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The Wild Ones #1

The Wild Ones

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**MATURE CONTENT ADVISORY: May not be suitable for younger readers**

Passion as hot as midnight in the South and love as wild as the horses they tame.

Camille “Cami” Hines is the darling daughter of the South’s champion thoroughbred breeder, Jack Hines. She has a pedigree that rivals some of her father’s best horses. Other than feeling a little suffocated at times, Cami thought she was pretty happy with her boyfriend, her life and her future.

But that was before she met Patrick Henley.

“Trick” blurs the lines between what Cami wants and what is expected of her. He’s considered the “help,” which is forbidden fruit as far as her father is concerned, not to mention that Trick would be fired if he ever laid a hand on her. And Trick needs his job. Desperately. His family depends on him.

The heart wants what the heart wants, though, and Trick and Cami are drawn to each other despite the obstacles. At least the ones they know of.

When Trick stumbles upon a note from his father, it triggers a series of revelations that could ruin what he and Cami have worked so hard to overcome. It turns out there’s more to Trick’s presence at the ranch than either of them knew, secrets that could tear them apart.

332 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 30, 2012

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About the author

M. Leighton

82 books9,464 followers
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, M. Leighton, is a native of Ohio. She relocated to the warmer climates of the South, where she can be near the water all summer and miss the snow all winter. Possessed of an overactive imagination from early in her childhood, Michelle finally found an acceptable outlet for her fantastical visions: literary fiction. Having written over a dozen novels, these days Michelle enjoys letting her mind wander to more romantic settings with sexy Southern guys, much like the one she married and the ones you'll find in her latest books. When her thoughts aren't roaming in that direction, she'll be riding wild horses, skiing the slopes of Aspen or scuba diving with a hot rock star, all without leaving the cozy comfort of her office.

About Michelle: I love coffee and chocolate, even more so when they are combined. I'm convinced that one day they could be the basis for world peace. I also love the color red and am seriously considering dying my hair.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 894 reviews
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
August 20, 2012

Present Day

Me : "Looks like the machine is ready. Gonna have to go back in time and kick my own ass."

*climbs into machine*

The Year 2010

2010 Me : "Love, love, love, love! I'm in love with love! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" *stops mid-twirl and notices the doppleganger standing in front of her with arms crossed and a gleam in her eye*

2012 Me : "Listen up, former me. You're going to be reading a lot of books over the next couple of years. It's time you start learning how to look past the heart-fluttering feeling that you get when 'hot guy' and 'clueless girl' start eye humping each other, and really look at what you're reading. Otherwise, you're going to curse yourself to a merry-go-round of the same hot messes over and over."

2010 Me : "Lalalalala. I can't hear you! I'm in LOOOOVE with love! Hot guy with his shirt off! Yayayayayay!"

2012 Me : *takes a swig of something strong then punches former version of myself in the face* "Guess you're going to have to learn the hard way. Enjoy your swooning. It won't last."

I guess I was due for a clunker. It's really too bad, because the 2010 version of myself probably would have enjoyed the book. I just can't get excited anymore about a book when the only thing going for it is a hot guy. Almost every story has a hot guy in it these days...heck, even some of the non-romance books emphasize a virile or nubile creature somewhere. Sex appeal has wormed its way into the most unlikely of places. So I can't just expect to like a book anymore simply because a guy is hot and confident. That's nothing new.

Why I said FFS out loud many times over during my read :

~ The cover and title were a bit of false advertising. No one was wild. I couldn't tell you one wild thing that happened, at least nothing wild by my standards. The "ass crack, ass crack" (as sung in my head to the tune of "backpack, backpack" from Dora the Explorer) cover picture was not sexy.

~ There was a sizable portion of the book where it was like ping-pong pining. She missed him, he missed her, she missed him, he missed her...

~ I actually had a long list of things that drove me crazy about the book, but decided to leave most of it out because I couldn't pass up showing you the stuff that people said. There were so many phrases to pick from that I decided to quit reviewing and give you a small idea of why this alone would be enough to make me raise an eyebrow. Imagine the characters' voices going up an octave. This is how I heard the people in my head.

"His stomach completes the perfect package of his upper body. It's rippled like the surface of the lake when I drop a rock into it, every abdominal well-defined. His skin is tan, like he spends a lot of time outdoors without his shirt on. And, considering the weapons he is packing, I think he's doing the world a favor when he does it."

"And her personality? Psssh, forget about it! Ohmigod! You know you're off your rocker when your thoughts sound like 60s mobsters."

"Holy balls!"

"Addictive. Trick is addictive. Yes! That's totally it!"

"Holy shit, that's hot!"
(this was the guy, believe it or not. He favored exclamation points as much as the girl)

"Crap balls!"

"I want him to tear them off. With his teeth!"
(no clue why I'm thinking her voice would have squeaked when she exclaimed this)

"I'm not perfect, Cami. I'm not a thoroughbred like he is. (I nearly choked on my laughter from this phrase)

"His tongue slips into my mouth and I taste the most delicious flavor in the world - Trick. Unbridled. Unreserved. Unfettered." (can I get this as an ice cream flavor? Btw...I never thought to use unfettered as a compliment. I might have to bank that word for future use.)

I wanted to go into the incessant amount of blushing and winking, and the fact that Trick can do everything from supporting his family, to working on cars, to delivering baby horses, to playing multiple instruments and dancing like he's born to do anything and everything while still managing to look like a god, but I won't. Because I have one last thing to mention...

When you're getting it on, the moment after penetration is not the time to start a conversation that lasts 2 pages. I am NOT kidding when I report that this was actually said during the act : "Damn, can we talk about this later?"


I'm way too lazy to make a FAIL stamp right now but it sure is tempting.
Profile Image for Pat Marín.
Author 5 books379 followers
February 22, 2017
4,5 en realidad. Me he leído todo lo que han traducido de esta autora hasta el momento y creo que este se ha convertido en mi favorito. Trick es amor puro, adorable. Un chico que te enamorará de principio a fin. No sólo porque sea guapo sino porque es un chico que se deja la piel por los demás, generoso, pasional, se hace querer y además, ¡qué mano con los caballos! El tema de los caballos me ha parecido de lo más original, había leído algún libro que hablara de ellos pero este ha sido especial. Una historia de amor, tensión, amistad, secretos familiares y una pareja que me ha enamorado. Cami es de esas chicas ricas pero con los pies en el suelo, me ha gustado que no se deje amedrentar por el padre que tiene. Reseña completa en http://www.lanarradora.com/2017/02/re...
Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
688 reviews4,768 followers
August 5, 2012
I’m so perplexed about this book. I just loved the premise of it - a Romeo and Juliet type of romance with cowboy boots and horses - but it left me so unfulfilled and a little bit annoyed.

As fun as the story appeared to be, it was predictable from the very beginning. Girl from a wealthy family - daddy’s little girl - with matching boyfriend and bright future ahead. Boy from poor family forced to put his future on hold to support mother and sister. Girl meets boy, sparks fly and it doesn’t take much to guess where the story would be heading. It had the potential to be a sweet little YA story that could warm the readers' hearts and remind us what it was like being young and hopelessly in love. However, it failed to do so at every single turn. I was OK with it having a predictable plot, I was even expecting and welcoming it. But there is a difference between predictable and plain old disappointing. The story was scattered. It hinted at so many things, followed through with only some, and it left me gaping at my Kindle, wondering whether I had blacked-out at some point and missed entire chapters.

I think my biggest problem was the actual writing style of this book - not very unique and rather simplistic at times. There was an uncomfortable amount of narrative - I felt like things were spelled out to us rather than conveyed through other more interesting writing modes. The chapters were told from two points of view - Cami’s and Trick’s - but instead of using this to fully expose both characters and aid the storyline, it just gave us endless monologues and not enough dialogues between the key characters. As a result, not enough actually happens between them to justify the 'intensity' of what they are allegedly feeling towards each other. I get lust at first sight, I get raging hormones and the attraction of doing what you’re told not to do, but there has to be more in the storyline to support a plot of this sort. Everything felt ‘imaginary’ and, as a result, even the twists in the story failed to make an impact. Too many things were described in too much detail; I felt I was choking on details but left hungry for any actual action. Just when I thought something would happen and wake me up, I was thrown into yet another inner rant about how much she likes him, how she cannot stop thinking about him, how much she needs to see him again … or a detailed description of what he’s wearing.

Matters sometimes got resolved just because we are told they got resolved, not because it was a natural progression of events and the way actual people would act. Several elements that were at some point hinted at remained unresolved or just neglected. What was Trick's mother's reaction to their ending? What was Cami's mother's reaction? I felt that it would have been much more significant to the overall story to have their acceptance and blessing rather than Cami's father's. He might be the patriarch of the family but what complicated Trick and Cami's relationship ultimately did not come from his past actions. We never get to hear Cami's mother's story. I think something like that would have actually enriched the storyline, added credibility to the overall book and it baffled me that it was never explored. I was left with too many questions and ‘what-the-hecks’.

It was an enjoyable read as much as it could be since it never really grabbed me. I kept waiting for something and that something was never delivered.

~ N ♥

See this review on my blog!
Profile Image for Joy (joyous reads).
1,516 reviews293 followers
August 13, 2012
I honestly don’t know where to start with this book. I’ve always been a fan of stories that portray a boy from the wrong side of the tracks who falls in love with the rich girl but this one just felt a little too…cheesy. More often, Cami (gah, that name!) sounds like an incredibly sexed-up teenager and Trick (again, that name!) about the same. Just how old are these people, anyway? The only time I saw a semblance of maturity between these two characters was when they are not together. And even then, it was a bit of a stretch. Other than that, there was just too much lusting going on. We could play a drinking game: a shot of tequila every time Trick gets a hard on when Cami blushes. I’m serious...or bites her lip or stammers.

From the moment these two met, the attraction was severe; so severe that it was almost over kill. These two couldn’t string two sentences together without any sexual innuendos. What should’ve been a sexy banter between them became cringe-worthy exchanges that made me scrunch my nose like I smelled something bad. They were awkward and sometimes, a little out of place.

Well, okay. Trick is pretty hot; at least this novel has that going for it. But man, how many times did this guy wake up with a hangover? It’s like freaking Groundhog Day. Actually, the earlier chapters seemed like a repeat of the previous one: Cami thinks about Trick a lot then castigates herself for doing so. Cami tries to convince herself that she loves Brent and then gets distracted by the errant imaginings of Trick’s bluish-grey (greenish-grey) eyes. This happened a lot. Let’s not mention the blushes and the hard-ons and the awkward flirting that was in no way hot but more so a cheesy banter between the two.

Is there a maximum limit for usage of exclamation points in a paragraph? I’m not talking about the pre-requisite three at the end of a really excited sentence. Is there such a rule? The thing is the characters’ inner monologues made them sound even more juvenile with the generous use of this punctuation. How often do you have to yell at yourself? It’s a reading pet-peeve that turns me off from the book.

I realize that I'm not allowed to fully review a book when I barely read it but you can't make me finish this. I just. CAN'T. I got to 25% before I quit. I can’t torture myself any longer. Sorry.
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,663 followers
August 12, 2012
Spoiler Free Review
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Contemporary YA Romance

'Walking to the front of the stage, Trick strums the notes effortlessly. When his solo riff is over the rest of the band chimes in, begining with the heavy beat of the drum. Girls start screaming, guys start hollering and I can't help but smile. I'm really begining to enjoy myself when, all they way across the throng of partiers,Trick looks up and his eyes meet mine. I am a deer caught in the headlights. I am a girl charmed by the cobra. I am breathless and mesmerized. And then he grins. Just like that, I'm his. Whether he knows it or not.

I have read a lot of mixed reviews for this book from my Goodreads friends. For some this book hit the mark for others it fell short. For me it hit the mark. Cami and Trick was HOT whenever they are within the same vicinity as eachother. And I... Well I loved every second of it!

Trick's family needs him, so he must stop school just shy of graduation in order to work full time. He lucks up and is hired by Jack Hines a Champion Thorough breeder. Jack gives Trick free reign on the ranch with the horses he just has one rule. Do not touch his daughter. The money is good plus Trick gets to be around his first love. Horses.
Everything is going fine until Trick spots her the hot chick from Lucky's(the bar) that he can't get out of his head. Cami. Jack's daughter.

Cami's got it goin on. She's young, rich and beautiful. Her current boyfriend Brent is also young, rich and beautiful. Life is perfect. What more does a girl need? Umm... how about passion. Yes that's it. No holds barred and full of possibilities passion. And Trick aka Patrick Henley is that in spades for Cami.

When these two finally connect... HOT DAMN it was fire. And just when you think its on. Uh NO. Its off. A family secret from the past comes and robs them of their bliss.

I can honestly say I enjoyed the book; even though I was able to guess the twist before it occured. It did not seem to take away from the story for me. I loved the friendships between Cami and Jenna and with Trick and Rusty. I really enjoyed the witty banter with the friends as well as the couples. I totally found that I empathized with Tricks mom. However I was very very happy when Trich and Cami got their HEA. I do recommend this to YA lovers.

My Ratings
Characters- Likeable
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storylines- Good
Steam Factor- High/Very Steamy
Overall- I liked it! Read it!
Profile Image for Shelly Crane.
Author 30 books5,839 followers
July 25, 2012
This ARC that Michelle sent me, that I stayed up late to finish while my family slept, had me bawling the whole last quarter of it! A mix of sad and happy.

It was so perfectly proportioned with the angst and romance and background characters and details. I was enthralled and literally cursing myself for not being a faster reader at some spots!

It's perfect for the New Adult genre. I think the reviews will be rave and go on and on about how hot Trick was. Because HE WAS!! Poor guy had to change his whole life and then that daggum rug that always causes problems got pulled out from under him again. But he didn't let his circumstances change him and I was pretty in love with him by page 1.

My heart ached for all characters involved. It was one of those books where there really was no bad guy, just bad decisions, and the main characters were just kinda along for the ride. Cami and Trick didn't fall in love too quickly. There was a lovely flow to their story and chemistry. I was revved up right along with them by the time they finally got together b\c it was enrapturing, the whole thing.

Ballpark my friend. Hit it right outta there!!

5 heart-pattering, tissue grabbing, lip biting stars from me!
Profile Image for Christy.
4,235 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
Pick 'treat'. Please for the love of God pick 'treat'.

I have to say I loved this one! Couldn't put it down! Trick was just an amazing character with some great lines, you couldn't not love him! Cami was great too and their friends Jenna and Rusty, they were funny and brought a lot to the story! Sort of had a modern day Romeo and Juliet vibe to it.

I will definitely be reading this one again! So good!
Profile Image for JuD.
539 reviews17 followers
February 21, 2017
Quizás en un inicio parezca la típica historia romántica de chica rica-chico pobre que no pueden estar juntos porque el padre lo impide por ser de distinta clase social, distinto estatus o distinto nivel intelectual.

La verdad es que es una historia que engancha desde el primer momento y no te suelta hasta que consigues terminarla.
Profile Image for Helena _Triz.
339 reviews101 followers
February 25, 2017
3 o 3.5

Una historia muy bonita y dulce, con unos personajes fuertes y decididos.
Profile Image for Alba M. .
1,723 reviews148 followers
March 7, 2017
Para mí los libros de esta autora reconozco que nunca han sido de 5 estrellas, pero este para mí es el peor de todos. Probablemente mi culpa porque lo esperaba con muchas ansias y expectativas.
Voy al tema recurrente de siempre conmigo: odio a la protagonista. Es una egoísta, caprichosa, niña de papá, pija ricachona que se cree que el dinero lo soluciona todo en la vida y que por tener dinero las cosas malas no suceden. Para haber nacido como una niña, no pobre si no normalita, se le olvido muy pronto lo que era vivir con lo justo, sin pasar hambre pero normal. La odie todo el camino hasta el 70% del libro pero es que a partir de ahí INCLUSO LA ODIE MÁS!!! Que ya es complicado, pero no lo fue, porque abrió la boca y subió el pan.
En cuanto a Trick: me encanta como personaje en serio pero esta autora es definitivamente idiota. Una cosa es ser buen chico y otra cosa es DEJAR QUE TE PISOTEEN. Cuando Cami le dijo esas cosas hirientes que yo le hubiera cruzado la cara, este solo se queda en plan «Ay si Cami sigue insultándome no pasa nada querida que no duele». MAL MUY MAL. Eso no se lo cree ni la que lo escribió. Lo de la madre de Trick y el padre de Cami... dejarlo así sin más que parecía que los dos se habían puesto de acuerdo para separarlos pero no acabo de confirmarlo en la historia... joder pero esta autora si quiera se paró a ordenar sus ideas?

Es igual, el caso, ese final ha sido express total. Credibilidad cero, meses separados y de repente tienen un rancho y se van a casar, así sin más cuando Cami le llamó de todo y más ¡Y SE METIÓ CON SU MADRE! No jodas. Apaga y vamonos, está no ha sido para mí y me fastidia porque la historia hubiera sido buena.
Profile Image for Purist.
12 reviews
October 23, 2012
I'm so tired of the themes that go like this

Ooh, hot guy!!!

Ooh, hot girl!!!


And she blushes while she is having wicked thoughts. And he spouts corny shitty dialogues.


And so I close the book and delete it permanently.
Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews388 followers
October 6, 2012
OK. ummmmmmmmmm where DO I start?'

I recently read 'Down To You' by the same author and to say I loved it would be an understatement. So I decided to check out her other work this is what I stumbled across.

Now after one look at that cover I was like 'oh daymn, I'm reading this,'

I wish I could say I loved it, that you get exactly what you think when you take one look at that guys hot body and that it's got one wild story hidden in those pages.

But I can't. Normally I would have loved this type of book there were lots of little things that annoyed me.
Honestly there was nothing remotely 'Wild' about this book, let alone the sex. I mean if you really liked each other that much wouldn't you want to delve into the passion and have steamy, wild and unthinkable sex? But honestly it made me flinch with awkwardness it's like they were half way through in the bedroom and they wanted to talk about every day conversations. I ain't joking.

'I wrap my arms and legs tighter around Trick, a physical way of expressing that I’m never letting him go. Never.
The action causes him to move inside me and my body reflexively squeezes, drawing him even further in. I hear the breath hiss through his teeth.
“Damn, can we talk about this later? I can barely think when you do that, much less talk.”
I laugh. In my heart, in my head, in my soul, I laugh. “Yes, we’ll talk later. I think we’ve already covered the most important things anyway.”
He pulls out and thrusts back into me. The sensation steals my breath. “I think there’s one thing left that I need to ‘cover’ if you don’t mind.”

Uhum, couldn't you have covered the most important things after you had finished, seriously.

It's not just ranting about the intimacy issues I found in this book either but seriously the title is 'The Wild Ones' but they weren't wild, they were normal. I'm probably wilder than them and I'm just a boring ordinary student.

The opening line is this;

Passion as hot as midnight in the South and love as wild as the horses they tame. Pretty good right? If only it was perceived like this.

Trick makes the audience go wild;

I look back toward the front. Trick is walking onto the stage. Someone hands him a bass guitar and he puts the strap around his neck. He takes the pick and starts testing the tune of the instrument. The crowd quiets until they hear the familiar chords of Cat Scratch Fever begin to emerge. Then they go wild.

Cami makes her hair go wild;

Her hair is all wild around her face, making me want to run my fingers through it.

But those measly few sentences were the only things that were wild- and included the word wild, in this book.

There are no wild adventures, as I've made pretty clear- no wild sex, and no wild plot.

This book did not captivate me, keep my interest fully or have me hanging on its every page.

I still really like this author. Your not going to be every one of their books no1 fan. But I am still a little disappointed since I was still on a high from 'Down to You'.
But.. Meh.. Ill get over it.
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews529 followers
July 31, 2012
Occasionally, a book will come along and blow me away. Well, this was one of those books. I can honestly tell you that this is one of my top books of the year and easily one of my new all-time favorites. I couldn't put the book down. The best word to describe this book is...GORGEOUS! I already want to read it again.

I really, truly loved Cami. I love how true to herself she is. She absolutely can't fight her attraction to Trick and she takes a chance on him. She believes in him, trusts him, and can't keep her hands off him. Not that I blame her. That boy is smokin! I loved that she finally stood up to her father. She believed in the love that she and Trick had. It was such a beautiful love story.

Trick is such a good guy. He knows he's hot and he definitely plays that up, but he's not arrogant about it. He's a hard worker and is dedicated to his family. When Trick makes a commitment, he's all in. He's a man who is gentle when he needs to be and rougher when he wants to have a little fun. He loves Cami for who she is. Trick is easily one of the best male leads I've ever met.

I absolutely LOVED Jenna. She had me cracking up in every scene she's in. She's honest to a fault and is a true friend to Cami. I also loved that she and Rusty got together. They are so cute!

I really could go on and on about how much I loved this book. I have so many pages highlighted, it's ridiculous! Line for line the story kept me entertained. I laughed, cried, had to cool myself off from all the steamy moments, and I felt the love. I mean, really felt it. My heart was so full at the end of this book.

M. Leighton has delivered a masterpiece. As a fan of her work, I knew this was going to be a story that I loved, but in my opinion, this is her best book to date. She's got such a clean writing style and the characters she creates become so real. I feel like I'm there with them. I feel like I know them. I believe that's a true sign of quality writing.

The Wild Ones is the kind of book that stays in your head for days. I'm already trying to figure out when I can read it again. I'm so excited for the release of this beautiful book and CAN. NOT. WAIT for everyone to meet Cami and Trick! Because I loved this book so much, I'm going to do an eBook giveaway of 2 copies of The Wild Ones! Enter below.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,049 reviews940 followers
August 4, 2012
I have to say I loved this book. It was something different that came along, perhaps at the right time, and just sucked me into a story of pure indulgence. The name of this indulgence well that would be the charmingly cocky, quick witted, honourable and sexy man that is Trick. He was the ultimate highlight of the story for me, I do love those Southern boys:

"Pick 'treat'. Please, for the love of God, pick 'treat' – Trick – EPIC

I thought the premise of the book was beautiful. I was drawn into it and the writing was excellent, it produced a pretty delicious story.
This book has emotional issues and drama, however, they are not delved into on a great level. Perhaps if they had, some characters would have come across as more likeable as the reader would have felt the connection more. In regard to Cami, at times I loved her; at times she came across as naïve in a slightly annoying way . Also, if we had gotten more detail, more insight into the background, the why’s, this would have made the story that much stronger and would have been more than just; Trick and Cami.

At times Trick carried the story as there was so much going on which; yes did leave a few loose ends, and was left unexplained. This critique does not mean that the story wasn’t great, it was, but it could have been so much more!

The POV change was great and to hear the voices of both Trick and Cami was fab. There was a definite natural flow, which kept me entertained. I laughed, I got a tad teary, had to umm have a cold shower at times, and above all, I really did feel the love. I just wanted more! Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing!

Some Yummy quotes:

"I can even see those little dents at the bottom of his stomach. If I'm being honest, I really want to walk right over to him and touch them. With my tongue."

"His shaggy hair is damp and he's wearing aviator sunglasses. His wide shoulders are bare in a white wife-beater tank top that shows off his trim waist. And, as always, his lower half looks delicious in faded blue jeans that hang just perfectly on his hips."
Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,188 followers
August 6, 2012
Reviewed at toughcriticbookreviews.blogspot.com

I was a little up, down, and all over the place with this one! When Trick was "up", I was most definitely up too! I was totally vibing the modern day Romeo & Juliet feel it had. GIVE ME MY SIN AGAIN! ;-)

It had some definite four and five-star moments, but it didn't keep me at that level the whole time. But before I go on, I need to jump up on my soap-box and say that three-stars still means it's a good book. I hate how readers are so quick to throw a paper bag over the head of a three-star book like it's some leather faced, moley, wrinkly, saggy breasted woman with a stinky poonani. This book does NOT have a stinky poonani!!!

It teases you to your limit for the first half, but when "it" finally come...oh sweet Jesus it comes! The things that come out of Trick's mouth are nothing short of pantie dropping, but every so often he spews a little cheese down his chin...

"You are a walking teenage dream in those Jeans."

I may have laughed out loud on that one. I guess the only real issues I had were some unanswered questions about her virginity, the long tease at the beginning combined with the rushed ending, and it did had some draggy bits.

The things that made up for it...The office scene (completely lost the knickers), kickass banter between Cami and Trick, the office scene, a totally original story line, Rusty, Jenna and finally...THE OFFICE SCENE!

The book does have a few kinks to work out, but M. Leighton has definitely put herself on my list of authors to read. READ ON!

What's highlighted on my kindle

"Pick 'treat'. Please, for the love of God, pick 'treat'." (knicker change #1)

"He's shirtless, hatless, and wet. And I'm pretty sure I've never seen anything hotter." (knicker change #2)

"His shaggy hair is damp and he's wearing aviator sunglasses. His wide shoulders are bare in a white wife-beater tank top that shows off his trim waist. And, as always, his lower half looks delicious in faded blue jeans that hang just perfectly on his hips." (knicker change #3)
Profile Image for Katina.
212 reviews23 followers
March 27, 2013
I was completely shocked by this book. It was incredibly hot and sweet and completely delicious! Trick was such the bad boy but he was also sweet to his family and had to take on so much for his family. Cami was a great character, too. She was strong and funny and a complete match for Trick. I did not expect this book to be as dramatic as it was. In fact, I thought it would be more fluff. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the book was a good mix of love and drama. I'm looking forward to more from this author.
Profile Image for Jessica Morales.
715 reviews57 followers
February 7, 2017
The first half of this book was so good. Then when they find out Tricks dad secret it drags. I can't believe any couple will stay apart for that long when yhey love each other. I wish Cami would have tried harder poor Trick was chasing this girl the whole time. I still like how the story ended even though it then was rushed. Any girl will definitely want Tricks treat blushing myself.
Profile Image for ⚜️Charlotte⚜️.
441 reviews256 followers
May 6, 2015
Good! 3.5
But not what the cover suggested!
Not enough sexy or romance! Lol..
Oh well! Won't be fooled again! I liked the
Story though, the writer has the potential!
Profile Image for Babel.
2,223 reviews187 followers
March 5, 2017
Una de mis escritoras favoritas :-) Y este romance tan dulce y emotivo es una preciosidad.

Estilo - Contemporáneo, a doble perspectiva, ligero y risueño, el texto fluye como si nos lo estuviéramos bebiendo.

Personajes - ÉL es un hombre perfecto, con muchos talentos, tantas como responsabilidades que provienen de un pasado del que tiene una sola falta de la que surgirá el drama final, pero que hasta entonces me ha hecho reír y temblar un poquito-mucho de emoción. Enamora a los caballos y a cierta hija de ranchero, viste los vaqueros como ningún hijo de papá y su voz a la guitarra hace suspirar a las vacas.

ELLA es la susodicha hija del ranchero, con expectativas heredadas y un novio de postín que no le ha movido ni un vello del cuerpo en comparación con el terremoto hormonal que sufre cada vez que avista al mozo de cuadra con los ojos grises más hipnóticos al otro lado del Mississippi. Se debate entre lo normal y tirarlo todo por la ventana con tal de sentir algo real por primera vez en su vida.

Trama - Amor imposible, convenciones sociales e identidad personal se combinan en esta historia sencilla y deliciosamente escrita ambientada en un rancho de caballos de carreras. Al principio, se trata de chico conoce a chica, con las chispas sensuales que laten soterradas en las miradas intensas y los diálogos provocativos. No es una novela que profundice en el terrero físico, salvo contadas y limitadas ocasiones, por lo que basa toda su potencia en el juego de atracción prohibida entre Trick y Cami, quienes se desean y conectan entre sí a pesar de los obstáculos que existen en sus vidas. Obstáculos que se van amontonando de manera impredecible.

Por cierto, el mundo de la cría de caballos se refleja con mucha pasión.

Romance - Lo calificaría de New Adult, con ciertos toques apasionados que no llegan a materializarse en escenas gráficas. Sí se nota una sobrecarga de calor entre los protagonistas gracias al deseo contenido y a las palabras tentadoras que se intercambian.

Juguetón al principio, luego deriva a más intenso cuando pone en entredicho las decisiones que ambos personajes han tomado en sus vidas. Hay mucho peso familiar entre ellos. La relación es bonita, alegre, pero también me ha hecho angustiarme cuando todo se tornaba imposible. Ay, esta pareja.

Busca: la mención al chocolate y la escena del primer beso. ¡Total!

Final - Hay un secreto que macera durante toda la novela, y cuando estalla, sacude hasta al apuntador. ¡Dramón! Primero te encoge el corazón de penita, de desesperanza, y cuando crees que ya no puedes soportarlo más, te lo inflama como una rosa roja floreciendo en tu pecho a velocidad aumentada.

Sólo puedo decir que es un romance precioso, que empieza en forma de diversión entre jóvenes y se convierte en un amor hondo y esperanzador. Y yo amo a esta autora, en serio.

Opinión original del blog Torre de Babel http:/torretadebabel.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Helena.
227 reviews71 followers
March 27, 2017
3'5 - 4⭐

Esperaba mucho más de este libro. Todo el mundo me ponía a Trick por las nubes, pero lo he encontrado bastante light.

Lo bueno es que es una lectura muy ágil, así que se lee en un abrir y cerrar. Llega a ser predecible, pero es lo suficientemente entretenida como para que quieras más.

He visto que Jenna y Rusty tienen su propio libro y esa sí es una novela que promete, porque los dos son más libres y explosivos que Trick y Cami... ojalá la traduzcan!!
Profile Image for S.E. Hall.
Author 54 books3,180 followers
September 22, 2019

This book is New Adult GOLD! Trick is everything a bbf should be and the writing and pacing is phenomenal!
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,806 reviews536 followers
August 10, 2012
3.5 to 4 Stars

When the sins of the fathers and mothers follow their children into the future . . . and those secrets surface . . . will two young lovers overcome the past and find their own path to healing?

New-to-me author M. Leighton has created a highly appealing Young Adult contemporary romance with a sensitive twist that keeps the story moving along at a nice clip. It is written from both the female and male lead character’s POVs which is always a plus for me.

Patrick “Trick” Henley and Camille “Cami” Hines have enough sizzling chemistry between them to blow up the chemistry lab without the aid of chemicals. From the moment they meet, instant attraction takes over. And neither can stay away from the other – even when warned to do so. Cami has grown up surrounded by money and luxury. Trick, on the other hand, has worked hard to support his single mother and young sister and is dedicated to their welfare. Each will struggle as they face their own nightmares when family secrets are made known. Their new and growing relationship will also face the test of survival.

The supporting cast of characters is exceptionally represented by Trick’s best friend, Rusty and Cami’s best friend, Jenna. Both friends are great comic relief packages, loyal to a fault, and in-your-face honest in their support of Trick and Cami. Rusty is a bit of a bad boy and a player as well. Jenna could be the energizer bunny. Nothing stands in her way when she sees something or someone she wants. She’s also got a mouth on her and doesn’t fail to use it – whenever the need arises. The interaction between these four friends was a source of many laughs as I read this book.

“The Wild Ones” is not without some hang ups though. It falls into that category of could have/should have been better with just a little more effort.

As the story moves along covering several months or more, this reader began to wonder why Cami or none of the other college-aged characters return to their college campuses. There is no apparent reason given for this misstep in the timeline. Just a small snafu but it did catch my attention.

Another surprise is that readers are halfway through the book before Cami’s mother is introduced. She’s been living right there among the others on the ranch. Hiding her from view for so long seemed a bit strange -- especially when she plays an important role in the storyline.

In addition, there was never any resolution as to whether or not Trick discovered who had his beloved and coveted Mustang and if it was ever returned to him. Once again, the car was another fairly significant part of Trick’s history and that part of the story just stalled out resulting in a bit of a disappointment for this reader.

Another questionable point is that Trick’s mom asked him to stay away from his new girlfriend and all the problems she resurrected for his family. Not only that, but she also kept conversations between her and Cami from him. So, what were his mom’s feelings when he decided to marry Cami? Did this cause permanent friction and division between Trick and his mom? The book never gave us closure on that detail! We heard from Cami’s dad when Trick humbled himself and went to visit Jack Hines to discuss his intentions toward Cami.

It seemed to this reader that there was an abrupt rush to the ending that left me less than satisfied. Adding an epilogue certainly could have upped the ante towards a more defined and completed story. But overall, I enjoyed this one from start to finish.

If you get the chance to “Trick or Treat” – be sure and pick Trick!! Perfect for a day when you’re looking for a healthy dose of romance wrapped in a fun-to-read package!

Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,522 followers
August 25, 2016
2.75 Stars

HUGE SIGH…. How do I describe The Wild Ones…. It just did not work out for me

Cami is the daughter of a successful business man, who breeds championship horses. Trick had to leave college to take care of his mother and sister. He takes a job at the stables because he loves horses and his family needs the money. Both are from two different worlds, but can’t seem to stay away from each other.

I’m very disappointed. Basically this is my feelings..


Okay, the first bit was pretty entertaining. It reminds me a lot like Abbie Glines books, so I was all for the proper girl finding love. But slowly, everything started to crumble.

Trick and Cami meet at a bar (SUPER ROMANTIC… NOT), but nothing happens. Then the next day Cami finds Trick in the stables and realizes he works for her father. This is a cute plot, the whole forbidden romance, because we all know Daddy doesn’t want Cami to date someone like Trick.

There is some flirting, but we get to my problem.

First issue

There is slight cheating and I have MAJOR ISSUES with this. I just don’t understand girls staying with guys they don’t care about! I want to do this to them….


Cami goes on how much she doesn’t feel anything for Brent, how he annoys her, but yet she stays with him because Daddy likes Brent? Oh give me a break. Trick doesn’t want to date Cami because he can’t lose his job, but he has no issue dating a girl who had a boyfriend.


NO it’s never okay to date a girl if she has a boyfriend

It gets kind of steamy, there is a love of dialogue of really non-sense and I was skimming. It was just boring…


Then we get to the part where there is tension and you realize there are secrets and stuff is revealed and I’m like, oh okay, this is pretty interesting..

BUT… the way Cami reacts to everything is just


I was done with Cami, she was just immature, stupid and bratty.

As much as The Wild Ones didn’t work out for me, I will continue with the series, because there are different characters in Some Like it Wild. I feel like Leighton will be able to redeem herself.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,050 reviews90 followers
August 2, 2012
Wow....what can I say. I LOVED this book. Michelle did a wonderful job with this story. It kept me interested from the first page to the last. I laughed, I cried, I got angry, and I felt the love. Trick and Cami were wonderful characters and I felt their love throughout the story. I also have to say that Rusty and Jenna were awesome characters too, they added a lot to the story. I was also glad to see them get together. Both of them made me laugh, but the loyalty to their friends was wonderful. I have to say that Trick's mom really kind of pissed me off when she held past mistakes of the parents against Cami...I didn't think that was right, but I am glad it all worked out in the end:) I would love another story about Cami and Trick or another story about Rusty and Jenna, that would also keep us up to date about what is happening with Trick and Cami.

So the bottom line is I would recommend this book to everyone. A MUST READ!!!!!!
Profile Image for Nikki.
255 reviews37 followers
March 1, 2014
3.5 Stars

Very light, fast read. I liked it, and its a good what I consider "in-betweener" type book. Trick is a hottie that takes care of horses for Cami, our heroine, and works for her dad. It was definitely insta-lust type of deal. I liked the side characters too. They try to stay away from each other but yeah, you know that's not going to happen. Not really a lot of angst but we do get an interesting twist 3/4 in that I really didn't see coming.

Overall, a good read for the beach, plane, just something to pass the time. I prob will continue on in this series as I like the writing style and it breaks the gaps for the usual tortured soul stuff I like to read all the time.
Profile Image for Sandra Winter.
264 reviews166 followers
February 19, 2017
M. Leighton en este libro se aleja de los chicos malos y ha construido un chico que para mi es perfecto. He adorado a Trick mucho, es humilde, trabajador, responsable... sexy. Cami al principio me gustaba bastante y me parecía una chica sencilla, madura, pero a medida que avanza la historia ha habido veces que me han entrado ganas de estrangularla y es que me parecía algo niñata y mimada. El libro es bastante ágil y sencillo de leer, está narrado por ambos protagonistas y es algo que me encanta. Me gusta mucho como escribe esta autora y sin duda seguiré leyendo sus libros.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,268 reviews13.4k followers
August 15, 2022
“It’s lopsided and just about the sexiest thing ever.” Trick’s smile that is…get ya head out of the gutter.😂

I loved this forbidden romance with the Romeo/Juliette vibe. I love a sexy ranch hand that knows his way with horses. This book was so hot and gave me feels I didn’t expect. Exactly what I would expect from a OG indie romance book Pub’d in 2012. Loved it so much!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 894 reviews

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