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Unforgiven #1


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A mistake made long ago . . .

Pain buried so deep . . .

When Bailey Trent returns home to her small Ozark mountain town after
being away for nearly six years, she is prepared to face the ghosts of
her past. It does not mean she's prepared to come face to face with the
cruelest of those memories.

Darren Cory's life is a shell of what it once was, and when he's forced
to look at the cause of his agony over and over, hatred rises to further
blacken his days. But hating Bailey also destroys him, forcing him to
become someone he doesn't recognize or want to be.

Can Darren find a way to move past the pain and forgive the woman he
once cared so much for before his anger consumes them both? Or will he
drag them both into the hell of an unforgiven past?

369 pages, ebook

First published October 2, 2013

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About the author

Elizabeth Finn

20 books1,181 followers
Elizabeth Finn is a multi-published contemporary romance author. Her passion is creating stories packed full of angsty believable conflicts, characters who leave you rooting for them, and romance that might just short-circuit your e-reader. She likes her characters flawed and scarred, but they always find the best part of themselves on their journey, and her readers find themselves devoted to her authentic, honest and heartfelt voice.

Visit Elizabeth at ElizabethFinnFiction.com, Facebook.com/ElizabethFinnFiction or email to [email protected]. She would love to hear from you.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
5 ‘Stay’ Stars!

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“You don’t fall in love with the person responsible for your greatest loss. And God help you if you do.”

Oh my... this book. This book made me hurt, made me hot, made me FEEL. I loved it! Now... in Bailey and Darren fashion, lets play a word game: If I had to describe Unforgiven in a few words, they would be Emotional, Heartbreaking, Sensual, Painful and Beautiful. I lost track how many time I cried while reading this one.

One choice. One decision. One mistake. Just that one thing changed both Bailey and Darren’s lives forever.

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Bailey Trent hasn’t been home for six years. A lot has happened during those six years. She returns to be with her mother. She knows it will be a difficult transition due to her past. Everyone in town knows who Bailey is. They know what she did. One big mistake six years ago that has defined her ever since. She doesn't’ expect others to forgive her, hell- she can’t even forgive herself.
Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.

Darren Cory hates Bailey Trent. The one big mistake she made directly effected him, changed his life forever. He has been harboring onto this hate for years, never letting it go. He is now working as a doctor at the local hospital. He throws himself into his work. He’s not the same man he once was. The kind, outgoing and sweet man is gone. This Darren is bitter, hateful and angry. He never wanted to be this way. Never wanted to hate Bailey. He had very different feelings for Bailey once. He once loved her. Now everything has changed. Being around her changes everything.
“I never wanted to hate you. Not ever. You did this.”

Bailey has her mom, her friend Michelle, and thats about it. She is unable to find work and is constantly stared at, talked about and harassed. Her mother decides to move for Bailey’s sake. It isn’t fair for her daughter to live like this. It’s so conflicting for Darren... On one hand, how easy would it be for Bailey to walk out of his life? Another, he can’t seem to let her leave. You will be SO CONFLICTED on how you feel about Darren in the beginning of the story. He can be a giant asshole. Just remember: he is hurting, he is broken and he redeems himself.

Bailey isn’t sure what to do. Leaving seems like the obvious choice, but when Darren utters that one word “Stay.” thoughts of leaving leave her head.

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Bailey stays and ends up working for Darren, cleaning his house and dog sitting. They spend some time together, it’s a rocky road for these two. Nothing comes easy for them. Every time they seem to make progress, they get knocked back further from where they started.
‘He hurt me. For every step forward he knocked me back two. When I thought we’d passed some hurdle, I was reminded swiftly that those hurdles weren’t going anywhere.’

Forgiveness. That was the main theme of this book. Forgiving others, forgiving yourself, healing and moving on. Forgiveness is easier for some than it is for others. Darren and Bailey both have issues. Darren can’t forgive Bailey, and Bailey can’t forgive herself.

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The sexual tension and build up in this book will drive you mad! Darren and Bailey had some intense chemistry. They just didn’t know what to do with it. They didn’t know what to do with the feelings they had for one another.
‘I’m supposed to hate you. Or I’m supposed to forgive you. What I’m not supposed to do is be romantically involved with you.’

There were so many heartbreaking moments in this story. Darren’s inner turmoil and his aggression killed me. It was painful to read at times. He could be so cruel and insensitive to Bailey, but he was in so much pain. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he couldn’t cope. He couldn’t forgive. He couldn’t move on.
I hope someday you can remember us as we were and not what we became.

Staying. Is it an option when someone can’t get over the past? Can’t forgive you? Can’t move on?
She walked away from everything she needed because she was afraid what she needed would end up destroying her in the end.

I don’t do well with goodbyes, and this one gutted me. My favorite scene in the entire book, even though it ripped my heart to shreds:

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Will Darren and Bailey ever be able to move on from their past, learn to let go and forgive their selves and one another... or will they remain Unforgiven?

An intense and gripping read. This one pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let go. The writing was incredible. The story was original. Although it truly did hurt me to read this one, it also had it’s moments where it touched my heart. I loved the emotion. Darren had to find his way out. His way out of grieving. It was ironic that the person who caused him to change and be the way he is, seems to be the only person who can bring him back to his old self. The dual pov’s were great. This is one of those books you want both characters perspectives. Jumping from the past to the present tied the book together nicely. I think this book is incredible. I would recommend it for anyone looking for an emotional and steamy read about second chances, forgiveness and healing.
Profile Image for  A. .
1,163 reviews4,936 followers
February 10, 2019
3.5 Stars

I survived.


Nikki and Jan, you can stop hiding now. I can see you.

I’m finished. I survived. My Kindle is still in one piece.

It was a very angsty, very exhausting and very agonizingly slow experience. It brought a whole new meaning to “one step forward, two steps back”.

But I’m glad I read it.
So… Thank you, my sweet friends

This book is such a difficult and complicated read. I didn’t expect it to be so deep. This is not just an enemies-to-lovers story. It's a heartbreaking and very insightful book. And beautiful in all its ugliness. Yes, beautiful. Some parts of the book deserve 6 stars.

So did I enjoy it? I don’t know. It was amazing but it wasn’t fun. If reading the whole book in one breath with a huge lump in your throat and tears in your eyes can be considered an enjoyable experience, then yes. I enjoyed it very much. It certainly gave me a new perspective on a topic I’d rather never hear about again.

This book is exceptionally well-written but it wasn’t a 5-star read for me. You want to know why?

Sex. So much sex in the second part. I didn’t like it. It felt clinical, coldly detached, unnatural, choreographed, planned. Too gynecological (if I can use this adjective in this context). Cheap.

Wouldn't it have been better if the sex had been more spontaneous, a bit gentler and sweeter.
Rough, explosive, angry sex would have suited better here as well. Or even fade to black scenes.

It’s really hard to explain. You have to read the book to know what I’m talking about.

Also, my yesterday would have been a helluva lot better if I hadn’t had to read , but it looks like this has become a norm in the romance genre. Whatever.

One thing is bothering me though. Is it normal that I felt more connected to the hero than to the heroine? I'm not sure I would be able to forgive so easily either. Am I such a hard and awful person?


Enjoyment: 3.5/5
Writing style: 4/5
Storyline: 5/5
Hero: 4/5
Heroine: 3/5
Secondary characters: 4/5
Hotness/steam level: 4/5
Romance level: 4/5
Angst level: 5/5
Darkness level: 2/5
Humor level: 1/5
Depth of the book: 4/5
POV: dual, 3rd person
Similar books: Remembering Joy by Jenni Moen

Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
July 20, 2016
*****3.5 STARS*****

"He hurt me. For every step forward, he knocked me back two. When I thought we'd passed some hurdle, I was reminded swiftly that those hurdles weren't going anywhere."

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I can see why so many loved this story. It definitely was a page turner and holy hell was it STEAMY!!! I will always think of this book when I see an electric toothbrush!!

I think that maybe after having read a book that I fell so madly in love with and felt was sheer PERFECTION, that any book I read after was not going to measure up. Also this is the first time I actually liked the heroine but pretty much disliked the hero. I really wanted to kick him in the nuts. He was a freaking douchebag for 75% of the story!!! By the time he got his act together it was a little too late for me. I did really like how this ends but I was so very angry with Darren throughout this story.

Darren and Bailey have known each other since early childhood. Bailey was Darren's little sister's best friend. Darren, Bailey, and Jess spent a lot of time together while growing up. He was always fond of Bailey as an honorary sister but when they got older, his feelings grew into something deeper. Bailey had always been in love with Darren. Every time she saw him with another girl, it tore her heart apart. He always wanted to be closer to Bailey but thought it might be inappropriate. During Jess and Bailey's spring break, the three of them rent a cabin and on one fateful night, their lives would change forever.

We fast forward to six years later. Bailey is back home after having served six years in prison. We don't know what she was sent away for but I guessed what the deal was right away. She ends up in the ER with a nasty cut and who ends up being her doctor? Of course, it was Darren. Both were shocked as hell to see each other and Darren has no qualms about being an utter dick to Bailey. That too, helped me figure out what had happened to totally wreck their relationship.

The entire town of Savoy, including Darren, pretty much hates Bailey and they make her feel uncomfortable every chance they get. Darren ends up getting Bailey fired from her job and then later on he hires her as his house and dog sitter. She was going to leave town with her mother and he just couldn't bear the thought of her not being near him.

What I didn't like was his constant push and pull. I get why he was angry but I didn't condone his treatment of Bailey. She was so remorseful and such a good person, I understood why she felt she deserved his anger and horrible treatment. I wished that she wasn't such a doormat, but I get why she was that way. Darren was constantly hot and cold! I was getting so sick and tired of it. Every time Bailey would get just a little bit of hope where he was concerned, he would annihilate her the very next day.

Not only did I dislike Darren so much. I hated the towns people too. Bailey was a really good person who made a bad decision and honestly she had paid for her mistake a billion times over. I'm not going to say how but man, this girl could not catch a break! Then something that happened at the 75% point, just pushed me over the edge. I was like this is fucking unreal!! Too much!! Sorry it's overkill with the amount of shit dumped on this poor woman!

Darren finally does get his head out of his ass and stops being the hardcore douchebag that he was throughout the book. I only wished it hadn't taken that last blow to Bailey's fragile existence for him to finally be a decent human being!! I think that maybe if I had experienced more of some happiness between them, I would have felt the connection they shared. That isn't what happened and so even though we do get it at some point, it was a bit too late for my liking.

I don't want you to think I didn't enjoy reading this because I really did. I just didn't fall madly in love with it. It's definitely a gut wrenching tale and worth picking up. Just be prepared for a story with very little hearts and flowers in it!
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
October 10, 2013


There is no chocolate, wine or tissues left in my house after that reading experience. Pass me a smutty, easy book for my next read please one that shits out unicorns, rainbows and candy floss. I'm not convinced I have the right words to conjure up how I felt whilst reading this heartbreaking tale, I have so many conflicting emotions and feelings that can only come from a book of wonderfully written proportions. I was recommended this book by my lovely friend Anna, now here's the thing you need to know Anna loves her steamy/weepy reads, so instantly when I had that text telling me about this book I already knew it would burst my rainbows and lollipops reading bubble and in turn give my book heart a satisfactory work out challenge. I felt love, pain, rejection, regret, healing, hope and most of all the overwhelming lesson of forgiveness. I wont be able to give this book justice but here are my 'unforgiven' book thoughts ...

What's it all about?
Bailey Trent is returning to her childhood home and town after being away for almost six years. The pain of returning to old things once loved is almost a journey to far for this broken young women but with the love of her family and an old love still in her heart Bailey knows she must attempt to find her place in the small town once again. Darren Cory is now a successful doctor and still residing in the town he has always known. Darren is living a life half the man he formally knew, on the outside this man functions the only way he knows; one step at a time and void of all real emotion. Pain, tragedy and a love that is always bubbling under the surface is still very present for this couple so when their lives once again connect can they move forward to find the healing of forgiveness and real love or will they both be kept in the prison of their painful pasts?


What did I love?
I need a big bandage for my heart after completing this soul searching, heart surrendering story. I've heard some people call this story depressing and in part I whole heartedly agree but I couldn't help but become enchanted by this couples journey, Bailey and Darren have a passion and connection for each other that felt tangible, I really benefited from having a dual point of view from our leading characters and also the story presents itself in past and present chapters giving the reader a real understanding and full picture of the history and content of their lives. Elizabeth Finn creates an atmosphere in her books that is often sobering and demanding of her readers emotions, she undoubtably has a writing style that is obviously established and well written and I was won over by this beautiful and equally heart breaking tale of love and forgiveness and the ultimate lesson of fighting through a tragic battle towards peace.

My rating further explored ...
Some of the five star shine was taken away due to my feelings over the characters choices and heartache, my own personal enjoyment level of reading was taken away by some of the books content, but that in no way is a reflection of this authors talent, its more my individual inability to escape fully into a book that demands me to feel the horrors of the emotion level in a story. I also would have benefited from discovering and enjoying more of the reconciliation of the hero and heroine, instead the main focus was the journey to get there. No doubt this book is 5 star quality but it had a 4 star enjoyment factor for my reading experience. I've never in my life wanted to step into a book more and comfort a character, this story has more up and downs than your average theme park, so for an avid romance 'sweetness and light and all things nice' addict such as myself this book was a shock to my love bubble existence, so with all that being said and even though a weepy, dramatic, heartbreaking story is not my favourite this book broke me, then fixed me and overall astounded me.


Final thoughts ...
If you want to feel, if you want a story that demands you to experience the joys and trials of life then this will be for you. It won't be an easy read but you will fall in love, experience heartache and you will involve yourself in a story that will stay with you for some time to come. Get your tissues, a large glass of wine, copious amounts of chocolate and prepare to be enchanted. Go grab it readers, enjoy ... Kisses.

*A special thank you to Anna Champion my gorgeous stateside bezzie for holding my hand throughout the book and to my buddy readers Ami and Daisy, let's do it again soon.*
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
October 4, 2013
5+++ stars!!

Let me start this review by telling you about my feels while reading this book...

On the second thought, the space provided by GR might not be enough, so I'll just say this. Read this book now. Pronto. ASAP.


In my humble opinion, Unforgiven is Elizabeth Finn's best book yet. It's raw, full of emotions, tragic and scorching hot. If you've read her previous books, you know she can write some steamy, smexy scenes but in here, while this book is still very steamy, it is also emotionally satisfying. It's the kind of book that will make you cry ugly tears. I was mess while reading this book and I loved every minute of it.

I won't go into much detail because I don't want to spoil the whole story but Unforgiven follows the life of Bailey Trent as she went back to her home town to live with her mother. As a reader, I know something terrible must have happened to make her leave but I wasn't actually prepared for the reason why. And when I did find out, it was like, "Ah, now I get it."

It is also a story about Darren Cory dealing about his bitterness, anger and resentment against Bailey. Darren is such an interesting character. We get to know a younger, carefree, Darren who was warm, loving and kind and then we meet this bitter, cynical man who is slowly being destroyed on the inside by his hate for one particular person.

The story begins right after Bailey went back to her hometown and meets Darren again. It was written in such a way that you know that these two shared some history together and that somewhere along the way something terrible happened. And during their subsequent encounters, we get to slowly learn the whole story.

The book was divided into four parts--yeah, this book is long. We get a glimpse of the past and the present and reason for Dare's animosity towards Bailey all through the first part of the book. Don't worry about getting confused or lost because the transition between past and present was done beautifully and in both Dare and Bailey's POV. So not only do readers get to see Bailey's side but we also get to see Dare's side.

My heart just bled for Bailey and the things she went through to pay for her mistakes and her attempts at redemption. It was heartbreaking. Elizabeth Finn was able to capture every regret, sorrow and pain that Bailey went through. The same with Dare. She did a great job at unraveling each character's motivation. Gawd, Dare acted like an ass most of the time that I never thought he could redeem himself but he did. And it was just awesome to finally see these two people come to terms with their past and started looking towards their future.

Another thing that I loved about this book are the secondary characters. Some of them will make you cry, some of them will upset you but all of them contributed to the story in a big way. I especially loved Dare's mother. She was Dare's moral compass and she also fought for her son. I also loved Bailey's mom. Gah, the things she went through in their small town was just so sad. I can't say anymore really without giving you any hints. I don't want to give any hints because not knowing anything prior to reading this is what makes this story so great.

This book definitely belongs in my favorites shelf. A definite keeper, if I may say so. And what a gorgeous epilogue. The way the story ties up at the end was just wonderful. It sure made up for all the ugly sobbing I went through. Definitely, positively, a hundred percent recommended.

ARC is kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
August 21, 2015
5 Forgiveness Stars

You don't fall in love with the person responsible for your greatest loss. And God help you if you do.

Emotional. Gripping. Captivating. Heartbreaking. Unforgettable.
This book gutted me. It absolutely devastated me. Broke me into a million pieces only to put them back together in the end. If you're looking for an emotionally gripping, erotic, and absolutely unforgettable read...THIS. BOOK. READ IT

This is, hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite book by Elizabeth Finn. And considering I've pretty much loved all her books, that's really saying something.
Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.

It's not often where I read a book that in just a few short paragraphs manages to enrapture me, twist itself around my heart, and leave me turning the pages all night completely incapable of putting it down. That's what Darren and Bailey's story did to me.

Was it an easy, light read? FUCK NO. Prepare for a book that will reach inside and rip your heart out through your throat. Good lord. It will make you rage, it will make you cry, it will make you scream, and it will do all that through a story of forgiveness and second chances unlike you've ever read before.
This was her hell. Being trapped in a room with a reminder of who she used to be, a reminder of everything she lost, a reminder of everything she destroyed.

Once decision. One choice. That's all it takes to change everything. And that's what happened to Bailey six years ago. A decision with a devastating result that she continues paying for to this day. Now six years later, she's back in the town that houses her darkest demons and memories to help her mother after the death of her father, and comes face to face with the flesh and blood reminder her of her greatest mistake.
It was as if his need to hurt her was an addiction he couldn't deny. But his need to see her and be near her in some way was becoming just as compelling as his anger.

Darren. Wow. Talk about your love/hate emotions towards a character.

I wanted to hate him so much for everything that he puts Bailey through...and yet...I was utterly incapable of it. My heart broke for him, I couldn't help but feel his inner struggle to hate the woman that he once loved. The story is told in four parts with dual POVs. It's poignantly written with flashbacks from past to present in the first part that allows the reader to really understand the choices and decisions that led to that one fateful night when everything broke.
I never wanted to hate you. Not ever. You did this.

I appreciated that the author did not stretch out the truth of what happened 6 years ago throughout the entire book. Everything gets revealed in the first part, leaving the rest of the book for the reader to really get invested in Darren and Bailey's struggle for forgiveness and love.

I won't lie, there will be parts where you'll want to reach through your kindle and choke the ever loving sanity out of Darren for some of the things that he does and says to Bailey. He really struggles with his feelings for her, this delicate dance he has between love and hate; something he struggles with for the majority of the book.
I want...I want so much to hate you. Do you know what that's like? Do you have any idea what it's like to see you, smell you, be near you again, feel your skin? Can you imagine what it is to hate someone so much, and yet...You destroyed everything."

But he will also give you glimpses inside the broken soul of a man that is still recovering from a devastating loss and WANTS to forgive...he's just unable to.
He closed his eyes again, settling in beside her warm body, and he imagined it. Loving her.

I also absolutely loved Bailey's quiet and understated strength. While she had every reason to be an emotional damsel in distress, she never was. She was such an amazing and endearing heroines. Her struggle with the past and present and loving the one man that she can never have was heartbreaking. My favorite heroine of Elizabeth Finn's. Period.

The wringer of emotion that this book put me through was exhausting. I don't think I'd be capable of ever reading it again...and yet...it's also a story that will forever stay with me.

Darren and Bailey's road to forgiveness was not a smooth or an easy one. Nor was it a quick one.
Forgiveness isn't an emotion. It's an action, and it's a choice. It's the choice to no let the past affect how you feel.

God but I loved it. It may have left me an ugly crying mess at times, but it was worth it. If you're worried about a HEA, don't be. You'll get one here. An amazingly emotional one

But I can also understand how a second book is needed here, so I am so excited that we'll be getting one next month. I can't recommend this story enough, but just prepare yourself. This book will grab your heart, run it over with a Mack truck, back up and run it over again. But it will heal it in the end. Just make sure you have tissues and booze on standby for the ride.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews370 followers
January 9, 2015

Unforgiven was such an amazing book. It had everything on my wish list in a favorite read. I was so emotionally invested in this story that I found myself crying all kinds of tears throughout the entire book. I loved it !!! I loved it HARD ! There's so many conflicts that your heart is pulled in each direction. You will experience hurt, anger, guilt, love and most importantly ~ forgiveness.

On a tragic night of fun, lives are forever changed. Bailey made a terrible mistake and in the blink of an eye ~ her world changed. This mistake cost her the love and friendship of her best friend Jess's brother


The feelings of admiration and love that Darren had for Bailey.... After this fateful night....changed to bitterness, resentment and hate. So here we have two majorly broken souls, trying to find the pieces to pick back up after life as they knew it crumbled. Little did they know they were each other's missing piece.

After six long, lonely years Bailey returns to her small hometown and her world collides with Darren. He makes it abundantly clear : He hated her. My heart just about shattered at every mention of the word hate. My heart went out to Bailey.... She was just looking to rebuild her life. She wanted to live a peaceful existence. The author took us back to the time of their youth when there was just cuteness and love and infatuation and that flirty fun-loving hormone raged youth. I loved their memory lane. As I was reading along I was so convinced that these two were meant to be. Damn the obstacles Because this was happening. SHIT WAS ABOUT TO GET REAL !!

So their paths cross. Their chemistry ignited. Everything combusts. I'm talking INFERNO here.... It was so deliciously written. I found myself ~ all parts from eye sockets to girl parts ~ weeping and on full arousal alert.

This was Holy epic Steamy weepy beautifulness There's no other way to describe it.

The obstacles they faced .... I'm going to be honest ... damn.... So hard to overcome. Many times I was ready to have Bailey just leave and get on with her life and forget Dare but I'm such a sappy hopeless romantic .... I knew and hoped against hope that in the end forgiveness would be the ultimate gift Darren could give to Bailey.

I love you still. I love you again. I just love you. I've always loved you.

I will never let our past stand in the way of our future.

You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn't an emotion. It's an action and it's a choice.


Thank you Elizabeth Finn for the most gorgeous epilogue ever. Like ever. I could not stop crying tears of pure joy. Never was I so committed to a happily ever after. These two so deserved it. Just beautiful !!!

My word play closing remarks :

inspiring. Beautiful. Amazing. Heartbreaking. redeeming. Fucking. Read. This. Book. Now.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
July 23, 2016
This is one of those books where I am kind of at a loss regarding what to say about it. I mean, I know what I liked and didn't like, but am having some difficulty putting into well-formed, thoughtful prose. And when that happens...I like to default to bullet points. That's right, bullet points. Power point style!

-First...Darren. Darren, Darren, Darren. I get it. You're mad, you're hurt, you're angry, you feel torn, blah, blah, blah. But all this back and forth and back and forth when what I really wanted to say was I get it, Darren, you were struggling, etc, etc, but there were just too many back and forths in a sea of back and forths and I kind of just wanted you to get to the damn point already.

-The sex. I'm ALL about smutty, kinky, crazy, steamy sex. BDSM, mm, menage, bring it. HOWEVER, for some reason I felt like its presence here hindered the story. I know, I didn't think it was possible either. BUT:

-All in all, I really liked the premise and the characters and the story. I guess in the end, I felt like it could have been executed just a LITTLE bit differently for my liking.
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
October 12, 2013
MINOR SPOILERS -mature content reader discretion is advised.
READERS(My review gives minor details on the first chapter, nothing that will hinder your reading experience)
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Contemporary Romance




-Shout out to Wyclef Jean, those are his lyrics after all!

I…Am…Wrecked. This book wrecked me.

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‘Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.’ –Darren

In Unforgiven we meet Bailey Trent. She has recently been released from prison after completing a six year bid due to a horrible mistake made one fateful night. Bailey has managed to keep a low profile once returning to her hometown so that she could be close to her mother. A town that is not so welcoming as her past mistake is fresh in the memories of the towns people.

When the book opens a slice to the hand from a can has Bailey placed in the ER and it is there that we meet Dr. Darren Corey. Like most of the people in town Darren hates Bailey for what she did. But his hate is more personal and he has no qualms with letting her and the world know it.

It’s through flash backs that we learn that hate was not his original feelings towards Bailey..No, he once cared for her..

After repeatedly running in to one another on quite a few occasions one thing becomes clear.. Darren may act as if and say he hates Bailey but he is also drawn to her in an inexplicable way. Well, inexplicable to him. Through flash backs it becomes clear to readers as to why he is a mixed bag of emotions when it comes to Bailey.

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In no way shape or form is this book an easy read. It does more than pull at your heart strings as you watch two broken souls find their way to forgiveness, love and acceptance. Some may think there is a play on the thin line between love and hate concept.. HOWEVER I felt that was misconstrued by pain and the hurt left from what happened six years ago; and how that tragedy effected these two people. Darren had an internal battle to overcome and Bailey’s presence in town brought it to the forefront.

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My Thoughts
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I had minor issues with some of the characters actions mainly Darren but no surprise there that happens A LOT when reading.
The writing flowed as the author tells you of the tragedy in flashbacks as well as the relationship Bailey and Darren had prior to the incident that changed them forever.
WARNING: Readers will experience a range of emotions so keep the Kleenex close and grab your favorite bottle of wine because you’re going to need it. And I do mean the whole bottle..hmph**shrugs shoulders** maybe that was just me.
His and Her Chemistry? Bailey and Darren was OFF THE CHARTS STEAMY when together; Finn does not disappoint.

On the plus side
-You get dual pov's
-The love scenes are very steamy
-Darren is definitely an alpha male
-You will not hate the heroine(Bailey)
-Finn does not leave you confused while dragging out the story in any way.

On the negative side
-Darren has moments that will irk your soul cause he is mean arse

For those who want to know if there is an HEA

My Ratings
Characters- Loveable, at times confusing and sweet
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storyline- Two broken souls coming together seeking forgiveness

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...

My girl Anna LOVED this one so I must check it out!!!:D

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Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
265 reviews25.3k followers
October 11, 2014
*3 Stars*

Unforgiven started off incredibly well, captivating me instantly. The author did an amazing job building and sustaining a strong degree of intrigue as well as sexual tension. I was thrilled when I realized a book with such a generous serving of steam would also hand over a strong plot--however, the gratuitous sexy times did eventually end up hijacking the story and often left me scrounging for a bit more depth. That said, I still very much enjoyed this read and would highly recommend to those who prefer an extra large helping of steam within their stories.

Bailey has done something unforgivable; something for which the town has shunned her, and has caused her childhood friend and love interest to cut all ties with her completely.

Darren can't seem to put aside his hatred for the girl he once loved, nor does he want to. Bailey's 'mistake' has hardened his heart and the passing years have only fueled his resentment. But when circumstance brings them face to face once again, Darren finds himself battling an internal war of love and hate for the girl who permanently broke him.

Darren was an extremely BROODING, alpha-type hero whose blatant hatred was understandable and intriguing. However, his hot and cold, unstable emotions and his tormenting sexual teasing went from enhancing the plot to completely becoming it ... and this is where I began to long for more story. I don't want to mislead: this book has its fair share of depth and emotional heartache, but the majority of Bailey and Darren's interactions were that of a sexual nature, slightly flattening an otherwise solid plot.

I feel this story's driving force was in its incredible buildup, and I'm not just referring to its thick sexual tension. The suspense of not knowing what Bailey had done, why Darren was intent on hating her, and if he'd ever forgive her were all exciting elements set at a desirable pace, with a dynamic execution. I did start to feel the plot fizzling out a bit by the final twenty percent, which didn't quite live up to its promising start but was sweet nonetheless.

This story oscillates between past and present perspectives that eventually unite, offering a seamless delivery that slowly reveals all mystery. I do think many will thoroughly enjoy this book, and its lovely messages of healing and forgiveness certainly were not lost on me. Sweet read!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Contemporary Romance
▪ Steam Caliber: Maximum
▪ Romance: Broken and complex. Slow burn.
▪ Characters: Brooding hero. Broken but sweet heroine.
▪ Plot: Focused on forgiveness. Gratuitous steam.
▪ Writing: Engaging and fluid. Sexy.
▪ POV: 3rd Person Perspective
▪ Cliffhanger: None/Standalone
▪ HEA?

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
May 28, 2015
OMG, cue the tears.

This story broke my freaking heart! I purchased this book in August 2014 when Chris told me I had to read it. Then last night I was complaining to Anna about being in a book funk. She said I had to read this...NOW!

This story broke my little heart, completely annihilated it, but it also made me so freaking happy. This story, is beautiful, tragic, and uplighting all at once. I absolutely recommend this read!

Unforgiven will move you to tears, have you ready to throw your kindle, is panty melting hot, and incredibly sweet. <- Seems impossible - READ it to find out! <3
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
October 7, 2013

4.5 Powerful Stars! A gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, cruel, hurtful, raw, passionate journey to overcome and accept a painful past, move on, and re-claim what was lost. Elizabeth Finn's intense exhaustive writing has the reader experiencing the emotional turmoil right along with the characters!

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There is a thin line between love and hate hurt!

I won’t go into the story, but I knew in my heart the direction the book was going to take early on, and my pulse was pounding with each turn of the page. The author did an amazing job bringing the reader up to speed by switching from past to present, until the timelines were brought together. It added to the overall intensity of the read.

Darren’s verbal cruelty scraped on my nerves, he was the ultimate asshole, but I think it was his own self-loathing and regret that had him lashing out in such a despicable manner. You feel his pain, he will disgust you, and in the next moment you want to wrap your love around him. You know inherently he’s good person, but he’s lost a piece of the man he once was. But, my heart belonged to Bailey, I can’t really say much more than that, but as a parent, I can’t nor do I ever want to imagine being on either side of the hurt.

There are some remarkable secondary characters that are a crucial to the story. Michelle was an amazing friend to Bailey, her own personal cheerleader and protector. Darren’s mother, Jillian, loved her son unconditionally, but didn’t like what he was doing to Bailey. She could see past his hateful ways and knew what was causing him to hurt so much. She was the soft among the harsh, the voice of reason.

It’s a draining read, but the ending and the epilogue will be worth every emotion that is wrung out of you!

This book was well on its way to being a full 5 star read, but as the story progressed I felt as if it got lost in the sexual ecstasy. Elizabeth Finn is an amazing talent; she has the ability to summon up a tremendous amount of emotion from the reader. I’ve read a few of her books, and enjoyed them immensely. I understand the erotic nature of her reads and it’s not something she hides, she proclaims it, but one or two of the sex scenes could have been eliminated. I know that this was all part of the healing process for the characters, their way to deal, and not everyone will agree with me, but I wanted her talent to shine through in a different aspect. It’s quite evident that this author knows how to write sensual, steamy, toe-curling sex, or for that matter, just panty melting passion, no intercourse necessary, she’s that GOOD, but I also know she’s extremely skilled at adding depth to her characters and can wrap a reader up in her stories...and I wanted to be wrapped up in the story, not the sheets.

None the less… my own personal preferences aside…this is undoubtedly one of the best books I’ve read this year...a page turner...a race to the finish! Elizabeth Finn wrote an exceptional, unique book, and she is an author to watch!!

*A copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review!*

Review to be posted at Swept Away By Romance
Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
June 8, 2015


« You will always be my world. »

It's a good damn thing I'm reviewing this one after all the emotions I've been through.

It's a good way to try to express how I felt through out my read. I think if you only look at my different updates, you can already see this story was not all flowers and sweet words.

Unforgiven is more a journey to be able to move on, a journey of love, a journey of forgiveness.

« I want . . . I want so much to hate you. Do you know what that’s like? Do you have any idea what it’s like to see you, smell you, be near you again, feel your skin? Can you imagine what it is to hate someone so much, and yet . . . You destroyed everything. »

I don't really want to tell too much about the story. I fear I will reveal too much. The book revolves around one event and everything around this event will have painful and heartbreaking consequences.


From the beginning I was completely connected to Darren and Bailey. The fact the book is told for a part between past and present create for us reader a contest to understand where both characters are coming from and what are their connection.

Darren has always been attracted by Bailey. However as his sister best friend, he never tried to act on it. But after the major event, there was no question he needed; he had no other choice than to stay away.

« Why can’t I stay away from you? I’ve never been able to stay away from you. »

What I've liked the most was Elizabeth Finn's writing. The emotions that are portrayed throughout the book felt so real. I was sometimes overwhelmed with the pain, the loss, the guilt and the love there are.

« Don’t give up yet.”
He studied her eyes and then decided to humble himself even more.
“There are times when I’m with you that I feel more at peace than I have in so long. I’m not asking you for anything more than time. And perhaps a bit of an open mind.”
Her brow furrowed in confusion.
“Open mind for what?”
« Open mind to just let go for a while. Give up the expectations and assumptions. "

I can't pull out one scene more than another to show how raw I felt when reading about Darren and Bailey.


Bailey is such a strong woman. She must feel guilty with everything that had happened, still she is ready to please and help Darren the way he wants.
She has to pay for one mistake – a huge one - but one she couldn't really have controlled IMO. Her life has been shattered and she still manages to stay strong.

Darren is a complex guy. Most of the time, he is such a jerk. His impossible attraction to Bailey is the end for him. He tries to fight all he wants but it's still there.

« She was the center of his universe whether he wanted her to be or not, and at the moment, he so completely wanted her to be. »

I loved him from the start because I get what he has to go through.
Elizabeth Finn gives us a fantastic characters development for both of them.
Being told in dual pov, it was easier to love Darren since I knew exactly what was is his head. It allows to figure him out, to perceive his actions. Yes there were times I found his behavior was almost unforgivable. Only I keep asking myself what would I have done in his position?

« I need you here! Because I know if you leave, then this is the place I’m going to be for the rest of my life.”
“No. This.” “This! Us. I need to deal with this. I have to, or . . . or I swear to God, it’s going to kill me.»

I know there's a second book with Darren and Bailey but honestly I don't think I will read it. After all they've been through, all they have suffered; their ending in Unforgiven is perfect for me



description description

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
October 28, 2014

This book is very well written, extremely heartbreaking and it will definitely evoke many, many emotions from a reader. I think it’s impossible for anyone not to be able to connect and sympathize with the main character Bailey Trent.

Bailey has been released from prison and returns to her hometown and comes face to face with Dr. Darren Cory. The love that was once between them is now covered and trapped in hateful feelings that would have most people running for the hills. Bailey was a tremendous character, her strength was immeasurable and her love for Darren knew no bounds.

The author does a fantastic job at taking a reader from the present and the past while she tells the tale of a childhood crush which grows and grows till Bailey and Darren Cory can’t resist the “pull” they have to one another.

As a reader frantically reads to find out what the heck happened that landed Bailey in prison, they also endure Bailey’s rejection by town and complete hatred mixed with sexual chemistry directed towards her from Darren.

When the reveal is presented, I was shocked and crushed because it was an unfortunate tragedy where everyone lost.

Here is my ISSUE with this story…

"Convince me not to hate you because...because hating you is the end of me."

As you may expect, Darren teeters between his feelings of hate and feelings of love for Bailey. Treating her like a criminal one minute and then like woman who could be his everything the next.

”She was the source of his anguish, but she was also the source of quieting it. No wonder he was confused all the time.”

The sex scenes, the love connection and the supporting characters, were all 5 stars quality.

My feelings were exactly like Bailey’s father for Bailey's future. I just wanted her to be happy and whether Darren was stuck in his hell of hatred was on him. Not to say, that I didn’t like the ending because I think all readers will.

”You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn’t an emotion. It’s an action, and it’s a choice.”

Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,416 reviews1,487 followers
November 10, 2014
4 "You Will Always Be My World" Stars!

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Bailey Trent aka Bay is a 27 yr. old woman who grew up in the Ozark Mountains in Savoy, Arkansas. She has been away from Savoy for 6 years after making a life changing mistake that still haunts her. She has been through a lot, but tries to remain strong. Bailey moves back to her small hometown to be close to her mother, but as a result has to confront her past.

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After being home for about two months, Bailey crosses paths with a man she hasn't seen in years. He used to be everything to her, and his name is Darren Cory aka Dare. At one time they were best friends, & seeing him reminded her of who she used to be & everything she'd lost. She had many wonderful & painful memories of this man in what seemed like a different lifetime. The man he was now almost seemed unrecognizable from the man she once knew.

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-He wanted to hate her- he did hate her, and yet... she looked so damn much like the girl he'd grown up with- that sweet, smart, somewhat shy girl he used to think about far more than he had any business thinking about.

-Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.

-How could he go from wanting to hurt her in one second to wanting to comfort her the next?

-She'd always gotten to him- always- and while her effect on him was something completely different now, she was still so effectively pushing his buttons.

-He'd been her friend once. She was mesmerized by just how familiar he was to her, and yet, just how much of a stranger he was now. She wanted the old Darren back.

-He was remembering a different life, a different world. He liked her in that life; hell, he might've loved her.

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Everywhere Bailey went it seemed she ran into Darren. All of the sudden they just couldn't seem to avoid each other. Seeing Bailey reminded Darren of his past. He was broken and conflicted about his feelings. Seeing her again made him feel so many emotions. Pain, anger & sadness. He made no effort to hide his hatred for her. He hurt her deeply with his words, and was cruel & unforgiving.

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Darren hated that seeing her again also brought up old feelings for her. He was troubled that he couldn't quit thinking of her. Everything he felt for her was so intense, and he was terrified because one of those feelings was want. He wanted her when he was supposed to hate her.

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Darren and Bailey end up spending more time together as a result of her employment, & Bailey feels very vulnerable around him. Every once in a while she see's a glimpse of the old Dare. As time goes by, some of Darren's anger slowly starts slipping away, and he begins to remember what they used to mean to one another. They begin to deal with their pain & suffering together, & eventually Darren finds himself fighting for her & not against her. I thought this was a beautiful story about love & forgiveness, & it gave a great lesson that nobody is perfect & we all make mistakes. I really loved this couple & was rooting for them! :D

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-"There are times when I'm with you that I feel more at peace than I have in so long."

-"I'd like to think you need me as much as I've always needed you."

-"Fuck, Bay... You're the only one I ever wanted."

-"I've wanted you forever."
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews202 followers
September 30, 2013
5 Stars are not enough!!
Thank you Eliza for the great honor that is, giving me an ARC copy of this incredible book!! God i feel so lucky!!!

What a rollercoaster!!! What an amazing, overwhelming, passionate, one of a kind book!! I'm officialy in LOVE with this story.. The characters and just about everything..

Yes this is a legendary book!! I'm not going to spoil it for anyone and i will share things that will not take away anything.. Now i feel all over the place, and i love it..
The story is deep and full of feelings.. Raw anger, hate, grief, forgiveness, sentimental struggle, lust and most of all LOVE.. pure love..

Darren and Bailey are great characters, real and human.. You can tell from the start that those two have a serious case of true love..
And the sex! Wow!! FIRE!!Prepare yourself!!!

Now about the story.. It wasn't what i had in mind and i 'm so glad about it.. They have a past together -their whole lives- that is unique and full of memories.. They are in love but they hide it from themselves even though everyone around them can tell.. Things start to get complicated between them and the moment they can't keep up the charade anymore, tragedy hits hard and fast..

You see the beauty of this book isn't only the amazing love story.. It's how things can change so easily if you make a wronge decision..
It's not happening always but when it does it can wreck so many lives..
But there is still hope for happiness!!! Always!

Bailey 6 years later has to deal with so many problems and the biggest is Darren and his love/hate emotions.. He is not the man he used to be
and she must deal with his hot and cold behaviour everyday..
I really can not do justice to this amazing book!!

- The sex is hot and passionate.. *fanning herself*
- I loved Michelle she is the perfect friend!!
- Their word game is so romantic..
- The picture he kept on his nightstand!! AWWWWWWWWWWW! And the story behind it.. awwwww again..
- The letter his mother send to her..
- It has a Brother's Keeper feeling in the beggining..
- In the first chapter all the blood made me queasy..
- Her mother was so sweet..
- It was an accident.. Why are they so harsh on her?
- Chemistry alert!

- There were some moments i wanted to slap him.. But aww i couldn't..
- I really want to go back and reread it right now..
- I'm so happy Dare gave himself the chance to forgive
- Dual POV..
- The dream she had in the end!!! Made me cry.. And smile.. It was the perfect ending!
October 17, 2013
3.5 ★'s

I was sooo excited to read this book because I love EF and the emotional depth of her books and because I was ready for some tears...






My Thoughts:

♦ This book had potential and it almost went there but it could've been so much more!

♦ When Bailey's "level" was revealed, I was shocked! That made no sense and I kept waiting for some type of reveal that there had been an error.

♦ I really felt the lack of certain scenes {court!} especially with the going back from now to the past. (Why was that one left out?)

♦ Can you really love someone and not go see them for six years? Even if he really hated her, he would want to actually "see" her being punished!

♦ Loved the dual POVS...that should be a requirement in ALL books.

♦ LOVED LOVED LOVED Darren's dirty mouth but WTH?? an electric "youknowwhat"...really?? ouchie!!

♦ Town folk = way harsh! is that really realistic?

♦ Epilogue...love having one but again, it could've been more! (I know, I know...I'm just not satisfied!)

♦ Still love EF, will still read her books and definitely recommend them!

Favorite quotes:

♥ "Stay. Convince me not to hate you because . . . because hating you is the end of me.”

♥ “Incredible.” “Stunning. Intelligent. Sweet. Loving.” “Arousing. Consuming.” “Exceptional.” “Forgiving.”

♥ "You will always be my world."
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
December 4, 2013

♥♥♥ 4 Unforgiven Stars ♥♥♥

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'Hatred was a one-way street with them, and it flowed directly from him to her.'

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This book had me hella emotional! It hurt deep that I couldn't stop the tears. The entire story was a total rollercoaster ride, but it was an enjoyable one. Yes, it had a lot of heartbreaking moments all caused by just ONE mistake. They were painful to read but it also had some steam and a few good moments that made you smile. I really liked this book.

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‘This was her hell. Being trapped in a room with a reminder of who she used to be, a reminder of everything she lost, a reminder of everything she’d destroyed.’

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Bailey Trent has finally returned home after being in prison for six years. She is unsure of how she will be received and soon finds out it isn't by a welcome committee. One mistake was all it took for the town to turn on her. As well as her old friend, Darren. Despite their efforts to stay away from each other, they seem to bump into each other frequently. And soon staying away is just too hard.

I really enjoyed the fact that the first part of the book contained flashbacks of how her life was like with Darren. This is was held me captive. I loved seeing such a drastic change from the past to the future. Bailey and Darren were once close and were emotionally closeted. They would not admit what one felt about the other. So they played a game where they had to say one word to describe what they were feeling. However, they always stayed away from saying the one feeling they felt for each other. It was really beautiful to see them in the past, and really heartwrenching seeing how much they hurt each other in the present.

Bailey was a strong character that had endured so much guilt. There were moments in which she seemed weak, though. Those were the moments I wished she would find that strength I knew she had to defend herself. I didn't get how she could stand all of the pain Darren threw at her. I honestly wouldn't have lasted as long as she did. It was just too much.

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“Convince me not to hate you because…because hating you is the end of me.”

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Darren Cory's life is moving on, but he is barely living. Ever since he suffered a tragedy that changed his life forever, he has never been the same. He is a zombie that seems to be in a constant state of grief. To others he may seem fine, but for the people that know him, he is not doing good at all. The only time he has intense feelings is when he sees or thinks of Bailey, the woman that caused his hurt to begin with. He feels hatred towards her and he can't seem to stop. But he also feels love, and these two feeling are constantly battling to be at the forefront. He may want to forgive, but he doesn't know if he can.

Darren in the past seemed like a fun, alpha, protective, and caring guy. He had an easy attitude and a playful personality. I really liked him in the past. He was at times confusing with the way he would give Bailey mixed signals. I also thought he was a bit of a coward whenever their feelings were starting to show or were almost said. He would always retreat.

The future Darren was difficult for me to like. He had changed so much. I understood his pain but I didn't get why he still held on to it for all these years. I wanted him to be free and find peace. Instead, he was a complete bastard to Bailey, who in my opinion was suffering her own bigger hurt by feelings guilty. They both suffered a loss. I wondered why Darren couldn't be more understanding. His parents got it, why not him? He caused my heart to ache and he also made me cry many times. It was so painful.

Their journey has been a long one. Darren needed to learn to forgive. Bailey needed to learn how to heal. This is what most of the last part was about. While the first part was completely interesting to me, the second half wasn't so much. It was still really good, just not as great. This is because I became frustrated with Bailey for, like I mentioned before, not standing up for herself when she needed to. She seemed weak at times when it came to Darren. I didn't get why since he was such a cruel jerk to her. But then I realized it was because she thought she deserved that punishment.

The steam was really hot for most of the book, which didn't bother me none. In fact, I really loved the HIGH sexy scenes. But what did bug me was that it was happening at all between them. I didn't think they were ready for that yet. There was so much they needed to talk about and weren't. I was afraid more hurt would come of it. I was so glad that Darren had his mother to help him see the light. And I was super happy that Bailey had her best friend Michelle, who always had her back.

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“I've loved you forever.”

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The entire story was crazy emotional for me. I was deeply hurt, angered, frustrated, and happy. I was everywhere. This book did that to me. I thought the writing and story was really great. However, it wasn't perfect. Still, the fact that this book made me feel was awesome, even if the emotions weren't all that great. The characters were broken and interesting. I loved having both of their POV to see where they were coming from. If I hadn't had that, I wouldn't have enjoyed it. It took me a long while to like Darren again, I didn't end up loving him but I did like him in the end. The ending was as emotional as the rest of the book. The epilogue was truly wonderful. A book full of tragedy and heartcrushing pain, but such a great read that I would for sure recommend it.

Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
October 7, 2013
Shall we play fun-with-words? Beautiful. Eloquent. Raw. Emotional. Heartbreaking. Forgiving.

This book consumed me from the very first page. It shredded my heart, made me cry, made me smile, restored my faith and put me back together again. Almost a week later, I’m still thinking about Darren and Bailey’s story.

I don’t even know how to review this without giving away spoilers, which I don’t want to do. I think you’re better off going into this book without knowing the issues between them. Why has Bailey been away for 6 years? What tragedy has caused Darren so much pain that he is a shell of the man he used to be? Can he move past it to forgive Bailey and get his life back?

Darren is one of the most well-written, complex characters I have ever read. One minute I was beyond frustrated with him; the next, I could completely understand and justify his behavior. He’s living in his own private hell and can’t let go of the past, no matter how much he wants to.

My heart just broke for Bailey. Her life changed so dramatically due to one tragic mistake. A mistake that could happen to anyone. One split-second decision that changed the lives of everyone she loves. In spite of everything, she was so brave and strong. And let’s not forget Macy, the ridiculously adorable labradoodle. As a dog lover, I enjoyed her part in the story very much :)

I highly recommend this book. I loved how the past was woven in with the present so we could understand the events that brought them to where they are today. The writing was flawless, definitely a 5+ star read!!!

ARC kindly given to Sizzling Pages by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
October 7, 2013

This book was....WOW! I loved it. I felt it. It was so real. I felt the characters pain. My heart broke. I wanted to punch Darren. I wanted to hug Bailey. I wanted a BFF like Michelle. It was an amazing journey.

Unforgiven is the story of Darren and Bailey.

"A mistake made long ago...Pain buried so deep...."

The reality of this situation was so real. This could happen to anyone. One choice...one mistake...one wrong move...can change your life in ways you never thought possible.

It's hard to say too much about this story without giving anything away. Bailey returns to her hometown after being gone for six years. Forced to confront her past. A past that was filled with love and hope and promise. To a reality filled with pain and anger and hate.

Six years ago one mistake, one choice changed everything for Bailey. And because of that choice, that mistake....she lost the love and friendship of Darren. Will Darren ever be able to forgive Bailey? Can he get passed the anger and see the love that they once shared?

"How could you love someone so much but at the same time want to destroy them?"

I know a lot of people are going to hate Darren, and believe me there were times that I did too. I wanted to strangle and punch him for the cruelty that he showed Bailey. But I personally felt that the anger and hatred and pain that he showed towards Bailey were a reflection of not how he felt about her, but of how he felt about himself.

I do think he believed that he played a role in what happened. And honestly, everyone was a little bit at fault. Was Darren a bit harsh? YES Could he have handled things better? PROBABLY But any number of people could have made a different choice and things could have turned out differently.

Despite the situation that Darren and Bailey were faced with you....you could still see the love they had for each other six years later. Despite the pain that they were both in....we got glimpses of that love. The sexual tension and chemistry between Darren and Bailey was off the charts. For the heavy storyline, this was a very steamy read.

I loved the idea of forgiveness. Of overcoming the tragedy of a past mistake. A second chance at love.

"You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn't an emotion. It's an action and it's a choice."
Profile Image for k.
113 reviews282 followers
October 10, 2013
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 5 Learning to Forgive Stars ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮

Unforgiven was such a beautiful story. It pulled at my heart-strings and I found myself crying through a good part of the story. Any time a book can get me so emotionally invested that I develop a migraine from crying so much, then it automatically deserves 5 stars. Regardless of issues you may have, any author that can pull you into a fictional world like that deserves a pat on the back hug! Unforgiven had everything in it that I love most: flashbacks, a love-story, loss, strength, redemption, hurt, anger, guilt, understanding, and maybe the most important...acceptance and forgiveness.


On a night that started as any other, terrible choices cause Bailey Trent to loose everything that she holds dear. Most importantly the love of her best friend's brother Darren Cory.

"Pain. Blinding anguish. So much so, the breath left her lungs, and she felt an imaginary fist twisting her guts into knots.Her ears were buzzing, and though the pain should mean tears, there was nothing to cry. She stood there, waiting for it to be over, dreading it, and at the same time, just wanting it done. And then it was.."

"There was a point. A point where seeing his face, his beautiful features, his intense stare, simply ended, and he became a haunting memory. Just like that. He’d kissed her; he’d touched her chin. “You will always be my world.” His lips trembled as he said the
words, and her tears fell. Then he’d kissed her again and turned away. Gone." -Bailey

Darren's feelings of love, desire, friendship, and respect are gone. At least he thinks they are. For those once beautiful feelings are now poisoned by hate and hurt. So powerful, they are the only things he can focus on, and when one day Bailey Trent shows up in his hospital room, after 6 long years of being gone, he turns those hateful feelings on her. He wants her to suffer, to feel the pain that he felt because of her.

This was by far, the most painful part of the story. Be warned you are going to get mad at Darren. Really really mad. Every time he told Bailey he hated her, every time he made her cry I wanted to tell Bailey to get as far away from him as possible, yet I understood her love for him. He wasn't a bad guy, just hurting, and though it didn't make what he said right, I also understood him. I understood his pain. I understood his torment. There lies the heart-breaking story of their love. How can you love someone and hate them just as much? Can you ever forgive and move on? Is it even possible to forget the past?

“See, the thing is . . . you didn’t seem to
really notice anyone except her. Not ever. Hell, not even with a girlfriend on your arm. You still watched her.” She smiled at him. “If she was in a room, you were next to her. And vice versa. You two just found your way to one another. She held your attention in a way no one else could.” He looked away then, but she wasn’t done speaking. “You two were supposed to be together.” She shrugged then. “It’s sad that you can’t be."

Their chemistry as they continually cross paths is off the hook! Like seriously hot, they had amazing chemistry. Darren hates her, yet he still is attracted to Bailey. He doesn't want to want her, but he can't seem to help himself. He wants her gone, yet he wants her to stay. He hates her, yet he doesn't forget the girl that used to be his world.

"You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn't an emotion. It's an action and it's a choice."

I don't think Elizabeth Finn is capable of writing a bad story. Every book that she writes pulls me in, and I think I've cried reading everything she's written. EVERYONE READ THIS BOOK.

Quoting Bailey via Elizabeth Finn here:

" She’d had opinions, strong ones at that; she’d had tastes, distastes. She’d once wanted to write herself. Tell a story. Create a story, a world, a feeling, something, anything at all that could resound in someone’s heart."

You totally accomplished it!!!
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews618 followers
December 4, 2013

4 1/2 Unforgiving Stars

Damn...I don't even know how to start this.....this book had me at "HELLO"

I think I spent 70% of this book so pissed off at Darren that I was taking out my frustrations at home.  Yeah, I get it why he was angry BUT COME ON!!! Some of the shit he did to Bailey was out right cruel and low.

I experienced so many emotions while reading this book...I laughed (a few times), I cried (a lot), I cursed and felt so freakin frustrated THEN finally the calmness of forgiveness!! 

Elizabeth Finn gives us a tragic, heart-felt life and love discovery that I absolutely LOVED LOVED this book!!!  She uses exceptional skills while telling from both POV's along with flashbacks - KUDOS Miss Finn!!

So you are asking, why only 4 1/2 stars - WELL, I had to deduct a 1/2 star for keeping me up so late last night trying to find out what happens next that I almost missed my Dr. appt. this morning! :-)

So, Darren has loved Bailey since they were young and vice versa but they have kept it from one another....Bailey is best friends with Darren's sister - then as soon as things start to open up between Bailey and Darren - something tragic happens that ends up with Bailey having to go to jail for 5 years while Darren starts to build his hatred up for Bailey.

The scene starts as Bailey is in the ER and who is her attending doctor?? None other, than Darren and he doesn't seem so happy to see her...

Yeah, as time goes on - he knows that he is addicted to her - addicted to his hatred and his lust for her.  All the while Bailey feels that she deserves everything Darren does and says to her because of her guilt.

UGH...just typing this is getting me so freakin pissed off.....I still want to bash Darren's head in!!

I'm telling you ladies...if you feel like a good cry...this is the book for you!!

If the rest of her books is like this....then I'm her new fan!
Profile Image for Farah.
367 reviews496 followers
October 21, 2013
“You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn’t an emotion. It’s an action, and it’s a choice. It’s the choice to not let the past affect how you feel about her.”

What happens when the only person you love is the person you supposed to hate?

Life becomes miserable and that's what it was for Darren.

When his sister Jess was killed in a car accident almost years ago when driving home drunk with her best friend Bailey, Darren blames himself all these years.

Now Bailey is released from prison early and Darren has and Bailey have to face each other and the ghosts of their pasts.

It doesn't help that everyone in their little town hates Bailey for the mistake she made of drunk driving which costed her best friend her life.

As much as Darren wants to hate her, he can't forget how much he actually cares for her.

Everytime he takes one step closer to her he takes two steps back- anger gets the better of him.

This book is an emotional rollercoaster with so much sexual tension!!

Make no mistake, this is a verrry sad book what will get you reaching for some tissues!

The book is extremely well written with alternate POV's and little snippets of the past.

Elizabeth Finn, well done on this one!!
Profile Image for Vishous.
610 reviews579 followers
January 20, 2016
ALL NIGHT!!!! I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT!!!!! And I have no idea why....

This started so well, everything what I loved. And I did love it in the beginning, I was glued to it... But later I just wanted to see how long will this be stretched out. Bloody hell... This depressing book had no end!!!! And I love depressing, I love the sob fest, I love the redemption, I love the torture, I love it all that this book has... But for fu@ks sake... This had no end!
He was so frustrating with his switches, I wanted to slap his smirk off his face how much it irritated me and how much in so many situations it had no sense, it didn't fit at all, it felt so psychotic. I guess he was that on some level... I guess...
And she... I feel angry at myself because I actually felt so sorry for her, when he was mean to her. But bloody hell... I would have left so many times, just packed and leave and shove the forgiveness up his ass.
They frustrated me so much, and still I could not stop reading...
And I even cried at one point. I am still convincing myself, it was PMS's fault for that.
And I get it all, both sides, his torture and her need for forgiveness... And I guess it was love... I mean, what else could it be?!?! What else could be so worth it?!? But sometimes it didn't feel like that at all. Sometimes it had no sense.
I don't even know how I feel about it in the end, therefore, I don't know how to even rate it.
Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews276 followers
October 8, 2013

DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!! This book took me off guard, something I was not expecting! Worse still, I am still hurting!!

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Bailey and Darren have each other for such a long time and sometimes she feels that he looks at her like another sister. Ooo yeah, Bailey is Jess's best mates and Darren is her brother.

The more Darren and Bailey get close, the more they want each other but yet something holds him back!

NOW, after 6 years being away from her town, Bailey returns home. AND Darren hates her!!! How did this happen?

At 50% of this book I was still screaming, and crying..... it actually hurt so much! Darren hurts and tortures so much, yet I did adore him! Well, it was hellavu journey! YOu def need to be prepared this one! One and easy read! It was miserable!

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And finally, when it happens, the book ended!!!!!!!!!! Ooo no, I need more! That was just ...........*no words*

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Oen thing for sure, I loved Melanie for her words!!

"Well. Well. Well. If isn't my favourite friend who hates my other friend but wants to bone her anyway and screw up her life because he's a twisted, disturbed asshole"

Happy reading!

**BR with Ami & Lisa Jayne, they definitely keep me going**
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
October 15, 2013
Everyone raved about this one. It was good but not a 5 star for me.... Think any book I read after the Consequences series would not meet the criteria....

Profile Image for Anja.
548 reviews100 followers
December 2, 2017

FORGIVENESS isn’t an emotion.
It’s an action, and it’s a choice.

DAMN ...this book!

UNFORGIVEN was such an emotional roller coaster and I loved every minute of it. It's a story about friendship, loss, hate, forgiveness and most of all about LOVE.

Bailey and Darren have known each other since childhood. She is his sister's best friend and three years younger than him.

One night, when they can't deny their feelings any longer, they share a passionate moment....until something terrible happens that tears them apart for a very long time.

When they finally meet again after six years, Darren's first reaction is cruel and hurtful. He doesn't even try to hide his feelings - he hates Bailey. But at the same time he can't stay away from her.

This was not an easy read for me. Especially with Darren being so mean and cruel to Bailey. But at the same time he could be so sweet and lovable...**sigh**

For me, this book was just another example that in the end

Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
October 7, 2013
**** 4.5 STARS! ****

Unforgiven was probably one of the most emotional books Ive read in a while! I was crying so much I had to stop and breathe. But Elizabeth Finn does that to me. She did it with Brother's Keeper, which remains one of my favourites and left me a bumbling mess. In a good way!

She also knows how to write assholes really well. These men she creates often lash out with vicious comments that always leave me heartbroken. But they also do so out of pain and always come back redeeming themselves tenfold.

Darren, our hero in Unforgiven, was no different. It's difficult to write a proper review and gush over what I loved without spoiling it, so I'll keep it brief. Darren and Bailey have been friends forever. Bailey's also best friends with his sister, Jess. Years of secret crushing come to a head one night when everything changes and everyone's lives are turned upside down.

The aftermath of what happened was crushing, more so on Bailey and Darren. Can I explain how emotional I got?! Maybe I should tag a photo of my kleenex pile to prove it! I WAS A MESS.

The feelings of hate and loss were very strong. But also forgiveness. Bailey suffered so much from many aspects in her life I was crushed. She remained such a wonderful and forgiving person, never chewing out Darren for his despicable behavior.
But Darren suffers and not just from what you'd expect. The man is burdened with a deep sense of loss that blew me away. His reaction to the whole situation was debilitating.

GOD! what do I say??!! IT WAS FANTASTIC!

I'll say however, that love is far-reaching and can camouflage itself in many ways, like hate. But when we choose to forgive and let go of things we never had control over, we find peace and redemption. We find peace in the place we held accountable.

READ THIS! READ THIS! it was so good and so emotional! EF knows how to write angst just as well as she knows how to write the perfect asshole who is suffering beyond control!
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
October 26, 2013
There were many things I liked about this book, but unfortunately, I never came to love Darren and Bailey's heartbreaking story. Both have suffered a tremendous loss, leaving them damaged, broken and in desperate need of forgiveness.

Reflecting the emotions of the characters, this book is pervaded by an air of sadness up until near the end. The writing is good and I liked how easily it flowed as the author takes the reader from present to past. Even with all their pain, Darren and Bailey can't seem to let the other go and the chemistry and physical relationship between these two is off the charts, resulting in plenty of scorching love scenes.

What I missed was conversation. The impact of the tragedy they face was tremendous and I would have loved more in depth discussions. I never fully connected to the story or the MCs.

This is one of those books everyone loved but me. The ratings are fantastic and I think most will enjoy this story.
Profile Image for Mojo_Mama.
1,488 reviews761 followers
April 20, 2018
I’ve been through a slew of shit in my time. Survived it all. Been last (wo)man standing in several situations. And while I’ve never quite faced this novel’s particular circumstance...I am very familiar with the plot device of: life irrevocably changed when other person/people died and a loved one was involved or directly responsible.

And more than once.

So I get Darren, our H, on a level that is inexpressible. And he is an über dick. Like brutal emotional shit that our h just rolls over and takes...again and again and again...because, guilt. Like behavior from any other H, in any other plot, I’d have 1 starred and ranted on about for paragraphs before adding every book ever written by the author to my no list.

Is his behavior excusable? No.
Is it understandable? Yes.
Is it human? Fuck. Yes.

What sets this apart, because many authors in this genre couldn’t pull this off, is the writing. It’s an intense book. Savage at times. But so raw and so real for anyone who’s been on either side of this equation that I couldn’t put it down.

Both H/h were tortured characters. Self destructing over their individual guilt and combined experience. It’s not dark. Not in a captive/BDSM/mafia kinda way. But it does visit some painfully dark emotional places not everyone will enjoy. I, however, lapped it up.

I don’t want to spoil the plot because I can tell reviewers are taking and focusing displeasure over different plot points when the reality is it’s so much more beautifully complicated than their individual complaints.

Safety: SG Ladies, I’ve jumped the tracks and decided I needed some serious angst in my reads lately to cope with the recent angst in my own personal fairytale. So expect my reviews this year to be vacant of fluffy-bunny. I know you’ll pass on this novel and that’s a shame. But I understand. There is no cheating. There is a sexual situation with an OW that the h witnesses before they’ve ever been intimate and I’m sure that makes it a hard no for you ladies but it’s bizarrely integral to plot. If you can get past that, the rest is a worthy emotional rollercoaster and has nothing to do with that scene.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 598 reviews

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