters!

Sorry I'm not giving anything away, but I truly believe you should experience this story the way I did, with no idea what was going to happen, and a mug of hot chocolate.
Profile Image for Hannahlchurch.
5 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2013
arc review:


A story is only a story unless it is worth telling. It is only worth telling if it inspires a moment.
A moment that is so precious and bitter sweet at the same time. A moment that you weep with tears but jump for joy. A moment where you are laughing so hard it causes you to choke on your hot chocolate. For its in these moments that you truly believe anything is possible. The story then and only then becomes something more than just a simple story.

Quinn Loftis continues to astound me by her words and ability to tell such a story. It becomes dear to your heart and in often times something you long to read. Her books never disappoint and they truly are stories she has made worth telling.

Quinn's latest book, Sacrifice of Love, continues to show just how profound Mrs. Loftis really is in the art of writing. She captures our hearts yet again on the breath taking adventures of the characters we've come to love in the Grey Wolves series.

She stopped our hearts in the last book, Fate and Fury, as we wept along side Decebel. Well I hope you kept your Kleenex handy because your emotions are about to be pulled on even harder with the newest installment of the series. She picks up where she left off sending us into a whirl wind of events. Psychotic warlock brothers, power hungry fae sisters, fading bonds not meant to be broken, hearts on the mend, and spirits tested. This much and more comes to you when you begin reading and continues to add to this list as you read further.

You will not be let down by this book and I highly recommend it. If you haven't already, read the series in its entirety and find out for yourself just how amazing they can be.

I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to read your work and grow as a reader because of it. I just want to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication you put into your writing. I can not wait to see what the future holds for your books that have yet to be written. This being said I already know it can lead to great things if you are behind the keyboard creating the words that truly touch us all.
-Your friend,
Profile Image for Mary.
Author 68 books210 followers
August 19, 2013
Since I don't want to spoil anyone my review will be in the form of a open letter to the greatest author, Quinn Loftis!

Dear Quinn

I would like to tell you a story…

Long long ago in the land of Amazon Kindle New release I found a book called Blood Rites that was just released. Since I love paranormal and it sounded interested I thought “Why Not?”. It was then I realized it was a book #2. I even got more excited since it was a series. So I purchased it and got book #1.

In one day I read both books. I instantly fell in love with every single character. But, one stood out to me in book 1 and 2 … My Decebel … there is no other and he is FOREVER MINE!! With each turn of the page I was more entranced with this world that Quinn created. I laughed, cried, yelled and may have slipped a cuss out at certain scenes. But, I couldn’t stop reading … I needed more

When I finished it, I found out that Quinn had a Twitter and I began to stalk her. Her kindness was laced with every tweet to her fans and her humor is unmatched. I fell deeply in love with her and needed more of her books.

With each part of the series I fell deeper in love with these amazing characters … and yes, Decebel is real in my Book Nerds heart. !!! I crave the next book, the moment I’m done with the newest book in the series.

Since that time, in the land of Amazon Kindle New Release, I have followed Quinn (Yep, I stalked her like a crazy Book Nerds that I am) and hung on every word of hers and counted down to every single release day. Each book is better and better. Quinn’s talent can’t be matched! It can’t there is no way I can even put it into words.

Now we have come to the end of the series, Sacrifice of Love….its the end… I can’t tell you how many tears I shed through this book or how many times I laughed. The characters, all of them, are the greatest in print. I say that whole heartily. They are….I have watched these main six grow into an amazing set of people. You can laugh if you want; they are real to my Book Nerd heart.

So, thank you Quinn…..Thank you for taking the leap and writing one of the greatest series that has ever graced my Book Nerds heart. Thank you for my Decebel, who I love more than the stars in the sky !!!! Thank you for Jen…and the laughs she brings me. Thank you Jaque and Fane, Sally and Costin who are the perfect mix of characters!!!

And .. thank you Quinn .. for being an amazing person

Now where is book 2 of Elfin *wink*

Love always … Book Nerd Mary
Profile Image for Kelly.
54 reviews11 followers
September 11, 2013

Note: This review isn't very detailed bc I didn't want to give anything away. I will add more during the bog tour :)

Wow!!! After I read this book I had to step back & collect my thoughts. I truly hope I can do Quinn's book the justice it deserves! This book is a roller coaster ride of emotion, Q will have you laughing hysterically at Jen & Peri then bawling (I mean UGLY crying) through the character's heartbreaking struggles. "Sacrifice of Love" is an epic journey that tests the deepest of bonds & places doubt in the strongest hearts. No couple is left unaffected from the evil Desdemona has left in her wake, but before anyone can heal a new darkness has stepped in her place. Reyaz is hellbent on not only making his brother Cypher pay for the death of his mate, he's ready to kill anyone willing to stand against him. Just to prove his point, Reyaz kidnaps the woman. That's not all this twisted psychopath has planned for our beloved wolves (& Fae *sigh*) he will not willingly release the women. Reyaz, has set up a "game" of sorts, the men must pass through a treacherous long forgotten veil........still not satisfied, the sadistic Reyaz forces lives to be sacrificed in order to escape his clutches. Can the couples escape the dangers & make it home alive??

Never has a title of a book fit so perfectly as "Sacrifice of Love"!!! Quinn has never tested the 'girl's & their fur balls' like she did in this book! Separated, alone & cooping with insufferable pain each character must conquer their deepest fears in order to become whole again. This book is beautiful gut reaching love story that will bring you to your knees. BUT I promise you, two things. One, each character's determination to save those they love is awe-inspiring. Two you'll never love & admire these characters more than you will at the end of this book!
Profile Image for Jessica.
7 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2013
Not at all what I thought! I was truly surprised with this book.
Profile Image for Olive.
102 reviews
September 19, 2013
I'm on hotness withdrawal.
Medic: What appears to be your situation 'mam?
Me: *swoons* Doctor, I have to wait for Sacrifice of Love to come out and I can barely read anything.
Medic: *brings out handsome werewolf* This should hold you over for a while.
Daaaang I am holding my breath for this book! I loved that Sally and Costin completed the mate bond, but now you've got everybody and their brother (effin literally!) trying to destroy life as we know it. I physically NEED to know what happens next XD
Review: Wow. I was emotionally moved and tormented by the knowledge that this book would conclude Sally, Jen, and Jacques's ventures with their DandDW (delectable and delicious wolves), but the end was spun so well that I was happy that I've been given the opportunity to be a part of this series and a Fangirl for the works of Quinn Loftis. I scroll through the comments and reviews to see how many other people I stand with in companionship and nerdiness, and smile simply because I can say that I've read every single one of them. Aww crap look at me and my sentimental ass up in here. I'm not a female dog all the time now am I? XD This kind of feels like the end, but I know it's just the beginning of a family tree of books by Quinn Loftis.
One quote I know struck me when I finished this book;

Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss.

Song choices:
Florence + the Machine (couldn't resist that one)

Rabbit Heart (Raise it up)
Florence + the Machine (Cynthia)

Get Home
Bastille (Back in their arms)

John Mayer (for Thia Cosmina)

Profile Image for Brianna.
116 reviews
November 4, 2013
I only have about 6 or 7 authors in which I will read any book they write without question because they are just that good. Quinn Loftis is one of them.
Profile Image for Jaime Kamentz.
18 reviews4 followers
August 14, 2013
*eh hem*

SERIOUSLY?! Really Quinn? There are times I wanted to call you and curse you out...Like really. Then you made me break out tissues to bawl my eyes out.

Well played emotions....

Everyone I am telling you in the words of Scar from The Lion King "Be Prepared." This is one heck of a book and omywow will you not be disappointed. SO much going on in this one....I am so sad for it to end, it's the only reason why I didn't want to read it in the first place.

The Romanian pack has tons to deal with and hurdles to jump. And Peri? HAHAHHA she's a crack up, I swear her and Jen are twins seperated at birth.

I fully give Quinn a famous fist bump and if I could also a punch to the shoulder for the way she made me feel while reading it...Okay love tap if you don't want me to hurt Miss Quinn, I really wouldn't want to ding up her writing arm LOL....

When this comes out....GET IT!! All TGW fans....You will want this book, get the tissues ready and go on an emotional rollercoaster.

<3 Jaime (Bawaka's Book Fair)

*This book was an Arc provided by the author in exchange for an honest with no spoilers review*
Profile Image for Kathryn.
663 reviews
August 12, 2013
Hmmmm.... How can I write this and tell you just how much I loooooved it???
Of course I can just say I loved it, but to express every emotion that I went through during this book?
Probably impossible...
But, let me say this... I was captivated, surprised, torn apart at what happens in this book...
Every moment kept me holding my breath til the very last page....
Pure genius!!!
Full review to come closer to release date!!!!
Profile Image for Shan.
22 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2013
someone pass me a tissue. this has been beyond a good read. I laughed, I cried I torn the flowers off the casket. this is the best way to end a series. and although I am gonna miss them all. they will never ever b forgotten. jen/dec so happy things turned around. sallymine/costin new fav "it" couple I lost my breath right along with you. never wanted to reach into a book and fight the villain myself as I did at that moment. jaq/fane good to see the spark back and stronger than ever. OMG PERI FARIY HAS A MATE. TEEHEE didn't see that one coming but lol glad it happened. I really want a better ending for Cynthia however if I have to be honest I had to be that way in order for thia to be. sigh. . . tear.
anyway highly recommend Grey wolf series please read in order. it's just better that way. Ms Quinn Loftis you are by far one of my favorite writers and I am honored to have had the opportunity to read your stories. p.s. if your mind drifts to the Romanian pack from time to time and you just want to share. hit me up on good reads and I will give an ear to hear about my family across the water. having book hangover going to lay down now. PEOPLE READ THIS BOOK.
Profile Image for Nerdie.
8 reviews
January 26, 2014
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I can't even begin to say how much I LOVED, ADORED, TREASURED, this book. It has seriously been one of the best books I have ever read, no the wHOLE FREAKING SERIES IS AMAZING AND ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.

I mean, seriously This book will take on so many emotional rides that by the end of it you will just,


and cry.

and then laugh.

and then cry again.


And also, is it just me, or is Peri A LOT more sassier in this book? LIke seriously, if she and Jen had a competition I don't know who would win. It was there sarcastic comments that basically tied the bow on this already perfect book. And I know one this for sure, never mess with a pregnant Jen, ever.

And Sally and Costin.

they are seriously SO CUTE.

and to anyone who doesn't agree

this is me the time Sally called Crina a bitch.

of course it was just in a friendly way, but still.




IN this book you get so many cute moments from all of them

so be prepared.

i'm serious.

also, did I mention Peri?!?

and Jen

Halfway through the book I was like

and yeah, you catch my drift.

There's not much I can say without spoiling this book for all you people, and ruining your life in one single second. But I can say this, keep a box of tissues with you at all times, and DO NOT read this near any sharp objects.

because you will get the urge to stab things/people.

i promise.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
88 reviews
September 5, 2014
The Grey Wolves series has been a plesently rare experience to read. I can honestly say that each character captured my heart and I was attuned to their situations every step of the way. And I've read each book at least twice already in such a short time--that has never happened to me with ANY series. (Each love story just FELT real and not so much just fiction and it continued to reel me in.)

Costin and Sally are so sweet together, I wish I could read more about them (and I think they might be my favorite). Fane and Jacquelyn are like an old married couple from the beginning :) and just so very heartfelt. Decebel and Jennifer are a conundrum that I couldn't stop myself from reading about--they're like a car crash, you just can't look away!!
(Dec has to be my favorite wolf... right along with Costin. Fane is too innocent, in a way, for him to be my favorite.)

Now, this book... Starting with the fact that the title has the word "Sacrifice" in it, I knew I was going to be tortured... just the semi-sweet kind.

After reading this last book to the series, my emotions are on turmoil and I must say it is a bittersweet feeling. It feels complete and incomplete... (I desperately wanted a Vasile moment with his Mina. --I'm still waiting for it!)
Most of all... all I can do is sigh--a hundred years worth.

Really, I need more Grey Wolves... so I'm glad that I won't have to part from their world entirely.
Profile Image for Andrea Lin.
104 reviews
May 15, 2016
Contains a little bit of spoilers

I was a little confused cuz of the changing POVs, but I still loved this book! It starts of by telling us about the mated pairs ecounter. Half the time I was reading this book, I was actually silently cursing Fane Decebel for being hot-headed and not truly loving their mates.
I'm a little confused cuz they say there wil be an eighth book but it will be about vasile?? But Lorelle hasn't been defeted yet and all.... so..... Yeah, quite confused. But it was a seriously thrilling book!
Profile Image for Tara Zormier.
442 reviews13 followers
September 14, 2013
Holy shit! Yes, I love this series!!!!

WOW!!! I bought and finished this book yesterday! The author was very generous wrapping up all of the characters lives since this is the last in the series for these characters :( I know I am devastated as well, but I would rather the author finish the series than ruin it by dragging it out! Thank you Quinn Loftis for providing hours of entertainment!
6 reviews1 follower
September 15, 2013
Profile Image for Nathalia.
135 reviews1 follower
October 14, 2013


I'm-- I'm *Okay, breathe Thalia* This is so sad. I'm so very much sad. I don't know what to do, my brain is full of air. Yes, what IS air? How can in float freely and not die? How come they need to die? DID you know the cause of my heartache? Huh? NO? Well, okay. Let me illustrate to you all.


“I know that the saying goes that life isn’t fair. It’s a complete and total given that life isn’t fair. I’m just hoping that death is fair; that my death will be fair. Because for anyone else to die in this place, for this reason, would be less than fair, it would be tragic, and these people have had enough tragedy for one lifetime.” ~Unknown

Why? Why did you do that?*I'm so screwed* I didn't even know what it was of until it was too late*ha! tell that to the Fates!* So much death..

“If I never see you again, at least I can say that you were mine. At one time, you belonged only to me. I hold onto that as I feel the link between us slipping away. I hold onto the knowledge that there was a time when the bond between us completed our souls, leaving no space between us. There was a time when I did not question how long our lives together would be, because where you went, I went. And now, somehow, we went different directions, and I am so much weaker without you.” ~*secret*

“For the first time in a long time, I just want to sleep. As in, I only want to sleep. Because in my sleep, you are there. During the waking hours, I can’t feel you, I can’t see you, and I can’t smell you. And as time passes, I almost feel as though at any second I’m going to forget you ever existed in my life. But you come to me in my dreams. You hold me; you whisper words that knit my broken heart back together. But when I wake, it breaks all over again.” ~*just read it to know*

“There is no journey as great as the journey of life. We are brought into this world with a purpose for our lives and then given free will to make the choice to fulfill our purpose, or not. We are given the choice to love selflessly, to forgive endlessly, and to give sacrificially. Some days we will get it right and we will rejoice, and then some days we will screw it up so good that we wonder if there is any hope for us. Rest assured, my friend, there is always hope…Unless you are mated to a werewolf, then you have two choices; make yourself a nice hand bag, or run―fast and far.” ~*holy shit you need to really read it to know who said these[who dies wtf really]*

Okay, so TO COSMINA![P.S there's going to be some SLIGHT change to her name in honor of their dead friend] So, congratulations Jen[Yes, I know that you now know that it isn't Jen who dies 'cause what the crap we all know she's pregnant from the previous book.OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!

Okay, I'm in control now of my emotions No I'm not in control of my shitty feelings I mean, who gets their EMOTIONS IN-FREAKING-CONTROL?!?!?! AFTER THAT?!?!!

So, base on this review and my rating, you can actually saysee that I love this book. And the ending. Just. The DAMN ending. SWEET SIN OF THE DEVIL IF I DON'T KEEP MY EMOTIONS IN CHECK I WOULD LIKE, PRACTICALLY EXPLODE.

Hmm.. usually, I disapprove*who am I to disapprove?* no, more like.. I DISLIKE. I dislike books, normally I don't carry on reading books who have TOO FREAKING MANY PERSPECTIVES! But.. I don't know.. It has something to it that didn't mess up my already messed up my mind.

Peri and Jen. OMF. They made me laugh always when they were in the same room. Peri saw too much deaths, and I hurt for her[tho it's only a fictional character] but that was it, what kept me hanging on to this book, while I was reading this, the imagery that was being described in every chapter, paragraph and even sentence felt REAL. The details in the book was so hardcore that- I don't even know what to think anymore. Sigh. *grin grin*


Profile Image for Becca.
Author 34 books270 followers
September 17, 2013
How do you review a book that is the end for three amazing characters you have been on this incredible journey with? Well you tell a story.

I started wondering around amazon looking for a werewolf book. I need to get my wolf on. I came across this beautiful cover, just stunning really.

Look familiar? Yeah Book 1 at the time i was very against e-books don't ask me why cause i can't give you a real answer. Now i love them so alls well that ends well right? Anyways! So I was like okay I will read the sample and see from there if this was worth buying (Quinn had the paperback at this point) I. FELL. IN. LOVE. in. love. At the time I also would only use smashwords as my e-book reference, why again please don't ask i have no answer. Anyways so i see, you can read this entire book for free....unfortunately for me I ordered Prince of Wolves on a Saturday, no mail on Sunday... and amazon takes 3 to 5 days of shipping. After fighting with myself i said screw it and read more than half the first book online waiting for the paperback. It finally arrived. When I finished. I was hooked. Hook line and sinker. I had fallen madly in love with these brilliant, beautiful, badass characters. I couldn't get enough, I wouldn't. At this point three of the books were out, the fourth only a couple weeks away.

So i ate these books up with gusto and never looked back. While waiting "patiently"

for the next books to come out, I read Quinn's other series and filled my time with other amazing books. And the moment I knew a date, and the book was released I was on it like a fly on horse poop, yup i went there. I read them the day they were released and finished them usually on the same day nothing could stop me (nothing usually does when i encounter an amazing read but it isn't their story I am telling)

These books, they were funny, but serious, adventurous, exciting, mysterious, heart-breaking, and at times i felt so hopeless i thought for sure i would break. I would break in half. The best way I can say anything about this saying.

Thank you Quinn Loftis. Thank you.

You made a beautiful ending to an all consuming, highly addicting series. (not only that but 6 kickass books before it and two on the side as well ;) )

So I leave you with this reader...if you have read Quinn Loftis you never go back. (i am more than certain that is the phrase....)

oh i didn't give you a song choice.... damn that is hard.

"My Love" by Sia, "Hold you In My Arms" Ray LaMontagne, "Safe and Sound" by Taylor Swift (Featuring The Civil Wars)

Thanks all...since this isn't a normal review, i am not sure if it will be posted on my blog but feel free to stop by and check it out http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...
Profile Image for Jennifer.
222 reviews18 followers
September 13, 2013
If you have not read a Grey Wolves book yet, i'll say in the way of one of the fabulous characters, Jen, 'are you freakin' kidding me'!

As you may be able to tell I am a little bit enamoured with Ms Loftis' world of the wolves and fae! To say I was bouncing off the walls waiting for this to come out after the events of Fate and Fury would be a major understatement! How were the wolves going to react to the new evil that was around them. Well the simple answer would be in the same way they have for the past 6 books, by making me laugh out loud and cry all at the same time while frantically tapping my kindle desperate for the next page. This book though was bittersweet in that I knew that with my frantic tapping I would be nearing the end of our journey with the Grey Wolves.

I really will not say much as to the storyline, i'll leave that to Jen in another of her fantastic moments:

"Attention all clueless beings out there. Be on the lookout for crap hitting the fan in the form of a psycho warlock tossing out dark magic like it's freaking candy on Halloween, and a warlock king who suddenly got an itch up his butt to roast some trolls. These are dangerous times people and we all know what we should do during dangerous times...yes, exactly, drink more hot chocolate, use profanity when completely inappropriate and for the love of all things carnal, make babies people, or at least practice."

I am however more than delighted to note that she'll have a new series out soon called Into the Fae and that we will get the book promised for Vasile and Alina, if you don't know who they are . . . READ THE BOOKS!!!

On that note and with a heavy heart I say goodbye to the 3 girls and their mates who brightened up many hours and a huge thank you to Quinn Loftis for writing such frigging amazing books!
Profile Image for Shellyc.
86 reviews19 followers
September 26, 2013
Quinn Loftis does it again! This book was so amazing. I like how it alternated between each couple instead of only telling the story from one couples point of view. It really gave insight into each and every individual. How some males are more emotionally distraught while others have a whole lot more faith into their relationship. And of course, there will always be a near death experience in all the Grey Wolves novels. This one does not fail to deliver. The male point of views were the best things to read in this book. Every thought, every action, and every emotion was heart wrenching. Fane's inner struggle, Deceble's difficult decision, and Corin's funny yet possessive side. It became really hard to decide who I liked most, so in the end I LOVE ALL OF THEM. Including Cypher, though some of his decisions were not the brightest. The ending was beautiful with the birth of a child. I can't believe Peri got a mate, but we've all seen it coming, just not with who. Now this should be interesting, especially with his declaration of never letting her go whether she wants it or not.

Now for all the action scenes towards then end when all the men come and save the day. That was sad. Possibly the worst thing a evil person could have done. (***BEGIN SPOILER: But I wish some characters actually stayed dead since everyone always seem to come back to life.*****END SPOILER)

Sadly this is the last book in this series :( I have grown rather fond of those wolves. However, on the bright side, the story is continuing with a series more focuses on fairies. Yay!
Profile Image for Jules Goud.
1,123 reviews7 followers
June 2, 2021
Dear lord, that was emotional. You went from bawling to laughing your buttocks off.

I loved this series. I mean the dialogue and the way that the girls think were amazing. My favorite lines all come from this series.

This book was an emotional roller coaster. From Fane and his issues with dominance, Decebel and his stupid self-sacrifice, and Sally and Costin's issues. I mean it was happy and then sad. Have the time you wanted to hurt Loftis for writing this. Just amazing.

The plot. In some series you can tell what is going to happen by the end, and yet in this one, everything came as a surprise. Somethings you could call, other things you couldn't. There were a lot of mysteries and suspense in the novel and that was great.

The ending. I think that it will satisfied, it did for me. It wasn't all happy dappy, there was some sadness but, everything turned out the way that I wanted. It stays with you even after you are done with the book.

I would just like to thank Quinn Loftis for an amazing series. I loved every bit of the story between Jacque, Fane, Costin, Sally, Decebel, Alina and Vasile. Amazing series. The first one is free on Itunes and maybe other places!
Profile Image for Book Queen.
62 reviews
September 16, 2013
This book was absolutely amazing. I can't even recapture because every time I think about it my heart aches. This book will have you on the edge of your seat(if you don't prepare yourself you just might fall off;). Once I finished this book I was at a loss for words. This book seriously broke my heart. It is so sad for me. I felt everything the characters felt from grief to hunger(for real I didn't eat until after 1:39 in the morning when I finished it). I know why this book is called Sacrifice of Love now. Think about it read it and you'll find out. This was a nice heartbreaking way to end the series. Shoutout to the talented Mrs.Quinn Loftis:You are AMAZING!!!You affected me in such a way that I felt heartsick after I finished it and this morning to the after noon. You have a talent beyond measure. :) You might want a bunch of tissues for this book. Why? Well I think Jen might want to step in and tell you why;) (and I quote) "So that said,get ready people because the boat is about to be rocked and if you don't hold on, your butt is going over and I'm not coming in after you."
Profile Image for Becky.
190 reviews15 followers
October 23, 2013

Ok, guess we need a bit more than Oh Holy wow, lol. I have been reading this series from the beginning with a friend. What a ride it's been. This is "technically" the last book in the series although there will be a prequel coming out where we get to learn about Alina and Vasile before they were mated. I'm really interested in that.

That said, I feel like I lost a friend, lol. The same way I felt after I made my way through all 7 Harry potter books and came to the end. Just sad and lost. WHAT A GREAT SERIES, AND WHAT A GREAT INSTALLMENT IN SAID SERIES.

This last book, was amazing. A great story, and a great ending to the stories of all the wonderful ppl we've been following in these stories. Lots of emotion to deal with as well.

My only regret in this book is I didn't really get to learn much at all about Lilly and Cypher and I think that would have been super interesting! A future book or novella maybe?

Anyway, if you have been reading the Grey Wolves series, you should definitely

11 reviews
September 14, 2013
Can I say I actually cried near the end of the book when Sally, Alina, and Cynthia all died!! I actually couldnt deal. Now on to the review. I would like to say when I first found out about the first book I was iffy about it but tried it because it was free. When I got to reading I was immediatly hooked on to the book like a drug addict. Later when I found out there were like 6 more books I died of happiness! So Quinn Loftis is such a great writer and its a shame that not alot of people knew about her. She has such vivid writing it has all the drama, action packed scenes that a book should have and some sappy beautiful lovey dovey scenes in it too. In the earlier books when she writing about how everybody meets their mate and form such a precious bond with them is mindblowingly awesome.I am sad to see them all go but, end of the line just read the Damn book you will fall in love with it everytime. P.s Jen I'm you absolutly crack me up every timed. <3
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for TJ.
558 reviews
September 16, 2013
This book was more enjoyable than the last. The humor and wit returned with this novel the last one was mostly dark. I am sadden that this is the last story about the girls I enjoyed their personalities. I felt like they were old friends because I've always rooted for them to succeed. I wanted to know which parent Jen and Dec's baby girl took after. And the gender of Jacque and Fane's baby or if Sally and Costin would have one soon as well. However I am glad that she is starting a new series about the fae and I can't wait to see how these characters will compare.
Profile Image for Samantha Julmisse.
Author 2 books17 followers
September 16, 2013
*Note! This review is far more emotional than anyone's I have ever written for any books outside of this series. I'm suffering post GW series stress disorder (this is real people! I know you know what I mean!)

Sacrifice of love review:

I don't know where to begin, I don't even have a word or a phrase to start with for this review. I'm at such a loss for what this book, what this series has put me through, but I don't regret a second of it.
Quinn has once again proven why she is one of my all time favorite authors, with this last installment in the series. I felt joy, pain, I cried for literally an hour (Freaked my mom out A LOT but I digress). All our favorite furry, and non possible throw rug pelt, bearing characters are back in a story that will probably make you feel more destroyed than you have in some time, if at all.
Jen is still sassy, even more so now that her butts gotten big along with that belly, Jacque is still the in between of the trio, and Sally is still Sally with her inner Jen letting loose every now and then.
In this story, Quinn not only tests everything in her characters, but in her readers as well as we embarked on the final moments of our time with them. I threw down my kindle onto my couch a very large amount today, and just pointed in frustration. Twists and turns at every corner kept me on my toes, as Quinn always does to me, and I felt the need to pull my hair out.
It seems like things have spiraled down worse than ever seen before for our characters, and with every turn of the page it seems all is lost. If you have stuck through the series as I have, you will cry your eyes out. You will feel frustration, anger, hurt, and the need to punch things. But, you will also revel in the feelings of joy, laughter, and love brought out in the story with characters who could only bring such things forth even in the bleakest and darkest of times. With an ending that threw me off my couch (literally) you will be left breathless as you turn those final pages of the tale.
It saddens me to know this is what we will know as the end of our favorite characters tales, but its also calming to know that hopefully her worst had passed and no more evil shall be passed unto them. Quinn, has driven me crazy with the laughter and tears in not just this book but series, and once again and I do not and never will regret grabbing the first book out of curiosity. We had a great run, and for all things considered this series will forever be one of my all time favorites for the rest of my life.
Great job Quinn. Keep it up. We believe in you and everything you do.
August 23, 2015
ZOMG!!! Perfect ending to a perfect series!!!
Seriously! Why can't we rate books more than 5 stars!? This series deserves a billion!

But oh my... I cried. I cried hard. I actually ended up sobbing so hard I freakin choked and I thought my chest was going to explode. It ripped my heart to shreds and stomped all over it, and kicked it and chewed on it.

....It was amazing.

There are no words for how AMAZING this book was and how the WHOLE series was. I'm SO glad I found these books and I am so glad Quinn Loftis wrote them!
Mega mad props to her. She's got serious talent. 5 stars to her as well and to all of her books!
Normally when I write a review, I speak in gifs, but I must say there are actually not enough in this world to cover all my feelings... and if there are, it would probably break goodreads. Haha.

If you have not read these books, I recommend them 100%. They are awesome, amazing, brilliant, wonderful and all that stuff. Haha
Displaying 1 - 30 of 550 reviews

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