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Sir Guy had the face of an archangel...

Yet his vow of silence and monkish cowl hid thoughts that would make the devil blush! For the innocent beauty of Celeste de Montcalm was a temptation that he could scarcely resist. But was his urge to protect her from the evil lord to whom she was promised an honorable one, or just an excuse to claim the lady as his own?

344 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 1, 1996

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Tori Phillips

24 books49 followers
A pseudonym used by Mary Schaller

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Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
October 27, 2016
Reviewed for THC Reviews
"4.5 stars" Until now, I hadn’t read anything by Tori Phillips, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I picked up this book. Also Harlequin category romance have been hit and miss with me in the past. Some are really good, while others miss the mark. I’m very happy to report that Silent Knight ended up being one of the very good ones. It’s a sweet romance about a former knight who is now a novice monk but who hasn’t yet taken his final vows. He’s tasked with leading a French lady, who’s fallen on misfortune, and her bodyguards to the holding of her betrothed in Northern England. All the way there, he feels guilty about having to turn her over to her soon-to-be husband, because his father is liege lord to the betrothed and he knows how unsavory the man is. He also finds himself unexpectedly falling in love with her. But his honor places him in a battle with his own conscience over the right course of action to take when they arrive. The story has a fairy tale feel to it, as well as incorporating old-fashioned chivalric code, both of which I loved. It was also the first romance I’ve read that was set in the Tudor era of the Renaissance, which gave it a slightly different feel. There were still castles, knights and jousting, which could easily be mistaken for an earlier time period, but there are also signs that civilization is progressing beyond the Medieval. So this only increased my enjoyment of the story.

Celeste is the youngest of five daughters and the least valued by her father. She was predicted by a soothsayer to be a boy while still in the womb, so when a girl was born, her father was extremely disappointed. Then several years later, he finally got his coveted son, which only pushed Celeste further into the background. Her sisters all married well to Frenchmen, but her father betrothed her to the son of an English lord when she was only ten. Now eighteen, she’s been sent to fulfill the marriage contract, but she’s had nothing but misfortune on her journey so far. When her wagon breaks down and the aunt who is acting as her chaperon is injured near a monastery, the monks come to her aid. With her aunt unable to travel for several weeks, a kind monk is assigned the task of guiding her party north to her destination. Celeste is a bit of dreamer who loves the tales of knights and fair maidens that she reads in her beloved books. She tries to imagine her betrothed as just such a chivalrous knight, but nothing could be further from the truth. However, Brother Guy is such a man and she soon finds herself falling for him, even though she knows he belongs to God. At first Brother Guy seems grumpy and taciturn, and Celeste revels in teasing him, trying to get him to smile. In spite of her circumstances, she’s a joyful, free-spirited young lady, who her guards love and soon, so does Guy.

Guy left the life of a knight and the sumptuousness of court life to enter a monastery. The only thing I thought that the author could have explained a little better was his reasons for doing this. Once or twice, she mentions him becoming disillusioned with the excesses he found at court and him becoming bored with the ease with which he could bed his females conquests. But I didn’t feel like she brought out his backstory in stark enough relief for me to fully understand him making such a drastic life change as dedicating his life to the church. Otherwise, Guy is a wonderful hero. The main reason he’s initially so grouchy is that Celeste tempts him beyond reason from the first time he lays eyes on her. He spends much of the trip trying to keep his lustful thoughts in check and then punishing himself with harsh penance every night. He soon recognizes that he’s falling for the delightful lady, but he is a man of honor, who doesn’t take vows lightly. Although he hasn’t taken final vows to be a permanent part of the monk’s order, he has taken vows that he knows he cannot break, which gives him a major crisis of conscience over whether he can in some way help Celeste get out of her betrothal and if so how? One of the vows Guy staunchly holds throughout the journey is a vow of silence to which he was sworn right before leaving the monastery. Not having the hero be able to speak for the majority of the book brought a whole new dimension to the story, and when he’s finally able to talk, he used it to the very best effect. I love how he fulfills Celeste’s ultimate romantic fantasy. When I realized what he was going to do for her, it made me all gooey inside.:-)

There are several memorable secondary characters in the story. Gaston, the head of Celeste’s guards, is a brash, seasoned warrior, who seems to enjoy insulting his men, but he holds a special place in his heart for Celeste. He believes her father has treated her poorly and doesn’t hesitate to make his opinion known. He also ends up being instrumental in helping Guy solve his dilemma. Once they reach Snape Castle, they are close enough to the Cavendish family seat that we get to meet his older brother, Brandon, who becomes the hero of Midsummer’s Knight, the next book in the Cavendish Chronicles. We’re also introduced to their parents, Thomas and Alicia, who seem to be a well-matched couple. Book #3, Three Dog Knight, goes back in time to tell their story. The villains of the story, Roger and Walter Ormond, are a father and son at odds with one another. The son, Walter, is Celeste's betrothed, and he’s more than dastardly. He’s downright disgusting. The father is less so, but he still has plenty of faults and is a blustery, not-very-nice person.

Overall, Silent Knight was a very enjoyable read. Other than wanting to know a little more about Guy’s background, the only thing that made me drop off the half-star is that the road trip portion of the story was a little slow at times. It’s sometimes a bit narrative heavy too, but I suppose that understandable, considering that Guy can’t talk. There wouldn’t be any other way to understand his thoughts otherwise. I also would have liked if there was a love scene at the end. It didn’t have to be anything particularly descriptive, but after such a romantic story, a little something would have been nice. Not to mention, a fair bit was made of Celeste’s aunt misinforming her about the wedding night, which made her a little fearful of it, so again, showing that she found pleasure in that would have been a plus. However, it wasn’t necessarily a deal-breaker for me either, because I know from Guy’s history with the ladies and his romanticism that he would be a tender and skillful lover. Other than these few minor things, Silent Knight was a lovely story that makes me eager to continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Judy.
3,138 reviews
January 6, 2011
A great story. Tori Phillips writes a great adventure and keeps it clean.

Read a 2nd time 1/5/11

Celeste is coming from France to marry a man she never met. Her father made the deal 8 years ago when he Met Roger Ormand at a tournament. So far everything has gone wrong in her travels but she has to keep her word and get to her betrothed.

Guy Cavendish was tired of the goings on at Court and decided to become a monk. He was not there yet though. He had been working at for 6 months. One day when they go to help some travelers out he has to fight down his attraction to the beautiful raven haired and violet eyed Celeste, after all he did give all that up six months ago.

Father Jocelyn chooses to send Guy on the 300 mile trek to deliver Lady Celeste to Sir Walter Ormand. Guy is told to take a vow of silence until her wedding day and he gets to ride the bony back Daisy donkey all the way.

Celeste is a trickster and does all she can to try and tease a smile out of Guy, little does she know he is struggling to keep all his vows and her teasing is torment for him.

I enjoyed it as much the 2nd time. And now I have all the books to read the complete series.
Profile Image for ac.
6 reviews
August 13, 2016
This book made me think about the "faceless Knight" I have in my dream when I was a kid. And now I wonder if my dream still have hope. I love this book so much. I love the characters, the events, and etc.

At first, my boyfriend keeps telling me to read this book. But then, I give in. This book made laugh and sad at the same time. Thinking of how are they going to end up with each other and stuff like that. But anyway, the point is, I am so happy because my boyfriend made me read this awesome book.

(Oh, la, la! -- Celeste) :D

Kudos to the Author of this book btw.
Profile Image for Desi.
2,636 reviews85 followers
July 16, 2017
Leído en Octubre de 2009

Una historia que transcurre en el tiempo medieval (que no es de mis favoritas) pero con la que me llevé una grata sorpresa y con la cual me divertí leyendo y disfrutando.


Celeste Montcalm ha emprendido un largo y azaroso viaje de Francia a Inglaterra para dirigirse al castillo de su prometido en matrimonio. El viaje ha resultado en una larga cadena de accidentes y los rumores aseguran que el marido que la espera es de terror.
El destino quiere que tras uno de los accidentes, ella y su grupo de escoltas, encuentren refugio en un pacífico monasterio inglés ....

Por increíble que parezca Sir Guy Cavendish, conocido como "Cara de ángel", ha abandonado la promiscuidad de la corte inglesa para abrazar una vocación religiosa.
Ha realizado tres votos:

VOTO DE POBREZA ... cosa que no es difícil de cumplir si vives en un austero monasterio en la campiña inglesa.

VOTO DE CASTIDAD ... este es un poco más complicado, pero ¿qué tentación puede haber conviviendo con un grupo de monjes franciscanos? A menos que una visitante inesperada se convierta en la encarnación de las tentaciones del Diablo .... pero siempre se puede esquivar a la bella dama...

VOTO DE OBEDIENCIA ... este definitivamente complica la vida de Guy . Habiendo prometido obediencia ¿cómo negarse cuando el abad superior le impone la misión de escoltar a lady Celeste hasta el castillo de su futuro marido?

Y para empeorar la situación Guy hará un cuarto voto

VOTO DE SILENCIO ... Guy deberá permanecer callado durante todo el viaje y hasta después de la ceremonia de matrimonio de Celeste .
Ese no sería problema si la bella dama no tuviese charla suficiente para cubrir la cuota de los dos y si ella no pusiera en peligro la vocación religiosa de Guy.

La fórmula de Tori Phillips es conocida para quienes siguen las Crónicas de la familia Cavendish: aventuras, humor , diálogos incisivos , romances inimaginables e intriga . La autora se ha impuesto un nuevo desafío eligiendo un protagonista masculino que no puede enamorarse ni hablar. ¿Cómo podrá florecer el amor en circunstancias tan difíciles? Una lady Charlatana y un Monje Silencioso nos guiarán a través de esta maravillosa aventura de amor.
Profile Image for Priscilla.
1,761 reviews8 followers
May 1, 2022
O Cavaleiro e a Donzela ou A Mulher do Padre.

A história é bem divertida com a mocinha Celeste provocando o pobre sir Guy, um noviço que fez um voto de silêncio. E isso é basicamente tudo o acontece no livro, mesmo o vilão principal mal dá as caras.

Se você curte o fetiche da tentação de religiosos, vai adorar esse aqui.
Profile Image for Maria Laura.
198 reviews6 followers
July 10, 2023
Edizione italiana, titolo "Un cuore alato" per la serie Tudor collection, in uscita a fine luglio.

La storia di fondo poteva anche essere interessante, ma è tutto troppo sciocco e noioso. Lady Celesta è veramente insopportabile.

Vedremo col successivo.
88 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2019
Great book for a younger reader, but too juvenile for me. I think I would have really liked this book when I was in my teens.
71 reviews
June 24, 2023
What sets this one apart is the setting, pre-divorce Henry VIII era England, and the fact that the romance develops while the hero, a novice monk, is operating under a temporary vow of silence.
Profile Image for Linda.
846 reviews46 followers
April 9, 2022
I enjoyed the book. Simple romance set in the 1500's.

Celeste is the fifth daughter of a well to do family in France. Her father was positive that she would finally be the son and heir he craved, so when she was born...a girl, he never forgave her for it. He promised her to a British knight's son, maybe not knowing, but definitely not caring what type of person he was.

The book starts midway into her journey to the man her father promised her to, by carriage, and apparently there have been many mishaps along the way. The carriage is overturned and her elderly aunt is badly injured and almost drowned by the heavy rain that happened at the same time. They take refuge in a nearby monastery, where they meet Brother Guy. Guy is new and has not taken his final vows. He is a former knight that escaped to the monastery to lick his wounds, not realizing that he really wasn't cut out to be a monk.

Since the journey to her bridegroom was taking much longer than planned already and her aunt would not be fit for travel until possibly the next spring ( I believe this was late fall by this time ), she decides to travel on and Guy is sent along as a chaperone. He is immediately attracted to her and tries to pray away the attraction. He takes a Vow of silence thinking if he cannot communicate with her, then he will be able to resist her, but it doesn't matter.

Along the journey they both fall madly in love with each other, although they either do not realize this or deny it even to themselves.

Guy knows of Walter, Celeste's betrothed and knows him to be a violent, womanizer; and so learns that Walter has not only been deknighted, but also has gotten the Pox. Guy is appalled, but feels it is his duty to deliver her safely to her destination.

I'll leave the ending uncovered to prevent any spoiling of the story.
Profile Image for Patricia Solla.
1,316 reviews20 followers
August 7, 2012
This historical is quite interesting. There's a young French woman making her way through the English countryside to her intended groom. She has many trials to bear as travel is difficult and her knowledge of the English language is limited. After one difficult accident takes them to a monastery, she is given help in the form of a young handsome brother (not yet ordained) who is a former knight who is trying to give up his worldly ways. There's plenty of action and you have to read the book to understand the title.
Profile Image for Not Now...Mommy's Reading.
259 reviews115 followers
November 14, 2008
This was my first read by Tori Phillips and I became an instant fan! Sir Guy had the face of an archangel... Yet his vow of silence and monkish cowl hid thoughts that would make the devil blush! For the innocent beauty of Celeste de Montcalm was a temptation that he could scarcely resist. A sweet love story that is sure to bring a smile to one's face.
Profile Image for Meggie Magara.
4 reviews
January 14, 2014
This book is awesome, great characters, every time I pick this book up I can't put it down. The motivations are great, they're realistic and understandable. I love it when you get an author who knows how to put characters in a raging conflict inside themselves.

This story is one of THE most romantic stories out there. I've had this book for almost 20 years and it still makes me cry.
Profile Image for Rachel.
228 reviews
November 17, 2012
England 1528

Guy is 28 and Celeste is 18. I loved the story of the silent monk and pretty french girl. The play between the 2 was great. It was a nice ending to see Walter get what he deserves also. Can't wait to finish the rest from the set i've missed.
Profile Image for Erhipolito.
2 reviews
February 10, 2013
One of the best historical romance. Every page will let your heart skip a beat! Ive read this book for ghe nth time just to get the feeling all over again!
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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