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Wanted #4


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Jessie Rhodes has been in love with Scott Reynolds for most of her life. But he ran away from her once, leaving her heartbroken.

When they find their way back to one another, things seem to fall into place, and they begin to plan their future together…

Until Scott’s ex-fiancée deceives them all. With yet another broken heart, it is Jessie’s turn to run away. During her retreat, she meets an intriguing man, and they form a bond that makes Jessie question everything.

Scott’s world collapses when the only girl he has ever loved disappears with no word on her whereabouts. When he finally discovers where Jessie has been hiding, he also learns of her new relationship.

Will deceit tear them apart? Or can Jessie and Scott survive their mistakes and choose to love and to cherish?

Cherished is the fourth book in the Wanted series.

First published January 13, 2014

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About the author

Kelly Elliott

98 books6,346 followers

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since finishing her bestselling Wanted series, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women and beautiful surroundings.

Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Without You, and Unconditional Love, to name just a few.

Kelly has been passionate about writing since she was fifteen. After years of filling journals with stories, she finally followed her dream and published her first novel, Wanted, in November of 2012.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, daughter, and two pups. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family. She is down to earth and very in touch with her readers, both on social media and at signings.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 399 reviews
Profile Image for Mary Beth.
110 reviews34 followers
January 23, 2014
Army Wife Reviews www.armywifemb.blogspot.com
1 star
This review will contain many spoilers, so if you are going to try and read it, be warned.

Lets start at the beginning of the problems with this book...
1. The cover. I have never a more poorly photo-shopped hot mess in a long time. I may not like all of Mrs. Elliot's books, but some of them had some kick ass covers. This looks like a daytime shot with a freaky zombie apocalypse moon glued to the background.

2. I won't bother with writing a synopsis of the book here, if you have read the first book, it has the same plot, or lack of plot, so you get the gist of the story. Boy meets girl....boy is an idiot....girl runs away meets another boy....first boy wins her back because she is SPOILER ALERT: knocked up.

3. Weakest female characters on the planet. What kind of doormat lets some guy walk up and kiss her, claim to fall in love with her, and then run off to sleep/get engaged to the town skank, then take him back when he's done with her. Not only that she has dreamed of opening a vet clinic her whole life. She thinks her boyfriend has cheated on her so she bails on that idea and leaves town? It also apparently the 1920's because she keeps all the money needed to buy said vet clinic in a box in her closet. I guess there are no banks, safety deposit box, or rusty old safe anywhere in town.

4. Weak, crying in their beer, "cowboys". Scott is a crying, whimpering, baby for most of the book. Poor me, why did she leave me, I should kill myself (which unfortunately doesn't do), I can't live without her......ect. Then the next minute he's like "I'll just drink and try to have sex with as many people as possible, but not actually succeed". It's just sad, the anti-alpha male.

In a two week time span these two "hopelessly in love" people have forgotten each other and gone on an all out snogfest with anything that will talk to them for more than a minute. So she was torn up enough to give up on her dream to own vet clinic, but not quite heartbroken enough to resist the advances of the first man you says hello. *smacks head with iPad repeatedly*

5. Do I really have to relive the sex life of everyone ever in the Wanted series, including the grandparents. Dealing with one couple is enough, four more couples is just a reason to add sex scenes. Just stop.

6. The amount of use of the F-bomb. I am down for foul language when the dialog calls for it, but Holy Hell and Jesus H. Christ batman, add some words to your vocabulary.

7. It's about 200 pages too long. felt like I had been reading forever, and when I looked down I was at 10%. If the book had just ended at 30% it could have been salvaged as a decent book, but no, it has to continue on forever. Not to mention if more time was given to actually writing a story with a decent plot, instead of churning out useless drivel for the masses every two months the series would be good.

In the end, if you read the first book, you have read all of them. They all have the same plot, weak characters, lack of imagination.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 3, 2014
I love Kelly Elliott and the Wanted Series...the first two books in the series are two of my fave romance/angst reads! That being said, I found this read to slide down a bit on my happy scale! I just didn't like Jessie and Scott's story.

I honestly have not been a Jessie fan for a while and well, her stupidity and self-imposed drama just put her in the bad heroine category. Ok, I get it...you have been in love with a man you never felt you could have your entire life...the idea that he would cheat on you is firmly planted in you brain and the first time you felt it come to fruition you run...far far away and basically into another man's arms! WTF!

All I kept thinking was Poor Scott, so broken and yet so damn dumb!

As for the rest of the story...well Ari and Jeff, Gunner and Elli, Josh and Heather...well they are all still in love and laying on the loving...lots and lots and lots of "harder, I love you so much, faster, you are my whole world...I got it, they were happy, they were in love, and they were still active! I just didn't know why Jessie and Scott's story kept getting interrupted by the lovefest that their friends were having.

OK...that was my little rant...NOW, onto the future and next generation! I need some fresh stories. I cannot wait for Lark and Azurdee...now they are a bit unique and quite compelling...so bring them on and make it good!!!!
520 reviews14 followers
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December 16, 2013
I'm really hoping this book is about Scott and Jessie. Scratch that. Yay! It is Scott and Jessie's book!

I would love to see how Scott would be back under the good graces of Jessie. Seriously, the epilogue from Faithful was a big f*cked up of Scott. And I was like here we go again…

Release date: January 21 2014 Only 1 month more to go :)
Profile Image for A Hadley.
109 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2014
What! That's just so cruel to make is all wait! I have a feeling it's bryce and not Scott , well I'm hoping anyway!
Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,114 reviews326 followers
April 24, 2024
4 Scott and Jessie Stars

I think these novels are my 'absolutely escape reality' series. I read them years ago and have been re reading via audible and ebook.

The world is all a bit crazy , sad and unpredictable just now , so jumping back to a book world where you get swept up in the dramas that are all resolved with a happy ever after seems like a good idea.

The books remind me of crazy over the top soap operas....oh the drama....

This is a quick synopsis but the basis of all the books are the same:

-Girl falls in love with cowboy / rancher / horse breeder/ carpenter (who are all wealthy but grounded) and the guy reciprocates all the feelings.

- Some pesky hussy with legs for days and amazing boobs tries to lure said boy away.

-There is usually a previous connection or one night stand with said hussy, then something majorly dramatic happens and our heroine leaves in something of a snit.

-The Hero is bereft, gets off his face drunk and contemplates possibly bonking another woman to fix his broken heart ...

-The hussy rocks up , seizing her chance and tantalising the Hero with her magical boobs/ legs/ hair...

- The Hero nearly folds...

But love prevails. The OW is sent packing. The crisis is averted and there is a reunion involving great passion and lurve.

Nearly every heroine gets pregnant , delivers a baby and is demanding bedroom antics from her man within hours of childbirth. All the characters are giving 'weak smiles' , 'weak grins', licking their lips , biting their lips , the Hero is pulling the heroines lip out from her biting it. And don't get me started on the winking. Dear Lord the winking. Everyone winks. Sometimes multiple characters on the page are winking.

I don't care though - I still love all the drama and angst.

The books need to be read in order really to follow the flow of the characters journeys.

Book 1 Wanted Gunner & Ellie (But Jeff & Ari's story starts here)

Book 2 Saved Jeff & Ari (But Josh & Heather's story starts here)

Book 3 Faithful Josh & Heather (Brad & Amanda's story features too).

Book 4 Cherished Scott & Jessie (Lark & Azurdee start here and continue in Unconditional Love)

If you want some time out from reality , pick up this series. Hot guys, impossibly stunning girls, ranches , a country song list a mile long and winking. Lots of winking...

HEA? Yes , everyone eventually gets an HEA.
Cheating ? In some books there may be some fraternising with other people hell bent on breaking up the happy couples. Nothing too terrible though.
Profile Image for Vfc.
1,532 reviews
June 29, 2022
I am not a fan of this Writer’s work, her characters are typically portrayed as weak and desperate.

The H’s routinely exercise bad decisions aka promiscuous, vacant indulgences of self-pity. They’ve either inexcusably betrayed the heroine or deserted them.

The h’s are pathetic, unstable and clearly demonstrate ‘Doormat of the Year’ qualities since true love prevails by loving weak men guided by alcohol and loose women.

You’ve read one...you’ve read them all, formulaic.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lu Bielefeld .
4,273 reviews561 followers
February 10, 2020
3 ⭐⭐⭐ - OK decent reads.

I looked up and saw Chelsea Mason walking by. She licked her lips with her tongue, and she smiled. She’d been trying to get me to sleep with her for the last few weeks, but I hadn’t been the least bit interested…until now.

“You married, Karen?” She shook her head and smiled. I grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor. I pulled her to me and pressed our bodies close to each other. She started moving her hands up and down my back before she placed them on my ass and pulled me even closer to her. She looked up at me and smiled. I began to feel my dick coming to life.

“Good. I need to get laid.” “Oh, really nice, Lark. Do not bring a girl back here!” Jessie called after me.

After three drinks, a few spins around the dance floor, and one shot, I was pulling up her dress and ripping off her panties in the backseat of her car. All thoughts of Azurdee vanished when the blonde told me to fuck her hard. “My pleasure, sweetheart,”

I shook my head. “Lark, don’t you want to settle down? Get married and raise a family?” He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. “There was only one girl I wanted to do that with, and she’s dead.”
Profile Image for Breanne.
164 reviews15 followers
Want to read
March 15, 2014
I have a feeeeeeling that wasn't what we thought it waaaaaaas . . . .

Scotty boy, you better prove me right.
Profile Image for Jamie Ramsey.
150 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2014
If its Scott I'm gonna junk punch his arse as for the tramp Chelsea she needs a punch in the eye or jaw I hope it's not as it seems poor Jessie :-( x
Profile Image for Page Turning Book Junkie.
101 reviews21 followers
January 31, 2014
*ARC given to blog for honest review* For your next fix: http://www.pageturningbookjunkie.blog...

3.5 out of 5 Destined, Cherish You Stars!

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Wow, this book had a lot going on. Not only do you get the story of Jessie and Scott, but you get to catch up with all the other couples from the previous books in The Wanted Series. The fans from all the other books will of course love this, because they aren't just secondary characters, you get to read from their POV throughout the book. Meanwhile, Jessie and Scott's journey was a crazy emotional ride. I was shaking my fists in frustration a lot during this read, especially in the beginning. My poor kindle probably had a mild case of whiplash.

"I have to find her, Drake. I have to. She's my whole life. I don't want to live if she's not in my life. She's...she's..." I started shaking my head. "She's my whole life." -Scott

The story starts off with a flashback of Scott and Jessie in high school. They both liked each other, but never acted on their attraction. One night after a Scott's football game, he gave in and kissed Jessie. The emotions that ran through him afterwards scared him so much, that he ran right into bed with Chelsea in order to rid those intense feelings. This broke Jessie's heart and she left to college right after she graduated. Scott ended up engaged to the harlot, Chelsea. Eventually Scott sees the light and dumps Chelsea, to be with the girl he always new he was destined to be with. A whole jumble of effed up events unfold and it's all because of HUGE misunderstanding concocted by none other then Chelsea! Jessie walks into Scott's house to see Chelsea in his bed riding him like a prize winning cowgirl...except it isn't Scott she is riding, it's his brother Bryce. She doesn't stick around to find out any details though. She hightails it out of there and goes to the airport to get as far away as she possibly can. With no destination in mind, she randomly decides to go to Belize to escape the torment and betrayal. Jessie tells no one where she went, so everyone back home is frantic and upset.

"Ells...I miss her so much. I have such a bad feeling, and I can't shake it. What if she meets someone else? What if she doesn't believe me when I tell her it wasn't me? Oh god...what if I never see her again? I want to marry her and have children with her. I don't want anyone else, Ellie. I only want her." -Scott

Can you see all the hair-ripping madness going on here? Poor Scott is being punished for something he didn't even do, and he can't even defend himself or fight for her. I can't imagine how tormented and helpless he must have felt. Oh, and of course Jessie does meet someone in Belize, the very first day she got there. Jessie and Trey bond over their mutually broken hearts. He makes his intentions clear, that he wants more from her then friendship, but she isn't quite ready for that. Even though in her eyes, Scott had committed the ultimate betrayal, she still loved him. One day, things got pretty hot and heavy, and all she wanted to do was forget. In the end, she couldn't go through with it and made him stop before they went all the way. It felt completely wrong and she was filled by an overwhelming wave of guilt. One night during a tropical storm, she finally saw everything more clearly then before. She decided she needed to talk to Scott, but couldn't get ahold of him. After talking to her father, she found out that it wasn't Scott that night. Jessie was filled with a unbearable amount of dread for the damage she unintentionally caused to her and Scott's relationship...all because she ran away and didn't stay to hear him out. If that night wasn't bad enough, she also found out that she was pregnant with Scott's baby this whole time, even when she allowed Trey to touch her.

"Scott we were both hurting. I would have never...I didn't...I stopped him. All I could think about was you and how wrong it felt, even when I thought you had cheated on me. Please, Scott. You have to know that I wish to God it had never happened." I sucked in a breath of air as I sobbed. I tried to keep talking. " If I just hadn't run away, none of this would have happened."- Jessie

Will Scott be able to move past all that has happened. He can forgive what she did, but could he look past the fact that she could possibly have feelings for Trey? This tested their relationship and trust to the max. Jessie knows in her heart that it has been, and always will be, Scott. Just when you think everything is getting better, an unexpected desperate act threatens to end their HEA for good.

"Scott, I don't want you to ever again doubt my love for you. My whole heart belongs to you and only you. It always has, and it always will."

"Jessie," I said softly, "baby, I love you so much. You have no idea how much I love you, and I will fight for you until the day I die."

She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "You don't have to fight for me. You already have me," she said with a smile.

I enjoyed this story and the frustratingly emotional roller coaster ride that was Scott and Jessie's journey. I was captivated by Scott's dedication to Jessie, which never faltered, even in his most desperate lows. The only part of this book that I tended to struggle with, was the amount of the other character's POV. Don't get me wrong, I love to catch up with previous characters of a series, it was just a little distracting at times. It was almost taking away from the Jessie and Scott's story. I was desperate to find out what was going on with Scott and Jessie, but I had to get through everyone else's POV chapters first. Other than the possible downsizing of secondary character POVs, I liked the book. Ms. Elliott did a great job of setting up the story for the next book, which will be Zark and Azurdee's story. That will be a steamy one for sure! Make sure to check out her other book Broken...another hot as sin cowboy that will make you salivate. The next book in that series, Broken Dreams, will be coming out soon.

Find me at: http://www.facebook.com/pageturningbo...
Blog: http://www.pageturningbookjunkie.blog...
166 reviews10 followers
November 3, 2014
The story was enjoyable. I think my rating of 5 stars is given because of all the drama surrounding Scott and Jessie. I didn't like their story. Jesse was too stupid. Period. Azurdee and Lark... well there's nothing much to see of those too but enough to impatiently wait for their story to come up... Will and Alex story also, I can't wait to see Josh, Gunner, Ellie's POV and of their children at 17-18 years old. The ending cracked me up.

Michael Clark... I'm pretty sure he is . I hope Grace and him get a story also....

I will never forgive Scott Reynolds! I don't care how drunk he was!!!!! I'm pissed as hell! Can't wait for 2014 ;)

Profile Image for Brianna bribookish.
1,817 reviews360 followers
March 10, 2016
Absolutely freaking loved this book. This whole series. Every character. Every. Freaking. Drama. Filled. Moment!!!! I still have a Forever Love to read, but it follows Gunner's grandparents. I'm beyond excited to start the spin off series. I have become so attached to these characters and after the spin off series is finished, I really don't know what I'm going to do! I tried to fight off my tears soo much while reading the epilogue. So bittersweet!
Profile Image for Gina.
204 reviews18 followers
Want to read
August 24, 2013
I so can't wait for this book..
Profile Image for Karla Mae (Reads and Thoughts).
700 reviews147 followers
January 1, 2015
Cherished is the latest installment to Kelly Elliott's Wanted Series. I know, I have ranted over and over this series but I still keep on reading each new one because I just can't help it, the whole gang was fixated on me and for closure purposes, I do need to read this book.

I have loved Gunner and Ellie's story, a bit of Jeff and Ari and moved up a higher notch for Amanda and Josh. I was pretty excited for Jessie and Scott's story especially with that another mighty ending from Faithful, but I guess their story fall shortly off than the others.

Jessie was okay but I didn't completely like her. Her dramas makes me roll my eyes several times and her running away jist practically running to the arms of another man just frustrates me. I should say its so sudden and so stupid. I feel bad for Scott, he was left wondering where she is and ugh!

The too much sweetness (I Love You's, making love and other stuffs) is not a bad thing but sometimes it just gets too much. Yes, they love each other but we don't really need it to be explained for more than a page.

Another thing is that I already get too confused with the too many point of views. Almost each character has their own point of view losing the focus on the main characters of the story. Yes, it was okay to have a rehash and update from the characters of the previous characters from the series but I just hope that it don't get to lose its focus on whose story it really is.

The only bright side that I saw on this story was how they are all having kids and they are all so adorable! It's head achingly confusing to think that all the guys here are so romantic and sweet and heart melting and I know its soooo unrealistic but their marriage status are all so admirable they are all full of love. Plus their kids are so fun to see! (Especially Alex and Luke!)

I'm feeling a new and hopefully fresh story generation about to come from Kelly Elliott. I'm excited for Azurdee and Lark and also for Will and Alex. Who are these characters? Well, that's up for you to find out, all I can say is that I'm pretty much excited. *wink*
Profile Image for Jeannie.
224 reviews
January 27, 2014
Where to start? I love the Wanted series but this book just didn't do it for me. It wasn't that I didn't like Scott or Jessie and all the drama because let's face it, this series is all about miscommunication and drama; that's what makes it so good. What got me is the constant interruption of all the other characters. The first books in the series had the characters contribute something to the story but this was just constant sexing and "are you happy? I'm so happy" and "I love yous." It really got annoying. I get it, they are still in love and having lots and lots and lots of sex. Seriously, it was a lot. I love stories with sex but this really negated the purity of this series which was ultimately about love. However, I did like the chapters where all the books are tied into a happy place and really that was all that was needed. The Epilogue was nice but why introduce new characters and another book if you going to close everything out? I really hope Lark and Azurdee aren't entwined with the Wanted crew or it is really going to piss me off if those characters come to life knowing that the epilogue is 10 years later with no mention of them and then a kind of second epilogue or prologue (however you want to look at it) is 7 years after that which leads us into another book but I won't tell you who...let's just say it's about some "wanted" and "faithful" offspring. All and all, the book was just okay. The writing was excellent and you can see the growth from the very first book. The story about Jessie and Scott was interesting but the rest was irritating and unnecessary.
Profile Image for Stefanie.
913 reviews46 followers
April 4, 2014
What can I say....its a Kelly Elliot book (duh). Her sweet bubble gum style of writing is my guilty pleasure. I simply love all the cowboys in this series (Gunner, Joshm and Scott) are probably my favorites though.....all men should be as romantic as they are. And I absolutely love all the girls. The banter between all the couples is awesome and the way that all of their lives are entwined in every book makes it seem like you (the reader) are apart of their lives. I was thoroughly pleased to be introduced to a new and different character in this book, the sexy and dangerous Lark Williams graces us in this book and I look forward to reading his story with Azurdee (hate her name) in Unconditional Love. Overall I loved this book just as much as the others, and I freaking loved the Epilogue.
3,110 reviews26 followers
April 6, 2016
About Scott and Jessie, generally. More of the same old plot. I still can't stand Ellie. These are the most insecure women I've ever read about. It's disturbing how they threw away their college educations to get married and have children. I'm still not sure what the rush was. I was rooting for Jessie since she seemed to have her head on straight re her education.
Profile Image for Jade.
60 reviews
February 5, 2014
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!! What a book! I adore this series and this one certainly didn't let me down!!!

And can I just say, the spin off series can't come soon enough!! I'm so excited for this!!!!!

Looking forward to Lark and Azurdee's book too
24 reviews
January 29, 2014
Can't wait, but got to say whats with all these crazy ex's, jan 21, 2014
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,329 reviews357 followers
May 30, 2020
Like I said in my last review; she hooked me with the damn teaser, and I knew it would be BS, but I just had to check for myself. I won’t rate this one, because I skimmed way over ½. I can say she mixes it up a little, and we have a meddling OM, and a clueless h. I wasn’t a fan of Jessie; I also didn’t think her or Brad were big enough characters to warrant an entire book. There are lots of sporadic POV’s from the other crew, which is mostly them having sex which I’m over…seen it already…a lot. There are 2 epilogues; the first one FF 10-yrs in the future which… spoiler alert… nothings changed. In an entire decade not one of the 5 couples had another kid, which I find far-fetched; then the second FF another 7-yrs to a grown Alex and Will hooking up in a barn. So I guess she’s setting up another series, ( Love Wanted in Texas) because we haven’t squeezed everything out of this one yet… which is the same formula used in her Cowboys & Angels series which split off to their kids in the Southern Brides series.
FYI-If you're interested in Lark & Azurdee’s story... Unconditional Love.
Profile Image for Nicki - The Overflowing Bookcase .
4,232 reviews166 followers
August 24, 2020
While not as good as the beginning of the series - Jessie and Scott are destined to be together. But first they need to get past the deception, lies and hatred that they end up feeling. Miscommunication is the key to their unhappiness and once they overcome this they are in line for their HEA. But getting there is one wild ride.
Profile Image for Karen.
5,383 reviews73 followers
April 25, 2017
Jessie was an idiot. I've read most of the series and I look back on my reviews and the female leads were always quite stupid. Why?
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,050 reviews90 followers
January 24, 2014
What can I say…..I LOVE this series!!!! This is the 4th book in the Wanted Series and I thought it was just as great as the first three. This one was about Scott and Jessie, but we still got to see the others from all the books and what they are up to now. We even got to meet a couple new characters, that will be getting their own book as well. I am looking forward to that. Kelly Elliott truly knows how to write a steamy and romantic story. I love her Cowboys ;) This book was no different, she gave us cheesy romance (which I happen to LOVE), a swoon worthy cowboy, some drama (that is over pretty quickly) and of course the HEA we all look forward too. The main thing I love about her books is we get a full circle, we get to see when the couple meets, then dates and then we see how things are for them down the road after the HEA. I love that we got to see what was happening 10 yrs down the road and then we got a sneak peek of an upcoming book for Alex and Will.

I will continue to read anything Kelly Elliott writes because she truly knows how to suck a person into her books. She makes you feel as though you are a part of her characters lives. If you loved Wanted, Saved, and Faithful…..then you don't want to miss out on Cherished!!!!

For more reviews go to www.bookbitchesblog.com
Profile Image for Danny Moore.
47 reviews3 followers
March 31, 2014
I feel like I shouldn't add this to Read list because I barely read this book. I skimmed through it pretty fast skipping most of the middle. It was like all the other Wanted books, I am just stuck reading them becuase for some sick reason I want to know what happens next even though the books aren't even that great!
The best part of Cherished was the sneak peak at Will and Alex's story. Even though I know those will be poorly written like all the other Kelly Elliott books I still want to read it and find out what happens. Because I am wierd that way.
Profile Image for Fabiola Francisco.
Author 46 books942 followers
August 21, 2015
This series gets better and better. I devoured it and this addition was no different. I absolutely love everything about this book, the multiple povs, and the bond between Scott and Jessie. Such a sweet story with its twists and turns along the way that at times made me want to yell at my kindle and then hug it right after. I'm a huge fan of Kelly's work as of recently and I plan to read lots more of her books.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
128 reviews
September 18, 2017
This is the fourth book in the series, and it is the third book to have a car crash. It contains the same repetitive expressions as the other books in the series including the "panty melting smile." In all honesty, I only read this book to find out what happened to a character at the end of the previous book. Ms. Elliott keeps with the formula of ensuring that the course to true love does not run smooth. The female character never feels like she is enough for the love of her life and believes the worse without waiting for an explanation.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 399 reviews

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