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Rain Trilogy #2

Healing Rain

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Shattered when Raina runs after his marriage proposal, Kas is hell-bent to find her and bring her home, where she belongs. He will bend every law necessary to do so, willing to do anything to protect Raina from her demons and the men who haunt her, going as far as placing his career and life on the line to save hers. Raina will give up everything she has worked so hard to achieve, even flee the country to keep Kas from the wrath and powerful reach of her abusive father.
In the midst of the FBI team closing in on the Ghost, another ghost from Raina's past taunts her, promising that she will be his. Meanwhile, a different trafficking ring is gaining strength in New Jersey. Michael solicits Raina's help, needing her smooth, sultry voice to win the audition for the new singer in the ring leader's swanky night club. Raina knows her life is in jeopardy with the dangers of being undercover, but she is blindsided when she discovers that it's her heart that is threatened with a mortal blow.
Raina tries to heal from the nightmares of her dark past as the grisly bodies of innocent victims surface when the team gets closer to discovering the identity of the man responsible for the infuriatingly clever and powerful slavery ring. When Raina finally comes face to face with the Ghost, he quickly engulfs her in a twisted game of cat and mouse, delivering a veiled threat as he slips through her fingers. As the ghosts of her past and present ensnare her in their deadly web, Raina realizes the danger has just begun.

***Disclaimer: Although the Rain Trilogy has milder language and the mature scenes are written more as a form of healing and a psychological parallel, it does include sensitive issues of abuse and human trafficking and is recommended for readers 18+.***

236 pages, Paperback

First published July 29, 2013

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About the author

Karen-Anne Stewart

6 books206 followers
Romance Author

Karen-Anne Stewart has always adored reading and has now fallen in love with writing. Her written works are The Rain Trilogy: Saving Rain, Healing Rain, and After the Rain, and Ash to Steele. Her debut novel, Saving Rain: The First Novel in The Rain Trilogy, was a nominee for the Book Junkie’s Choice Awards, and Saving Rain and After the Rain were nominees for the 2014 RONE Awards.

When Karen-Anne isn’t writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, hiking, and visiting new places. She fuels her addiction of creating new stories by her only other addiction, caffeine, and listening to a myriad of musical genres. Tucked away near the Blue Ridge Mountains, Karen-Anne lives with her husband, daughter, three dogs, and their cat. She plans on writing as long as her fingers maintain dexterity.

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Profile Image for ↜ƈɦǟռ☂ɛℓℓɛ↝.
1,294 reviews140 followers
October 4, 2013
★★★★★Healing Rain by Karen-Anne Stewart (Rain Trilogy #2)

I was given this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

After reading Saving Rain, there was NO WAY I was missing book 2.

I don't even know where to begin with this one.

She was like...
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Then he was like...
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Then I was like...
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But then...
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And my final thoughts...
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 photo MakeItStop.gif

Thanks to the author for the whiplash my emotions are giving me. I can't hardly contain myself waiting on book 3.
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If I had to put it to words...

She was swooning all over the place.
Then he was panting at the sight of her.
Then I was fanning myself.
Only to start bawling my eyes out.
Oh no she did not just go there.
As I got to the end, my mouth was just hanging open
And my final thoughts, NO, NO, NO!
Please make it stop.
It's so unfair.

Profile Image for Sheri.
390 reviews72 followers
October 13, 2013
Healing Rain picks up right where Saving Rain left off. In the second story of this series we get a lot more of Raina and Kas, which is definitely a good thing. Raina is a good strong female lead. She is not perfect. She comes from a dark past but is doing her best to overcome that. She makes mistakes, but she is learning as she goes and is slowly learning to trust again. Raina shows that you don't always have to be "fine," that sometimes it's okay to cry. Kas is a pretty amazing guy. He stands by Raina through everything and does his best to show her how loved she is. I loved watching their relationship evolve over the course of the two books to where it is right now. I also love Kas's FBI team. The guys are just awesome, and their characters add so much fun to the story.

This book gets more into the human trafficking aspect of things, which can be a really hard subject to read about (and I'm sure write about), but it is handled very lightly and the story comes across as sincere and legitimate. There are no gory details, but you still get the feelings through the characters to make it seem real.

Oh, and I just have to mention the ending. Lucky for me, I have the next book (After the Rain) already loaded onto my Kindle just waiting for me to finish writing this review so I can go pick up where the story left off…otherwise I might go crazy waiting to find out what happens!

I had some trouble with the lack of transition in changing of points of view in the first book, but in Healing Rain those issues had resolved; though the same writing voice was used, I thought this book was a bit smoother, the transitions more distinct, and I very much enjoyed the story. Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews602 followers
December 6, 2013
Help Karen-Anne Stewart fight Human trafficking!
Karen-Anne Stewart has done it again, creating a story so emotionally gut-clenching, and yet so filled with hope and love, I actually had to sit back and mentally recap all that I read while I caught my breath after having held it through much of Healing Rain. Raina struggles to believe she is worthy of Kas’ love, while Kas tries to fight her demons without scaring her off or wounding her more. With a break in collaring those involved in the human trafficking ring, Raina finds the strength and determination she needs to help save the victims of this horrendous crime, but one well-intentioned visit to face her monster of a father could undo all the growth that Raina has experienced and send her spiraling back into the abyss of her tortured self-esteem, if she survives.

Tackling difficult topics with an amazingly delicate hand, Karen-Anne Stewart still delivers a story that is filled with hope and the power of love as Raina’s emotional scars are ripped open, once again and Kas is there as a pillar of strength, determined to protect and heal her.

Ms. Stewart’s creative genius is amazing as she shares each character’s POV, straight from the heart with an unmistakable clarity that, no matter if you agree with what is happening, you understand why. The depth of emotion as each scene plays out kept me completely in the moment through each incredible page. She’s created wonderful moments of tenderness, stark moments of pain and sweet moments of light-hearted caring and banter, and you will feel every second of them, and that’s what good writing should do, make you forget you are reading and make you feel the life in each powerful word.

I was fortunate to receive a review copy from Ms. Stewart in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Rain Trilogy, Book 2
Publication Date: July 30, 2013
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1481770470
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance/Fiction
Page Count: 239
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Profile Image for Honey Warren.
760 reviews4 followers
August 27, 2013
I just thought I felt things reading saving rain. Healing rain was more. More sadness, gut wrenching make you ugly cry sadness. Sweet, sweet love. The kind that makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Kas is a dream. He is perfect. His love is my favorite part of this whole story. It was awesome watching Raina's character evolve. I found myself rooting for her over and over. Out loud:) The topic of human trafficking is fascinating to me, and I feel like Karen-Anne captured the horror of it all very well. I felt like i was there with them every step of the way. I was dying to know how the book ended when it started. I just had to know if it was going to leave me hanging like the first one. Oh yeah it was brutal!! It was one of those endings where you are at the last sentence and you don't realize it's almost over and you scream noooooooooooo!! I did, I screamed noooooo!:) I of course will be anxiously awaiting the third book. I need closure (and maybe some therapy!) and the wait will be agonizing! I hope every single one of my friends adds this book to their TBR list. You will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Kimberly Morris.
860 reviews11 followers
September 14, 2013
Thank you so much Karen-Anne for sending this to me to review. It was fantastic. I think that I enjoyed this one more then I did the first one. It was well written and I didn't come across any typos in this book. I am more use to your style of writing now so it didn't bother me so much this time around the way the characters words are all together instead of separated by each character. It has a "Oh NO" ending that makes you desperate to get to the next book which is always good, well unless you hate cliff hangers! All the things this girl went through and is still going through breaks my heart. I just can't wait for all the bad guys to get theirs so she can finally have her happy ever after. You have really shown how much Kas's love for her has helped her grow and bloom into herself.
Profile Image for JMV.
1,075 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2013
ARC**. I receive this book for another honest review and I am so glad I did. Again Raina and Kas live their life while I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. We get to see how a persons life is always changed by abuse in their youth and how the love ones around them learn to have patience. We cheer for Kas & Raina when they work through the everyday problems that life hands them along with the mental issues of the past. Ms. Stewart again kept me captives to the end with another great cliffhanger! Please hurry with After the Rain!
Profile Image for Vania Nunes.
2,249 reviews47 followers
September 6, 2013
Again Karen - Anne Stewart knew bring the suspense, drama and romance in the right measure in history .
If you remember how well finished book # 1 , Raina received a wonderful proposal but thought it best to say no , and fled .

Kas Pierce , our gorgeous hero, did not give up and he knew that the denial of Rain contained something more than a "do not love you" and went after her . And it was worth it .

In this book , the subject of trafficking in women, and the various types of abuse suffered, are still strong , but the author has given special attention to the protagonists's romance. Rain finally begins to get a taste of feeling loved .
At the same time , she continues to help in the capture of major drug kingpins of women , called GHOST . Decoding computer programs , and interpreter ( translation ) and singing with her beautiful voice , Rain becomes a key to get to the victims of this heinous crime .

Kas does everything to help Rain to win her own ghosts .

It is interesting - and sad - to note that, while we have physical violence towards women abused (and Rain suffers a pretty fierce in this story) , there is also psychological violence . While they are beaten, the victim heard all sorts of lies accusations. But these lies become truth for the victims and they begin to believe that they are not worthy of being happy. Rain goes through this whole process and needs the help of friends to overcome this torment .

But everything is made of a lightweight, open the reader's mind to a reality that it might not be familiar .
And the role of Kas is important . He is always assuring her the love he feels and that she should not believe the lies spoken by her father and by her ex -boyfriend Chris, who for now, is in jail.

As I already knew all the characters , the connection with them was fast .
The pace of the story is good, no hurry, or too slowly .
Positive point : the case of trafficking and violence against women is shown in a direct way, but without shocking the reader. Much leading the reader to action if it knows some real-life case of women being abused .
Negative point : I find it interesting to note how negative a point that actually becomes positive when it was the intention of the author ...
First is about the many ups and downs so Rain passes. Now, it is obvious that with all her history beating and rape, she can not trust men spend the overnight. But I confess that sometimes I felt frustrated with her for having so many doubts about the actions of Kas or other guys who work with them .
The other point is about the end of the book .... How so leave me distraught that way? How can I wait for months to see the outcome of that scene? Aff .. I hate cliffhanger ! ! LOL
If I'll read the next book ? But of course ! ! I'm counting the days...

5 STARS !!!
Profile Image for KathyAnne.
570 reviews91 followers
February 22, 2014
I started this trilogy a few months ago... decided to just make time to stop and finish it before I forgot everything that happened in book one! :) These books are not stand alones with book one having left us on a big cliffy... this installment picks up right where book one left off.
This is an engaging story that handles the horrific nature of human trafficking in a very delicate way. Nothing is explicitly described but we get enough information for us to get the point. Rain, Kas and the team are still actively pursuing the location of the Ghost and trying to bring down a trafficking ring. They are getting closer...
Rain continues to struggle with the damage caused to her emotionally from having been so emotionally and physically abused by her father as a child and later almost beaten to death by an abusive boyfriend. I love how everyone surrounds her with support and love to help her heal.
There is a lot of ugliness in this one... Rain pulls a really stupid stunt and earns herself a trip to the hospital. Things come full circle with dear ole' dad and it seems the ex-boyfriend is not quite done pursuing Rain and finds ways to stalk her from prison. This triggers the over-protective bossy side of Kas because he worries that she doesn't think enough of herself to think before she acts. I didn't like Kas and the way he bossed her around but I did understand why he did it. He is constantly worried about her safety.
I feel the need to pipe in a little too because I saw some negative feedback that there wasn't enough sex in the book or that the sex was boring. I thought the blooming romance was handled nicely. Not every book needs to be heavy on the sex scenes... unless you are reading erotica where it is expected. IMO... This is a story where it is more important to focus on the emotional impact of the characters and not so much their sexual encounters.
Book two leaves us with another big cliffy... so I'll be heading on to book three soon so I can see how it all ends. I know there are a lot of cliffy haters out there so just bear in mind that this is an on-going story and you will need to read the entire trilogy to get full closure. But, they are all out so at least you don't have to wait to get the next one!

Thanks so much to the author for the ARC!

Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,219 reviews2 followers
November 18, 2013
I received this book from the author for an honest review

This book was a continuation of the previous book
We ended Bk1 where Raina's father ran into her at the University and kind of beat her up again! She went home to Kas where he had a romantic evening planned for her and he proposed and she just had a run in with her father and he made all her fears come to life again!
So instead of telling him what happened and she thought she was protecting him and she ran!
Kas devasted as he though they were progressing so nice in their relationship and then he found out that he father got to her and as we expect from our Hero he went after her and didn't take no for an answer.

For me this was an awesome story as this is what I expect happens after 'they lived happily ever after'
Because in Bk2 Karen-Anne goes through how Kas and Raina handles their relationship (after they get married in a romantic Italy)and most importantly how Raina learns to depend on other people and to lend other people into her life to help her with what she went through in her childhood.
To me what was the climax of this story was when Raina finally had her 'meltdown/breakdown'. What I loved about Kas in this whole book was the fact that he never gave up on her and just showed you how much he loves her and how far he will go to make her happy not just physically happy but emotionally happy! And the fact that He never gave up on her.

I guess for people that have been abused it is hard to let people close to you cause you will always have that doubt about what will happen if they get angry or how they will cope with situations and deal with it. It's hard for you on the outside to understand what someone is going through who has been abused, so reading this book was a look into how to deal with someone who has been abused and how to make them feel happy in the life that they are living and to actually live the life that they are meant to live.

And in the midst of all these things that Raina is going through in the background we had the psycotic ex living in a delusional world that he can get her back...

I can't wait to read the 3rd book as the second one ends on a cliffhanger...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katie.
569 reviews
November 3, 2016
**Please note there will be spoilers for Saving Rain in this review**

I was apprehensive to read Healing Rain after finishing Saving Rain. I am so invested into Raina and Kas, but couldn’t think what would happen to her in book two. But of course curiosity got the better of me and I needed to know where Raina went and what Kas does to find her. Another fabulously written book by Ms Stewart and I will have to read After the Rain to find out more; I was left needing more.

Raina Kapture is on the run. Attempting to keep Kas safe from her father, she does the only thing she knows and tries to disappear. Safely on the plane, Raina gives in to her emotions and breaks down. She has never cried so much in her life, her heart is thoroughly broken.

Kas is broken also, but determined to find Raina and discover the real reason she won’t accept his proposal. Using all his contacts with the FBI, he locates her in a beautiful picturesque country a long way from home. With the help from Chase (Kas’ BFF) they try to convince Raina that she is worth more than her father’s threats. Will she return home with Kas? Will she agree to marry him?

Raina has started to receive anonymous phone calls and they are beginning to take their toll on her life. With final exams for college coming up, she needs to concentrate, the only problem is there are too many issues going on around her. Kas is travelling for work and trying to find the ring leader of the trafficking ring. Will they trust each other enough to share their burdens?

When Raina confronts her Father she knows there is only one solution and without Kas knowing what she has planned, trouble is imminent. Will Raina survive?

Chris Sutton is Raina’s ex and currently behind bars for attacking her, but with his release coming up this just adds another level of stress to her life. Will Chris stay away?

I actually enjoyed Healing Rain more than Saving Rain. There seemed to be more intenseness and more love; plus the fantastic writing style of Ms Stewart. The ending…….oh dear, I am certainly left needing to read book three, After the Rain. It was fantastic to see Raina grow in confidence and resolve, her determined love for Kas was admirable. I highly recommend this thrilling series to all new adult readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karla McCaffrey.
44 reviews10 followers
August 16, 2013
***I received a copy of Healing Rain in exchange of an honest review***

First and foremost I'd like to thank Karen-Anne Stewart for allowing me to read this book. I was fortunate enough to win a copy of Saving Rain (Book 1) and was completely surprised by the cliffhanger. Now, after reading Healing Rain, I have to say that Mrs. Stewart has done it again. Just when I thought things were going better....BOOM! The book ends on a MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! Mrs. Stewart seems to be good at this. :)

I was very happy to find out that book 2 picks up right where book 1 ended. Kas' love for Raina is visible from the very beginning of this book as well. It's obvious he will go through any measures to make sure his girl is safe. Even if he has to do things he doesn't like. I love that we get to see Kas' inner struggles when it comes to dealing with Rain. He is determined to save his "darlin" and show her that she IS worth it.

Rain's demons are just as bad (maybe even worse) in Healing Rain. Chapter 25 was not only one of the hardest chapters for me to read, but ironically enough it is also my favorite. Through out the whole book I held my breath and waited....and waited....and waited for the breakdown. I know someone who has been through as much as Rain has is bound to break down sooner or later. I was finally able to breathe when it happened. Just like Kas said, I hate that it happened but I'm glad it did. This chapter was beautifully put together.

One last thing I want to mention is the unexpected reappearance of one of the characters in Saving Rain I thought we saw the end of Chris when he was arrested. I was really surprised to read several sections from his POV as well. I liked it. It shows just how sick and demented he truly is. I can't wait to read what happens next.

Really....I can't. What am I going to do? I need to know how this trilogy ends! Sooner rather than later!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
37 reviews
January 25, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in the Rain series. I love these books! They have a fabulous plot, well developed characters and the way the subject matter is handled is very sensitive to the subject matter.

The book begins where the first, Saving Rain, left off right after Raina has left Kas because she felt she would ruin him like her father said. Raina has fled to Italy to try to escape the pain of leaving Kas. However Kas knows that he loves her and wants to fight for her, especially after finding out about her father finding her. After they find their way back to each other they return home to continue working to bring down the human trafficking ring. They are still trying to track down Prizak, the ghost, who is the mastermind of the trafficking ring. Unfortunately Chris, Raina's abusive ex-boyfriend who is in jail for attacking her, has continued to obsess over her and taunt her from prison. Raina's father also makes an unfortunate reappearance, but necessary to the story, in this book. Throughout the book Raina continues her long road to healing herself with the help of Kas and his love.

This book has excellent plot twists and turns. The relationship between Raina and Kas continues to evolve and strengthen even through the many ups and downs that they face. Raina is such a dynamic and strong character who continues to battle her past demons to grow into herself. Kas is a truly amazing character who has so much love and devotion for Raina.

Sometimes series books don't always live up the first book but Healing Rain is not one of those. The second book grips you from the first page and doesn't let go until the end. This book is suspenseful, heart breaking at times, romantic, and even has a steamy scene or two.
I can't wait to read the final book, After the Rain, and see what happens. I would and have recommended this series to anyone over 18.
Profile Image for Megan.
40 reviews23 followers
December 2, 2013
If you saw my review of the first book, you will understand how obsessed I am with it and how badly I needed to get the second book. I probably could have read it in less than a day because it was that good, but sometimes life gets in the way. Lame, I know.

At the end of book 1, Raina has taken off to Italy because of some nasty things that her crazy father has said to her that she has taken to heart. What a cliffhanger! But we all know that Kas is too in love with her to let it go like that, so he heads to Italy as well. This book allows us to see Raina and Kas deal with more of Raina's past and Kas being the constant figure in her life that she can depend on.

Raina also shows more of her badass side when she goes undercover with another agent in hopes to come closer to some information about "The Ghost" and the human trafficking ring. I really liked getting to see her be independent and operate as a true agent in this story.

This book, much like the first one, tackles some difficult issues, but they are approached with honesty and tact (which is much appreciated and refreshing). I would recommend this book to almost anyone. It brings in elements of friendship, love, sex, marriage, and mystery, and the pace of the book will definitely keep you entertained!
Profile Image for Poet Gentleness.
126 reviews43 followers
September 9, 2016
Again, Karen-Anne gifts us with an Alpha-macho that is not a brute, but a sweet hero: KAS has it all and something more!!
After the huge cliffhanging of Saving Rain, Healing Rain picks up exactly where the 1st stopped.

In the same way of the first book of the trilogy, Karen-Anne treats touchy subjects as children's abuse and human trafficking with carefulness and generosity, not shocking the reader with unnecessary graphic details or descriptions, but giving us the needy information to keep turning the pages as the night passes away and morning light finds us awake, rooting for Kas and Raina.
Although some may have issues with the subjects treated in this book, which I don't, as a lawyer, who have worked many years with abused women and children, I can fairly say that this emotional roller-coaster romance is worth reading and thinking about.

I'll not repeat the plot as there are already many reviews that did it, but I have to make a point in saying that Chris's POV shows how an abuser is pervert and sick; It is not nice to have a stalker and a beater near you; There is no fun for a woman to be humiliated, and it's not a turn-on as many think.


I'll be picking the next book asap! I need to know how this story ends!
Profile Image for Josie.
102 reviews12 followers
January 18, 2014
First of all, I want to thank Karen-Anne Stewart for giving me the chance to review book 2...

Talk about CLIFFGANGER!! Thank god I have book 3 to review next!!

I loved this one more than the1st one, maybe because it felt like I didn't know what to expect every time I turned the page! This story definitely was an emotional one for me. I felt sadness, anger, and happiness all at the same time... There were so many times I wished I could reach in and just hug Raine. Then other times I wanted to shake some sense into her for putting herself in harms way. There were also time my heart melted with the love Kas had for her and his vow to protect her.
This story is very well written and definitely does not dissapoint! I am anxious to start book 3 and fingers are crossed as I root for Raine to have her happy ending with her prince!
Profile Image for Gillian Felix.
Author 11 books157 followers
February 18, 2014
This book broke my heart then put it back together again. I love Kas and Raina together. I want them to have tons of babies together and never have another problem ever in life again.

In the series Karen-Ann Stewart effectively showed how violence against women affects the men in their lives who want to love and protect them. Even though Raina suffered the abuse of other men you see Kas fighting like hell to save her, and in the process dealing with his own realization that he can only go so far with her in the healing process, the rest is up to her.
Profile Image for Carrie Finbow.
2 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2014
Sorry it took so long to get back on this book as i have not been well

The book was a great read and i couldn't put it down.Loved the Characters
4 reviews
November 15, 2013
I absolutely loved this book. It is a wonderful love story that has you feeling every emotion page after page. Awesome writing.
896 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2013
Holy cliffhanger, Chris is out of jail and pouncing. This book was just as engrossing as the first and I am itching to get to the third.
Profile Image for Alissa Evanson.
353 reviews
February 20, 2014
Healing Rain picks up right where Saving Rain ended. Raina has run off to Italy to get away from Kas. Her father’s brainwashing techniques have worked and she will not be the cause of any harm to Kas.

Kas doesn’t give up that easily. After finding out that Raina’s father is more than likely the reason for her running off, he sets out on a mission to find Raina and bring her back home where she belongs. And he’s not alone, Chase is along for the ride. He wants to be there for Kas, to help him keep cool and give advice if needed. He is also there for Raina. He loves Raina (don’t y’all worry…he loves her like a sister…no love triangle going on… (Well not yet anyway)).

After arriving in Italy, Kas and Chase locate Raina but she has reverted back to her old self and closed herself off. She has shielded herself from emotion because of her father’s hateful words. She will do anything to protect Kas…even if it costs her all the happiness she doesn’t think she deserves.

With Chase’s help, Kas and Raina come to an agreement on their relationship and head back to the states. Kas will do anything and everything to protect Raina from her father but his actions just might end up doing more harm than good. Raina would do anything to protect Kas from her father…even if that means putting herself in the line of his fist again.

I really love Chase. I think he is my favorite after Kas and Raina. The entire group is amazing and they are there for Raina no matter what. Raina has found herself a strong family in her new coworkers and could not love them anymore than she already does. Seeing Raina interact so easily with the guys and their girlfriends, gives Kas a sense of peace that he has needed. He is determined to bring her the peace and love that she deserves….something she has been missing out on her entire life.

Raina is quickly drawn back into the human trafficking case and as much as Kas hates it he understands that it may be the only way to finally figure out who the ringleader is and put a stop to it. Paired up with a sexy guitarist, Raina gets a job at a swanky club singing to try to gain information on the case. Raina and Brent become very close with having to live and work together. Confusion sets in, feelings start to get jumbled and eventually it leads to a kiss. Can Kas overcome the visual of seeing his girl kiss another man? Will Raina be honest with Kas about her feelings and what happened with Brent?

Lies, secret missions, new admirers, threatening anonymous calls, a psycho-obsessed ex-boyfriend, and Raina going head to head with who they think is the ringleader of the trafficking. All these things play a huge part in Raina and Kas’s life. Will they be able to protect each other and trust each other enough to get past everything or is it all just too much?

Honestly, even though I struggled with the first book's writing style this series has a lot of good to it. It is a good storyline and has well developed characters. I just like to be more “in” the story then having it explained to me. Things are glossed over a lot and there is a lot of the characters remembering certain events rather than being in the moment of said event. That is just a personal preference of mine but it does affect my rating so I thought I would mention it.

This is almost like two books in one. You have the side of the book that deals with Raina trying to overcome her abuse and self-doubt. And then you have the human trafficking side of it. They do integrate a little bit but at times it felt like I was reading two different books.

Raina’s journey to recovery is very good. It really shows how a person has to deal with the aftermath of living a life like she had. A lot of times in books, when you read about abuse it seems like it is almost a quick fix. The character will struggle but finally when they “fall in love” it’s like they are almost magically healed. This story is completely the opposite. Raina has Kas but her struggles are still very much a part of her life. Every time she takes two steps in the right directions something pushes her a step back. One of my favorite things about this book is how strong Raina is. She is so determined and has such a good heart and would literally do anything for anyone. She puts everyone before herself and Kas can’t stand that. He loves that she is so selfless but he wishes she would put more concern into her own well-being.

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The trafficking side of the story got better for me in this book. There was a lot more to it then in Saving Rain. A lot of details were glossed over in it though. Kas would set out on a mission to recover girls or investigate murders but we never really heard a lot about that. He would go and then in the next paragraph he would be returning….and sometimes later on he would remember what happened when he was gone. It was just kind of annoying for me.

The book ends with a really good but major cliffhanger… and it was a bit confusing. Did Kas betray her? Was he set up? Was she set up? Were they both set up? I just don’t know and I can’t wait to find out in the next book After The Rain.

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★★☆ 4 Stars ☆★★

Profile Image for Reflection.
355 reviews62 followers
December 30, 2014
The story arc in this is interesting and the glowing reviews from other readers reinforced my excitement at the prospect of reading Healing Rain. I grabbed the chance to receive a copy in exchange for an honest review having been assured that reading the first book in the trilogy was not essential.

The author made a good job of covering the back story for first time readers to catch up on the main characters Rain and Kas, and the book begins in an interesting place with Kas desperately trying to find Rain after she fled from him following his marriage proposal (apparently at the end of book one).

The story was able to bring me to tears sharing the emotional journey of the two main characters as they grew further into their relationship healing some of the impact of Rain's damaging upbringing. Several questions occurred to me throughout the book about the topic and my reaction to it, more of which later.

I was initially surprised and intrigued at the way in which the story is devised (present tense third party perspective). In many years as a voracious reader I cannot recall ever reading a book with a similar approach to story telling and there is good reason. Quite frankly in my opinion it does not work and as the book progressed the writing style grated hugely and felt overly contrived, especially when characters are remembering past events.

I found myself checking the page numbers desperately wishing my progress was quicker so that I could just finish the book. When I engage with a book time flies and I don't notice the pages slipping by. With this book I was painfully aware as I ticked each ten pages off.

So WHY if the story arc was effective and I could become emotionally engaged (despite the for me jarring present tense writing style) and with clearly glowing reviews from other readers, did Healing Rain not meet my expectations?

I have wondered if it might be because I started with the second book in the trilogy and therefore missed some nuances that other readers picked up on.
I believe however, that the author and I may have very different life views. She stressed again and again how strong Raina is overcoming past abuse and trauma to flourish as an independent adult with the love and support of her new husband. No arguments from me there. Unlike Raina I did not find Kas' adoration and protectiveness charming, however I found him to be patronising in his approach and at times overbearing which was rarely challenged; indeed, the amount of times the characters (main and supporting) 'chucked' Rain under the chin to get her to look at them was for me appalling. Perhaps this is a cultural difference between the United Kingdom and America, but to do such a thing here would generally be viewed as condescending (and considering Rain's previous background I found it to be uncomfortable and inappropriate) and ill judged. Perhaps this is my lack of experience of dealing with people who have suffered childhood abuse but my view is that this patronising behaviour is much closer to assault than support.

Which brings me to the love scenes scattered throughout the book. Oh good grief. They were saccharine and indulgent and labouring Kas' 'experience' and talent in the bedroom department had me reading them aloud to my husband for sheer amusement they were so unrealistic and chocolate box fantasical. Be glad to know reader that sex god that he is, Kas can satisfy his beautiful wife very easily and many blissful connubial moments were shared.

Finally we have Rain's own drop dead gorgeous looks, language and computer skills at a clearly remarkable level (not to mention her amazing singing voice) that can enrapture those around her. She and Kas make a lovely couple amidst the horror of a sex slave trafficking ring that they are using their best talents to expose and unravel. No doubt this will be finally accomplished in the last instalment of the trilogy.

Book two ends on a cliffhanger. As I ploughed through the final twenty pages, I was thinking there is no way this can all be cleverly wrapped up, and I was right. This is a personal gripe of mine. I really admire books that can be read as stand alone pieces, especially if they are trilogies in which the reader gains insight and enrichment by reading further instalments. To leave a book at a critical moment seems to me clumsy and unsatisfying. I for one will not be finding out what happens next. What might have persuaded me to await the final instalment would have been a grittier and more realistic approach to a harrowing tale of crime and sex slaves instead it struck me as too whimsical for such a dark theme. I know I prefer my fiction dark and emotional. This book clearly has many admirers and was well enough written for me to ensure I finished it despite my struggle. I commend the author for tackling this grim topic. I only wish that it had reached me on a level that I hoped when I read the blurb and other reviews.
Profile Image for Nance.
1,558 reviews112 followers
November 15, 2013
Awesome addition to the trilogy!

As Kas races to stop Raina from leaving the country for Italy and ending their relationship permanently, I was saddened to see Raina revert back to her timid and pessimistic ways. She had made such progress with Kas helping along with the way. He had demonstrated to her just how worthy she was of his love and a life that would revitalize both their futures. He loved her with all his being, and after she has a chilling and emotional encounter with her repulsive father, he knows in his heart that he just has to save their genuinely incredible relationship. It’s the relationship that he has been searching for his entire life with that one and only beautifully “passionate” woman. What a horrifying bastard that she had as a father! Why would he degrade and taunt his only child so unmercifully? What was he hoping to gain to utilize such violent behavior towards her? One would think that his feelings of her would be of cherishment and protectiveness after she so heartbreakeningly loses her beloved mother and he so tragically loses his adored wife. Unfortunately, though, for her dad, he just can’t get passed the idea of it being his daughter’s fault for his wife’s passing. So, he just keeps blaming his innocent daughter over and over again while furthering his pathetic obsessive torments. Kas, being Raina’s white knight, just can’t allow for her to drown in this deep pit of depression that her father has so conveniently dug yet again. So, he’s on his way to fight tooth and nail for that confident vibrant young woman that holds his captivated heart so lovingly in her tenderhearted hands.

The couple, additionally, is still tracking and watching the dealings and progress of the human trafficking ring. They’re hoping to just get a break in the case to find out their next move or who the leader of the ring actually is. Women are still being recovered in horrific and sqaulid conditions – oftentimes scared and abused. Raina knows that it’s time to put her emotions aside when dealing with these horrifying women’s raw and disturbing experiences. Just to ensure them that they are safe and can trust her, is progress in the making.

And, of course, there’s still Chris hanging around, whose obsession with ex-girlfriend, Raina, is likely to destroy him. Even while serving time in jail due to his recent violent behavior towards her, he’s still adamant about claiming her as his while in a current delusional fixation. The reader gets a glimpse of Chris secretly plotting something that will both surprise and ambush Raina. It’s his unhinged persistence to try and possess her no matter what the consequences, that finally becomes apparent. When his strong-willed tenacity alone leaves the reader gasping for air, the final pages of the second novel in the trilogy promises to deliver a cliffhanger of a conclusion.

The novel was full of love and commitment between two compelling and richly honorable characters. Raina often questioning her self-worth and her ability to trust, constantly yielded at none other than fortitude and grit to reclaim her quest for absolution. She was a courageous and determined character that spoke from experience and trauma. She just had to believe in herself, and that’s what Kas was there for. He sincerely was supportive and protective. He was not willing to give up on Raina or their relationship because it was just so beautiful and perfect. She had his heart, and he was determined to restore her faith in what they had together no matter how long or what it took. He was a remarkable and confident male that protected what was his. And, Raina was his! No harm would ever come to his exquistely cherished soulmate.

The two together were just unbelievably potent as a couple. One playing off the other one’s emotions with passion and strength; hell-bent on defending their honor while encouraging openness and trust in each other. They were definitely unstoppable together. The last book in the trilogy, I’m sure, promises to be explosive and rewarding when everything is exposed. And, Kas and Raina will probably get their “happily ever after”. At least I hope so. Excellent second installment to a riveting trilogy written by newly published author, Karen-Anne Stewart!

Profile Image for Sorcha O'Dowd.
Author 2 books51 followers
July 23, 2016

I was on tenterhooks for the weeks after I finished reading ‘Saving Rain’. I had to force myself not to read the next two books in the series straight away because I desperately wanted to keep the story alive for me as long as possible, and I wanted to savour every part of Kas and Raina’s journey of their love.

We returned to Healing Rain right where Saving Rain left off, and by god was that a cliffhanger of an ending. I felt devastated for Kas when Raina turned down his marriage proposal, but also so thankful that the strength of his love, and the complete devotion he had for her and her safety meant that he could push aside his pride and fight to get Raina back. I was on the edge of my seat as he begins his journey to getting Raina back.

What I love so much about Karen-Anne Stewart’s writing style is how effortlessly she weaves the story, with the perfect pace in terms of both character and story development. I like how Kas and Raina had to overcome many little obstacles over the course of their relationship and that it isn’t like in some books, where there is a huge build-up to a huge event that happens towards the end of the novel. I love how fresh this style of story is, and that there are so many incidents and events throughout the novel that I feel like I’m constantly kept on my toes. It beautifully contrasts with the way that the threat of the Ghost in the sex trafficking storyline keeps the entire investigative department and Kas and Raina constantly looking for and following up different leads, which happen throughout the story.

I loved how Raina really started to believe in herself throughout this novel. The way she stands up to her father was so empowering, but also heartbreaking to read, when we see the pain she puts herself through so that she can save Kas from her father’s wrath. I also adored how this caused a bump in Raina’s psychological condition, and that she had a minor setback. As much as I love to see the heroine overcome her demons, I love the realistic route that this story takes, making it clear that there are highs and lows in any recovery for abuse victims and that strength and belief in themselves is something that can be dashed in a second, even when it is unbelievably strong just an hour beforehand. It was beautifully and realistically portrayed and I commend the author for her fantastic work on the incredible way she depicted this, sadly, common feature of abuse.

And for every story there are the bad guys. There is the threat of Raina’s ex-boyfriend Chris’ looming release from Prison, and the way that ‘The Ghost’ is running them in circles with their investigations in the sex-trafficking. Funnily enough it was one of the ‘good guys’, who I came to dislike the most as a character. Brent was an interesting character that was introduced in this novel, when working with Raina on an undercover investigation. I held no dislike for him when his attraction to Raina became clear, but I began to loathe the way he acted on it. I hated the way he caused such grief for Raina by trying to force his affections on her, and the way he doubted her and Kas’ love when he had seen so little of it. I didn’t hate him for his jealousy, but for the way he seemed to think that he knew better than Raina, similarly to how many other men had treated her in the past, when he told her that she was too young to know that she would love one man for the rest of her life. He became the character I loved to hate, and I was devastated when his actions caused Raina to have another setback in the development she had made in believing in the worth she had.

This was a stunning second novel in a really incredible series, and with another cliff hanger, this time a deadly one, I just knew that this book, and this series had captured a part of my heart.

5 Stars!
Profile Image for Jovon Tucker.
43 reviews28 followers
September 2, 2013
Breath taking at times, romantic, suspenseful, and even sometimes erotic...These are just SOME of the words I would use to describe the second book in the Rain Trilogy, Healing Rain, by Karen-Anne Stewart! I fell in love with Raina in Saving Rain and continue to fall in love with her in book two! The cover is beautiful, as well as the words lying beneath! I do recommend reading Saving Rain first before reading Healing Rain, so you are not lost in the plot and you can fully appreciate what's going on!

I have said it before and I will say it again! Raina is such a strong character! She herself feels weak and unworthy and dare I say unequal even? Especially in the very beginning of the book. Though as the title says...she begins her long, hard road to healing from the past wrongs done to her by the men in her life she is supposed to be able to trust. I found myself cheering her on as I read! She always thinks of others before she does herself and that's her real charm. That and her innocence which in a way is kind of sad too. She is loyal, true, and beautiful! Lucky for her, she has a great support network through her work and her new family thanks to her husband, Kas!

Hmm...Kas. I'll be honest. I don't know how I feel about him. I think I like him but he is way over protective and sometimes treats Rain like a kid. I think he's written this way to show the progression of Rain's independence and self worth. For example; when Raina lands herself in the hospital. She is in some serious mental and physical pain but she's the type to just try and get over it and move on with her normal routine. She tries doing this but Kas and all her friends keep telling her to just sit down, take it easy, don't push herself. However, my thinking is that she knows herself better than anyone else. If she needs to cook to distract her from her feelings right now then so be it! It's her way of healing. Though I am no psychologist so what do I know? LOL. Score for Raina when she voices her opinion and stands up for herself declaring she is hurt...not weak.

Her bravery, beauty and brains attract more than just her husband in this book and throws one heck a wrench in the mix almost ruining everything! On top of all this happening, the FBI team tries to catch the illusive "Ghost" and Raina's past tries like Hell to come back and haunt her!

The only con I would point out for Healing Rain, is I could have done without so much sex in it. This is just my personal preference though and it's nothing that would turn anyone away from the book, I don't think. However, I have to admit...the sex scenes were extremely steamy and *giggle, giggle* enjoyable.

This book is amazing! It's emotionally charged pages actually brought me to tears at one point! Like I was really crying! I won't explain why, because it's a major plot point, but I will say, I could totally sympathize with this mystery character and have felt something so similar and I think that's why it hit me like it did.

Stewart left me shocked and craving more by the end of Healing Rain...just like I was by the end of book one! Now, I can't WAIT to read After the Rain!
Profile Image for Heather.
463 reviews29 followers
February 18, 2014
If you are reading this on my blog, it might be a bit repetitive because I am starting each review with the same first paragraph because it covers all 3 books.

I read the entire trilogy back to back to back. I could not put it down. I literally started one and kept going until it was done, then started another and kept going until I had to force myself to put it down at 3 AM, and then started the last one as soon as it was over. This is an absolutely amazing trilogy!

Saving Rain ended with Kas proposing to Raina. Raina was so beat down by her father’s last attack that she is worried that she will be the ruin of Kas. She took off for Italy. Kas wasn’t willing to let her go and he uses every resource he has to track her down.

This couple amazes me. Kas is perfect for Raina. He is so gentle with her, even when he needs to be uber alpha male. Raina has so much damage that she doesn’t even realize is there. Here she is this woman who just wants to stand on her own too feet, who never wants a man to push her around again, and sometimes she doesn’t realize that Kas doesn’t want to push her, but to help her up when she is down. Yet he is so patient. I don’t see many men being that patient. In my experience, it takes a very special man to be able to handle someone who has been abused and whose instinct is to flinch when a man is angry. Kas was written perfectly. So was Raina. I love how even though she has all this trauma in her past, she doesn’t use it as an excuse to fall into a downward spiral. She just keeps picking herself up and moving forward again.

We start seeing more of their friends in this book. We got a taste of them in Saving Rain, but we really start getting to know more about them in Healing Rain. I love this group of people that surround them and protect them.

I have to add that human trafficking is something we all should feel incredibly passionate about, and it is something we all should be on our feet actively fighting against, and books like this, that bring awareness to this horrible slavery in a way that engages the average reader, the one who doesn’t want to read dry statistics or a non-fiction book, these are needed. This is something that is alive still in the society we live in, yes – even here in the United States and other developed countries. It happens to both girls and boys (men and women) that are brought in from other countries and to citizens of our own countries. It’s horrifying and Karen-Anne Stewart is doing a beautiful service by bringing this into the light for some who might not realize that this is still happening.

Another absolutely amazing book!

Thank you for my ARC!

Profile Image for Lou.
326 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2013
I’m at a complete loss as to where to start on this review.

I read the first book in this trilogy as part of a blog tour. I had never heard of the trilogy or even the author until this blog tour invite came through. That said I befriended Karen-Anne Stewart on both Twitter and Facebook. As I posted that I was thoroughly enjoying Saving Rain (Book 1), Karen-Anne Stewart offered me the chance to read books 2 and 3 too. I was soooo happy and excited; I was truly amazed at this trilogy. I digress slightly!

Karen-Anne Stewart has written another amazing book. After reading Saving Rain I knew that I HAD to read the rest of this trilogy. Even though I had other books to read for tours that I had signed up for, I knew that I couldn’t leave Kas and Raina without completing their story.

Healing Rain was just as heartbreaking and awe inspiring as Saving Rain if not more so.

Raina has been through so much already. Then she fell in love with Kas. Raina continues to help bring down trafficking groups. With Chris; the ex-boyfriend’s impending release tensions are running high for Raina and Kas. Raina has so many internal battles to face as well as figures from her past returning to haunt her future. Raina comes face to face with ‘Ghost’ and she is pulled into his sick and twisted game!

Kas is amazing; all he wants is to protect the woman he loves. I can understand his over protectiveness and his fears. Time and time again Kas does everything his power to show Raina that she deserves to be loved and safe. Kas is there for Raina each and every time she needs someone even in her darkest hour and all Kas does is try to show her how much he loves her, but still Raina runs when Kas proposes to her. Can Raina admit her feelings and let love and happiness in?

Kas and Raina have been put through so much and once again they are put through one nightmare after another.

Can Kas and Raina bring down the trafficking ring and catch the ever elusive ghost? Is there a happily ever after for the two of them?

You’ll have to read this amazing book to find out!!

This is a romantic, suspenseful, dramatic and heart wrenching book, an emotionally charged page turner. I couldn’t put this book down! I felt every emotion that Raina and Kas felt. I laughed, cried even sobbed, swooned and felt like my heart was going to stop on more than one occasion.
Profile Image for Lissette.
Author 26 books103 followers
January 7, 2014
For a moment there, Raina felt as if her life was going just the way she wanted it to. Kas has been her saving grace, giving her the needed space to let go of her pain and suffering. He's done everything to accommodate her, to make her feel as if she's truly loved. Yet everything changes when he asks of her the one thing she can't quite give him. Deep inside, Raina knows she can't commit to what he wants. She's broken. How could he love her when she feels she's not worthy of his love?

Unable to face the feelings he evokes in her, Raina does the only thing she can do. She runs. In her mind, the farther she's away from Kas, the better off he'll be. He deserves someone better. Someone who can give him the things she can't. She has way too much baggage following her around. The least she can do is set him free.

Her life takes a different turn when she agrees to go undercover in order to bring a trafficking ring to a stop, once for all. The thought of doing what she has to do is daunting, but Raina is willing to give all she's got in order to put a stop to the Ghost's slavery ring. She's knows she's risking a lot by putting herself in the thick of things, but if she can save at least one life, her efforts will be worth it.

As the ghosts of her own past start to catch up with her, Raina soon realizes she can never outrun it. There are things she'll have to deal with eventually. Doing so will be difficult, but it'll allow her to let things go in the long run. Determined to see things through, she dives head-first in the chaos that now surrounds her. Though she's not sure if she'll come out on top, she'll do her best to survive the nightmare she now calls life.

Another great addition to the Rain Trilogy, I've enjoyed Healing Rain immensely. Karen-Anne has delivered another heart-wrenching story that gives the reader a more in-depth look at Raina's chaotic life. She's been through so much, and is doing her best to survive. There's only so much a person can take, however, and she's certainly had her fill of pain and suffering. Will Raina finally get to live her life in peace? Time, and book three, will tell.
Profile Image for Tracey.
240 reviews
September 12, 2014
I really love the suspense that this series contains. I have read all 3 books in about three days because I couldn't wait to see how the characters developed and grew. I especially wanted to find out how they make out in the end. Human trafficking is a horrible topic to hear or read about. We all would love to live in our own bubbles where nothing bad happens and everything is wonderful but life is not that way. It is an honor to have men and women who work in positions to try to put an end to the atrocities out there like terrorism, human trafficking and etc. They put their lives on the line for their families, friends and everyone else they are trying to protect and serve.

Raina and Kas have many things they have to work through and we see them grow in different ways with the support and love they share together, with their families and with their friends. Kas knows fully about Rain's past abuse and how she responds to different triggers. Kas only wants to love and protect Raina but while she admires his domineering side she also despises it as well. She is his priority and he wants to heal her and make sure she truly understands that what has happened wasn't her fault and what type of person she truly is.

They are working on a case that keeps them pulling their hair out to locate the ghost who has many sub groups in human trafficking. They have been slowly getting closer to this person but continually run into road blocks. Not only does Raina translate but she has brilliant computer skills to aid the team as well. She also gets pulled into raids because they need a female to play the part of a submissive to infiltrate the groups. Kas is never happy about it and they battle each other over these situations. With the girls they are able to rescue from these raids Raina helps translate to locate who the major player is and to make sure the girls are cared for.

This is a must read to see how the investigation into Ghost is transpiring. This is an awesome book with romance, suspense, friendship, family, and much more that will pull on your heart strings! Go one click today!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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